Wrong Place Right Time Chapter 29

Wrong Place

Right Time

By Jamie Lee

Most often people talk about being in the right place at the right time. Maybe they achieved a beautiful photo of a sunrise, or the antics of children or animals. Maybe they found something someone lost and received a big reward when it was returned. But how often do they talk about being in the wrong place at the right time? If they do, it’s often about the death of someone or maybe witnessing a crime. And if this is the case, they are sad or horrified. Walter Williams often is in the wrong place at the right time, though his reaction to the incidents he encounters is much different than anyone would expect. And, life-changing.

Chapter 29

Kathy and Marge left the small conference room, not in so much of a daze, but more in a state of mentally examining everything Jenny and Beverly told them. But to Terry and Dorothy, who’d been sitting in the waiting room, it looked like the girls had been run through the mill. “Girls, are you two alright?” Terry asked, concern written on her face. What Terry and Dorothy weren’t expecting to hear was, “Same bat time, same bat channel,” from Kathy. The two girls could only stare at the moms, with blank looks, when they heard, “Oh, that. It’s from the Batman and Robin TV show,” from Dorothy. And, “It’s how the show ended that week, reminding viewers to tune in next week for another exciting episode,” from Terry. Marge and Kathy then looked at each other, before turning back to face their moms and Marge saying, “Gads...you four ladies are old.”

Terry and Dorothy then caught sight of Jenny and Beverly standing in the doorway of the conference watching the scene before them. Both women had smiles on their lips as they listened to what was being said. The moms caught on what Jenny and Beverly had done, so Dorothy sniffed, and in a snooty voice said, “No, girls. We are not old. We are mature women.” It didn’t take the girls long to realize their moms were looking at something behind them, and turned to see Jenny and Beverly standing there with the same expressions as Dorothy and Terry had put on their faces when Dorothy spoke. Both girls looked at each other, rolled their eyes, shook their heads, before Kathy said, “Girlfriend, I think we’ve been had by these MATURE women.” The resulting laughter brought several nurses down the hall to make sure nothing was wrong. The laughter only increased when Marge told Kathy, “Girlfriend, we have a lot to learn.” Hugs were exchanged before the girls and their moms went to the elevator, punched the down button, and waited for the ride down to the ground floor of the hospital. What Jenny and Beverly witnessed just then was a sure sign to them that the girls were going to be alright in the end. If not sooner.

When they all were in the privacy of Terry’s car, Terry started asking questions about their session. She had to be more specific when Kathy first replied with, “Well, we sure have a lot to think about.” Dorothy spoke up and told Kathy, “Dear, you’re always going to have a lot to think about throughout your life. What your mom would like to know is what all of you talked about.” Terry tried to put on her serious face when Kathy told her, “Mom, it’s not like we took notes or anything,” but failed, and laughed. “Sweetheart, I know that. I’d like to know if you learned why you keep zoning out. Why you go into la-la land at times. That’s what concerns me the most.”

Terry was still looking at Kathy, watching her form her words in her mind, before Kathy said, “Well, Jenny and Beverly did say a lot of things concerning that problem. And it comes down to things being an open sore not yet healed. My becoming Kathy against my will is still fresh in my mind. And still fresher, is what happened last Friday. Jenny said both events are like open sores that need time to heal, or scab over. That both are memories which I have yet learned to control and not let run my life.” Both women were nodding their heads because of what Kathy was saying, and continued nodding when Kathy continued with, “And because I stood up to those pricks, I showed other girls how to have courage to come forward. Some of those girls are in the other schools those two attended. We were also told that I actually saved other girls in our school from the same fate me and other girls experienced. Something I’d never even considered, that Jenny brought up, was by exposing the boys we actually saved women when those two became adult men.”

“Jenny told us more about Tony and Patrick, and their grandmother. It seems the only one of the three who knew what Tony was doing was wrong, was Patrick. But if he spoke up and said something, either to Tony or his grandmother, both or one of them would beat the tar out of him. Tony’d beat him until he was unconscious. They found a lot of scars, welts, and bruises on him, and when he explained how he got them, they then learned everything grandma’s been telling Tony. Jenny hoped Patrick would get the counseling he needed, because of his mental state at the moment.” Kathy had stopped talking, and both Terry and Dorothy saw she was again forming her words. “We were also told, or I was told really, if another situation comes up that rubs my open sores, not to hold my emotions in, not to bury them like I’ve been doing. Recognize it for what it is, grieve, and move on. Don’t dwell on it, accept it happened, realize it’s a memory and can’t be changed, and move on. Because if I dwell on it, la-la land here I come.” The two women were again nodding their heads, and as Kathy spoke, Marge took her right hand in her left, Terry reached for Kathy’s left hand and held it. And Dorothy was holding Marge’s right hand. Kathy was in a loving sisterhood circle as she spoke.

