You Chose the Wrong Store - Part 2

Ronnie's life took an unexpected turn for the different

when he picked the wrong store to shoplift!

You Chose
the Wrong Store
Part 2

By Jessica C
Copyright © 2013 Jessica C
All Rights Reserved.


Image Credits: Title Picture purchased and licensed for publishing from The model in this image is in no way connected with this story nor supports nor conveys the issues and situations brought up within the story. The model's use is solely used for the representation of looks of the main character of this particular story. ~Sephrena

Divider licensed free for use in publishing from ~Sephrena.


Part 2

“I think you have been so good and seemed to have learned your lesson. Hannah has a good heart and a good sense of wisdom. I think you are going to get off lightly.”

I thought to myself, ‘Be penitent Ronnie and in an hour you’ll be out of this. What did you learn? Work smarter not to get caught but if you do you can charm your way out. Even better if I play it right with Mommy, Dad might never know… Goodbye Jasmint, I hate to see you go. It was nice to play being you for a while, but you kind of grow on me…’

It was 5:45 p.m. before Hannah returned to the sales floor and another few minutes before Mom showed after that. She looked around but instead of coming to me she was looking at clothes. I was impressed as she chose two outfits that would definitely be an improvement to her wardrobe. One was a dress and the other outfit was a skirt, blouse and sweater combination which was unusual as she almost always wore slacks. It was just before six when I saw her modeling her skirt and blouse. Jasmine had combed out her hair and used Mom’s make-up. Mom was a more attractive woman that I had noticed.

When Mom paid for her clothes I saw she was purchasing two store gift cards. Though I didn’t see the amounts I speculated they were for only $25 each.

Hannah asked me to come in the back so the three of us could talk. “Well Martha did you have any trouble figuring out Jasmint here is your son/daughter?”

“I thought you told me she wasn’t necessarily out there but would be here for us to settle things if we can. Jasmint as you call her, because of her hair and eyes she was the most likely one. Even now I doubt she could be my son.”

“Jasmint what do you have to say to Martha,” Hannah asked? I paused not sure what to say and if I wanted to use Jasmint’s voice or my own.

“Mom,” I started to say as Jasmint, but changed, “I am sorry for what I did. Dressing this way was not my idea, but I confess Hannah Grant has been nice and fair to me.”

“Whoever did your hair and make-up and made sure you were wearing the outfit properly,” she asked? “I will forgive you in time but right now I am extremely disappointed and angry with you. If your brother is part of this, he too will be dealt with.”

Hannah spoke up, “When we found and caught Ronnie shoplifting I was repulsed. Because of other such crimes in our area, we have been on the watch. Ronnie did not want me to call the police, but I need to make sure his problems will be addressed and he punished.”

“As Ronnie said, dressing as a girl was not his idea, but he willingly agreed to do it, hoping the meeting with you would be sufficient. I did not force her to do any of this. She was not solely responsible for the selection of her clothes, her hair or the make-up she put on. Taking care of her clothing and redoing her make-up and hair as needed during the day was by her. She is the one who chose her jewelry and as a girl, she chose to help various customers this afternoon.”

“She has been very well behaved and cooperative, which has helped my desire to get this resolved without the police."

Jasmint, I mean Ronnie, your mother and I have met and have come to an agreement that can settle things today. I agree with your mother that it would be a just punishment and hopefully will influence how you do things in the future.”

I broke in being confident if Hannah agreed with an idea of my mother, I was pretty much home free. “Mom as I said to Hannah earlier, I accept responsibility for my actions and I am terribly sorry to them and to you and Dad for what I did. If it is your decision I am sure it will be just and I am glad that Hannah Grant has agreed.”

Hannah was the one now speaking up, “Don’t you want to hear the agreement, I need your agreement as well as your confession to having done the crime and accept this discipline for your actions.”

“I am sure I have no qualms in agreeing just let me know where to sign so we can get on with things. I hope with my confession you guarantee there will be no criminal prosecution by the law.”

