The Return of Lilith Chapter 13

Elizabeth, David, and I are sitting in their home library. David is pacing around the back of the library concentrating, and Elizabeth is sitting across from me in a recliner. "Mother, why did you have to scare me so bad? Do you know how hard it was on us when you left us the last time? It destroyed our family, and I just got you back."

"My darling Elizabeth, I am so sorry that I put you through that again, but I couldn't think of any other way to get out of the situation without exposing magic." I lean forward to grab her hand and comfort her.

"The problem is that the whole incident was caught on the internet and now the police have a demon in the morgue," she warns me.

I hate to do this, especially in her home, but I have to get Lucifer to clean up this mess. I stand up and walk to an open area in the library and start casting a summoning, something that I swore I would never do. This stupid demon has been more of a pain in my ass than I first imagined.

With a flash of light and the smell of sulfur, Lucifer stands in the circle looking at me with a big smile on his face. "Lilith, what a surprise to be summoned by you. I thought you told us you would never do that. So, what do I owe the honor of your call?" He speaks. His voice was as smooth as silk, dressed in the fanciest clothes I have seen. "Oh, and I see we have an audience as well. Hello David, and the ever-beautiful Shri'la," he smiles and bows as if he wasn't the Lord of Hell.

"We have a problem Lucifer, and I mean we as in you and me," I start with frustration in my voice. "I have found myself in a situation that I need you to clean up."

"Oh joy, you need a favor," he chuckles and rubs his hands together like he just can't wait to see what he is going to get from me for this favor.

"Don't get too excited, you will be doing this for free. It seems as if I have removed a traitor from your midst. I was recently attacked by one of your minions in a rather public place. But since I could not dispose of the body, he is now in the custody of the local coroner's office. Not only did he do this in public but he had the bad sense to do it in a place with hundreds of social media crazy Gen Z's and their cell phones. Let us watch the video and see how much damage he has done," I gestured to him to join me on the couch. Elizabeth would you please show us this video that you saw."

Elizabeth brings out her tablet and the search alone brought up fifty different videos. She clicked on the first one. It captured the whole incident including my snide remarks. I wouldn't be surprised if I got another visit from the police.

It even showed the demon's desire to take over Hell. It also showed him running after me, it looked like whoever took the video was following us outside. It finished with the police pulling the demon off of me. "Jeez Lilith, you looked terrible after that fight, what gives?" He teases me as he grabs the tablet to watch the video again.

"So, what we need from you is to make the body of your dead demon either look as if he was just a big guy jacked up on drugs or if you prefer just make him disappear. Since you let a rouge demon attack me after our deal you will need to clean up his mess. I'm sure you don't want anyone to find out he is not human." I say to him as he continues to watch the video again.

"No problem, I'll take care of him especially since you are going to be busy dealing with all the reporters that are circling your house like vultures," he says to me as he stands up and hands the tablet back to Elizabeth. "Have fun Lilith," he chuckles and disappears.

"You brought Lucifer into my house," David yells angrily at me.

"Don't worry David, he didn't see anything he didn't already know. I told you I made a deal with Lucifer that you all were not to be targeted by any of his demons. You are family after all. Now, what do we do about the media?" I ask not knowing how to handle this.

"The media is not the only problem the university wants to talk with us about since it happened on campus," David says as he looks at me. "I don't think you will be able to go back to the academy till this clears up. We will have to be especially careful in what we do since we are going to be watched closely."

"I will go out to talk to the media but mother you need to stay out of sight since you were severely injured," Elizabeth scolds me.

*** Elizabeth ***

I go out to my front lawn looking as ragged as I feel. I run my hands through my hair and approach the gaggle of reporters that are milling about. They all start yelling out questions all talking over each other. I ignore the questions and raise my hand to get their attention, "please at this time we will not be taking any questions. I am here to make a quick statement. First, we have no idea who the man was that attacked my niece was, and we would like to thank our police force for their swift actions. My niece may not have survived without their quick action.

