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Crystal has gotten used to being a girl, a Nymph, a Muse, and even a mother figure, but is she really ready to go to an all-girls school and start working at Pandora's Box? The life of a trouble magnet is never easy.
Author's Note: Here's the new chapter of book two of A Cold Fey in Hell. Rated R for Se... for Really sexy times Further chapters are available on my Patreon page. Thanks to Big Closet and to all my readers for your support. I hope you all enjoy. ~Amethyst.
Chapter 12: Admissions
After saying goodnight to Selina, I returned to my room with Melody to work off some of my frustrations in bed. Not only had my horniness and need for some kind of relief from it been constantly building all day long, but there was more than just my usual horniness getting to me. The whole day was stressful overall, and I really needed to relax and get my mind off shit.
Between not being able to drive to school for fear of what might happen to my car, that useless assembly first thing in the morning, the teachers watching me and Delilah like hawks all day, and the stink of the Infernal Plane on my clothes making my desire to take them off even more annoying and poking at my Nymph pride, I had a pretty spectacularly shitty day at school. The only highlights were looking over my project car and the prank on Delilah. Then there was the interrogation with the headmistress.
That wasn’t easy with everything else on my mind and her asking some very direct questions. I hadn’t expected to hear about the prank before we could leave school, and to be called straight into an interrogation. I had to stay alert and make sure that I used selective truths to not implicate myself and it took almost as much mental focus as the prank itself had to ensure I could tell the truth when stating that I did nothing to her car, at least directly. Sure, I had come out of it okay, and she couldn’t pin anything on me, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t stressful.
I tried not to let on how bothered I was by certain things once Melody and I stepped inside my bedroom and closed the door behind us. I really didn’t want to kill the mood for either of us now that sweet relief from my urges was in sight. It seemed that my half-Demon girlfriend had gotten to know me well enough in the past few weeks that we had been together though to tell when I was stressed, and my mind was wandering.
She swept me up in her arms, something that still felt weird sometimes, and placed me gently on my bed. Why was it weird? There were a couple of reasons actually, the first being that she was roughly the same height as me, but more compact. I easily outweighed her with my… more bountiful assets and she didn’t look all that strong, but that Demon strength of hers made her able to carry me like I weighed barely anything.
The other reason was that I had been a dude less than a month ago, and while often found myself enjoying her attention and chivalry, she was freaking princess carrying me to my bed. As much as I loved her and had gotten used to being a girl and a Nymph, sometimes being the obviously submissive and feminine one in our relationship still mentally threw me for a loop. Don’t get me wrong, I love our relationship and being her girlfriend, but things like this still caught me by surprise sometimes, especially when my mind wasn’t focused on the moment, like now.
Still, I found myself smiling back up at her as she gently placed me on the bed and lovingly caressed my cheek and lips. “Rough couple of days, huh?” she asked as she gazed into my eyes and continued her gentle caresses. Yep, there it was, she had read me like a book.
“Yeah, you could say that. All this shit with Delilah at school has been getting at me, even though I try to keep my cool,” I agreed with a sigh. “At least it’s over with now and seeing her destroy her own car was very therapeutic, plus we have the weekend ahead of us now. Shit, who am I kidding? This shit is probably just going to escalate from here. I may as well have openly declared war against her since everybody knows it was me, even if they can’t prove it.”
“Is that what has you so worried and distracted tonight, Babe?” she asked as she kissed me chastely and reached down to take both of my hands in hers. She seemed to realize that I needed to talk some things out, so she was showing affection while trying not to make me even more turned on than I already was.
“That’s part of it,” I admitted, “I’m upset about all that, and that I got interrogated when Delilah walked away with no consequences for what she did to the Charger, but what good is being upset going to do? It’ll only mean that she’s getting to me and winning, and I won’t let her win.”
“Don’t get mad, get even,” she quoted with a lazy smile. “You did pretty well at that today. You were a bit of a mess yesterday when we found your car vandalized like that, but today you put that behind you and focused on making her regret messing with you. You even did it well enough that everyone knew it was you, but you were able to avoid anything more than the interrogation for lack of evidence. You must have kept your cool when she was questioning you too since you can’t outright lie.”
