Sasha And Mark

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Sasha And Mark

By Stanman63
Thanks To JennaFL For Proofing And Nora Adrienne for editing!

Synopsis:As Sasha nurses her twin girls, she remembers the events that led up to becoming a mother.


Here I am back home where my Mom has been taking care of me ever since I got sick from going to see my beloved husband Mark. He is currently serving a tour in the HOSPITAL WITHOUT WALLS in Africa.

My brother-in-law Stan [bless his heart] took me over there in his private jet and he even arranged for me and Mark to spend some time together. We had a second honeymoon there. I might have gotten a bit sore, but it was well worth it because it had been four long months since we were last together and Stan knew that we both needed our time together.

Stan is the type of guy that'll show his love in his actions. He has always treated me like a sister and has let me cry myself to sleep many a night and has tucked me in bed afterwards. When I'd awaken, I'd find him asleep in the lounge chair in the room.

It was while I was there that I contracted some African bug that gave my immunity system quite a wallop!! When I began to show signs of being sick, Stan immediately rushed us both to the E.R. and into isolation to see what was wrong. Poor Mark was devastated, but Stan took charge and made sure that everyone there was cleared of any bug all at his expense.

Stan was cleared of any bug, but because I am a T-girl, my liver shut down because of the hormones that I was given and they had to restart it. Luckily, they got it going again and now my body is recovering. Stan made sure that I was recovering before he left, he couldn't stay with me because of his business concerns, so here I am living with my Mom who is more than happy to care for her daughter.

Unfortunately, she refuses to acknowledge the fact that I'm not a genetic girl. When I told her that I wanted to be a girl, at first, she denied me the right to transition, but Stan and Mark both convinced her that I was a girl.

Ever since I started taking the pills so that I would go through a girl's puberty, she has treated me like I was born a girl. While under her roof, I must humor her and act like a genetic girl by having periods and such. Luckily, Stan got me a gaffe that looks like a girl's groin and can simulate the monthly flow too.

I was six when I discovered that I was really a girl inside. My cousin Mattie had come for a visit with her Momma; my Auntie Jean. Well, Mattie got me to play dress up with her and that was when I found out that I was really a girl on the inside.

I was wearing a green dress with yellow flowers on it, it came with a matching bloomer too. Along with that dress, I wore white tights under the bloomers, and white Mary Jane shoes. The dress just did cover my bloomers so that Mattie taught me how to sit like a girl. At least she was wearing a matching dress in pink, so I didn't feel too bad.

But all too soon our fun was over. When our Mom's saw us in the dresses, They both thought that made a pretty girl and momma said that she didn't mind it if I dressed as a girl at times. When they left, I was still dressed as a girl because Mattie wanted for me to be able to be a girl next time they visited. When I told my Mom that I wanted to be a girl, she accepted me has her daughter and got me dresses and skirts and hose.

We had recently moved into a new apartment after Daddy died, he was a policeman and died when a bandit shot him. I am proud of my Daddy, I know that I will miss him. We had to move because of all the memories attached to living in the old neighborhood.

I learned at a very early age how to act like a proper young girl and not display myself to the world. Mom had me wearing uniform dresses, skirts, skorts, and shorts to school instead of pants. I did not mind because I like wearing hose and I became a cheerleader and entered all the beauty contests too. Mom loved it when I became Homecoming Queen in my senior year in high school, that's when I saw Stan in a new light. He was my escort.

Stan, Mark and I were neighbors. They lived in the house next to the apartment complex where Mom and I lived. Stan is the older brother by a year. They both excelled in sports and both won their Letterman's Blazer and Jacket in junior and senior high. They were both Eagle Scouts in the Boy Scouts also.

He was quite dashing in his Tuxedo and I was wearing the new uniform that had been ordered for the squad. It had a blue bodice, white pleated skirt and red bloomers. The socks were white anklets, shoes were red canvas. I couldn't believe that I was homecoming Queen because the favorite was Jessica Bates. She was the Drum Major. I learned later that she withdrew because she had gotten pregnant and the Queen can not be with child.

Jessica and I are good friends today, and she and her husband Danny Tucker have raised their daughter to be a sweet young lady who baby sits the other neighborhood kids. Yes, Jamie can be depended upon to care for other kids under her charge. She learned all about that from her parents.

Stan was a gentleman and treated me like a Lady. He would not let anybody get fresh with me that night. I was wearing my Cheerleader uniform and Stan wore his Letterman Blazer. After the game, he took me to dinner and dancing, when I asked him why, he told me that he wanted my night to be magical. He was quite fond of me and now that he had the chance, he'd be the perfect date for me.

Growing up next to them, I always thought of them as my brothers, but that night, I started having feelings for Stan. I wanted to be a genetic girl for the first time in my life instead of a half girl. I wanted to be able to be a Mom and have periods and everything that a genetic girl goes through.

Stan could tell that I was miserable and did his best to console me, but I was afraid to tell him my secret. What if he then rejected me? If that happened, I'd die inside because I was starting to have romantic thoughts about him. Finally he took me in his arms and started crying for me. That broke my heart!!

Here was this gifted athlete that had been my best friend for years actually crying over my distress. That night, I told him my secret. He accepted me as a girl and told me that if I ever needed any help to just ask him or Mark. He told me that as far as he was concerned, I was all girl.

I started to cry because I was afraid that I'd lose his friendship, but he actually laughed when I confessed and told me not to worry, he was and will ever be my friend. We'd been friends for years and now that he knew my secret, he'd accepted me as a girl and began asking me questions about myself. Under his kind and caring gaze, I was able to tell him all about myself and why I never had a boy friend before.

Then he said that he'd like to be my boyfriend. He promised me that I was in charge of our relationship, not him. I knew then and there that I loved him as more than a brother and even started planning our wedding. It didn't matter to me then that I couldn't truly give myself, I knew that after my operation that I'd be ready for him.

Truth to tell, if he'd of asked me to, I'd have given myself to him, but he never had been one to want blatant sex with a girl. There were many other girl in school that'd be more than happy to give themselves to either Mark or Stan. They were always out to help any girl whose date got fresh and would give the scoundrel a good thrashing for their wicked ways.

They were always defending the weak and helpless. To them, it was alright if you were different. They were both friends with all of the underdogs and used their family fortune to help others, much like their Dad. Their Dad is a lawyer and Stan became a Public Defender.

When he took me home and gave me my goodnight kiss, I knew that he was not the one for me. It was like kissing a brother. Here was this strong and virile man that I could easily see myself making love too now my brother in my heart!! I broke down and cried then because to me, I had lost something most precious.

When he saw my bitter tears, he led me over to the swing where I poured my heart out to him. Then he started crying and admitted that even after that kiss, he still thought of me as a sister. Oh how we both wanted it to be different, but how do you go against your heart? I knew then that he'd be my friend because when I told him about me, he accepted me as I am. He even said that he would defend me from any that would want to hurt me too.

Then he told me that he knew someone that would adore me. He made me promise to dress in my "Courting Clothes." When I couldn't figure out what he meant, he said that I should dress as nicely as possible and to watch the Beverly Hillbillies. Then I knew what he meant because I loved watching the series.

The next day, Stan called me and wanted to bring Mark over to see me. I didn't know it at the time but Mark was smitten with me, but he was too shy to ask me for a date. In all truth, if he'd of asked, I'd have accepted. Mark was just has handsome as Stan, But I was worried. As much as I loved Stan, I could never marry him. What if I found that I felt the same way about Mark? Was I doomed to a life of celibacy?.

I was wearing a pink sun dress with white sandals and hose. I was sitting in the veranda, sipping the tea that I'd brought with me. I also had a big wide straw hat to keep me cool and I had brought one of my novels to read too. No, it wasn't a romance, I prefer science fiction.

Well, there I was, sitting upon the bench, sipping my tea when I saw two young men come up, when they stepped into the veranda I saw that they were Mark and Stan. When I saw Mark, I knew that he was the one for me and I could tell that Stan had planned this all along by the smile on his face.

