The Return of Lilith Chapter 22

The city started to fill up with wizards, some non-wizards come with them as family members. We have to start organizing the city so that we can offer support to all those that we have here.

A group of earth wizards, who have specialized in agriculture, are creating an area where we can plant crops to help feed the city. Luckily using hydroponics made these farms much smaller and fit in only a few warehouses. Meat is something we will have to bring in from outside. We don't have room to keep livestock within the city limits.

Magic does make things easier but we still need plants and animals to eat. No one has the power to use magic to make food for everyone. It also gives people a purpose and a reason to work together. We only have a small portion of the wizard community here. There is still a large faction that supports the original council member's rules.

They made one move against me already and I am expecting them to try again. The current council has created administrators to run the city and ensure residence safety. They also created a police force to keep the peace. I know that not everyone that came here is supportive of the current council. The police have to make sure no one causes trouble for the city.

Several restaurants have already opened up and they seem to be doing well. We currently work off a barter system here so that lack of money is not an issue for some residents who lost everything when they were forced to move here. We don't want this place to feel like a prison camp, where the governments sent all of us that were undesirable too.

After a support structure was in place and we could prove this was a safe place for those that lived here, Vincent agreed to the decision to move the school here. This allowed other families to be close to their children. It also cut on the need for dorms for the students as we had plenty of space for them here in the towers or other family dwellings. Only a small portion of the residents chose to live in the towers. Most chose to use the other residential options we had available.

The towers have mainly been used as community centers. The addition of the school made the city feel more like a community. We did have to expand the classes to accommodate students of all ages now.

I have gone back to live-streaming, talking about what we have accomplished and giving the world a look at what wizards is like. I wanted to show the world that we are people just like them and not a bunch of power-hungry people. This type of thing needs to get out there so that people can see we are not the big bad enemy.

The American law enforcement agencies have worked to make it hard for those of us who have been identified as wizards to move around freely outside of our little city. It is becoming harder and harder to get away from them when we are out in major cities. The politicians have been working overtime trying to contain the wizard threat as they call it.

The media is all over the place when it comes to dealing with us. Some demand we help to keep the country safe while saying we are too dangerous to have around the rest of the population. They just want a weapon they can throw at their perceived threats. Of course, our problems are not limited to the United States, China has been making people disappear as well. They pull anyone suspected of being a wizard off the streets to never be heard from again. Europe has a lot of the same issues as the United States with us being the most urgent threat. We can't even talk with the public without anyone trying to make us into villains.

Our power is not something that the world seems to want to accept. I fear that if I even try to talk to world leaders it will cause more grief than good. We are not populous enough to force our acceptance into the world. I could fight countries and turn them to ruin with my power but all that would do is cause those that do not have magic to fear us even more.

I have attorneys on the outside that are working on getting the regulations against us appealed but it's a slow process. It would probably take three years just to get up to the Supreme Court and even then, who knows how they will vote. Luckily though social media companies have not banned us. I think that they are needed for the views and revenue that we bring in with every post that I make. Greed is a saving grace for us.

With all the trouble that I am having to deal with, it is nice that I can enjoy my home life with my two lovelies. They both give me the drive to keep up my fight to turn this all around. I have to admit it is so refreshing that we can be alone in our homes and walk around naked without the worry that no one can see us. We spent many days lying naked with the sun shining down on us keeping us warm. It is very relaxing and it takes our minds off the worries of the world around us.

Sara has introduced us to several new toys that we now enjoy. I must admit, for a country that is so prudish, they have some great ideas for different toys. I was skeptical at first but I have never been so happy to be proven wrong. Nor have I ever been so thoroughly satisfied after a night of unbridled fun.

I look out over the world below me. I see the beauty and what is wrong with this world. Eutopia does not exist in this world yet. Even my little city has its share of problems. That is to be expected, I guess. It was always a long shot that they would accept me or the wizards. They are constantly being fed doses of fear by the media daily. They don't know how to react to something this drastic with anything but fear. The fear doesn't even have to be of something real, they are just told they need to be afraid of something different.

How do you fight fear? They say you are supposed to confront fear head-on. They have let their fear of the existence of magic completely disable their ability to act rationally. They saw themselves as the apex of evolution and power but now they had to face the reality that everything they thought they knew was a lie.

