Carla & Julian - Chapter 8

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Carla & Julian Chapter 8

By Julie D Cole

Mums comment unnerved me a little but at the same time I didn’t feel embarrassed any more since Carla had reacted so positively. Mum wanted to call dad and tell him but she new that Carla wanted to meet him face to face and ask his permission.

Mum turned to her and spoke ‘Carla, that’s sweet of you but it’s really not necessary with our tradition. My husband’s parents negotiated with my parents and arranged our marriage once I was approved and they followed our cultural tradition.’

‘But Madame Li both Julian and I feel well suited and my parents will assume we have to be legally married and registered as man and wife.’

‘Yes, I understand and that is what I’d like to see too to avoid any future difficulties for passports and travel permits or visas. But most of all for the future of your children.’

‘Mum we have left China so did you and dad follow Western tradition or Chinese tradition.’

‘We had a fully traditional Chinese ceremony and also had a separate civil marriage and registration in accordance with Mexican law that involved following their guidelines. Since you are both residents and Julian was born here this will make it easier but you are a USA national that means that you need to check a few things.’

‘But when we were discussing this in college our tutor explained that it is still considered polite to seek approval of both sets of parents. Do you think Mr Li will be comfortable or not about our marriage?’

‘Carla, he will be delighted since he really likes you and he has mentioned that he hopes that one day you will be part of our family. Even though he was strongly influenced by his own father the family decided to adapt and leave the old traditions in China. My father will want to meet you of course and I wish you could have met my mother. She might have wanted a Chinese wedding ceremony were she still alive but then she grew up in old China when life was different.’

I finally got a word in.
‘Mum we are in a different era and both Carla and I have been raised here in Mexico. Our friends are Mexican, Chinese and American and there are new laws these days since 5 years ago. That is because Mexico has become a popular destination for weddings. We haven’t even considered the wedding yet. This came out of the blue. I know you always wanted a daughter so maybe you can be involved with the planning.’

‘That’s up to Carla and her parents. I’m sure your father and I would like to help make it a special occasion.’

‘We didn’t even discuss it between us yet mum. Carla only asked me to marry her this afternoon on the way here from the airport. I had intended asking her, but she beat me to it.’

‘Well I did tell you. I just had a feeling about you two as I said.’

‘Mum you are the first to know and you know that neither of us like to be centre of attention so we hope the news will leak out without any fuss.’

‘Well we should at least celebrate with dinner when dad gets back and I hope we can meet Carla’s parents when we all get home and have a joint dinner somewhere special. A Chinese banquet would be rather nice and we can invite your grandfather I hope.’

‘See what I mean mum. I knew you’d be wanting to make a fuss.’

‘No Julian I promise. Just let us follow a little bit of tradition and at least prepare a note containing Carla’s birth details and place it somewhere sacred. I think your dad has in mind to use the memorial stone at the graveyard where his mother is buried.’

‘So you and dad have everything planned already?’

‘Sort of but you are our only child and please forgive us for wanting to keep a little Chinese tradition. Your grandfather gave up so much to protect his family and the same for my grandparents. We should never forget.’

Carla spoke up.’ Mrs Li what is the note about? Why leave it in the graveyard?’

‘It was tradition that the parents of the boy identify a suitable partner and send a representative to the parents of the girl to check that they accepted their son. Then the representative establishes the date and time of her birth and record it. The note is then displayed for 3 days on the ancestral alter for anybody to read and state any objection to the marriage.’

I intervened to avoid embarrassment, ’Mum so who is this representative? Who is going to read the note anyway if it is posted in a place that nobody knows exists?’
‘It’s tradition that’s all. It will mean a lot to your grandfather.’

‘I’m OK for that but what about dad? Does he have to vet Carla and arrange to send his employee to meet Carla’s parents? She asked me remember and I already said yes.’

‘Please Julian, both of you, it’s just a tradition from China. Nothing more.’

‘But what if dad doesn’t agree? What if Carla’s parents want to vet us as a family? Who says it has to be the grooms parents? We are equal anyway.’

‘Just calm down and let’s chat with your father about it and you two go call Carla’s mum and dad. I’d hate for them to find out on facebook or whatever.’

‘OK but I need to change as well before dad arrives back.’

‘Who mentioned my name?’

‘Er, dad you’re back.’

‘Yes, I’m early for once since Veronica just dropped me off on her way home. Your mum wasn’t in our room I thought you must be out and about again. Oh hi Carla. How nice to see you. What brings you here?’

‘Hi Mr Li I’ve been to a wedding and I wanted to try to meet you and spend some time with Julian.’

He eyed me up and down with a slight smile on his face. ‘Looks like you did already. Did you get dressed in a hurry and put on the wrong clothes? I hope you two have been behaving.’

‘Dad please be serious for a minute. Carla wanted to talk to you in private.’

‘OK, let’s go over to the corner there. Just order me a large glass of Bourbon on the rocks please.’

Mum touched my arm to stop me saying anything else whilst dad and Carla found seats on two large leather chairs out of earshot. Mum smiled and said not to worry and she called a waiter over.

‘Just stay calm. Your dad will be happy to see you’ve found Carla and that you intend getting married and he hopes you will father many children before he is too old to enjoy time with them.’

‘Mum please. We’ve just got engaged and hopefully we’ll marry and maybe we’ll have children sometime if we are lucky but I’m not ready and I don’t think Carla is either.’

