Alicia's New Life Chapter -11-

Alicia’s New Life

By Christine01

Chapter 11

This man was unlike anyone she had been around before and her sister had introduced her to some real scumbags. But they were nothing next to the icy cold she felt radiating from this General Choi. He looked at Kimiko, their eyes met each other and she felt him study her, she could see in his eyes that he was unfeeling, very cold and calculating. She didn’t want to appear weak anymore so she resolved herself not to show any weakness. She met the man's cold eyes steadily.

She introduced herself clearly, extending her hand out and meeting his gaze, she said, “Hello General Choi. I am Kimiko, I’m Jae’s daughter.”

Choi took her hand. Her strength and resolve impressed him. He introduced himself, “Thank you, Kimiko. My name is General Choi. I’m Retired, I was in charge of the ten divisions around Pyongyang, the protection of Chairman Kim IL Song and his son Kim Jong Il. I am still general in charge of the states secret police. “

She was impressed but she still had questions. She asked him, “And what is your function here, General.”

“I do jobs for your father, I agree to help him with difficult jobs, like this one. He pays me a lot of money, I understand that you want him to bust a few people out of prison? Is that correct?”

She had done a lot of thinking about that. She has already formulated another plan in her mind so this put her in a bad situation. “Actually General, father, I decided there is no need to do something that dangerous and illegal. “

Nobori said, “And what do you want done now?”

Choi made a slight bow, “Don Nobori I will do what ever you decide. “

She spoke, “Instead of using forces to bust them out of jail illegally, could they be pleaded out? Like, agree to probation, time served. I have thought a lot about the matter and I dont forgive her but I have thought of something else and she will think I forgave her?”

“I don’t know, “ He said, “Whether to prosecute or plea is totally up to the states attorney. The victims feelings go into it a lot but it’s still her choice. Since your underage, I just don’t know if your feelings will matter much but we can try.”

She spoke up again, “Well do we have more influence than that or not. “

“Not over her office directly. Her boss is in our pocket so if she refuses to play ball, we can ask her boss to take her off the case.

“ Then Choi asked, “Do you forgive them?”

"No she has done too much to forgive. General Choi, I have a plan, could we speak privately"

"Very well Kimiko,"

They left to go into an office off to the side of the room. They only spoke for a short while but Nobori saw that Kimiko looked satisfied when she exited the office.

General Choi sat down at the head of the table and said, “I think we have solved that problem and if any of the families here wishes to raise any issues He is welcome to now. “

A large man spoke up, “Yes, now that Kimiko's issue is taken care of, I wish to let a objection be known. I have tried to make a business for my own and Don Nabori’s disapproval hurt me. I needed his assistance and he rejected me. The judges and officials that would do favors for him wouldn’t do the same for me. I couldn’t operate if I didn’t have Don Nabori’s assurance that my people would be treated gently. Don Nabori controls all of the officials. He refuses to allow me to use them and this is not the act of a friend. He must allow us to use them.”

Nabori suddenly spoke loudly. “My refusal was not out of spite. You failed to mention that your business was narcotics. I am sorry Santino, but I won't ever help anyone in that. It was part of what destroyed the Sicilian Mafioso’s. This drug business will destroy us too if we allow ourselves to get involved in it. The penalties are very harsh, the D.A. all over the country has started waging an all out war against it. “

His face had grown serious, “And so have I. Get your own judges to help you as I have, because I will never help you with this drug business. But I have another proposal you might be interested in. I think we can work something out together, if your willing to listen. ”

Santino folded his hands and said, “OK, I'm listening. “

“That is better. How about movies, I could help you get all of the space and equipment you need to start your own studio. You know enough actors and actresses. I think that in some time, we will have more if your willing to try.”

Hours later, Kimiko was in her bedroom laying on her bed, thinking about all that she had been though and still trying to get used to the fact that she had been freed from slavery. She had hated being a slave. She was free from that horrible life but getting adapted to life out of slavery was hard. She was adapting slowly but there were other issues too. She still didn’t like women. She felt unlike a woman herself. She still feared women and couldn’t understand them. It was a great mistrust.