“Agreed,” Hannah smiled and she gave me the agreement to sign adding a sheet on top for me to write out my confession. Which is to include an inventory and value for the things I sought to steal. I quickly signed the agreement and took the paper in the back to write out my confession. It took me no more than fifteen minutes to write out my confession. When I came out my Mom was out in her car and had the engine running.

“Can I change now, I want to get going?”

Hannah replied, “No, we all need to get going. You can change when you get back.” Hannah waved to my Mom and my Mom pulled out and she appeared to have left. I knew she was trying to scare me. Since I felt embarrassed enough I just waved back.

Hannah says, “Let me see your purse, I need to put a few things in it including a little money… Now let’s get going.”

“I’ll be embarrassed going out like this.”

“You did well in here and if you keep your composure and your nice voice no one will realize you are not a girl. Jasmint is a cute name but with Jasmine working here I think we need to change it. I suggest we call you Janelle, then you can go by Jane or Jan as you wish.”

“We are going to my daughter Joy’s ball game. If anyone asks your last name is Grant your mother did not want you to use your last name and embarrass your family.”

“So I am going to use your name and embarrass you. Why don’t you just take me home and I won’t embarrass you either?”

“That is a good idea, you’ll be Janelle Myers. Even Joy will just think you are a long distant cousin she has never met. …You can’t go home because I won’t be there and my husband and other daughter deserve to be introduced.”

“I meant my home.”

“I suspected you did, but you would have known better if you had read your agreement. You are now my foster child until it is time to get ready to go back to school.”

“I thought I had gotten out of being Jas… Janelle. My Mom would never have thought this up or agreed to it.”

We were pulling into the sports complex of Central City High School. “Choosing my store to shoplift was your first mistake, thinking you could sweet talk your way out of it was your second big mistake and now you’re in danger of striking out.” Hannah said, “Pouting and throwing a fit and being found out to be a boy would not be a good third strike.”
We were parking as a good looking girl in uniform came running up, “Mom, you just missed my JV game. But the varsity second base girl isn’t feeling good, so I am starting. Who’s the girl with you?”

She is your cousin Janelle Myers, Aunt Suzie’s daughter. For now, she’s my foster daughter and we will make her one of the Grants for the summer. Janelle this is your cousin Joyce.”

“I need to get going Mom; I will look for the two of you. Janelle, it is nice to meet you. I look forward to you being my sister this summer. I’ll help to make it a lot of fun.”

Hannah looked at me, “Do you want me to give you a ponytail so you can wear a baseball hat?”

“Will it help hide me or make me look even less like a boy,” I asked?

“If someone mistakes you for a boy hit them with your purse. Are you hungry like I am, let’s get something before the game?” We were sitting in some folding chairs Hannah had with her and I asked if we should take them with us. Hannah laughed and pointed to the concession stand.

They have nachos, chicken sandwiches, hot dogs, popcorn. I'm afraid I would be wearing cheese or mustard so I went with the chicken sandwich with mayo. I wasn’t going to get a drink but Mom ordered me a diet coke.

“Mom, I didn’t want a drink.”

“What did you call me?”

I couldn’t believe it either but I excused by saying, “Is it better I call you Mom or would you prefer I call you Aunt Hannah?”

I was getting nervous and needed to use the toilet, but there is no way was I using a restroom at the park.

Hannah said, “The girl’s room here isn’t like the guy's restroom and you can close the door on the stalls. You will also find it much cleaner.”

“Hey, Ms. Grant, can Rich and I sit with you during the game?” Hannah threw him her car keys so he went and got two more chairs. Jim set his chair close to mine.

“I can move so you can sit… never mind.” I wasn’t going to sit between the two boys.

“Jimmy, this is my niece Janelle and she will be staying with us this summer. Janelle, this is Jimmy and Rich. You will see Jim around the house if Joy lets him in.”

Jim asks, “So Janelle what grade are you in? You must have been a wild girl to be sent here while school is still going?”

“While I did something wrong, I am not a wild girl. There are times when you are caught and there are immediate consequences.”

“Touchy,” James chuckled.

“Either stay here and watch the game or be like a tree and leave. I mean it.” Hannah patted me on the hand.