“Was there anything else,” Terry asked, as she continued holding Kathy’s hand. Kathy rolled her eyes, looked up, shook her head, then said, “GAWD, yeah, there was more! Beverly explained what might be my big problem right now,” and Marge chuckled, then inserted, “That you’re doopy?” Kathy slowly turned her head until she was looking at Marge, then told her forcefully, “NOOO...HORMONES! Hormones are affecting me more now, as Kathy, than they would have as Walter. Beverly said I might start crying if someone dropped a tissue, and that’s been true so far. She also talked about girls having periods, because their bodies realize they’re not pregnant. Gawd, I wish I was Walter again when that was happening. I may wish that every time it occurs. How do you all handle it month after month? Gawd, I wish I was still Walter.”

Terry could see Kathy getting emotional, tears sliding down her cheeks were the indicator. “It’s okay, sweetheart. You don’t have to say any more until you’re ready. As to how women handle a period month after month? I guess because we know one day we’ll have life growing inside of us. That we’ll be bringing another life into this world. Girls, men help start that life, but women carry that life for nine months. And it’s a feeling unlike anything you’ll ever experience, though not always a pleasant experience. You may have morning sickness because your body is once again playing with your hormones. You may have crazy food cravings. Of course as the baby grows, you’ll gain weight, and sometimes a lot of weight. Oh, and let’s not forget the more time you spend on the toilet peeing, because the baby is pushing against your bladder. And when you sit down, you may need a tow truck to help you stand again.” Terry got somber as she continued with, “Some pregnancies, unfortunately, risk the life of the mother. And sadly, some women never get to see their babies because they miscarry early in the pregnancy. Even though a woman may experience these things, it’s why there’s often a stronger bond between a child and their mother than the child and their father. And it’s also the reason moms know when their child has done something they were told not to do.” Marge and Kathy got sheepish looks on their faces, until Terry and Dorothy burst out laughing. When their laughter died to chuckles, Dorothy told the girls, “Don’t worry, girls. What you’ve done is not on the major infraction list. You two are part of the next generation of teens who give their parents gray hairs.” Then Terry broke up their discussion with, “Lets go get something to eat. You girls choose.”

While Terry drove, and while they ate, Marge and Kathy regaled their moms with more of what Jenny and Beverly told them. And Terry and Dorothy did their motherly best to answer the girls’ questions. Even the question about how it feels to make love to a man. When that question was asked, it was lucky neither Terry or Dorothy had anything in their mouths at the restaurant or they would have spit it all over the girls. And fortunately they were sitting at a table away from other diners. When both women got over the initial shock of the question, both told of their experiences with the girls’ fathers, then pinky swore the girls to silence. Both girls giggled when they heard Dorothy whisper to Terry, “Gawd...with all this talk about sex, I need to show Tom my love for him in his favorite way. Last time I showed him my love, we didn’t get to sleep until three in the morning.” They giggled again as Terry squirmed a bit and replied with, “We should change the subject, my panties are getting wet. Wonder how big a smile I can put on Shelby’s face tonight?” This time the women double pinky swore the girls to silence, then all four laughed, causing the other diners to look at them.

Their meal finished, Dorothy insisted she pay the check, for everything Terry and Kathy had done for her and Marge. Terry then drove to the Markman home, where she and Dorothy hugged then kissed each other on the cheek. Kathy then hugged Dorothy, kissed her on the cheek, then thanked her for being there and helping all she could. Kathy watched as Dorothy then whispered something to Terry, but heard her mom say, “Sure, it’s not a problem. Have fun.” Kathy was about to follow Marge into the house when Terry held her back. When Kathy gave her a questioning look, Terry softly told her, “Dorothy is going to help Tom get his motor running, and we don’t need to get in her way.” Kathy smiled, then they both giggled. Terry was surprised when Kathy said, “I hope they have fun.” Terry playfully swatted Kathy on the arm before they both broke out laughing. Shelby and Marge were both going to get lucky this night.

They watched as Marge kissed her mom at the door before coming back to Terry’s car. Like they always did, both girls sat in the front seat, with Marge in the middle. As Terry drove them home, she kept glancing at Marge and Kathy, noticing where both girls had one of their hands. She squirmed again, thinking about how lucky Shelby was going to get tonight. And she had a feeling so would Marge.

