Kelsey pt 23 *** A kymmie verse story*****

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Kelsey part 23

“ It is about half hour to Todd's office so we'd better get going.”

Their heels clicked on the kitchen floor as they went to the garage. They took the Marauder. It was more professional.

Todd's law office was in Southfield along the Lodge expressway. The pulled up at quarter to 11.

As they walked in. The guard looked up. “ Good Morning, Miss Reid.”

“ Good Morning, Steve. It is Mrs. Reid now.” Kelsey said as they walked past to the elevator. The click from their heels echoed though the lobby.

They entered the elevator and Kelsey pressed the button for the top floor. Kelsey checked her minimal makeup, and straightened herself. As did Brook. Kelsey touched up her bright red lipstick, then handed it to Brook who did the same.

The whole top floor was Todd's law firm. Kelsey and Brook walked out into the reception area. The girl at the desk looked up. “ Good Morning Mrs. and Mrs. Reid. Mr Clark is waiting in the conference room. Please follow me.”

The receptionist lead them to the conference room. She knocked as she opened the door.

“ Mr Clark, Mrs and Mrs Reid are here.” She held the door for Brook and Kelsey to enter.

“ Thank you, Anne. Show the other party in as soon as they arrive.”

“ Yes, Mr Clark.” She left.

“ Brook, Kelsey how are you today?”

“ Fine Todd.”

“ Good, Mindy will be here shortly” Mindy was Todd's real estate specialist. “ Please have a seat.”

Brook and Kelsey sat like prim and proper ladies.

“ So how goes the build on the monster I keep hearing about.” Todd Asked.

“ Great, My uncle is doing the final tune this week. I should have it done and out Friday.”

“ And what kind of power is this thing making?” Todd asked.

“ Nothing firm yet. But my uncle said he started tuning at 2200.”

“ Wow, That is going to be one nasty mother.”

Just then an older woman came in, “ Hello, Kelsey. This must be your wife, Brook.”
Brook stood and shook hands.

“ Mindy Whiteside. Real estate specialist.”

“ Nice meeting you.” Brook said as she sat back down.

Todd and Mindy sat down. Just as Ann showed the sellers in.
The two men and one lady. Came in.

“ Mr. and Mrs. Petterson and Mr. Johnston. Nice to meet you. I am Todd Clark attorney for KSR inc. This is Miss Reid and Miss Robinson the owners of KSR. Please have a seat.”

Todd had already talked to Brook and Kelsey and decided it was best to make them single rather than a married couple for this meeting. They both agreed.

The three of them sat down.

“ I am Mindy Whiteside The real estate specialist.” Mindy said as she stood. She handed Mr. Petterson the sales contract. She continued. “ Here is the contract for the sale of Bonaventure Roller Skating Rink. As you will notice everything is in order.”
Mr. Johnston read the contract. Handing it back to Mr. Petterson.

“ Everything seems to be in order.” He said.

“ If you will sign on the top highlighed line, Mr. Petterson and Mrs. Petterson on the line below.

Mr Petterson pulled out a pen. “ If I may. We opened Bonaventure years ago. We have delighted quite a few people in our 40 years. We are hopping that you will keep it as it is. Not making to many changes.”

“ Mr. and Mrs. Petterson. I do not have any intention on changing Bonaventure at all. I may put the roller wall back up. It was the rink I started going to when I first started Skating. I believe it is perfect as it is.” Kelsey said.

Mr Petterson had a relieved look. Both Kelsey and Brook could tell that he had hoped that the new owners would keep it the way it is.

“ Mr and Mrs Petterson” Brook added. “ We at KSR insure that the history of Bonaventure will continue. I will assure you both that we will not change it in anyway.”

“We do appreciate that ladies.” Mrs. Petterson said.

Mr Petterson signed the contract, the Mrs Petterson did. They handed it to Mr Johnston.

Who in turn handed it to Todd. He looked it over and gave his OK. Todd handed Mr Johnston a envelope, How opened it, smiled and handed it to Mr Petterson. Mr. Petterson pulled out was was inside the envelope, and showed to his wife. She smiled, sadly.

Todd handed the signed contract to Mindy, who put it in a folder.

