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I woke up early and Sara was still sound asleep next to me. I slide out of bed and walk to the bathroom to get cleaned up for the day. The other girls were not surprised to see me in their dorm building now, especially after the scene we made at dinner last night. It didn't bother me that they knew what I was doing last night. It was fun and I am sure most of them would have loved to be having pleasure like that last night.
I walk back to Sara's room with only a towel wrapped around me. I wanted to give her a really good morning wake-up call, but when I got to the door, I noticed an envelope taped to the door with Sara's name on it. I take it off the door for her and take it into the room with me. I laid the envelope on the nightstand and took off the towel and slipped back into bed with Sara. I start kissing her neck and running my fingers down her body.
Her body was so responsive to my touch. She broke out in goosebumps and her nipples went rock hard. I licked her neck this time and was rewarded with a moan from her. I whisper into her ear, "good morning sexy." I felt her arms wrapped around me and I knew I had her right where I wanted her. I bit down softly on her earlobe. I could feel her body move against me; she was getting so excited.
"Oh my God, Lilith why did you have to get me all wound up first thing in the morning? Now I will be thinking of nothing but being with you all day." Her arms wrap around my neck as she brings me in for a kiss.
"I just wanted to give you something to think about while you are in a class all day." I give her a small peck on the tip of her nose and then pull back to look at her. I smile at her and whisper, "you are the first human that I have ever been infatuated with." I removed a strand of her hair from her face and placed it behind her ear.
"What do you mean by that?" she asks, looking confused.
"In my whole long life, I have never once had a relationship with a human woman. My mate is a demon and before I found I preferred women to men; I tried having a relationship with a couple of archangels. But never has a human woman ever come close to holding my heart as you have. I hope that when I do find my mate, you will join us." I say with a big smile on my face.
Sara just looks at me in shock and tries to say something but is unable to get anything coherent out. She is too shocked to speak. I just grin at her and say, "it's ok, I know that was a bit of a surprise for you so just think about it for as long as you need to."
"When you say a couple of archangels you are not kidding are you?" she asks.
"When I was first escorted out of Eden by Lucifer and Michael, they started teaching me magic. I had a bit of a relationship with Michael, but he turned out to be just a misogynistic pig like Adam was. I had an off-and-on relationship with Lucifer till I found out he was just using me to taunt his brother. I left shortly after that to wander the world, then I found Shar'li. She changed everything for me." I explain.
I climb off of her and help her get up out of bed. She sees the envelope with her name on it and looks at me with a confused look on her face. "I don't know it was taped to your door when I came back from the bathroom," I say to her.
I turn to get dressed while she opens it to see what is inside. I heard her gasp; I turned to see the fear on her face. I grabbed the letter from her and looked at it.
You do not deserve to be with you to be in the presence of a goddess. If you know what is good for you, you will disappear and never come back. I will be watching and I will ruin you if you do not heed my warning. She is mine.
Burn in hell, hell spawn.
"Who the hell wrote this? Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you," I say as I hold her head to my chest in a hug. I am trying to think of which girl would want to do this to Sara, I know she didn't make too many friends here before but surely no one hated her as much as this letter suggests.
I grasp her head in my hands and look directly into her eyes, "come let us get ready and go to breakfast and show this person that you are not going to bow down to random demands. I will make sure we are together and no one will dare to come after you with me around." I look at her seriously and make sure she understood that I would do anything to protect her.
We made our way to the dining hall, Sara clinging to my arm and looking scared of every shadow that moved. I was angry that someone would dare to threaten her after she has made such a huge effort to become a good person, but even worse they don't even dare to face us and be honest about their intentions.
We get to our normal table and Sara starts picking at her food. I grab her hand and try to give her a little reassurance that everything would be okay. Justice came up to the table and handed an envelope to me, "this was taped to the door this morning."
I quickly opened it. It was a similar letter that Sara received except it was addressed to me:
My Goddess, why have you sullied yourself by associating with that vile hell spawn? I will destroy her so that you may be free from her spell and we can be together in paradise. You will sit beside me as my Queen and I as your King. I will rule this world with you by my side.