When the girls came down to breakfast the next morning, the elephant in the room came with them. It didn’t take Terry or Shelby but a moment to see how more relaxed the girls were and the glow they seemed to emanate. Of course, it didn’t take the girls but a moment to see how more relaxed Terry and Shelby were. Or the glow surrounding Terry. As Shelby and Terry watched, the girls seemed to be having a silent argument, first one nodded her head toward the parents, then the other would nod her head. After looking at Terry, and they both rolled their eyes, Shelby told the girls, “Yes, girls. Terry and I enjoyed each other last night making love. And Terry desperately needed me, Kathy. Because she was so worried about you.” Kathy’s hormones kicked in, causing tears to flow, and her to get up from her chair and almost run around the table to her mom. She threw her arms around Terry, and with a broken voice, told her, “I’m sorry mom. I didn’t mean to worry you.”

Mother and daughter hugged like the world was going to end, before Terry told Kathy, “Sweetheart, I know you didn’t. You were thrown into situations out of your control, and for that you don’t need to apologize. You are my child, and always will be, so whether boy or girl, I’m going to worry when you’re hurt or hurting.” Terry kissed Kathy on the cheek, before telling her to finish her breakfast. Marge hugged Kathy just as she sat back in her chair, letting her go once Kathy told her she was alright now. Terry looked at Shelby and they both snickered before Terry asked, “So, did you girls sleep well this morning? You both seemed awfully relaxed when you came into the kitchen this morning. And I don’t know, Shelby. But don’t they look like they’re glowing this morning?” Even though both girls tried to study their breakfasts as they ate, their cheeks took on a lovely pink shade. Again, Terry and Shelby watched as another silent argument took place between the girls. Finally, with a bit more emphasis from Kathy, Marge lifted her head and told the parents, “Yes, we slept well after we got to sleep sometime this morning. And Yes, we made love and helped each other relax.” She then looked into the face watching her and added, “And I needed Kathy so much last night. I’ve been so worried about her since this whole thing started.” As the parents watched, the girls kissed a soft, sweet kiss, before turning back to the food. Shelby didn’t experience the hormones a woman did, but he always seemed to have something in his eyes at moments like what he’d just witnessed. Terry, on the other hand, openly let her tears fall, knowing her daughter was in good hands with Marge, her girlfriend.

Shelby tried to speak, but found it necessary to clear his throat. When the three ladies looked in direction, they saw how moist his eyes were and that he was wiping them with the back of both hands. Marge looked at Kathy, who looked at Marge, and they both looked at Terry, and almost as one, the three got up from their chairs and went over to Shelby, putting their arms around him. It was Kathy who caused his dam to break as she told him, “It’s okay, daddy. It’s just us here. And we all love you very much.”

Like many men, Shelby seldom cried openly. But Kathy had said the right words which caused him to start crying openly, while his ladies hugged him. When he cried himself out, he said, “Gads, I don’t know why I’m crying.” He reached to the table and took the napkin and used it to wipe his eyes. While wiping his eyes, Terry told him, “Yes you do, honey, but have trouble admitting it. You’re as worried about everything that’s happened as I am. And like our son used to do, and Kathy was trying to do, you continued on with your head held high. Your emotional tank finally reached the top and it could no longer hold any more of the emotions you tried to tamp down. Society has told men they’re weak if they cry. Society has told men only females cry. How many men do you know, who openly cry, that are still thought of as men? And how many men do you know, who never cry, that are angry almost all of the time? Shelby, there are women who are never seen crying, and they’re real bitches. And there are women who openly cry and are the sweetest women you could meet--until you piss them off. My point, Shelby. Our emotions, the ones which bring about tears, are a pressure relief valve. They allow us to release our anger, the built up tension, our frustrations, and a host of other feelings, so we can feel better and go on with our lives. Never feel embarrassed to cry, my love. In every way that counts to me, you’re one hell of a man.” Marge passed out the napkins.

When everyone had dried their eyes, the girls had to go back up stairs to fix their makeup and brush their teeth. Shelby gave Terry a kiss that did more than curl her toes, then told her, “I want you tonight.” Shelby almost came right there as one of Terry’s hands found his excited member and gave it a nice send off.

