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Other Keywords:
A Thief’s Problem.

Sister Magdalena, a.k.a. Angelic DeMarco, finds evidence of more than just illegal art trade while recovering a stolen painting in the home of a known criminal. Her investigation leds to the US and a very problematic situation with the US Department of Justice.
by Snowfall and Jessie Wolf.
Dedicated to the men and women of the US Marshal Service.
Edited by my husband Paul, and AJC Snowfall.
This is a work of fiction an any persons in this work are purely fictional.
Chapter 13
The Hampton’s home of Sylvia Price, Cutchogue Station, New York
Once Bobby and Hunter had taken care of the bodies of the security guards, Maria sent them to secure something to transport the stolen artwork in. With nine masterpieces, the smallest of which being three by four feet, they needed something with a big cargo space. Bobby and Hunter started with the estate equipment garage. There they found a ’98 Dodge cargo van that would hold all nine with space to spare, no problem. The heavy white cargo van would be no more noticeable than any other work van in the streets of New York.
Following Maria’s orders; Kasey went through the contents of the office safe. What she found was a lot more than she expected. First were the millions of dollars in bearer bonds. This was just the start of what she would find in that safe. Next up; a black velvet pull string bag. When Kasey opened the bag and emptied the contents into her hand, she damned near pissed her panties. In her hand was close to fifty, two to three carat diamonds. Possibly 2 million dollars’ worth. In her hand was more money than the eight bundles of hundred-dollar bills. But the real find was the two ledger books and four passports. Kasey quickly opened the first ledger.
Kasey didn’t even think twice and keyed her mike. She knew that the TOC needed to know about what she had in her hands. “Gemini Two to Stronghold. We have hit pay dirt. Can you see what I’m looking at through the button cam?”
“Roger, Gemini Two. Flip to the back page, please. We need to see a final balance. If there is one.” Lyssa ordered. Doing as ordered Kasey flipped to the back page. “Call out that number to verify.”
“The last entry reads: 10.75 million, Stronghold. There is a second ledger here that has a list of numbers in it, but it none of the numbers make sense. They all start off with two letters followed by seven numbers and end with two letters. In the next column is what appears to be an address.” Kasey explained as she held the second ledge up for her button cam.
“Roger. We’ll have to get back to that Gemini Two. Finish securing that safe please.” Lyssa instructed.
“Already finished Stronghold. By the way, do you know how much clean diamonds are going for on the market?” Kasey giggled.
“What diamonds?” Lyssa asked. "I must have been watching another feed."
Kasey dumped the diamonds back into her hand and pointed her button cam at them. “These diamonds. There are close to fifty of them and they’re clean.”
“Not necessarily. Those could be from anywhere, if you don't see any documents for them. Secure them anyway, we’ll get them verified once you’re back at base Gemini Two. Though I would hazard a guess that you have close to three quarters of a million dollars in your hand if not more.” Kimberly told the teenager with a little surprise. “Head upstairs to the master bedroom. Gemini One is going to need a hand with the safe there. Don’t worry it's a standard home security safe.”
“Copy that Stronghold. Moving now. Out” Kasey answered back and headed upstairs to give her sister a hand.
“Gemini Two can stand down Stronghold.” Kristine had been listening in on the conversation between Kasey and the TOC. “Nothing up here but the family jewels, a few handfuls of cash and a stack of old Army personnel files Stronghold. Already secured everything and getting ready to roll out. Over”
“Gemini One can you see the names on those files and how many are there.” Kimberly asked.
“Uh....fifteen files, Stronghold. Give me a minute and I can sent you the top page of each file. Over” With that Kristine was pulling out her phone and using the camera. Within a couple of minutes Kristine had taken all fifteen photos and sent them into the TOC. “All DD-214s sent Stronghold.”
“Good work Gemini One. We’ll go over what you sent once we have a chance. Regroup with Gemini Two. I got a feeling that the Marshal has an additional mission for you two tonight. Over” Lyssa told her.
Down the hall in the servants wing Angelic was helping the five newly freed slaves to dress in less conspicuous clothing. The problem she was having was, none of the girls had everyday street clothes and none of Sylvia’s clothing would fit them.
Angelic called over the comms. “Stronghold; in the words of that famous movie. Houston, we have a problem. None of the clothes in this house will fit these girls. Only their uniforms. Any suggestions? Over”
“If that's all you have, use them, November Tango. Just leave off the aprons, wear their hair down and loose.” Lyssa answered quickly. At first, she was stumped by what Angelic had told them, but her military mind cut straight to the heart of the matter for an answer. “Go with that. Your goal is for them to not be definitive. They'll look like a myriad of service, but not specific for anyplace or on duty.”
Off mic Lyssa quipped. “It's either that or modify some bed linens to look like togas and claim they were found at the Athena's place in Manhattan.”
The three others in the TOC laughed at that.
“Copy that Stronghold. Day uniforms, no aprons and not on the job. Can you get me directions to the Chapter House for the Order of Saint Nicholas in Brooklyn?” Angelic asked as an idea came to her for ridding themselves of the former slaves and still be able to keep the covers of her aunt and cousins.
“Standby. Sent to your phone, November Tango. What’s your plan?” Kimberly asked.
“I can deliver these five Novice Nuns to their Order. I'll use those bastards Iscariots for some good this time. I use the limo and drive them downtown and use my status as a member of the Division to secure their silence on the matter of our covers. All I have to do is show my badge of office. Over” Angelic explain for the extremely harsh women on the other end of the line.
“Sounds feasible. Get with the Marshal before going further though, November Tango. Do nothing without her permission understand? Over” Lyssa ordered.
Angelic didn’t even think twice with her answer. “Understood Stronghold. November Tango, out.”
The library of Sylvia Price’s home.
Maria and Samantha pulled Carrie into the library with Sylvia. After securing the two women in identical chairs Maria turned to Samantha. “Get me what I need to pry open those files. I don’t care how you do it.”
With measure and professional movements Samantha pulled a rolled-up bundle from her purse. Using the coffee table, she unrolled the cloth bundle revealing two rows of needles. Each needle was five inches in length with a one-inch wooden handle on one end. These needles were older than they appeared. Far older than anyone in the TOC would ever guess. To their eyes the needles had the appearance of extra-large acupuncture needles. Only these needles had never been used for healing. These fifty needles were nothing more than a tool in the trade of information extraction. Samantha had been trained in their use by her father when she was just ten years old.
Marko Di Stefano may have married into the Capizeo family and been more of an engineer, but the Di Stefano family had been known for centuries as true spymasters. Not just any spymasters, but spymasters for the kings and queens of Europe, nine Popes and countless members of the European Nobility. When the time came when their unique talents were no longer hunted for by those august individuals, they turned to the Mafia families of Sicily. During the Second World War and the Cold War more than a few of the Allies looked to the ‘sometimes questionable’ talents of the Di Stefano family in interrogating captured Nazi and Communist spies.
