A Cold Fey in Hell 2: Chapter 15

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Chapter 15: The Party

Crystal has gotten used to being a girl, a Nymph, a Muse, and even a mother figure, but is she really ready to go to an all-girls school and start working at Pandora's Box? The life of a trouble magnet is never easy.


“Don’t get mad, get even,” Melody said after letting out a long, calming breath and wrapping her arms around me.


Author's Note: Here's the new chapter of book two of A Cold Fey in Hell. Further chapters are available on my Patreon page. Thanks to Big Closet and to all my readers for your support. I hope you all enjoy. ~Amethyst.

Chapter 15: The Party

After the Delilah situation was taken care of, the party went a lot better with the buffet that Cindy and Brock had prepared for lunch. All our guests seemed to enjoy the food and for the most part, we just hung out and talked as we ate, which allowed Mom and the rest of our big family the chance to get to know Rose and our new friends better. Lou was a little awkward with so many cute girls that he didn’t know around, but the moment that talk turned to cars and our class projects, he relaxed and started to enjoy the conversation.

Clarice still wouldn’t reveal the vehicle that she was working on for Jess, telling my sister and everyone else who asked that she wanted it to be a surprise. I may have told everyone that I knew what she was working on and had approved of it for my sister and then quickly changed the topic to my Supra, something that Lou latched onto immediately. Still, despite the laughing, friendly chatter, and the smile I had put on my face, anger simmered inside me.

This beef that Delilah had with me was fine, so long as it was kept within the bounds of school. Well, not entirely since I hated bullying of any sort, but I was content to just give back as good as I got. I could take her catty comments and verbal abuse, but going after my car had been pushing things too far and made this feud personal for me. I had hoped that after destroying her own car to free it from my little prank, she might realize that screwing with me was only going to get her paid back in kind and that it wasn’t worth the effort, but things had not turned out that way.

Instead, she had escalated things further and taken things well beyond the school and its parking lot. She had come to my home. She had brazenly come to my home with a bribed public official to have me mentally tortured and charged with a crime I didn’t commit. She had tried to ruin my life and humiliate me in front of everyone I cared about, and during my 18th birthday party no less.

I wasn’t the only one who was faking a smile to not ruin the mood either. Mom wasn’t her usual cheerful self, Aunt Merry seemed uncharacteristically distracted, and Pandora and Carmilla had excused themselves as soon as we got back inside and were the last to join lunch and the conversation. I had cast a couple of glances over to the stage while eating and chatting, only to find the Succubus and the Night Princess in a very heated phone conversation with someone.

It looked like Pandora had put her phone on speaker so they could both be involved in the conversation and from the anger on their faces, I was pretty sure that I did not want to be whoever was on the other side of that phone call. Pandora was usually laid back but could be very domineering when she wanted to be and Carmilla was one of the scariest and most powerful Paranormals on the planet without being pissed off on top of it. The fact that someone had blatantly come after one of the ‘children’ in her family only made Carmilla even more terrifying.

Despite my efforts to act like everything was fine, my sister noticed that something was wrong. Of course she would, she knew me better than anyone, and the fact that I wasn’t the only one acting weird meant that she would have had to be blind and deaf to not notice. As lunch came to an end, Jess gave me a serious look and said, “Okay, what the hell happened out there, Sis?”

“Yeah, Babe, you’ve been really tense since you came back inside,” Melody quickly agreed with a look of concern. “And Pandora and Carmilla weren’t exactly subtle about going off to have a ‘private conversation’.

I should have known better than to try to hide anything from the two of them. After letting out a long and weary sigh, I told everyone who hadn’t been outside to witness things exactly what happened. I had already glossed over it for Clarice, Trixie, Nova, and Nikki, who had seen most of the encounter from the parking lot, but everyone else was understandably pissed off, especially my sister, Melody, Selina, and Rose.