I told her with a shake of my head, “That interrogation wasn’t fair, but I kept my cool until she had the nerve to ask me to free Delilah’s car. Planning ahead helped a lot though, and thinking about her questions before answering too. I had a little bit of good luck with the way she phrased her questions as well.”
“So, then just keep doing what you did today if this escalates. You can get upset in the moment, but you should try to focus on being prepared for your counterattack, and what might happen after, rather than getting upset over it from here on out. You have no real control over how Delilah reacts to this and can only really control your own actions, right?” my girlfriend gently suggested as she squeezed my hands in hers.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” I conceded before giving her a quick kiss to show my appreciation. “I’m not gonna let her live rent-free in my head, but if she tries pulling something else, I’ll retaliate in kind until she gets the message to back off or does something stupid enough to get caught.”
“I think that’s a good mindset to have in this situation,” she agreed. “You said that was only part of what was bothering you though, so what else is there?”
In truth, this was something that I wasn’t sure that I wanted to bring up with Melody. We both knew that I wasn’t really built for monogamy and would be working at Pandora’s Box, both as an entertainer and providing the extra services that the club was known for, and she seemed okay with that, but I didn’t want to rub that in her face either. So, I wasn’t really sure how to bring this up with my girlfriend, or even if I should.
I wanted our relationship to be built on openness and honesty though, much like Mom’s and Pandora’s seemed to be. Finally, after a couple of minutes of serious thought, I let out a long sigh and told her, “When I was shadowing Rhissa down at the club tonight, it made me think about some things.”
Most of my time shadowing the Huldra on the job tonight had been fairly standard, boring even. How to do makeup properly for when we were on stage, watching her dance along with other people in the club, and observing how she interacted with the club’s patrons, both on and off the stage. The latter involved how to politely turn down a patron’s proposition if she wasn’t interested, how to show them when she was interested, and how to engage them and draw them in and give them a little confidence if needed.
The latter happened with a large group of Paranormals that had come in to celebrate one of their birthdays. The birthday boy, a very shy Knocker who was turning twenty-one and likely still a virgin, was very uncertain when his friends paid for some time with Rhissa for his birthday. He had been casting bashful, and horny, glances at her for an hour until his friends noticed and propositioned her for him.
That got me thinking. I was technically still a virgin, for all intents and purposes, and while I would always consider my first time to have been with Melody, she hadn’t done anything to pop my cherry, for lack of a better turn of phrase. She had used fingers on me before, but not very roughly or deeply and Rhissa had assured me that if she had managed to break my hymen then I would have known from the sharp pain and the blood. She might have when I had my period and I just didn’t notice, but it was unlikely since we both wanted to avoid anything penetrative or oral with me during that time because of the gross factor.
I didn’t want to have my first time with a guy, or to pop my cherry, with some stranger who was just paying for my services for the night. I would prefer to do that with someone I knew and cared for so that it could be somewhat memorable and special. I also wanted to have at least a little bit of experience under my belt before doing the extra services, and even as horny as I usually was, doing that sort of thing for the first time with a stranger just didn’t sit well with me.
My thoughts were interrupted as Melody inquired, “What kind of things?”
So, I told her about what was bothering me, and why, and she didn’t interrupt or even look at me any differently than with the love and affection that had shown on her face since she carried me to my bed. I finally finished by adding, “It’s not like I even know very many guys well enough, and those I do know would make it really awkward. Jack, Brock, and Derek are all happily married to women who live here with us too, and Lou is a minor still. Doing anything with Lou would probably make our friendship super awkward too since we just found some common ground to bond over with the car stuff.”
A conflicted expression settled upon my girlfriend’s face, and it suddenly felt like my heart, which felt like it was lodged firmly in my throat the whole time I explained things, suddenly dropped into my gut like it was made of lead. I suddenly felt so stupid for getting all of that off my chest. Yes, I had been honest with her, but of course, she would be upset hearing about me thinking of having sex with some strange dude.
She must have seen the panic and regret on my face because she immediately leaned in to kiss me and gently soothed me. “It’s okay, Crystal. Calm down, okay? I… maybe… I can help you with this.”
