The Struggle of Bean Chapter 13

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Several hours later, Mir'tan and I emerged from our stateroom, refreshed and ready to face the tasks ahead. Our time together was a much-needed respite, allowing us to reconnect and reaffirm our bond.

The ship was alive with purpose, with crew members moving with a determined stride as they fulfilled their duties. We navigated our way to the bridge, exchanging nods and smiles with the crew we passed. The palpable determination among us, a testament to our shared mission, made us feel like a part of a grand cosmic endeavor, something greater than ourselves.

As we stepped onto the bridge, Emily, our skilled navigator, and Gabe, our astute communications officer, were deep in discussion over the latest navigational charts. Jade, our vigilant tactical officer, kept a watchful eye on the systems. They looked up, their expressions shifting to ones of unity and readiness as we approached.

"Captain, we've made good progress," Emily reported. "We're still on course to reach the neutral station within the next two solar days."

"Excellent," Mir'tan's voice, resonating with a commanding confidence that had earned her the crew's respect, filled the bridge. "Let's ensure everything is in order for our arrival. We must execute a swift and efficient drop-off for those in cryo-sleep and replenish our provisions." Her words, a beacon of security and reassurance, instilled a sense of unity and determination in us all.

Gabe nodded, glancing at his console. "We've also received a few encrypted messages from Colonel Decker. I'll forward them to your terminal."

"Thank you, Gabe," Mir'tan acknowledged. "And remain vigilant for any irregularities. We cannot tolerate any unforeseen circumstances."

As Mir'tan and I assumed our positions on the bridge, a renewed sense of purpose washed over me. Our crew was more than just a team; it was a tightly-knit family bound by shared aspirations and unyielding connections. No matter the obstacles that loomed ahead, I was confident we would confront them as one, fortified and resolute, our unity a beacon of strength.

"Emily, I want you to find a suitable location for our base of operations," Mir'tan ordered. Her words sparked a wave of anticipation and excitement across the bridge. "Our crew needs to be able to unwind after missions. As comfortable as this ship is, we need to get off every once in a while."

This caused grins to spread across the bridge. Emily nodded thoughtfully, her fingers already flying over the console. "I'll start looking at potential spots in the neutral zone. A place with good defenses and easy access to supplies."

"Good," Mir'tan said, satisfaction evident in her voice. "We need a place where we can rest and regroup between missions."

Mir'tan called back to the Engine Room, "Loddoick, how are the engines doing?"

"Purring like a cappertock," Loddoick replied.

It took me a minute to access the information from Kitty. "Cappertock is a large feline-like creature similar to the jaguar. The dwarves use them to guard their tunnels because of their black fur and loyalty to their owners."

I saw the picture of the cappertock; it looked nothing like the vids I researched after my change. They looked graceful and built like a silent killer. This monstrosity is nothing like a jaguar; it has scales on its back, for fuck's sake. I argued with Kitty.

She chuckled in my head. "Someone is sensitive about her kitty nature."

I know she was teasing me, but I couldn't help but feel protective of my new heritage. "It's not that, Kitty. It's just... I feel a connection to jaguars. Seeing them compared to something so... different, it's unsettling."

Kitty's tone softened. "I understand, Bean. But remember, you're unique. You're not just a jaguar or a human; you're something more. Embrace it."

I sighed, knowing she was right. "Thanks, Kitty. I needed that."

"Anytime, Bean. Now, let's focus on the mission. We have a lot to do."

Mir'tan's voice broke through my thoughts. "Blackbeard, everything alright?"

I nodded, giving her a reassuring smile. "Yeah, Captain. Just sorting out some thoughts. Ready to get back to work."

"Good," Mir'tan said, her eyes filled with determination. "We have a mission to complete and a crew to protect. Let's make sure we're ready for anything."

Dinner that night with the crew was a joyous time. We were all laughing and joking, the camaraderie palpable. Gabe, as always, was the life of the party, keeping everyone entertained with his antics.

