
a note from the author:

I wanted to mark the publishing of Wildcats 4: A Rock n Roll Odyssey as a Kindle Book, so I penned this one in it’s honor.


Chapter One

Taylor stood in front of the full-length mirror evaluating herself.

It was ironic how she used any flat reflective surface just to audit her look. Recently, she’d become much more aware of how her presence affected her world. A smile towards a stranger on the street elicited a returned look of warmth and approval.

She liked the way doors were opened, and she couldn’t remember the last time she’d been in a bar and paid for her own drink.

Her new extensions looked great. Not only did they add mass, but they also added length. Taylor appreciated the effort the stylist had made in matching up her blonde color and highlights. She wanted a golden color to look soft and natural. She hated the phrase brassy bottle blonde.

As she turned sideways, she adjusted the strings and smoothed the material on her suit. She always worried that it wouldn’t look right. Of course, in her mind, okay meant perfect.

Taylor knew she fussed too much. Emily reminded her to relax. Her goal was to look as if she’d been wearing bikinis all her life. She calculated how short her life as a woman had been and grinned.

She adored the body she and Emily had designed together. Taylor had cultivated a fashion model’s look of small breasts, small waist, curvy hips, and buttocks. She felt her B-cups looked just fine on her slight frame. Standing five foot ten inches and weighing a hundred and twenty pounds, Taylor seemed very confident in her skin.

Of course, she always checked her tuck. Emily assured her that it looked fine, but Taylor still felt something might suddenly go wrong. The constant pressure reassured her that everything was pushed back and invisible.

Fortunately, after all those years of estrogen, she had suffered some shrinkage and a lot more elasticity. The good news was that with a little dose of Viagra, everything still woke up and went to work.

She stood on her tiptoes and smiled. All her implants looked natural, and the scars were now invisible. Taylor kept reminding herself everything was the way it should be.

She checked the time. Emily should be inside the airport by now.

Chapter Two

Emily stood by gate 26A watching the arriving New York flight unload its passengers. It was a Nevada bright sunny day in Sin City, USA as the smiling tourists filed up the ramp eager to frolic and gamble in Las Vegas.

She chuckled as one tourist excitedly called to his wife, “Look, Martha. They even have slot machines in the airport!” Emily smiled, thinking the politicians would have put them on the airplanes if they could get away with it.

Emily spotted Nina immediately. Her twin sported a new haircut but looked a little tired. Joy spread across Nina’s face when she spotted Emily.

Emily watched as Nina stepped out of line and headed her way. They both wrapped their arms around each other in a joyful hug. When they parted, Nina had tears in her eyes. “It’s so good to see you, sis! How long has it been?”

Emily also wiped the mist from her eyes. “Too long! Identical twins should never be separated like this!

“Let me think. You were assigned to Brussels, and I had just started my course work at Jefferson. Oh, so let’s see…”

Nina hugged her close again. “Five years. I can’t believe we’ve been apart for so long. This has been the longest time we’ve been away from each since before birth!”

“And here I thought that us going to different colleges was hard to deal with. But even then, we’d always get together every holiday at home with mom and dad.” Emily squeezed her sister tightly for emphasis. “It’s been too long. I really missed you.”

As they walked hand in hand towards the signs that read luggage and exit, Emily looked crestfallen. “Back then, we couldn’t contemplate coming to visit you in Europe. We were so poor. It broke my heart not to be able to squeeze you and hold you close.”

Nina kissed her twin’s cheek. “No matter how many times you Skype or iChat, it’s just not the same.”

As they stopped to hug again, Nina whispered to her sister. “Have you and mom worked things out yet?”

Emily hesitated and took a deep breath. She looked up at the ceiling before sadly shaking her head. “Kinda, but not really. Since we moved out here to Las Vegas, things have smoothed out some. I’ve been talking to mom more frequently, but I’ve had no luck with dad. In his mind, Taylor doesn’t exist anymore, and it’s all my fault.

“The latest nonsense dad is telling mom is that he knew all along that Taylor was trouble. He’s claiming he could see the future and tried to warn me, but I wouldn’t listen. Dad has decided I ignored his advice. Can you believe he’s really blaming me for marrying Taylor?

“Dad says that it all started with my poor choice in guys. He says I could never get it right. He blames me for everything.”

Nina laughed. “You should have come back and said you always picked guys who were the opposite of dad’s overbearing, demeaning, dictatorial behavior. You should have said you were looking for a partner and not a boss!”

Emily nodded and laughed. “Oh yeah, that would have won me a lot of points! Dad’s not big on taking criticism. Oh, my God! Wouldn’t he have flipped out!”

Nina didn’t have the heart to admit her misgivings when Emily and Taylor decided to marry straight out of college. Nina sighed, “You were both so young and deeply in love with each other. I was jealous of the passion the two of you showed. It’s like Taylor took my place in your heart, and I got pushed out.”

