Bad Girl - Good Girl - Part 1 of 3

[Authors Note]
There are dozens and dozens of stories about a bad boy becoming a good girl on TG sites. This is a topic that I had not put my toe into until now. However, I decided to do something a little bit different whilst remaining within the ‘bad child changes and becomes good’ theme. This tale is about a bad girl who thinks that she is entitled to the world and therefore is in dire need of being put on the right path. I’ll leave it to you to fill in the blanks.

[Buffalo, New York State, early December]

“Sit!” commanded the man.

The teenage girl who was wearing a school uniform approached the desk that the man was sitting behind and sat down in a chair.

“Well, Taylor, what was it this time? Stealing the Head’s car? Getting drunk on school premises? What was it and don’t give me any bull like ‘it wasn’t me’? Getting a phone call at two in the morning from the Police is not going to cut it with me.”

“Dad?” said the girl in a barely audible whisper.

“Don’t mumble.”

“Dad, I hacked the school computer system and… well I goofed and wiped all the records of students and staff.”

“How did you get caught?”

“After my last hack, the school installed a secondary security system. It is passive and… it tracked my every move.”

“Why? Why did you do something so foolish? Don’t even try to say to improve your grades. We both know that if you bothered to even try, you’d get straight A’s with ease.”

Taylor didn’t answer right away.

“One of the other girls photographed me soliciting. The miserly ten bucks a week allowance that you give me, goes nowhere these days. They blackmailed me into changing her grades.”

“Did you change her grades?”

Taylor shook her head.

“It all went pear shaped before I could. The girl posted the photos all over the school so here I am.”

He shook his head.
“Did you solicit?”

She remained motionless.

“Taylor, you did wrong and I think that you know it, but you are not alone. Your mother did it before we met. She had no money behind her and all the other people in her dorm either had rich parents or were on full scholarships. She wasn’t and had to work her way. The restaurant where she worked was shut down because of health code violations, so she turned a few tricks to put food on the table.”

“Mom! Nooooo…”

“Yes darling. It is a fact of life for many, but you come from a privileged background. There is no need to turn to that sort of thing but I forgive you for that. What is unforgivable is that you got caught hacking the school computer system. Didn’t you learn your lesson from the last time that happened?”

Like some politicians, she would never ever admit that she was wrong to her father. It was her only way of standing up to him.

The father looked at his daughter. He'd had such high hopes for her when she was small. It was not as if she wasn't bright. Her IQ was verging on the genius level but the loss of his wife and her mother to a drive-by shooting as she put gas in the tank of her rented BMW in New York, almost four years before, had done something to his only child. It was as if she had decided to wage war on any man that got in her path of self-destruction.

“Taylor, I have tried but this last prank of yours is the end. No more. Do you understand?”

Taylor had resumed chewing gum as if it was going extinct.

“And take that gum out of your mouth. It makes you look like a tramp.”

She did what he wanted but slowly, very slowly.

“Good! I might get more freedom on the road,” said Taylor defiantly.

Her father’s face reacted a little bit. Luckily, his daughter was looking anywhere at her father.

“I’m glad that you are so happy. I’ve tried all the good schools that would give you an education that would test your intelligence but word has gotten around about you and none of them want to even consider you as a student. If you were a boy, you’d probably be on your way to Military Academy. One of my staff did recommend one such place that is on the South Side of Chicago…”

He saw his daughter stiffen.

“A good dose of military life would either make or break you. The problem is my darling daughter… is that you are way too intelligent for those places. If only…”

He sighed.

“I have two options left and neither are that attractive or rather they won’t be attractive to you.”

“I honestly don’t give a fuck what you do. I’m out of here and your life as soon as I legally can. Until then? I don’t care. You are just like all the parents of all those stuck-up bitches that I’ve been at school with for years. You are rich and want your offspring to be just like you. I’m not like you and I never want to be like you. As for inheriting your businesses? Fuck off. I’m not going to sit behind a desk twenty hours a day making more money than I can hope to spend in more than three lifetimes.”

This time, he smiled.
“At last, some reaction from you even if it was laden with expletives. The money I have made from sitting at that desk has paid for the life that you live so it can’t be all that bad now can it.”

Taylor looked at her father as a sense of ‘you’ve been played’ spread through her body.

“Where are you sending me next then?”

“Nowhere at the moment. It is far too close to Christmas for any half decent school to take a new entrant. That means Taylor you are free to do as you please for the next six weeks but…”

“Here it comes!” exclaimed Taylor.

“But… your bank account, credit cards and everything relating to money is frozen until I say otherwise. No ifs or buts. I have paid off your debits yet again and taken everything out of your current account.”