Sara came up behind me and put her arm around my waist, breaking me from my brooding thoughts. I look at her, "how do I get the word out that we are not the enemy?" I know that we are all wondering the same thing.

"I wish I knew my love, then maybe we could live our lives in peace rather that all this constant fear around us." She replies to me laying her head on my shoulder.

An idea pops into my head, "have you ever been to the Vatican?"

Sara looks at me confused and unsure of what I am thinking right now. "No, I haven't. Why?" she asked, eyes wide with a scared look.

"I think we need to back to the Vatican and have a nice little talk with the clergy," I said nodding my head as decided that this might be a good idea.

"Yeah, we should do that. We have a nice talk with the clergy in the open so everyone can see us. That way it's not like we are trying to hide anything. Go put on something nice and I will get Charlene." I said to Sara, and I gave her a quick kiss on her cheek.

"You know Lilith, you are a little crazy sometimes," she said to me as she walked away shaking her ass as she went. Goddess what an ass that is, it makes my insides melt.

I shake my head so I can take my focus off the perfect ass that is just begging me to lick. I head over to Elizabeth's apartment where Charlene is visiting with them. I walk over to Charlene and wrap my arm around her shoulder. I whisper in her ear, "Sara is going to get such a big spanking once we get back from the Vatican."

"What are we going to do at the Vatican?" she asked me as I pulled her closer to me.

"We are going to talk to the clergy, so we can establish some type of forum to end this constant fighting," I say to her as I kiss her on her cheek.

"We are going to show the world that we have nothing against any religion, and try to mend some bridges," I told her but I think she is a little skeptical that it will help. She comes with me anyway. I love the support I get from my family.

"Let me say goodbye to Elizabeth and then we can go," she says to me as she walks away from me. She shortly comes back and tells me she is ready to go. We pop back to grab Sara and head out.


We teleport into the courtyard of the Vatican; I immediately make a table for us to sit down at. I figure it is better to be in the open where everyone can see us so that it can't be said we are hiding anything. The three of us sit down at the table.

The guards finally got to us, they recognized me and Charlene. Pointing their weapons at us, they asked what we were doing here. I turn to the guard asking, "May we please speak to a senior member of the clergy? We just wish to talk, we set up out here in the open so that we will be in full view of the public while we talk."

He uses a radio to relay our request to whomever he needs to. We wait patiently for a response. After some time, the guards move apart to make way for five priests in red hats to come toward us. I immediately created five chairs on the other side of the table for them to join us. They introduce themselves as cardinals and that they report to the pope himself.

I smile and offer them a seat. I introduce Charlene and Sara to them. My first remark to them was, "We are not here to cause trouble, nor are we here to change your doctrine. Our sole purpose is to discuss the future of how we can all live together without all this hate. I understand you have some reservations about us since our first introduction was extremely violent and a major shock to what everyone thought they knew."

"I am not going to ask who knew about the wizard priests that were being employed by the Vatican. That kind of thing is not important to me right now. If fact a commend you all for realizing their benefits. I also want to make clear that there are two factions of demons in this world, there are the demons who supported Lucifer's campaign against Heaven and there are those like Charlene here who refused to support him. We did not support Heaven's angels either. This war was between Lucifer and the other angels." I inform them.

"Finally, before we continue, Sara here is no different than the wizards that you have within the Vatican. She has powers that a large percentage of the world does not possess, but she is by no means using that power against other people. The wizards have hidden their existence from the world for what I think is a good reason for a long time. We all knew that when we came out into the world, there would be major problems in this world. This is the subject we would like to discuss with you today." I finished my opening statement.

The cardinals conferred with themselves for a few moments. One took the lead after they had come to a consensus. He raised a question to us, "Lilith, we would like to hear what your ultimate plan is?"

"My ultimate plan is simple; to help get humans into a place where they are worthy to return to Eden. We were all meant to live in Eden, till Adam made a bad decision, and went against the Goddess' laws. That is what I have always wanted to do, but I also want to keep my family safe and be happy with them." I tell them with confidence.

