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(Cover typography by Joyce Melton.)
(Cover Image Source: Photo 6936442 / Girl © Marek Paju | Dreamstime.com)
“It’s crazy out there!” Vick has a haunted look in his eyes as he attempts to monitor the events unfolding across the globe, but primarily in Europe. “Our NATO allies are getting hit hard by small groups of dinos popping in, creating havoc, and popping back out … only to pop in, again somewhere else. If it’s not random where they show up, the pattern is not readily apparent to me!”
Race hangs up the secure phone he is talking on and puffs out a large cloud of coal-black smoke. “Princess, Russia’s grudge-enemies, Ukraine, Sweden, and Finland, are getting hammered most. South Korea is close behind – obviously with North Korea behind those attacks. Taiwan is also being overrun.” He nods toward the phone he had just hung up. “That was our magical counterpart in Stockholm. They aren’t going to be able to hold out against these random guerrilla attacks much longer, since it’s spreading them so thin. I know you’re dead-tired, but we need to shore up their defenses at their main headquarters and government seats, like we did here. Do you have enough energy to get permanent shields set up?”
“I don’t know, Race.” I shake my head as the blood drains from it. “My batteries are drained … there’s barely a flicker of magical energy left stored in my ring. I’ve been setting up our shields non-stop for too long without being able to recuperate.”
Sis growls. “Your Majesty! She’s on her last reserves, as it is! I’m barely able to keep her on her feet by infusing her with inappropriate amounts of healing energy. Our mutual energy tunnel can’t keep up with the drain and she’s sucking me dry! There’s no way she can keep going at this pace! And neither can I, to be honest.”
My head splits wide open with a migraine and I groan. Mother Otohime? Any thoughts on how I do this? It seems it’s on me … unless we can give others in the Old Country the ability to set up self-maintaining shields. I’m actually surprised to not hear tubular bells.
I am sorry, Little One, but there is not enough light magic yet on the planet for another person to garner that amount of power, let alone multiple. It took all there was, pooled together, to get you to that point. There is a brilliant red flash and Otohime appears. “That being said, there is an option. But I am afraid that you won’t like it!”
Everyone jumps at her sudden appearance and Race looks … pissed. “Hello, Otohime. Option for what? And why wouldn’t she like it? What are we talking about?” It’s clear that he is pissed, since he doesn’t bow or respect her with her “Mother” title.
I have to defuse this, before Otohime gets angry, too. Like it or not, I need her. “I asked her if there was something we could do about my energy levels.” I sigh. “What is this option, Mother? I fear I may not have a choice.”
Otohime shakes her head. “I would tend to agree that there is not much choice. When you increased your merging with Var’Leth, you substantially increased your power … by absorbing large levels of available light magic. Earth has been on a long and ever-increasing path toward dark magic … and much of what was originally left of the benevolent energy was used to spark the light again … by, for lack of a better word, creating you. That reserve was further depleted by your increased merging with Var’Leth.” She pauses to let that sink in. “Like I said, there isn’t enough Light magic here to increase anyone else’s power … let alone increase yours.”
I am getting a really bad feeling about this as what she is saying slowly sinks to the pit of my stomach and churns up huge pools of acid in its wake. I haven’t had such an ominous feeling about anything since I learned that I was on a head on collision with turning into a girl. I shake my head — I must be overthinking this. “So … what you’re saying is that we need to go off-world for me to tank up? That’s not really anything new ….”
Again, the lack of tubular bells worries me as Otohime shakes her head. “No, Little One. Well … yes and no. That is not exactly the whole of it. Yes, we need to go off-world where there is more Light for you to ‘tank up,’ as you say. But you need to be able to store much more energy than you currently can, or we would just have to keep going off-world at an ever-increasing frequency.”
“You’re saying that I need to further merge with Var’Leth, aren’t you?” Black smoke pours from me as I try and process this. “I haven’t even learned to deal with the ramifications of the last increase … this … ‘heat’ thing … and this annoying ‘habit’ of colored smoke subconsciously coming out of me …. I don’t even know if there’s more ‘fun’ stuff I haven’t yet discovered!” I liberally use air-quotes and wild arm gestures to emphasize my frustration.
Tubular bells explode all around. Somehow it doesn’t make me feel better that Otohime’s humor has returned. “Oh, Little One! You never cease to amuse me! Of course there is more to discover!” She then turns serious again. “All of that aside, this is the only option that I can think of … and it would significantly impact the timeline of your development. Var’Leth would have to, of course, also consent, since it would impact her most.”
“I don’t understand ….” My smoke is turning even blacker. I didn’t know that was possible.
