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My students are practicing magic compression techniques so that they can enhance their spell's power and potency. I sit back watching them as they work through the steps. I look around the room seeing how they are safe and protected within these walls. Their faces are only twisted by concentration rather than fear. It sparks an idea that I need to share with the council.
I smile at how they have all grown from being able to use very little magic to now being able to cast complex spells and have control over magical energy. Margret, who is my number one student, has grown into herself not only physically but also with her understanding of magic. She may rival me in skill one day. What is also amazing is that she has completely changed in appearance, I no longer can see any signs that she was ever male. Along with these changes is that her confidence has grown immensely, as well as her self-esteem. She is very much more outgoing and interactive with others; not like she was before. I respect her passion.
James has also grown a lot, though I think recent events may have hindered his progress. I find he is quite nervous around strangers now. His focus has also been lacking since the incident at the Statue of Liberty. I think he is somehow responsible for getting captured and used as a tool against me. I hope that he will see that it is not his fault and that I am not upset with him. I want him to be able to get past this. I am disappointed we had a large group of wizards turn against us. I don't want to split the community. This is the time that we all need to be working together.
After class, I arranged a meeting with Minerva, David, and Vincent. We met up in Minerva's office, I am not very confident about my idea yet but I need to put it out there.
I open up the meeting, "I would like to say that I am sorry for how things went down in New York. I planned to have a nice day sightseeing and showing the world that we are like them. I wasn't sure what to do when everything went sideways. Of course, you saw me lose it when my family was brought up before me. I am sorry that wizards were outed in such a way that has caused the world to react violently. I do have an idea that I want to run by you."
Minerva looks at me, "Lilith, none of us could have foreseen the actions of a rogue element within the wizard community. I am glad that your family is safe. As for what we need to do going forward I am open to suggestions."
Vincent was nice to me, "I agree with Minerva, that attack was not something we could have predicted. You reacted in a way that any of us would have if our families were in danger. Well, maybe we wouldn't have left all that carnage, but still."
David had already said his peace to me once we had gotten settled in back here at the academy. He sat there looking at me with a neutral expression that he usually reserved for his students.
"Now that wizards are outed to the public, we need to have a presence within the world that we can use for not only protection of wizards but also act as a message to the world that we are not going away. I think it needs to be a big statement as well. I would like to bring the school into the public eye. Before you get all upset about this, I do have a protection plan as well. I would like to create two massive stone towers inside a protected wall. We will bring the school into the area as well as have shops and other businesses. It will also serve as a central place for you all to conduct council affairs as well as a place where we can meet with the leaders of the world." I laid out my idea to them.
David had the first question, "Why two towers?"
I smiled at him, "I am glad you asked that. The reason for the two towers is that they will represent both humans and wizards. It will be a symbol of our need to work together with humans to make the world a better place." I paused to gauge their reactions. They seem to be a little reluctant about the idea.
Vincent replied to me next, "I think the towers would be a great idea, but I am hesitant to support moving the academy to the area at this time. I think that will be unsafe for the students. Once we have it established and safe then we can revisit moving the school to the area."
"I see your point Vincent, and I understand that we need to protect the students. I hope we can work together on this." I smiled at him.
Minerva finally chimed in, "What do you need from us to help you with this?"
"I need some help with purchasing the land to build it on. I am sure, even though I can afford to pay for it, the government will block any purchase I try to make at this time. Then I will need to use my students to help with the massive magical energy needed to create this complex. I will also need an idea of how you want the towers to be laid out and any ideas you have on the rest of the buildings." I asked.
"This something that will take a lot of work and time to complete," Minerva commented. That is true I think to myself, the towers will take me quite a few weeks to complete even with help.
"Do we want a fence around the complex or do we want the walls around certain buildings?" I asked them.
David looked at everyone around the table before answering, "We don't want to be completely closed off or it will be no better than we are now. A security fence would work to keep people from just walking up but still show a bit of openness to the outside world. We can shield the whole complex from an attack like we did at my home and have only two entry points. One main entrance will be guarded and the second would be a teleport room that wizards can use to enter and exit the complex."
Everyone nodded in agreement with David's plan. Now we just needed to get a design for the towers and the other buildings. I also need to make room for my garden. I think of something, "how about we let the students design the towers? We will have a contest and the students can pick the winner. This way they feel like they have a say in the future of their community."