I crumpled up the paper, furious that no one dared to tell me who I could love. My power flashed through my body and my eyes began to glow. All the people around me scattered in fear as I sent my power out in waves through the hall. Walls shook and lights flickered.
I scanned the crowd so that I could try to find this arrogant man who would think he could make me submit to his rule. I bellowed out with a fierce voice, "which of you boys would dare think that I would submit to your rule with me by your side?"
I hear a booming voice, "Lilith, stop this instant." I turned to see Minerva standing near the door looking very angry with me. This causes me to snarl but I relent and bring back my magic. The anger does not fade from my face as I walk toward Minerva.
"Come, my dear, we need to talk with the headmistress," I say without breaking my stride or my glare at Minerva. I was furious with these notes and I want the boy that wrote them to pay for his stupidity. Sara quickly runs after me as I walk out of the building. As I came up to Minerva, I handed her the letter that I just received.
I turned to Sara and asked her to show the headmistress the letter that she received. "These letters were taped to our respective doors this morning, needless to say, I am not happy right now."
Minerva takes both letters and reads them, "Lilith, I will find out who wrote these letters. What I need from you is to not react the way you just did, so that we can handle this in the correct way. I know you are upset but right now you need to keep your cool and stay calm. I tolerate your relationship with Ms. Sutton because you are not her instructor and you also don't use any influence to help her. If you cannot control your temper, I will have to ask you to leave the campus. I want you to remember that the rule about using magic to harm another student applies to you as well. Now go cool off, you have a class to teach in thirty minutes."
I look down at the ground feeling thoroughly embarrassed by my outburst. Minerva turns to Sara, "and you Ms. Sutton, I take threats to students very seriously and I know that Lilith can and will protect you, but if you do need any help and she is not available, then come to me. I will help you with any problem that you might have. If you need to talk to anyone about these letters the nurse and I are available to speak with you at any time. That goes for you too Lilith, I know you think that you can handle everything thrown at you on your own, but sometimes you need to talk to other people about your problems."
"I understand, Minerva, I will try to control my temper in the future. I will let you investigate this issue your way, without me interfering. I suppose I have enough things on my plate without this added problem." I reply even though I am still very angry right now.
"Thank you, Lilith, and I will find out who is doing this," Minerva tells me before she turns to walk toward her office.
I look at Sara, and I can see that she is scared and nervous, "I will protect you, Sara."
"I'm scared of you right now. That power you sent out in the dining hall hurt so much. I have never felt so powerless in my life, and it didn't seem that you were going to let up on it. If the Head Mistress hadn't come in, I don't know what would have happened to all of us." She says to me while shying away from me.
I now feel even worse about how I reacted in the dining hall. I let my anger control me, and I lost focus on how my magic was affecting others. My head hangs low and I feel so tiny right now. I don't want to hurt anyone, especially my friends. "I'm sorry," I say as I still cannot look her in the eye.
In all my life I have never felt so ashamed of my actions as I am right now. Throughout all my relationships with people, I have never made a lover scared of me. I surely didn't mean to hurt Sara or my friends. I felt a tear start to form in my eye and I quickly wiped it away. This did not make the tears stop though. I fell to my knees and covered my face with my hands. I cried and kept repeating, "I'm so sorry," over and over again. I wasn't saying it to anyone, in particular, just repeating it over and over again.
I started to feel that I had drawn a large crowd of people around me. I just wanted to be alone. I opened a portal to my classroom for me and jumped through. As soon as I got through someone bumped into me and knocked me over. "Lilith, I'm sorry," I heard Sara's voice behind me. I rolled over and looked up at her.
"How?" I asked.
"I jumped into your portal right after you. I didn't realize that my words had hurt you so much."
"No, it's my fault. I lost control of my emotions and my magic. I hurt people I have come to care about. I'm so sorry. I should have been more careful with my magic. The thought of someone hurting you over me and then trying to claim me without my permission pushed me into a dark place. I wanted to find who T was and I didn't care how I did it."