“Help me?” I asked in confusion as my errant heart skipped a beat at her kiss, touch, and reassuring tone. What, did she have some secret stash of sex toys that I didn’t know about and was talking about a strap-on or something? I didn’t think that she would know any suitable guys that I didn’t, and even if she did know some guys like that, they would still be strangers to me, and that was the whole issue.
For a moment, her only response was to let go of my hands, pull away, and start taking off her clothes. Her body language had changed completely though, and it still had me worried that I had upset her with my little confession a moment ago. She was stiff and rigid rather than as at ease as she usually seemed, and her usual confidence had been replaced by a confusing uncertainty as her hands had a slight tremble to them while she removed her clothes.
“Melody… what’s wrong?” I asked, my voice catching at her sudden change as she got down to her underwear.
When I reached up to grab her trembling hands, preventing her from unfastening her bra, she looked at me sadly and let slip a long sigh of resignation. “Demon shapeshifting,” she explained with a rueful smile. “I may not be able to change my mass, like your sister, but I can… change my gender if I need to.”
I gaped at her and felt a little stupid for not thinking of that earlier, but I was so used to Jess’s limitations for changing her shape that I didn’t even consider the possibility with Melody. “You can do that? Why does it look like the idea doesn’t appeal to you?” Back when I was Seth, I would have loved to find a willing girl as pretty as I am to have sex with, but obviously, my experience isn’t exactly normal.
There was a distant look in her eyes as she said, “Yeah… I can do it. I’ve done it before. I spent a few months like that when I was fifteen and living on the streets before I started getting regular contract jobs. Like Selina, I discovered that it’s just not safe for a girl to be homeless and alone on the streets. If it wasn’t for my demonic abilities…” She trailed off for a moment before adding, “I guess I thought I would be safer as a guy; I just didn’t account for how weird it would feel.”
“Weird?” I asked. I had been perfectly fine being a guy, but then I felt so much more comfortable after I Manifested and became a Nymph. The only weird part for me was the mental transition that I could be comfortable like this, but again, my experience was hardly what I would consider normal.
“It felt wrong, being a guy and having people see and refer to me as one, and it got worse the longer that I stayed that way. It was like I wanted to rip off my skin so I wouldn’t have to deal with the mental discomfort and anxiety about it anymore. So, I changed back to normal and developed my Surie Rourke persona to keep other Paranormals from getting any ideas. Who would mess with a cold-blooded killer, right?”
For a moment, I didn’t know what to say. The words were caught in my throat. I had never considered that Melody might have had to deal with things like Selina was going through when we first found her, she always seemed so confident and self-assured, especially when she talked about her time as a contract killer in the Paranormal community. Seeing her vulnerable like this was a little bit jarring for me.
I wrapped her up in the tightest hug that I could manage, and softly kissed her horns, her ear, and anywhere else I could reach to assure her that I was there for her. “My love, if it makes you that uncomfortable and brings up bad memories, then I’ll figure something else out. The last thing I want to do is make you feel like you described. I’ll… I’ll talk to Lou and his mom. Genevieve offers the extra services at the club too, so I’m sure she would understand and be okay with it if I ask, and Lou’s a guy, so he’s a horndog who probably wouldn’t say no to a night with me.”
Melody wrapped her arms around me to return the hug but shook her head. “I can handle it for a few hours, Babe, it’s just the memories that it brought up aren’t good ones. This… this could be a good memory though, for both of us. I’ve never tried sex that way and, who knows, maybe I’ll enjoy it.”
She didn’t sound very confident about that though and I was worried that she might resent me later for it. “I… I don’t know, Melody. I don’t want to make you feel like that. The way that you described it…”
“I want this,” she said, cutting off my protest before it could fully form. “I don’t care about the discomfort; I want to do this, to be your first time with a… with someone who is physically male. You’re my girlfriend, and I want to be the one to pop your cherry before anyone else gets a chance to be with you that way. The thought of Lou, or anyone else, taking away something that should be special for you when I could be doing it instead… I won’t let that happen. This way, it’ll be the first time for both of us.”