"So, Blackbeard," Gabe started, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Are you planning any more 'booby traps' during our next exercise session?"

The table erupted in laughter. I felt my face heat up, a mix of embarrassment and amusement. "Gabe, one of these days, you're going to get yourself into a trap you can't get out of," I retorted, trying to keep my tone light.

Jade smirked, nudging Gabe. "She's right, you know. You'd better watch out."

Mir'tan, sitting beside me, chuckled. "Gabe, if you keep this up, you might end up being the one trapped."

Gabe feigned a look of horror. "Oh no, not the dreaded booby trap! Anything but that!" He threw his hands up in mock surrender, eliciting another round of laughter from the crew.

Even Emily and Enchina, who were still adjusting to their new roles on the Shadow Stalker, seemed more relaxed. Emily leaned over, whispering, "You know, I think Gabe might secretly enjoy being trapped."

I couldn't help but laugh at that. "You might be right," I whispered back.

As the evening continued, the mood remained light and festive. It was moments like these that reminded me of why I loved this crew so much.

After dinner, as we were all cleaning up, Gabe approached me, a genuine smile on his face. "Hey, Blackbeard. No hard feelings about the jokes, right?"

I smiled back, shaking my head. "Of course not, Gabe. Just remember, I can dish it out just as well as I can take it."

Gabe laughed, clapping me on the shoulder. "I wouldn't expect anything less from you."

As the crew started to disperse, Mir'tan and I lingered for a moment, watching our friends and comrades. "They're a good group," she said softly.

I nodded, feeling a warmth in my chest. "The best," I agreed.

Hand in hand, we left the mess hall. "By the way, that's my booby trap," Mir'tan whispered seductively in my ear.

"Forever, my Captain." I fluttered my eyes at her, my heart skipping a beat.

"Let's go see what Colonel Decker wanted." Mir'tan rolled her eyes at the idea, though a smile tugged at the corners of her mouth.

We made our way to the command center, the hum of the ship's engines a comforting backdrop to our footsteps. It wasn't long before we reached the communication room, where Colonel Decker's encrypted message awaited us. Mir'tan initiated the secure line, and the Colonel's gruff voice filled the room.

"Captain Cook, First Mate Blackbeard," Colonel Decker began, his tone businesslike. "I received your report on the Alliance transport rescue. Excellent work. Your discretion in handling the survivors is noted and appreciated."

"Thank you, Colonel," Mir'tan replied, her voice equally formal. "We are currently at Frungu Medical Station, transferring the injured soldiers."

"Good," the Colonel said. "There are new orders coming your way. You'll find them in the next data packet. Stay sharp out there. Decker out."

The screen went dark, and I turned to Mir'tan. "New orders already? He doesn't give us a moment's rest."

"That's the life we chose," Mir'tan said with a shrug. "Let's get those orders."

We finally reached Frungu Medical Station, its sleek, sterile environment a stark contrast to the rugged interior of the Shadow Stalker. The soldiers' transfer went smoothly, and the medical staff was efficient and professional. As we signed off on the transfer documents, I felt a sense of relief, knowing the soldiers were in good hands.

Just as we were finishing up, Kitty's voice chimed in my head.

'Blackbeard, a large deposit has been made into our account.'

I raised an eyebrow, sharing the news with Mir'tan. "Looks like we've been paid for our troubles."

Mir'tan's eyes sparkled with intrigue. "Let's hope it's enough to cover our next venture."

With the transfer complete and our coffers replenished, we headed back to the Shadow Stalker. The crew was in high spirits, and the successful mission and the influx of funds were a much-needed boost to morale. As we prepared to review the new orders, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement.

As we settled back into the Shadow Stalker, Emily approached us with a sense of urgency and excitement. "Captain, I found a potential location for our base of operations," she announced.

Mir'tan and I exchanged curious glances. "Go on," Mir'tan prompted.