Kimiko was deep in thought when her door slid silently open and Haruki came in quietly. Haruki was Kimiko’s friend but there was something about Haruki that night that frightened her. Perhaps it was the way that she was dressed in that see-through black nighty and the way she walked in oozing sensuality.

Kimiko felt chills run down her spine. Her mind was in a whirlwind of horrible flashbacks of her sister and her sadistic friends, Sandra and Arcadia hurting her. She was trying to stop this fear from turning to a full blown flashback.

Haruki sat herself down beside Kimiko. Her legs were dangling down off the bed as she turned toward Kimiko and smiled. Kimiko felt more frightened, the smile was such a smile that it was charged with sexuality. She suppressed the urge to shove the girl off bed. Haruki had been very sensitive to the fact that she was abused. She decided to give Haruki the benefit of the doubt. Kimiko felt Haruki’s soft bust rub deliberately against her own bicep. She couldn’t ignore that and though her body was shivering, she pushed Haruki gently away.

“Haruki, you are frightening me a lot here. What the hell do you think you are doing here and acting this way? Are you drunk?”

“No Kimiko. Not at all. Its just that I have been thinking a lot ‘a lot’ about you and I can't ignore these feelings I have about you. You are a very pretty girl Kimiko. We can have a lot of fun together if you let yourself. I am not cruel like Katherine or that horrible girl Arcadia. I think that I can help you heal. You do like girls instead of boys, don’t you? Please say you do Kimiko.”

Her mind was racing now. What the fuck was this. “Kimiko, yes of course I like girls. I never found boys attractive at all. They were repulsive sexually. I’m not like that. You know this but you can't face this either. You are making me feel very uncomfortable. Please leave before this gets worse. I don’t want you or me to fuck this up.”

Instead of taking Kimiko’s warning, she leaned in, her had started rubbing Kimiko’s thigh and she said, “Loosen up and let this happen. I know you feel something for me too.”

“Please don’t do this Haruki. I like you too but not this way. “

Her hand traveled up Kimiko’s body and she cupped the girls breast. Her lips lowered and touched the girls lips and she started kissing her.

That was a horrible mistake. Suddenly, she felt Kimiko’s body stiffen.

Kimiko felt terror flood though her body and mind. Suddenly, she couldn’t think of anything but Kathy beatings. She screamed loudly, a terrible ear-piercing scream and she shoved Haruki hard. She fell off the bed sprawling on the floor. As she tried to get up realizing her terrible mistake, she looked at Kimiko. Her face was contorted with fear and rage. She wasn’t in the here and now. She stormed at Haruki with that look. Her hands were balled tightly into fists.

She screamed, “Kathy I am no longer your slave, I told you to get out, you bitch!”

Kimiko didn’t know what to do and suddenly, she was propelled out of the door by a powerful punch across her face.

The fight bought in Jae and his wife who came toward them in shock. They saw Kimiko standing over Haruki yelling at her.

They were shocked. “Kimiko what happened, “ Jae asked.

His wife spoke up, “Now Jae we know Kimiko is a good girl, her history has caused her a lot of pain. I'm sure it wasn’t all her fault.”

Haruki butted in, “Its none of her fault, dad. Its all mine, I acted stupidly and scared her. “

“My daughter what did you do to cause her to react so violently, “ Jae asked her.

“I came onto her sexually. Kissed her. I thought giving myself to her could help heal her. I didn’t think it would cause her to react so violently.”

Jae shook his head, “coming onto a sexually abused girl was very thoughtless. Go and let me handle this Haruki. We will speak about this later tonight. “

She nodded at him and turned. She knew she would have a chance to explain it to Kimiko. She hoped she would.

Jae took Kimiko’s hand and lead her back into her bedroom. She sat down on the edge of her bed as Jae took one of the chairs in the room. He started explaining, “Haruki likes you, Kimiko. I think she knows she did a stupid thing by her advances. I hope this doesn’t mess anything up for you. You are still safe here. I will explain to Kimiko that she needs to keep her space from you now. At least until you can feel comfortable around her again. Is that alright?”