Before I could argue any further, she pulled me into a passionate kiss and I was so distracted by the sudden surge of pleasure and carefully repressed desire that ignited within me as I reciprocated, that I was barely conscious of her changing shape in my arms and against my lips and probing tongue. It was the sensation of something very insistently poking me in the thigh as she broke the kiss that shook me out of the blissful daze that she had put me in, probably to distract me and get me thinking with my instincts instead of my higher brain functions. No fair, using my instincts against me!
For a moment, all I was aware of was that poking sensation and the damp heat that was soaking through my panties as the fires of desire burned within me. Melody pushed me onto the bed, and quickly got out of her bra and the panties that were now straining against the rock-hard erection that she, now he, was sporting. I found myself looking up at a very different Melody standing over me.
Well, not that different, but certainly where it counted. He could have been Melody’s brother, having the same rose-gold colored skin, crimson horns, and dark hair but whereas Melody was the same height as me with a very slender figure, this male version was probably a good four inches shorter and slender in a more masculine way; not as thin at the waist, broader in the shoulders, and flatter in the chest. There was also the six inches of raging erection that was currently twitching and bobbing in front of my eyes.
I was conflicted. On one hand, some part of me was still worried that we might regret this later and that I shouldn’t just give in because I saw something that every fiber of my being wanted to get to know more intimately. The other side of me, the side that was burning with the need for sex that had been building up all day and now had a very willing and apparently eager participant, told that first side to go fuck itself, or better yet, let Melody do it because both sides were me and I obviously needed it.
I hadn’t even finished that very brief mental argument with myself before I was frantically pulling my clothes off. Why was I even still wearing those when I was at home and there was sex to be had? Part of me blamed humans, they were a terrible influence on me, making me go against my own instincts all the time. My top flew somewhere in the direction of my clothes hamper, followed quickly by my skirt and bra, and then my completely soaked panties which landed on the wooden floor with an audible, wet plopping sound. Even my panty liner had been soaked through.
Somehow, despite the inferno of desire within me, I managed to keep enough presence of mind to realize that this wasn’t just to satiate that desire, but also to help me learn some things for the next time I was with a man. Plus, this was Melody, and I wanted her, or him, whatever, to enjoy the experience as much as I hoped to.
Melody didn’t seem as dominant in this male form, which I later figured was because it wasn’t really comfortable for her, so while he hesitated, I took charge. Standing up, I pushed him onto the bed and then straddled his legs, my face flushed and burning like the conflagration of desire between my legs, and my breath coming in staccato huffs of nervous excitement. I wanted him so badly, but I needed to wait, I needed to think, which wasn’t really my strong suit at the moment.
Still, I managed to summon enough forethought to realize that we could both enjoy ourselves with a little change of position. With that in mind, I turned around, so I was straddling him in the other direction and lowered the dripping folds of my feminine slit to his waiting mouth while I gazed in wonder at the unfamiliar, yet so desirable, rod of hard flesh that was saluting me from Melody’s crotch. Melody’s tongue was as agile as ever and seemed to home right in on the sweet spot while he raised his hands to tease and caress my folds, causing me to shiver in mounting pleasure.
My hips bucked and squirmed under Melody’s attention, and it was a struggle to focus my fuzzy mind on what I wanted to do with the treat in front of my eyes. Tentatively, I licked the bulbous head, causing Melody to squirm beneath me, and then as I got feeling more confident, I took it in my mouth, teasing it with slow circles of my tongue as it darted over it inside my mouth. As I continued to do that, I tried to hold back the orgasm that I felt would be coming soon from Melody’s oral attention.
No, I needed to think, to make sure that Melody enjoyed this. What did I like when I was a guy? However, trying to dredge up what limited experience I had with masturbation back when I was Seth was proving increasingly difficult the closer Melody’s fingers and tongue teased me toward orgasm. I settled for gentle, yet firm, strokes of his shaft as I continued to tease the head with my lips and tongue.
