Tyler Taylor Swop Days - Chapter 11
Julie D Cole
‘Just be yourself and whatever happens we’ll face it together.’
It was such a relief to hear those words of support. I was confused and I needed to work out what was happening to me. I didn’t want to look Darren in the eyes since I felt embarrassed about how I felt and what I’d admitted to him. Also to a lesser degree because I had tears spoiling my make-up and I was probably making a mess of his shirt as I’d put my head on his shoulder. I needed a tissue so I fumbled around trying to open my bag. He obviously realised what I was doing so he produced a pack from his pocket and removed one. I was able to wipe the tears from my cheeks and he lifted my chin.
‘Hello Panda eyes, I hope you feel better already since you now know my feelings towards you. I hope you don’t think I’m a stalker.’
I shook my head and smiled and tried to dry my eyes. This shy guy I’d met on the way home from school didn’t seem shy at all and was quite mature and full of confidence. For the first time in my life I felt I’d met someone I felt comfortable to be around and to trust enough to share my feelings. I hoped that I could relax without fear of embarrassment or being ridiculed and that he might be someone who shared my interests so we could spend time together. He seemed so polite and respectful and he’d indicated that I could be myself presenting male or female as far as he was concerned.
Right now I felt comfortable and relaxed in his presence and I was happy to be the girl he had kissed and who he was holding closely if that’s what he wanted. He kissed me again and I let him take my weight as he pulled me close. I could feel his arousal again and I snuggled as closely as I could as he gyrated his hips gently and I followed his lead. I didn’t feel that I should encourage him any more so despite the temptation I pulled back and whispered that we mustn’t and eventually we both came up for air.
‘Darren I’m sorry I’m not ready for this just now. It’s all too soon and I don’t know what to think or what to say to you. I never intended that this swopping game of Taylors would involve other people and you appeared out of the blue. Maybe we need to spend some time together until you feel that you can trust me and it will give us chance to get to know each other more. All this was supposed to be a bit of fun and my way of humouring Taylor. Maybe I should stop dressing like this before it all gets out of hand.’
‘I don’t want you to stop. I think you are beautiful and tonight you seem so feminine. It’s hard to think of you as Tyler. You are just Ty and just perfect as you are.’
‘But what can I do? Jane knows about this now but at first I thought she would think I was Taylor experimenting. It didn’t take her two minutes to see through the make-up. It didn’t seem to be a surprise to her to find me like this and now I am thinking that mum would be OK too. I’m confident that they will both support me whatever I want to do in the future but dad is a bit old fashioned so he might be a problem. Then of course as I said there’s school and the reaction of classmates and teachers. Not forgetting Taylor. What if she is just going through a phase and she grows out of wanting to be one of the boys?’
‘If she does then you’ll be sisters of course. Look Ty I think you are looking too far ahead. Why not take it step by step. You can start by chatting with Jane and hopefully you have lots of opportunity this week since your mum and dad aren’t around in the next few days. Taylor is not likely to be around much either since she will be out enjoying herself with the boys I imagine.’
‘Yes but what about school? It’s already a problem since we have been attending as each other and deceiving the teachers. I might get suspended or expelled. Boys pretending to be girls is much worse than girls pretending to be boys.’
‘Well you didn’t harm anybody or submit work as each other did you? You might get suspended or punished but I doubt either of you would be expelled. I can even vouch for you if it helps.’
‘Thanks Darren. We didn’t falsify anything or submit each others work and we kept a low profile. I suppose that we did go into the toilets and also into changing rooms and even though I tried my best to turn away I did see girls undressing and also partly naked. No doubt Taylor saw boys without clothes too especially since they walk about in the nude showing off and comparing sizes. Some of them at least. I don’t know how Taylor managed to avoid undressing in front of people. When I’m there they bully and embarrass me.’
‘Well at least you have decided to address this before it becomes a big issue so chat with Jane as I’ve suggested and then let’s take it from there.’
‘Thanks I think I’ll do that as soon as Jeff leaves tomorrow. If he stays late then I might spend the day with Jane on Monday and get Taylor to hand in a sick note on my behalf.’
‘Good idea although I’ll miss you on Monday if you do. Maybe we can have tomorrow together and I’ll take you somewhere until Jeff goes home.’
‘Well I can meet you for sure. I’d like that but shall I dress like this or as Tyler? Maybe Jane can persuade Taylor to sit together for a heart to heart talk whilst we are out.’
‘Well it would be nice to have a date with a girlfriend if you don’t mind. Then I can kiss you and hold hands without any strange looks..