This set of needles that Samantha was now set to use had belonged to her grandfather. Maria knew what Samantha was about to do and wasn’t surprised to see the needles. The only thing that surprised her was who those needles had belonged to. “I thought those lost to time, Dear.”
Samantha chuckled. “I hid more than just my family memories in that trunk Donna DeMarco. I hid my family’s history there as well.”
“I knew that you had your mother’s journals but not your father’s.” Maria never took her eyes off the needles as Samantha drew out the first one. “Have you mastered the needed skill to use those needles child? I need information from this woman more than her death just now.”
“Do not worry my Donna. She will not die until I am ready to send her to her heavenly reward. Oh, she will scream in anguish. Never doubt that.” For the first time Samantha sense pulling out the needles she looked over at Maria. “Send the girls to return the paintings mother.”
Maria just smiled and left Samantha to her work. Maria knew that Samantha would be turning off her bodycam as she worked. There secrets of the trade held only by the Capizeo family. As she closed the door to the library Maria saw Samantha waking up to Carrie first. Then driving the first needle into a point just above the woman’s left ring finger joint.
Maria smiled to herself. “Your family’s secrets are still alive Marko. I know that your daughter shall do you proud.”
Turning around she was greeted by the four of members of her family that she had given certain tasks to earlier. “Robert, have you and Hunter secured transportation for the art work?”
“Yes ma’am. All paintings have been loaded and the van is out front.” He quickly answered his mother-in-law and boss.
“Kasey were you able to find anything of value in the safe that can be used in our investigation?” She asked of her oldest granddaughter.
“I found plenty evidence of black-market art and antiquities dealing. Not to mention Price’s slave trade. These two ledgers are enough proof to send the worthless bitch to the chair.” The snarl in her voice grabbed all three adults’ attention. “I hope like hell that she dies screaming, pissing, and shitting herself. That woman deserves no mercy.”
“Calm yourself child. That woman is in the hands of your Hemlock Rose. The last daughter of Marko Di Stephon and heiress of all their dark secrets. Trust me when I say that Sylvia Price will not hold back any secrets from her.” Maria was doing her level best to calm her granddaughter. “Other than those ledgers what else did you find?”
Kasey held out the bag of cash, bonds, and passports. Bobby, and Hunter took a look at the four passports. Hunter knew exactly what he was looking at without any prompting. “Whoever did these forgeries is a class act. They’re good enough to get Price into any country in the world without tripping the alerts before she was onto the next country.”
“Yeah, these were all done by a master forger. Someone that knows the system. They’ve had to work for one of the big four alphabets: CIA, NSA, FBI or our own shop. WITSEC.” Bobby said as he ran his hand over the surface of one passport. “They even have the mag strips and watermarks in the right places.”
“There are just as many private forgers that can produce the same results boys. I myself know of at least five such people.” Maria pointed out. “Why do you say this work was done by a former agent for one of these agencies?”
“The watermark and paper, mom. These are the real things. Only someone with access to those types of materials could produce passports this real. Especially four US passports. If there were other countries, then I would say we were looking at one of your civilian contractors. Nope, these were done by somebody in the big four.” Bobby explained.
Kristine spoke up next. “I think I have a lead on who might be Price’s connection for those passports.”
“What did you find Kristine?” Maria asked her politely.
Kristine held out the fifteen files that she recovered from the master bedroom safe. Bobby and Hunter began to look over the names on the files only to have six names jump out to the two former US Army Rangers and MPs. Dan Whitehall, Jim Carson, Sally McManus, Mark Hall, Joe White, and Shamus O’Grady, all one-time members of a disgraced MP detachment. The two military men shared a hard look of recognition over the rest of the names.
Bobby keyed his mike. “Stronghold, if you haven't begun tracking down the names on these files yet, do so now. Over”
“We’re working on that now Stalking Horse. We can tell you that Whitehall, Carson, McManus, Hall, Wickham, and O’Grady are currently in an Arlington morgue. Any idea of where we should start looking for the other eleven?” Kimberly asked.
“Stone, Tomson, and Walker are chilling in a downstairs closet. As for the other eight, I would start your search with Charles Andrews. I figure that he has most of them under contract as mercs. None of them are hardcore shooters, but they won’t think twice about pulling the trigger in self-defense. Over” Bobby and Hunter both knew who these three women and five men were.
“Copy that, Stalking Horse.” Krystel answered. “Searching.”
Maria looked over at the library door as a scream came from the room behind it. Looking back over at Kasey and Kristine. “Girls do you think you can break into the Metropolitan Museum of Art?”
“With some help from Stronghold, no problem. What do you want from there Marshal?” Kasey quickly asked in confusion.
“You are not taking anything, girls. You are returning. Namely those nine masterpieces. I figure that if you leave now you should be in place within the next few hours to penetrate the museum security. It is past time for those pieces of art to be returned to the one place they truly belong.” Maria ordered the teens. “Where would be the best place to leave them?”
“That would the rear reception dock, my Donna.” Angelic said as she joined the deputies. “Easier to secure new arrivals and less chance of the security at spotting the drop off. Actually, if you had the correct paperwork you could just pull right up to the dock acting as a late-night delivery.”
“Would the security guards give the drivers a second look? By that I mean would they double check the girls if we sent them in like that.” Maria questioned her niece.
“Not if they had the correct paperwork. Most delivery companies that make late-night runs use college students for this type of work.” Looking over at her two second cousins. “I believe that with a little work and the right clothing, that they could pull it off with ease.”
“How long?” Maria questioned.
“Half-hour at the most.” Angelic answered. “Do the girls have jeans, t-shirts, light-weight jackets and matching ballcaps?”
“We got them, but they’re at the ALOC. A twenty-minute stop back at the hotel parking garage, for a quick change, fake the paperwork up and we’re good to go. After that thirty to forty minutes for traffic. Then we’re in position to deliver the artwork.” Kasey laid out for them.
“Stronghold; access the ALOC and have the needed paperwork waiting for them. I don’t want to take the chance that the van might be spotted by accident. The more they are in one spot, the easier they’re to spot with that van. Over” Like the true mastermind of crime Maria had already spotted the one weak point in the plan and was moving to handle it.
“On it Actual. I’ll have a full delivery listing printed and waiting on Gemini. I just need a list of the stolen artwork. Can November Tango provide the list?” Krystel asked.
“Can do Stronghold. The following pieces are currently in our possession.” Angelic quickly started naming off the artwork. Each of the names was greeted by a low whistle from the Command Staff. “That’s all of them. Though I would make a suggestion concerning the Judges. Over”
“What do you have November Tango?” Lyssa asked quickly.
“We keep the Just Judges. For no other reason than political reasons. Over” at Maria’s questioning glance she explained. “The Just Judges have been a political hot point for more than ninety years. Going all the way back to The Treaty of Versailles and the end of World War One. If this piece were to show up out of nowhere at a US museum all hell will break loose.”