When the girls came back down to the kitchen, they found Terry at the kitchen sink wiping her face with a wet cloth. The girls walked over to her, put their arms around her, as Kathy told her mom, “Ya know, mom. It’s nice to have two parents who aren’t afraid to show their love for each other in front of their child. Too bad their child can’t watch when they really show their love.” Terry let out a laughing, “Ha,” before looking at both girls with a laughing smile on her face. “Girls, just between you and me. Shelby can make me scream when he’s in me. He makes me want him all that much more. And girls, he makes me whole, he makes me feel complete.” She then got a tender look on her face as she told the girls, “And I hope you two are helping the other feel complete. Just looking at you two, people can see you two belong together.” Terry used the wet cloth to blot the tears which threatened to fall from the girls’ eyes. “You two cry and you’ll have to fix your makeup again. Come on, we’d better get you both to school.” With one last big hug, Terry picked up her purse while the girls picked up their backpacks. If it had been night instead of day, others would have seen the glow coming from inside of the car that passed them on the road.

Yesterday’s group gathering didn’t happen when they reached the high school. Instead, only the ten girls who spoke with Kathy in the locker room were waiting at the door to the school. And unlike the crowd who wanted to hug Kathy and Marge, the girls were content to only hold out their hands in support. The same girl who’d been the spokesperson was again, as she said, “We heard what happened the other day, and wondered if you were alright.” Somehow, Marge instinctively knew what Kathy was going to say. So she elbowed Kathy in the ribs before Kathy had a chance to open her mouth. Kathy chuckled before saying, “I was going to say that I’m alright, before my girlfriend reminded me I can’t keep saying that when it isn’t always true. Right now, we’re both doing okay, not perfect, but better than the other day. I’ve been learning I can’t do things like I did as Walter. I can’t keep cramming my emotions into a mental bucket, because when that bucket reaches the top, damaging things can happen to my mind. I do thank you all for being concerned about us.” While the ten girls only offered their hands to Marge and Kathy, the girls offered hugs to all ten girls. Shaking hands wouldn’t do.

Once the ten girls found out Marge and Kathy were okay, they were in a much better mood as they walked into the school in front of Marge and Kathy. Even Marge and Kathy were in a great mood after the encounter. As the girls walked into the school they spotted their escorts, and weren’t paying attention when someone shouted, “THERE SHE IS!” Their attention shifted, though, when Kathy was suddenly jerked away from Marge. “Yeah, that’s the bitch who got me in trouble yesterday,” an angry Charlene Chapman said. When Kathy looked at who was painfully gripping her arm, she instantly recognized Gerald Chapman, Charlene’s father. “So, this is the bitch who thinks herself mightier than everyone else. Thinks she’s better than my daughter. Thinks the rules don’t apply to her, does she? Well, let’s see what the Principal has to say.”

Gerald Chapman stood about five feet ten inches, and when he turned to drag Kathy to the office with him, he ran straight into the chest of a boy who stood six feet one inch. That boy was Bobby. “Get your ass out of my way, boy before I move it for you.” Bobby just smiled, leaned down, and asked Gerald, “You and what army, asshole? Now, just so you don’t get that monkey suit you’re wearing all dirty, let go of Kathy and you can continue on your way to the office. Because if you don’t let go of her arm…” Bobby was never able to finish the sentence because he heard, “I got this, Bobby.” All but Gerald recognized the voice of Robert Walker, head of school security. Bobby hadn’t taken his eyes off Gerald as he said, “Sure thing, Mr. Walker.” On a parting word, Bobby told Gerald, “Your ass is in big shit now, asshole.” Bobby stepped aside, and the man who took his place blocked the light from the overhead fixture that had been shining on Gerald’s face. Gerald almost pissed himself, as he looked up into the face of the man who stood a foot taller than he did, whose eyes told Gerald he’d made a huge mistake by grabbing Kathy’s arm, whose eyes told Gerald there’d be no wiggle room getting out of this one.

“So, asshole, are you going to let go of Kathy’s arm or do I have to send you to the hospital as I help you let go of her arm? No one comes into this school and handles any of my students, including asshole Gerald Chapman." Charlene had been standing close so she could hear everything being said. Her already known stupidity took over as she actually tried to punch Robert. It was easy for him to catch her fist with his right hand, and close his fingers on her fist, while pushing her arm down. Charlene screamed as Robert’s vise-like grip forced her fingernails into the palm of her hand, and the downward pressure he was exerting forced her down to the ground, where he held her. He never took his eyes off Gerald while he handled Charlene, and asked the little man again, “Well, asshole, what’s it going to be? You going to let go of Kathy’s arm or do I help you?” Robert smiled as he watched sweat start beading on Gerald’s forehead; It was a smile every student knew meant real trouble was coming.