Sara held out her hand to me and pulled me up. She hugged me but I still didn't feel like I deserved it. "I don't know what you are going through but I do know that I do care about you. I guess that's why I was so upset that you hurt me. Since we have been together you have been nothing but nice to me and to see you like that was scary."
"I look her in the eyes and told her, "I will never hurt you like that again." I placed my forehead against hers when James cleared his throat. I look up to see half of my students already here. Sara squeezed my hand and smiled at me before she left.
James looked at me and asked, "What did you do to everyone else? We saw them writhing in pain but we couldn't understand why."
"I will explain when everyone gets here," I say as James walked up to me and handed me something to wipe my face with. I cleaned up a little bit while we waited for everyone else to come in. Once everyone was here, I sighed softly.
"I was asked what happened in the dining hall that caused everyone to collapse in pain. I had received information that caused me to be very angry and in my anger. I started to lose focus and control of my magic. This caused the concentrated magic in me well to surge out of my body. While you all seemed to be the only ones not affected by this. I have a feeling that is because you all can store concentrated magic in your bodies. This was not an intentional action on my part. As you can see if you lose control of your emotions and magic, it can cause a lot of people to get hurt." I say to everyone in the room.
"For today's lesson, we are going to work on shielding yourselves from the magic cast by others. I usually keep a shield on myself at all times to protect myself from any magical accidents while in school. For a shield, you need to think of an impenetrable field around your body. You can shape the field however you want. I prefer my field to be close to my body and form to my shape." I say to everyone.
"Let's see what you can all do," I say to everyone.
I watch as everyone starts to concentrate on their shields and try to cast them. They were able to shape a field quickly but could not maintain it. "Now that you all can form a shield what you need to do to keep it active, is to slowly feed it a little magic. It doesn't take a lot of magic to maintain a shield, so don't overdo it."
James and Margret were the first to be able to keep their shields active. So, I directed them to stand over away from the other students so that they would not get accidentally hurt. I then without notice hit James with a cone of fire magic. He jumped back and screamed as he tried to protect himself. He didn't need to though, his shield held up and he was unharmed. "Good job James, that's a good shield," I say to him.
"What the hell, Lilith? That could have killed me," he yelled at me.
"No, it wouldn't James, I knew your shield would hold. The reason for the surprise was so that you could see that your shield will work." I say to him. While I was still looking at him, I threw a ball of lightning at Margret and she yelped. The magic hit her shield and then bounced back at me exploding right in front of me. The force was so strong that I flew back against the far wall and slid down it.
I stood up and looked at Margret and smiled, "that was a nice additive to your shield. How did you imagine the shield that would allow you to reflect the magic of the one who threw it?"
"When I thought about my shield, I was imagining the spells that are cast at me would bounce off instead of just protecting me from them." she said shyly.
"Good way to improvise. I am impressed by your ingenuity." I say to her.
"This is the great thing about magic, you're only limited by your imagination. I would have never considered having spells bounce off my shield before. So, remember class, if you can think of a way to improve your magic, do it. Don't limit yourself to only the things that I tell you to do." I say to the class.
By the end of the class, the majority of my students have a shield they can maintain. The ones that don't have one now, are very close to figuring out how to regulate their magic so they can maintain their shields. This has lifted my spirits immensely. I still am embarrassed by my failure to control my magic. So, after class, I decided to walk in the garden and center myself.
After a couple of hours of peaceful introspection, I got a text from David saying that he found the notes that we were looking for. I headed off to talk to David teleporting myself to his library.
I give David a bit of fright when I pop into the library. He shakes it off quickly and gestured for me to sit down with him at the desk where he has his notes.
"As you can see, Lilith. I was not able to find what was in the wagon that made its way to the Vatican, just that it came from the holy land with great expedience. Thereafter the Vatican created the Knights of the Holy Cross, which were wizards that were brought in to fight the forces of evil and to protect the church. They are still active today but isolated to the Vatican. They are fanatics in their beliefs that the power that they have were given to them by God.
