Carla & Julian - Chapter 6
By Julie D Cole
Mum arrived just as I finished my chat with Carla. She looked amazing, at least 10 years younger and smiling from ear to ear. She appreciated the complements from both Rosa and I and in Rosas mind she had no doubt that our Asian skin and soft features were a big advantage. She was very envious.
Mum ordered a cold fruit drink and Rosa refreshed our coffees whilst I told mum my exciting news that Carla had confirmed that she would be flying to meet us the following day. Her plan was to spend the last two days with us before we returned home to Monterrey so mum asked Rosa if she would be available for two more days to drive us around. There was no hesitation and she confirmed it immediately with her office. Mum really seemed to have taken a shine to her.
As we relaxed, we chatted about the facilities and how we wished we had something similar near home in Monterrey. However, I wasn’t so sure about the separation of men and women and would have preferred less nudity but somehow, I’d plucked up the courage. Luckily it was quiet and I had been able to change in privacy. I couldn’t visualize mum going into the sauna and the jacuzzi without covering herself since she was always covered and never exposed bare flesh. I couldn’t ever remember seeing her nude as I grew up.
Rosa switched the conversation and asked about Carla and how serious we were in our relationship. I must have blushed so mum chipped in to say we were in a courtship and she thought we were well matched. I managed to say that we were good friends but that was all.
Then mum suggested that I try out one of the treatments that were on offer, since she felt invigorated and they could tidy up my nails and exfoliate my skin where they considered necessary that was what mum had selected. With Rosa’s help she persuaded me to agree on the basis that she would include Carla that could be a surprise gift.
I was grateful and expected Carla might like to relax after the flight and a weekend of celebration. She was sure to have been succumbing to the temptation of the alcohol that was freely available and may be in need of a detox. I trusted her not to be led astray.
I messaged Carla to ensure that she was still ok and enjoying herself with family. She sent me several emoji’s that made me smile. I interpreted these as a positive message that she was having a nice time. I showed mum some of the recent photos and she wished I’d had the opportunity to attend rather than be trapped in Mexico. As far as she was concerned the sooner we managed to organise a visa the better and she reminded me that if Carla and I were to marry that would be the quickest and safest way given our family history.
We headed back to our hotel and Carla confirmed that she had a flight reserved that left San Diego at 6-30 am arriving in Mexico City early afternoon. Mum asked Rosa to accompany me to the airport to meet her on arrival and also to use her contacts to book appointments at the spa for the two of us for the following day. I was excited but I was sad that Carla and I wouldn’t be able to be together for the treatments or to take a sauna and a jacuzzi together that spoiled the occasion. Rosa just said to leave everything to her and she would provide a solution based on her own experience.
‘But how? These are separate facilities for male and female with full nudity and nowhere to hide.’
‘Well I’m not suggesting Carla go through the men’s side since she it would be hard to hide her bust looking at what you’ve shown me but maybe we can help you to blend in on the female side.’
‘That sounds risky and dangerous.’
‘Well it’s not like you’ll have eyes for anybody else is it and if we visit a friend of mine in the morning before we meet Carla we can see what she thinks. She helped me before my operation.’
‘What do you mean?’
‘Well I wasn’t always like this I was born in a male body and it’s only the last 2 years that I’ve lived comfortably. I had an operation to sort a few things out.’
‘Wow. You are beautiful so have you had hormone treatment?’
‘Yes I started a few years ago and now I’m complete.’
‘But how did your friend help you?’
‘She showed me how to tuck myself in and I wore a skin coloured tight thong with some waterproof body make-up. Basically prosthetic skin that she learned to use when she worked in the film industry. A false pubic bush also helps.’
‘It seems a bit extreme for a day in the spa. Anyway, I have no breasts so I will get some strange looks.’
‘If you fancy trying some and they make you feel more at ease in the female side then she has a variety of shapes and sizes. She can glue them and they do look realistic. I guarantee from personal experience.’
‘Amazing but there is still a major problem and I don’t think you can solve that. Carla may run for her life. At worst I think will just burst out laughing.’
‘This is the same Carla who wanted to see you in the yellow dress your mum bought you?’