Gerald Chapman had gotten where he was today with intimidation and bluff, and he was not about to give in yet. “Listen you neanderthal, this bitch got my daughter in trouble and she’s coming with me to the office. This bitch has gotten away with too much at this school and it’s time to put an end to it.” Gerald saw it happen, but didn’t understand why it happened, as everyone but Kathy and Charlene took several large steps back away from Robert. Robert leaned down until he was eye level with Gerald, and only a few millimeters from his nose, and told the man, “You call Kathy a bitch one more time, and you’ll end up in the hospital with every appendage in casts. That’s after they pull your head out of your ass.” As the students of the school knew, Robert had very pretty blue eyes. Until he was angry, as he was now. Gerald was now looking into the strangest colored eyes he’d ever seen. Eyes that told him his very existence was in jeopardy.

It was now demonstrated where Charlene got her stupidity, as Gerald told Robert, “You neanderthals always think you can intimidate anyone you want. Well, you can’t intimidate me, prick.” The smile on Robert’s face was back, and his teeth showed, as he calmly reached up with his left hand and gripped Gerald’s upper right arm so tightly Gerald’s face contorted with pain. It wasn’t long before there was no feeling left in Gerald’s arm, Robert had compressed the nerve in the arm, and Kathy felt Gerald’s fingers go limp. She pulled herself free and immediately six football players formed a wall in front of her, blocking any attempts from Gerald to grab her again. When Robert knew Kathy was free of Gerald’s grasp, he released Gerald’s right arm, which allowed feeling to return in that arm. Still looking Gerald in the eyes, he abruptly lifted Charlene off the ground so her feet were dangling in the air, and told Gerald, “Now asshole, you and your brat can go to the office.” Robert let go of Charlene so quickly she didn’t have time to arrange her feet before she fell from his grasp. When she hit the ground, her feet went out from under her and she ended up in a pile on the ground. Robert had straightened up and stood aside, allowing Gerald unfettered passage to the office. What happened next actually shocked everyone, even Robert, as Gerald started walking towards the office without helping his daughter to her feet. Without stopping, Gerald yelled, “CHARLENE. GET YOU ASS OFF THE GROUND AND COME ON!” He never looked back, never stopped, he kept on walking as an embarrassed Charlene got up off the ground, wiped the tears off her face, and slowly followed her father to the office.

It was a day for strange happenings, but this one wasn’t totally unexpected. As those watching the exchange between Robert and Mr. Chapman looked on, Kathy took off at a run towards Charlene, calling out the girl’s name as she ran. Kathy reached Charlene just as the girl turned upon hearing her name. Charlene was caught by surprise as Kathy threw her arms around the girl and pulled her into a hug, telling her, “It’s going to be okay.” No one had ever hugged Charlene without wanting something in return. But she was being hugged by Kathy Williams, the girl who gave of herself to others and never asked for anything in return. This alone got to Charlene and she started crying, leaning on Kathy for support as she cried. And as she cried, Kathy kept telling her with a soft voice, “It’s going to be okay, Charlene.” In that moment of offering herself to the girl the whole school hated, Kathy filled a void Charlene had had her whole life. She no longer felt alone. And she was never alone again, though she had a lot of fences to mend along the way.

A set of double doors guarded the entrance to the school offices, with nice large window on either side of the double doors. Gerald didn’t see them, but Peter was looking out one window and Charles Miller the other. Both men saw everything that had occurred before Gerald started his march to the office, and both men were not about to let a trumped-up piece of shit get away with what he’d done. Peter turned his head and nodded to Margot, who picked up her phone and made the phone call.

When Gerald reached the double doors, he threw them both open, turned and again yelled, “CHARLENE, GET YOU FAT ASS UP HERE NOW. GOD, WHAT A STUPID COW.” Peter and Charles were looking at Gerald, who was half through and half out of the doorway. And when Gerald yelled, “WHAT THE FUCK,” both men looked back where Kathy was still holding Charlene. What they saw caused both men to laugh, as Charlene had raised both of her arms and presented Gerald with two birds for his viewing. Gerald then made the mistake of yelling, “BY GOD I’LL TEACH HER TO FLIP ME THE GAWD DAMN BIRD,” before he started briskly walking back toward his daughter. Unfortunately, Robert met him before he got anywhere near his daughter, took the angry man forcefully by the arm and told him, “I think your meeting is the other way, asshole.” Robert’s vise-like grip on the man’s arm showed on Gerald’s face, as Robert all but dragged him to the office.