"Second we want to say we are cooperating with the police and the university on this case and hope that we can get to the bottom of this quickly."

"As for my niece, she is home thankfully, and beginning her recovery process. We are happy that she managed to get away with some cuts and bruises. She is currently resting and I would like for all of you to give us time to recover from this tragedy. Thank you, that will be all for now."

I turn and walk back to the house ignoring the barge of questions that are being yelled at me.


"No dean, we do not see any fault with security measures on campus, and we do not find the school at fault for this terrible accident," I responded to the dean over the phone.

"We would still like to have you come in and meet with us so that we can cover all liabilities for this tragic incident."

"Of course, Dean we understand and we will stop by tomorrow at 4 o'clock."

I run my hand over my face and sigh as I hang up the phone. "Ugh this is a nightmare, Lilith do you think anyone else will come after you or my family?"

"I honestly don't know David. I've never had problems like this before. When I was living with my family way back then my reputation was enough to keep any demon or a minor angel from bothering us. Not to mention my mate was a demon queen. Only the archangels ever dared to come after us. This whole modern age makes it hard to deal with problems like this. If we were alone, I would have just destroyed him right away but in public, like that, I just did the best I could to keep damage to a minimum and keep magic hidden."

"Yes, sometimes I forget that you are not used to living in this modern age. How are you going to handle this as the council leader?"

I hear Lilith groan in response.


David is right, I need to make a statement as the leader of the council. This modern age is such a pain in my ass. I wish that I could just go back to the cave with my mate and disappear from the world again. The world has gotten so big and complicated, and humans still haven't learned how to be good. As I see they have gotten worse since they were banished from Eden.

I am sitting there on the couch with my arms folded across my chest deep in thought when Elizabeth comes back in.

"The media might leave us alone but they will want something more from us at some point. You teasing him, in the beginning, is not a good look, for you," she tells me.

"Yeah, I know but it was all I could think of to get him to follow me out of the building and leave the rest of the people alone. We are just lucky that the smirk I gave him before I killed him was not caught on camera." I reply. "What the hell was he doing attacking me in such a public place?" I say to no one in particular.

We sat around the rest of the day just trying to decide what we were going to say to everyone so that we all knew what I was going to say. That evening a police detective arrived at our door. Here was the first test of how well our story was going to work.

We all sat down in our living room and we began to talk to the detective. "We have analyzed the video footage from the bystanders of the incident and there were a few things that didn't add up. You say you didn't know that attacker yet the conversation you two had before the fight leads me to think you know more than you let on. So why don't you explain why this man wanted to attack you and why you didn't seem that afraid of him," the detective said.

"I don't know why he wanted to attack me; I don't even know that someone was looking for me. I was just as surprised as everyone there that this man came after me. The conversation we had was me just buying time to figure out how I was going to escape and try to keep him from hurting anyone else. I was afraid of that guy; did you see the size of his arms; I imagine that he could have easily crushed my head with one hand. I just express my fear by sarcasm and appearing aloof. You saw how injured I was by that man and you think I wasn't afraid?" I asked the detective.

"Let's talk about those injuries. You had some pretty deep cuts on your abdomen that looked like they would have been made by a knife, but we found no weapon on or around the body. Can you explain how he made those cuts with just his hands?" He asked me.

"How would I know? Have you checked the body to see if there was any explanation for those cuts?" I say getting a little upset by the questions but Elizabeth put her hand on my shoulder to calm me down.

'We would examine the body but it went missing, you wouldn't know anything about that?" He asks me.

Elizabeth answered before I managed to get a word in, more angrily than I was, "What are you implying detective? That we are trying to cover something up. My niece was attacked yesterday, she got out of the hospital this morning and we have not left this house all day! What kind of people do you think we are?"

"Mrs. Holmes, you have means," he gestures around at the house. "You wouldn't be the first rich family to try to cover up their involvement with something illegal. Do you owe somebody money and are not paying them?"