“Sounds right Marshal. That one piece could be a political hand grenade of the first order. Personally, I see it more as a political nuke waiting to blow.” Hunter grumbled as he scratched the back of his head. “The question is what do we do with the damned thing?”
“Screw it. Let the church handle the fallout.” Kristine smirked. When her grandmother gave her the glare of ‘you shall pay for that comment’ Kasey quickly explained while pointing at Angelic. “The good Sister here is going to be delivering five Novices to their newest Order right? She just has to drop the Judges in the lap of the Mother Superior.”
Angelic immediately saw where Kasey was going and giggled. “That is perfect. As a member of the Saint Nicholas Order the current Mother Superior will be forced to hand over the lost painting to her Superiors in the Church. The Church has immunity in such matters in the return of such artworks. They can bring the Just Judges back to the eyes of the world and none of the governments involved will be able to question from where the artwork came. It is the perfect solution.”
“Boys, move the Judges to the limo. We have twenty minutes before we need to be out of here. Have you secured us alternate transportation?” Maria’s question was answered with a nod from Hunter. “I take it that we’ll be using the cars of the former security guards?”
“We’ll be using Stone’s. It is large enough to hold us all and still not draw attention. It’s an older model with four doors. It won’t stand out it is perfect for surveillance. It was likely picked up at a police auction. It has all the markings of a former unmarked patrol car. They’re cheap and well maintained. Good for secondhand cars.” Hunter explained his reasons for picking Stone’s car. “It also has the power for a chase, even without the interceptor package.”
Another scream came from the library. One that raised the hairs on the back of the necks for each member of the team. All except Maria’s. She knew exactly what was going on behind that door. And had no problems with the outcome of those screams. Like all Dons and Donnas of the Mafia, she knew that if you wanted accurate information drawn out of a person there was only one place to go. More like only one family to go to, the Di Stephanos.
TOC Ram’s Rock Island
Lyssa didn't even turn around the moment Sam’s camera went off line. “Why did Deputy Justice just kill her camera feed?”
Annette just sighed. She knew that she should have expected this moment to come. “There are family secrets that are handed down within each family. One of those secrets is the method of interrogation that Stephany Capizeo is now using to get you those codes. You wondered how my mother would be able to extract the information from Price. There are ways of Information Extraction that have been known only to her father’s family for generations.”
Annette looked down at her hands. “Ones that do not require the use of chemicals. Just exact points on the body. Similar to what an acupuncturist would use. Only these points produce only one thing. Unbearable pain and hallucinations. Hallucinations that force people to face their deepest darkest nightmares and secrets. Like the Sleep of the Beautiful Death, only Stephany knows those techniques now.”
Lyssa glanced to Krystel. “Override. Restore the feed.”
“It will do you no good, Sergeant-Major. Stephany will have covered the camera. She will not let her family’s secrets be revealed to anyone who is not family. Before you ask, I don’t even know the Sleep of the Beautiful Death. When the time comes to pass on those deadly secrets, only Kristine will learn them. Maybe Kasey, if Stephany sees her as a worthy heiress. I will have no say in this matter.” Annette’s blunt admission made Lyssa give her a cold hard appraising look. “You have my word of honor.”
“Stronghold to All. Freeze. Hold.” Lyssa called over the channel.
All of the Black Badges around Maria did so and looked alarmed.
Maria keyed her mic. “What is it Stronghold?”
“Go to the Library. No one is to move until you are there.” Lyssa instructed.
Annette keyed her own mic. “Samantha turned her camera off and somebody doesn't like it.”
“I trust her to do this, Stronghold.” Maria replied.
Lyssa's tone stayed the same. “Go to the Library. No one is to move until you are there.”
“Just as you have techniques that you cannot or will not teach to your team or to us, Sergeant-Major. Some things are best left in the hands of only a select and secretive few.” Annette sighed. “Lyssa, please understand that within the world of the assassin the most feared family of them all is the Capizeo’s. Just for that one reason alone. It is also the only reason she is still alive.”
“No one wants to try her because no one believes that they will survive the attempt. Is that what you’re getting at?” Kimberly asked.
“No. Everyone KNOWS that they won’t survive the attempt. When she first went into protective custody, she left everything behind. Unlike my mother and Anna, I know exactly how many bodies she piled up before crossing the front entrance to the Toledo federal building. She was not the half-trained child that the Iscariot Division Priest believed. At fourteen Joseph Capizeo was already fully trained in the ways of his father’s, and mother’s families. And in the arts of assassination and spy craft. The only thing he truly lacked was the secret to the Sleep of the Beautiful Death. Which Samantha has spent the last three years perfecting.” Annette took a deep breath and gave them all a hard look. “If and only if Samantha wants to share those secrets with you will she. Not until then.”
Lyssa finally turned around keying her mic. “It seems I am here for decoration.”
“FAR from it.” Dannigan's voice broke in. “Black Badges, extract. Now. Other means will be implemented.”
Lyssa looked at Annette and said over the channel. “I am issued orders, just as I issue orders. Those orders will be carried out. By those I issue them to, or as I am ordered to. Operations or Assault, Major?”
Maria's feed showed her arriving at the library and going in. “I am sorry Samantha. I must stop you or restore your feed.”
“I won't reveal this.” Samantha glared.
Dannigan growled. “Personally, I don't care how you accomplish your objective, but your results will be on record. Unless you want to be the one in front of the inquiry and getting the terminal finding, though you won't be alone as I likely will be.”
“Major…” Maria began, only to be cut off.
“Yes, yes, this is where you want to mention the other side going off. They had their ‘dark moment’. So, have you and yours. You made an agreement Maria. You and yours. Uphold it or shut down.” Dannigan said flatly.
Maria reached over and turned Samantha's camera back on. “Find a way to do your work.”
Samantha took out the phone and focused the camera on Sylvia and Carrie, from the shoulders up. “Will this satisfy you?”
“I believe so.” Dannigan said then asked. “Sergeant-Major?”
“Yes. However, I would suggest angling Price more towards the other. She should see the FULL effect of the Deputy's process. It would be a shame for her to miss any of it. Yes, Deputy?” Lyssa commented.
This was an aspect Samantha fully agreed with. “Absolutely!”
Lyssa wasn't done though. “Just one thing. Keep her alive, Deputy. Keep them BOTH alive. I have an idea that you may like. Consider it a balm to sooth the heavy-handedness. Actually, you might even be thoroughly amused by it.”
“Really? You think so?” Samantha growled, she was still angry.
Lyssa's voice was casual. “It involves much destruction and immeasurable pain to a slow death. Can we say 'thermite'? Sure, I knew you could.”
“Alright. You have me interested now.” Samantha relented. “Must be good. You're sounding creative. Like back in Venice.”
Maria shook her head. “I think she is going out of her way this time. She’s offering you an olive branch, to savage miss Price and her companion with.”