“I was hoping you liked us,” James said.

“Mmmmmm,” I was hot. I walked up to the back of the dugout. Joy looked at me and knew I was frustrated. “They are not bad but they can get to you sometimes. I can’t talk but you are welcome to stay here for a while.”

Another girl comes over, “Hi, I’m Missy you can sit with those of us on the junior varsity team. Do you have your purse with you; you could use fixing your lipstick.” I went picked up my purse and went back to Missy and the JV team. I need to maneuver up the bleachers, wearing a skirt. ‘This is payback.’ I start on my way up and need to reach out to a hand so I don’t lose my balance.

“Nice going,” I hear Missy say as I am still a bit wobbly. I step down and turn to sit down, and as I begin to say, “Thank you,” as I see the guy who helped me.

He smiles as I'm turning red. “I just helped you and I don’t bite.” I could hear Missy and a few other girls giggle.

I found myself biting my lower lip not knowing what to say or do. I opened my purse and took out my lip-gloss. I looked back in it and found a compact with a mirror. Having glossy radiant lips is not exactly what I wanted. I turned to watch the game. Joy was out playing at second base.

“Is my cousin any good?”

“She’s going to be a sophomore and she is playing on the varsity team, I guess so,” another girl says.

“She’s a really good fielder and she’s good and getting better as a hitter. By the way, my name is Trey.”

I asked Missy softly, “She is good looking, fields and bats well; does she have any weaknesses?”

Trey spoke up, “Yes, she is humble.” I looked at the girls and they were shaking their heads ‘yes.’ Their pitcher is really good.

“Wow, is the pitcher a senior?” Missy showed me the program and I saw only three starters were seniors.

“It is a young team and they will only get better as the season goes on if they don’t have injuries.”
The game was in the fifth inning with Central ahead 5-1, with them coming back up to bat. I walked up to the dugout as Joy would be up third. “It is nice to have you here. So what do you think?”

“You’re good and the team is playing really well. The pitcher is going to try to pitch you on the outside of the plate.”

She says, “So you agree with the coach that I should go to the opposite field.” I smiled though I'm not sure I was going to say anything. The first batter got a walk and Samantha got an infield single. I was cheering for Joy and I was so happy when she hit the ball over the first baseman’s head and down the line in fair territory. I ran over to Missy and hugged her as we jumped up and down. I could see Trey and a few other guys watching me like I’m a girl.

I ran back to the chair next to Hannah. “Calm down Janelle those boys are going to think you have the hots for them.”

I say, “You know better.”

“I am not sure, you are being very girly right now. You might want to watch yourself jumping like that in a skirt.” I wondered what if anything I showed. Joy scored and so they were pretty much in control of the game.

“Joy is prettier than I am with dirt on her face, in a dirty uniform and with cleats on.”

Someone says, “If you are going to measure your girl self, up against Joy it might be a long summer. One of the other team’s batters hit a hard ball and it should have been passed Joy but she dove for the ball and kept it to an infield single. The girl was tagged out by Joy two pitches later when the girl tried to steal second base.

“Boy, I didn’t know girls played such a good game.”

Mrs. Hannah says, “They are girls but Joy does not like being compared to the boys. People are surprised that girls play an exciting game,” I could see Hannah’s pride.

I ask, “Are you happy for Joy or the team?”

Hannah simply answered, “Yes.” It was the seventh inning and with two outs the last batter popped it up and the game was over. Joy had to meet with the team and would probably be going out with her teammates. We were putting the chairs in the back when Joy came running up with her cleats, glove, and bat.

I say, “You were terrific Joy. If you want I will take your stuff and make sure it gets back safely.”

Joy asks, “Thanks, but I am coming home with you. Are you going to be sleeping with me in my room?”

“I don’t think your mother will allow that.”

Her Mom says, “Joy, you were great honey. You should have seen Janelle, she too was terrific today. You know Caroline Nichols and little Jenny.”

I said, “It just happened, it wasn’t anything special.”

Joy says, “My Mom doesn’t hand out compliments like that. What happened, Mom?”