I was barely keeping my mounting eruption of pleasure at bay as I tried to focus on making Melody feel good and was startled when he suddenly tensed up beneath me. “Wait is he…” I didn’t have time to finish that thought as the cock in my mouth twitched in excitement and suddenly there was an eruption of hot, salty ambrosia in my mouth. I had thought that it would taste horrible, or weird, but I liked it enough to eagerly swallow it down. The shock of the thought and the action was enough that I lost focus on holding back my own climax.
The seal of my lips on his manhood released with an audible pop as an orgasm tore through me like a hurricane through coastal Florida, causing my eyes to roll back in my head and my back to arch as I screamed out my rapture. My vision went white, and for a moment all that I could feel was the waves of agonizing pleasure that ripped through my body from my very core to the tips of my fingers and toes. Melody didn’t stop there though, he continued to lick, suckle, and finger me until I lost my mind in a barrage of orgasms, one after another.
Soon, I collapsed atop him in a dazed and shuddering heap as I savored the afterglow, and it was several minutes before my arms and legs no longer felt like Jell-O and I thought that I could get back up. I was partially satisfied, but I still craved more, and we still hadn’t gotten to the main event yet. I still had my doubts about this making Melody uncomfortable, now that I was thinking somewhat clearly again, but since we had already gone this far, I didn’t see the point in stopping now unless Melody specifically asked me to.
Unfortunately, he had gone flaccid while I was recovering from orgasm overload, but I was pretty sure that I could get him up to the challenge again. New confidence soared within me as I repositioned myself so he couldn’t distract me, as much as I would have enjoyed more climaxes like the ones that he had just instilled in me. I took his limp dick in my hands and mouth and began to lovingly caress, lick, and suckle on it, starting to take it deeper into my mouth as it began to stiffen once more.
A shudder tore through Melody, and he stammered, “T-teeth… no teeth.”
In response, I tightened the seal of my lips and tried to ensure that my teeth were no longer scraping against the shaft or head as I bobbed my head back and forth and tried to take as much of it as I could into my mouth and down my throat. Guys like deep-throat action, right? Apparently, Melody did when like this, at least enough that he was soon rock hard again, and despite nearly gagging a couple of times, I managed to get his full length into my mouth before I determined that he was ready for round two.
Letting his temporary schlong free with another audible popping sound, I told it playfully, “Stay!” Then I crawled over the rest of Melody, pausing to kiss her, as I reached into my night table for a condom. His face and lips were wet and sticky with my juices, but I tasted good, and I wanted to show Melody some love and affection for what he was doing for my sake.
No, not he or him. I couldn’t think rigidly in terms of biology only, that would be an insult to her, especially since I was no longer dazed with desire and orgasms. This was still Melody, and as uncomfortable as she said she was with being in a male form, she would always be a woman inside no matter what form she wore.
I broke apart our kiss and stared dreamily into her slightly different eyes as I awkwardly unwrapped the condom, telling her, “I love you. You’re too good to me.” Then I silenced her reply with another kiss and shuffled backward to put the condom on her twitching penis. It took a moment to get a feel for it and roll it on properly since I had no previous experience in this type of thing, but soon we were ready to go, and I was trying to position the head at my entrance.
I hesitated as my sex hovered above hers, worried. I wasn’t worried about getting it in since I was leaking like Niagara Falls but about Melody. “One more chance, my love. We don’t need to do this if you’re uncomfortable with it.” Sure, I was raring to go and wanted nothing more than to impale myself on that hard cock beneath me, but my feelings weren’t the only feelings that mattered.
“I… I’m fine, Babe. Yeah, the body feels weird, and orgasms feel strange and different this way, but it’s still an orgasm. I want to do this with you, at least this first time,” she told me with a somewhat shaky smile. “I probably won’t want to do it again unless we want kids someday though… well other kids,” she added, thinking of Selina.
The thought of having kids should have scared me, but I found the thought making me all warm and fuzzy inside. It was nice that she thought we would last that long, that she was considering such a future with me. I also found that I very much wanted to have her babies someday, a thought that I never would have previously seriously entertained.
My cheeks turned a brilliant shade of Crystal Red TM and I found myself stuttering, “M-maybe some d-day.” I leaned in to kiss her again and after taking a deep breath to steel myself, and to allow Melody to do the same, I slowly lowered myself onto her hard member.
