The Struggle of Bean Chapter 12

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Colonel Decker's response to our report arrived swiftly, outlining the next steps we were to take in light of the situation we had encountered. With his guidance, we formulated a plan to ensure the safety and well-being of the survivors under our care.

"We're to take those in cryo-sleep to the nearest base for further medical treatment and debriefing," I relayed to Mir'tan as we reviewed the Colonel's instructions.

Mir'tan nodded in agreement, her expression thoughtful as she considered the logistics of transporting the survivors to the designated base. "And those who are awake and have met everyone on board are to be assigned to our vessel," she added, her voice steady with determination.

With our course of action clear, we set about implementing Colonel Decker's directives, coordinating with the survivors and our crew to ensure a smooth transition. As we prepared to embark on the next phase of our journey, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that we were fulfilling our duty to those in need, guided by Colonel Decker's wisdom and leadership and united in our commitment to the mission at hand.

With the Colonel's orders in hand, I approached the conference room where we gathered Emily, Enchina, and the three other survivors we had rescued. As I entered, their eyes turned towards me, and their expressions revealed curiosity and apprehension.

"Emily, Enchina, and the rest of you," I began, addressing them calmly yet authoritatively. "I have some updates regarding your next steps."

Taking out my tablet, I accessed Colonel Decker's new orders and explained the revised plan to the group. "Those of you in cryo-sleep will be transported to the nearest base for further medical treatment and debriefing," I explained, gesturing to the relevant section of the orders on my tablet. As for you five that were rescued awake and have met everyone on board, you will be assigned to our vessel."

I displayed the orders on my tablet, allowing the survivors to read them themselves. Their confusion was evident as they processed the abrupt change in plans.

"This was done because this vessel is Top Secret/Restricted Compartmentalized," I explained, my tone neutral as I addressed the group. "You have seen too much of our vessel to be returned to the fleet. We will stop at the station to get you clothes and battle armor. Are there any questions?"

The survivors exchanged uncertain glances, their expressions reflecting a mixture of disbelief and apprehension. Sensing their hesitation, I maintained an emotionless demeanor, determined not to influence their behavior.

"What is your rank?" one of the men asked, his tone laced with a hint of challenge as he attempted to assert his authority.

I met his gaze with a steady stare, my expression unreadable as I responded firmly, "We have no ranks on the Shadow Stalker. I am the First Mate, which means you answer to me. Now, what is your name and job?"

As the survivors provided their names and job titles, I committed their information to memory, recognizing the importance of understanding their roles as we integrated them into our crew.

"Rodger, Armorer," the first man introduced himself, followed by "Carver, Supply," and "Adrian, Master Gunner." I acknowledged each of them with a nod, noting their respective roles within our crew.

With the questions addressed, I led the survivors out of the conference room, guiding them through the ship to their designated areas. First, we made our way to the berthing area, where they would find quarters to rest and recuperate after their ordeal. Ensuring they were settled in, I made a mental note to provide them with any necessary supplies or amenities to make their stay comfortable.

Next, we headed to the Galley, where they could replenish their energy with a meal. I introduced them to the ship's cook and ensured they were well-fed and nourished after their harrowing experience.

Finally, I showed them their designated work areas, where they would begin fulfilling their roles within our crew. With each step of the way, I made it a point to provide guidance and support, ensuring they felt welcomed and valued as members of our team.

As we completed the tour of the ship, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that we were taking the necessary steps to integrate the survivors into our crew and provide them with the support they needed to thrive in their new environment. With their roles defined and their needs addressed, I was confident they would soon find their place aboard the Shadow Stalker, united in our shared mission and bound by the unbreakable bonds of camaraderie and friendship.

As I dropped Rodger off at the Armory, I took a moment to explain his role and responsibilities aboard the Shadow Stalker.

"Rodger, your job will be to ensure all armor and weapons operate at peak performance," I began, my tone firm yet encouraging. "We don't have standard fleet armor like you might be used to. Instead, we go with the very best to fit our fighting styles. Each of our weapons is top-of-the-line, and it's your responsibility to get familiar with each system and ensure they're in optimal condition."

I gestured to the array of weapons and armor lining the walls of the Armory, each meticulously maintained and customized to meet the unique needs of our crew. "Talk to the crew to see if we need any upgrades or modifications," I continued, emphasizing the importance of staying proactive and responsive to the needs of our team.

Rodger nodded in understanding, his expression focused as he took in his surroundings. "I'll get started right away, First Mate," he replied, his voice filled with determination.

With that, I left Rodger to his work, confident that he would excel in his new role and contribute to the success of our mission. As I made my way back to the bridge, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride knowing that our crew was in capable hands, each member dedicated to their duties and committed to the shared goals of our mission.

I walked onto the bridge, delivering the report to Mir'tan as she oversaw operations.

"Captain, all crew have been settled in," I announced, ensuring she was informed of the latest developments.

"Very good," she replied, her smile warm and approving as she gestured for me to join her.

I approached Mir'tan, feeling a surge of affection as she patted her lap, inviting me to take my place beside her. Without hesitation, I settled onto her lap, feeling the comforting warmth of her embrace envelop me.

Emily's smile as she glanced up from the navigation table warmed my heart. It was a silent acknowledgment of the bond that Mir'tan and I shared, a testament to the camaraderie and mutual respect that defined our crew.