Standing, Todd addressed everyone. “ Thank you for your time, I believe we are done.”
Mr Johnston slid a folder over to Todd. He looked at it then passed it to Kelsey. She opened it as Brook looked on. It contained the keys, the alarm code, the employee information, and other important information.

Kelsey stood and shook hands with the Pettersons. “ Thank you,”
Brook did like wise.

Sad, the pettersons and Mr Johnston left.

As soon as the elevator door closed. Todd began. “I will get this notarized, and file for the change in ownership.”

Thanks, Todd.” Kelsey said as she gave him a hug,

“ Anytime Kelsey, anytime.”

Brook thanked him too. Then they left also.
Taking the elevator down. Brook and Kelsey walked out hand in hand.

“ Have a good afternoon ladies.” The security guard said.

“ Thank you, Steve. You as well.” They said as they walked out to the Marauder. Kelsey opened the door for Brook. Smiling she gave Kelsey a kiss. They headed towards home.

“ Let's celebrate, and go out for lunch. We are already dressed up.” Brook said. Kelsey headed to one of the finest restaurant in the area, Potters Glenn.

As Kelsey pulled in to the front. The valet and door man opened the doors for Brook and Kelsey to exit the car. Kelsey was given the check ticket. Brook and Kelsey walked in. The mater d looked up when they walked into the room.

“ Good afternoon, Ladies.” He said. “ Do you have a reservation?”

“ We do not.” Kelsey said. “ Would you happen to have an opening for two.”

Looking over his list, “ it so happens that we do.” He motioned for a girl to come over.

“ Table 29”

“ Please follow me, ladies.” The girl said. She lead us through the seating area toward the back. Both Kelsey and Brook could feel the eyes on them.

They where seated, they gave their drink order. Water and Iced tea, even after being offered alcohol.

They both ordered a small meal and a salad. They couldn't help but over hear some of the comments. Like, I wonder who those ladies are? Those good looking ladies must be from some high class lineage, they behave like they are from money.

All the comments brought smiles to their faces. Brook commented about if they only knew we where a couple married high school girls. They would freak.
With that comment Kelsey had to do everything she could to hold back from spitting her tea all over the place. Swallowing hard. “ God, please don't do that again. You almost got sprayed with tea.”

Giving a little smirk, “ I tried”

The waiter returned, “ Any desert, ladies.”

“ No thank you, we need to watch our figures.”

Laying the tab down on the table. “ I'll be your cashier. When you are ready”

“ Wait a second.” Brook said as she pulled out her debit card for their joint accounts. She handed it to the waiter. “ Here,”

“ I will be back momentarily”

Kelsey had made all her accounts, joint with Brook. They shared everything.

“ Here you go ladies, have a great afternoon.”
Brook signed and took her copy. They left, as they waited for their car. A cool breeze signaled that rain was coming.

Kelsey and Brook headed home. Pulling into the garage. As they headed into the house they felt the chill as the temperature was going down. The weather station said it was 54degrees.

“ Lets have a fire, we haven't used the fireplace much since we moved it.” Brook suggested.

Kelsey grabbed some dried wood from the back of the shop. Along with a pizza box. She soon had a nice fire going.

They each changed out of their business suits. They thought about leaving there Bras and panties on.

“This is our house and we can do what ever we want in it.”Brook said. As she dropped her panties and pulled off her bra.

“Yeah, you are right. We can do what we want here this is our house.” As she followed Brook's lead and got naked. They returned to the fire, only to find Maxie and Ruffy crashed out in front of it.

“ I don't know how they can do that with all their hair.” Kelsey commented. So Her and Brook cuddled on the couch.

Kelsey began to go through the paperwork that the Petterson's gave them. She found the schedule of sessions. A schedule for the employees. A list of inventory of everything that was theirs now. Pro shop, snack bar, rental skates, tools the works. She didn't even get this detailed list when the purchased Skateland West. It also contained a roster of employees, with names, phone numbers, and positions.

“ Here is a list of people who work for us at Bonaventure.” Handing it to Brook. “ And a schedule of sessions”

“ There is an evening one tonight want to go see what it is like, kind of undercover.”

“ Sure,” Looking at the grandfather clock. “we have about 4 hours. Do we want to run down to my rink and get our skates.” Brook asked

“ Nah, we'll need a pair at Bonaventure so let's see what kind of sales people we have there.”