Several wizards have had run-ins with them in the past and they do not tolerate our kind of wizards. They feel that our magic was given to us by Lucifer. The Vatican also has a shield up around it that keeps wizards off of the grounds, we are not able to verify anything other than that.
What little we know has come from run-ins with the Knights of the Holy Cross. They claim that the whole area is protected from evil by God. I'm guessing that you might think it's someone else providing the shield. I have my hypothesis on who is providing the shield, and after getting to know you I believe it to be created by an angel. What are your thoughts?" David said going over his notes.
"I believe you are correct that this is an angel, most likely an archangel that is providing the shield for the Vatican. It is such a large area that the power required to create such a shield is immense, from what I know about your and other wizards' power this is not a large group of wizards or a low-level angel. You say that no wizard can get through the shield?" I asked.
"None that had tried was able to make it through. We have not had a wizard try in a very long time, because it hasn't seemed worthwhile." David said.
This is going to cause some problems. If there is an archangel protecting the Vatican, then my going there would alert them to my presence immediately. Plus, I still don't know where in the Vatican to search for one I get in there. I should be able to sense her once I get close enough to where she is. The only thing is I don't know if she is even in the Vatican.
"So, nothing that points to Shar'li being in the Vatican?" I asked.
"Nothing specific, I'm sorry to say. I do believe that if that journal is to be believed then the Vatican was probably the most likely place for her to be. How would they keep her contained if she were to be there?"
I think about that a little bit. "I would say that the shield would prevent her from being able to get out and I doubt that she is gaining any sexual energy from the church."
"I don't know about that second part, the church doesn't have the best reputation for remaining celibate," David said.
I can't say I am surprised by that but that might also be Shar'li's influence. She is the Demon Queen of Sex after all." I remark. I lean my head back and think about this information for a moment. The shield over the Vatican serves no purpose unless they are protecting it from something big. They may also be trying to keep anyone from finding Shar'li. It would make sense that they would be scared that if she were to be released might be used by some demon somewhere.
My only question is how will we be able to investigate the area? Elizabeth and I would send up a big signal to the rest of the archangels and that would lead to bigger problems. I am sure Michael has not forgotten whatever I did that caused him to attack me last time.
If I do go there the fight will be impossible to hide, but I can't leave Shar'li there without trying. This is a very difficult choice to make. I would need to think about all the wizards when I do finally choose which way to go.
"David, tell me what you think since this would affect you directly. If I do go to the Vatican there will likely be a fight. This fight will most likely be observed by everyone there. This will out magic for everyone. But now also consider what if it was Elizabeth being kept at the Vatican. Would you risk outing everyone to save her?" I ask.
"That is a very difficult question to answer because our power differences are so great. You could go to the Vatican and probably come out okay. You would also not suffer so much from the wizards or professionally in the outside world. My consequences would be far greater than any you would receive. That being said, I would still go to the Vatican to rescue Elizabeth and damn the consequences." He replied.
"You are a good man, David. I wish that you were immortal so Elizabeth never had to lose you. I am happy that you are my son-in-law. Just remember what I chose to do. I will do everything in my power to protect you all." I say to him with a smile.
I head back to my dorm room to ponder how I am going to handle this. As I port into the hallway, I see many of the girls in the hall laughing and joking till they all see me. They immediately stop what they are doing looking very upset at me. The guilt rose to the surface again.
I hung my head and addressed them, "I am sorry for what happened at breakfast today. I was given information that someone in the school wanted to hurt someone I care about and they also threatened to subjugate me and I lost my temper. This causes me to lose control of my magic and hurt everyone in the room. Again, I am sorry for what I did, I should have been more careful and I failed to keep you all safe as I should have."
I turned back to my room, checked the door, and went into my room. I collapsed on my bed with a groan. I don't know if I could just out everyone just because I want to save my mate. I need more opinions before I can make a final decision. I have a feeling that this is going to create a great divide in the community.
I lay there on the bed just thinking about what I needed to do when someone knocked on my door. I reluctantly got up and walked to the door and opened it. Justice was standing there with a group of girls from the dorm, "come out and join us for a meeting," Justice demanded.