Emily pulled up a holographic display of a planet, its surface dotted with various settlements and structures. "This is Nalaris V, a planet in the outer rim occupied by various Pirate Clans. Establishing ourselves here would solidify our pirate status and provide us with the resources and allies we need."

Mir'tan studied the display, nodding thoughtfully. "Nalaris V... It could work. What do we know about these Pirate Clans?"

Emily tapped a few keys, bringing up more detailed information. "The Clans are loosely organized, each controlling different territories on the planet. They value strength and cunning. If we can prove ourselves, we can earn a place among them and gain access to their networks."

I looked at the display, considering the possibilities. "We'd need to approach carefully. Show them we're not a threat but also not to be underestimated."

Mir'tan agreed. "Right. We must demonstrate our strength and capabilities, and we will take over one of the clans."

Gabe, who had been listening nearby, chimed in. "Sounds like a perfect opportunity to flex our muscles a bit. Let them see what the Shadow Stalker can do."

Mir'tan smiled at him. "Exactly. Emily set a course for Nalaris V. Gabe and get the crew ready. We need to be prepared for anything."

As the ship altered course, the crew buzzed with anticipation.

Establishing ourselves on Nalaris V would be a significant step towards securing our place in the pirate hierarchy and ensuring our long-term survival and success.

The journey to Nalaris V was uneventful, giving us time to prepare. When we arrived, the planet loomed large in the viewport, its surface a mix of rugged terrain and sprawling pirate settlements.

"Commence landing sequence," Mir'tan ordered. "Let's make a strong first impression."

The Shadow Stalker descended smoothly through the atmosphere, landing near one of the larger settlements. As we disembarked, we were met by a group of armed pirates, their leader a tall, scarred man with a calculating gaze.

"Welcome to Nalaris V," he greeted us with a smirk. "I'm Varik, leader of the Iron Fangs. What brings you to our little corner of the galaxy?"

Mir'tan stepped forward, exuding confidence. "We are here to take over your clan. If you leave, we won't have to kill you all.

Varik's eyes gleamed with interest. "Is that so? We have fifteen ships we can bring to bear on your one little ship here."

Mir'tan nodded. "Those ships?" Explosions lit up the sky. "I identified your ships before we broke the atmosphere and planted stealth mines on their hulls. Those ships are just hunks of scrap metal up in space."

Varik glanced at his men before yelling. "Kill them."

I was lying deep within the shadows of the ship. My sniper rifle was trained on a pair of pirates in a secure firing position. When they started firing at Mir'tan, I smoothly squeezed the trigger, splitting the head of the first pirate like a watermelon. I switched to the next target, mumbling the mantra, "Slow is fast, fast is smooth."

I moved from one target to the next, and my transition between targets was smooth, thanks to Kitty's tactical overlay. Once the gun emplacements outside were taken care of, I switched weapons to my assault rifle. Kitty integrated with the weapon for easier target acquisition.

I used the shadows of the trees to move toward the concrete bunker. I observed Mir'tan forcing Varik to let us enter the compound. Jade, Max, Dax, and Loddoick pulled security at the four corners. I silently slipped in the door and made my way through into the bowels of the compound, looking for any hidden pirates.

After cleaning up the remainder of the pirates, I found a door at the bottom of the stairs leading from the boss's quarters. A DNA lock secured this door. "Captain, we need to keep Varik alive for a little while. I found a door that I am sure only he can unlock."

"Copy that, Blackbeard. Is the rest of the compound clear?" Mir'tan responded.

"We will need a maid for cleanup, but not a soul that remains. Let's get Gabe a maid outfit to wear while he cleans up the bodies."

"I heard that, Blackbeard," Gabe responded.

"I know, Gabe. This will be my payback for the booby trap jokes. Don't worry; if you do a good job, I'll slip a tip into your G-string." I got quite a few chuckles from that.

Enchina came over the coms, "I got a hundred credits saying he isn't man enough to do it."

Mir'tan spoke up, "Alright, everyone. Focus on the task, and then we can bet on Gabe's manliness.

