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Tyler Taylor Swop Days - Chapter 10 Final
Julie D Cole
‘Sorry Tyr. I’m so sorry.’
Did he mean that? I was sure he was calling me Ty but then he added an r sound at the end as if he was calling me Taylor.
‘It’s alright Darren I liked it. You seemed to like it too. I hope you are OK down there and it didn’t get too uncomfortable. Maybe you need to adjust a bit so I won’t look.’
‘It’s fine. I’m really embarrassed though. I just couldn’t help myself. I’ve dreamed of kissing you since we first met. You are so beautiful and I like to see this side of you. That’s why I was so excited.’
‘What do you mean this side of me?’
‘Well I have watched you for ages and I’ve see you dressed as a boy and as a girl. At first I thought that you and Taylor were twin sisters and then I saw you using the boys bathroom at school. I thought you just liked dressing as a boy and then I saw Taylor using the girls bathroom. I was intrigued so I followed you home a few times and then saw Taylor was playing football with the boys team but you didn’t join in and you watched from the side. You always seemed much more feminine than Taylor and then I saw you started to dress more like the girls. I checked with a few friends who play football and I found that Taylor was playing and she was using your name. Why? Nobody seemed to object to her playing so I assumed I had made a mistake and that I had mixed you both up.’
‘It sounds weird Darren. It seems that you were stalking me so you could have got into trouble. That would have been terrible. Think of what people would have said. Why did you take the risk?’
‘I can’t help it. I thought that you were really pretty for a boy and when I see this side of you I think are so cute and amazing. Do you hate me for telling you all this?’
‘No Darren I don’t hate you and thanks for being truthful. I hoped that no one would recognise me dressed as a girl but now I worry. Not just for me but for Taylor too. She gets changed with the lads.’
‘To be honest Ty I think Taylor carries it off really well. It’s much easier for girls though and I think it’s maybe because people just think it’s a phase they go through.’
‘Maybe I should just go back home then? I am just asking for trouble. I didn’t think you had any suspicion.’
‘I prefer you stay and I’ll be with you if anybody says anything stupid. That’s not likely looking at you since you look 100% girl tonight. I’d date you any day so I’m hoping you like me enough for me to be your steady boyfriend. I promise that with me you can dress however you wish.’
‘Why are you so nice to me? We never knew each other but I feel like you are a really kind person who I can trust. I’ve quite enjoyed being Taylor and it didn’t take much for sis to convince me to have swop days. Jane is also supportive so it’s just mum and dad now.’
‘Ty when we kissed just now it felt really good. Really good. I’ve wanted to do that every time I’ve seen you.’
‘Yes it was nice for me too. Are you sure you haven’t kissed before? I didn’t want you to stop.’
‘I guess I’ve just practised on balloons and on a mannequin in my mums dress-making room. She makes wedding and party dresses for her friends business.’
‘How do I rate then? Am I as good as the mannequin then?’
He surprised me by turning and kissing me again and I responded. As we parted he smiled and spoke, ‘Yes Ty I think you are my favourite.’
We linked arms and headed towards the coffee shop. This was crazy. Darren was not as quiet and shy as I expected and I liked him. My god what will mum think if we remain friends.
In the coffee shop Taylor and the gang were spread across several tables and they were laughing and joking. There seemed to be 4 or 5 girls with Taylor and the team and one big-busted girl was sitting on Taylors knee and Taylors hands were roaming a lot beneath her sweater.
We were welcomed and the barista was a senior guy from our school so he was looking after the gang. Darren ordered our drinks and told me that my latte was free since the barista was his elder brothers best friend. Finally Taylor spotted us and she waved to me after removing her hand from the girls breast. She looked a little embarrassed and I suppose it was my facial expression. It was my reputation she was playing with and I wasn’t happy.
Darren and I selected a table a safe distance from the group where we could here ourselves talk. I sent a message to Jane to let her know we had joined Taylor and her friends who were having a good time but no alcohol involved. Anyone who didn’t know us would take Taylor as a bit of a rebel and I felt she was trying to prove herself to teammates. That was Darrens opinion too as he tried to keep me calm and divert my attention to some news from his friends on facebook. It resulted in him taking some shots of the group and then a selfie of the two of us.
‘Please Darren don’t post them. I don’t want Jane or mum to see them or anybody else that knows us. Also if they get to the headmistress we’ll all be in trouble. Just look at Taylor. I can’t believe her behaviour tonight.’