"Detective this interview is over, we kindly offered up what information we had and you are now harassing us. You will not contact us again directly and all inquiries will be handled through our lawyer. Now get out of our house!" David said before Elizabeth and I blew up on him. We were both seething, I could see Elizabeth was struggling not to show him just how deadly the hands of a demon could be. I was ready to implode his brain just because he inferred that we were trying to cover some criminal activity.

David escorted the detective out of the house, then grabbed his phone and called the police chief, to file a complaint against this detective. "Ok, no one speaks to the unenlightened about this without letting it go through our lawyer. We can't have someone manipulate us into saying something we shouldn't. That detective was fishing for something, so we need to be extra careful." David told us.

He looks at me and chuckles, "at least I know where Elizabeth gets her temper from." He gives Elizabeth a wink and she just shakes her head back at him.

"I think I need to get back to the school tonight so I can clear my head and so I can teach my students in the morning. I also need to plan what I am going to say to the community. I hope this is not an indication of where things are going within the Fallen." I say to both of them.

"How are we going to get you to the portal without anyone seeing you?" David asks.

"I don't need that portal, I have been to the campus enough to teleport myself there from here, and no one will know that I have gone," I say with a smile. Then create a portal to go through.


The portal opens in the hall outside my room. I check for wards before I open the door. I find nothing on the door. I step in through the door and hear, "Oh fuck! What are you doing here?" from James and Justice's scream. I see him and Justice in bed pulling the covers up over their bodies.

"James, this is my room you know. If you guys were having sex, why didn't you put the ward on the door? Here just let me grab some clothes and I will head over to Sara's for the night." I shake my head as I try to get my stuff quickly.

"I thought you would be staying at home tonight after the attack, that is what mom said," James says

I grab some clothes and my toiletry bag before I head out the door I turn my head, "Just put the ward up even if you think I might be somewhere else, and enjoy your night." I roll my eyes and leave the door shut behind me.

Several girls were looking surprised as they saw me. I make a general comment, "whatever happened to put a sock on the door or something, geez." I act as if it's no big deal that I caught them again. I hear them whisper as I am leaving the dorms. I'm starting to wonder if maybe they like getting caught.

I get up to Sara's room and knock on the door. She comes to the door with her hair all wild and not brushed, her clothes are what you wear when you are just chilling at home by yourself. Before she looks out the door, "Yeah, what?" She turns her head around and looks at me. Her eyes go wide, "Lilith, OMG are you alright?" She starts saying then she realizes what she looks like right now. "Oh, no, no, no. You aren't supposed to see me like this," she starts freaking out.

I just sigh and step right up to her, lace one arm around her waist, and quickly press my lips to hers. I pushed her back into her room, shutting the door behind me. She starts returning my kiss with her own and wraps her arms around my neck.

Sara broke our kiss, gasping for breath. She looks me right in the eyes and then slaps me across the face. I freeze in shock, "That is for getting hurt and not calling me to tell me you are okay. You are okay, right?" She asks me with worry in her eyes.

"Yes Sara, I am okay. It takes more than a lowly demon to hurt me. I'm sorry I didn't call, but after the attack, I was doped up on pain meds and I didn't consider what it would do to you when I forgot to call you," I told her. I lift my shirt off to show her that there is not a mark left on me. Her fingers tickle as they gently rub across my belly.

She stands back with her hands on her hips, "how could you let a demon do that to you? The videos were all over school, everyone was in shock that you were injured like that. I was in shock, too," she says with tears forming in her eyes.

I sit with her on her bed and pull her head to rest on my chest. I stroked her hair, "I had to get injured to sell the fight as nothing supernatural. If I had just exploded him everyone would have seen and we can't afford to be outed like that. It's ok the whole injury was an act I just didn't think about the fact that I would have been taken to the ER or that the videos would have gone viral," I explain to her, as I am still trying to think of what I am going to do about that.

"Can you stay with me tonight?" She asks so sweetly. I couldn't say no to that face. So, I smiled and gave her a nod. I wasn't like I wasn't already planning on staying with her. I lay back on her bed and let her cuddle up to me and lay her head on my chest.

