Christian Feminization Stories Volume 2

Story 1: Black and White
A Christian Feminization Story
By Maryanne Peters


For me it was a chance to start again. You may mock me or even attack me, but I can always rely upon the strength of my faith.

The words of scripture are clear: “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination." Leviticus Chapter 18 verse 22, and If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them." - Leviticus Chapter 20 verse 13.

And in the New Testament where in his letter to the Romans Saint Paul condemned those men who “gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error”.

That penalty is damnation. Everlasting hell fire. My soft flesh burning in the fires of hell forever. What choice did I have?

It is black and white. Repent and forgo the sinful life. God knows I tried. I mean, He does know. He was right beside me through it all. My God. If there had been any other way, he would have revealed it to me. But perhaps he did show me the way – He led me to The Christian Feminization Academy.

Like many in my position I was unwilling to accept this way forward. I was a passive man – a receiver if you care to call it that – but I was still a man. But that was the problem, and the urges that drove me to sin were so strong. It was a test from God. And then through prayer, and through taking advice from the right church, the way out of my life of sin was presented to me. The Christian Feminization Academy.

They took me in . I was not alone. There were others who were suffering like me. For some it was a crisis of faith: “I believe, so how could God punish me with these feelings?” I have never questioned God. My condition is a test. Many are born into adversity or have handicaps to overcome. God has a plan for all of his people. It was just not made known to me – not then.

“You will be pretty,” they said. “Men will want you.” It was exactly what I wanted.

“But you can only avoid sin by becoming a woman. And not just a woman, but a perfect woman before God. Better even than those he has blessed with the body of a woman. You new existence will be an act of sacrifice and an act of supreme worship.” I wanted that too. I wanted to prove to God that I was His dutiful servant.

I took the drugs and when they came to me weeks later and told me that the surrender of my manhood would be next, I told them to make it quick. They said that there would be pain even with the use of local anesthetic, but I would have borne that pain gladly as a mark of my faith.

It is in the Bible. “Eunuchs who choose to live as such for the kingdom of heaven”. Matthew 19:12.

I grew my hair. I attended the classes on how to be the women preferred by God. I wore the clothes.

White is the color of purity. Buttoned to the neck. Sleeves to the cuff. Above the collar long hair pulled back and arranged in a large bun so wonderfully feminine drawn up from the nape of a neck crying out to be nuzzled, makeup tastefully understated …

But below, and pleated skirt, in black. High heels, patent leather, black. Stockings not pantyhose, in black. Am I wearing panties? If I am, they would be black.

Black is the opposite of purity. Some things do not change. I want a man. A good Christian man of course, but a man who can enter what God did not create, but He has given the skill to the surgeons to make. I want to be a wife. I promise to be a good one.

As Saint Paul said in his 1st letter to the Corinthians, I must find somebody to marry: “if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion”. Please consider making me your wife. It is not so black and white. Maybe I can do both?

The End

Story 2: My Chosen Wife
A Christian Feminization Story
By Maryanne Peters


I am shy, I guess. I speak with God all the time, but I could never seem to talk to people. At work I have my own space and I keep it that way. I don’t like the telephone. Emails are good for me. Not personal ones – not then anyway.

The only time that I mixed was at church. You might think it strange that I could barely talk to another person but in church my singing voice would boom out. It is the glory of God, I think. The miracle of faith in Jesus Christ.

If I talked to anybody it would be our pastor, Pastor Jacob. He was concerned for me. I always told him that I have my faith and that is enough. I told him that I was not concerned about having a family. Our church is full of children who can make a positive influence on the world, and I don’t need to add to that.

“What about companionship?” he said.

I am not without physical urges. I considered myself pious and devout, and I thought that a spiritual life is more important than anything else, by I had needs. These are the words of Saint Paul himself from 1 Corinthians 7:1: “ Yes, it is good to abstain from sexual relations. But because there is so much sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife, and each woman should have her own husband.”

Pastor Jacob told me that if I had no need of children, I should consider a graduate from The Christian Feminization Academy. These are women who have answered the call of God to overcome sin by changing their sex to female. They are women in the eyes of God and of all churches of true faith, for they have surrendered their past to meet the laws of God.

Paster Jacob told me that there were many such women available. He presented me with photographs to consider and to choose to meet a prospective wife.

I chose Georgette from the photo I was sent. Hers was the only image set in a church, although the dress that she wore was red, and showed off her chest a little more than might be considered modest. Nevertheless, there was something about her smile that drew me to her, and the setting showed her to be a woman of faith.

Pastor Jacob arranged for her to come to my church so that we could meet in Atrium and then walk in a pray together. I was a little disappointed that she was not wearing the red dress but something more conservative, but that was the only disappointment. She had that beautiful brown hair arranged at the back and swept off her face in front, and the sparkling eyes that hinted of desire. I suppose she looked a little uncertain. We both were.

We prayed together in silence, but we both sneaked sideways glances and caught one another with a quiet smile.

There was a coffee machine in the hall, and we went there to talk.

