Carla & Julian

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Carla Maria and Julian

By Julie D Cole

This is a story inspired by a wonderful YouTube Video recently posted. This is my take on the build up to that video and perhaps I will share the title at the end of the story unless there is a risk of me getting into trouble.

I was born in Mexico, the grandson of a Chinese immigrant who left China with the money he had been able to pack into duffle bags before the Mao revolution. His young wife, my grandmother, accompanied him along with a small group of friends who were descendants of other local businessmen in Shanghai. There was a lot of wealth at that time before the revolution. Most wealthy people who couldn’t leave lost everything and were treated cruelly. According to my grandparents many didn’t survive.

The group of friends were heading for the USA and escaped China by negotiating berths on trading ships who had done lots of business through their import and export businesses. They carried what wealth and possessions they could pack in large packing cases and had accumulated lots of priceless artifacts. They bribed friends to arrange false documentation each of them dropping their family names and adopting westernised Chinese names. Some of the group had friends with established businesses in the USA and when they left China they were heading for California and San Francisco in particular to join them. The routes had to be changed, at the last minute, so they spent a lot longer at sea than they hoped.

Unfortunately, they only managed to reach Mexico where they had to disembark. The revised plan was that they would cross the border into the USA but getting paperwork was a problem despite all their contacts so they only made it as far as Monterrey which is where I was born and grew up. They soon realised it was a good place to settle since they were made welcome. After a few years some of the group finally were able to continue their journey and made it to San Francisco. They paid a lot of money to facilitate that final leg of their journey but my grandfather decided to use money he gathered by selling some artifacts to set up business in Monterrey where low cost labour was plentiful. He quickly trained a number of local residents to produce his products and his business flourished. Eventually after Mao was removed the group invested in real estate in Hong Kong and also they set up more import/export businesses.

I guess dad had a comfortable life style as a result of grandads success and he spoke English and Spanish that was a big advantage. He joined his fathers company became the CEO of the base company in Monterrey and was a director of some of the subsidiaries. We had a very comfortable life by comparison to the family and the friends they left behind many of whom were sent to the fields having been stripped of everything they possessed. Under Mao they were forced to do manual tasks and re-trained. My grandfather had anticipated the problems and was saddened that he felt that he had to leave his homeland whilst in his prime.

Dad grew up in Monterrey and married the daughter of Grandads best friend and they celebrated in true Chinese style according to mum with a huge banquet for friends and neighbours. After their arrival a small community of Chinese nationals was set up in a very nice part of the city so they hung onto as many things as possible that were traditional in their homeland. All our neighbours were considered to be wealthy families compared with most of the local population. It didn’t take long for more Chinese people to escape China and through encouragement of my grandfather’s group some found their way to Monterrey and a small Chinatown was established that was full of restaurants.

Life in Mexico was different but much safer than it would have been in China and since the families had settled down and made roots it didn’t take long for mum to become pregnant. Unfortunately she had a difficult time through her pregnancy and I was almost lost because of complications with my birth. I was saved by the skills of an experienced local paediatrician who realised I was choking. Mum was forever in her debt. Mum also had lost a lot of blood through the ordeal. I guess that was a reason I had no brothers or sisters.

So I grew up as the son of 2 Chinese nationals, born in Mexico. neither of whom had legal documentation and mum told me that in her home village in China records of births, marriages and deaths were almost non-existent. Mum and Dad didn’t like to talk about it and what I did find out came from my grandmother. All my mum would say was that the families hoped to settle in the USA so I was given an international name of Julian. The family name of Chan was never forgotten even though there were no records and I was frequently reminded that my real Chinese name was Tian Yi and our new family name became Li.

I later found out that I was named after Tian Yi a famous eunuch, castrated at the age of 9 to serve at the Imperial Court of the Ming Dynasty. I could never understand the logic of that decision. Perhaps this name was selected because apparently my real gender was confusing at first and I was almost announced as a daughter. I shared this information in confidence with Carla not long after we met that she said explained why I had a smaller than average frame and soft features. I wasn’t embarrassed as long as we never discussed this with friends and she kept her promise. When we were alone together she would tease me and she called me her Juliana.
As an only child I suppose I was spoiled to some extent especially since I was mainly raised by mum who doted on me. I guess I was smothered with love and affection and mum sometimes said that she always dreamed of having a daughter but she had been blessed with a beautiful boy. Dad was always busy at work and mum and her friends met on a daily basis for Chinese tea and activities such as embroidery. Most of my friends at school were Mexican and Carla was part USA and part Mexican. None of the group of Chinese families who settled were very tall. Boys and girls were much shorter than other international children and most Mexican children were also well below 6 feet high so I didn’t feel out of place. Carla was a few inches taller probably because of her USA genes.