Her mom says, “Jenny approached Janelle because she hadn’t seen any dresses for little girls like her, but Janelle remembered our mother/daughter dresses and outfits. So she told Jenny’s mother and when Caroline saw how happy Jenny was it just made her day. She just wanted to make sure they bought something and they celebrated. Everyone was happy for Caroline and Jenny. They bought the most beautiful and expensive dresses of the lot.”

Joy asks, “Are you talking about that really sharp one with the wavy lines?"

Hannah says, "After they decided to get them, Caroline and Jenny decided to also try on the yellow and peach dresses. Caroline knew they would be right for Jenny next spring.”

Joy says, “Mom, I wanted you to get the Mom and teen dress for us. They better not have bought them?”

“Guess who Caroline asked to try on your dress?”

Joy looks over to me and says, “O my, don’t tell me, Janelle! You lucky girl! I am not surprised though that is more than worth it to Caroline to see Jenny happy and expressive. I bet Jenny was looking really cute.”

“You can have the dress Joy,” I told her.

Joy says, “My Mom would kill you and then me if you did that. If there was anything left of me I wouldn’t want Caroline to see me wearing it.”

“You’re kidding, Caroline is such a sweet lady.”

Joyce tells me, “I’ve babysat Jenny and I have seen Caroline cry as she hurts for her daughter and I have seen how much she loves that girl. Your pretty dress is nothing in comparison… Mom where is the dress?”

“It is still at the store it needs some alterations.”

Joy asks, “Is it pinned so she could wear it and show me?”

I say, “It is just a pretty dress, chill.”

“Mom is Janelle, not a real girl?” We were both caught off guard and everyone went silent. Joy looked at us both and back to her mom. Joy looked at me and she couldn’t bring herself to say it. “No, you’re kidding me. What really happened?”

Hannah told us to get in the car. We were all starving but Hannah drove directly to the Shoppe. No questions were answered as I went and changed into the dress. I had to find the forms for the bra cups. I was sure the change was not doing it justice, but it did look really good as I was seeing it anew.
I walked out on the front of my feet as I knew I should have on heels for this dress. “See that Mom no boy would be up on the front of his feet. I don’t know why you are teasing me.” We heard a knock on the front door of the store, it was Trey.

Joy knew how to open the door and she let Trey in. Trey put his arms around her; lifted Joy, twirled her around and gave her a big kiss. I shuttered thinking back to when he helped me and then talked to me. I thought he was flirting and part of me had liked it. Seeing him as Joy’s boyfriend only made it worse. I was blushing again.

Joy saw me blushing and I knew it only confirmed for her that I was all girl. I turned in the dress and Joy smiled, I knew she was happy for me. I didn’t understand how girls think.

Mom showed her the earrings I have on, “She put them on thinking they were regular clip-on. Before today she never had pierced earrings.” Joy found another pair of earrings took mine off and placed the other ones on. “Each girl should have a pair of diamond earrings.”

I went over to the mirror near the jewelry to see how they look. ‘They are very pretty, but I have already cost too much today.’ She looked at her Mom with big puppy eyes and then at Trey. Trey was the one who broke, “For your Sister, I will be happy to buy them.” Hannah charged him only half price.

I walked around the store so the three of them got a good look. Then I went and changed out of the dress. I was tempted to pick up a pair of slacks and run out the back door. Too much had already been set into play; Hannah saw me thinking and said, “I am glad you chose not to try that.”

Mom came over and gave me a kiss on the cheek, treating me like a daughter. I have a new Mom and a Big Sister and I felt good about it.

I rode with Mom and Joy rode with Trey and we met at Martini’s. Dressed as Joy and Trey were we went into the café and not doors for the dining and nightspot further to our left. Joy started by ordering a pasta dish with crab meat and then told Gino her little sister was having the same. I was going to protest but Joy took me by the hand and we were soon heading for the women’s room.

We weren’t quite to the door when she turned me and started to talk. “Don’t act like some stupid boy who doesn’t eat this and doesn’t eat that. Girls need to learn to eat more things so when a guy feels he has to order for her she doesn’t starve.”