She looks up at me and asks, "What is going to happen to us when you find your mate?"

I smiled at her, "There are two options; first we go our separate ways, or second you can join me and my mate. Nothing is saying we can't have you in our bed as well. We could make a harem so that my mate doesn't have to feed on others outside our group anymore. That's something to consider when the time comes," I say with a wicked smile.

"Let's get ready for bed," she says to me. I nod and let her get out of bed instantly missing the warmth of her body on mine. We head to the bathroom together to get ready for bed. People are still looking at me as I pass, "Yes the rumors of my injury are exaggerated," I say as we continue to walk down the hall. I'm guessing that I need to address this in the morning.

Our night together was more sensual than our first time, but it was enough that I was able to be satisfied. I didn't try to see how loud I could make her scream this time. I just wanted to enjoy the feeling of being with her.

I woke up earlier than she did so I went and got ready to announce it to the wizarding community. I moved the communication stone from Kairington estates and hid it in the garden I made at the school.


I place my hand on the stone.

I would like to address my recent attack by a demon on me. This was not perpetrated by my Lucifer. This was a lone demon that thought he could take me out and then take over Hell. He has been eliminated and his body has been removed from this world.

The injuries that you saw me receive were done to try and give me a way to use the police force to eliminate the demon. I tried my best to hide any supernatural ties to the attack. I was not aware at the time that people were recording my actions. I hope that it will soon be forgotten and we will remain in the shadows.

Please remain vigilant in your actions and if you come across any demons that wish to attack or make a deal with you, please let me know as the deal is that all of the fallen will not get involved in our affairs. I can only enforce that if you alert me first.

I am still waiting to hear back from wizards that wish to join the council. I do not want to be the sole decision-maker in matters that affect us all. This needs to be a group decision by wizards that know the needs of their areas of the world.

Thank you for your time.


After I sent my message to all the wizards it was time to go and get breakfast. I headed to Mag Mell to enjoy a nice breakfast to replace all the energy I used up last night.

I stand in line and notice a few of the students are looking at me and I pat my belly with a smile. Yep, no injuries there. I get my food and head to my table. Again, I am the last one to get to the table, but Sara has saved me a seat next to her. She leans over as I take a seat and says, "I missed you this morning, and you left your bra on my nightstand this morning," giving me a quick peck on the cheek.

James and Justice are looking all shy and scared to even look at me. I can't help but laugh at them. They just don't understand that it's no big deal what they do together. I'm happy for them. "So, James, I got to go back to see your parents this afternoon, is there anything you would like me to tell them," I say trying but failing to keep a straight face. I just had to tease them a bit.

Both of their eyes go wide and James looks at Justice, "No, please no Lilith." He said pleading with me. I just laugh and shake my head, everyone else is looking confused at the exchange. I am laughing so hard now that I can't eat anything.

"Oh Goddess, the look on your faces is priceless," I said laughing and carrying on till a pancake flew across the table and hit me right in the face. Everyone is shocked right now backing away from us but not taking their eyes off the two of us. I keep the upset look on my face as I wipe away the butter that got all over my face.

Once I put the napkin down on the table, I licked my lips and looked at James sternly. But I can't keep this up for long and bust out with another laugh, "I see how it is James. You got me this time but you better watch your back," I say giving him an evil grin and rubbing my hands together. The smile that crept onto his face while I was laughing, quickly turned into a look of fear. I quickly got back to laughing though because this whole incident was just too funny.

Everyone started to relax as we went back to eating. Sara leaned over and asked me what that was all about. I whispered into her ear, what happened when I got back to school last night. She quickly covers her mouth trying to stifle a laugh, everyone else at the table is just looking at us still confused. Tara sighs, "was this all about Lilith walking in on you two last night? Oh, come it's not that big of a deal. It's not like everyone didn't know you two were together. Everyone in the dorm heard what happened before the end of the night."