My sister’s girlfriend looked ready to murder, but then, I learned that she was very protective of her friends, and she had already stood up for me against Delilah and her friends more than once. Bella looked similarly pissed, even though we hadn’t been friends for long yet, but we all knew that the redheaded Metal Mage had a temper that was probably far more suited to a Fire Mage. Her face was almost as red as her hair as she ranted, “That fucking bitch has gone too far this time! Hell, what she did to the Charger was too far, but this shit?!”

Clarice, who was sitting beside the hot-tempered ginger, put a calming hand on her shoulder. “Bella, calm down. What are you going to do? Attack her? Metal is weak to Fire and she’s older and has a lot more experience with her magic.”

“I don’t care, I don’t need magic to beat the shit outta her! Just my fucking fists!” Bella immediately retorted.

“You know she would love to press charges against one of us or prove that we’re volatile and dangerous. What she tried with Crystal only proves that, Bella,” Trixie interjected. “The best-case scenario if you attack her is just assault charges, but you know she’d get the best Paranormal lawyer money could buy to push for more. Do you want your magic sealed because you’re dangerous, or worse, to have Hunters sent after you?”

Pandora decided that it was time to take charge of things as she said in a clear and serious tone, “This is being handled, girls. Carmilla and I have already talked to the Chief Administrator for the local PDA office. As soon as Jimmy confirms what happened and files his report, the official involved will be dealt with and thoroughly investigated for corruption. I gather this isn’t the first time that questionable activities have taken place under his watch.”

“Donald is taking this corruption very seriously. He got the message when I told him to handle the matter, or I would,” Carmilla said with a frankly terrifying look on her face. I had a feeling that if she had to handle it, a certain administrator would end up very dead, and possibly anyone else who was involved as well. The thought of her ‘dealing’ with Delilah and her father was a pleasant daydream but sent chills of terror down my spine at the same time.

“As for this Delilah girl, we have Dannick already starting the process for representing Crystal and pressing charges,” Pandora announced. “False charges are a misdemeanor though, so she’ll likely only get a small fine and maybe some community service since her father has technically already paid you damages. Dannick is looking into a restraining order as well, but don’t get your hopes up on that, Crystal. It would be tricky with you attending the same school and sharing classes. If he does get one, it would probably only be for outside school grounds.”

“Enough of all this grim conversation,” Krysti interjected as the Kitsune waved her hands as if to brush away all the bad feelings. “This is supposed to be a party. If we all just sit here griping and brooding, then this whole party will be ruined, and that Delilah girl wins. It will be all about her instead of our birthday girls. So, let’s get our minds off all of this and have some fun. You can think about payback later.”

“Don’t get mad, get even,” Melody said after letting out a long, calming breath and wrapping her arms around me.

“Oh, yes,” Trixie agreed, a far too calm smile on the half-Fey’s face. “We will be getting even. This attack might have focused on Crystal, but it was an attack on all of us. We can decide what to do about Delilah later, but for now, the Kitsune makes a good point. Let’s have some fun.”

Mom decided that this was the perfect time for cake and presents, something that nobody else was about to disagree with. With that decision made, Brock and Cindy returned briefly to the kitchen, returning a couple of minutes later with a stack of small plates and a massive cake with lit candles. The moment that Brock appeared with the cake, everyone started singing Happy Birthday.

As was a tradition on our birthday, I sang my own version of the song especially for my sister, ending with, “You look like a bunny, and you smell like one too!”

Jess promptly rolled her eyes and tried to hide a smile as there was a smattering of giggles from our friends and little Sorcha. The Selkie found my version hilarious, but she was only four. I was paying more attention to the cake though, since I could feel the coldness of Ice emanating from it. Was that an ice cream cake? Brock and Cindy knew my taste too well, not that I had hidden my love of ice cream from anyone. It really was the perfect treat; cold, creamy, and delicious.

The cake was big and rectangular, and I expected that there would be leftovers for a while, not that I minded. The icing was mostly white with light blue piping and had the outline of a cute little white bunny with light blue snowflakes all around it to represent me and my sister. In the corners and around the edges were eighteen evenly spaced candles.