“So now you believe I’m a boy,” I smiled?

She smiled too, “I don’t know why yet but you’re a girl and you’re going to behave liked one. You’re my Sis and I like what I’ve seen. If the dish is not your favorite you can eat half and then play as though you’re full or lost your appetite.”

“Want me to explain…”

“Not now, not here; let’s use the women’s room and get back.”
By now I was in need of the women’s room. I heard Joy trying to tell me what to do as I walk in the stall and closed the door. It was the second time today. I didn’t need Joy telling her little sister. When I was done, I walked over to the sink and was pleasantly surprised to see I had brought my purse. So I looked in saw what I needed and fixed my face and hair.

Okay so I tried, and Joy acted like my Big Sis and made it look really nice. “You did pretty well on your own Jan, thanks for allowing me to help you. We tend to see things the other might miss.” We both smiled at each other.
The appetizers were already served along with our drinks. Mom looked with puzzlement and then smiled when Joy said, “Everything is fine Jan and I just needed to talk.”

‘She’s calling me Jan,’ I thought, I kind of liked it, but still wanted others to call me Janelle so I knew they were talking to me.

Mom had ordered me a salad with small shrimp that I don’t usually eat. I looked up and saw Joy sitting next to Trey. So I tried the shrimp salad and found out it was okay. It had a different taste from what I was used to, a good difference, not bad. I watched Hannah and Joy, and like them, I didn’t worry about eating it all.

Gino was soon serving us the dinners and our portions were noticeably smaller that Trey’s and I was getting offended until Gino said, “Ladies, I will be back soon and ask if you would like more. I will be pleased to get what you want. Will that be okay Ms. Grant?”

“Thank you very much, Gino and I thank you for going out of your way to serve us. I would like to introduce you to Janelle our daughter for this summer. She is one of my niece’s and she lives across the country.

“Please to meet you, Janelle. Your name is a beautiful flower, like one of those graceful animals free in the wild. May you enjoy your summer here? Having Joyce as a sister should be very helpful in enjoying your time.”

The crab, pasta and the sauce, with a light taste of garlic and other spices I did not know, was very pleasing. I could have eaten more and true to his word Gino did ask. But I heard Joy comment: “I could enjoy more, but I better not.”

We were to the Grant home after a short drive. I had no trouble realizing I was in one of the better neighborhoods of the north side. Being a Southsider in our city was not enviable. While I had friends in the other areas of the city, this was way out of my league.

Mom brought in some bags of merchandise that I knew nothing about. I heard Trey ride up as the car doors open, but Mom told me, “Mind my own business” so I headed towards the door.

Another girl did, however, run past me to the door. “Faith, you know better. Come here, I want to introduce someone. …Faith, this is Janelle your cousin from St. Louis; she is going to be here most of the summer. Please go get your father for me if you would, thanks.” Hannah gave her a kiss and placed her back down. We said a quick hello as she went off in another direction.
The front door opened and Joy came into the house as I heard a car drive away. “So Mommy Dearest, you had an interesting day at work.” I sat down worried and not at all sure what would be happening next.

Mr. Grant and Faith came back; when Mr. Grant saw me his eyebrows went up, but seemingly he knew to be quiet. “Bill, I would like to introduce you to our third daughter for the summer. This is Janelle, Sharon’s teenage daughter. Janelle this is my husband Bill and Faith. You can call him Uncle unless he and you decide otherwise.”

Bill spoke up, “Hannah, what have you told me about bringing a guest here unannounced. Dotty gave me your message. I was ready to call Sharon, but decided to wait to hear things from you first.”

She said, “Janelle was a shoplifter we caught at the store today, and she needed to learn a good lesson. Her mother came to the store and to my surprise was very cooperative. The lesson won’t be learned in a day or two; he’s a bit of a smooth talker and schmooze.” Mr. Grant and Faith took a double look at me. “She’s fourteen and will finish going to school here like she is in ninth grade.”

Hannah says, “Get this, she was shoplifting so she could go to church camp and do some horse riding.”