With a smile of my own, I nodded in Emily's direction, silently thanking her for her understanding and support. In that brief moment, as our eyes met across the bridge, I felt a sense of unity and solidarity among us, a shared determination to face whatever challenges lay ahead with courage and resilience.

As Mir'tan and I continued to sit together, Emily's silent approval strengthened our connection; I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the friendship and camaraderie that defined our crew. With each member contributing their unique skills and perspectives, we were a force to be reckoned with, united in purpose and bound by the unbreakable bonds of loyalty and friendship.

Mir'tan's actions were a clear statement of her claim over me, a gesture I understood and accepted wholeheartedly. I had willingly given myself over to her, trusting in our bond and the love that we shared.

As Emily provided our ETA, I listened attentively, noting the information with interest. Mir'tan's directive to Emily indicated her confidence in our navigator's abilities, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride knowing that our crew was in capable hands.

With a playful slap on my backside, Mir'tan startled me, eliciting a surprised squeal from me. Her mischievous grin only served to deepen the warmth in my cheeks as I met her gaze, her words eliciting a playful response from me.

"Let's work that ass out," she declared, her tone teasing as she suggested a workout session.

Chuckling softly, I nodded in agreement, feeling a sense of anticipation at the prospect of spending some time together, just the two of us. With a playful glint in my eyes, I rose from Mir'tan's lap, ready to join her in whatever activities she had planned.

As we made our way to the workout area, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. I knew that our bond was stronger than ever, our love and commitment unwavering as we faced the challenges of the universe together, side by side.

As our workout began, we focused on honing our skills with various weapons, each pushing ourselves to the limit as we sparred and practiced our techniques. The familiar weight of the knives in my hands felt comforting, a reminder of the training and discipline that defined our lives as privateers.

But soon, our focus shifted to hand-to-hand combat and wrestling. The intensity of our training escalated as we grappled with each other, each determined to gain the upper hand. Sweat soaked our bodies, glistening in the dim light of the training area as we exerted ourselves to the fullest.

Despite our best efforts, neither of us could gain a clear advantage over the other. Our evenly matched skills and determination kept the battle fiercely contested. With every move and countermove, we pushed each other to our limits, the thrill of the fight fueling our determination to emerge victorious.

Finally, I managed to pin Mir'tan down, a sense of triumph coursing through me as I held her in place. But before I could celebrate my victory, Mir'tan unleashed a dirty trick, catching me off guard and causing me to falter. She rubbed her hip on my swollen nub, causing me to shutter and falter. I realized that she had outmaneuvered me once again, her cunning and resourcefulness proving to be formidable opponents in their own right.

As we caught our breath, our bodies still buzzing with adrenaline, I threw my towel at Mir'tan. "You cheated."

"Duh, we are pirates; we should use every trick in the book in order to win." She replied to me with a wicked grin.

As I gave Mir'tan an angry smile, my heart raced with excitement, knowing that our playful sparring session was about to take an unexpected turn. With a swift motion, I tore off my exercise bra, the fabric ripping away quickly in my hands as I pushed Mir'tan onto her back, pressing her face tight against my chest.

Mir'tan struggled to flip me off, but she had no leverage against my hold. Eventually, she submitted, acknowledging my victory as I held her in place.

However, our moment of triumph was interrupted by the sound of hooping and hollering behind us. I quickly released Mir'tan and attempted to cover my exposed breasts, feeling a rush of embarrassment wash over me.

Turning around, I saw Gabe and Jade standing in the doorway, their expressions amused and broad smiles. Gabe couldn't resist making a playful comment, suggesting that my move was a "booby trap," much to Jade's amusement.

Mir'tan quickly clarified that we were just exercising, but Gabe continued to joke, suggesting that one of them should also go topless. His playful banter was met with a punch from Jade, but the smile on his face remained, his eyes sparkling with amusement as he glanced at her.

Feeling a mixture of embarrassment and amusement at the unexpected interruption, I couldn't help but laugh along with the others, grateful for the lighthearted moment amid the intensity of our training. With a playful grin, I made a mental note to be more cautious in the future, knowing that our crew had a knack for turning even the most innocent of situations into a source of entertainment.

Mir'tan looked at me, "You will have to settle with a hand bra till we can return to the room. My hands volunteer as tribute," She said to me in a seductive tone. She had a mischievous grin on her face.

I threw a towel in her face and then sprinted towards the door. I ran back to our room with her right on my tail. I squealed as I almost ran into Enchina. I had to drop my hands as I sprung around her. I dropped to all fours and quickly moved down the hallway, putting some distance between Mir'tan and me. I finally made it into our quarters and jumped on the bed.

Not long after l entered, Mir'tan came into the room, gasping for air. "Damn, you can run fast. I got to say you got me with that last pin. Though it was a glorious place for you to pull my face to. I hope you don't use that trick on anyone else." She said with a wicked smile.

"If you want to get back in that position, you have to wash me first," I said with a purr. I shook my ass at her. God, I think I'm going into heat again.

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At Least...

...Emily and Enchina won't have to explain how they knew the captain and first mate, now that the Shadow Stalker's status has been revealed.



If you're not cheating, you aren't trying hard enough.

If you're not cheating, your tactics suck.