It means that we would have to fully merge, Child. Not just bond, but merge. We would fully become one and I would cease to exist as an individual. I would only continue to spiritually exist as a merged and bonded part of you. I don’t know if you can handle that level of connection yet. You are still mostly a fragile human and should be given decades more of your time … centuries even … to let your body slowly adjust and adapt to the magical energy levels that you will consume and yield as empress. Not to mention adapting to hosting a merged spirit.
I almost fall over I suddenly feel so faint.
“She is correct, Little One. On all accounts.” Otohime has a dead serious look on her face.
“Who is correct?” Now Race has coal black smoke pouring from him in his frustration. “On what accounts? What’s going on, Otohime? This is my mate we are talking about!”
“And the future empress of the dragons! Your empress! Don’t forget that ‘Your Highness!’” Otohime snaps at him and now has a very agitated look on her face. “You need to let us girls handle this! We will let you know what we decide after we have decided it … and when are good and ready!” Var’Leth, are you prepared to fully merge with Lexi?
Yes, Mother Otohime. It is seemingly the only solution we currently have, as imperfect as it may be.
Wait! Don’t I get a say in this? I’m not ready! Var’Leth even said so, too!
Otohime just shakes her head and looks at Race. “We have decided. We shall return shortly!” She snaps her fingers and the world disintegrates in front of me.
Just as my normal world disappeared in front of my eyes with the snap of her fingers, a strange and very bizarre one suddenly appears as we pop into whatever this place is she has transported us to. I look around in amazement and focus on the sky. What to my way of thinking should be blue is hot pink. A swivel of my head reveals things that should be green are bright purple, things that should be brown are royal blue, and a plethora of other erratic color shifts assault my senses and threaten to make me dizzy and nauseous. This must be something like what people would have experienced on Earth when they used psychedelic drugs about a century ago when they were so popular. It reminds me of that old Peter Max “art” we studied in art appreciation. I don’t see the appeal.
“Are you OK, Child?”
I quickly swivel and come face-to-face with a huge red dragon that is at least five times the size of Race when he is in his dragon form, but as beautiful as she is fierce-looking. While the dragon herself is not familiar, the voice is. “Var’Leth? Is that really you?”
“Yes, Child. Welcome to my home world. I am sure it must be very different from what you are used to. I remember my one visit to Earth a long, long time ago. It was very different from here, but I am much more used to visiting different worlds and taking in their uniqueness.” She puffs out some pinkish smoke. “But there really never is any place like home!”
I suddenly start giggling as that ancient movie, The Wizard of … Oz, pops into my head and the main character … Dorothea, or something like that, is clicking her heels and saying, “There is no place like home!” Another line from that movie pops into my head. Something about Tonto and not being Kansas, anymore … or was Tonto a Native American in another show? No matter. This is certainly not “home!”
Var’Leth and Otohime are giving me concerned looks as I try not to break down into hysterics. I finally get myself under control and take a deep breath. “Yes, it is quite different here. Sorry, this is all getting to be a bit too much for my fragile brain. First, I’m turned into a girl. Then, I’m slowly being turned into a dragon … to be the empress of dragons … and to save the universe, no less. But being brought here is making it all seem like some LSD-induced pipe-dream! Sorry, Var’Leth. No offense to your home world. It is quite lovely, in its own way. But I’m ready to wake up to reality, now. Even if that is to being back in my wheelchair!”
Otohime shakes her head. “This is no dream, Little One. And it is not too much for you. You were specifically chosen because it is ordained that you are not some featherweight or sniveling weakling. This is, however, moving much faster than planned … or for what could remotely be considered healthy for you.” She actually sighs. “But, no matter. It is what it is and we must move forward with what the universe is handing us. Some things are even beyond us goddesses!”
My mind starts spinning out of control again and I grasp at the first thought that pops into it … just to try and slow the spinning. “Otohime, how is it you can take sides? Are there gods or goddesses that are on the side of the dark magic? Where is the balance that everyone keeps saying has to be around?”
She shakes her head as tubular bells explode. “I have told you before … I am a Goddess of the Light, Little One! But like you said, balance must be maintained. So yes, there are other gods and goddesses that are on the side of the Darkness. As Empress of the Dragons, who have for eons sided with the Light, you will be responsible for nourishing your subjects who are embracing the light. Just as Var’Leth currently is. You will however also have to maintain the balance … meaning that at times, you will have to make the tough choice and let the darkness run its course.” She gives me a sidelong glance. “But you know this and are just procrastinating! Var’Leth, are you ready? Have you said your goodbyes?”