"Don't I get a say in this?" Gabe asked.

A resounding no was heard from everyone as Gabe let a few mumbled expletives at everyone.

Emily quickly brought us back to focus, "Heads up, everyone, we have a convoy of trucks headed our way, and they don't look friendly."

As the warning from Emily crackled through the comms, the atmosphere inside the compound shifted from victorious to alert. Mir'tan's eyes met mine, and we both understood the urgency of the situation.

"Gabe, Jade, Max, Dax, Loddoick—prepare to defend the compound. Emily, I need a real-time feed of those trucks. Enchina, work on getting us any intel on what we're up against," Mir'tan commanded with her usual calm authority.

I secured Varik, who was now unconscious and bound, ensuring he wouldn't escape or cause further trouble. With a swift nod to Mir'tan, I left him secured and turned my focus to the incoming threat.

"I'll take up a sniping position again," I said, moving swiftly back to the shadows, where my rifle lay waiting.

The convoy of trucks appeared on the horizon, their engines roaring and dust trailing behind them. Through the scope, I could see the heavily armed pirates hanging off the sides, their expressions grim and determined.

"Five trucks, heavily armed," I reported. "It looks like they're ready for a fight."

"Understood," Mir'tan replied. "Blackbeard, take out their drivers first. We need to slow them down. Gabe, prepare the turrets. Everyone else, fall back to defensive positions."

As I focused on the first truck, my finger found the trigger, and with a deep breath, I squeezed it gently. The driver slumped forward, causing the truck to swerve and slow. I quickly moved to the next target, repeating the process. One by one, the trucks began to falter, creating chaos in their ranks.

"Three trucks disabled," I confirmed. "The remaining two are still advancing."

"Good work, Blackbeard," Mir'tan praised. "Everyone, be ready. They're almost here."

Gabe's voice came over the comms, "Turrets are online and ready to fire. Let's show them what the Shadow Stalker can do."

As the trucks neared the compound, the turrets sprang to life, unleashing a hail of bullets and energy blasts. The pirates scattered, some diving for cover while others tried to return fire. The air was thick with the sounds of battle—gunfire, explosions, and the shouts of our crew coordinating their defense.

I kept my scope trained on the battlefield, picking off targets with precision. Each pirate that fell was one less threat to our crew. Amid the chaos, I noticed a pirate attempting to flank our position.

"Mir'tan, we have a flanker on the right," I warned.

"On it," she replied, moving swiftly to intercept the threat.

The battle was intense, but our crew was relentless. Jade and Dax covered the entrances, taking out any pirate that dared to breach. Loddoick's heavy weaponry provided a devastating counter to their numbers while Max and Enchina ensured our systems remained operational and unhacked.

As the dust began to settle, the last of the pirates either lay defeated or fled, realizing the futility of their attack. The once-threatening convoy was now a smoldering wreck, littered with the bodies of the fallen.

"All clear," I announced, scanning the area for any remaining threats.

Mir'tan nodded; her expression was fierce but proud. "Excellent work, everyone. Let's secure the area and assess the situation."

With the immediate threat neutralized, we regrouped and began securing the compound. Varik was still unconscious, so we moved him to a more secure location, ensuring he would be available to unlock the mysterious door when needed.

As we worked, the crew couldn't help but share a few relieved laughs and banter, the tension of the battle giving way to camaraderie. Gabe even managed to slip in a few more jokes about his impending maid duties, much to everyone's amusement.

Jade successfully hacked into the control systems and seamlessly transferred all controls to our systems. "We have complete control of the compound now," Jade confidently announced.

With Varik's DNA, the elevator doors slid open; I stepped inside, Varik's unconscious form slung over my shoulder. Mir'tan, Jade, Gabe, and Dax joined me, crowding into the small space. The elevator descended with a hum, the tension palpable as we braced ourselves for what awaited us below.