Phones and cameras were quickly whipped out for photos as Cindy teased, ~Are you two just going to stare at it all day, or make a wish and blow out those candles?~

I looked at my sister even as she turned to me and matched my smile. ““On three?”” we asked each other in unison, causing a ripple of laughter to spread through our family and friends. The only wish I had at the moment was that Dad could be here with us and even though I knew it wasn’t even remotely possible, I still made that wish as Jess and I counted in unison, ““One… two… three,”” and we blew out the candles together.

The cake was indeed of the ice cream variety, a layer of chocolate and the other was mint chocolate chunk with chocolate sauce mixed with cookie crumble between the layers. Jess was a chocolate lover and so was I, but mint chocolate chunk was my favorite flavor by far. The cake was even more delicious than I hoped, thoroughly satisfying my ice cream craving and I had two pieces before I was too full of lunch and ice cream cake to eat anymore.

After that, it was time for presents. Mostly, Jess and I both got clothes, gift certificates, and stuff like that. Clarice got us both some really pretty keychains, a snowflake for me and a rabbit for Jess, teasing at the make of her car without coming out and saying it. Jess wasn’t enough of a car person to get the reference though, so she remained oblivious.

Mom and Pandora teamed up for our gifts, getting us both a pair of skis and related equipment and promising a family bonding ski trip for the whole family at the club. They didn’t say where but said the trip would be during Spring Break, which was when they announced that their wedding would be taking place. That little announcement was met with cheers and a few calls of “It’s about time!” from the others who lived above the club. Apparently, the club would be closed for the whole week so we could all enjoy the trip and the wedding ceremony together.

Despite our background story, neither Jess nor I had ever actually gone skiing before and I found myself looking forward to the trip. Not only would I get to have fun in the snow and enjoy spending time in my primary element, but I would get to spend some quality time with our family too. Rose was even invited along too, if her aunt and uncle allowed it, so we could both have some romantic time with our girlfriends during the trip too.

Selina got both me and my sister a pair of silver lockets, they had photos inside of the two of us with Selena and Mom. I thought it was sweet. Mom and Aunt Merry had helped her to get them while we were in school this week, but Selina had come up with the idea and chose the lockets herself.

The other truly sappy gifts came from our girlfriends. Rose got my sister another charm bracelet that she could wear on the wrist opposite the one she had gotten from Dad and wore whenever she could. The only charms on it were a black bunny and a white bunny with a heart-shaped charm between them.

Melody got me a ring, like an actual promise ring. It looked like white gold and had an ice blue, heart-shaped aquamarine inset and some tiny diamonds surrounding it. That immediately got some people, namely that snarky and sassy Kitsune, Krysti, asking if we needed to start planning another wedding soon. That, of course, had both me and Melody blushing fiercely.

Melody mumbled, “There’s no rush,” barely loud enough to hear before swallowing hard, her hands trembling slightly as she took the ring from the box and held it out to me. “It’s just…I love you and I want to spend my life with you, Crystal. We don’t need to make things official any time soon, but whenever you want to… if you want to… I’ll be ready.”

I practically smothered her in a passionate kiss and needed to catch my breath before replying, “I… we can take our time, but… yes. I love you too, and someday I’d like to make that official.” My hand was trembling as much as hers as I held it out so she could slip the ring on me.

“Awww…. That’s so sweet. My baby… is growing up so fast,” Mom said between sniffles as the others present let out an exaggerated “Awww.”

Jess and I opened one another’s gifts last. Jess got me some sparkly snowflake-shaped hairclips and a hairband with fluffy white rabbit ears on it as a joke. “If you wear those, nobody would be able to tell us apart,” she said with a giggle as I stared at them.

I tried not to laugh and to keep a straight face, but I couldn’t keep it up, letting out a giggle of my own as I retorted, “Oh sure, Sis, it’s the perfect disguise. Now open yours.”

I had gotten my sister a leather jacket to match mine, going so far as to have Braedan at Cloud Nine adjust it to exactly the same dimensions and style. When she opened it and ran her hands over the leather I taunted, “If you wear that, nobody will be able to tell us apart, if you can manage to get the ears right.”