Minerva was ecstatic at the idea and started quickly coming up with ideas for how we were going to hold the contest. It's nice to see her so passionate about doing something that will benefit her students.
After the meeting was over, I left campus and wandered around my garden just lost in thought. This whole thing of interacting with the public rather than just hanging out in my home with Sara and Charlene is so difficult. I can't help but think about how much easier my life was back in the cave with only my family to worry about. I know that I have to do something, but it all seems to crumble the more I do.
I wander around till I get to the spot where the Goddess came to see me. It was so peaceful there and I thought I could still feel her presence. The flowers seem to be more vibrant here. I pray to the Goddess, 'please mother I need your help. I am so lost and I don't know where to go from here.' I, unfortunately, got no answer from her this time. I wasn't expecting her to come to me again, though I had hoped.
I finally decided to head back to my house, though I took my time walking back. No one was home by the time I made it back, Sara must still be in class. I go and lay on the bed and close my eyes to think. I, unfortunately, did not think much of anything. I fell asleep shortly after I closed my eyes. I didn't even realize I had fallen asleep because the next thing I knew I was being woken up by Sara's lips on mine.
My mind jolts back to reality, and after I finish kissing her. I sat up and looked at what time it was. Crap, I was asleep for two hours. I let out a yawn as I tried to force myself to wake up.
Sara caresses my face with her hand, "Lilith, are you ok? I've never seen you take a nap before."
I have finally knocked the cobwebs loose from my head, "yeah, I didn't mean to fall asleep. I was just trying to think. I guess I was more tired than I realized." I look around the house and don't see Charlene anywhere. "Is everything ok? Where is Charlene?" I asked her, getting worried.
Sara smiles at me, "everything is fine. Charlene is just out getting us something for dinner." My heart sighs in relief.
"I wouldn't have tried to wake you with a kiss if there was something wrong," Sara reassured me. I sat up next to her and put my arm around her shoulders.
"Sara, how are you doing after the incident with the police?" I asked, hoping she would be ok.
"It's ok, I am not worried that someone is going to try to take me away from you anymore. Thank you for coming to get me, I know that it made things worse for everyone when you did. I am still glad that you did save me from whatever hell my parents had prepared for me. You and Charlene also looked so hot as you rushed up the stairs to come to get me." She said to me with a little laugh. I chuckled as well and pulled her into a tight hug.
I pulled back and looked at her, "we will always come for you."
"You know if Charlene is getting dinner, you better be prepared to eat deer, rabbit, or some other wild game. If you want to head to the cafeteria to get some food, it will be ok." I warned her.
"I think you will be surprised by what Charlene is getting for us." Sara teased me.
"You have piqued my interest now, what is she getting for us?" I asked.
"It's a surprise and she didn't want me to tell you," Sara said with a wink.
"You two are always conspiring behind my back," I complained.
"That's just because we love you," Sara told me then kissed me on my lips.
"Speaking of surprises, I have something to tell you both as I try to work forward with the situation outside the magical world," I said as I pulled her on top of me and started to slowly kiss.
We get interrupted by my phone buzzing. Sara grabbed it from the side of the bed and looked at the screen. "It's Elizabeth, that probably means that there is something important going on," Sara told me as she handed me the phone.
"Hey Elizabeth, what's going on?" I asked.
"You need to turn on the news, something big is happening with Congress." She told me.
I quickly sit up and press the app for the news on the phone. The major headline is 'Congress to vote on wizard's rights bill.' This can't be good. They have refused to talk with us so I am sure we are going to get the short end of the stick with this one. I look at Sara who is reading the headline over my shoulder. She looks concerned.
She looked at me, "go, take care of this." She kisses me, then I get up quickly and throw on some nice clothes. Using my magic, I quickly teleported to Washington D.C. I arrived a few blocks from the Capital Building and quickly rushed towards the building. I find it filled with reporters, protesters, and police.
Yeah, this is going to be a problem. Before anyone has seen me in the area, I teleport myself to doors at the top of the steps. When I appear, there is a huge roar from the crowd of people. Most of it is hateful towards me and those like me.
I push my way through the police guarding the doors. Moving quickly, I ran down the halls till I got to the House Chambers door. It is also guarded by a couple of capital policemen. I teleport onto the other side of the door. I quickly throw up a barrier around the room so no one can get out or in.