“I am only a recent graduate of The Christian Feminization Academy,” she explained. I have had all the surgeries to become a complete woman.

I told her that I would like to see her again but wearing the red dress.

“Oh, I can guess what kind of man you are,” she said, although I was not sure exactly what she meant. “I should explain that I am a virgin in front, because it is so new, but not round the back.”

She adopted a shy and modest look and added with a whisper: “The wages of a sinful life, now behind me, I swear.”

She was close enough to me for me to be immersed in the smells of her: Her breath of mint, her hair of floral shampoo and her body of sweet musk. For a man like me who might only experience such things rarely in the right crowded elevator, it was intoxicating.

There was no mistaking it. I had an erection right there in the church hall. It was big enough for me to have to adjust myself and for her to see it.

“And I love to suck cock,” she said. “Oh, I have missed doing that. I pray every night for God to send me a man to pleasure. That is what I was praying for in the church just now. Is that wrong?”

I said to her: “I hope not, because right beside you, I was praying for you to be the one to pleasure me”.

The End

Story 3: Why?
A Christian Feminization Story
By Maryanne Peters


Scripture is the truth. I believe it. The words of the Book of Deuteronomy (22:5) cut me deeply: “A woman must not put on men’s clothing, and a man must not wear women’s clothing. Anyone who does this is detestable in the sight of the Lord your God.”

God must love me, not detest me. So why would he place in me an urge so strong that I would risk the hatred of God.

I was different from the others at The Christian Feminization Academy. I was not gay. I had a girlfriend. I just needed to dress like she did, every now and again, but preferably as often as possible.

She understood. We would pray together that this affliction should be removed from me. It seemed that in prayer the thoughts would go away, for just that moment. But then I would turn and see a woman in church wearing just the most gorgeous dress or earrings to die for, and it would start all over again.

People like me always ask: “Why would a God who loves me make me this way?

I had heard about the Christian Feminization Academy, but it did not apply to me. It was for those attracted to people of the same sex. Mine was a different problem. But I was persuaded to visit and meet with Madam Sharon, just to share my concerns with somebody within the church who would not judge me for my perversion.

“They group them altogether, not me,” she said. “Homosexuals, bisexuals, transsexuals, transvestites, trans-whatever … deviants. Deviating from the way of the Lord. Acting in a manner contrary to scripture. We all acknowledge that the way we were was innate in us, and is therefore the way God made us. He did not give us the power to pray away our disorder, but he has blessed us with the ability to realign our bodies to meet his commandments.”

It was an interesting thought. But what about my girlfriend? If I became a woman I would be a homosexual woman. I would be moving from one sinful life to another sinful life. I needed to find another way, and to fight on against the urges that consumed me.

But Madam Sharon was wearing just the prettiest blouse, and a black skirt with a flounce, and patterned tights, and her hair was up, and her makeup was perfect, and I wanted to be her!

“I am not sure that I could ever be attracted to a man,” I told her.

“You just need the right man,” she said. “Surgery can give you the ability to enjoy God’s gift of carnal love in the way only a woman can. And as a person who has experienced love as both a man and as a woman, I can tell you which is better, and oh, by so much you would not believe it!”

When I spoke to my girlfriend about it, she wept. We had sinned and fornicated together, and we knew that joy. We had intended marriage but we both wanted to overcome my issues first. Now, if I was to go down the path of Christian Feminization, that could never happen.

We prayed. Oh how we prayed!

Would the love of my girlfriend and the sex life that we had together be enough to rid me of this curse?


I signed up to the Christian Feminization Academy with a heavy heart, but from the moment that Madam Sharon laid out the underwear, the dress and shoes that I would be wearing, my angst evaporated immediately. And when I stood there looking in the mirror and she told me that I would never have to wear men’s clothes ever again, I was in ecstasy.

The Christian Feminization Academy has a firm policy of proceeding with readjustment at pace, so as to give little time to look back. No man, except those who are no man to begin with, likes the idea of losing their testicles, and I was no different from the others, but this was a path approved of by God and a prayer that is answered seems so much better than a million prayers ignored by Him.

Somehow a resignation and a calm descended on me. And living and sleeping in the clothes I had always dreamed about gave me comfort and saw me through the pain. That and the company of others, who were not quite like me, but were on the same path.

The key difference was that they craved men and I did not.

But as Madam Sharon promised, there was a man for me. Madam Sharon told me that I was one of her most beautiful “converts” and she found a man who desired me more than I could have imagined. He told me that I was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, in a way that I believed it. Surely there is nothing better that can be said to somebody who has wanted to be the image of feminine beauty for their whole life.

Sex was as Madam Sharon promised – joyful and now, after our marriage, without sin and as ordained by God.

I loved to dress for sex. Women’s clothing still means so much to me. Now with real breasts to fill the cups of my bra and panties not misshapen by an unsightly bulge, it all looks that much better. I love my crotchless panties and my negligee, and so does he.

Now I don’t just dress as a woman – I am a woman. It does work for me after all.