“Yes, Mother Otohime. I am prepared to take on my spirit form. It is sooner than expected, but I have lived a long and fulfilling life. I am tired and ready for my hard-earned spiritual peace.” Grayish-black smoke escapes her nose and mouth. “I am still concerned, however. While I am confident that we will be able to complete the merge, I am less confident that we will be able to immediately fully bond in Lexi’s current state. That could still take decades to complete.”
Otohime nods. “I know, my Child. I have the same concern.” She looks at me. “Lexi, what Var’Leth is saying is that while she will likely be able to merge with you and fully become a part of you, you are most probably not advanced enough in your preparations to fully accept her. She will be there, but you will not be able to access her spirit until your brain is able to accept that she is part of you. That means you will not have many of the benefits of being fully merged with a dragon spirit … including the ability to transform into your dragon form. You will however, still reap some of the benefits … including the ability to amass vast amounts of magical energy and wield it. I will have to personally watch over you and train you, until you learn to accept Var’Leth’s spirit and guidance, since you will have absolutely no idea how to control that level of magic as you do.”
I pale considerably as she snaps her fingers and the world, strange as it is, once again dissolves in front of my eyes.
The training planet that I have come to know so well, along with Otohime and Var’Leth, appears in front of me as reality once again sets in … and I know that my life will once again forever be changed by the time they are done with me.
“We are here, Little One, because this planet has some very unique properties.” Otohime is busy erecting a bubble shield over us. “It is a Light magic magnet and slowly pulls in large quantities over time. It stores the magic in its core, much like your ring. As a matter of fact, just like your ring, since it is fashioned from a gem that comes from this planet’s core. I am constructing an impenetrable shield over us. Just in case I have trouble reigning you in after you merge, since you will literally become a lightning rod for Light magic as empress.”
I nervously look around at the planet. It is different than the other two times I was here, neither the stark desert planet when I was training, nor the paradise it was when I was on my honeymoon. It is more a blank slate … and very white. I can sense the Light energy pulsing beneath my feet. Something I couldn’t the last time and I can’t help but wonder if that has anything to do with my more advanced merging with Var’Leth.
“Princess? Are you ready?” Var’Leth is giving me searching look?
“Not really.” Black smoke is pouring out of me. I admit it. I’m scared shitless!
Otohime takes my hands. “It is none-the-less time, Little One.” She bows her head to Var’Leth and lets go of my hands before stepping back.
Var’Leth bows her head back and then encircles me with her tail, which then coils around me and slowly tightens into a living corset. It squeezes harder and harder and just when I’m ready to pass out, it’s gone … and so is Var’Leth. At least physically. I can sort of sense her inside me but like through a very thick fog. I instinctively want to connect to her, but I can’t.
Then the magic hits me as a lightning storm erupts encompasses the planet. Bolt after bolt of lighting hits me … infusing me with vast amounts of Light magic. I literally feel like I’m going to explode as it drives me to my knees.
After what seems like an eternity, the onslaught of energy finally slows, and the planet has once again changed. I can see the energy around me, and I am as drawn to it as it is to me.
My head is pounding with a level ten migraine and I’m trying to clear my head … find Var’Leth or anything to grasp onto to ground myself in reality.
“Rise, Var’Lexa, Empress of Dragons and Queen of all Light Magical Beings.” Otohime’s voice cuts through the fog in my brain.
I focus on her beacon and the pounding in my head lessens to a level nine.
“It is time for your reign to begin, Your Majesty. Stand and accept your crown!”
Grae’Bar grimaces as the huge pulse in Light magic hits him. It is clear to him that Var’Leth is no longer empress, and that this Earthling upstart has taken her place.
He grins. She cannot be ready for such power or responsibility. She will be very vulnerable for at least a century of her time and it should be easy to turn her and entice her to the side of Darkness. Her hastened bond with Var’Leth must still be weak and that will work in his favor.
He shrugs. If he can’t turn her, she will be easy to defeat. At any point, he tires of this planet. It is time to end its meager attempt to return the Light to the planet. It will be the first of the conquered planets in his new Dark empire. His reign as emperor is about to begin … as is the fall of the reign of the insidious Light empresses.
To be continued in Dragon’s Birth ….
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Sneaky sneaky
I have really really enjoyed this story, and I'm looking forward to more.
Glad you enjoyed it!
Thanks for the comment!
A Great ending to this story and the next book looks
to be a great battle for the future of Earth. I'm looking forward to it.
Thanks for the comment!
I'm glad you enjoyed the story.
Cliff hanger ending to part two
As Julia commented, a well plotted part two. Looking forward to part three. And I’m guessing that there will be a part four, at least. Nicely conceived universe, makes for an interesting series. Thank you.
Just whetting your appetite!
Thanks for the comment!
I so love this story.
I hope the next installment is coming. This is an awesome tail and I’m sure the next part will be worth the wait!