Mrs Major and the Nutcase - Part 4 of 10

Mrs Major and the Nutcase


Tuesday: Surrender to the Inevitable

I awoke again to the screech of brakes, followed closely by a mumbled and indistinct "What was that?"

Mumbled because Vonda was no more awake than I was, indistinct because my ears, accompanied by my head, were nestled in her breasts, of which there was considerable to nestle in.

Right. You had to skip the good parts but I certainly didn't. I think I can say she didn't either.

"The roofers are here."

"Tell them to go away."

"Go away, roofers."

"I'm sure that helps."

"They know what to do, they don't need me."

"Good, because when I wake up I'm going to need you."

Her body went slack and the woman went back to sleep. I was jealous. I was also in need of the bathroom, not to mention starting to itch again. I disentangled myself and took care of business. Looking in the mirror I could hardly believe my eyes. Overnight the swelling had grown.

I had to stop kidding myself, I was growing breasts. Not swellings, not irritation from allergies, but real, honest-to god female-type breasts. Gynecomastia on steroids breasts. Probably B cup breasts. Not only that, but what little chest hair I had once had seemed to have gone to wherever my new breasts had come from. For that matter, it didn't look like I needed to shave this morning, not that my blonde beard was all that heavy.

They hung there and wiggled when I moved. The aureoles had grown bigger and darker overnight. The nipples - my nipples - were damn near three eighths of an inch across, not the pinpoints I had possessed all of my life. After last night I had first-hand experience as to why women enjoyed having their breasts fondled.

An oversized shirt was not going to hide these babies. Hide? With my newfound lover sleeping in the bed behind me and an entire roofing crew outside expecting me to turn up sometime in the morning.

Fat chance.

"What?" came a slightly more distinct voice. Damn, I must have said that aloud.

"What? Did Casper stop by with more presents?"

"You might say so. This time he was too damn generous!"

I turned around and turned on the overhead light.

"What the fuck!"

"You should know about fucking after last night.

"Where? How? You've got boobs!"

I'm glad you can see them, too. That means I'm not going completely over the edge."

"Wait a minute! Turn around, lover?"


"Do a pirouette. Rotate on your axis. Make like an ice skater spinning."

So I did.

"Honey, not only do you have boobs, you have a bigger ass and a smaller waist than you had last night."

"I know we got a lot of exercise last night, but no amount of exercise can change a body like this!"

"Glen, I need to call call Laurie Mowry and get her to open up the historical society building for us. This can't wait for the normal opening day. I'm starting to think that Feminine Mystique Curse may be more than a story to tell around the campfire."

"Curses and ghosts? You can't be…"

Realization struck. I went over to my dresser and opened the right-hand drawer.

"Vonda, what size bras were in here yesterday?"

"36A, as I remember."

"And what did they look like?"

"Polka-dots. Surely you remember that. I distinctly remember removing your polka-dotted panties last night."

"I pulled out the bra on top and looked at the label. "36B and flowers, not polka-dots."

"That's… That's…"

"Impossible, right. We were in here all night, no way anyone could have made the switch. Just like no one could have gifted me with bras and panties in the first place."

"Didn't old Sherlock have something to say about when you eliminate the improbable you end up with..."

"The impossible, although I think you slaughtered that quote."

"Who cares? Uh, Glen…"


"I do have one very pertinent question - does it still work even if your ass is bigger?"

It still worked. Even with bouncing boobs distracting me I was able to muster sufficient concentration to do the job. When I was again able to move I stood up to find out that when you bounce the bejesus out of your breasts they ache!

Vonda looked at me holding them up and laughed. "Finding out that when you're on top you could use the support of a bra? Just be glad you don't have ones as big as mine."

"I know it makes sense to wear a bra when you have boobs, but there's something about putting one on me that goes against the grain."

"Just like a man. Tough it out - play through the pain!"

"Easy for you to say. Those guys out there know me. If I go out there with breasts in a bra it could be embarrassing."

"So tell 'em you're transgendered and decided to come out. If they keep growing you're not going to have much choice."

"You sound like my grandmother, so damn practical that nothing ever gets her in a flap. Cripes! How am I going to explain this to my parents, let alone Granny?"

"Right now we can't even explain it to ourselves. Right now we need to get ourselves moving. I need a shower after last night."

"You aren't the only one. I'd offer to share but we wouldn't both fit. You go first but remember it's a small hot water tank."

I busied myself getting things out for breakfast while she showered, then took a quick rinse-off myself. She was dressed by the time I got out of the shower.

"At least you have fresh clothes to put on," she grumbled.

"You could always bring over a few things. I don't think we have to worry about getting our underwear mixed up."

"I'll think about it. I haven't been this impulsive in a very long time."