The head and the first half inch or so slipped in with no issues and a wet naughty slurping sound before I met some resistance. Another deep breath, just to feel the warmth of the organ and to ready myself, and then I pushed down harder, causing a slight tearing pain that made me gasp as I took all of her inside me and my hips met hers. “Are you okay,” Melody asked, her concern evident in both her eyes and voice.
“Y-yeah, I’m fine, it just hurt a little bit. I’m gonna try moving a bit,” I responded as I tried to process what I was feeling. The pain had been brief and sharp, but it was duller now, barely even noticeable. Instead, I was focused on the feeling of fullness. There was a dick filling me up and it felt… kind of amazing. It was like it was meant to be, and every instinct that I possessed was screaming at me to ride that dick and get it to fill me up baby batter.
Oh fuck. Not only because that was what we were technically doing now as I began to roll my hips to feel Melody’s cock slide in and out, filling me up over and over, but also because that was going to be a lot to mentally unpack later. Seth may have left the building, but I was still learning who Crystal was, and this was bringing up things that I had never considered before.
I tried to put it out of my mind and just focus on enjoying what we were doing. Not that doing that took much effort. This felt incredible, and while I still preferred making slow love to Melody as a girl or having her dominate me, this was something that scratched an instinctual itch that I had been trying to deny since I Manifested. I wanted more.
Caution, and any thought toward the pain I was feeling from my burst hymen, were thrown to the wind as I began to eagerly ride my half-Demon girlfriend, bringing us both ever closer to our eventual release. I came quickly, so turned on by what I was doing that I barely savored the afterglow and, when it passed, I found that my instincts had kept me going, furiously riding cowgirl style in my need to bring her to climax and have her release herself inside me.
I was burning with need and the thrill of mating until finally Melody stiffened beneath me and her cock twitched inside me. The feeling of that, and the satisfaction and pleasure of making my mate climax, was almost primal and caused me to scream out like a whistling teapot as another climax tore through me like an earthquake, my back bowed, and I finally collapsed atop her. It was some time before the aftershocks passed through my very soul and I snuggled against her, feeling her now soft manhood still nestled comfortably inside me.
When the warm fuzzies of sex finally passed, I started to become aware of the world around me once again and loosened my grip on Melody, allowing her to pull out of me so she could return to her normal and more comfortable form. I was sore down there, and there was blood when I finally had the energy and the presence of mind to clean up the mess we made of my bed, but I was so damn satisfied. I was also very tired, given what just happened on top of how mentally and emotionally exhausting the past few days had been.
Still, as Melody and I snuggled in bed after cleaning up, I found that I couldn’t sleep for a while. That was the best sex I had ever had, it made me feel complete and satiated my Nymph instincts like nothing else I had done before. Was it like that for all Nymphs? How did Mom deal with it, and the temptation for more, and have a relationship that worked with Pandora? It was only after I decided to talk to Mom about it that I finally fell asleep, held tightly in Melody’s arms.
All Rights Reserved
Further chapters are available on my Patreon page.
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How does she deal with it?
How does she deal with it? Communication.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Communication is key in any good relationship.
*big hugs*
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
first time
It was sweet the Melody was willing to go through the discomfort and dysphoria so she would be Crystal's first time.
*big hugs*
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
Why didn't she just change the one part, rather than makr her whole body male?
Perhaps, in the future, she can do that -- and also make herself sterile.
The answer is
It never occurred to her and her shapeshifting ability is mostly self-taught, so she hasn't really learned to be subtle with it. Any time she spent as a male before, she did a full shift. She probably could have made herself look male but with a female groin during those times, had the thought occurred to her and she had more training, but she's gotten used to full shifts. She'll likely learn a lot more in her shapeshifting class and become more versatile from it.
*big hugs*
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
I'm definitely
Not a fan of sex scenes. Made this chapter very hard to read for me.
Not everyone is
I try not to use them too much, only when it's important to the character, and I try to usually focus on the emotions involved rather than the act. This was important to Crystal's development as a character and allowed her to come to some realizations about herself and her nature, so I decided that it was necessary.
*big hugs*
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3