Mr. Grant sarcastically says, “Stealing to go to church camp, but you think she will do well in our house? What do we have in our house are you comfortable losing? Why didn’t you let the police take her? And if I heard you right I am not even sure she is a she.”

“Where is she going to sleep?” He stopped and everyone was waiting for Hannah to speak, everyone save Joy. “She can sleep in my room with me. If Faith would leave us for a while, I can explain.”

Faith with a little coaxing left, though not quietly. Her Dad said, “You might be a genius but I don’t see that as either a smart or helpful answer."

“Mom and Dad, would it be okay for her to go to my room so I can talk to you alone for a short bit?” She escorted me to her room and told me not to get into anything until she got back. Then she went back to talk to her parents.

“Dad, Mom’s right to get someone like this to change, she needs to be immersed in things outside of her experience. It will take time to break bad habits and thinking; and more time to take in his heart and head a new way of life.”

Her Dad says, “So, I don’t see how her staying in your room will be helpful though we both see some conflicts which I believe you are aware of.”

“You two aren’t worried about me liking her, are you? One, he is too young for me. We won’t see the other naked. We can change in the bathroom or my walk-in closet. If I need to teach her something like a girl I will have her wear one of my old bathing suits or something else appropriate.”

Joy went on, “I don’t think Dad will sleep much without someone watching over her.”

“I would be more afraid of him watching over you,” Dad said and Mom nodded affirming.

“Mom and I already got Jan seeing me as a big sister. She might want me to see her as a boyfriend. Right now she is like a puppy trying to get us to like her and that especially goes for me. She wants my friendship and affection and if possible my love. She won’t do anything inappropriate; I will get her to promise me that.”

“Give me a night to prove it is okay and then we can take it a day at a time. If it doesn’t work I will agree and do what you want. You know I will do that even if you want it your way right now.”

Her Dad gave Joy a hug, “You know we trust you; do you know how frustrating it is to have two geniuses in the house and not one of them is me?”

“Dad, you know how important you are and that you won’t get any sympathy talking like that?”

Hannah laughed, “So are we agreed to try the idea for a night? Joy please take these things for Janelle and help her get ready for bed. And for now, the door is not to be locked. Do not be upset with me if I come in unannounced.”
Joy came back to her bedroom. Joy said, “My Mother wants you to get ready for bed and she asked me to give you these two bags. I expect one has a nightgown or pajamas.” She pulled out a skirt and looked for the size. “Size six that’s nice for fashion, but it also means you need to get your own clothes.”

“I think three to four outfits are going to have to do. I hope your family isn’t embarrassed with me, but I have a Southsider’s simple taste and income?”

“How did you like how nice Rachael was to you today?” I nodded my head up and down. “Was she treating you well or was she acting any different from Jasmine and Mom?”

“Don’t change the subject?”

She said, “I said that because Rachael Carney is a Southsider though we don’t think in those terms.”

‘Carney’, I thought, “She looks like Melissa Carney, please tell me, Melissa and she are not sisters? I’ve delivered newspapers there. If she remembers me, she will tell others and I will be forever embarrassed.”

Joy says to me, “Quit defining others by how you think, everyone isn’t like you. Rachael won’t do that we trust her… This blouse is very pretty but plain enough for everyday wear. So, I think it might be for tomorrow.”

I say, “I hope there are some unisex slacks in there and regular underwear.” Joy giggled as she looked in the bag, “what’s so funny?”

“Well, you got one of your wishes. Mom has bought you some normal underclothes though I suspect you will find something wrong with them." ‘What could be wrong with normal underwear, I thought?’
Joy pulled out two bras and more panties of different pastel colors. “So what is so normal about this underwear,” I asked with an attitude?

“These are normal pieces of under clothing for a fourteen-year-old girl, but it appears Mom has only bought you two skirts. Like your panties and bras, they are normal clothes and nothing special. I expect Mom plans to take you shopping tomorrow. I don’t know how as it is her Saturday to put a full day at the Shoppe.”