“Very well.” Samantha agreed. “May I continue now?”
Lyssa replied. “Certainly, but please do pace yourself. It would be a pity for all your efforts to be spent too quickly. Miss Price has earned the FULL treatment after all.”
“Carry on then.” Dannigan said.
Samantha double checked the camera's view then went back to her work as Maria left.
“I need to know something Annette. I want a straight answer this time. You, Anna, and Maria have all said that Samantha is the deadliest assassin among the four of you. Yet I have seen Maria take her in hand-to-hand training more than once. Did she let Maria take her?” Kimberly asked bluntly.
“Samantha never cut lose or tried her hardest in training. Mostly out of respect for my mother.” At the confused looks of the command staff Annette sighed. “Our daughters were watching. Maria is still their primary Dance Mistress. Sam would never disrespect her position by showing her up during training. No matter how great the need.”
Lyssa mulled that over. “Once a student of the dance always a student of the dance. Even when one becomes the Mistress. That explains a little about Samantha’s attitude. Her self-discipline is still work in progress. She's still under the impression that she is working for herself. Or that only she will ever pay the price for her actions.”
Annette sighed in understanding. “Dad would be the one to pay.”
Lyssa turned to hold a steady look. The message was beyond clear; if Dannigan was forced to burn, he would do so knowing he wouldn't be able to save the rest from following after.
“Sam knew that she could never go back to her old life as US Deputy Marshal Lyssa. She had already made the decision to return to her roots before she ever stepped one foot off that plane. You can stand there and say that you would have set her up with a whole new life or whatever all you want. Only for Samantha Justice that would never have happened. Not once she had made up her mind.” Annette had the command staff’s undivided attention. “To her the path of the assassin was all that lay before her. She was going to leave here the moment she had the chance. Samantha Justice was going to hunt down the scum of the world and bring the bloody Right-hand of Lady Justice to them all on the darkest of nights. She would have hunted down the man responsible for ordering the deaths of her family and killed him without remorse. Once her vengeance was achieved, she would have stepped forever into the darkest of the night’s shadows never to return.”
“Does she even know who this man is?” Kimberly asked bluntly. “It’s not like Samantha to just go killing someone without proof or evidence.”
“That is where you are wrong, Kimberly. Samantha Justice may not kill without proof or evidence, but Stephany Capizeo can.” There was a cold harshness in Annette’s voice that would book no argument. Lyssa and the other two operators also knew that the subject of Samantha Justice’s past and her training was now closed. “Now, that she knows that Monsignor Johnathan Delacorte is in truth Alfonzo Delicato the man is a walking corpse.”
“So, she’s going to go after Delicato once they’ve finished up there.” Lyssa snarled she knew that Samantha would go off the reservation. Again. Revenge was too engrained in Samantha Justice for her to just let Delicato walk. “She does understand it's not so simple as that?”
“You want the truth or a lie?” Annette answered bluntly. “You have to remember that she swore to bring justice to every last person involved in the deaths of her family. And like all Sicilians she’ll get it one way or another.”
“That can be dealt with once we get them out of the field and cleared. She may have to wait for the smoke to finally clear. Personally, I don't care if she goes after him. Operations come first.” Lyssa turned to Krystel. “The personnel files?”
“Got the last of the information coming up now. It seems that Bobby and Hunter were right. All eight are working for Andrews. The good news is all but one is overseas right now. The news gets even better. The one that is still in CONUS is the least trained of them all. Terresa Sullivan, 31B, Military Police. She had a standard four-year contract until given a BCD. It comes mostly from a good bust turned shitty, thanks to Sylvia Price. Andrews gave her the contract two years later.” The more that Krystel read, the more she came to think that there was more going with Sullivan than she first thought. “Something about this Terresa Sullivan’s Discharge stinks.”
“Keep digging. Get everything you can find on Charles Andrews.” Lyssa ordered. Then looked over at the monitors. “How long before Gemini and our thief are ready to exfiltrate?”
“They’re almost ready now.” Annette answered. “There, they’re leaving now.”
“Good.” Lyssa replied. “Annette, I need an estimate on how much longer until the rest of the Bravo team moves out?”
“Lyssa, what are Bobby and Hunter doing?” Annette asked as she pointed up at the two monitors showing their bodycam feeds.
The Hampton’s home of Sylvia Price.
Maria turned to Kasey, Kristine, and Angelic. “You three have other duties to carry out. Kasey, give the bearer bonds to Angelic. I’m sure that the Chapter House will be able to find a good use for that money.”
Kasey didn’t even think twice and pulled the bundle of bonds out of the oversized purse from Sylvia's closet she had used to secure the contents of the safe. At least the monetary contents. The diamonds she kept in her jacket pocket.
When Angelic went to refuse, Maria gave her niece a glare. “Use that money to do some good, Sister.”
Angelic knew that this was not an order from her aunt, but the Donna of her family. Something that she would never refuse. “Of course, my Donna.”
With this final piece of business taken care of Maria watched the three leave the house.
“Stronghold, what mayhem do you have for us now?” Maria asked.
Lyssa answered. “Find aluminum that can be made into fine powder, magnesium and rusty iron and copper. Try to make as much as possible. I'll give the mixture when you have that. Small plastic bags and cellophane tape as well.”
Maria turned to Hunter and Bobby. “Boys, we now have a scavenger hunt for a diabolical purpose. Let us be at it.”
“We can get the job done now Marshal. During our sweep we located the guards’ illegal armory and ammo dump. When I say illegal, I mean they have everything under the sun. We’re talking C-4, Semtex, and thermite on one hand. To AK-47s, M-4s, M-240s, and MP-9s. You name it they most likely have it. When it comes to explosive detonators there are fuses of every type. Not to mention timers, of both types, and radio. We can set the burn to go down however you want it to and be long gone. We can make it look like a simple reloading accident gone horribly wrong in more ways than one. What amazes me is the fact that they haven’t had one yet. Then again Stone always was a real hard ass when it can to safety concerns.” The screaming that had been coming from the library had only stopped nine times sense it had resumed.
“They have so much of what we need already prepared then. Did you copy, Stronghold.” Maria smiled and turned to face the door.
Lyssa confirmed. “Affirmative. That saves some time. Actual, the thermite needs your delicate attention. Gentlemen, let's make some rather interesting demolition charges.”
Bobby asked bluntly. “How much longer on the Intel?”
“We will have the information shortly. The Hemlock Rose has her ‘guesses’ almost where she needs them now.” Maria knew that her comment was lost on the two men and those in the TOC.
Inside the library
Samantha smiled as Maria pulled the door shut behind her leaving Samantha alone with the two women and turned the camera off. She never took her eyes of the needle in her hand. Letting her mind go back to a time just after her tenth birthday. A time spent with her father in the basement of their old home and her first lesson in the ancient art of torture and information extraction.
