Project Wolf Den Part 19 (Final Chapter)

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Clair’s Ranch House:
“Go ahead and contact everyone so we can see what they think. I’ll go ahead and start on the background search on each lady.” Gina had pulled out her cell phone and was making notes on it.

Nick was impressed with how Gina took charge. His oldest son, Robert could take lessons from her. He couldn’t believe how far she had come since Jack adopted her.

Cadmus looks up and starts growling. Gina looks down at her wolf and wonders what has him on alert.

“What’s wrong boy?” Gina has learned to listen to Cadmus.

Clair heard Cadmus growling and wondered what had set him off. She looks towards Gina and Jack “What has set him off?”

“I don’t know.” Jack was confused as well. He didn’t sense anything in the area with his gifts.

Just as Jack says that the air starts feeling weird in the room and he disappears. Nick sitting next to him was about to move and he disappeared as well.

“Dad!” Gina stands up as Nick disappears.

Clair stands up out of her chair as she watches as Jack and Nick vanish right before her eyes. She had felt the change in the air, as well. Now that Jack and Nick had vanished, the air had gone back to how it had been.

Cadmus stood up when Jack disappeared. He was still growling and his ears were laid back. When Nick disappeared, he jumped towards the area where Nick had been sitting knocking over the chair. He was looking around for whatever was setting him off.

Gina reaches over and touches Cadmus’s back. She has seen this type of reaction before from him. “What is it, boy?”

Clair was watching Cadmus’s reaction. She has seen Chaos do the same thing way back when Jack started bringing him on missions. She’s learned to trust the old wolf.

Gina looks toward Clair “Call Aunt Anika and inform her. Also, Dad has a tracking device inside of him.”

“I know Gina. All of us have them. We started doing that when two members of our team were kidnapped.” Clair still had her implant. It was the one thing she didn’t want taken out.

Clair taps on her desktop and tries to bring up Jack’s and Nick’s tracking devices. She watches as the computer informs her that it can’t locate them.

“The computer can’t find them.” Clair knew that was impossible. She had access to Jack’s satellite system.

Gina presses a number on her cellphone, and before long she is connected to The Phoenix Foundation.

Before the person on the other side could say anything “Nicky, use my passcode and log onto our satellite system.”

“What’s wrong, boss?” Nicky was sitting inside the cyber pod that connected her to the Phoenix computer system.

“I’m sending you my father’s frequency to his tracking device.” Gina transfers the information from her phone to Nicky.

“I’m on it, boss.” Nicky goes to work.

Just as Gina hangs up. Her phone rings again and notices it's Tizzy’s phone number. She accepts “What’s wrong, cousin?”

“Gina, mom just disappear in thin air.” Tizzy was lucky when her mother disappeared. She was holding Catlin’s and Krisha’s newest baby.

“Same thing happened here, cousin. Dad and Uncle Nick have disappeared as well.”

“What is going on?” Tizzy had stepped out into the hallway to make her call.

“I don’t know. Can you meet me in California at my business in two days?”

“Sure, send me the address.” Tizzy knew Gina had a new business, but she didn’t know what it was.

“Alright. I’ll see you in two days.” Gina ends the call.

“What are you going to be doing next I want to help.” Clair wanted to look for her friends.

“I’m going to meet up with my cousin. Her mother Cheshire has disappeared, just like Dad and Uncle Nick. Can you contact Uncle Nick’s son Robert and let him know what is going on, please?” Gina knew Robert would want to know.

“Sure. You do know I want to help. Your dad and Nick are my oldest friends.” Clair wasn’t going to sit this out.

“I know and you’ll be working with Aunt Anika at Eruption Communications. Also, I’m going to have our computer expert at Camelot to help you as well.” Gina figures Morgana and her crew will help locate her father, her uncle, and her aunt.

Clair was a little confused. She didn’t know Jack had a computer expert working for him.

“Your dad hates computer hackers.” Clair knew how Jack felt about computer hackers.

“Oh, Morgana is more than that. She owns Camelot Network Services.”

“I’ll get back to you on your team.” Gina stands up and walks outside. She was already on the phone with her older sister.

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Sounds like the universe

Samantha Heart's picture

Might have other plans for Jack Cheshire & Nick. What that plan is I guess we will find out.

Love Samantha Renée Heart.


That was without a doubt the worst "final chapter" I've ever read.

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin