Tyler,Taylor Swop Days - Chapter 19

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Tyler Taylor Swop Days - Chapter 19
Julie D Cole

‘I carry on and I think you should seriously consider the same. We won’t be the first to change identity and we can decide for ourselves at our age. ’

I was so close to tears. I just managed to stop myself since I couldn’t give even more ammunition to Taylor. I managed to speak.
‘Taylor you are so selfish. We can’t just switch back overnight or we’ll soon get found out. I can’t do what you’ve been doing at football and even if I cut my hair now I will look effeminate because of the tablets you gave me. I don’t know how we can stop this madness. Look at us.’

‘No problem for me. You need to get real just look in the mirror. I’ve made my decision for my future and it’s final. If you are honest with yourself you’ll do the same. You were always more girl than me and now it shows more than ever. Your features and your behaviour scream girl. Look how you’ve changed in such a short time since I gave you chance to be yourself. You’ve soon fallen in love.’

‘Have not, it’s just that Darren felt I needed protection and I was vulnerable. I had no experience what life is like for a girl and he just gave me confidence and support. I was scared and there was nobody to confide in since you didn’t have many girlfriends at school. Nobody seemed to have any suspicion and even our teachers seemed to accept me like this. I expected some reaction but there was nothing.’

‘I didn’t like the girls at school and I feel that at least I fit in now, You’ve quickly made friends with a lot of them so carry on fitting in. I certainly have no desire to go back as a girl.’

‘Taylor stop please and take a time out. You are a girl not a boy. Just because you are sprouting hair on your body and getting stronger doesn’t mean anything.’

‘Well I like it and the more that grows the better. It is already pronounced on my chest, arms and legs and it’s dark not blond and fuzzy like yours. Look I’m even getting hair on my lip and chin. Maybe soon I’ll need to shave and then it will get even thicker.’
‘Taylor if you don’t stop you’ll end up with dark shadow that you can’t cover up. Jane says we both need to stop taking those tablets immediately. You may never be able to have children.’

‘For goodness sake stop being such a puss. I don’t want babies. The risk of hormones is worth it. I know I’m really a boy and mum and dad tried to stop me from dressing and behaving like this as we were growing up. I’m giving them no say in the matter anymore. I’m your brother from now on and you can please yourself what you do as far as I’m concerned.’

‘Taylor please you are crazy. Is it the medication? I’m begging you stop it.’

‘You should be grateful I bought the medication so you owe me. Look at what your tablets have done already. They have helped you to go through puberty as a girl like I did and growing boobs and changing shape. Come on step out of the bath and let me take a closer look at you.’

‘Taylor stop it I’m not turning into a girl, I’m just confused because of the stupid medication. I was like the other boys until you started your games and I was doing well at school. You’ve turned my life upside down.’

‘You seem fine to me sis dear. You weren’t ever a proper boy so don’t kid yourself. It’s not the tablets that have confused you. You were confused because you never went through male puberty like the other guys. You weren’t growing and you were behaving like a girl before I suggested we have swop days. This is just your natural development. It’s the real you coming out at last. You make a better sister than you ever did a brother. ‘

‘Taylor I’m getting cold in here will you pass me my towel and let me get out of the bath.’

‘I’m not stopping you but if it makes you feel better I’ll wait in your bedroom. It’s not like you’ve got anything I haven’t seen before other than your buds. Maybe we can compare notes and take some selfies so we can look back at old photos and see how we’ve changed. You look quite cute and some of the guys in the team have asked me to fix up a date for them.’

There was only one thing I could do. I threw the large bath sponge at her that was filled with water and she cried out as it hit her at the back of the head. I knew to duck down since she threw it straight back it me narrowly missing me and smacking against the wall. She needed revenge so she grabbed my bath towel and threw it into the water before bursting out laughing.

‘That’ll teach you. It’s a good job I missed with the sponge. Don’t ask me to get a fresh towel you’ll just have to get it yourself from the airing cupboard.’

‘Oh no Taylor please. Don’t be so mean.’

At least throwing the bath sponge at each other made us both laugh and eventually Taylor relented and found me a fresh towel as she dried her hair on a hand towel.

‘See the advantage of my short hair. Dry in no time. It’s much better for getting dry after football sessions.’

It took me a while to dry myself and I wrapped the towel around my chest and headed to my room where Taylor was sitting on my bed.

‘You look so much like a girl Ty like that. You smell nice too. I think I’ve done you a favour so what’s to complain about. You should let your hair grow longer it will suit you.’

I looked in the mirror and stared at my reflection. My hair was mid length and I had to admit to myself that I’d wanted to see what I’d look like with a longer style. Then Taylor stood and moved behind me. She took hold of the towel and asked me to let it drop to the floor. I resisted for a while but Taylor wasn’t going to let go so I just nodded and said OK.’

‘Look tell me if you see a boy or a girl.’

I put my arm across my chest to cover my budding breasts. ‘I look like a boy.’

‘No you don’t. Boys don’t have boobies and hips. Look at your narrow shoulders and slim waist. And your butt is much too round to be on a boy.’

‘I just haven’t developed as quickly as the others at school.’

‘Yes you have. More like the girls.’

‘Stop teasing. I know you are making it up.’

‘Well I’ve exaggerated a bit but you have to admit you are a lot more feminine than me. Do you want to compare?’

‘No Taylor we shouldn’t.’

‘Why not?’

Before I had chance to stop her she removed her top and her trackies. I was stunned. My eyes went to the bulge between her legs.