"Everyone, stay sharp," Mir'tan ordered, her eyes scanning the cramped space. "We don't know what's down there, and I don't want any surprises."

The descent seemed to take forever, the seconds stretching out in the confined space. Finally, the elevator slowed to a stop, and the doors slid open to reveal a dimly lit corridor. The air was cool and stale, the walls lined with reinforced metal.

"Let's move," Mir'tan said, taking point as we cautiously exited the elevator.

I adjusted Varik's weight on my back, his unconscious form a reminder of the danger he still posed. We moved down the corridor, our footsteps echoing in the silence. The corridor branched into several rooms, each door marked with cryptic symbols and numbers.

"Start with the first room," Mir'tan instructed. "Gabe, Dax, cover our flanks. Jade, see if you can access any control panels and get a layout of this place."

We approached the first door, and Jade quickly accessed the control panel beside it. The door slid open with a hiss, revealing a room filled with high-tech equipment and storage containers. Mir'tan stepped inside, her eyes scanning the room for any threats.

"This looks like an armory," she said, motioning for me to bring Varik inside. "Let's see what we can find."

I laid Varik on the floor, ensuring he was secure, before joining the others in searching the room. The armory was filled with weapons, armor, and various pieces of advanced technology. Gabe and Dax started inspecting the weapons, checking for hidden traps or alarms.

"These are top-of-the-line," Gabe said, his eyes widening as he examined a particularly sleek rifle. "Looks like Varik was stockpiling some serious firepower."

Jade, meanwhile, had found another control panel and was busy accessing the system. "I'm in," she announced. I've got a layout of the compound. There's a central control room further down the corridor for a hanger and several storage and research labs.

"Good work, Jade," Mir'tan said, her eyes gleaming with determination. "Let's secure this armory and then move on to the control room. We need to find out what Varik was up to down here."

As we finished securing the armory, we heard a faint groan from Varik. He was starting to come to, his eyes blinking groggily as he tried to regain his bearings.

"Looks like our guest is waking up," I said, standing over him. "Let's see if he's ready to talk."

Mir'tan nodded, her expression hardening as she knelt beside Varik. "Wake up, Varik," she said, her voice cold and commanding. "We have some questions for you."

Varik's eyes flickered open, his gaze focusing on Mir'tan. For a moment, he seemed disoriented, but then his expression hardened. "You'll get nothing from me," he spat, his voice defiant.

"We'll see about that," Mir'tan said, her tone icy. "Jade, keep searching for any data we can use. Blackbeard, keep an eye on Varik. Gabe and Dax, secure the rest of the corridor."

As the crew moved to carry out her orders, I leaned down to Varik, my eyes locking with his. "You might want to reconsider," I said softly, my voice laced with menace. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Your choice. All though, I kind of hope you play hold out for a bit. I am quite hungry for some leg." I licked my lips and smiled, showing off my large fangs.

Varik's eyes flashed with defiance, but his eyes switched to fear as Mir'tan told me, "Blackbeard, you will have to wait for your snack until after we start questioning him. You can start on his legs first if he doesn't want to talk. No hands, though; we might need them later."

I put on my pouty face, "Blackbeard, No eating hostages. No eating Alliance soldiers. For once, I want to just rip off a leg and eat it right over someone." I mumbled as I stood next to him, licking my lips. His eyes were wide as he tracked my every movement.

I hoped this guy would talk. There was no way I was going to eat his leg. I would gag just getting close to my mouth. Eating any sentient species was just wrong.

Varik's eyes darted between Mir'tan and me, a mixture of fear and disbelief etched on his face. I could almost hear his mind racing, trying to determine if we were bluffing or if he was really about to lose a limb.

"Fine, fine," Varik stammered, his voice trembling. "I'll talk. Just... just keep her away from me."

Mir'tan's smile was cold and satisfied. "Smart choice. Now, tell us everything you know about this compound and its purpose."