Stepping over to Carrie, Samantha drove the first of what would be many needles into the last knuckle of the left-hand ring finger. Carry woke with a scream that would wake the dead and the sleeping Sylvia Price. Samantha let the predatory smile come easily to her face as she looked over at Price.
“I see that you have decided to join us, Sylvia.” Samantha’s smile never reached her eyes as she spoke. “I have questions and you have answers.”
The door opened and Maria came in. “I am sorry Samantha. I must stop you or restore your feed.”
“I won't reveal this.” Samantha glared.
Dannigan growled. “Personally, I don't care how you accomplish your objective, but your results will be on record. Unless you want to be the one in front of the inquiry and getting the terminal finding, though you won't be alone as I likely will be.”
“Major…” Maria began, only to be cut off.
“Yes, yes, this is where you want to mention the other side going off. They had their 'dark moment'. So, have you and yours. You made an agreement Maria. You and yours. Uphold it or shut down.” Dannigan said flatly.
Maria reached over and turned Samantha's camera back on. “Find a way to do your work.”
Samantha took out the phone and focused the camera on Sylvia and Carrie, from the shoulders up. “Will this satisfy you?”
“I believe so.” Dannigan said then asked. “Sergeant-Major?”
“Yes. However, I would suggest angling Price more towards the other. She should see the FULL effect of the Deputy's process. It would be a shame for her to miss any of it. Yes, Deputy?” Lyssa commented.
This was an aspect Samantha fully agreed with. “Absolutely!”
Lyssa wasn't done though. “Just one thing. Keep her alive, Deputy. Keep them BOTH alive. I have an idea that you may like. Consider it a balm to sooth the heavy-handedness. Actually, you might even be thoroughly amused by it.”
“Really? You think so?” Samantha growled, she was still angry.
Lyssa's voice was casual. “It involves much destruction and immeasurable pain to a slow death. Can we say 'thermite'? Sure, I knew you could.”
“Alright. You have me interested now.” Samantha relented. “Must be good. You're sounding creative. Like back in Venice.”
Maria shook her head. “I think she is going out of her way this time. She's offering you an olive branch, to savage miss Price and her companion with.”
“Very well.” Samantha agreed. “May I continue now?”
Lyssa replied. “Certainly, but please do pace yourself. It would be a pity for all your efforts to be spent too quickly. Miss Price has earned the FULL treatment after all.”
“Carry on then.” Dannigan said.
Samantha double checked the camera's view then went back to her work as Maria left. “Where were we?”
“FUCK YOU BITCH! UNTIE ME NOW OR YOU’RE DEAD!” Sylvia screamed as she struggled in her bonds. When Samantha didn’t move to do as Sylvia demanded she screamed again. “DID YOU HEAR ME?”
“Oh, I heard you. I just decided to ignore your happy ass. You see, you will answer my questions or pay the price with pain. Just to give you an example of what to look forward to, a little demonstration is in order.” Samantha took a second needle out of her cloth roll. With a skill born of long hours of practice Samantha inserted it between the bones of Carrie’s left wrest directly into the nerve bundle. Once again Carry’s screams of pain reached new heights. “You see there are numerous points all around the body that contain these fascinating bundles of nerves. Each bundle reacts in different ways to stimuli. They can bring pain, heat, even uncontrollable pleasure.”
Samantha pick up a third needle and inserted it into a point just above Carrie’s navel. This time she moaned out, as if experiencing the most unbelievable sexual orgasm. Sylvia looked on with disbelieving eyes. Then her disbelief turned to utter shock as the crazy woman took a fourth needle and inserted it into the right nipple of the secretary. Her moans of pleasure turned to screams of unbearable and undeniable pain. Sylvia looked up at Samantha with horror filled eyes as Samantha approached her with a needle.
“Now that the demonstration has concluded we can move on to the main event, Sylvia. Let me be perfectly clear on this matter; my dear Sylvia. If you lie. I will know. You will not withhold your secrets from me. All it could gain you is more pain. We will now begin.” Without preamble Samantha inserted the first needle into the last join of her left-hand pinky.
Sylvia screamed as expected. The pain was excruciating. It was like nothing she had ever experienced before. As the pain slowly faded away Samantha was looking her in the eyes. “Ready for the first question, dearie?”
“Oh goodie! I get to play some more. Let’s see if I can get you to piss your panties. Shall we?” Samantha didn't wait for Sylvia to answer and inserted the needle she held into Sylvia’s left hip. Sylvia screamed and promptly pissed her panties. “Oh, would you look at that! I got it on the first go. Bet I can get you to shit yourself with the next needle. Let's try!”
Samantha didn’t bother to ask a question and inserted the needle in Sylvia’s right hip. The woman’s screaming never stopped even as she lost control over her bowls and shit herself uncontrollably. Samantha started to giggle. Everything she had done so far was happening exactly as her father said it would during her training.
The next needle was going to be real fun for Samantha. “I think it time for a little pleasure. Let’s see if I can make you have an intense orgasm. One so wet, you'll squirt! Shall we? Oh, and before I start, I think I should let you know now. I can make the orgasm last for as long as I want. Hours and hours, maybe days even. It will only stop when I remove the needle. Even through all the additional pain that I will inflict on you, you will continue to orgasm. Doesn’t that sound like fun? Pain and pleasure mingling to become one great experience.”
“Please, no! Ask your questions! I’ll talk” Sylvia whimpered at the thought of having her sexual pleasure and uncontrolled pain turned against her. The pain and embarrassment were almost too much for Sylvia to handle any more. She knew that she could no longer hold out against this crazed woman’s attack on her senses and body.
“Aaawww!” Samantha pouted. “You’re no fun.”
“You’re insane! Ask your questions already.” Sylvia grounded out through clenched teeth. She knew that she couldn’t handle the pain much more.
“Oh, very well, spoil sport. Ruin all my fun. What are your passcodes to your secure files? The ones protected by that oh so nasty security program. You know the one that I’m talking about.” Samantha’s playfulness was driving Sylvia crazy. The woman had to be insane.
“Please; not those? Anything else, but not those.” Sylvia begged. “I give you those and they’ll kill me.”
Samantha just smiled and inserted the needle she had been holding into Sylvia’s clitoris while twisting. The pain and pleasure slammed into Sylvia’s mind like a freight train. She screamed and moaned as if the world was coming to an end. For her it was, only she didn’t know it. To her there was only the here and now, the pain and pleasure.
“Who will kill you Sylvia? Who are you protecting in those files? Just give me the passcodes and we can protect you from them. I promise. No one will ever know that you gave them up. Now what are the passcodes?” Samantha asked sweetly as she continued to twist the needle and pinch Sylvia’s clitoris. Samantha Justice had taken a vacation and Stephany Capizeo was happily using the skills taught to her by her father.
Sylvia finally caved to both the pleasure and pain provided by this woman. “There are a set of files in my bedroom safe. Each one has a JAG case file attached on the inside. The passcode is the actual case number. The JAG case that made my military career. Please stop?”
Samantha twisted the needle one more time. “You’re not lying to me dearie? If I find out that you are then I’ll be very displeased with you.”
“No, no, I’m not lying! Please stop! Oh god, PLEASE STOP!” Sylvia had squeezed her eyes tight against the unrelenting attack on her senses. “The passcode is that case number.”
Samantha stood up and waked to the other side of the library. “Stronghold, this is Whiskey Sierra. I have the passcode. Over”
“Send it, Whiskey Sierra. How sure are you of this intel? One mistake and it's over.” Krystel answered. She didn’t want to take any chances with those files or that security protocol. She knew what would happen to those files or the server they were stored on if they had the wrong passcodes.
“She gave them to me with a smile Stronghold. The passcode is a JAG case file attached to some personnel files in her bedroom safe. Over” Samantha answered quickly.
“We'll get with the Marshal then. She has those files in her possession. Are they empty or have more? Your call.” Lyssa said.
“They have more I believe. Stand by.” Samantha didn’t wait for a reply and turned back to Sylvia and Carrie. “Let see who should I play with now? Dear little Carrie or sweet Sylvia? Such choices to make.”
Both women looked at Samantha with eyes filled with true horror for what was to come. They had both already endured the crazy woman’s sense of play enough to be half insane themselves. When Samantha picked up the three needles from the cloth roll and began to play with them both women began to shake in fear. They knew that torture was sure to come and the only way to avoid it was to give this demon dressed as a woman their very souls. Carrie was the first to break under the imagined torture.
“No more! Please no more! I’ll talk!” Carrie screamed.
“Who would want you dead for talking?” Samantha got straight to the point.
“Donald Abrams, Charles Andrews and Alfonzo Delicato.” Carrie whimpered. She knew that her life as it was, was over.
“What does Alfonzo Delicato have to do with your operations?” Samantha snarled as Carrie’s admission continued to be transmitted to the TOC.
“He supplied us with the girls for our mail-order bride scam.” Sylvia answered for them both trying to buy Samantha’s mercy. “Charles Andrews is the one who moves them from my safe houses to their new owners.”
“Where are your safe houses?” Samantha snarled out as she screwed the first of the three needles, she had been holding into Sylvia’s right shoulder joint. Sylvia screamed before she slumped in the chair out cold. This brought Samantha’s anger to the front. Using a second needle Samantha woke Sylvia by driving it deep into the woman’s left shoulder joint. Samantha had to fight her need for petty vengeance. “Where are your safe houses, Sylvia? Tell me, the pain stops. Keep quiet and the pain stays!”
“There is a ledger in my office safe. It has a listing for all my properties. The safe houses are all marked with a triple six at the end.” Sylvia told Samantha honestly as the pain drove her to confess her darkest secrets.
Samantha stood up smiling down at Sylvia as she stepped back. “Do we have that ledger Stronghold?”
“Affirmative White Swan. Actual has that ledger. But now I suddenly have a new concern. Do they currently have any being held?” Lyssa growled out.
“That is a concern. Standby.” Samantha answered coldly and turned back to the two women. “Where was I? Oh yes. I remember now. You ladies were going to tell me the rest of your naughty little secrets. Who wants to start? I know, let’s start with Carrie.”
As Samantha approached the ruined woman Carrie whimpered. “There is a warehouse, downtown Manhattan, that is where we take the runaways.”
“Runaways? What do you do with these runaways, Carrie?” Samantha asked sweetly as she slowly dragged the needle down Carrie’s left cheek. “Tell me Carrie or you’ll suffer even more pain.”
“We turn them into customized sex slaves and sell them to the highest bidder. There are thirty-five of them at the warehouse right now. Unless Andrews picks them up in the next twenty-four hours along with.” Carrie answered in a whisper knowing that her life was now over. Andrews would have her killed.
“And the nuns for your bridal scam?” Samantha asked.
Carrie shook her head, crying. “We haven't gotten any new ones recently.”
Samantha could tell that Carrie was done. Running her hand down the woman’s neck Samantha paused at Carrie’s temple.
“Is she empty?” Lyssa asked over the comm.
Samantha withdrew and began removing the needles from Carrie. “Yes. Still alive.”
“Copy that.” Lyssa replied.
Samantha turned to Sylvia with cold blooded intent in her eyes. “You have one chance to tell me how you got involved with Andrews and Delicato bitch. Start talking.”
Sylvia Price didn’t even think twice. She vomited up the whole sorry tale. “Delicato, approached me shortly after my husband died.”
For the next hour Sylvia poured out her darkest secrets to Samantha. How she got into the custom slave market by using runaway teens. How she blackmailed certain politicians to look the other way. Sylvia gave Samantha everything all the time hoping that Samantha would let her live. When she finished Samantha was fighting to keep from choking the bitch to death. “That’s it. That’s all there is. I got nothing more to tell you. You said that you would protect me from them. Please you got to protect me now.”
“You’re right. I did promise that I would protect you from them, bitch.” Samantha growled then said. “Ok Stronghold. She's empty. What now?”
Lyssa answered. “They need to be taken outside. That's where you'll get your satisfaction.”
Samantha secured her needles returning them to her cloth roll. Looking over at the two women, Samantha snarled. “There is a special place in hell for monsters like you two bitches. When you finally get there; tell the head demon that Stephany Capizeo paid your passage.”
As Samantha exited the library, she found only Maria waiting for her. “Where are the others mother?”
“The girls are on their way to return the stolen artwork. Angelic is taking those poor young girls to their new Order. Were you able to gain the needed information Samantha?” Maria answered her.
“I got the info and passed it on to Stronghold.” Samantha turned harsh. “I want Alfredo Delicato. He belongs to the Hemlock Roses and will pay for his crimes against us.”
Maria was stopped from commenting on Samantha’s blunt declaration of revenge by the return of Bobby and Hunter.
Hunter spoke up first. “Let's go ladies. We've got demolition charges on radio detonators and burn packs placed all-round the house. This place will burn down into the foundation after it shatters. We don’t want to be anywhere near this place when the fire hits that massively illegal armory and ammo dump.”
“Oh shit! Please tell that those yahoos weren’t reloading.” Samantha pegged.
“I cannot tell a lie. There’s at least seventy-five cans of powder in that room. I won’t even go into the number of loose rounds and shell casings. Then there are the ten Claymore mines. Just sitting there waiting for their detonators or the full case of M-61 fragmentation grenades. These people were ready for a war.” Bobby demanded.
“Robert if there is all that in that room would the explosion be large enough to cover up what all we’ve done here? I mean if we place the bodies in the correct places. Would the fire investigators right their deaths off as victims of the blast?” Maria asked him.
“It would, but it seems Stronghold has other plans.” Hunter called out.
“Let’s get it done.” Maria ordered her family.
Hunter and Bobby carried Sylvia and Carrie out, still secured to the chairs and arranged them in outside, with Sylvia facing the open front door. Carrie was positioned between Sylvia and the entryway, facing her. Bobby and Hunter returned upstairs.
“Maria, start with the secretary. Secure the small bags of thermite to her legs, torso and head. Have the bags overlap and attach the ignitors to the bags on her feet.” Lyssa instructed.
Maria's shook her head. “And here I thought you were wanting something else. This is indeed vicious.”
“Oh, we're not done. Sam, do the same to Price, except stop when you get to her pelvis. She'll die, as you want, but not gently or quickly.” Lyssa announced.
Samantha smirked at Price. “Ok. I do like it.”
Just as Maria and Samantha finished their preparations, Bobby and Hunter returned.
“What in the hell are you two doing?” Samantha asked, pointing at the large white bundle Bobby was dragging.
Bobby growled. “I have no idea. She just said to grab all this in her closet and bring them down here.”
Lyssa's voice came over the comms. “Open it up so she can see it, Bobby. Hunter, douse it all with the alcohol and nail polish remover. Set that one pair of shoes on top, Bobby.”
“Are those her entire collection? My dear, vicious doesn't begin to touch this!” Maria laughed.
Hunter shook his head. “I will never understand the thing about females and shoes.”
Samantha nodded to the pair of white pumps Bobby set at the top of the pile. “Why those?”
“They're Cholo Blankdicks or something.” Bobby shrugged.
Maria shook her head as she chuckled. “Manolo Blahnik, dear boy. Apparently, the prize of her collection.”
“Whatever.” Bobby commented then draped an evening gown across the base of the pile. “I guess this is special too. Chanel, I think she said.”
Samantha nodded. “Yes, it's special. Look Sylvia, we've brought down your favorite things!”
Price was openly crying. “You said you'd protect me!”
“I said we'd protect you from them, and we are. 'They' won't kill you Sylvia." Samantha now clarified. “We are.”
Lyssa's voice instructed. “Use Price's cellphone and start streaming to the Major then initiate sequence and exfiltrate.”
“Roger Stronghold.” Maria replied.
Quickly they did so then activated the charges and burn packs. As the car pulled away, fire could be seen in the front door and consuming Carrie amid her horrifying screams. Shortly thereafter an explosion was heard, the house fell in on itself and erupted into flames, followed by Sylvia Price as she screamed in terrified agony. Five minutes after; the phone's stream went dead.
TOC Ram’s Rock Island.
“That was a new one.” Kimberly commented.
Lyssa quietly said over the other channel. “Kill the stream and exfiltrate, Phantom. You're done for now.”
“Why didn't you just let Sam kill them, her way?” Annette asked. “You pissed her off.”
Lyssa turned around. “Oh? You mean it did hurt Price to see everything she loved go up in flames and her lapdog burned to a crisp in front of her then have the same happen to her? Forced to watch as everything she had was taken or destroyed then an agonizing death. If Sam has more than two brain cells, which she does, she got more out of that than what she wanted to do originally.”
“Lyssa pissed her off then gave her something better.” Kimberly said blandly.
“Samantha. What of her?” Lyssa questioned. “She seems to have a serious mad-on for Delicato. Just how strong is your sister-wife’s need is for revenge?”
“She tore apart the Great Lake Organization at fourteen to avenge the deaths of her family. She left ninety-one bodies in her wake doing just that. I was there the day they buried Marko, Mary, Catherine, Caitlin, and Josephina Capizeo. I could do nothing as Joseph Capizeo hunted down the men who were responsible for his family’s deaths. The day that I thought he was killed on those courthouse steps I was sure that Joseph had finally found peace. My mother and I spent the next fourteen years working towards bring the last of them to justice. One way or the other. You know the rest of the story from there. Yet there was just one man that has eluded our justice and Samantha’s unyielding vengeance. Now that we know that Alfonzo Delicato is alive Stephany Capizeo will not be stopped. She will either get her vengeance for her family or die in the act.” Annette said.
“Do you think she’ll go off the reservation and leave the team hanging? I need to know.” Lyssa demanded.
“I doubt it Sergeant-Major. Samantha Justice has far too much to keep her on track now. She has people who hold her accountable for her actions.” Annette answered honestly then turned thoughtful. “The only reason she would go off the reservation as you put is if someone was a threat to Kristine.”
“She already sees this Delicato as a verifiable threat to her new family.” Kimberly remarked. “Will she have to be pulled?”
“I doubt it. Besides, if Samantha wants to kill Delicato. No one can stop her or change her mind.” Annette told them all bluntly. “You all need to understand something ladies. The Hemlock Rose knows her duty. She will perform her duties faithfully. She will never let personal business interfere with an operation. Her pride and honor will never let that happen.”
“What about after? How far will she go to take down a target?” Kimberly edged. “It’s not just her ass on the line.”
“That is another story. There is a legend told in my family of a time long ago. Back to a time when our two families were not so closely tied. Before you ask, the legend is very real. It concerns the first time that the Iscariot Division double crossed the Capizeo family.” Annette pushed her chair back. Standing up she walked over to a cabinet and took out a First Strike bar. She was hungry again.
Annette turned to face the Command Staff. “Sorry guys but like I said earlier I crave food. How much time do we have before Gemini reaches the museum?”
“With the stop to change. Two hours at the minimum. Why?” Kimberly asked as she typed.
“Then we have the time for you to hear the legend of how the Hemlock Rose came into the world.” Annette sat back down at her station and looked at the three Operators in the room. “This is one time where the actual history is truly stranger than the fiction.”
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a gruesome death
but deserved
"the actual history"
But, but, but.... I want to hear that story.
This story was particularly good, even by the standards of WolfJess7's stories. Thank you.
that was well deserved death
There are others in this world that deserve it
I like Lyssas reaction to it all. Will there be any more Lyss stories
yeah, but there is a lot to get into position before it can happen.
quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall
Everyone has thought that Lyssa was the deadliest person on Rams Rock.
Now they know she might not be.
I wonder if Dannigan will listen in on Annette's History lesson.
Even when you think that you're the baddest s o b around, there's always someone even bigger than you are.
'Do or Do Not, There is no Try' - Yoda
Apples and Oranges
When it comes to comparing the women of Ram’s Rock Island, it is a lot like comparing apples to oranges. Or in this case king cobras to black mambas. They can both kill with a signal bite. It just depends on how long the poison takes to kill you.
In a fight between the two snakes a king cobra has the better odds of winning. However, the speed of black mamba would save him, if he can get in more then one strike the cobra is dead. But the cobra is used to fighting with another snakes and he can sustain the mamba’s first bite which will allow him to strike the killing blow to mamba, Hence Cobra has its dinner but it would come at a great cost.
Lyssa has recognized on more than one occasion that only she and Tiffany stand a chance at a straight up fight with Maria, Annette and Samantha. But the ones that have as yet to show just how deadly they will become are Kasey and Kristine. They have a long way to go and are still learning. Give them another 10yrs.