“Yes,” she answered. “That will be good. This hurt me, Jae. I don’t think that I can feel safe around her for a while.”

“I suspect not, Kimiko. I will explain that to her. “ Jae wrapped his arms tightly around her in a hug. “I am so sorry that this had to happen.”

“Me too. I’m sorry my life had to happen the way that it did, but we will make amends to those that are responsible,” Kimiko said.

Jae walked out after that. He knew they would make amends and it was time to sleep. They would figure out what to do after this tomorrow.

Haruki had kept her distance from Kimiko all day. She didn’t want to spook the poor girl more than she had already. Jae and Nobori had told Kimiko that she had to see a judge today to hear a verdict on a lawsuit she had filed against her brother.

Noboris driver drove them to the courthouse and they all sat down outside the room until the bailiff called them in. The room was very formal looking, well light and the judge looked young and quit heartless. He looked as if he didn’t care one way or another, it was just another case to him.

He sat at his desk high above the room and read his judgment, “I rule in favor of the plaintiff Kimiko Yamaguchi formerly known as Alicia Peterson. Her abuse and treatment at the hands of her Parents are the worst cases of child abuse I had ever heard of. I award Kimiko the sum of two million dollars and the entire Peterson estate that was her brother Ron’s inheritance!"

He slammed the gavel down on his desk and her brother sitting at the defendants desk was speechless. He had suddenly lost everything.

As they were walking out, Ron approached them, got in Kimikos face, he shouted, “Alicia how could you do this after all I done for you. “

She met his harsh look equally and said very calmly, “I warned you about where this was going Ron so don’t be so shocked. You were always very ignorant and easily lead by Sandra. I'm surprised you are so stupid that you believe the hurt you and your wife inflicted on me was for my own good, but I promise you Ron that this is far from over. When its over, you will loose everything. Your wife, your sister, your young daughter. It all will be gone. “

His black look told her he didn’t have a clue what she meant by that. He suddenly realized exactly what that meant when she reached in her jacket and took her hand out in the shape of a gun, one finger pointed at his head. Kimiko made a shooting gesture and smiled at Ron. It was a cold wicked smile and she walked away as the blood drained from his face.

She thought she head Ron say, “Oh shit!”

Kimiko had movers gather up all of the stuff that Rob, Sandra and Katherine had and they threw it off the property. They were left in an empty house with Kimiko standing there amidst a flood of unpleasant memories. They watched her walk from room to room. She went to the kitchen where she served her family as a slave and made their food under the watchful supervision of her former Mistress Donna. The place was empty except for the floor, tiles and the sink and cabinets. She looked at the dining room and the main living room where she had vacuumed the floor and washed the windows so many times. Her father Jae could tell the memories were very troubling but she was also enjoying walking around the place in complete freedom. She stopped at the steps to the basement. She looked over at Jae and said, “That place is the worst. I was tortured and abused there so many times. Lets go down and see what it looks like now.”

She walked down slowly step after step down to the basement of the empty house. It was cooler down there and the carpet was the same. She looked up at the beam she was tied to during her torture sessions and abuse. She remembered her first birthday party when she turned thirteen, when she was very little and Mistress Donna tied her hair to that hook in the ceiling and the other hook on the floor. She remembered her fights with Katherine’s boyfriend Craig. She walked around, her body seemingly shivering with horrible painful memories. She went back to the steps and started walking up to the main level and turned to the other steps up to the second floor to the bedrooms. She looked at Kathy’s pink room. Shivers went though her as she remembered the vicious sadistic nature of Kathy.

She remembered beating Kathy there and when Kathy first informed her that she was to be a slave girl. She smiled at the memory of beating Kathy. The ending of that didn’t go well but it will this time. She went up to Donna's room and then to Ron's. Then she went to her bedroom. Her bed was still there and much of her clothes that she just left, including the dam maids dress and apron. She turned to Jae, “All of this stuff will be sold or just thrown away. I want this entire house tore down and another larger one built in its place. You decide which design but I hate this fucking place! Tear it down! “

She was walking out when Jae suddenly spoke up, “Yes if that’s what you want. Kimiko I have made an appointment for you to speak to a counselor. I think that you seriously need to resolve a lot of issues you have. I need to take you to see him in an hour. I will get Nobori on this house today. Don’t worry, it wont be standing by next week.”