Justice looked mortified by Tara's revelation and I couldn't stop laughing. I had to get up and walk away so that I could calm down. Once I got a hold of myself, I came back and sat down, Sara smacked my hand. My mouth dropped as I looked at her, "that was not very nice Lilith. You shouldn't tease them like that. You should apologize to Justice for your actions." She turns back to her plate and starts to eat her food as if she did do anything.

My mouth was agape, as I looked at Sara. "What just happened? You make a girl scream out in pleasure a few times and they think they can tell you how to act." I reply confused. Brian spits out his drink onto the table as he looks at me.

Sara turns back to me and with a straight face, "five times, you made me scream out in pleasure five times. If you want to do it again you had better apologize." She turns back to her breakfast, not even acknowledging the shocked look on everyone's face. It wasn't just at our table either, we had attracted the attention of the whole cafeteria. I don't even know how to respond to that.

I turned back to Justice and said, "I'm sorry Justice for embarrassing you." My eyes were still wide open as I just couldn't comprehend what Sara had done to me.

Justice looks at me in as much shock at what Sara had done, as I was. "Yeah, ok Lilith," Justice said to me.

Sara pats my hand and looks at me, "good girl." She then goes back to her breakfast and continues to eat. The whole cafeteria had been staring at the exchange and started to giggle.

Sara finishes eating, I haven't even touched my food again since this happened. Sara got up and looked at me, "You going to walk me to class or what?" I didn't know what to say or do so I just nodded and flew to her to put up our trays. Once we have put them up, she wraps her arms around mine and we walk out of the cafeteria together. Sara kept her head held high the whole time. She doesn't smile or anything it's like this, which should be normal for us.

I realized that I was just put in my place by a much younger woman. Then I also realized she was not embarrassed by what we did to each other in bed. She was proud of it. That was something I have never experienced. No woman before was able to be so open and confident about being with me. There was no hint of embarrassment or self-doubt. She wanted to be with me and didn't care who knew about it.

I was never embarrassed by my sexual orientation, but I know it was not accepted by most men. It made me happy that Sara didn't need to hide who she loves. Sara looks at me, "what are you smiling about?"

"I'm smiling because you can be proud about your sexuality and open about it without worrying about men hurting you. I am happy that you can be out with no worries and no shame." I say to her

"Well, that is not entirely true. While a lot of times people can be open about their sexuality. The world as a whole still punishes people that are not straight. A lot of the younger generation in America is more accepting of other sexualities. My parents were not accepting before you took the family out of power. So, it does feel good that I can be open and not be forced into relationships that I didn't want," she explains to me.

That gives me a lot to think about. I am strong so I can be a role model to those who want to come out. I need to see how I can show the world. "How does one show things to the world?" I ask.

"Social media can allow you to reach more people but it won't reach everyone. But you need to create the following first. That is the hard part," she tells me. As we reach her classroom, she turns to me and said, "don't tease James too much about sex." She gives me a small hug before going in. I turn and walk towards my classroom.

My class went well, we continued to work on the concentration of magic. There were only a few explosions today and James had finally got control over his magic. Margret is showing a lot of growth in her magic as well. Overall, I am quite happy with how they are progressing, hopefully, this will lead to others joining in.

After lunch, I teleport back to the kitchen of Elizabeth's house. I know that I will have to put bandages on my hands and belly so that it will look like I am still hurt. I find Elizabeth in her bedroom looking at her reflection in the mirror. She was in her demon form, "you are so beautiful, Elizabeth." I said to her.

"Thanks, mother, but how is anyone else look at me like this and see me as anything but evil?" She asked me.

"You know, I was just discussing something similar with Sara this morning. We were discussing sexual orientation, but I think it is similar. If we can ever come out to the world, it will be rough at first but we will just have to show everyone just how good we are. I don't know when the world will be ready for us, but I will be right there with you when it happens," I said as I put my hands on her shoulders and hugged her.

"Mother you are so different than other humans out there in the world. Nothing scares you, and you are so accepting of others. I have yet to find anyone in the world that is as accepting as you are to all the differences of the world." She said as I hugged her.

