The Gibbon Girls

The Gibbon Girls
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

My father was known as “Snake” Gibbon. It was a good name. As hard men go he was not a “Bull” or a “Bear”, he was more like a snake. He was thin and wiry, which sharp, vicious features and greasy long hair in a queue down his back. He was known for getting own way, however he could, including stabbing people in the back, not always with a blade.

He treated our mother like shit, so I guess there were no surprises when she left. What did surprise me, and my brother too, is that she didn’t take us with her. We were so shit scared of our father and she must have known what she was leaving us to deal with. Maybe she was just more terrified than we were.

Or, well, we were hardly encouraging of her. Snake had brought us up to belittle our mother, and all women for that matter. If we were the lowest creatures undeserving of our father’s love, then all women were lower still. Maybe we were just not good to her, as sons should be. Maybes she just thought we were just as bad as him.

What changed everything after she left, was Consuela. I don’t even know how our father met her. It was almost a year after Mom had left. We were no doing so well, even though I had stepped up to do things like the cooking, and get my brother to help with chores. One thing was clear was that Consuela bewitched him. I don’t mean supernatural bullshit, but whether it was hypnosis or drugs, or whatever it was, his mind flipped completely.

It was only much later that we discovered that our mother was behind it. It was her revenge. She had arranged for Consuela to do that thing (whatever it was) to Snake Gibbon. Whether it was intended to or not, that revenge was done to us as well. Maybe we were just collateral damage, but we got it too.

One day, just out of the blue, our father just decided that he needed to get in touch with his feminine side. Imagine that. Snake Gibbon had no feminine side. Anyway, he said that we all needed to get in touch with our feminine side. He wanted to live as a woman and we needed to come along with him. From that point on, me, and my little brother Troy, were to be girls.

Consuela was there urging him on. She had just been taken on to do the cleaning, but she had got this idea into his head, and there was no shaking it. It was typical of our father. If he decides white is black, then it is fucking black, and that is all there is to it.

Now at the time my father owned and operated an engineering business. I say operated it, but it was really managed by a guy called Cosmo Caldwell. My father had inherited the business from his uncle and Cosmo with it. My father liked to be in the workshop and kick ass, but Cosmo ran the business. I am not sure whether he liked our father at that time, or what he thought of us. He was a quiet guy. But he knew engineering, and his skill built the reputation of the workshop. My father just liked to think of himself as fronting it.

So, one day my father turns up at work in a floral dress, with his hair all washed and shiny and lying on his shoulders, and he says to Cosmo: “I have decided that being a man is not for me and I want to live woman and work as an office girl here.”

So, Cosmo is surprised – who wouldn’t be? But he doesn’t bat an eyelid, or so we are told. He simply asks: So what should we call you now?” And my father replies: “You can call me Jill, but I am still the owner, so the men should call me Miss Gibbon.”

And on that same day our father says to me and Troy: “There’s no place for boys here anymore. You [talking to me] will be Carla, and you [talking to Troy] will be Tania. And all of us will be the Gibbon ladies. And we are going to have so much fun.” I look at Troy and he looks at me. Our father has gone crazy. We both think it.

So, I am supposed to go from Carl to Carla – how is that possible? I was 15 at the time. I was coming through puberty a little later than some other guys, but all I could think about was looking at porn and pulling my cock. But you simply do not argue with somebody like my father. If he tells you to burst into flames you at least try to get your temperature up. If you don’t, God knows what kind of a thrashing you gonna get.

Just before Consuela disappears she buys some girls clothes for everybody with some money that my father gave her. Me and Troy get a little instruction from her on how to behave and we get sent off to school. I said to Tania (our father says we have to use the new names) that the only way is to walk in proud and lay a punch on the first guy that sniggers.

Needless to say there was trouble, and before morning break the principal calls us in to his office to ask us some questions. He says: “You boys can’t just turn up to school dressed up as girls. We have rules.”

So I replied: “We got no choice, Mr Handley. Our father, well he insists we got to dress this way. We got to be Carla and Tania Gibbon at school, and at home we only get to do girl stuff.”