Emily looked horrified. “Really? Is that what you thought? Well, when you went away across the Atlantic, my husband did fulfill an intimacy that up until then, I had only shared with you. I think that identical twins do reveal more to each other than the rest of the world does. Maybe you’re right.

“But, now you’re back, and we can be together again just like old times. I know I have room in my heart and my life for Taylor and you!”

Nina smiled and stopped to hug again. “I really missed you. There were a couple of times that I just wanted to hop on a plane and fly home to visit. But things between you guys and the parents blew up, and it was easier to just travel through Europe with Gisele and wait until everything back home got settled.”

Emily covered her mouth and blushed with embarrassment. “Oh, I’m sorry, I’m so busy talking about us, I forgot to ask about your girlfriend. How is Gisele?”

Nina smiled at the thought of her German lover. “She’s wonderful. Hopefully, Gisele will be coming over soon. Our company might let me hire her to work on my project here in this country.”

Nina laughed and turned to her twin. “Yeah, and don’t you know I’ve avoided telling mom and dad their ‘good’ daughter has a girlfriend. I’m going to hold off for as long as I can until I have to share that news. I’m guessing it will push dad over the edge.”

Emily shook her head. “Well, they’ve still our parents regardless of what we say or do. We didn’t get that choice. And I still love them for everything they did do for me.

“It’s a shame they’re stuck in the last century enjoying their prehistoric values, and well, they’ve rejected my husband altogether. Mom even told me that because of dad, she can’t accept Taylor anymore.

“She said what he’s done to himself is against God’s intent. And you know mom was told to think that from our dear old father.”

Nina frowned as she thought about that. “That must be hard to hear. I know, growing up, just how wrong dad could be. But, back then, when he was the boss, I really felt sorry for mom.

“But, how is Taylor taking all this rejection?”

Chapter Three

Emily looked away for a minute, then turned to her sister. “Yeah, well, we talked long and hard about this subject before he went full time. I think Taylor and I both expected some people to reject her when she came out with her announcement. But we never thought the only people to shun her would be our own mom and dad. Well, dad, I guess. Mom still tries to talk to me, but not when dad’s around. It’s sad to see how mom tiptoes around dad’s sour attitude.”

Emily tried to hold a smile on her face. “I guess it’s a lot harder for me. Taylor said he sensed from the beginning he was never their type of guy. He knew they’d decided he wasn’t man enough the first time he came to our house.

“But, all along, I just ignored the superficial criticism and snide remarks they would make. To them, right from the start, Taylor was too odd. And at this point in her life, Taylor’s just not interested in hearing lectures from them anymore. And she’s happy to leave all the small minds behind. I know she feels bad for me, sometimes.

“I wish things were better, but they’re not. I’ve just had to face their rejection.” Emily gave a long dramatic sigh. “I never wanted to be the one to break up our family. And with you moving three thousand miles across the Atlantic, well, it was difficult since I was the only one left behind.”

Emily had tried to work a couple of days each week at Jefferson doing rounds on the hospital floor. Even though she was almost finished her course load for her masters, taking shifts as a nurse brought in another paycheck.

The real burden fell on Taylor’s shoulders. He had taken the job with an auto parts warehouse when they both moved in together after college. But, while Emily enjoyed her nursing career and grad school, Taylor took on more hours at a place he’d come to dislike. Even working middle management in accounting, he was often on the floor with steel-toed boots and a hardhat.

He’d smile and kiss her gently. “I’m doing this to help us. All this working two shifts is not forever. We’re both working together to get you your degree. And tonight, because you work so hard, we can share a hot bath, and then I’ll massage your tired feet.”

Emily remembered how it started when she was in his arms and kissing him. She had only wanted to help. “Well, before any massage, I need to do some work on your nails and hands. Your skin is so rough, it feels like you’re scratching my skin with sandpaper.”

Taylor looked confused. “Really? I’m sorry about that. But what can I do?”

Emily had already reached for her bottle of coconut oil. “This will soften your calluses, and then I’ll show you how to file your nails with an Emory board.”

Taylor laughed. “Filing my nails and rubbing in hand cream doesn’t go along with my steel-toed work boots, safety goggles, and hard hat in the warehouse at work.”

Emily kissed him tenderly as she watched him rub the lotion into his skin. “Now, doesn’t that feel better to have smooth skin? And when I’m done, you’ll have pretty cuticles and beautiful nails.”

After he’d experienced his first manicure, Taylor looked at his hands and felt this warm feeling deep inside his chest. He looked up and kissed her. “Let me try painting your toenails like I watch you do.”

Emily laughed. “Sure. But only if I can paint your toenails pink when you’re done. No one at work will know how pretty your feet are inside those ugly boots you’re required to wear.”

Taylor grinned. “Sure. Why not have a little fun!”