Kimiko hoped that this counselor wasn’t going to hurt her. Jae noticed the look of worry on her face, "Kimiko my daughter, there was nothing to worry about."

Jae drove Kimiko to the counselors office and she sat there with him for around twenty minutes. All in all the office was pretty formal and boring. A very pretty secretary sitting behind a sliding window took their names and told them to wait. As they waited, she studied the secretary.

She did look very sexy; Kimiko guessed she was around twenty three or twenty four. She had a nice rounded face and her eyes were very arousing. Kimiko studied her hair. Her blonde hair fell down past her shoulders and was styled kind of like her own hair was. It was hard to tell what she was wearing.

The secretary came around the door,"Miss Kimiko, the doctor is waiting for you."

"I will wait outside for you Kimiko," and Jae walked though the door as the secretary walked her to the doctors office.

She felt afraid when she was by her. She cringed as she brushed her hand against Kimikos shoulder and showed her though the door and left. She walked though the door and the older male doctor told her to sit in a chair across from him.

The place was rather dark and musky. There rolls and rolls of books behind him. He has thick curly hair and he looked clean shaven. She guessed he was very young to be a doctor. His diplomas on the was told her he was a doctor of psychiatry.

He started the session off, “I just wanted to tell you right off that I am sorry for all you have been though Kimiko. No one should ever suffer what you was forced to survive but you have proven yourself to be a very strong young lady. You are indeed a survivor of the worst case of sexual abuse I ever came across. Can you tell me what you want to do for your future?”

She looked up at him, “Thank you Doctor Porter. I don’t really know what want to do for my future. I want to relax and learn from my father and his brother Nobori for now and decide later. However, Doctor I don’t think there is anything you can help me with. “

The doctor responded, “I am told you have a terrible mistrust of women that borders on hate at times. Even though you have agreed to live as a woman now, doesn’t that present confusion to you?”

Kimiko grumbled back, “I wasn’t given much of a chance of my gender. I didn’t get a choice in how I was born and my sister and my brothers wife didn’t give me any choice when they decided to force me to become a girl. That life and that gender was beaten into me and I was forced to take feminizing drugs. The effects can't be reversed now. I am stuck as a girl. OF course I suspect that you know of my case doctor. I just know that you didn’t accept my case without finding all about my history. Did you?”

He knew this would be very difficult now. This abused child was hostile and liked to challenge him, “Of course not, Kimiko. Why do you think you are so distrusting of women for?”

“Because I am a woman, doctor,” she told him. “Women abused me when I was younger. I was tortured, manipulated by their wickedness. I learned all about what being a woman means. “

“What does being a woman mean,” He asked her.

“It means to be deceitful, manipulative, even vicious at times. I roll over anyone that I want to get what I want. I don’t have to have any morals or conscious. As a female I am not expected to have any."

He tried to explain that to her, “You need to understand that women do have morals, many of women do. “They raise children and many of them make great mothers and care takers for young children. Woman women are teachers too. “

“The mothers only care about their own children and their own families. Even if the child or husband turns out bad, a criminal or rapist, the woman will roll over the victim and try to discredit the victim to protect her family. Do you understand what I’m saying, women are very self-centered people. Of course if a woman wants to abuse her child to turn him into what she wants him to be then she will do it and his needs are irrelevant. “

The doctor said, “You must have learned that was what womanhood was about from your sister Katherine and Donna. There are women that really protect children they don’t know. Do you think it is possible that you can ever forgive your sister for what she did to you?”

“No,” She responded in a firm and hostile tone, “She hurt me and changed me forever and its impossible to ever return to what I was before. The memories of abuse can never be erased. I can never be a man so I can never forgive her. “

Kimiko stood up and began to walk out, “I think we talked enough doctor, have nice day.”