Several security officers, after finding their way out of the room blocked turned towards me and demanded that I get down. I roll my eyes at these people, "like those guns can do anything against me. Just sit down, I am not here to hurt anyone. You just so happen to be trying to decide the fate of wizards without consulting any wizards with authority in our world."
"Since you have refused my requests to sit down and discuss this like adults, I am going to force the issue now," I yell out to all those in the room. The Speaker of the House steps up to his spot in front of the room.
"You have no place here trying to intimidate this institution. You will not speak here," the Speaker said. I continued to walk down the aisle towards the front of the House Chamber.
"Sure, whatever you say," I said sarcastically. The congressmen in the room are all trying to get away from me and out the door. "Ladies and Gentlemen, you might as well sit back down because I will speak to this institution and we are all not going anywhere till you hear me out." I look back at them as they all realize that they are stuck in here with me.
"The American people will not tolerate this behavior from you," the congresswoman from Georgia yells at me. I look at her and smile.
"You know, Congresswoman, I have been watching the news since I outed myself to the world four months ago. I sware, if you believe half the stuff, you blurt out, then you should be using your medical benefits to get some psychiatric help. Now for the rest of you please sit," giving them my brightest smile. Slowly they make their way back to their seats.
I clapped my hands loudly, looking excited about what I was doing. "Now, I hope I don't have to do this with the Senate as well. We have loads of cameras up on the observation deck, so everyone can see what is going on outside the Chamber. You are broadcasting live, right?" I asked giving the cameramen a thumbs up. They indicated that they were broadcasting live.
"Just so you all know; this whole thing interrupted my dinner with my family. So, I am a bit hangry, let's try to make this quick. You are planning on voting on a bill about wizards today when you have no idea about wizards. You are just doing a knee-jerk action because you are scared of me, and the power that wizards have. I will tell you what, I will let you ask any questions you have of me, and I will answer them all, truthfully and openly." I said looking out over the chamber. Mr. Speaker, can you do your thing to recognize individuals so we can get through this smoothly? Oh, and like I said I am hungry so I am going to eat something while we talk."
I used my magic to create a table with a chair, on top of the table was covered in various vegetables for me to munch on while we talked. I grab a carrot and start munching on it. Leaning back in the chair, I look out at the congressmen. I can even feel three different magical attacks on my shield coming from in the chamber. I can't tell who it is but I know that they are there.
There is a long hush over the floor as it seems no one wants to be the first to speak. "Look, I get it, you're afraid of magic. How are you going to regulate people who have been hiding in plain sight for hundreds of years, and have powers that you have so little understanding of? Some of these people are heads of business, leaders in their communities, and hold power in the government. So, what do you want from us?" I asked them looking over the floor. I am getting annoyed with the silence, but what can I do?
Finally, someone gets the nerve to speak, "you come in here, threatening us, and you expect us to not take steps to control what you can do?" Some crazy woman from Colorado spoke in an angry tone.
"I didn't threaten you. I think that I am keeping you safe right now. I am sure that what is in that bill is what I think it is. If it were to pass, you, as in all of you, would be less safe. As I said you can't tell who is a wizard and who isn't, this gives them plenty of opportunity to get close to you. I do this, I'll ask a question and if you answer correctly, I will leave right away." I challenge her.
I don't even bother to wait for her to reply before asking, "how many wizards do you think are in this room besides me?"
This causes a still throughout the room. They are arguing back and forth with their neighbors asking how any wizards could be elected. I grab an apple and bite into it, then smile as I see the crazed fear that has seeped into their eyes. "Anyone has an answer to my question?" I asked.
No one says a word, "there are three other wizards in this room besides me that I have felt use magic against my shield. I can only tell that because they used magic while I was in the room. There may be more that I have not felt yet. Think about that for a second, three of your colleagues that you have been working close to for some time now. I am sure that they are not the only ones in congress that are wizards. Hell, the FBI had at least twenty-three wizards in its ranks. So, what are you so afraid of?" I asked.
An older man stands up and yells at me, "we don't want what you did at the Vatican to be done here. We don't want your kind coming here and using your magic to control the people of this country. We are the land of the free and you will not subjugate us to your ungodly ways!"