Now Mr Handley knows our father very well. I think they may have been to school together. Anyway, he understands. He knows that if he calls Social Services there’s gonna be hell to pay, and we don’t want that anyway. He says he can keep a secret if we want to change our clothes to boys clothes at school, but I said we had better not. So he speaks with the teachers and everyone accepts that confronting our father is not the answer.

Also, around this time there was stuff in the paper about “trans” people using school toilets. It seemed like every school wanted “trans” students so they could show everybody how progressive and liberal they were. So, all the students at school get told to be understanding of me and Tania. We get marked as 'Transkids' and everybody is so understanding and such. It was kind of weird.

So the way it turns out is, that the boys cause us no more trouble, and the girls, well they offer to help us be more girlish. We get welcomed into that community. Like having our lunch with the girls rather than the boys. But they don’t stare and snigger so both Tania and I work out independently, that its better to stay with the girls when at school.

The truth is that my brother Troy, now Tania, was only 12 and takes to it all way easier than I do. In a few weeks he is saying how much he likes dressing as a girl and mixing with other girls. By this time he has taken to wearing pretty things in his hair and bangles on his wrist.

But I was almost 16. I was just starting get whiskers on my chin and my father says “they have to go”. Instead he gets me some pills that I take every day to stop me getting hairy, and some other pills that will make me go soft and maybe grow tits. Both lots of pills also give me a droopy cock, as I discover later.

For my part, the only good thing was how Mary-Pat Riley latches onto me. She never cared for me as Carl, despite my efforts, but as Carla she became a close friend. We would hang out together. My hair was not really very long but she showed me how to style it. She had curlers and stuff like that. We also did make up with her and her girlfriends. She shaped my eyebrows and showed me how to put on makeup.

I never knew much about that stuff, but I knew what a good-looking girl looked like. So when I do the work and I look in the mirror, I know whether I look good or not. I know whether I look like a girl or a boy trying to look like a girl. I always try for the first of those looks. It’s just easier somehow.

I looked so good I was even asked out on a date. John Flatley knew that I was a boy and the son of probably the meanest guy in town, but he still asked me whether I would go to the movies with him. He was so insistent that I decided to say yes. I thought “John really has balls.” I wondered if it was just a dare. Why else would you take the chance?

I asked him: “You know I am not a real girl, so why ask me out?” He told me that he found me “fascinating”. So, it was not a dare. He was just some kind of creep. But I have to say, I kind of liked being “fascinating”, so I played it up a bit. I even burst into tears at some inappropriate point in the movie. He put an arm around me. I should have been creeped out, but instead I just felt good. I felt like I was in control of this guy. I thought maybe girls can control guys like this. It’s power.

The funny thing about that is that the tears I turned on just came so easily. I realized that the pills were making changes to my mind as well as my body. I was not so angry at my father anymore. We started to talk, mainly about girl stuff. He was getting into it, and so was I. For the first time I began to think of him as a parent, rather than some kind of domestic dictator.

So Tania started taking the pills too, because we had tits (me and Jill, who had been Snake) she wanted some too. Lucky for her, she had not got to puberty, so it was easier for her. She had a girly voice and no whiskers. He had some girlfriends too. They were all going through girl puberty, so Tania could join them and they could experience it together. It was almost like he had never really been a guy. It was harder for me because I needed to back up first.

I guess it was harder for Jill (our father). The pills were not enough for her. She needed to go back a lot further. She went out and under the knife. She got her scalp pulled forward over brow reduction (whatever that is) and breast implants. Those breasts were a really good shape. She bought see-through blouses and it seemed that she never wore anything that did not have a giant view of her cleavage. She was so proud of those tits. I was almost a bit jealous of them. Tania sure was.

Jill said that Tania was too young but I could have a pair of breasts if I wanted. I declined. I told John about the offer and he was a bit pissed off. He said: “I think you look great now, but you would look even better with tits.” To make him feel a bit better I let him play with the tits I had, which were small, soft and puffy, but real. As it later turned out, they grew pretty quickly. I take after my mother I guess. She had big tits, as I remember.