At first, all that I could do was look at Mark. I was being drawn to him as a moth to a flame!! Finally, Mark knelt before me and presented me with a beautiful red rose. I had never been given such a beautiful gift before, Oh, I had received the odd box of chocolates on Valentine's Day, but this was much better because it was from one that I could love with all of my heart.

After accepting his gift, I invited them home for lunch which they both accepted. I so wanted to wipe that smug look off of Stan's face, but I knew that he'd done this for the two most important people in his life.

While Mark was busy helping my Mom with lunch, Stan told me that he knew that Mark was the one for me when we kissed last night. That was why he'd arranged for us to meet away from school. He knew that we were both shy, but that we'd hit it off away from school. Well, I just had to kiss him in thanks, so I gave him a peck on the cheek.

Mark and I were soon kissing and then I felt my heart melt for him. I felt him get hard against my body as we groped each other. That night, he took me up to my room where I took control. I undid his jeans and released his manhood so that it could be free. I then adjusted my hose and bloomer by ripping a hole in both. Then I gently guided him into me as I rode him.

It hurt at first when he penetrated, but soon it was a delicious pain as we both rode the wave of passion unto a most satisfying climax. He filled me several times that nightstand when we were called to dinner, we both had to clean up. I had to put a napkin in my panty to catch everything, but it was worth it.

For the first time in my life, I had given myself to a man and enjoyed it. Only, I could never tell anybody about it, not even my Momma!! She still thought of me as a genetic girl. Oh how I wanted for her to accept me as I truly am, but at least I have her love and support. As for Stan, he's a guy and I doubt that he'd enjoy me telling him about my experience with Mark.

But there was an evil part that wanted to just to prank him back for all the teasing he's done over the years. To tell the truth, Mark was far worse at teasing me, I think even back then that he liked me, but being a scoundrel, he had to tease I guess.

Mark would put a whoopee cushion in my seat and pull other such gags on me at home, never at school. At school, he was my buddy and carried my books for me during school when he could. It was during a walk home that Mark showed how brave he was. Before and after school, there were bullies that would pick on girls. Well, that day they gathered the courage to assault me. Mark stood alone against seven older boys intent upon hurting me as they had other girls.

Mark fought them off as best he could while two of them held me and began groping me. I was ready to be discovered when a human tank known as Stan literally rammed both of my gropers into a tree. I heard a loud crack and both fell unconscious to the ground. Then he lit into those assailing Mark and together they left them a bloody mess.

I saw their faces and I was glad that they weren't mad at me. Stan and Mark would help out any girl walking by herself. Stan was blessed because he was always the biggest boy in his class and detested bullies. Mark was a bit smaller, but was nearly as big as Stan.

When the police came, they arrested the brothers and the bullies believing them to be from rival gangs. They took me home where I cried to my Momma about what happened. Together with their Dad, we went to the station and I told them what happened, I even brought my soiled school uniform with me.

Then the police let the brothers go and kept the bullies until their parents or guardians could be found. Today, they're serving life sentences for their crimes and the brothers both received Good Citizenship Awards and two new school uniforms. I got two new uniforms as well as an appointment to see a doctor about me becoming a girl.

When I was examined in the E.R., the doctor saw my secret and talked to my Momma. She still said that I was a genetic girl, but gave them permission to treat me. That broke my heart because I thought that she'd finally accept me as who I was.

I so wanted to be a genetic girl and have his children, but even with surgery, that was impossible. When I began to cry, Mark dried my tears and wanted to know what was wrong. But I couldn't even begin to tell him, so I looked at Stan for help.

They had to leave since they were guys, so Mark never knew about my secret. They'd gone to the Snack bar to get me and my Momma a sandwich and a soda. Stan knew, but wouldn't tell Mark without my permission which I soon gave.

My Momma had to go fill out my release forms, so she wasn't there to cause a scene, when I told Mark my secret. Mark couldn't believe that I was not a genetic girl and only believed me after I showed him my boy bits [Stan politely looked away, being so modest]. When Mark fainted after seeing the truth, Stan wetted himself then he helped me to get sorted again before he changed his jeans.

