The Struggle of Bean Chapter 14

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Our swift and unexpected takeover of Varik's clan sent shockwaves across the planet. The sudden and decisive nature of our victory left the other clans in a state of bewilderment and fascination. How could an obscure pirate clan, seemingly out of nowhere, so thoroughly dismantle the most formidable clan on the planet?

The murmurs and conjectures swirled, and it wasn't long before the other pirate leaders clamored for a meeting. They were eager to witness the emergence of a new power, seemingly out of thin air. Mir'tan and I knew that this meeting would be pivotal in cementing our control and dissuading any potential rebellions, heightening the mounting anticipation.

Mir'tan, the master strategist, meticulously prepared for the meeting. Her aim was to ensure our position was impregnable and dispel any doubts about our legitimacy. She convened a meeting with our key crew members to discuss our approach, instilling a strong sense of confidence in our meticulous planning.

"Jade, I need you to compile all the data we've gathered on the other clans," Mir'tan began. "We need to know their strengths, weaknesses, and any potential allies or enemies they might have."

"On it, Captain," Jade replied, already working on her terminal.

Mir'tan, in total control, continued to delegate tasks. "Gabe, Dax, you'll be in charge of security," she commanded. "We can't afford any surprises. Ensure the meeting location is secure and have the rest of our crew on standby, ready in case things go south."

Of course, a large bar was chosen as the location. It was supposed to be neutral territory for captains to meet under the terms of parlay. The bar was situated at a crossroads, where seven spokes of roads broke off from each other, leading to the seven pirate clans' territories.

The town that surrounded the crossroads was booming with trading companies and warehouses. The homes were well-built, and it looked like this was where much of the money went through. It made sense that this would be considered neutral territory. The crew set up security, moving using stealth rather than being out in the open like the other clans.

As we entered the bar, the atmosphere was charged with a mix of curiosity and tension. The six captains and their first mates looked up from their discussions, their eyes narrowing as they sized us up. Each table seemed to represent a different facet of the pirate lifestyle, from the heavily armored and weapon-laden to the more refined and strategically minded.

Mir'tan, ever the picture of confidence, walked with purpose towards the center of the room. I followed closely, my senses heightened and ready for any sign of trouble. The bar's patrons fell silent, their attention drawn to us as we made our way through the room.

We took a seat at the seventh table. I had my leather vest and pants on. My pistol was strapped to my thigh. I also hid a few knives on my body as well. Mirtan sat right next to me, her fantastic ass looking like her pants were poured on her body. She slid into the chair, causing my pulse to race as I studied the curves that I had intimate knowledge about. A small purr formed in my throat.

She turned to me with an eye that told me I better get serious and we could play later. I cleared my throat and focused on the other pirates. Another man stepped up to the table. "Ladies, I'm gonna need to collect your weapons from you. You will get them back after the meeting is over."

I looked up at him with a growl and sneer. "Little lady, you best follow my rules, or I'll see you strung up quicker than you can meow." He looked down at me with his steely eyes. I pulled my pistol from the holster and slammed it on the table, keeping the sneer on my face.

I saw Mir'tan slowly pull out her pistols. She kept gently setting down her three pistols one at a time, with a grin on her face.

The man collected our weapons with a wary eye, clearly sensing that we weren't to be trifled with. He stepped back, giving a curt nod, and moved on to the other tables.

With our weapons handed over, I scanned the room, noting the other captains and first mates. They each eyed us with a mix of curiosity and wariness. It was clear they were sizing us up, just as we were them.

Mir'tan leaned in close, her voice barely a whisper, "Remember, we need to establish our dominance without unnecessary violence. Let them know we mean business."

I nodded, keeping my expression neutral but alert. The room was filled with the low hum of conversations and the occasional clink of glasses. It was a tense atmosphere, but one that held the potential for alliances—or conflicts.

A large, burly man with a cybernetic arm stood up from his table and banged a mug on the bar to get everyone's attention. "Alright, listen up! We've got some new blood here tonight," he announced, his voice booming over the din. "Introduce yourselves, and tell us why we shouldn't throw you out on your pretty little asses."

Mir'tan stood first, her presence commanding immediate respect. "I am Captain Cook of the Shadow Stalker. This is my first mate, Blackbeard. We've recently taken control of Varik's territory and intend to bring disorder to the orcs. We needed a base of operation, and this planet suited our needs."