I knew that this was going to be a long meeting and I was not going to like what was going to be said to me. I walk out with my head down and take a seat in the common room. "OK, everyone, go ahead and yell at me and tell me what a horrible person I am. I deserve it." I spoke.
A girl that I had barely seen around the dorm decided to speak up first, "we all had a little talk with Justice and Sara about you today. You have made many mistakes since you arrived here. None of us can ever relate to how out of place you must feel not having any experience in the modern world. That being said we do understand why you got mad this morning and we want you to know that we will help find out who is behind this. It is messed up what that boy did to you and Sara."
"That is nice of you to say, and yes it's been difficult to adjust to how everything works now. I am sorry that I lost control this morning and I am glad that no one got seriously hurt," I said.
"While you are all here, I want to ask you all a question that has the potential to change your lives forever. Do you mind if we have a very serious conversation?" I asked them all.
The girls just shrugged and agreed. They all found a place to sit in the common room. I stood up in front of everyone and took a deep breath. "Something that is not all that common knowledge about me. As you know I am an immortal and have been around for a seriously long time. I found my true love some nine thousand years ago. She is a succubus queen. We were together for six thousand years. When I was defeated by Michael and Lucifer she went into a catatonic state.
She has remained in this state ever since. I have found information that hints at her being somewhere within the Vatican. I want to go save her unfortunately if I do go there, I will end up having to fight Michael again. The last time we battled it caused a whole lot of collateral damage. This fight would do more than collateral damage, it would show the world that magic exists. This would put our whole community. I can't leave her there but I also don't want to make a choice that could destroy this community we have. I would like to hear your opinions on this." I asked.
The girls sat there in silence looking at each other. A girl I hadn't seen before stood up and spoke, "I think that you have not thought about all the negative things that would come from this. You attacking Michael and the Vatican would paint you as an evil person in the eyes of all humans. You are fighting an angel to save a demon," she said. Several girls nodded in agreement.
I sat down on the couch and leaned back sighing; this is something that I had not considered. I would probably be hunted and would cause a lot of problems for my family. Why did this have to be so difficult?
Another girl stood up and spoke, "I agree that this would cause you to be seen in a very negative light but this is the woman you love the most in the world. You have to save her. You have to fight for her." There we a lot of nods and agreement from many of the girls. The back and forth went on for quite a while, but in the end, there was no consensus on what they thought I should do. I thanked them all for their input and went to bed.
This is going to change everything in the world. I can't think of any way that I can get into the Vatican without someone noticing me. This is going to blow up big time. I need to make preparations to bring Shar'li to a safe place to hide. I close my eyes and fall asleep.
The desert is hot, dusty, and dry. A small breeze blows lifting sand from the ground, causing it to pelt my exposed skin. I am standing guard in a tower overlooking the front gate to the compound. Soldiers are directing traffic and inspecting vehicles and personnel before entry. The vehicles that pass inspection weave through the barriers that provide cover for the gate.
The two forty bravo is manned by a member of my squad. We both are keeping an eye out for anything that looks suspicious. The only movement is a small rodent out by the concertina wire. A car backfired causing us to shift our sight back to the inspection point with our weapons raised and off safe. The soldiers at the scene begin to approach the vehicle cautiously. After a careful inspection of the vehicle, they signaled all clear.
Guard duty sucked so much, always on alert for any little thing. The stress was overwhelming and the monotony was unbearable. I try to keep my focus as I have to lift my goggles to wipe sweat from my eyes. The radio crackles as the command requests SITREP from the towers. I grab the radio handset and pull down my neck gator.
When my turn to report came up, "Falcon 1... Tower 2... Green... Over..." I heard the command acknowledge my report and continue to the other towers.
My mind started to wander as my squad mate and I chatted to pass the time. Telling each other stories from back home. We are a little distracted when we hear the gate soldiers yelling and waving at a vehicle to stop. It continued to come at a high rate of speed towards the gate. I jump up and grab the radio, "Falcon 1... Tower 2... Vehicle approaching the high rate of speed... Over..." I hear the reply, "Tower 2... Falcon 1... Permission to Fire..." I wave to my gunner who leans into the automatic rifle and pulls the trigger. I almost missed Command informing me that FRT is on its way.