"What of David, is he accepting of you?" I asked her.

"Yes, David is great but no one is on your level." She said as she turned and looked me in the eyes. "Now let's get you bandaged up for this meeting."

I took off my shirt and recreated the wounds stitched up in case anyone looked. As Elizabeth was wrapping me up, David walked in the door. His eyes went wide when he saw me and quickly left the room. Yelling he was so sorry. I look down at Elizabeth, "what is he sorry for?" I asked.

Elizabeth giggled, "He is embarrassed he walked in on you with your shirt off. He can't get over you looking like a teenager and it's highly frowned upon to see young women without their clothes on." She said as she finished and put on the bandages.

I pull my shirt back on and then walk out of the room. I see David in the living room. "David, I am sorry I made you uncomfortable in your own home. I haven't gotten used to being modest around others. Just knowing that you walk in on me like that does not affect my opinion of you. From what Elizabeth has told me, I am happy that you are so accepting of her. You are a good man David and I don't say that too many men."

"Lilith, I accept your apology, even though it is unnecessary. I am just so used to being modest in front of women who are not my wife. I want to thank you for your high praise, but again it is unnecessary. I love Elizabeth and while it was a shock in the beginning, I've grown to love her normal form." He said to me.

"I know what you mean David, and just a bit of advice if she hasn't told you yet. Her horns, caress them and it will make her putty in your hands," I say with a wicked smile. David's face turns bright red with that comment.

"I heard that mother! Stop embarrassing my husband." Elizabeth yells at me from the bedroom.

"No offense Lilith, I just don't feel comfortable talking about that kind of thing with you. I just can't get over how young you look. It just feels dirty to me, ok." He says to me in a soft voice.

"It's ok David, I get it," I said with a smile. "But honestly, thank you for taking care of Elizabeth, she had a hard time making meaningful connections in the past."

We got ready to head to the university. The trip was uneventful, with just a few reporters out watching the house trying to get some pictures. Once we were at the university, we headed up to the Dean's office to meet with the dean. We got into the office and there was another gentleman there as well, I looked confused.

The Dean of the university walks up to me and gestures to a chair to sit in. "There is no need to over-exert yourself, Ms. Lilith. I am Dean Wilson and this is Mr. Carver the university lawyer. Now, this is in no way to make things difficult for you, but I must make sure I protect the university."

"I want to offer my sincerest apology for your assault on university grounds. We also want to make sure that all your needs are taken care of as well," he said to me with what I assume is a fake smile.

I lift my hand, "Dean, I have a question." He waves for me to go ahead. "This is a simple question as I am already sure of the answer, did you or any of your staff help that man?"

His face looks up with a surprised look, "absolutely not." He remarks.

"Then why do you need to offer me an apology? I know the university is not at fault for my assault. The man was troubled and fixated on me for whatever reason that we will never know. I am just glad no one else was hurt by that man," I stated. I didn't want this to end up being a big ordeal for me.

The lawyer quickly jumps up, "In that case Ms. Lilith, can you and your guardians sign this document stating that you do not hold the university liable for your assault and that you do not intend to pursue any legal action against the university."

"I don't understand why I have to sign a document that says what I already said to you. Do you not trust my word?" I look confused.

David whispers in my ear, "here in America your word does not mean anything in a court of law. They need a legal document to back up what you said to them." He quickly added, "but if you are unsure what you want to do then don't sign it."

"Ok whatever, where do I sign?" The lawyer has my initials and signs in all sorts of different sections. I didn't understand what they all meant but I didn't care. David signed as legal guardian for me to make everything legal.

The Dean sits back in his chair and folds his arms, "now that the ugly business is out of the way. I hope that you will get better soon. David and Lilith are respected faculty members here at the university and I hate that this happened to you. I hope this incident does not tarnish your view of this university when it comes time for you to look for a college to attend after high school. Now if you are up for it, would you join me for a quick press conference." I roll my eyes but agree to do the press conference that may get the press away from the house.