Robert brought Gerald to a stop just inside the double doors, so Peter could have a word with him. As Robert held the man so he was on his tiptoes, Peter said, “Ah, Mr. Chapman. Nice to see you. Let’s go into my office.” Peter’s greeting may have sounded pleasant to Gerald, but Peter’s face said something altogether different. Margot led Robert pushing Gerald along down the short hallway to Peter’s office, where she opened the door then stood out of the way as Robert pushed the man into the office and down into a chair. She waited until Peter and Charles had entered the office before stepping out of the office and closing the door behind her.

Peter walked around his desk and sat down in the desk chair, Charles stood at Peter’s left. Both men could see the fury in Gerald’s face, and as Gerald was about to yell at them, Peter told him, with a growl in his voice, “Forget it, Gerald. You don’t speak until I tell you to speak. This is my domain, not yours. We’ll follow my rules during this meeting.” Peter knew Gerald was a slow learner, he saw it when the man tried to challenge Robert. And he expected the same now, and wasn’t disappointed. All Gerald was able to yell, before being cut off by Robert’s grip to the back of his neck, was, “YOU LISTEN TO…” And Gerald gaged as Robert’s large hand suddenly grabbed the back of the man’s neck and squeezed. Robert then bent down close to Gerald’s right ear and said, “You were told to keep your mouth shut. You were told you’d be told when you could speak.” And still bent over near Gerald’s ear, Robert lifted the man until he was no longer sitting in his chair. “Do you now think you understand what you’ve been told? Or do I have to explain it in further detail?” Robert let the man down so he was again sitting in the chair. He took his hand off Gerald’s neck, and the now frightened man said in a low voice, “Yeah, I understand.”

Peter had known Gerald Chapman for several years, and knew he didn’t like to be addressed in the familural. But he wanted to keep the man angry, that way Gerald would continue digging his own grave. A grave Peter would gladly fill. “Gerald, after watching how you just treated your daughter, I think this school has gotten the wrong picture about her. I think she’s been forced to act like she has under your orders. And I think because of those two birds she flipped you, she’s not going to take orders from you any more. I also know you committed a crime the minute you grabbed Kathy Williams’ arm and started pulling her along with you. That’s assault, and attempted kidnapping. Your pecker is in a heap of trouble, Gerald.”

Peter let the man stew before going on. “I suspect you initially came here to ream someone’s butt because Charlene got herself in trouble yesterday in class because of what she said. Am I right?” Robert bent down and looked at the frightened man in the face, and watched as Gerald nodded his head. “Ah, I thought so. And I’ll bet because of how you treat Charlene, she blamed it on Kathy because she knew what you’d do to her if she told you the truth. Am I right, Gerald?” Robert hadn’t moved, and was still looking at Gerald. Again, afraid to speak, Gerald simply nodded his head. Peter smiled then said, “I thought it was something like that.” Just then there was a knock on Peter’s office door. It opened, Margot stuck her head in, and said, “They’re here.” Peter’s smile got even bigger as he told her, “Please show them in, Margot.” Robert stepped back behind Gerald, out of the way, as the door fully opened and Margot stepped out of the way, Detective Barbara Stevens and Officer Jo Dunnley walked into the office. Gerald’s pants suddenly became wet.

The odor from Gerald’s pants had become apparent, but was ignored, as Barbara shook hands with Peter, Robert, and was introduced to Charles. No one noticed the door closing as Margot quietly left the office. “So, Peter, got yourself another problem, do you? And let me guess, it’s Mr. Chapman here, right? What’d he do this time?” When Robert saw the two police women enter the office, he caught Peter’s eye and pointing to himself, he then showed a thumb of him leaving the office. When Peter mouthed, ‘go get the girls,’ Robert nodded and left the office.

“Well, Barbara, it seems ol’ Gerald here has been mentally abusing his daughter. It seems she is so afraid of him she’ll lie to keep him from tormenting her. She lied that Kathy Williams had caused his daughter to get her in trouble in class yesterday. He came into school today, with a full head of steam, made his daughter point out Kathy, then grabbed Kathy by the arm and began dragging her towards the office. Where he was stopped by the football players I’ve had escorting Kathy and her girlfriend around school for their safety. And he almost got his head handed to him by one of those boys. But Robert stepped in and tactfully persuaded Gerald to release Kathy’s arm, using his own brand of tact.” Barbara and Jo chuckled after Peter told of Robert using his own brand of tact with Gerald. Both women had known Robert for years, and knew his background. Around kids, Robert was as gentle as a lamb, but he didn’t tolerate BS from anyone.