‘OK then I’ll be ready by 11am if that’s OK for you. It’s better that Taylor and I stay in character in front of Jeff. Unless Jane has said anything of course.’
‘Right then so what shall we do about Taylor now. We were supposed to stick with her so you both get home safely.’
‘Yes maybe I should go back to the coffee shop alone and then insist that she walks me home so I’m safe.’
‘Well it is sad for me but maybe that’s not a bad idea. At least you two can talk a bit on the way. But I’ll be a safe distance away in case she declines or you end up arguing. That means right to your door.’
‘Thanks Darren. I can’t believe how kind you are to me. You are something else.’
We headed back to the coffee shop and I kissed Darren as he wished me luck. I went inside and everybody was still there laughing and joking. At least the girls seemed to be making efforts to leave and Taylor saw me and smiled.
She walked towards the door and passionately kissed the girl she had been fondling and then turned towards me with a wide grin on her face.
‘This is the life Ty. They don’t have a clue. What a laugh. I think she was begging for it by the time we finished.’
‘Can we just go please. This is so weird. I can’t believe what you’ve been doing. These are young girls from school and their parents would have heart attacks if they knew what they were doing.’
‘Don’t get your knickers in a twist Ty. Have you never had fun like this or are you a wimp.’
‘I just respect girls. It’s not about being a wimp. What would mum and dad think if you were sitting on boys knees being fondled in front of everybody. In public as well in a coffee shop. Dad would kill you.’
‘Fat chance of that. I wouldn’t lower myself but it was all innocent. She was well stacked and much bigger than me. It was better me than some sex starved animal. She has firm breasts and her nipples were so erect she had to unclip her bra. Well I did it for her.’
‘Taylor can we go please. I said we wouldn’t be late and it’s not safe for either of us to walk home alone. Especially me dressed like this.’
‘OK I’m coming. It’s not like I’m going to let you go alone even though it’s well lit and fairly safe around here.’
‘Thanks. Did you call mum?’
‘No. She’ll be fine and grandma too now mum is with her. No doubt mum has talked with Jane tonight and she’ll update us when we get home. Where’s Darren anyway.’
‘He had to go. He was meeting his sister or he’d have walked home with us.’
‘Huh. We don’t need an escort. We are big enough to look after ourselves and whilst I’m dressed like this it’s not two vulnerable females walking home.’
I kept my eyes out for Darren as we walked but he did a good job of keeping a low profile. I was sure he was there. It did make me realise that walking out dressed in female clothes put me at significant risk and I’d never given it much thought as a boy.
When we arrived home Taylor opened the door and stepped aside to let me enter first. She still had some manners and she’d calmed down a lot and said not to tell Jane about what she’d been doing and the girl on her knee. Jane was pleased to see us both and she suggested we had a drink together before bed since Jeff was on his laptop in the bedroom. I excused myself so I could use the bathroom to tidy up my make-up from the tears and my lipstick from kissing Darren. I spotted a mark on my neck where he had got a bit too passionate but luckily he’d stopped when I asked him. I was able to cover it and I was relieved that I’d spotted it before going back downstairs.
Taylor and Jane had glasses of wine in their hands and offered one to me so I accepted a half glass and we moved through to the lounge where Jane switched off the tv. She told us that mum and grandma were OK and hopefully grandma would be back on her feet after a few days rest. She’d tried to call Taylor who hadn’t answered and Taylor checked and confirmed she’d had a missed call. She sent a text to mum with an apology and said we were at home together and she’d call the next day.
Jane spoke first. ‘Now then you two I’m not sure what you are doing and how long this has been going on but you need to be careful. I’ve talked a little to Ty but not to you Taylor because you are like the pimpernel.’
‘Yes Jane I’ve been busy with my mates and we never expected you and we would have been fine on our own. I think mum should stop treating us like children and I will look after Ty if he gets into any difficult situations whilst we are having fun.’
‘So you intend carrying on with this game of yours? Both of you?’
‘Why not. It suits us both to spend time as each other and we have the opportunity to do what we like to do.’
‘Yes but it’s easier for you than for Ty. He looks like a girl and clearly Darren treats him like one. But he doesn’t have our experience growing up to be able to handle situations.’
‘Well it’s not like I leave him alone and he goes anywhere much for us to be concerned. He always liked to play dress up didn’t you Ty?’
‘I did but I must admit that this started out as a bit of fun but we need to stop.’