That took long enough and she asked Jae to take her down to the jail so she can talk with her sister Katherine, "I think that I need to talk to her. After that I want to talk to the ADA that is prosecuting her. Oh before I forget, I want you to find a good surgeon and schedule me a full SRS. “

They left and she smiled flirty at the secretary before they left the building. Jae called their attorney to meet them at the jail. The attorney met them at the jail as planed and Kimiko explained to him that she wanted him to talk to the ADA and arrange a plea with no jail time for any of them. Then they met the guard and the meeting with Kathy was arranged.

She sat at a table for around ten minutes until the guard came in with Kathy.

Kathy sat beside Kimiko. She looked good in her bright orange uniform and chains she wore. Kimiko always admired the way Kathy could always look beautiful. Kimiko tried to put on a sympathetic face, “I am sorry for all that had happened between us Kathy. I hope that you have been treated well here.” She thought for a few seconds, “Well, as good as can be expected I mean, I hope they haven’t beaten or hurt you. “

She suddenly looked very sad and said, “One of the guards is a pig, Alicia. Hes a real horrible pig. He, “ she started crying, “He…he well you probably know now. “ Kathy buried her face in her hands as tears streamed down her face. She was silently sobbing, “Oh Alicia please can you help me get out of here. I know I have been horrible to you but I promise you that I have changed. Please.”

Kimiko looked at Kathy thoughtfully. “I know you have Kathy and despite all of the past, I forgive you. “

She barely got the words out of her mouth. It disgusted her to have to say these things. “I still love you as my dear sister Kathy. “

Yuck. Having to tell this horrible bitch that she loved her was the hardest, “I will get you out of here if I can. I will use everything that I can to get the DA to plead you to a charge that has no jail time. “

Kathy said, “Oh thank you so much Alicia. I am sorry for everything. “

“Can you do one thing for me, sister, “ Kimiko asked.

“Sure anything, Alicia,” Kathy said. “What can I do?”

“I want you to stop calling me Alicia.” Kimiko stated flatly. “It is not my name, It was never my name. You chose that name to hurt me. You used it on me to make me a fucking slave girl slut. It is not my name. My name is Kimiko. I am a full member of the Yamaguchi family. Call me Kimiko now. Or all deals are off and I will leave you here to be the guards’ slut. “

“You are right, Kimiko,” Kathy said. I am sorry for calling you Alicia. I won't call you that anymore. Do you like being a girl?”

Kimiko shook her head, “No! I hate it! “

“Then why do you call yourself a girls name,” Kathy asked. “and continue to live as a girl then.”

Kimiko said, “Because after the medication that Donna and Sandra forced me to take. It's affects can't be reversed. I am stuck as a girl. I have no choice because of you, Donna and Sandra. So I live as a girl now. “

“What!” Kathy said shocked, “How can they be irreversible. All you have to do is be on testosterone for a while and everything will go away. estrogen can be reversed, don’t let Donna lie to you. “

She shook her head again. “No, your wrong, sister. The doctors examined me. They looked at the medication Sandra gave me and they told me there is no hope of ever being a guy again. This medication is illegal, banned by the FDA. it is so powerful that It has feminized me to such a extent that my body will destroy any testosterone. My body will reject it. In fact my body has fully feminized. It has produced female reproductive organs."

Kathy looked at Kimiko even more shocked now. She started crying, “Oh my god im so sorry I ever did this to you, Kimiko. “

“Its too late now to be sorry and I already forgiven you. Let's move on,” Kimiko said. “I need to leave and get you out of here. I am not sure where you will live. I won the lawsuit and I was awarded most of the money and the estate our father brought. If you want, you can live in our place. “

“I don’t think so. I really do love Craig and I will live with him if I ever get out of here. “

"I wish I knew what you saw in Craig, hes a real pig, Kathy," Kimiko said. "There is a few things we need to discuss, I am waiting for the Assistant District Attorney to arive so we can discuss them. your attorney is also coming. "

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