But I confess that I still think of my ex-girlfriend, now married herself to man not unlike my own husband. And I have the occasional sinful thought when I see a pretty girl walking down the street. But for that I have prayer and God’s forgiveness.

The End

Story 4: Marrying my Man
A Christian Feminization Story
By Maryanne Peters


“His cheeks are like beds of spice yielding perfume.

His lips are like lilies dripping with myrrh.

His arms are rods of gold set with topaz.

His body is like polished ivory decorated with lapis lazuli.

His legs are pillars of marble set on bases of pure gold.

His appearance is like Lebanon, choice as its cedars.

His mouth is sweetness itself; he is altogether lovely.

This is my beloved, this is my friend...”

This is the Bible. The word of God: Song of Songs 5:13-16

Tell me if it is not the best gay poem ever written.

No woman describes her man like that. Only a man does.

I still think of him that way. But I am no longer that.

We were believers, he and I. Can we be that still?

We were prepared to do anything to meet the laws of God and to be true and faithful in his eyes, but our love could not be denied, even by God. It was as real to us as He is. But perhaps, like all things not divine, love too, must perish.

We drew lots. When prayer for a sign drew nothing, we left it to chance to decide which of us would go to the Christian Feminization Academy. I would be the one. I would be the woman and the wife. He would be my loving husband.

It was not easy for me. I was gay, sure enough, but not a simpering mincing sissy. I had to watch the body that I had cared for turn to soft flab with spongy mounds where there had once been tight muscle. I had to relearn how to talk and how to sit down and hold my hands or cross my legs. And I had to endure the loss of the genitals I had been so proud, and which had caused me so much pleasure.

But I told myself that these were sinful pleasures. The Bible is clear. To experience sexual pleasure with a man is sinful, if you are a man. And now, as was confirmed by the Academy, I was a man no longer. I could look forward to sex with the man I loved now pure and good in the eyes of God, after we had exchanged vows before our priest.

But I knew even then, that things were not right. He told me that I was beautiful in my bridal gown. I felt as if I was. All the witnesses from the Academy were there to assure me that it was true. No man could fail to be moved by my beauty.

Except maybe a gay man.

I told him that I was still very sore that night. Such surgery takes a long time to heel. I offered him that part of me he knew so well, shielding the new passage with a pad, and receiving him face to face in accordance with proper approved practice. Even then it seemed that despite everything that was missing in me, I took full joy, whereas there was something missing in him.

In time, I wanted him to enter my vagina, but he seemed reluctant, even cool.

“It’s me. I am the same person. We are in love, remember. If I was paralyzed or disfigured would you still love me?”

“Yes,” he said, and I believed him.

But not as I am. My arms are no longer rods of gold; my body no longer like polished ivory; my legs no longer pillars of marble.

Oh God! What have we done?

The End

Story 5: Women’s Prayer Group
A Christian Feminization Story
By Maryanne Peters


Take heed, new women. Here are my words for every one of you. Listen and do as I say, for these are the words set out in scripture:

Do everything without rancour or argument so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.” Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life. And then I will be able to boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor in vain.” These are the words that Paul wrote to the Philippians 2:14.

You come from a warped and crooked generation. There is work to be done. Do not run from it. Do not labor in vain. Change as we instruct. Become blameless and pure. Become women.

In his letter to the Colossans 3 Paul said: “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.”

The sinful man in you is dead. His sins are with Christ the forgiver. The woman you have become is pure and without sin. Be her from now on. Leave the evil behind with the meat that you have discarded from your bodies.

“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”

In this body of believers we call The Christian Feminization Academy you find peace is prayer and in song, your voices now high, just as heaven is higher than the earth. Bass is low. Alto is high. Be high.

We shall work together. You shall learn and correct one another, in your new feminine lives.

“Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself” Phillippians 3:21.

Surgeons will do it! “Therefore, I urge you, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.” Romans 12:1.

The change in your bodies is pleasing to God. Your action in discarding the vile appendage in favor of a body of purity, even more clean by the absence of the issue of the flesh by blood. By submitting yourselves to the Academy and surrendering your bodies to be made clean of sin, you have delivered to God that true and proper worship.

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! 2 Corinthians 5:17.

You are new creations, all of you.

“Wives, submit yourselves to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord” Colossans 4.

Your new purpose is to make the men you once craved with carnal lust, better Christians by your example. You have gone to extremes to be pious and pure, and you should expect the same from your husbands. But your role is one of support, respect and submission. You are women now. By sin you have forfeited the right to be men, but now you have even greater value in the eyes of God.

Let us join hands, sisters, and pray.

The End

© Maryanne Peters 2020

Author's Note: I wanted to add a caution - "WARNING: Pokes fun at religion" as I know that our little community includes some deeply religious people. But I have already posted Volume 1 of these stories based on the existence of "The Christian Feminization Academy" that offers a service to gay men who cannot be therapeutically converted and so must be surgically modified in order to be cleansed of the sin of homosexuality. It is of course, a ridiculous idea, as are the stories I have written, and some of the teachings mentioned.

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