"Pardon us if we do not fully believe that. We have so little information about you and your history to confirm this. But if this is what you are working for then it is not so different than our goal. Though we are trying to spread the word of God so that men can be saved and can join him in Heaven. What you have shared does go against the Catholic church's teachings, but then most of the old stories could have changed. You state that you know nothing about Jesus or his teachings?" he asked us.

"Sara has no information for you. As far as Charlene and I are concerned, we were not around to know of any of these stories to either confirm or deny them. We cannot offer you any assistance in this area. I have to go through some of the Old Testament and I can tell you that there was not a world flood during any time of history like what was described when talking about Noah." I replied to them.

"The only thing that I can tell you with certainty is that Adam was responsible for getting us kicked out of Eden. I can also tell you with absolute certainty, that your God is a Goddess. She is the mother of us all. I cannot tell you how that fact became changed into what it is today. My guess is the misogynistic men of the time changed it to give them more power over women. But your guess is truly as good as mine when it comes to that. In the end, it doesn't matter if you worship her as male or female." I continued with my explanation.

"Since your arrival here, and the subsequent events with Michael and Lucifer, it has caused us to look deeper into our doctrine. We did not know how to react to the actions of the three of you. We also were quite disturbed that a demon was buried under our church. We have looked through our records and could not find any reference to how Charlene was buried next to our St. Peter. If I had to guess, I would say that the pope of the time destroyed all records of her to protect the church. You have seen what happens when people have found out about the existence of demons." He answered with an honest face. I could not see any deception in his words or his eyes.

Charlene speaks up for the first time, "my daughter wished to apologize to you for the damage to your church when she rescued me." I gave her hand a squeeze and a smile as she offered her condolences.

"I, too, wish to apologize for the damage my fight with Michael caused to your property. For my part, I held great anger for Michael for what he did to me and I let my rage blind me. I was consciously trying to avoid any casualties as we fought. I can put your structures back together again, but I can't restore the painting." I said looking at the scaffolding around the church.

"We thank you for your apology, but we wish to let the artisan restore our church. As to your original reason for visiting, how do you think we can help you? We have no control over the governments in the world. There is little more we could do to stop the conflicts rising in the world. We have preached for peace for many years." He asked me.

"Honestly, I don't know how you can help me. I have tried talking to the news and politicians, but none of that has gotten me anywhere. We just want world leaders to come and talk so we can come to some kind of agreement. I was hoping that the world would see us talking and be more inclined to talk." I replied honestly and with a hint of frustration in my voice.

"I believe that many countries will refuse to talk to you now that you have come to see us in this capacity. It will give the illusion that you are supportive of our religious beliefs or in some way working with us to reach some goal that will go against their religious beliefs." He looked at me and I could see that he was concerned about how this would look to the world.

"I am guessing you are referring to certain middle east countries," I asked where he returned a nod. Fuck, the last thing I wanted was to be seen as supporting one religion over another. I didn't see that this would be a problem.

"I guess that means I will have to visit some Muslim holy sites to be seen as willing to talk with them, then go to Israel to talk to Jewish leaders." He gave me a nod and a smile.

"What we can do here is report on this visit to the news so that people can see that you are willing to talk with them. I would normally bless you for a safe journey, but I have a feeling you would not appreciate that. We would like you to know that we support the peaceful coexistence of all people. We do hope that you can find a peaceful way to resolve this issue." He finished telling me before the five of them got up and left back towards the church.

We sat there for a few minutes in silence, the guards left us alone. I didn't know what to say or what to do next. Sara interrupted my thoughts, "let us go home and think about what was said today and what we can do. We can discuss this over a bath. After we figure out what we are going to do, then we can talk to the council." I nodded to her and we stood up. I made the table and chairs disappear and then we teleported out.

When we arrived home, we went to relax. Sara's idea of a bath was just what I needed to relax. The stress of all the failures to get people to listen to me or to even talk. We turned up the heat on the water allowing it to relax my muscles. I thought I was plenty relaxed till I started feeling multiple hands rubbing my body. The feeling of both of my lovers caressing my body, is making me melt under their hands.