When Mark awakened, he came and sat by me. When my momma came back, he stood up to her. He told her that he was in love with her TRANS-GIRL daughter Sasha. That if she wanted to believe me to be a genetic girl, she could, but if she EVER stood in the way of me becoming a woman in anyway, that she'd have hell to pay because his Dad would have her declared mentally unfit and adopt me.

My Momma had never had anyone challenge her like that, but when she saw the fire in his eye's she promised not to stop me from becoming a woman and welcomed him as her son in law. When they hugged, I knew that things were gonna be better and Stan gave Mark a bear hug to show how much he felt about his kid brother finding me, but Stan was much more gentle with me, he kissed my cheek.

Then Stan took my Momma aside and made her go to the Snack Bar. He told her that Mark and I had to have some time alone and that he would make sure we did. Never before had I two such strong and virile men to care for me. Well, Stan took her inside so that Mark and I could talk

We talked long into the night as we found that we were truly meant for each other. It didn't matter to him what I had between my legs, THAT could be sorted out later. Right now, he wanted for me to be happy. Then I was released to go home with my Momma who looked quite afraid of both the brothers, but when Stan said that their Dad would be over, she started to smile again.

Mark and I began dating and we became well known on the dating scene. Oh, he still acted like every girl's big brother, but I was the one that had won his heart. We dated all through his senior year. I went on to college and began studying to become a teacher. I loved children and wanted to be near them even if I couldn’t be a Mom. Mark said that we could adopt or that there were certain procedures that could let me give birth. But I was skeptical.

I doubted such an ability existed and told him so, Mark simply smiled and told me to let him worry that since he was gonna be a doctor. He went to U.A.B., one of the premier medical universities while I went to a local junior college where I soon earned my degrees and was hired by a local church to teach in their private school.

I was soon called Auntie Sasha by the kids and Mark Unca Mark. We were often asked when we would get married, and then Mark would tell them that he'd ask me on a special day, until then, he had certain things to arrange. When he said that I could see a deep sadness in his eyes that meant a deep hurt that had yet to heal. I knew than that part of it was dealing with that loss.

Then a week before my birthday, he took me to see a special gravestone. It was his Mother's. As he began to weep, he told me of the tragedy that took her from them. Her name was Erin, she had contracted cancer that ate away at her body. She was pregnant with their sister and tried to live long enough to give birth to her, but the cancer took them both. Their sister was eaten by the cancer, their Mom felt her die inside her before it took her too.

That was why he was becoming a doctor, so that he could defeat cancer. I saw a deep abiding fire within him that would brook no defeat. He had lost two people most precious to him and now all cancer would pay.

He proposed to me in front of their graves on the anniversary of their death. This was his way of affirming life. When I saw how truly vulnerable that he was then, my heart broke for him and I accepted. I knew then that he loved me as much as he did his sister [ Felicia] and his Mother.

When his Dad found out, I became his daughter. When he met my Momma, they hit it off and became best friends. Yes, Stan finally kept his word, he waited for Mark to propose to me. That scoundrel was making sure that my Momma would be too busy with their Dad to put up too much of a fuss.

When those two met, it was like seeing the lights in their eyes rekindle. It turns out that they had been lovers before, but when my Momma went to college, she forgot about her first love [Brett] and married my Dad [ Franklin] when he got her pregnant with me. Now after their spouses had died, they were free to love again.

Mark had seen the furtive looks that Brett gave to Maggie [my Momma] whenever he saw her and knew from family history that she was his Dad's first love. But he was nowhere near the manipulator that Stan is, so he told Stan who came up with the plan to get them together.

Brett made it clear to my Momma that he'd adopted me already and would not let anybody keep me from marrying Mark. For the very first time in my life, my Momma did not argue. Now I know where Mark gets his presence from.

Brett began working with my Momma upon the wedding, little knowing that Mark had made it a double wedding so that they could wed each other. He and Stan planned it so that they would have to marry then.

Brett knew several contractors that soon built us a nice home and Momma did the interior. We lived apart until after my surgery, Mark and I explored ways to pleasure each other. My hormones were giving me everything that I needed to look like a woman. Only thing missing was to soon be sorted by my doctor. Little did I know what a real asshole he was.