May the peace and happiness of the Goddess keep and protect you
as always your humble outlaw
Jessie Wolf
Great chapter, looking
Great chapter, looking forward to the next one!
Family traditions indeed
Wolfjess, as always you never fail to surprise and entertain me.
With each new revelation about the DeMarco and Capezio families, the reality of the esoteric skills and training of the Black Badges continues to amaze.
I believe that Lyssa now has to come to terms with a little Karma for what she did in the little matter of Pedosa and Alkowitz; she realizes that her reaction to Samantha's actions are no different than what Dannigan went through when she went off the reservation. Lyssa and Samantha are alike in so many ways, extreme skill sets, determination to see the job through, passion, honor, a higher calling and an unquenchable desire for righting personal betrayals. It can't be easy for Lyssa to see in Samantha so much of herself.
A question does present itself, Samantha and Angelic both have personal reasons to kill Delicato; will they take turns inflicting damage, flip a coin to decide who will do the deed or will there be another determinant of how Delicato will meet his end.
a golden disk flips lazily through the air
*Angelic and Samantha stand off to one side to flip a golden coin* HEADS I kill him! Tails you stay out of my way! *Samantha calls out*NO FAIR! You used a double headed Coin. *Angelic pouts*
Ask me no questions. I'll tell you no lies. You'll just have to wait to see who goes after Delicato.
May the peace and happiness of the Goddess keep and protect you
as always your humble outlaw
Jessie Wolf
Oh you tease...
Robyn B
Ms. Capizeo
I do believe it would be best to stay off of Stephany's (s)hit list.
(s)hit list.
Giggling now.
What puzzles me
is what the Monsignore thought when he got the major involved. Did he really think that with the people involved through him his real identity as Alfonso Delicato would stay hidden? I cannot possibly imagine him being so naive. Is there still another sinister plot going on in the background?
He now has the Dove, the Hemlock Rose and Angelic De Marco after him and I doubt, that Donnna Maria would pass a chance to off him by either, resons enough to thik of him as a walking corps. Might he just be suicidal?
Monique S
It was the Cardinal, not the Monsignor
The individual who contacted Dannigan is Karl Ferdinand, head of the Iscariot Division; in a previous life, Karl Ferdinand and Paul Dannigan were literally sharing a foxhole while in the army. The man whose name is now Karl Ferdiand spoke at one of Dannigan's funerals and Dannigan knows about Karl Ferdinand's career so they were likely in an intelligence unit together. The scumbag is Msgr. Delacorte, aka Alfonso Delicato late of the Detroit Calabrese family. F.Y.I., the term Monsignor is an honorific bestowed upon a priest as a recognition of accomplishment; it is also bestowed as title for certain priests who are members of the Curia (the Vatican administrative hierarchy that serves the Pope).
The rest of this is conjecture on my part as we don't know when each of these men A) joined the church B) entered into the service of the Iscariot Division and C) Wolfjess is too damn clever to do anything but leave a clue here and a tidbit there so we can put them together and MAYBE figure out what she has planned. One thing that I can say is that the Catholic Church has religious and political conservatives who have their visions of the role of the Church as well as religious and political liberals with their visions; even ampong these two groups there are various orders with their own interests, traditions and beliefs as well as ethnic divisions between both the clergy and the laity; in short there are competing interests and shifting alliances that create the opportunity for serious intrigue.
Given that the good Monsignor was a high ranking member of a crime family, it is doubtful that the title of Monsignor was bestowed upon him for service and devotion to the church but because of the position he occupies in the Vatican hierarchy. Whichever the case, for Delicato to get where he is in the church, there had to have been people who provided deep cover for him and possibly sheep dipped him to give him his current identity.
Keeping in mind that OICA has better security than the Iscariot Division; it is unlikely that the Cardianl knew about the DeMarco/ Capezio/ Black Badge links to OICA, here are the possibilities that come to mind as to why Karl Ferdinand called the Major:
1) He didn't know of the links between the Monsignor and Abrams et al but he wanted the situation resolved to protect the Church once he heard Angelic's confession.
2) He knew of Msgr. Delacorte's real identity but needed proof of his misdeeds before he could act and even then only act indirectly- because of Church politics and the potential for scandal.
3) His army intelligence background had given him insight that there were dirty dealings between the Vatican and the CIA and it wasn't until now that he got a bigger picture.
Going out on a limb here, but I believe that Paul Dannigan and Karl Ferdinand are like minded individuals whose friendship is rooted in shared values and that both are sincere in wanting to protect institutions by rooting out evil and corruption; For Dannigan it is the United States government and for Karl Ferdinand it is the Catholic Church.
Thank you :)
Dear Guest Reader,
First, I wish to thank you for giving me far too much credit for having such a crafty and devious mind. I am but a humble wordsmith who plies her trade on this site. Now let us get onto the point of this reply.
As you have pointed out so politely. I have indeed left numerous clues throughout this story and two others. To find them you have to go back to where it all started for the Black Badges.
As for Cardinal Karl Ferdinand, and how he came to hold his rank the answer is simple. I based the man off of a real-life US Army Champlin. He left the Army in 1994 as a Major to take up a position with the Catholic Church as a Bishop, in Cincinnati, Ohio. The last I heard he was now a member of the College of Cardinals for the Catholic Church.
I hope I got that right as I am not Catholic or Christian by any stretch of the imagination. So, I won’t even try to pretend to understand the organization of that Faith. I only know that he is one step below the Pope.
May the peace and happiness of the Goddess keep and protect you
as always your humble outlaw
Jessie Wolf
You deserve the credit.
You are an excellent writer with a sense of history, irony and humor. You have an ear for how people speak and your dialogue reflects spoken language, not written language and your plots are to die for (pun intended). And there is much truth in what and how you write about the Catholic Church.
History lessons
I love History Lessons. A two hour long one will be great.
Institutional corruption
A real world fact we need to remember is that there is no deed so evil that Catholic clergy have not committed it, even to the current day. (It’s in the news folks.) The universal reaction of Church hierarchy has always been a cover up and sanitization followed by a demonization of the victims. Human trafficking and slavery is just another day in the rectory.
BAK 0.25tspgirl
The middle of the end, for certain people?
Aww, Carrie and Sylvia didn't get to see the next day's sunrise. They didn't get to know what became of the girls at the warehouse. Sylvia didn't get a chance to finalize her takeover of the school. And she never got the chance to schmooze with the upper crust. All she got to do was die, in as agonizing a way as she treated all the kids who's life she ruined. What she did to others was returned to her with a vengeance, a well deserved vengeance.
Hopefully Delicato hasn't been marking off the days of life he has left. Or hasn't noticed the marks others have added. His death will come when he least expects it, when he thinks he's completely safe. Now that Salvia died in an accident.
The term "dead man walking" applies to several people who's life lines suddenly grew shorter. And deservanly so.
Others have feelings too.