So I get home from school one day and I get together a meal for the three of us, because that is what I do. And 7 o’clock comes around and there is no sign of Jill. So I went down to the workshop and I see Cosmo and my father fooling around in the office. He is handling her and playing with her silicone tits. I make a noise and when she comes out I tell my father that dinner is on the table. And for the first time I can remember my father smiles at me. She says: “Thank you Honey, I will be along in a minute.” She was happy and called me “Honey” and it was just so strange, but in a nice way.

I think it was not the desire to change, or the pills that made her happy. It was Cosmo. When he was around Jill was happy. Any trace of Snake was gone.

Then before you know it, our father is Cosmo’s girlfriend. She starts trying to look prettier, and it works. She has some special facial treatment and her skin looks so much better. She colors her hair honey blonde and gets a new style. He gets his teeth capped and wears red lipstick, and he smiles all the time. When she smiles she looks nothing like Snake Gibbon.

And Cosmo spends nights round at our place and they have sex. I know that because I know what sex sounds like, even though at that time I was not sure how it could be possible. Anyway, it is pretty clear that are both getting a lot of enjoyment out of it.

I started to wonder if John wanted that kind of sex with me, and if he did what kind of value I could put on that. I am not talking about money for sex, I was just wondering about the power of what a woman has between her legs and whether what I had could have the same power. You know what I am talking about.

So I asked John: “Would you like to have sex with me. It can’t be like regular boy and girl because, well, just because …”. And he says to me: “I want nothing more than to have sex with you, but I am not gay. Maybe if you get yourself fixed down there we can be together, maybe forever.” So there is only one way to read that – he wants me to have my dick and nuts cut off.

I was really sad. I was sort of hoping that he could be my Cosmo, and make me as happy as Jill. But I am not a woman. I could never be one. I’m just dressing up like a girl because that is what my father wants. But I still need someone. Somehow I knew that was not going to be Mary-Pat. We were friends, but she is no lesbian. Neither am I, so I am discovering.

I wanted to call things off with John. I wanted to say: “If you can’t take me as I am then you can’t have me.” But I couldn’t give him up. If I started ignoring him he would get sad, but I would get sadder. I had to see him, and he had to see me. But the closest he got to my underpants was my navel. He didn’t want to go further down. I understand why. I don’t want him to be less than the man he is. Truth is, I’m kinda proud that he sees me as a woman, not some kind of half way thing. He wants me to be complete.

So he doesn’t want to touch my crotch, but I find myself all over his. I started by playing with his dick, just to please him. I know what pleased me. I know my way around a penis, you know. Then I sucked him off for the first time. I thought it would be kinda yuk, but then I look up with my lips around his shaft, and I see his face, and I am OK with it. OK with swallowing too. No big deal. Boy, I had him begging for more. I think an ex-guy really knows how to give a good blow job.

Anyway, my father says that it is time for him to go the whole way and get a vagina. So I say: “Can I have one too?” Jill hugged me and says that we can do it together, and that will make it easier for both of us. So we leave Cosmo in charge of the business and Tania (with a promise that she can have the operation as well when she is 16) and we go west together.

When I got back I had some pain too deal with, same as Jill, but we work through it together. We even share the dildo things to get ourselves gaping ready for our men. Then a few weeks on, with everybody repressing all desires to that point, we all went up to John’s uncle’s cabin for the weekend. That was me and John, and Jill and Cosmo. Two bedrooms with big beds, but thin walls. We could all hear each other going for it. And afterward the boys go fishing and Jill and I we compare experiences. One thing is clear to us both, being a woman under a man screaming for joy is just the best thing.

So not long after that our mother drifts back into town. She looks up Cosmo because she knows him. She just walks right by Jill who is sitting at reception doing her nails (she is not so good at office work). She asks Cosmo about how things are going and what has happened to her ex and her boys. Cosmo says everybody is happy, thank you. And he thanks her too, for making him a very happy man. After the wedding he will be half owner of the business he helped to set up, and will have a wife who thinks only of how to please him. She is confused. It was her all along, but maybe she is expecting Snake Gibbon to be some sad trannie.

So Cosmo got an address for her and sent her the wedding invitation. She didn’t turn up. But he sent the wedding photos to the same address. The pick of them was with Jill as a beautiful bride, posing with her daughters, me (on the right) and Tania – the Gibbon Girls.

Mother and Daughters.PNG

The End

© Maryanne Peters 2017

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