My psychiatrist was and still is Brenda Morning Rose. She is a Native American Shaman who saw who I was inside when I was in elementary school. She was the one that got me started upon hormone so that I went through a girl's puberty. She was the one that gave me that gaffe so that I would look like a girl for P.E. and cheerleading.

But the actual doctor was gonna be Sam Godwin until he showed his true colors. Mark was there by me as I was being prepped for surgery when he heard the doctor say that he was about to start cutting upon "that fag boy and turn him into a girl." When Mark heard that, I saw his anger rekindle and he squeezed the bed rail, leaving it a twisted mass. He stepped outside the door where the doctor was still gabbing with a fellow doctor.

Mark politely invited them into the room where he closed the door after they were inside. Then he asked them just who the fag boy was that was to be turned into a girl. When he said that, they got frightened because he had taken the clipboard from them with my medical records. They both knew that they'd made a very big mistake.

They tried to appease Mark who simply grabbed them both by the throat and held them against the wall and told them that they were NOT going to operate upon me, that they would find their license to practice medicine revoked for such blatant disrespect for their patients and that if they tried to practice medicine anymore, they would go to jail.

By that time, Security came in and tried in vain to get them released. It took Stan to do it. He simply told Mark that he would take care of them. Stan made sure that they never darkened the door of a hospital ever again. They now serve as prison doctors.

When mark finally broke down, I was able to comfort him as he cried himself to sleep. What he did was a nightmare for him because he almost killed them. Mark has a temper that when aroused, only Stan or I can contain.

Well, they found me a real surgeon to sort out my body. She was a gentle soul who understood what I wanted for she was a trans-woman herself. Sunny Dey [yes, that's her name] was born Neil Dey Junior. But when she chose her girl name, she chose Sunny to honor her Dad who accepted his new daughter.

Mark was there for my surgery. When I awoke from the surgery, he was holding my hand. When I heard him say that he loved me, it sent me into a healing sleep. I was very sore for several days and couldn't stand to have any pressure upon my groin. But Mark developed a technique that let him change my dressings and pads without hurting me.

When it came time for me to go to the pool to totally relax, Mark was right there by me. His presence soothed away any ache better than anything else and when I told him about my desire to be a birth mother, he smiled and said that was being arranged for me. He refused to say what it was because it was not quite ready yet, but was in the making.

I knew then that whatever it was a gamble. He was trying to help me to fulfill my dreams of motherhood and did not want me hurt by bogus claims. But I knew that Mark had friends that were experts in reproductive biology. Just what he could do, I didn't know, but he had a plan. That much I could tell.

Stan was there to take us home. He kept me laughing by telling his corny jokes. After I healed up, Mark and I were married and Stan was Best Man. After the honeymoon during which we gave my anatomy a good workout, Mark settled into his practice and Stan opened up Stan's Emporium. Stan had a collection of things from all over. He had bought an old warehouse and turned it into an Emporium, and restaurant and catering service. He always thought big, but he was still a Public Defender.

Well anyway, here I am being my Mom's genetic girl waiting for Stan to arrive and take me back home where he has arranged for my recovery. Knowing him, he will not let my Mom keep me against my will. She has a blind spot about me and Stan will not let her run roughshod over me. They have gone head-to-head over different issues, but he will not let her win this time.

Oh, I had best get ready! I just saw Stan arrive in his limo and he is getting out. Oh! What a surprise, it's Mark as well!! I will head down and find out what's happening. When I opened the door, Mark took me in his arms and carried me up to my bedroom where we sated our mutual passions for each other while Stan kept my Mom occupied, he was good at that.

Well, after our love session, Mark told me that there was a very good chance that I could grow my very own reproductive system and become a genetic girl. We would have to go to a special clinic that had the facilities to test me to see how viable it was and they could even transplant the system from a donor.


It has been a year since I gave birth to our twin boys named after Mark and Stan and now I have just finished nursing our twin girls born last week. They are Sasha and Toni: named after me and momma. Just think, if not for Stan's selfless dedication to our happiness, this would have never taken place.



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