"Just so you know Michael, an angel, started that fight at the Vatican. If he didn't have a grudge against me because I refused to stay with him, none of this would have happened. As for what is 'godly', what would you know what the Goddess thinks is right and wrong? She is the one who gave me the magic in the first place." I said calmly.
Another older man stands up and yells, "I will not stand by and let you defame the Heavenly Father. We are a Christian nation; we believe that God our Father sent his son to die for our sins. Your demonic words will not influence his true believers."
"Really? A Christian nation? I thought that this was a democratic republic, that allowed people the freedom to believe in whatever religion they wanted. Now, you tell me that the United States is a theocracy? Does the nation agree to that sentiment, that the government of this country dictates that all laws are based on Christian beliefs?" I ponder, playing with the cameras.
"Ok, this is getting off-topic. Let's get back to what I came here for. Why do you fear wizards?" I asked.
"Your powers are unnatural and you are a danger to the people of this country. You do not respect our laws and now we will take steps to keep your kind from using magic to control and corrupt our citizens," an older black man stood up and shouted
"No wizard, not even me can control people's minds. No magic exists that can take free will from a person. You are making things up to stoke fear in your citizens, to justify your actions. If you all would have just asked, I would have sat down with you all and explained how magic works. This seems to be a common theme in this country, something new comes up that you don't understand. You stoke fear in the public so that you can justify making these people less than human and therefore not eligible for the same rights as you," I say in disgust. This is the type of behavior that got Adam and Eve kicked out of the Garden and it makes me so sickened to see.
"You males are all the same, you put others down so that you can make yourself look better and stay in control. You do everything you can to keep anyone from taking what you think is only yours. You especially can't stand to see a woman that sits above you in power. You see me and my power, you feel inadequate and inferior to me and my power, and now you label me a threat. You claim I am working with Lucifer, that I am somehow unnatural and that only you can keep me under control. There is only one that I kowtow to, and that is the Goddess. I don't respect you or your laws because you have done nothing to earn it." I am just so frustrated with these people; I know the rest of the world is now watching this unfold so I have to be careful in what I do.
"You know what, pass whatever fucking law you want. You won't be able to enforce any of it," I say waving my hand over the table I made and causing it to disappear. "How can you support a law and a country that wants to make you the villain?" I ask the wizards in the room before I collapse the barrier and teleport back to my home.
They did exactly that, after hours of debate, late into the night, and along party lines, they passed the bill requiring all wizards to register with the government. They also prohibited the use of magic on any human and the use of magic in public. Young wizards are forbidden from going to school with other kids. They took any rights away from wizards in the country's legal system. It was a big mess of a bill.
The Senate also passed the bill with a party-line vote. There is no way the President is going to veto it. He has villainized us from the beginning. I still have no idea how they are going to enforce it. Wizards have been hiding in plain sight for generations.
Republicans start to call out those that voted against the bill, labeling them as wizards or claiming that they are under the influence of wizards. This started a witch hunt through the government to try and find those that sympathized with wizards to be removed from their duties.
I can only watch as the bill passes into law, and the groups go to the streets to find wizards and attack them. I know most of the people who are getting attacked are not going to be wizards. I even saw a report where a man on trial for murder was trying to say he was under the control of a wizard at the time and could not stop himself.
Conservatives from around the world saw what the United States had done and started to try to get the laws changed in their own countries to align with the United States.
I helped Elizabeth and David clear out their house because they couldn't go back there anymore. We popped into the University to find both of their offices completely cleared out. We figured it was the police trying to look for any evidence to use against us. I could tell that they were both upset that they couldn't teach anymore. They both took great pleasure in sharing history with their students.
Wizards hid their magical abilities from everyone, but still tried to go on with their lives. They lived in a constant state of fear, afraid that they would be outed by someone. None registered with the government. The wizards in congress were never found but the hunts continued and every little thing was examined, checking for wizard influence. Not that they had any idea of what to look for.
Winter had gone and we were in mid-spring before I had left the academy and my house. The mood was solemn for everyone at the school. The council was communicating with wizards from all over the world trying to make sure anyone that was outed was able to be moved to a safer location.
The council has finally purchased the land that we needed. They did it through a group of shell companies so that it could not be tracked back to any one individual. The land was up in the Rocky Mountains which offered me plenty of raw material to use for the buildings.