I turn to see the vehicle's front end being shredded by the rounds. The soldiers at the inspection point are behind the barriers yelling to take cover. The front window shatters from the gunfire and before the vehicle can come to a stop it explodes, twenty yards from the inspection point. Causing several injuries to occur from both civilian and military personnel.
My squad mate and I scan the area for any signs of hostility when we hear the telltale whistle of incoming mortar rounds. The smoke from the vehicle and the dust that kicked up obscured our view of the area outside the perimeter. The sound of the base alarm signals incoming rounds.
The mortar rounds explode inside the compound behind us. My gunner squeezes off a few more bursts at people that are running toward the wire. FRT gun trucks raced toward the source of the mortar fire. My heart is racing while I do a quick check of my tower. I assist my gunner in reloading the two forty bravo. I radio command that we needed more ammo for the gun. I also report that neither I nor my gunner has any injuries.
I hear another whistle of another mortar round incoming. I jump on my gunner taking him to the floor as the round explodes in the inspection area next to our tower. The sound of the explosion is deafening and the blast kicked up more dust and smoke that we were essentially blind.
I wake up coughing and gasping for air back in my bed at school.
I sat up in my bed calming myself. I think to myself, Kyle experienced so much violence as a soldier. I can't understand what causes humans to fight over these ideals of religion. Though the Muslim religious beliefs irk me the most with their subjugation of women. I wonder what they would say if they found out that their God was a Goddess.
This world has not become that much better for women than it was before. They are still oppressed and taken advantage of. It sickens me to see how much women continue to struggle just to live. I wish that I could change everything for women, but I don't even know how to start.
I fall back to sleep after I calm down. The rest of the week went by more smoothly than it had started.
It was time for my date with Sara, so I made sure I researched proper date clothes to wear. I was dressed in a red sweater that was tight and had a low-cut neckline that made sure to show off my cleavage. My pants were a light blue-white denim that looked like it was poured on me. I had a pair of black patent leather chunky heeled ankle boots. I finished off my look with a bit of makeup and my black hair in a ponytail. On my way out the door, I remembered to grab my purse with my phone and credit card in it.
Outside Sara's door, I knock to let her know that I'm there. She opens the door to reveal a redhead beauty. Her breast is accentuated by the tight white shirt she is wearing showing off her ample cleavage. Her black leather pants framed her long legs and perfect butt. Her hair was loose with tight small curls and she wore red lipstick and light eyeshadow giving her eyes a smokey look. Her black leather jacket was flung over her shoulder along with her purse.
We make our way to the portal so that we can go to the mall for our date. Once we got to the mall, we found the crowds to be heavy today but we held each other close as we walked around the mall. Trying to decide which stores we want to go to first, I thought I saw Detective Carter in the crowd watching us but couldn't tell for sure.
We finally found a small boutique that has some cute clothes so we went inside to browse around to see if there is anything that we might like. We each find some clothes that we hold up for each other to see and comment on how sexy they would look on each other. We laugh and have a good time and finally find a few outfits that we each like. We walk back into the mall and I defiantly see Detective Carter watching us from across the mall.
I choose to ignore it as we are not doing anything wrong. I focus my attention on Sara, who is smiling at me as we walk holding hands to the next store. We find our way into a Hot Topic which has some curious-looking fashions. I see many of the patrons are dressed in a dark style and looking very pale. I find a shirt that has an evil-looking woman on it with Lilith written on it. I show it to Sara and she giggles, "many depictions of you are very dark and evil-looking." She says to me.
I find this a little distressing so I steer clear of any of the dark fashion not wanting to look like I am evil. Nothing in the store catches my eye. We end up leaving the store without purchasing anything.
We are getting hungry and decide to head to the food court. Sara chose a pizza place to get food from. I let her order for both of us as I have not had much experience with pizza. We find a cozy table for us to eat at. We sit across from each other and we chat a little about Sara's past. I never really realized how little I knew about her. I listened to her stories, intently forgetting about anything outside our little table. The smile on her lips and the sparkle in her eyes were enough to melt my heart.