"Neither have I. I don't like one night stands, I prefer to get to know someone before we have sex."

"Any man who could tell me he was wearing polka-dot panties is honest enough in my book. Even if he has to wear a bra."

"I suppose I do, I'm still aching. Red, green or blue?"

"Blue it is."

I awkwardly put my arms through the straps and tried to snap the snaps. It looks a whole lot easier when you're watching your girlfriend do it than it is when you have to do it on yourself. I finally got the hang of it. Do you have any idea how strange it felt to settle my own breast in the cup for the first time in my life?

"It feels a bit tight," I remarked.

"I think you need to lengthen the straps. Let me do it."

She was right, it felt a lot better and my breasts didn't bother me quite as much. I automatically opened my T-shirt drawer and stopped cold.


Same profusion of color, same taste for lace, and a decided bias for low cut necklines.

Necklines that would put my breasts on display to the whole flippin' world. With a sinking feeling I opened the bottom drawer where I kept my swimming trunks.

At least my ghostly dresser wasn't into bikinis and contented herself with one piece suits. Still low cut, but with a ruffle to help disguise my in-between state.

"I hope you're going to model that for me sometime, lover. You'd look absolutely delicious."

"This has got to be a dream. Things like this don’t really happen!"

"If it's only a dream, can you arrange for me to still remember the screaming orgasms when I wake up? I'd hate to forget those."

"Maybe that's when the swap was made - we were both thoroughly distracted."

"You have one more dresser drawer. May as well get it over with."

I opened it with some trepidation. It still had shorts in it, but they were not my shorts. They were distinctly tailored for a woman.

"You're going to need to wear a gaff if you want to wear most of those shorts." Vonda remarked."

"OK, I'll bite. What the hell is a gaff?"

"I take it you don't run with any crossdressers."

"That would be a safe assumption, present company excepted."

"The man I apprenticed with was gay and out with a vengeance. The parties he threw were epic, and I got to meet several crossdressers and a couple of transsexuals. An interesting subculture, to say the least."

"One of the best drywalling crews I ever hired was run by a gay guy who pumped iron and had a body to die for. Made me feel like a runt, but he was fun to be around. You still haven't told me what a gaff is."

"I'm told there's a way to slide your balls into your pelvic cavity and pull your penis back so it doesn't show. The gaff holds everything in place, allowing you to wear tighter fashions without a telltale bulge. It sounds painful to me, but I knew a couple of people who used them regularly."

"I'm learning all kinds of new things this morning. I never thought wearing a bra would be comfortable and I never had any desire to squash my balls into my body. I have no wish to try it, either. There must be a workaround."

"I suppose you could wear a loose skirt."

"I don't have any skir…"

As soon as the words left my mouth I knew what I would see when I opened my closet.



Skirted suits

Short dresses

Long dresses

Cocktail dresses

And of course, skirts.

All neatly hung and arranged by color. Not one stinking item of my former wardrobe remained in my RV. My single-minded spirit was determined that if I was going to reside in this old pile of bricks I had to be female. Just how far was this going to go?

The Historical Society

Not one stinking item of my former wardrobe remained in my RV. My single-minded spirit was determined that if I was going to reside in this old pile of bricks I had to be female. Just how far was this going to go?

Vonda was bemused. Standing there in only my bra and staring into the strange depths of my closet at what had become my wardrobe I was downright dazed.

"I suppose it's a good thing that I'm bi, isn't it?" she asked.

"What?" Sparkling conversation in the morning, that's me. "What am I going to do?"

"Whatever the spirit moves you?"

That deadpan comment broke through my funk and I started to giggle.

Yes, giggle. Like a girl. Like a human with breasts.

Dammit! I don't giggle. Which thought made me keep giggling.

"You're awfully cute when you do that, you know."

"Cute! I'll give you cute!" and dove for the bed. I had discovered that Vonda was ticklish overnight, so I started to tickle. Unfortunately, so am I and she's bigger than me. This meant I started giggling even more and pretty soon started shrieking. Shrieking like a girl, but no longer a pre-pubescent girl. Maybe half an octave higher than usual. I cried 'Uncle' - or maybe it should have been 'Aunt' - and she relented.

"Vonda, what's happening to me?" I wailed.

"I don't know, darling. I've never heard of a body changing like yours is doing, but it fits right in with the stories of the curse on this place."

In the silence that followed my stomach decided to start growling. I had to start giggling once more at the incongruity of it all. Suddenly I was ravenous.

"I'm hungry," I said unnecessarily.

"Then finish dressing and let's have breakfast," said my practical lover.

"But… but…"

"You've got them, flaunt them, honey. Be proud and perky."

"Just what I needed - perky tits."

"And the beginnings of a very nice ass. Remember I'm bi and can appreciate both kinds of ass. You could wear that white sundress, make you look very virginal."