‘Well I guess she won’t run and I doubt that she’ll laugh. But our relationship will nose dive I think.’
Mum spoke up having listened intently.
‘Julian it fits. Don’t you see we can explain your dads idea for you both to marry and he will arrange a job for her with good income after you marry and then you can finish college. By the time you finish your visa will be ready and he can set you both up in an office in the USA.’
‘But what if we don’t want to work in dad’s business? I didn’t like the people here in Mexico City. Well more Veronica than the men in the office. She didn’t like me.’
‘Just be confident in yourself you would be working with Americans not Mexicans and they will give you respect. As long it is somewhere nice that is easy to access from home. Your dad will sort out our visas and green cards once he has a business established with you two involved.’
‘Mum it’s all a bit convoluted and Carla may not accept my proposal. Did you consider that?’
‘Trust me Julian I have seen the way that she looks at you.’
By the time we arrived at our hotel Rosa had contacted her friend and an appointment was arranged for the following morning that made me very nervous. Dare I tell Carla or wait to see what came out of the visit. I decided not to mention it and I arranged to chat with her after dinner with dad. She was trying to get to bed early but since she was flying business class she would catch up her sleep on the flight that was almost 6 hrs.
She’d enjoyed her trip but felt it was not quite her scene and it was a long journey for a short stay. I told her that Rosa and I were meeting her at the airport and she quizzed me about her and if this was a new girlfriend. I decided not to say too much other than Rosa was hired to escort us whilst we were in Mexico City and it was mums idea.
Mum had obviously briefed dad on everything that was happening apart from the plans at the spa and the preparations. He talked as if I’d asked Carla to marry me and she’d accepted and was ready to follow the idea of working for the company. As soon as we finished dinner I left them to call Carla whilst they fantasized.
The next morning I dressed casually in shorts and a top and wore sneakers. Rosa picked me up as planned and we arrived at her friends studio that was a professional prosthetics studio, Her friend was introduced as Maria del Carmen and she had lots of evidence of the work she’d done on display. She sat us down to discuss my requirements and I just outlined what Rosa had said the day before. She turned her computer screen towards us and presented the options available that were in three categories temporary, short term and longer term.
I considered the option that Rosa had described with my appendage tucked and a tight fleshed coloured thong and she produced a display model to demonstrate how it fitted and it seemed that the intention was that the thong was just the same as wearing a bikini bottom. It was hard to imagine how anybody would be convinced I was nude so we pursued the other options.
Cost was the main reason I opted for the short-term alternative but then we discussed the prosthetic breasts and things changed. I was persuaded to go for the longer term option that enabled me to use the bathroom and involved gluing the three attachments into position. They were removeable using a solvent that was commonly used in the film industry and didn’t harm the skin.
With Rosa’s help we negotiated a large discount and we then moved through to an examination room where I was asked to undress so that Maria could examine me and decide on the size of breasts that suited my frame. I asked for them to be kept small so that I could still dress as myself and how long they should remain in place.
‘It can be days or if you are happy then anytime up to about 4 months is fine.’
‘But who removes them?’
‘You do it’s not difficult. Of course if someone helps you then all the better,’
I swallowed hard and nodded my approval and about 2 hours later I’d been fitted out and everything toned in. I could use the bathroom but it meant sitting and the breasts were firm and pert so no need to wear a bra. We chose a small pubic bush which matched my hair colour.
Maria asked if she could take a few photographs in her studio where she had a camera on a tripod and some lighting. She was very proud of the final result but she had no intention of using them for publicity or advertising. This was intended as a before and after display for her own records.
Rosa whispered to me that I would make a beautiful young woman and she hoped that I would keep in contact with her after I headed home. She said that she hoped that I would enjoy the experience as much as she had done and it might give me a new outlook on life.
I told her that I expected mum to be delighted since she’d always wanted a daughter but not so my dad who wanted me to follow in his footsteps as he had done with his father. What was he going to think of me like this? Not that he was going to get chance to see me undressed so maybe I could keep out of his way until mum Carla and I headed home. He was due to stay on at least 2 more weeks.
As I settled the bill and thanked Maria I looked at my image in the reception mirror. My new breasts were noticeable but not too prominent and now my shorts fitted more snugly. What was Carla going to think?