They place kisses all over my body, making my body tingle. I take my hands and find each of their cores and start to slowly slide my fingers up into them. We splashed around in the tub pleasing each other and building up to a galactic climax that had all of us screaming. When we finished and got dried off, we headed to our bed to play some more. I remembered my promise to Charlene before we left, and had to give Sara's perfect little ass a nice good spank for teasing me earlier.

Sara skipped up the stairs squealing as I gave her a couple of good smacks on her ass. Charlene and I ran up after her, as she still shook her ass at us. I thought to myself 'oh how I am going to devour that ass tonight. Sara and I fell to the bed and I started to lick and kiss the red marks my hands left on her ass. We wrestled around on the bed for a good minute kissing and caressing each other's bodies.

I felt a smack on my ass and then heard Sara yelp as her ass was smacked. Charlene looked down at us and smiled wickedly, my eyes grew big as I knew she was up to something. When I looked down at her body, I saw she had a strapon already attached. Charlene's commanding voice brings us to attention, "get down on your knees both of you." Sara quickly was on all fours bent over with her ass high in the air, in front of Charlene. I quickly moved over so that my ass was right next to Sara's.

Charlene smacked both of our asses causing us to moan together. I looked over my shoulder to see Charlene lining up behind Sara, and I felt the tickle of her tail between my folds. I just love that tail inside me. She enters both of us. Charlene speaks to me in a sweet voice, "Lilith, my love, it has been so long since I have given you, my essence. I cannot wait any longer to be one with you." Those words made me melt with desire. She hasn't spoken to me in a couple of millennia.

That sensation is quickly taken over by the hard thrusts from Charlene, pushing me deeper into the bed. Sara and I were panting with each thrust from Charlene. The two were pushed deep into the bed. I grabbed Sara's hand and squeezed it tight as I was building up. Charlene's hand smacked my ass and I moaned into the covers. It's been so long since she has taken me like this.

My body was tingling and it felt like electricity was running through my veins. A primal scream erupted from my throat and I let myself be taken over by the climax. I couldn't hear anything that was going on around me. The moment my body let go, I felt Charlene's essence being released into me. My pleasure caused my legs to go limp as I collapsed onto the bed. My body was convulsing as I rode through my climax. The nerves in my body were overloaded, sending massive amounts of sensory information into my brain. The feeling of the blanket on my skin was almost enough to make me climax again.

The touch of my lovers hands on my body made me feel so warm as they held me till I could come down from the high. Tears started falling from my eyes as the endorphins started to subside from my system. I was beyond happy at this moment, the love and passion of my lovers were indescribable.

When I was able to focus on what was going on around me, I could see Sara looking completely satisfied. She enjoyed how Charlene took her. Charlene looked so proud of herself as she looked at the two of us coming down from the most amazing climax I had ever experienced.

"Charlene, what does it mean to put your essence into someone? Why haven't you done it to me yet?" Sara asked as she lay next to me stroking my hair.

"My darling Sara, when I put my essence into you it's like I'm giving you my seed to grow inside you. It doesn't always work. The reason I have not done it to you yet is that we have not discussed this yet. I will not force this on you. I only did this to Lilith because she has told me before that I can do that with her anytime, I need to. She knows exactly what to expect from this." Charlene explains to her.

"That's right Sara, this is something I have shared many times with Charlene and we were giving you some time before we brought this up with you. We thought you would not be ready to do this yet," I say to Sara.

"That is not something I was planning on doing yet with you. I would like to someday though," Sara says as she leans into me and kisses my neck.

"It's ok Sara, we understand and there is no rush. It was just that Lilith already consented for me to do this with her." Charlene says to Sara as she leans over me and kisses her on the cheek.

We all lay there on the bed looking out at the sky watching the evening come in. We had to then get up to eat a little dinner before it got too late. As we are at the table, "would I also have a succubus if you were to put your essence into me?" Sara asked, still thinking about what we had told her.

"Not necessarily Sara, for me I don't have eggs as you do so when Charlene puts her essence into me, her DNA ends up being dominant. With you, since you have eggs, if Charlene were to put her essence into you at the appropriate time, the child would be like whoever's DNA ended up more dominant, like James." I explained to her.