"Hah! "

Actually, by the time I finished dressing I looked pretty cute. I left my hair loose, not in my usual ponytail. If I had met myself in a bar I would have tried to hit on myself.

Does that make any sense?

Does any of this make one single shred of sense?

Don't answer that. Please don't answer that.


I ate an enormous breakfast while wearing my kitchen apron. If I was going to wear a white sundress I had to be careful not to mess it up. A far cry from my usual grubby T-shirts.

I had to wonder just where those T-shirts went. There were a couple of them that I really liked. Was I going to have to hire a medium to talk to the spirit world and see if I could get them back?


While I was making a pig out of myself, Vonda had gotten hold of her friend Laurie and arranged to get us into the Historical Society archives. It was time to face the music.

I just plain didn't want to leave the security of my little home on wheels. I didn't want to walk in front of the roofing crew with my tits hanging out. These were guys I had known for years. They were out there, boom box playing country music to the thump-thump-thump of the nail guns as the put the new roof on the place. No way to avoid them.

Force of habit made me pat my pockets to be sure I had my wallet and keys with me before I left the RV. Naturally I didn't as a sundress has no pockets. As I started to panic I noticed there was now a pretty embroidered purse hanging on the hook by the door. Inside were my keys, a new feminine-style wallet and such odds and ends as a compact, lipstick and a hairbrush. I looked in the wallet and there were my charge cards, but instead of reading Glen Stone the name on every piece of ID was simply G. Stone.

This was definitely getting scary - how could a spirituous being change a bank card or a driver's license. Wouldn't the government take a poor view of such things? Why should a ghost care? He - or she - wouldn't be the one in jail.

I wouldn't stand a chance if I got thrown in the jug with these honkers.

Vonda gave me a kiss, hugged me tightly, putting my nose into her ample cleavage and opened the door. Showtime.

It was an anticlimax. The gang were all three stories up above my head. We walked to the pickup, got in and drove off without anyone seeing the new me, which started me giggling once more. This was getting to be a habit. Had my spirit performed a personality transplant as well as some body sculpture?

Did you know that your boobs bounce when you giggle? I sure didn't, but it's true.

While we're on the subject of do you know? - do you know that even though my sundress came farther down my legs than the shorts I habitually wore I felt more exposed? You don't feel a hemline sliding around over your thighs when you're wearing shorts. Trying to overcome the urge to pull down my skirts almost overcame the fear of someone seeing me dressed like this.

Still a nutcase, no matter how I was dressed.

On The Trail of the Curse

I'm not going to go into great detail about the research we started that morning. Yes, we - Vonda was just as interested as I in what was happening. Being both self-employed we could dedicate as much time as we wanted to the project.

We spent the day in the historical society archives, frequently getting distracted by all the interesting things that had happened in the county but which had nothing to do with our Curse. I spent a good deal of time getting distracted by my breasts and my sundress. The only thing my spirit had left me of my former life was my sandals, which went well with the sundress, and my steel-toed boots, which I needed for work. How the hell I was going to be able to work looking like this was anybody's guess.

I finally ended up at the microfiche machine, scanning through years of the county paper going back to 1863. Vonda started in on box after box of stuff that had been donated but not cataloged, an activity not to be contemplated in a pure white dress.

Between the slightly fuzzy screen and the slightly fuzzy newsprint of the time, it was a bit of a challenge. It was interesting, though. I managed to forget I was wearing a bra and a dress for minutes at a time. After some time of scanning at random, I realized that the feature articles were probably my best bet.

I hit pay dirt just about the time when my stomach started growling again. What was going on? I had always thought women ate sparingly to keep their feminine figures. So why did growing boobs make me hungry enough to eat a horse?

As soon as I asked the question I knew the answer. Those boobs had to come from somewhere, not to mention my alleged larger ass, and the obvious way to get more body tissue was to eat more food. No wonder I was hungry.

"Hey Vonda!" I called. "I'm hungry!"

"So am I. Let's go over and I'll introduce you to Rosie at the cafe."

"I guess…"

"Unless you're planning to leave town and dump your house, you're going to have the get to know the people who live here."

"I know, but I feel like I'm a fraud or something."

"Honey, those tits are 100% real and I'm here to testify to that fact. What nobody knows about the rest of your body is none of their business. C'mon girlfriend, time's a wastin'!"


Again it was an anticlimax. Half a dozen people stopped by to greet Vonda and be introduced to the new girl in town. After stumbling on my name the first time I was introduced, I was christened Glenda and welcomed warmly to the town. Rosie even threw in a complimentary hot fudge sundae as her housewarming gift.

I ate the whole thing with pleasure, even after a filling meal. I was starting to accept that I was a growing girl.

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