We were rudely interrupted by a group of women who were standing next to our table looking upset about something. "We don't like your kindness here," they said to us. I looked at Sara confused by this statement.
"What do you mean by your kind?" I asked.
"You two are an affront to God. You should be ashamed of yourselves for walking around here exposing these good people to your perversions. You two need to find God and repent for your sinful ways." The harpy of a woman ranted at me. I was still confused by her words as I looked at Sara.
Sara rolls her eyes at them, "she is referring to our relationship."
"Who the fuck are you to judge our relationship? Just go away and leave us alone," I said to them angrily. I turn away to ignore them. They continue to comment about our relationship as they walk away. I look at Sara and try to get back to where we were before the interruption.
"Does this kind of thing happen a lot?" I asked Sara.
"I have never experienced anything like this before," Sara said.
"This makes me wonder what they are teaching in the religions around the world. This doesn't seem like what the Goddess was teaching me when I communicated with her. It has been a long time since I have talked to her though. I wonder if she will still communicate with me?" I wonder.
"You use to talk with the Goddess?" Sara asked me.
"Yes, all the time, I stopped when I was with Shar'li. After I was with her, I never really felt the need to communicate with her." I explained to Sara.
"Maybe you should try to communicate with her again," Sara said to me.
That sounded like a good idea, and one I would do once I get back to the garden of the school.
We got back to shopping and then went home with our purchases. I think that overall, the date was quite enjoyable and I hope Sara thought the same. I walked her up to her door and took her hand. "I had a really good time with you today. I am glad that we finally went on a date, I hope we can do it again." I say with a smile.
"I had a great time as well and you did well with this being your first date. I think I don't want our date to end right here." She says to me with a wink and pulls me into her. Our lips met and we kissed passionately for a few minutes till we noticed the stares we were getting from the other girls on the floor. I giggled and let her unlock her door so we could continue inside the room. I lock the door and walk up behind her when I notice what she is looking at.
Painted on her wall in bold red letters were these words:
I told you to leave. Last warning. T.
I felt myself getting mad at whomever that T was. I turn Sara around to look at me and hugged her, "I will call the Head Mistress so she can look at this and you will look for anything missing. You will stay in my room tonight." I won't let her out of my sight as she walks around her room. I called Minerva to come to Sara's room with security and to inform her there had been another incident.
Sara and I waited outside the room, me comforting Sara and telling her that I would protect her no matter what. We didn't have to wait long before security showed up with Minerva. I let them all into the room so that they could look at the message on the wall.
Minerva came over to talk with us so we could tell her exactly what happened. We recapped that we had just got back from a shopping trip and this is what we found when we got back to the room. Sara also explained that she didn't find anything missing from her room. Minerva listened to all of this and took some pictures of the message on the wall.
"Lilith, I think you are right that Sara should stay with you until we find out who this person is. Have you had any unusual interactions with any new students lately?" Minerva asked us.
Both of us said no, though I did explain that earlier in the week the girl in my dorm had a group discussion with me, I think that we all went away with no hard feelings. Security finally let us into Sara's room so that we could get some things out of her room and all our shopping bags. We then left to go to my room so that we could get comfortable.
When we got to the dorm room, Justice and James were just getting back from their outing. We go into the room and Sara takes off her shoes and sits on my bed. I sat on the bed next to her and held her in my arms. James and Justice sat down on her bed and we told them what happened when we got back to Sara's room.
This put a huge break on any fun that we were going to have tonight. We just lay on my bed and I held her close to me as I tried to make her feel safe. Sara eventually fell asleep in my arms and I was able to find sleep myself.
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Great idea!
Communicating with the Goddess! Shock the world, or the various religions. How far have we strayed???! LOL
The only problem with her
The only problem with her contacting the Goddess is will Michael get wind of it and come after Lilith.
On the other hand maybe she will free Shar'Li and then Lilith won't have to go to war with the Vatican.