I glanced over towards dad a few times. He was being calm and doing a lot of the talking. I was feeling really awkward and trying to cover the two protrusions on my chest. Should I quickly escape to change and put on a loose top and change out of my shorts or hope dad was too distracted to notice.

Our drinks arrived and since dad was still in full flow we sent the waiter over to them with their drinks. I felt nervous but at least Carla wasn’t getting animated or appearing angry and dad smiled and raised his glass towards mum and I when it was delivered.

After what seemed to be an age dad stood up and Carla followed suit. Then they shook hands and Carla looked across with a big smile on her face.

‘Mum do you think that dad has agreed? ‘
‘Possibly. I don’t think your dad will disagree. He sees this as a perfect solution. You know what he is like for thinking 3 steps ahead. He is so excited about the expansion of his network, or his empire as he likes to call it. He wants you to be free to travel and not suffer the restraints we and your grandparents had. He is still young and fit and he wants to be able to retire in 10 years or so and hand over responsibility to you.’

‘But I don’t think I want to be a workaholic like him. I hope I don’t disappoint him.’

‘The trouble is that the harder he works the more worried I become. I don’t want him to have a heart attack. He just wants you to take it over one day like he did from his father. He is not disappointed in you, he is just impatient for you to finish your studies and settle down and then for you to join him.’

‘But mum, if he ever finds out I’ve not dressed like this by accident and that you’ve encouraged me by buying these outfits what will he do?’
‘What he will do is stay calm and think it through like he always does when challenges occur. Anyway he is already delighted to find you are in a serious relationship with Carla so he doesn’t need to worry about you being gay or anything.’

‘Mum he doesn’t think I’m gay does he? I’ve not ever given that impression or hung around with boys who are inclined that way.’

‘It’s a pity he can’t see you in that yellow dress like I did. You would have made a beautiful daughter.’

‘Mum we ought to return it since I can never wear it. If anybody at home saw me dressed like that I’d be dead meat for sure.’

‘Yes that’s sad but you never know. We’ll keep it anyway. It’s not like it broke the bank.We might find an excuse for you to wear it one day.’

‘Are you dreaming again mum?’

Dad and Carla came back over and dad took my hand, squeezed it and then shook it several times before hugging me. I went rigid trying to hold our bodies apart in case he felt the pressure of my prosthetic boobs. I could see Carla smiling and she winked.

‘Julian I am so pleased. Carla here has suggested I send a matchmaker to see her parents when we get home to establish if she is suitable for marriage to you. She says you have asked her and she said yes and that you jumped the gun a bit. I’m so glad you are happy to follow our traditions and she says your mum has explained what I’d like to do.’

‘Thanks dad so you are fine with it?’

‘Of course I am, Carla here has told me about her family and they seem well respected and totally acceptable. I asked if she thought it was possible for you to apply for residency or a visa for the USA after you get married and it seems her father has all the right contacts to fast track an application.’

‘So you are happy to give us your blessing?’

‘Of course I am. I’ve suggested that she moves back to the States and takes a job with us whilst you finish your studies. But first step will be the wedding and it means she’ll have to travel back and forth for a few months.’

‘But dad it all sounds a bit fast. Weddings take a lot of organising.’

‘Don’t worry I’ll get mum on the case and she can talk to Carla’s parents about hiring a wedding planner when we get back.’

‘Dad, please not so fast. You’ll have us married before we have time to blink.’

‘Well I have some plans in progress to open an office in Houston or Dallas and it would be a great opportunity for Carla to gain experience if her parents agree to her taking a year out from her studies and Carla seems up for it. It will be a good salary and you will both be married so it will avoid any problems for you when you apply for an immigration visa.’

‘Dad we are not getting married just for me to get an immigration visa or to help you open an office in the USA and move there. It’s not a business deal.’

‘Julian don’t make assumptions. This is your future and those of our grandchildren. I hope they have the freedom we never had, or our parents never had. Once you and Carla are married you should be free to travel the world and do whatever you like. Mexico is OK but too many drug gangs and the like just like they had in China. Let’s move on as a family. Just talk it through with Carla. She seems very smart.’

I was almost speechless and felt like I’d been shot by a stun gun. I looked at mum who smiled as if she approved. Then across at Carla who moved alongside me and held my hand. So much was happening and none of it seemed to be in my control.

Finally, dad seemed to understand that we’d just agreed to get married and not struck a business deal and he asked to see my ring. He moved his head from side to side as if he wasn’t too sure what to say. I anticipated his question and spoke.

‘It’s unisex design dad hence the diamonds and I like white gold as Carla knows. I hope to find one very similar for her tomorrow whilst we have some time together. Rosa will know where to go.’

‘Well, it’s up to both of you. Not my personal preference but who am I to interfere?’
We split so that Carla and I could go and call her parents and mum and dad went off to arrange a dinner venue to celebrate. Carla had already made her intentions known to her parents and shown the ring to her mother. So the call wasn’t awkward at all other than it was a video call on Skype and I was conscious of my appearance.

Carla was gushing as she explained the conversation she’d had with dad but she didn’t mention anything about his ultimate objective of rushing through our marriage and using it to secure an immigration visa for me. Carla explained about the idea of sending a representative to meet them to prepare a note to post on a family monument where my grandmother was buried.

Carla was holding my hand all through the call and leaned over as if to kiss me so I responded. Her mum and dad seemed happy for us.

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