I tried to calm down and it helped when Darren took hold of my hand. He refused to let go and pulled me close to him. Suddenly I was scared. Why had I given in to Taylor this was a stupid idea. There was no way she could ever be a boy and no way I could ever be a girl. I was time we faced facts and stopped this game.
I became more agitated and eventually I excused myself from Darren and went over to Taylor.
‘Can I have a word please. I’m not happy about your behaviour. Jane asked me to come here and insisted we went home early to spend some time with her. She wants to talk to us.’
‘Look little sister we are celebrating and we’re all having a good time here. Don’t be such a wimp. The boys just want to have fun. Our team has been accepted for the league next season.’
‘But you can’t. You won’t be available next season.’
‘Why not? Who is going to stop me.’
‘But you aren’t big enough.’
‘Look sis as the coach said tonight if you are good enough you are big enough.’
‘But Ty please listen to me. Darren is getting serious and I don’t know what to do.’
‘Just enjoy yourself sis but just don’t get pregnant.’
‘As if. Thanks for that. Don’t blame me if all this ends up in chaos and goes tit’s up.’
Taylor burst out laughing and so I turned and went back to Darren.
‘Can we go. I don’t want to watch anymore.’
But Jane wants you to make sure Taylor is OK.’
‘I tried my best but I need some fresh air I think. Can we just take a walk and come back when I’ve calmed down a bit.’
Darren took hold of my hand and we headed out and turned up the High Street. He didn’t say anything and eventually I leaned into him and held on.
‘Ty are you sure yo are OK?’
‘I think so but I don’t really know what to do. It’s as if Taylor doesn’t care what people think anymore. We could get into big trouble at school and be kicked out. Mum and Dad will go crazy and mum has enough to worry about with her mum and dads really busy at work and his company is fighting to survive. Everything around me is crumbling. I don’t know what to do. Taylor needs to come to her senses.’
‘It seems like you let her dictate too much. What do you want to do? Your mum and dad are grown up and must know what you are both like. They raised you. Same for Jane. She treats you like a sister. She loves you to bits.’
‘I know but she loves Taylor too. We are not so different are we?’
‘I think you are identical in looks but not in personality. Just look how she was behaving tonight. Boys don’t behave like that in front of other people in a coffee shop. She was showing off. You don’t show off. You are gentle and polite.’
‘But I’m a boy and look at me. How can you even look at me dressed like this?’
I turned away and looked up to the stars in the sky and the new moon and sighed as tears fell down my cheeks. Darren put his arms around me and held me tight.
‘Ty I love you and I want you to be yourself. Never mind Taylor and days of swopping. Just be yourself and whatever happens we’ll face it together.’
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So wonderful,
but I don't understand. Is this the end of the story? There are so many parts of this that I would love to have had a resolution to.
OK, we now know that Darren knew who Ty was and that the two are mutually attracted. But everything else still seems totally up in the air, and I'm not really sure where they go from here.
OK you are right
I want to carry on the story and you and a few others seem to read my work so I feel that I should keep plugging away.
Let's say this is meant to be the final chapter of their Swop Days. It doesn't mean it's the end of the story.
I just wanted to reach a point where I could add 'final' to the heading to see if made a difference to the number of visits to the story.
It does seem like it to me.
You may find...
...It will but not necessarily immediately, and the hit count may go up on the others to.
I am guessing from my own reading habits, in regards to drawn out &/or long stories.
~Hypatia >i< ..:::
I agree
In the end I write because I enjoy it and because I received a lot of support and encouragement. I've had plenty of hits and kudos across all my stories and we all have different tastes.
Tyler, Taylor doesn't seem...
so final...
Jessica E. Connors
Jessica Connors
True Jessica
So I'd better do something about it.
Seems like a good guy, though his secret crush on Tyler would have been a little creepy if he hadn't been able to explain and been so understanding too. Taylor needs an slight attitude adjustment before her laddish behaviour goes really over the line.
Give us some resolution please Julie!
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
Tyler Taylor swop days part 10
Things are starting to heat up
Girls rule
Taylor has gone to far
So Darren knows it's Tyler he's with, but his fascination with Tyler for so long is creepy. More so because he's been watching both Taylor and Tyler.
Taylor's behavior at the Starbucks is way out of bounds. She has stepped over a line that now has other thinking that's how the real Tyler acts. It's time someone laid down the law, make her see that she's endangering both of them by her actions.
If as Tyler said they could get kicked out of school, then she's risking both of their chances at school. And if mum and dad discover the truth, might there be hell to pay?
Their fun and games has gone far afield and needs to be halted for both of their sakes.
Others have feelings too.