Joy tells me, “Jan, you better get in the shower or Mom is going to be upset with both of us. I will see what she has for you tonight and place in the bathroom next to the door. If you don’t mind, I want you to check your body for hair not appropriate for a girl. There should be a new razor in the bathroom closet.”

“If I was being a guy your Dad could show me, though it would not be needed. I wish you could help me.”

Joy says, “Jan, I am putting one of my old swimsuits inside; please put it on then I can come in and help you. Tell me when you are ready?” Putting on the swimsuit was another neat girl experience; I liked how it felt as it hugged my body.

“I have it on, you can come in now.”

Joy was soon in the bathroom, “Hey tuck that gross thing between your legs and out of sight.”

“It’s not that gross, Trey and every guy has one,” I snickered.

“It is gross when one sees it on a woman. That is unless you are a TG woman like Jamie at the University. I’ve seen her and she is hot looking. I hear both guys and some women find her very special.”

“What do you think of her,” I asked? Joy stepped back, puzzled by my question.

“It may surprise you, but I admit I am a bit prejudice about what I don’t understand.”

“You seemed impressed by this Jamie? What impresses you about a person you keep your distance from?”

“She’s comfortable with herself; I find that rare in people, man or woman. It is that quality that makes a lot of people uncomfortable with her.” I had turned myself away from her while she was talking and looking elsewhere. I was able to tuck myself underneath as she suggested.

“Better, thank you, please use this cream on your legs and underarms. Wait a few minutes and then rinse the cream and your body hair off in the shower. Make sure your hands are really clean before you shampoo and condition your hair. You will need to condition your hair twice. Also, use my body wash to wash your body instead of soap. O you should take off your swimsuit when washing.”
It felt kind of nice in my situation to have a big sister kind of watching out and giving me direction. I did as she said and was pretty happy with how my legs felt. It kind of felt girly when I shaved my underarms. I didn’t think much when I first shampooed my hair, even the first time I conditioned and rinsed it out. But when I used the conditioner for the second time, I was really surprised by the difference when I used the right conditioner the second time. It was still wet and I didn’t have a mirror in the shower, but I felt a big difference.

Showering with her body wash and one of those special balls that made it lather up so much it was another nice experience. A girl would call them bubbles and with the perfume smell, I was becoming too girly. It felt good, I felt good and I wanted to sound like a girl might if she felt like I did, but I didn’t want to embarrass myself. I even cleaned my feet a second time too. Boy’s feet don’t feel this way. I rinsed off and got out of the shower. “Pat yourself dry, don’t rub hard to dry yourself off. Put on your nightgown and let me help you with your hair.”

‘Pat me dry?’ It felt like I was like pampering myself like a girl, and that is how I was beginning to look. I told myself, ‘don’t go getting used to this it won’t be good.’ But putting on the nightgown worked against what I was saying. I didn’t want to wear another panty, but I knew Joy would be angry.
Joy came in and got a hair blower and took me to a chair in her bedroom. Her Mom came to see what we were doing. It was embarrassing, but at least I wasn’t in trouble. I was going to ask Mom something but I forgot.

Mom suggests to Joy, “I think you will take away any idea of her being Ronnie if she has long bangs.” Joy stepped back and agreed with her. No one asked me if it was all right. Joy brushed some of my hair down over my face saying, “Janelle close your eyes.” There was the snipping of scissors and hair fell in my lap.

She asked me, “Why are you crying?”

“You shouldn’t have cut my hair,” I said.

“You knew what I was going to do; it’s a little late now to cry about it. You look very cute with bangs,” she said and her mother agreed. “Do you want someone to recognize Ronnie when they look at you?”

“Mom, could you get me the pair of diamond studs and some peroxide and cotton?” Mom left and was quickly back. It stung a little as she used the peroxide on my pierced ears. But the studs were in and the sting diminished before I complained.

She gave me a hand mirror and asked me to look. I saw the face and long hair of a brunette teenager looking back. I brought my free hand up to my mouth in surprise. It was like I was disappearing and Janelle, who I was pretending to be was becoming real. Mom came and held me to her bosom and I felt like a daughter. ‘What a waste for a teenage boy.’