The first thing we did was connect the site to the teleportation network. Next, we did a large dome barrier around the whole site. So far, we have not attracted any attention to our presence. We know that will change once I start to raise the towers. We decided to start building the support buildings first. This way we would not have to leave the site unattended while we were constructing the rest of the buildings. My students were working with the council on creating homes around the compound. I had completed a third of the first tower when news of our activities reached the authorities and news agencies.
This caused a major uproar in the country since we were able to not only purchase the land but we were able to build what was tantamount to a city before anyone noticed. By this time, we had also put up a fence around the whole six-hundred-acre plot of land. That's not a whole lot of land when trying to build a city but we just have to go up instead of out.
The first tower was a white stone with three spires that twisted around with gardens connecting the towers every ten floors. I ended up raising the first tower to one hundred and fifty stories.
After I had finished the first tower, I was about to start the second when an explosion occurred at the barrier near the first tower. This caused a lot of panic among the people on the ground as we did not know what had caused the explosion. I am looking around outside the area when I see a missile coming through the clouds. We watch it quickly shoot down towards the city only to be stopped by the barrier again.
I have to put more magic into the barrier as it is weakening under the two massive explosions. Two more missiles came streaking down towards us, I tried to get them to veer off but they corrected and hit the target. The barrier held to the force of the explosions. I could not believe my eyes at the power of these missiles that they are sending at the barrier. Here comes another round of missiles inbound. I think quickly and the only thing I can do is teleport the missiles to another location so I open a portal to right next to the Statue of Liberty, but then they hit the water.
The missiles go through the portals missing us. I have no idea what damage they have caused on the other side of the portal. I am ready to open another portal if I see any missiles coming our way. A few minutes pass and nothing else comes at us. I am still a little nervous about what might happen if they decide to use bigger weapons on us. I take a deep breath and I hear people coming out to see if it was safe. I am going to have to rest up before I can start on the second tower.
I hope my teleporting the missiles away will be enough of a warning for the government. I would not want to have this happen while I was not here. I am going to have to create something to strengthen the barrier, while I have been away.
When I get back to my barracks room, I wait for Charlene to get done with her work. During that time, I turned on the news to see what was being said about the missile strikes. It turns out that I made the missiles appear to be close to Liberty Island. The explosions damaged the foundation of the statue, and cracks formed on the pedestal. The reports fail to mention where the missiles originated from nor do they discuss the attack on our city.
Of course, they won't say anything about what happened here. The government has cordoned off the area surrounding our land. The military was trying to test our defenses and see how we would react to an attack. The only thing I am concerned about is how far they will push it. I don't think that my barrier is strong enough to stop a nuclear missile. I hope that they do not decide to launch one at us. If they do, I don't know how I will react to that attack.
I am lucky the wizards here were satisfied with the last two missiles being teleported to Liberty Island. If I failed to protect them or retaliate against them, then I would not have any credibility with the wizards. I remain in good standing with them because I have not bowed down to the government and provided a place where they will be protected.
Charlene gets back to the room late into the night. She has been in charge of creating an underground city for us to retreat to if things get worse than they are currently. We share a meal before we go to bed together.
The next day, I finish the first tower by topping it with a giant blue icosahedron crystal that will use the sun to create electricity for the city. The crystal will be seen as a beacon to the world. Once this city is finished, I will finally talk with the outside world, but for now, it is radio silence with those outside the wizarding community.
The second tower is the same as the first but instead of being topped with a blue crystal, it is topped with an amber crystal that will be used to generate power for the shield. The massive crystal boosts the power of the shield tenfold greater than I could accomplish myself just due to its sheer size.
Once both towers were finished, I brought the young wizard who designed the towers so that he could be there for the dedication and naming of the towers. He was a seventeen-year-old mixed-race youth that the vision to incorporate the gardens along with the towers to bring a feeling of nature to the city.
I addressed those who helped build the city, as we gathered at the foot of tower one. We also had the event live-streamed so the whole world could see the accomplishment. "Everyone, I want to thank you for coming. I want to welcome you all to the new symbol of the wizarding community. I have with me the bright young wizard who helped come up with the design of the towers. I only require that all those that entered their design were to design two towers that symbolize unity. The council picked this young wizard's design for the towers, I would like to introduce Bryce Pierce."