“Okay, presents are done! Now, who wants a pole dance lesson?!” Anita cheerfully offered.

The clothes stayed on, but Anita was as good as her word and soon gave a pole dancing lesson to any of our friends who were interested in having a bit of fun with it and getting some exercise. Surprisingly, that was everyone but Melody and Selina. My daughter looked interested, but she felt that Sorcha might feel left out of things and so busied herself playing with the little Selkie, which I found so sweet of her. Melody watched but didn’t have any interest in learning to do it herself.

Jess and Rose even gave it a shot and Rose picked it up surprisingly quickly. Alison and Nikki had the most trouble, and Anita and her sisters hovered, ready to catch the two when that became obvious. Alison’s goat-like legs just didn’t mesh well with the activity and Nikki wasn’t used to using her legs for much other than walking or occasionally running since she was far more comfortable in the water and having a tail and fins rather than legs and feet.

Eventually, the party ended around four o’clock and our friends headed home. Some, like Bella and Nova, hadn’t finished their weekend homework yet and Clarice had promised to be back at her parents’ café in time to help as a waitress for the dinner rush. So, we all ended up saying our goodbyes and promising to see each other tomorrow.

After the party was over and the cleanup was done, it was time for dinner and our big family shared another meal together as we talked about Mom and Pandora’s upcoming wedding. I was feeling a lot better than earlier, but I still found my thoughts sometimes drifting toward Delilah and what I could do to her to get even for trying to humiliate me today. Fortunately, another distraction was readily available after we finished our evening meal.

That was when the Dicken sisters took me for more practice with my stage routines and pole dancing. I wasn’t the only one getting training either. Aunt Merry and Annika took Melody, Jess, Carmen, and even Lou to the training room so my girlfriend could get more hand-to-hand combat training to help with her new job as a bouncer. My sister was going to be given another self-defense and hand-to-hand combat lesson, and Annika and Aunt Merry thought it would be a good idea for Carmen and Lou to start learning as well.

Anita, Adora, and Stella worked me mercilessly until eight o’clock when I wanted to spend some time with Selina before getting her settled in for bed. When I got upstairs to do that, I found my sister, Carmen, and Lou all flopped on the couch looking exhausted. “Rough session?” I asked as I found a seat on the couch between Melody and Selina and put my arms around my girlfriend and daughter.

“It wasn’t so bad,” Melody said as she leaned in to kiss me.

“Not everyone has your demonic strength and stamina, Mel,” my sister protested.

“Yeah, my arms and legs feel like Jell-O,” Lou agreed.

“Mine too,” Carmen contributed, though she quickly added, “Merriwynd and Annika do have a point though, especially where me and Jessica are concerned. I only have healing and purification magic, and Jess only has shapeshifting. If Snatchers come after us, or we get in some other trouble, we need a way to defend ourselves. I mean, I have Blaze, but he can’t even manifest a physical form yet, and using a Salamander should probably be a last resort.”

“That’s true. I mean, what are you going to do in that case, Lou? Wolfing out would probably be a very bad idea in public,” I pointed out.

Lou sighed but nodded after a moment. “Ugh, yeah, I know. You’re right, but did they really have to train us so hard?”

“Annika and Aunt Merry aren’t exactly the type to coddle us, especially when this is to keep us safe,” Jess told him. “I’ve been doing this since before Christmas and they’ve never once gone easy on me. I guess it’s their way of showing they care.”

We hung out for another half hour or so before it was time to get Selina ready for bed. We talked quietly about how we could defend ourselves and, by extension, ways that I could deal with Delilah. Her dad had basically given me the okay to get back at her for anything she did to me, though I didn’t want to do anything that crossed a line. Almost being charged and arrested once was enough for me. Still, I would not let her verbal barbs or harassment go unanswered and I also wanted to get her back for today somehow. Seeing things blow up in her face had been nice, but that didn’t eliminate her intentions, or the debt owed.

© 2021-2024 Amethyst Gibbs
All Rights Reserved

Further chapters are available on my Patreon page.

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