“So, we’re talking about possible child abuse, assault on a student at this high school, and attempted kidnapping. Is that about it?” Peter was nodding his head when Charles said, “Detective Stevens, I can’t speak about the child abuse, but the other two are correct. Peter and I were witnesses from the time Kathy was grabbed to the time she was released. We also witnessed how he was treating his daughter after Kathy was released.” Then Peter threw in the final straw when he said, “And everything was captured on tape.”

Barbara then turned her attention to Gerald and told him, “Mr. Chapman, I’m arresting you on possible child abuse, assault on a student at this high school, and attempted kidnapping. You have the right to remain silent. You have the right…” And Barbara continued advising Gerald of his Constitutional rights, before Jo told Gerald to stand up, and she handcuffed his hands behind his back. Before Barbara and Jo took Gerald out of Peter’s office, Barbara asked Peter for a copy of the tape and for him and Charles to come down after school to give their formal statements. Barbara said her goodbyes to Peter and Charles, before she and Jo took Gerald off the school’s hands. After the women had left, Charles told Peter, “I’ve a feeling Mr. Chapman’s life is about to take a big nosedive. After seeing Kathy helping Charlene, I’ve a feeling her life is about to improve.” Peter nodded his head before replying with, “I believe you’re right, Charles. On both counts. And I’m going to do all I can to help Charlene get her life together.”

After Robert left Peter’s office, he left the school offices and walked back where the football players were guarding Kathy, Marge, and Charlene. When he reached the small group he told the football players, “Gentlemen, you did a good job helping these three girls this morning. Your parents should be proud of you. But now it’s my turn so all of you should get to your classes. I’m not sure when your help will be needed again today, as you’ve been doing, but all of you will be notified when that time comes.” Robert watched as the boys told the three girls bye, and told Charlene to keep her head up, before they left for their classes.

Robert then looked at the three girls, and saw the panicked look in Charlene’s eyes, and the tears forming; Her grip on Kathy and Marge’s hands tightened.. “Whoa, sweetheart,” he told Charlene, “what’s with that look? You’re not in trouble, but your father is in big trouble.” The stress was too much for her, and she burst out crying. Marge and Kathy immediately pulled her into a hug, holding the girl as she cried wracking sobs. It took her some time to calm down, and to hear Robert tell the three, “Girls, let’s get Charlene to the office, I think Principal Stepel may want to talk with her after a while.” When Kathy asked Charlene if she was okay to walk, and received a nod from Charlene, with Marge on one side and Kathy on the other, the three followed Robert to the school offices. He held the door open and could only shake his head, as the two girls helped guide Charlene into the offices.

Knowing a woman needed to be with the three, he took the girls to Tina’s office, knocking on her closed office door. Hearing, “Come in,” he opened the door, explained the situation and received a hearty, “Of course they can come into my office. You too for that matter.” Robert and Tina had clicked as friends when Tina had started as Vice Principal at the school. They even shared memories they were trying to cope with, and were closer than just friends. He smiled at Tina, opened the door wider and let the girls go in first before following them and closing the door behind them. He then watched as she picked up the phone, dialed a number, then said, “Hi, Peter. Robert brought all three girls to my office, if you need to speak with them. Okay, bye.”

After the police women took Chapman out of Peter’s office, he got up from his chair and went to the window, muttering as he stood there looking outside. “That damn son-of-a-bitch. His mother tried to tell him his cocky attitude was going to get him in trouble one day, and now it has.” He turned around, sat back in his chair, pulled up the student files on his computer, and dialed a number.

“Hello? This is Principal Stepel at West High School. May I please speak with Mrs. Chapman. Thank you, I’ll wait.”

“Peter, it’s good to hear from you,” Toni Chapman said into the phone. “How have you been?”

“Um, I’ve been fine, Toni, but that’s not why I’m calling. It’s about Gerald. He’s been arrested. He came to the school because of something Charlene told him, lied to him about, grabbed one of the girl students here and was trying to drag her to the school offices. Charlene is okay, she’s with two of our best girls, and our head of security in the Vice Principal’s office. I’ve heard some things, Toni, and I need you to be straight with me.”

“Oh gawd! So he went and did it. Charlene told me the truth about yesterday, Peter, but was afraid what that prick would do to her if she told him the truth. I tried to stop him, Peter, and got his usual backhand across my face. And let me guess, Charlene has mentioned about the abuse she’s been subjected to also? Or are you guessing based on something you witnessed?”