"No matter what your child would be like, we would love it with all our hearts. So do not fear Sara. We will be proper mothers to any child we have together. I love you, Sara." Charlene says as she reaches out and grasps her hand.

"What are we going to do next?" Sara asked us.

I think about that for a moment, what would be our next step? Our meeting at the Vatican had gone better than I had thought it would. I wouldn't say that we had any actual breakthroughs but we didn't end in an argument or anger. It was a very civil conversation, but it still felt like they were still not fully convinced of our actions.

It might do us some good to put that information out to the world. The question was, how would we do that? I am not sure using the news is going to be a good idea. Every time we did go on the news, it turned against us. I don't want this to happen again, but I feel like I have no other choice. The internet might be an option but then the spread is limited. It is completely frustrating that I can't seem to make any progress on this.

The only thing I seem to have done is create more divisiveness among the people of the world. What can be done to bring this world out of its downward spiral? It is honestly something one person can solve. I have to remind myself; I am not the savior. I am not here to rule and pass judgment on the people of this world.

"Instead of trying to get the world to come around to my way of thinking, I am going to actively protect the wizard community. I will also make sure that the council does its job in ruling over the wizarding community. It's time that I stop trying to take everything on my shoulders." I say with conviction in my voice.

With my mind made up, I feel a weight lift off of me. I will put this new resolve out to people and they will have to live with it. I will hope for a press briefing tomorrow out in front of the gates to the city. I send out a message to the press and the council, and I get my mind back on my two lovelies.

I spent the rest of the night pleasing my wives and spending time in their arms. When I fell asleep, I was completely satisfied and relaxed. This made the tension I was feeling fade away earlier.

The next day I briefed the council about what I was going to say to the press. I was not going to try to get on the good side of the people anymore. I would do what was needed to protect my people, which I guess is what every country tells its people. I will leave all the governance up to them.

I got ready to leave the gate for the city for the press briefing. I see lots of military presence standing holding their weapons on me. I guess they were just waiting for an excuse to start shooting. I wasn't planning on using any magic anyway. Sara and Charlene stood at the gate on the other side of the shield so they would be safe.

"Thank you all for coming, this will be the last time I call a press briefing like this. I've come to a realization that I am talking to a blank wall when I deal with the government. You all tried to make me into something I am not. I will no longer work with any government anymore, my role in the wizard community will be to protect the wizards. The wizards will be governed by the council and all talks will have to go through them."

"I tried to allow you the opportunity to talk with me and try to come to some understanding. Your government doesn't like me because they do not have the power to subjugate me. I will not be subjugated by anyone. I will continue to live my life that makes me happy. I have let you all bring me down for long enough. Your petty problems with the fact that magic exists are not important to me. Your actions and words that you have used against me have driven any goodwill that I had, away."

"I stand here in front of the city we created on the land we purchased and this will be a safe place for wizards, and their families, who abide by the law of the council. At some point, we may allow visitors to come and see what we have created. You may see me out and around but I will not be there to work on any deals with the governments."

"Religious organizations, I won't try to influence your beliefs with the truth. If you all want to have a serious discussion with me as I had with the Vatican yesterday, then please feel free to contact me. If you are just going to demonize me then I won't waste my time with you. Your thoughts about my choice of mates are none of your concern. My mates and I are happy and that's all that matters to me. Just remember this, when you die, you will have to face the Goddess and she will be the one judging how well you lived your life. I won't waste my time judging you."

"I will finish up by saying, that I wish you could see the way to be allowed back into Eden, but I have plenty of time to wait until either you are ready or dead. You are so busy starting wars because you don't want to face others who think differently than you do. This whole world lacks empathy. I feel sorry for you and your children because you can't even see what is right in front of yourselves."

"The reason why I have no respect for your governments is that they are so corrupted. How can any of you feel pride in yourselves, when your leaders are doing everything, they tell you not to do? So, this is me saying goodbye and maybe in a few more generations you all will be ready to be decent humans."

With that I turned around and walked back into the city, ignoring all the questions and insults that were being hurled my way. I figured that this would make the majority of people mad at me, maybe they can come together with their hate for me and learn how to be better to each other. Either way, I was washing my hands of the whole thing. I will focus on making things better in my little corner of the world.

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