“ Sounds good.” Snuggling closer to Kelsey. “ Do we have to get dressed, I am comfy here”

“In a bit, but not right now.” Kelsey said lifting her chin to give her a deep kiss. They stayed cuddled up talking about things for a little over 2 hours.

“Well baby, we need to get dressed.” Brook said as she kissed her wife. As they went up stairs Brook couldn't help but watch Kelsey's beautiful ass as it swayed in front of her.

“I figure to just something a normal school kid would wear to skate in. I think would be best.”

“ yeap, my idea exactly, aren't we just normal school girls anyway?”

“That is what I thought. Other than we are married, have our own house, own 3 skating rinks, and are multi millionaires. We're just two average high school girls.”

Brook nodded as she slipped back on her panties and Bra, then picked out a pair of comfortable jeans, and a t shirt. Kelsey did the same comfy jeans, and a pink Harley shirt. Kelsey made sure she had a couple of business cards that had her as general manager of KSR corp. She also had one as owner too. As did Brook. But they didn't want to show their employees that a couple of teenagers owned the company. Which they did.

The session started at 7. They headed out. They arrived at Bonaventure about quarter to 7 There was already a line.

“ A line, that is a good sign.”

“ Sure is.” Kelsey said

Parking in an out of the way spot. They strolled up and got inline. They spoke quietly but really listened to the crowd. For any information on their new business. Likes dislikes.

Mostly it was all good. Some complaints about the food and prices. But mostly good. At 7 the doors opened and the line moved pretty fast. When they stepped into the entry way. They were hit with a heat wave. Something was wrong with the climate control system in there.

Kelsey whisperer to Brook. “ remember to get the heat problem fixed in here.” Brook nodded.

A copy of the rules were on the wall also in the entry way. But their wasn't any disclaimer.

Making a mental note to have a disclaimer added. She did like that they said No intoxicated people, or drugs or alcohol allowed. The right of refusal was also listed.
Good to see.

Going through another set of doors they where in the main building. This part was much cooler. Since she hadn't been here in a few years. Not much has changed.

As the got to the ticket window, Kelsey said, “ Two with rentals please”

Kelsey paid and they headed to the skate room, to get their rental skates.

Like their other rinks you had to turn in your shoes to get skates. A wise precaution.
They got their skates, slipped them on. The headed out on the floor. The rentals where nice, the floor had a good coat of wax, it shown beautifully. About 5 minutes later the DJ had everyone come to a halt, he went over the rules. Since Kelsey wanted to see how everything was handled. She continued slowly rolling, until a floor guard motioned for her to stop. Good, Kelsey thought.

Brook was with some friends of hers from school. Kelsey recognized them. Some nice girls. She knew that Brook wouldn't blab about her and Kelsey's marriage. She watched them. Reading their body language.

All of the sudden her friends squealed and began hugging Brook. She must have told them she found the love of her life. Then the wide eyed look when she told them it was Kelsey. The unbelieving she was a lesbian came next. Then the explanations, hugs again.

They must have accepted her as a lesbian.

Then Brook looking around and pointing at Kelsey. Who rolled over to them. Brook took her hand. Made introductions. Her and Brook did the first couples.

“ Well looks to be running smooth.” Brook commented. Kelsey was backwards holding Brooks waist and Brooks hands around Kelsey's neck. They continued into the all skate, until one of Brook's friends told them to break it up.

“ I don't see that there is any problems?” Brook mentioned.

“ I haven't seen any, the pro shop is open now let's see what they have to say.”

“When do we want to come out as the new management?”

“Let's just see what happens.”
Brook nodded.

They slowly made there way to the pro shop. The cute girl that was there. Had just finished selling a set of wheels. She seemed in her early 20s. Her name tag read, Sara.

“ Hey, can I help you girls?”

“We are looking for a pair of skates for each of us.” Kelsey started.

“Any idea of what type you are wanting?

Playing dumb, “ There are different types of skates?” Brook asked.

“Yes, depending on what style of skating you are doing. There are Speed skates and traditional skates.” Sara explained the difference.

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Wait till they drop the bomb

Samantha Heart's picture

That THEY are the new owners lol THAT'S going to raise a few eyebrows to say the least lol. I like the undercover work they are doing its good that they are doing it playing dumb and doing investigating on their own.

Love Samantha Renée Heart.