After the applause died down, "It is my honor to name tower one 'Pierce Tower' so that he will always be remembered for his vision." I remove a cloth covering a plaque that contained his name and the date of dedication. He was beaming from ear to ear as he looked up at his vision made real. There was a lot of applause from those present, and everyone was smiling and happy about this new chapter in our wizarding community.
I had an area that was reserved for my garden. I can't go anywhere without making this symbol of Eden. It truly keeps my hope alive. I need that hope even more now, the darkness closes in on my soul. The hate I see in this world sickens me. The murders, rapes, and assaults that happen every day turn my stomach. How could a civilization ever get to this point where these crimes are commonplace?
I pour all my hope and love into my garden creating a paradise. I stand in the middle of the garden and breathe in the beautiful scent of flowers and take in the beauty of the plants and trees that now grow here. I pray to mother to bless my garden, so that all that enter will find a place of beauty, and leave their troubles behind.
I walk in the garden and think about my life and those that have supported me throughout my many years on Earth. I get distracted when I hear feet stomping through the leaves and Sara giving little squeals of surprise as she tries to work her way through the garden to get to me. Charlene is softly chuckling at Sara's struggles to get through the garden.
Sara finally sees me, "would it kill you to put some walking paths in here? This garden is so thick that it's hard to get around."
I smiled at her, "I will put them in especially for you." I pick her up and spin her around in a circle. "How do you like our new city? I'll let you pick out which place will be ours since you didn't have much input into our last place." I promised her. The insides of the apartments are completely bare so we can design the rooms however we want. I wanted to give the residents the ability to create their homes to their liking.
"The council has already claimed their homes at the top of Pierce tower so we can choose any home other than those," I tell her as I teleport us out of the garden. I will make those paths for Sara tomorrow. The rest of the day will be all about making a dream home for Sara.
Charlene pleads with Sara, "Can we have a hearth put into our home, please." I don't think I have ever heard her use the word please before. It was something that proved that Charlene considered Sara's opinion to be as important as mine.
"I only care about having a large bed for us," I added to the conversation.
"That's a given," Sara exclaimed rolling her eyes.
"Ok, how about a bath that can fit all of it together, kind of like our hot spring," I said in return
Sara closes her eyes imagining a huge tube, and a huge smile fills her face. "Absolutely yes, the big tub that we could all lay down in." Her eyes are lighting up at the thought of all the special touches she wants to add.
As we get closer to the towers, Sara requests we go to tower two and have a place that faces east to catch the sunrise. This idea brings me so much pleasure not only because Sara is excited but I also like to see the sun rise over the flatlands at the base of the mountains. When we get to the top floor, we choose the proper spire that faces east.
Before we go into the apartment, I touch the plaque that is next to the door and engrave our names onto it. It is now ours and anyone that comes up here will know that it is just for us. We walked into the apartment and found a huge open space with ceilings high enough to add another floor in here. I made these top apartments especially nice because I was pretty sure that Sara was going to choose one. On the wall hanging next to the door was a crystal tablet.
I handed the tablet to Sara, "this will allow you the ability to create this home the way that you want."
"Seriously, you want me to design our home? What if you do not like it?" Sara looks at us all nervously.
"Ok let us work together, to create a home that we can all love," I told her.
"How about we cover the outside wall there with all windows, that way no matter where we are we can see out over the land." She said moving her finger over the tablet caused the wall to shift from floor to ceiling with nothing but windows. We did end up removing some of the windows for Charlene's hearth that was centered in the wall. We created a loft space for our bed so that we could look out the windows while we were in bed.
We took the idea of an open concept to the extreme and didn't build any walls to divide up the home besides the toilet. We had the biggest tub we could think of and a water feature that caused the water to fall into the tub creating a shower and circulating the water in our bath. The kitchen was very modern with everything we would ever need to make food.
I figure that Charlene will still want to cook on the hearth occasionally but this will offer us more freedom if Charlene and I ever learn how to use them. Having this home for all of us raised my mood considerably. I do love being with these two women.
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It's hard to see where this story is leading
It seems that there is nothing Lilith can do to change the mind of the government, since everything she tries, just makes things worse. I think her new city is a great idea, an impenetrable city, that humans can only look upon. I liked the dig Lilith gave to the congresswoman from Georgia, MTG perhaps?
Andria Neko