It was not a surprise that male schoolfriends also towered above me and they would often tease me since even some of the girls were more athletic than me. Carla played for the softball team and also excelled at volleyball. I was next to useless at any sport so I never quite knew why we became friends. I actually thought she preferred girls to boys and several of her teammates hung around together and declined invitations from male students to out on dates. Carla was more of a loner socially like me although she was selected as team captain so she became quite popular. She tried to encourage me to play softball and join social groups with her as she gained in confidence and often invited me to events that tended to be dominated by female friends. I got to know quite a few of them quite well and some of my male school friends would ask me to help them arrange dates.
Carla never really let me get away with excuses and she’d ensure that I was keeping up with fashion and dressed smartly to reflect the image of our family in the area. She helped me build up a wardrobe of quality brand name clothes using my generous allowance and sometimes I treated her even though she had her own allowance and her parents weren’t poor. She had 2 sisters but no brothers and sadly one was in a wheelchair after an accident and I got to know them both.
They encouraged me to let my hair grow longer that suited me better but I had to tie it back for college. Mum had no problem and she ensured I washed it regularly and she trimmed it to keep it in good condition until it reached my shoulders. Carla then persisted in calling me Juliana and even her sisters Katy and Rebecca commented on how it suited me because of my soft Asian features. I was looking more like my mother with my hair down but dad wasn’t pleased and dropped hints that I should visit a barber shop with him.
Carla soon blossomed as our teenage years passed and her body developed a very feminine shape like her mums that she wasn’t too happy about. I told her that she had the most beautiful firm breasts that any young woman would be proud of. She offered them to me since she said they got in the way at softball and volleyball. My body didn’t seem to be changing at all but then mum explained that most boys go through puberty much later than girls so she was never concerned. Carla was almost 6” taller than me by the time we were eighteen but luckily I pulled back a few inches. If she wore heels I was back to square one looking up at her.

So that is the background to why I was a Chinese person living in Mexico with a group of girfriends all of whom welcomed me. I knew that I picked up some of their mannerisms but mum never objected unless dad was around. She said I’d have made a beautiful daughter and she had dreamed of being married in a beautiful white wedding gown rather than traditional Chinese dress and would have enjoyed visiting bridal shops. She knew she had the perfect complexion for white and we were lucky that our ancestors weren’t from the North of China where many people have darker skin that is more like tanned leather in comparison to those from the South and East coast. Much like in parts of Mexico I supposed.

Chapter 1
In my senior year at junior college Carla and I hung around with a small group of mainly international students and we had a great time. Mostly the group was female and there were only three of us male and we were all focused on studies. We did like to socialise too and we were generally well behaved with very few incidents or complaints about noise when we gathered for small parties or dining experiences. My skills were in cooking Chinese food that mum taught me growing up so I became quite popular with some of the girls who wanted me to pass on tips. Rick and Henry rarely hosted dining experiences but enjoyed the meals presented even if mistakes were made. They consequently decided to be the judges keeping records of menus and our progress.
I suppose we were a lucky generation with plenty of opportunities to enjoy ourselves compared to our parents and grandparents and we visited the local music and club scenes and were never denied entry. Money seemed no problem since our families provided generous allowances and financial support. None of us needed to find part time jobs and Juliana had a car. I had past my driving test and since I wasn’t interested in drinking alcohol I was usually the nominated driver. Carla was quite happy with this arrangement trusting me to drive her car home almost every time we went out. Our apartments were close to each other so much to mums delight we both arrived home safely and entered the blocks together without incident.

One of the clubs we frequented was popular with the LBGT community and we did our best to blend in. I was sometimes mistaken for soft butch and approached by some rather attractive female students who had seen me at college. I guess that because of Carlas influence I was wearing a unisex style and if I let my hair down or Carla removed my hairband I could pass as female. Sometimes Carla would take my hand to dance with me and hold me as if I was her girlfriend. She thought it really funny.
I liked women but I was still quiet and shy and I would get embarrassed if anybody approached me. One evening I had a tough time shaking off a young woman who finally realised her mistake when her hands started to explore my body. She assumed that like most Asian women I was small up top but that was not the case lower down as she soon found out.
I think I was always more vulnerable than Carla when we were out, being of Asian descent and moreso because I was less than average build so she did tend to take the lead and order for me in restaurants and bars. Sometimes she behaved like a big sister except that she never seemed to sense danger. If we came across groups of drunken male students she was fearless and stood her ground that I used to complain to her about. They could easily have become aggressive.
Mum had met Carla many times through our teenage years she liked her and trusted her to behave responsibly. She assumed we were in a relationship but really we were just friends. Mum knew she came from a good American family but she wasn’t to know that Carla could be quite excitable sometimes and that she was a dare devil. Carla always made me laugh and I enjoyed spending time together. We seemed to spend all our free time together and I always accompanied her on shopping trips to the Malls or went to watch her playing matches.

When we moved into student accomodation I often invited her to my place for dinner since I had better culinary skills thanks to mum training and it was easier to cook for two people. I could also experiment a bit and she was game to try most things.
It didn’t take long for our friendship to develop to a point where we found that we could confide in each other. Sometimes she’d tell me that she felt different to other girls and that she had no interest in men and at high school she’d had strong feelings for some of the girls in her class. I did wonder why she’d taken to me and decided my lack of masculinity posed no real threat. She once asked me in an indirect way if I was gay but I had no feelings for boys.
We had similar tastes in many things and similar humour. The only difference was in sport since she was very competitive and loved physicality. I admired her skills and she was quite strong after years of training. I met a few other girls who were friends of other players and some would be there to watch Carla so I felt quite jealous being her best friend.