"Varik thought he could resist my offer to take over his territory. I showed him the error of his ways. If you think you can throw us out on our fabulous asses, I dare you to try. Now, we have one thing we will take issue with, selling slaves to the orcs. You are free to make money in any other way you want. If you want to take on some orcs with me, I will be open to the idea." She continued to tell the Captains.

"You are one crazy elf," said a man with a scar down the middle of his face. "I stay a long way from those orc ships. They are nothing but trouble and death." Several of the other captains grunted in agreement.

The man who grabbed our weapons said, "Ladies, you better not bring the orcs down on our little slice of heaven here. I won't have a war on my doorstep. If they come for you, I will offer you up for slaughter. This is my town, and I will not tolerate you bringing death and destruction here."

Mir'tan's eyes narrowed, her gaze locking onto the man who spoke. "Your town?" she echoed, her voice laced with a cold edge. "The orc ships that will make it to this planet's orbit will be the ones I bring here as trophies. We have already destroyed several ships. Just be ready to open your vaults when I bring back orc ships and weapons to sell."

The scarred man grunted, unimpressed. "Brave words for newcomers. We'll see if you can back them up."

Mir'tan's lips curled into a dangerous smile. "We have no intention of hiding behind words. Our actions will speak for themselves. Just sit back and watch as I destroy entire fleets of orc ships."

I strutted up to the bar and ordered Mir'tan and I drinks, my hips swaying sexily. All the guys looked at me as I leaned on the bar. I flexed my fingers, causing my claws to extend. I picked at my teeth while I waited. "You know where a girl can get some good meat? All this talk has given me the urge to tare through some raw meat."

The bartender went into the back and grabbed a sizeable raw steak. He set it next to the drinks. "How lovely you are. I think I'm going to like coming here. What do you think, Captain? Look at the size of this." I pretended to swoon over the bartender. Using my claw, I sliced a large chunk of meat off. Skewered the chunk and popped it in my mouth.

"You know, Captain, the only thing missing is fresh blood and the screams as I kill it." Mir'tan chuckled, knowing exactly what I was doing. She slams her drink back.

"Well, gentleman, I believe this conversation has ended. If you still want to test our resolve, come visit us. I'm sure Blackbeard here would love to take you on a little run." She walked over to where our weapons were and tossed me my pistol. I grabbed it out of the air without looking, using Kitty to keep track of my surroundings.

I finished eating my steak and pounded my drink. I threw the money I owed on the bar and smiled at the bartender. "I'm definitely coming back here."

The bartender nodded, his eyes wide with a mix of awe and fear. "You're welcome anytime," he muttered, trying to maintain his composure as he wiped down the bar.

Mir'tan and I turned to leave, our movements fluid and confident. The other captains watched us with a mixture of wariness and grudging respect, the atmosphere in the bar still thick with tension. As we stepped outside, the night air hit us, cool and refreshing after the heated exchanges inside.

"We made an impression," Mir'tan said, a satisfied smirk playing on her lips. "They know we're not to be trifled with."

I nodded, still feeling the adrenaline from our performance. "We'll show them we're serious about taking down the orcs. They just need to see us in action."

We made our way back to the Shadow Stalker, our minds already racing with plans and strategies. The crew greeted us, sensing the shift in the air. They knew something crazy had happened and were eager to hear about it.

Mir'tan gathered everyone in the briefing room. "We have a mission ahead of us," she began, her voice commanding attention. "The other pirate clans are watching us, waiting to see if we can deliver on our promises.

We need to hit the orcs hard and show them what we're capable of."

I stepped forward, feeling the weight of responsibility and excitement.

"We'll plan a series of strategic strikes on their supply lines and outposts. We'll disrupt their operations and weaken their hold on this sector. And we'll do it with precision and ruthlessness."

The crew listened intently, their faces set with determination. They were ready for the challenge, ready to prove themselves alongside us.

Mir'tan nodded, her eyes gleaming with fierce pride. "Prepare the ship for departure. We'll launch our first attack at dawn."

As the crew dispersed to carry out their tasks, Mir'tan and I exchanged a glance, a silent understanding passing between us. We were more than just a captain and her first mate; we were partners in every sense of the word, united in our mission and our resolve.

"We'll show them what we're made of," I said, my voice steady with conviction.

Mir'tan smiled, a dangerous glint in her eye. "Let's give them a show they'll never forget."

With that, we headed to our quarters to finalize our plans, ready to take on the orcs and prove our worth to the other pirate clans. The path ahead was fraught with danger, but we were prepared for whatever came our way.

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