‘Is that you?’

‘Sort of. I’ve added a bit to make the underwear look right. It’s an insert.’

‘Look at your shoulders and upper arms. Are you weight training or something? Is that bandage holding in your boobs?’

‘Yes I have been lifting weights. I feel stronger and fitter and I’m as good as anybody in the team already. I think my boobs are less prominent due to the muscle but I still need the binding I’m afraid.’

‘Your arms are much more muscular than mine.’

‘See that just proves my point. I can build my body through regular exercise because I was meant to be the boy and somehow I came out with girl bits and you came out with a little dink. Let’s have a proper look at you. See not much to show even now. All the boys in the team are far bigger.’

‘What? You’ve seen boys naked in the changing rooms?’

‘Of course. They don’t hide and some of them like to show off a lot swinging it about. Eddie Jackson is a monster. Why couldn’t I be born like that?’
‘Taylor you are completely mad. You mean you undress with the team? Have they seen you without clothes?’

‘Course not I’m not that stupid. I have to find a corner and I turn my back when I’m putting on my underwear. I have a packer so when I turn around it looks like I’m as big as they are.’

‘But if I did that, they’d strip me and throw me in the shower.’

‘Well I guess I’m tougher than you so that just proves my point. Nobody bullies me. You were always a girly boy growing up. Why do you think I suggested to swop?’

‘Was not. I was just as strong as you and growing up we were always the same size.’

‘Whatever. I was taller in our early teens but you finally caught up with me. But look now. I am spurting again as well as gaining strength and already developing my biceps and shoulders and look at my stomach muscles. They are more pronounced since I’ve been training with the team.’

‘It’s those bloody hormone tablets as well not just your training. Just look at the hair on your legs. You are like a gorilla.’

‘I’ve just stopped shaving them. It was a pain. See how you like it.’

‘I don’t need to shave my legs, I’m a boy.’

‘Yes a boy with no body hair with tits, who looks like a girl. Are you gay then since you have a boyfriend? I’ve seen you snogging him. Does he fondle your boobies?’

‘I don’t have boobies and he wouldn’t fondle them anyway even if I did.’

‘He must be gay then if he doesn’t want to fondle your tits.’

‘Stop it Taylor. I’m not a girl, I’m your brother. You need to start behaving like my sister and stop all this nonsense.’

‘You don’t get it do you sis. I’ve always been the real boy in this family not you. Just accept it and enjoy yourself. Be the second daughter that mum always wanted and things will be a lot easier for both of us. She’ll have somebody to spoil and buy nice things for and to sit and chat with. I can be free of her fussing.’

‘But this is madness. We can’t just switch. Nobody is going to accept us becoming each other even if we got away with it so far.’

‘I was actually thinking we reached the stage where we come out and make it official rather than play games. I think the boys in the team might be a bit shocked and embarrassed at first since I’ve seen them all in the buff but it’s not like any of them fancy me or are likely to boast about it. I’ve been a stand out player and I know who has what between their legs.’

‘You could get suspended if this comes out. Both of us could.’

‘Who cares they will have to let us back since we’ll have medical support to defend our actions.’

‘But I feel that you are trying to force me to change sex and trade places in our family. It’s wrong. All wrong.’

‘Anybody would think you are out of your comfort zone. You love being beautiful and dressing as a girl. I hated it. Just imagine what you’ll look like with mums support and a full course of treatment. Same for me if I carry on taking hormones for another twelve months or so.’

‘But it’s all false. It’s all down to the drugs. We have to stop and get back to normal.’
‘Get over it. Come on this is us. Before wasn’t normal so it’s best if you just ‘follow my advice. I’ll take care of you so don’t worry.’

‘Taylor I’m not a child. I’m your twin brother not your sister. I need to get dressed so will you please leave and give me some privacy.’
‘Nobody is stopping you. I’ve seen it all before and there is nothing much for you to be shy about. I suppose you want to wear something pretty. Darren isn’t here but I suppose Janes boyfriend will be around and you’ll want to impress.’
‘No I don’t. You like your privacy as well don’t you? Well you used to but now after your exhibition relieving yourself in front of me I am not so sure anymore.’
‘I’ll leave so don’t get your knickers in a twist. I’ll be waiting in my room so hurry up. I want to discuss what you need to say to mum when she gets home so we can move on.’
I was speechless as Taylor closed the door behind her. What was I going to say to mum?’

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Tyler needs to be responsible...

For her/himself. Taylor's not listening and going her own way. Continue to like the story.

Hugs, Jessie C

Jessica E. Connors

Jessica Connors

Tyler Taylor swop days part 19

This story is getting so exciting and now what will they say to there mom is there going to be mere to this story

Girls rule

Thanks for your interest

I will post more chapters after taking a summer break from the site.


Tell mom the truth

Jamie Lee's picture

Once again Tyler wobbles with what to do in order to stop what Taylor is doing. And once again he's only concerned with getting into trouble and not the right thing to do, which is tell mom the truth. Which is telling the school the truth. Which is telling the football team the truth, before the officials discover a drugged up girl in playing on the team, which will get the team in trouble.

Be damned about getting in trouble, if Tyler is serious about being Tyler again. Or better yet, forget about Taylor and go to school as Tyler, himself, and correct anyone who thinks he's the Tyler who played football.

It's time he stand up for himself and stop doing what Taylor wants. She doesn't really care about him anyway.

Others have feelings too.