In the ride to the airport Rosa was very talkative and she couldn’t wait to meet Carla and to see her face. She doubted she would recognise me and just in case her reaction was bad Rosa promised to step in and explain it was all her idea.
At the airport the driver dropped us and the international arrivals terminal and we found the eta on the display boards so headed to a coffee shop on the balcony looking down to the arrivals hall where we could see the luggage carousels and people searching for their bags. We had time for a coffee and a small snack and Rosa gave me a few tips on how to sit and present in a more feminine way so as to avoid any strange looks.
It was quite a wait so whe Rosa said she needed a bathroom break I decided to join her for safety reasons as much as anything. It was my first time sitting with nothing to hang on to and luckily everything worked fine with no sign of any leakage. It was a relief in more ways than one.
Rosa then encouraged me to let her apply a small amount of make-up on my face and a coat of lipstick. Just to tease Carla and see if she recognised me. Then we headed back to the balcony waiting until we saw that Carlas flight had landed and watching for her to appear at the appointed carousel. I got butterflies in my stomach and they were going crazy by the time I spotted her. We headed back down to the ground floor to wait as close to the arrival door as possible. It was a busy flight but luckily Carla was travelling business so she was one of the first passengers to appear.
She looked around pulling her suitcase and walked straight past us. I felt like my feet were welded to the floor. After what felt like an age, I managed to call her name and she turned around.
‘Julian. Oh my God Julian is that you.’
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I Was Curious What Carla Had to Say to Julian
You delayed that and raised the stakes to a possibly new level. I'm now looking forward to the next posting.
Thanks for sharing.
I see I was right about Rosa........
Based on her comments previously, I had assumed we would find out she was trans. I am still amazed not only at how easily Julian is going along with this whole process, and especially at how much his mother is pushing or it to happen. Not to mention how rapidly both of his parents are jumping on the marriage with Carla bandwagon. I can’t help but wonder just how much of this is the desire to get into the United States.....
It to mention how much it is driven by them seeing this as an opportunity to marry off a small and effeminate son and gain not just grandchildren, but perhaps a more forceful member of the family business in Carla.
Somehow, I expect that Veronica will play a bigger role in the story before they leave Mexico City.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
I do try
to build a story and that means introducing characters and their background and experience. Rosa's experience and contacts are a key part of the story so that Julian can explore his feminine side a little more without feeling it is wrong.
The family left China to settle in the USA and Mexico was an enforced stop off point. Tough decisions at the time of the cultural revolution in China.
Whether or not Julian is being bullied or helped by his family I will leave you to reflect upon as the story reaches the point I was aiming for at the outset. Almost there.
One of your famous...
... cliff hangers. Just to entice one to keep reading.
I am really enjoying this story as much as all your others.
SO I am a happy camper alround.
Thank you Julie, this was a nice surprise at the end of a long day of sitting behind my laptop to just switch off by visiting the worlds you create.
Looking forward to the next chapter as always!
but it is the rare moments of beauty and peace
in between the chaos,
That makes it worth living."
- Tertia Hill
Sorry Mantori it's just that I reach a point where I feel a chapter can end, Of course I don't write all the story before I start posting chapters that is not always a popular method. But I like to think I take notice of the popularity of a story and any comments. Sometimes it influences the end of the story but whatever I think feedback has encouraged me to write as it does all contributors to the site.
I still have the same end in sight but I needed to build up the background to the main characters and what took them to Mexico.
Thanks as ever.
Horse before the cart
The parents are sure assuming a lot without even knowing Carla or her future plans. They weren't there when Carla told Julian she doesn't want to get married or have children. And given her attitude over attending her cousin's wedding, getting her to wear a wedding dress would be impossible.
Mom has always wanted a daughter, and is getting her wish by pushing Julian into presenting as a young girl. And because Julian wants his mom to be happy, he's gone along with her wants.
And now Julian has taken a step towards his feminine side that may cause more surprises than just to Carla. Even though his dad is supposed to spend two more weeks in Mexico City, that doesn't mean he won't decide to leave early to head home. Plus, with Carla now in Mexico City he may want to meet her. What then? How will he react to seeing his new daughter?
Others have feelings too.