“No, Toni, I haven’t spoken to Charlene yet. It’s a guess based on how I saw Gerald treat Charlene here at the school. The police will likely get in touch with you about this very thing. Listen, I can’t in good conscience let her go home, not after what I witnessed this morning. Is there somewhere she can go, family close by she can stay, or live with?”

Peter heard Toni laugh over the phone, before she told him, “Funny you should ask that question, Peter. That bastard’s backhand this morning was the last straw, he’s hit me for the last time. I’ve been to a divorce attorney and had divorce papers drawn up, citing spousal abuse as the reason for the divorse. Tell me where they took that bastard and I’ll have them served there. That should shake up that asshole. As to where we’re going to live? I’ve been in contact with his mother, of all people, and she invited Charlene and I to move in with her. So that base is covered. And before you ask your next question, yes, I’m financially set. Since we had a joint bank account, I cleaned it out.”

This time Toni heard Peter chuckle before he said, “Damn, Toni. You were always one devil of a woman. Gerald won’t know what hit him. Okay, I’ll have security keep an eye on Charlene the rest of the day, though I think two girls may do that on their own. I’d like you to come pick her up after school, I’ll have her in my office. Toni, is there anything you’d like me to do for you and Charlene?”

Toni laughed in Peter’s ear, then told him, “You bet your ass, Peter. Always have been and always will be a devil of a woman. Thank you for looking out for Charlene. I know you all think she’s been a pain in your butts, but threats were made if she didn’t act that way at school. Yeah, Peter, I’ll be there to pick her up, we’re going to my mother-in-law’s home tonight. I’ve been packing everything we’re taking, plus a few personal bits. And I’ll be bringing her to school from now on, just to be safe. Thanks for the offer, Peter, we’re good right now. But I’ll keep your offer in mind if I need something.”

They said their goodbyes, then Peter and Charles left Peter’s office. Peter told Charles he’d drive them to the police station after school, as Charles started heading to his first period algebra class. Peter knocked on Tina’s office door, and opened the door when Tina said, “Come in.” He stood in the doorway, looking at the five in the office. He could see Charlene’s eyes were red, so figured she’d been crying. And as he expected, Marge and Kathy were holding the girl, trying to comfort her the best they could. “This office is a bit small for a conversation. Let’s all go to one of the conference rooms. You too Tina, please.” He stepped out of the doorway to let all five leave Tina’s office, before turning to Margot and asking her to come with them to take dictation. With Tina leading, then the three girls, then Robert, followed by Peter and Margot, Tina opened the door to one of the medium size conference rooms which would be perfect for the group. She led everyone into the room, going directly to the small fridge against the far wall. She counted heads, then took out a bottle of water for everyone.

After everyone was seated, Peter waited as Charlene drank deeply from the bottle of water Tina had given her. “Charlene, I want you to understand you are not in trouble, though Robert may want to speak with you after we’re through here. I think I understand why you tried to punch him, so I’m not going to do anything about that. What I want to know, and so will the police, is how has your dad been treating you and your mom. It’s really important. And did you know your mom has filed for divorce? And that you’ll be living with your father’s mom?”

With tears falling from her eyes, she closed her eyes and said, “Oh gawd, I’m so glad she finally did it. She’d been telling me she was going to do it each time he hit her. Guess she’d had enough after this morning. And no, I didn’t know anything about living with grandma.” She then went on to tell them about everything that had been happening at her home, including the threats Gerald had made to her. Robert clenched his fists when he heard Gerald had threaten Charlene with rape by some of his ‘friends’ if she didn’t do everything he told her. Charlene was still talking, after about an hour had passed, with Margot flipping page after page and rapidly writing in shorthand. Because of all Charlene had told them, Robert, Peter, Tina, and Margot all had their own opinions about what should happen to Gerald. And none of it would be pleasant for Gerald.

When the bell rang, signaling the end of second period, Peter said, “I think that’s enough for now, Charlene. You three girls go ahead to your third period classes. Oh, and Charlene. Your mom is picking you up after school, you’re going to your grandmother’s tonight.” After the three girls left the conference room, the adults discussed their thoughts on Gerald’s future, none were pleasant. Peter asked Margot to type up her notes on school stationery, make a copy for him, Tina, Robert and one for the safe. He said the original would go to the police. Gerald’s ass was toast.

Chapter 30

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