“But that’s my money…!”

“Sorry darling. Until you earned it yourself and stop taking an allowance from me, you are flat broke. Don’t even think of trying to pawn any of your things. I have put the word out. If you want to spend any money then you will have to earn it yourself. Think of it as a test. If you pass, the next school you attend will be a lot nicer than the alternative.”

After a second or so to let that sink in, he pushed a brochure for a ‘school’ on the New Mexico/Arizona border that dealt with female delinquents across the desk toward her.

“That is the alternative. If this last option fails then that’s where you will end up!”

“That’s child abuse!” said Taylor in a loud whiney voice.

“No whining. That is how it is going to be until you are of age… Unless you want to put yourself into hands of the Social Services?”

Taylor glared at him with eyes like daggers.

“There is a another way you know?”

Taylor was suddenly all ears and eyes.

“You could fake some incident with me and call CPS. They’d take you and put you in a group home while I was investigated. You have to bear in mind that every conversation in my office is recorded so faking it won’t work for very long.”

The mere thought of going into a group home with all the great unwashed was about the worst thing that could possibly happen to her.

Her father saw her reaction.

“Good. Then we have an understanding. Where you end up is all down to you.”

“Like hell it is. You have already fucking decided so why not fucking tell me right now?”

“I have not decided but every time you swear at me, the decision becomes all that easier. Got it?”

“Are you done?” retorted Taylor without even considering his final words.

“I’m done.”

Taylor stood up and headed for the door.

“There is one thing more,” said her father.

Taylor stopped dead and didn’t bother to turn around to face her father.

"I've cut off your phone service and you are limited to 2 hours of internet a day. Get a job and you can get your phone back.

Taylor shrieked at the top of her voice,
“Yes Mein Furher!”

She clicked the heels of her ankle boots together and did a Nazi salute before walking off with an impression of the Goosestep.

Her father smiled and thought to himself,
‘At last, I have got a reaction from her’.

Taylor had been fighting everyone ever since the tragic death of her mother. That was a major shock to the family. Taylor had blamed everyone including her father for her death. He hoped that this time, she’d get out of her blame game and start to become the beautiful and very intelligent woman that she was turning into that was the spitting image of her mother.

[2nd January]

“Taylor, I have to say that you did surprise me these past weeks. You knuckled down and worked your butt off over Christmas.”

“I hated every minute of it. Everyone was a total loser and for $7.25 an hour. How can people live on that?”

“Most of them have at least one other job.”

“I still don’t know how they can live on such little money.”

He looked at his daughter. She was dressed up to the nines because she was going out that evening.
“How much did that outfit cost?”

Taylor glared at her father and then understood what he was getting at.

“About a grand.”

“Which is about what you earned in the last four weeks including tips if I’m not mistaken?”

“What about the hundreds of people that you employ? What pittance do you pay them then?”

He smiled. So far, she hadn’t sworn at him. Progress comes in small steps.

“None of my people earn less than $15.50 an hour. That is what I pay the cleaners. Most of the rest earn $40 plus. I pay well and I get good people who stay with my company for years.”

“Really? That’s not what Facebook says!”

This shocked her father.
“Care to show me?”

She looked at her father as if to say, ‘it won’t matter’.

She showed her father some posts on a Facebook group. He recognised the name of one of the people posting.

“Lane Adams used to work for me. Let me pull up the records right now and you can see his employment records. If I do it now, you can see that I’ve not faked the records.”

“Go on then!” said Taylor.

He signed onto the HR system for his group of companies and found the records for Lane Adams.

“Here you are,” he said as he let his daughter see the screen.

Taylor looked at the records for the person who had posted on Facebook. They told her that he’d been fired for gross misconduct some two years before after he was caught trying to get a new office assistant to have sex with him in his van. At the time of being let go, he was earning $61.60 an hour for his job as a welder.

“Ok, so he is lying.”

“And the lesson from that is, do not believe everything you read on social media.”

He watched his daughter answer with a small nod of her head.

“Good,” he said.
“Now go out and enjoy yourself. Tomorrow, we are going to your new school.”

There was no reaction from Taylor.

“Aren’t you interested in where it is?”

“Does it matter? You have decided and nothing I can do or say will change your mind.”

He sighed.
“I had hoped that actually doing some real work for minimum wage would have taken that edge of entitlement off you. Sadly, it appears that it hasn’t. I guess that I’ll have to put Plan B into operation.”

“Why not Plan Z?”