Varik swallowed hard, glancing nervously at me before turning his attention to Mir'tan. "This compound is a research and storage facility. We were working on advanced weaponry and cybernetics meant to give the Pirate Clans an edge over the Alliance."

Jade, who had been working at the control panel, looked up. "I've found some files that corroborate what he's saying, Captain. There's a lot of data on experimental weapons and cybernetic enhancements. It looks like they were trying to create super-soldiers."

Mir'tan's expression darkened. "And what about the convoy that's on its way here? What do they know about this place?"

Varik hesitated, then sighed. "The convoy is a supply run. They don't know about the research being done here; they're just delivering goods and personnel. If they find the compound compromised, they'll likely call for reinforcements."

"Then we need to be quick," Mir'tan said, her tone decisive. "Jade, download all the data you can. Gabe and Dax prepare to intercept the convoy. We need to ensure they don't get a chance to alert anyone."

I kept a close watch on Varik as the crew sprang into action. Jade's fingers flew over the control panel, downloading files onto a portable drive. Gabe and Dax moved to secure the entrance and prepare for the convoy's arrival.

"You did well, Varik," Mir'tan said, her voice low and dangerous. "But don't think for a second that we're letting you off the hook. You'll be coming with us until we decide what to do with you."

Varik nodded meekly, the fight drained from him. "I understand."

Mir'tan turned to me, her eyes glinting with satisfaction. "Good work, Blackbeard. Keep an eye on him while we finish up here."

"With pleasure, Captain," I replied, my voice dripping with faux menace. I leaned closer to Varik, baring my fangs just enough to keep him on edge.

"Remember, Varik, you're only safe as long as you're useful," Mir'tan said over her shoulder.

"How long till the convoy gets here, Emily?" Mir'tan asks over coms.

"We have just over an hour before they get here," Emily reported back.

"Alright, everyone. Let's put the search on hold until we receive all the cargo on its way. Gabe, you will meet the convoy. We don't need armor; we just need to look like they did. Blackbeard, you are in control with Varik. Varik, you will provide the proper protocols for receiving shipments; remember, you are only alive if you are helpful." Mir'tan ordered.

I took Varik to the control room after he explained how he does business with these traders. I watched the convoy over the vid feeds. I had Kitty tap into the feeds and monitor all channels so I could also focus on Varik.

Everything looked like it was going smoothly until the head of the convoy came at Gabe with his pistol in his hands, and the rest of the men stood close to their vehicles. "Gabe, we have a problem here. Your boss still owes us money for this shipment. So I will have to have you pay me fifty million credits."

Gabe approached the man and said, "So you think we owe you fifty million on top of the twenty-five million we already paid you? Here is my counteroffer: We owe you nothing more, and you will do the next job for us for free, and I will let you out of here alive."

One of the men behind the truck reached to grab something, and Max shot the man with his pistol. Everyone looked at him as he casually leaned against the wall with his gun. "Bossman, we going to have trouble?"

"Sure seems like it," Gabe responded.

"Well, alright then, let's have us some fun," Max responded as he quickly moved and started firing at the men behind the trucks. Gabe shot the man in front of him while he was distracted. Mir'tan, Jade, and Dax came into the open, shooting all of the convoy personnel.

"We will need to clean up these bodies. I don't want them stinking up my new base." Mir'tan said. "Get some of the bots from the ship to help clean up here. Gabe, will you man up and clean the bodies from the inside. I just doubled the pot; it's up to ten thousand credits saying you will chicken out."

"You guys suck. Fine, I'll do it. You better pay up, though." Gabe said with a frustrated face.

"As the Captain, I will ensure that all the crew honor their bets. You have my word. You better see Blackbeard to get you properly fitted." Mir'tan laughed as she walked back into the bunker.

"Hey Gabe, your outfit is already on your bed back in the ship," I said over the coms to him.

"You lot are some crazy sons of bitches." Varik said to me.

"You better watch it, or I'll have you wearing the same outfit while scrubbing the floor." I gave him a crazy smile, my lips curled up, exposing my teeth.