We all walked outside the opposite side of the building where there was a podium and mics set up for us to speak to the press.

First, the dean goes up to the microphone and tells everyone how sad he is that this happened to me and that he thinks I am a brave young woman, and how the university is doing everything it can to make sure nothing like this ever happens again. Blah blah blah. Yeah, he is as bad as a used car salesman. I notice Detective Carver standing in the crowd with a notepad, taking a lot of notes. From what I can tell he is looking for inconsistencies in the story that I am telling.

Once the Dean is finished with his little sales pitch, he moves to the side and lets me go up to the microphone. I start to give out my agreed-upon statement, "I want to thank the quick response of the police department and the students who contacted them and my aunt and uncle. It was a really scary time for me and I just hope that nothing like this ever happens to anyone else." After I finish my statement, the questions come in.

Why did you taunt the attacker in the beginning?
-I have been told that I use sarcasm as a defense mechanism to deal with highly stressful situations.

Why do you think this person came after you?
- To be honest, I don't know. I wish that I had some clue as to why he had this fixation on me.

How are you coping after the attack?
- As well as I can, my girlfriend has been really supportive of me and has just been there when I needed her.

Do you think this could be a hate crime because you are part of the LGBTQ+ community?
- I hope not, I know it is rough for people like me and I am just glad that my family is supportive and that I have a place where I can feel safe.

"That is all I have to say, I need to get home and finish recovering. Thank you for your understanding." I move slowly over to Elizabeth as she wraps her arm around me to help support me as I walk back to our car.

"I noticed that Detective Carter was in the crowd. You think that this news conference will make this blow over now?" I asked David and Elizabeth.

"I hope so, this extra scrutiny we have been under is making life very difficult," David said.

We make it back to the house I go in and take the bandages back off. I hope I don't need to do this again. I give Elizabeth and David a hug before I teleport back to school.

I am outside my room and I stop, I knock on the door before I try to go in. Justice opens the door and just rolls her eyes. "We are not doing it all the time, Lilith."

"Yeah, I know, but two times is too many times to walk in on you two," I said. "I hope that nothing that I have done does not affect your relationship with James. I think you are good together. I also won't tease you and James anymore about it," I said. I moved over to hug her. "Let's go get dinner."

We get up to the line and we are just chatting when I hear a squeal, and when I turn towards the sound I have just enough time to catch Sara as she jumps on me. Giving me a deep kiss, "thank you, thank you." She said before she pulled away from me.

"What's that for?" I asked totally confused.

"For calling me your girlfriend," she said pulling me into a hug. I smile at her and wrap my arm around her waist as we wait in line for food. Sara laid her head on my shoulder.

I think that I can put aside my worries about Detective Carver for the time being. I have a feeling that Sara will be keeping me extremely focused on her for the rest of the night, and I have no problem with that. She has become quite adept at using her tongue to bring me to a state of bliss. I think I need to spend some more time with her outside of school and in bed. Maybe I should ask her if she has a place where we can go and just spend time together.

"Sara?" She looks up at me with a big smile on her face. "I would like to take you somewhere outside of school sometime, just the two of us. I am afraid that I know very little about what we should do. Where is a good place for us to go to just spend time together?"

"Are you asking me on a date, Lilith?" she asked with an even bigger smile on her face.

I think about the word date for a bit, go through Kyle's experience in this type of circumstance, and conclude that it is a date. "Yes, a date that is what I am asking you to do, Sara."

"For a first date, I think we should go to the mall and do a little shopping." She gets close to my ear and whispers, "you could get me something extra sexy for me to wear for you." She gives me a wink and pinches my butt.

Justice just shakes her head at us and walks up to grab her food. "You two have no shame, do you?"

"Hello, lived with a succubus for six thousand years. So, no, I have no shame when it comes to sex," I wink at her and move up to get my food. Sara and I ate our food as quickly as we could so we could head back to her room. It's going to be a long night.

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