“You really don’t want to make me mad my darling but your act of superiority over everyone you encounter, is getting very tiresome. A lot of that is down to me and for that I am sorry. In the wake of the death of your mother I gave you some leeway, but it appears that was a mistake.”

“Mom’s death was all your fault and you know it.”

He sighed again. They’d beat this horse to death many times.

“I’m not going to argue this again. Yes, it was my fault that I didn’t give your mother the attention she deserved. I’ve beat myself up over that almost every day since she passed. It was your mother’s own decision to fly to New York and then she ended up in the wrong part of the city. Someone with your intelligence must know deep down that I’m right. But that is clearly trying to flog a dead horse. Go out and enjoy yourself tonight.”

Taylor glared at her father.

”One last thing, your new school won’t take kindly to your nails. Extensions are not allowed. They only allow clear polish except for the last week of term.”

Taylor looked at her hands.
“But I only had them done today and they cost me almost a hundred bucks.”

Her nails had been extended by around half an inch and they were painted with a matt dayglow green colour. Last week, it was dayglow yellow.

“Tough. I’m just giving you a heads up that’s all. You don’t want to start off on the wrong side of the Head. From all reports, she is a formidable lady who takes attitudes like yours and eats them for lunch and then spits them out.”

Taylor just left him with a stern look on her face.

[the next afternoon]

“Ok, I’m packed and ready. Where are we going? I’ve heard that Alaska is very nice at this time of year,” said Taylor trying to be sarcastic.

“Nice try. Put your coat on. We are heading for the Airport. We have a long flight ahead of us.”

“So, we are going to Alaska then?”

“Wait and see,” said her father.

"England? Really? What is there for me?" complained Taylor when she discovered where the destination of their plane was.

“What is there, is a chance for you to get a fresh start in a place where you won’t encounter all those and I quote, ‘stuck-up bitches’ that you complain so much about. Those girls have their parents wrapped around their little fingers. Remember Mary-Joe Capaldi? She got away with so much because her father was the city DA. You know that I’m not like that. I want you to stand on your own two feet, and not be beholden to me for everything which is what you keep saying that you want. Until you are of age and can tell me to fuck off, why not take advantage of seeing and experiencing another culture? Who knows? You might even learn something new?”

Taylor glared at her father. She’d rather be listening to some tuneless wannabe that had been autotuned to death than her father. She was oblivious to the talent for life that both her father and mother had seen in her from an early age. Instead, Taylor had seen any suggestions for her future as a red light and to be run at every opportunity.
Her father continued as they waited for the final preparations for their flight to be completed. Taylor was effectively trapped until they’d reached the other end.

“Girls like Mary-Joe will want a husband who can keep them in the life that they have enjoyed courtesy of their family. That is not you in a million years despite the image you present to the world in your efforts to fit in with that crowd.

You, my darling daughter are not one of them. For starters, you have a brain the size of a planet so why not use it and make something of your life? At the moment, your experience of the real world is limited. Yes, you have been to half a dozen countries on holidays but that’s not the big bad world.”

“Why England?”

“Because my dear, you will be attending a State School for the first time in your life. You can see how most of the western world lives. If that horrifies you then that should spur you on and help you decide what you want from your life.”

Taylor didn’t say anything. Her look of hate towards her father told him all he needed to know.

“Honestly Taylor, this is your last chance. Fail here and you can say goodbye to any help from me in the future. I know that your mother would support me in this. She had to make a similar decision when she was not much older than you. Should she marry me and build a life for herself without any support from her family or should she do as they wanted her to do, go to college and marry a lawyer who would a few years down the line stand for congress just like her father and his father before him. She chose me and… well, you know that her family have not spoken to either of us since her funeral. They are still fighting her will and will probably carry on doing that until the day they all finally end up in hell.”

“Don’t you dare bring Mom into this!”

“I can and will. Before her death, we talked at length about what we wanted for you. Living off of our coat-tails, was not an option in her eyes. She helped me make it good. We were far more than just a married couple; we were a partnership in life. Twenty years ago, we lived on the edge of Harlem. Now I can afford to rent this plane and not think twice where the money is coming from. She is with me every day. I don’t make any decisions unless I ask myself, what would Lillian want me to do?”

Taylor remained silent as they walked the short distance to their chartered Gulfstream.

Taylor decided to remain silent for the entire flight, but she turned to look out of the window at the lights of the city of Quebec City that were passing below them. She wondered if she’d ever get to experience the delights of their unique culture ever again. Her mother had taken her there for the last birthday before she died.

As far as she was concerned, her life was over. All she could think of was the words ‘State School’. That horrified her right to her core.

[to be continued]

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