Joy started to pull off her baseball jersey as she walked to the shower. Mom spoke up, “Joy, she’s still a boy now, don’t do that.” Joy was in the bathroom closing the door.

Hannah spoke to me, “I see it took quite a while to get ready for bed.”

“It takes longer for a girl, because of make-up and so much stuff you have to do,” I said.

“Yes there is a lot even as tired as a girl might be, but it is a lot better to do it before you go to bed. So do you think the nightgown is pretty?” That was not the kind of question to ask a boy, but Mom waited me out.

“It is very pretty and it feels very nice as well. Joy said, "I’m going to have to go and get more girl clothes tomorrow. She also said you are to work all day. I told her I only needed two or three outfits that I am not a regular girl.”

Mom smiled but spoke plainly, “While you are under my roof and you are going to dress like any other girl. We need to get a dress for Sunday church and some school clothes.” Now that my hair was dry, Hannah was brushing my hair and counting. “I’ve done this for each of my girls, it is like therapy to a woman’s soul.”

“Speaking of soul Mrs. Grant; what do you think God’s thinking about me being in dresses and girl clothes.”

“To be frank Jan, it is better than you shoplifting. Plus I think God has seen you dressing like a girl before.”

“No one has seen me doing that I made real sure.” Hannah couldn’t help but laugh at my statement. She put tape across my bangs, kissed me goodnight and tucked me into bed.

“Mom, Joy’s Dad said something about her being a genius and you too. What did he mean?”

“People use to say I am really intelligent, but Joyce has scored a 152 on her I.Q TEST. Now that others see me owning and running the Shoppe they think I am discounting myself. I have two master's’ degrees. I can translate and proofread documents and stories in other languages as well but most people do not know that.”

She continued, “Others think, we are holding Joyce back because she is not going to the university already. But she wants a normal high school girl’s life. She takes all of her classes up to another level. She does take college classes; she just doesn’t brag about it.”

I ask, “So what other language do you know?”

“I speak and read Latin, German, Spanish and I’ve worked on three other languages. I don’t try to learn as much or as fast now that Joyce is doing so much and Faith is active and they're wanting their mother to be there too.”

I ask, “Why didn’t you just turn someone like me over to the police? I have to be more trouble than I am worth?”

She kissed me again, “It is time for you to go to sleep.”

“Mom, is it okay to call you Mom? I have been a Schmooze and don’t deserve you, but I am thankful. I'm just afraid I will disappoint you?”

Hannah says, “You might stumble a time or two, but please don’t give up and don’t deceive me or hurt my girls."

“Mom, won’t you be worrying about her going to sleep with me in her room?” Joyce stuck her head out from the bathroom.

“I will be back in a little while to say goodnight to you and Joyce.”
Mom was gone a couple of minutes before Joy came out wrapped in a large towel and got on the computer and cell phone. She would turn and visit with me as well as whomever she was communicating with. Lesley’s voice was coming over the computer as well as her picture.

“Come over here Jan and let Lesley see you.” I was scared, but I did as Joy asked.

“She’s the little hottie that was at the game tonight. Hi Jan, I hope you don’t mind but we’re going to corrupt you this summer.” From what I saw of Lesley she could easily lead me astray.

Another girl popped up on the computer and she wasn’t wearing much. “Joy are you going to be coming to the U tomorrow, we need to work on our project?”

“Patrice, you are going to embarrass my little Sis; please cover up.”

“I’m just helping her to dream bigger Joyce. Has she had her first period yet? I could show her both sides if you want?”

“Get to bed Jan and cover your eyes and ears for a moment, but don’t fall asleep.” I was glad I was behind Joyce since I didn’t have any boobs under my nightgown.

“Can you bring your sister to the campus, tomorrow?”

“That was Faith you met before, I will bring Janelle sometime but it won’t be tomorrow.”

I didn’t hear what Lesley said, but Joy said, “That is right I don’t trust you. ”

I fell asleep dreaming of the coming day, but it was not at all restful…
End Part II

To Be Continued...

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