Moments later, I heard Gabe over the radio, "What the fuck is this shit, Blackbeard. You can't expect me to wear this. This skirt doesn't even cover anything. I'm going to get you back for this."

"I don't think you will see Jade showed me how you copied the footage of me running to my room topless, and you and the other guys have been watching that. So now the girls will get to watch your ass hanging out there while you scrub the blood from the floors. You delete my vid; I don't copy the footage of you. I will even erase the security feed when you're done." I said back to him with an evil laugh. "Girls, let's make it movie night in the control room; ensure you bring snacks."

We killed Varik after he showed us where his treasure was and how to get into the hangar. He was no longer useful and was a liability. They did make it quick.

The ladies were hooping and hollering when Gabe made his way out of Shadow Stalker in the French maid outfit I had made for him. The guys started to laugh, but Mir'tan put that down fast, "If you laugh or make fun of him, you will be joining him. You saw what is mine alone, and you can face the same consequences as Gabe."

They all shrank away from the area back on the ship to get away from all of it. "So, Gabe, I am not a total Sadist. The bots cleaned up most of the mess down there. You only have to clean one hallway." I giggled at him.

All the ladies headed up to the control room. Mir'tan and I sat in the back, cuddling with each other. The rest of the crew watched the camera feed as he worked on the floor, scrubbing up all the ick that was down there.

The ladies were definitely making some crude comments. Which I mostly just ignored. Enchina tried to get me to look at him once, and I just shook my head, "Not my thing, Enchina, but you enjoy."

"I'll admit he does have a nice ass," Mir'tan said to me. My eyes bugged out at her comment, and I was left speechless. "Don't worry, Lor'hi. I'm not going to go after a guy, but I can recognize a nice-toned ass like that."

"Lalalala... I don't want to hear that." I flattened my ears to the top of my head and covered them with my hands. Mir'tan laughed at my reaction. "None for you tonight." I pouted.

"You never say no to me," she joked.

I hated that she was right.

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How to Make Friends and Influence People - Not...

Liquidating everybody they encounter on Nalaris V -- pirates, suppliers, bystanders -- wasn't their mission, and isn't likely to make it easier to coexist with whoever's left. It's one thing to scare the other clans; quite another to be such a threat to them as to force them to unite in self-defense and attack pre-emptively.

I'm still trying to figure out how "find a home base to relax between encounters" turned into "destroy a pirate clan and take over its territory". I don't think any of this is what the Colonel had in mind -- heck, he's probably miffed that they haven't even looked at his next set of orders yet.

And killing Vanek because he was no longer of use to them seemed awfully cold after he did cooperate with them in order to stay alive and uneaten.


That is what happens in dictatorships and authoritarian bodies

This ruthlessness is precisely what happens in any and all authoritarian structured body! It does not matter if it happens to be just a very small organization or if it is a whole nation.

And more often than not, the abuse of power escalates with each new generation. As can be easily verified by observing the hazing rituals that accompany (or accompanied) the entry into many “closed” (or tight knit) organizations or societies. Case in point, the so-called baptism on passing the entrance exams to university. In the late 1960s to early 1970s it just involved a barbecue and dowsing the new students with buckets of water. But as resentful recipients rose to student leadership, they started to escalate. And by the end of the 1980s this “baptism” had escalated to multiple events of not only dowsing but even dunking in mixtures of epoxy paint, used motor oil and even gasoline, with the forced ingestion of alcohol. Needless to say this resulted in a lot of property destruction, hospitalizations and even deaths. After several law-suits the university authorities finally had to crack down, and abolish and ban any and all hazing disguised as “baptism”.

Another thing that many authoritarians forget, is that if they claim absolute immunity to avoid accountability, then they have no standing to demand accountability from their successor. Because that absolute immunity for the top dog now also applies to the successor who is now the top dog.

I will now refrain from going into more detail, because I know that I am coming extremely close crossing the line into politics and the flame wars associated with that mine field.