‘Well I’ve told you that I’m not stopping since I like living as a boy. I have freedom and I like playing football with the boys. I can compete and I’m in the team. We are now in the league and no way are you good enough to cover for me if we switch back.’
‘So you mean we both stay like this.’
‘Yes. For a while at least.’
Jane chipped in ‘Taylor it’s not just your call. Ty has an equal say in this.’
‘Butt out Jane. We agreed and ty likes the arrangement just as much as I do. Come on Ty speak up please. You like being a girl don’t you? It hasn’t taken you long to find a boyfriend has it?’
‘I didn’t have much choice when we started but it’s getting complicated. We are going to get into trouble. I’m OK to swop at weekends but that’s not enough for you.’
‘Well it’s a bit stupid to restrict ourselves and you like to socialise with the girls in class and you don’t like sport. I like to keep fit and hang around with the team and talk tactics and work on moves. We train twice a week as well. You haven’t a clue and you’ll show me up.’
‘But we will get into trouble when we are found out. You can’t keep hiding your boobs and pussy and you have your periods to consider. How can you deal with that without some suspicion.’
‘Simple I’ll be on birth control pills. I’ve already seen our doctor. No problem. I’ve been on them for 2 weeks.’
Jane spoke up again. ’Look you two you need to decide together what you want. I won’t be around to help you and mum needs to be told. A story like this is sure to hit the local news and you’ll need her support when it does leak out.’
Taylor was quick respond before I had chance. ‘We don’t need to tell mum anything until we want to tell her. We won’t have much choice once she gets home anyway because we can’t keep sneaking in and out of the house and the way Ty is dressing she’ll know it’s not me.’
‘I only dress how you should be dressing. Mum has tried to encourage you to be like Jane and she’s just bought you lots of new clothes and you didn’t even look at them.’
‘I told you that they are yours as far as I’m concerned. They are too girly for me. I’d rather she gave me the money and then I’d buy what I like. I prefer sports gear anyway and she knows.’
Jane answered her.’ Look Taylor you need to start thinking logically and consider Ty as well as yourself. You are being very selfish and he has more to lose than you. Girls can get away with behaving like boys in their teenage years that is soon forgotten. Sadly girly or effeminate boys get bullied and they usually get branded for life.’
‘Well why don’t you ask ‘her’ what she wants. I think you might find that ‘she’ prefers to be me and to wear my clothes. It was pretty obvious to me ages ago. ‘She’ was so excited to open my gifts from mum. You should have seen ‘her’ face. Just the reaction mum would like from me.’
‘Look Taylor I admit that I like them but I can hardly wear them when mum and dad are around can I?’
‘Well they are yours as I said before and you’ve packed them away so you must have decided to keep them. True?’
‘Well I suppose so. We can’t send them back it’s ungrateful.’
‘There we are then. You should try them on with Jane and show you what you look like in the shoes she left behind. They all fit and she will probably give them to you if you ask nicely.’
I couldn’t contain myself any longer and I burst into tears. Taylor stormed off to her room. Jane put her arms around me and we hugged.
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Strange no comments
The only story or chapter I posted never to receive a comment. Maybe because I'd tried to wrap it up and was persuaded to continue.
The hits for this chapter are ok but the glory days seem to have gone for all of us. One story of mine has reached almost 20,000 hits yet these days lots of the stories on this site rarely reach 2000.
You may have lost people with the break
I never read this story until just recently and am glad you have continued it. This chapter is an important transition to a perhaps more permanent arrangement. I hope you continue with the new dynamics with Taylor and Ty. There are certainly many storylines worth pursuing. Dee
Tyler Taylor swop days part 11
I do believe that Tyler prefers to be Taylor
Girls rule
What a self centered bitch
Taylor has really flipped a screw. All she cares about is what she wants, who she wants to be. She cares nothing for anyone else.
But she's wrong if she thinks her actions are those of most boys, or that is what life is about. Her portral of a boy is that of a lout, a bag of dirt only others of like kind find acceptable. If she continues acting as she has been doing, she'll find her circle of friends are no better than she is.
One thing hasn't crossed her mind. What will the guys do when they discover she's a girl? She believes the wool can be continually pulled over their eyes, but it's only a matter of time before they discover the truth. And if they are pissed off enough to do something about it? Such as gang rape?
And if they figure out Taylor they may figure out Tyler and hurt him enough to put him into the hospital. And could even give him the same gang treatment.
Taylor is playing with lava and can't see how hot it is or the damage that can be done if others discover the truth. But she doesn't care, just so long as she gets what she wants.
Others have feelings too.