Carlas sporting interests declined towards the end of college and she preferred to socialise rather than train but she still got the pass she needed. We both focused on our studies and helped each other improve our grades and we moved on to college where we had separate accommodation as we were segregated into male and female areas of the apartment blocks. We spent less time together but our friendship remained. She was still a big influence in my life and I preferred her company to that of boys I met in my groups.

At spring break she urged me to join her and some friends at a holiday venue near the beach that was a long drive but that was what lots of students did. I took a turn driving in Carlas car with Carla alongside and 3 other girls in the back seat. They treated me as one of them and didn’t seem to take notice of whether I was male or female. I was just Carla’s best friend and sleeping partner.

We had rented a two-bedroom apartment that was up market compared to most other students on Spring Break and the girls had no inhibitions and they walked around the apartment half naked most of the time. I had to turn away sometimes to avoid embarrassment when they lounged around or played tickling games.

They must have assumed that I was gay and that since Carla was a long term girlfriend they accepted me. As we settled in they enquired about my background and my relationship with Carla who they knew preferred the company of women. They wanted me to fit in and explore my feminine side and Carla was happy to encourage me as well. I resisted so they settled on me being more daring with my clothes and to loan shorts and tops and when we went out in the evening to let my hair hang free. To them I was now Carlas girlfriend Juliana. Carla played along and I suppose I should have objected but there was an upside since we were given priority entry at some venues and half price drinks.
Carla insisted we shared a room with a double bed and it was my first time sleeping with anybody. By the third night I’d lost my virginity even though I didn’t make any advances. I was happy to snuggle up but Carla had other ideas. I don’t know where she had gained her experience but to be honest it felt right so I just followed her lead. For the first two nights together we cuddled and hugged each other and kissed and I had tried my best to take the lead and to do what I’d seen males do in scenes on tv and in films but it wasn’t coming naturally.

Carla seemed to want to take charge but held back. Then she gradually moved me onto my side and caressed me that was quite stimulating. I found myself responding and also I caressed her in a similar way. Her breasts were firm and her nipples became erect as I stroked them gently and she did the same to me and my own nipples responded.
On the third night she couldn’t wait for us to go to bed and we left the others in a bar with a group we’d met a few times. They were drinking tequila that wasn’t my scene and were getting quite loud so I doubted we were missed.
It was still quite early sometime around 10pm when we arrived at our room she started to remove her clothes and when I was less inclined she moved towards me and removed my top and undid the button of my shorts. She completely undressed me despite my feigned resistance and to lessen my embarrassment she turned off the lights. Then she gently pushed me back onto the bed and we kissed passionately with her tongue darting in and out of my mouth pushing my teeth apart.

When she kissed my ears and pulled on my lobes I felt like I wanted to shout out and she just smiled as I let out a muffled squeal. She took complete charge and she kept pulling back each time I wanted to insert myself into her vaginal opening. She had trimmed her pubic area into a heart shape and as I admired her handiwork she promised that she would help me do the same and also remove any sign of body hairs so that my skin was soft and smooth as a babies.
Carla must have climaxed at least half a dozen times without me even penetrating her so she was soon highly lubricated and eventually she just seemed to take me with ease and her skills at caressing my body brought me to climax. She had seemed to have no intention of me taking charge or worrying about using a condom and said I was not to worry since she had already taken precautions. There were two more attempts to rouse me through the night and I did my best but Carla persuaded me to let her take me again and just enjoy the experience. I never really stiffened on either occasion.
That night with Carla was the most wonderful experience of my life and Carla was very attentive and whenever the opportunity arose she would whisper in my ear and kiss my neck or my lips. I was falling in love with her and the following morning it was very evident from the smiles on our faces. We left the girls in bed and showered and dressed having decided to go out for breakfast. Carla took my hand as we left the apartment and hardly let go of it all through breakfast that day. We sat side by side in a booth and took turns to feed each other scrambled eggs.

We went for a walk along the beach after breakfast since it was unlikely the girls would surface much before noon if at all and we chatted about all sorts of things and enjoyed the breeze from the sea and eventually removed our shoes and paddled and splashed around. We stopped at a beach bar and sat in the shade with coffees and bottles of water looking out to sea and watching lots of other Spring break students swimming and surfing and generally showing off.

Carla asked me if I’d enjoyed our love making because she feared she had behaved selfishly but I assured her that it had been wonderful and that it had been the first time I’d ever properly climaxed so it was a massive relief for me. Carla just smiled and squeezed my hand.

The rest of the break seemed to fly by and the girls left us alone and joined with other groups since they said we were lovebirds and they were there for action and a good time.

By the time we reached home we were all pretty whacked with the 3 girls hung over and all of us pretty shattered through lack of sleep. Mum noticed a change in me and asked if I was OK. Of course I was fine but hardly likely to answer her honestly.

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