After he had nibbled on Emily for a while, he painted her toes, one at a time. Taylor was pleased to see how excited he was getting his girlfriend. “You like that, don’t you?”

“Oh, honey. This is more fun than anything else I could think of doing. I just love being with you.” She emphasized this by reaching down between his legs and freeing his engorged member.

When Emily’s toes were all done, Taylor blew on them until they had set up and dried. She was so turned on that she had taken him into her mouth as deep as she could swallow. They both laughed when he slid down her throat. “Oh, baby, you’re just so big!”

Then, Emily had Taylor strip down and present his toes to her. He watched with curiosity to see what Emily was going to do.

One at a time, Taylor watched his toenails turn glossy pink. He never realized what a turn on it was. Taylor was hard and ready. He couldn’t wait and had Emily wide and wet as he pumped forever. Every time he slowed down, he’d look at his toes and get turned on again.

The next day, and for many workdays after that, Taylor found himself turned on all day at work just thinking about what was hidden inside his work boots. He couldn’t wait to get home to ravage his wife and show just how excited he felt.

While they were showering together after an exhausting lovemaking session, Emily pulled out her pink razor. “Let’s lose that hair on your legs and really accent those pretty feet and toes. I think you have shapely, long legs that any woman would be proud of.”

Taylor was a little shocked when Emily called him pretty, but it didn’t bother him. After drying off and using moisturizer, the sensation of touching his own legs was amazing. He couldn’t stop getting excited. And, shaved legs and painted toenails were easy to hide at work.

Before too long, Emily had helped him shave all the hair off his body. They both loved fooling around in bed, touching smooth skin. Taylor had never reached such incredible heights of passion.

Eventually, one of Emily’s friends at the hospital got Taylor a discount, and he underwent electrolysis and laser hair removal. After six months of painful treatments, the only hair left on his body was on the top of his head. He was pleased to see that no one at work was aware of his newfound love of smooth skin and painted toes.

Each day, the couple took themselves to new heights of passion with their after work experimentation. When Emily suggested that Taylor wear some of her lingerie, he hesitated. He couldn’t see the point or the turn on for his wife. When he tried her suggestion, he realized how much he loved it.

“I don’t know if I ever want to wear my own underwear again. Your stuff makes me feel so turned on. The silkiness rubbing against my smooth skin. It’s making my head spin, and I feel flushed. I wonder what’s really happening to me?”

Emily had always loved Taylor’s feminine side and tried to encourage him. But, even she was amazed at how fast he embraced this new world she was presenting. It was like once she opened the floodgates, everything changed.

Taylor loved wearing her undergarments at work. And when he was home, he eagerly let Emily dress him up and put makeup on his face. Much to both of their surprise, a new person was emerging in the mirror that they loved.

Chapter Four

One Saturday, after Emily had made Taylor over, they went out to the mall together to get his ears pierced. This first-time experience had his heart racing. He was nervous about cross-dressing in front of all these strangers.

But, Taylor was so turned on that they had to use the mall restroom and the back seat of their car to help relieve some of Taylor’s excitement. He’d never experienced anything like it, and Emily enjoyed it just as much.

Taylor was amazed. Being out in public, walking in a dress and flats turned him on. Taylor loved pretending he had real breasts in his bra cups and a vagina between his legs. His loosely flowing hair, the new hoops in his ears, and the polish on his nails were making him short of breath. At that moment in time, Taylor realized he wanted it all to be real!

When they got home, they didn’t make it to the bedroom. The couch and the rug were fine for them. Taylor pulled his skirt up and pulled his panties aside to free himself. Emily was doing the same thing as they went at it like rabbits. Emily struck a chord when her moistened fingers disappeared between his checks. Taylor lost his mind with these new found experiences that brought him so much pleasure.

As dressing up became second nature for Taylor, he’d sometimes wonder where all of this was leading him. He chose to enjoy it rather than resist, and it wasn’t long before that’s all he could think about. His days flew by at work as he thought about all the outfits he could wear at night and on the weekend.

Emily and Taylor started prowling the second hand and resale shops in Philly. Soon, Taylor’s closet was as full as his wife’s. Of course, new Taylor was kinda like a wife, too.

He loved the cross-dressing and fantasy. The new Taylor was having fun and loved where Emily was taking him.

Emily sounded so confident and happy when she talked about their lives. “We’re making a living now and don’t have to worry about money anymore. Everyone who gave us loans for our startup website has been paid back, too. We’re doing fine.”

Nina laughed. “I have to tell you thanks for paying me back so quickly. I gave you everything I had in the bank. I was surprised to have it back so soon.”

Nina gave her sister a hug. “I worried how you’d still be struggling. But, I’m happy things have gone so smoothly. And you! But you look so beautiful and a lot better than I do. I look more Iike an older sister than your identical twin. I have to start drinking whatever magic potion you are swallowing down.”

Emily blushed. “Well, I don’t know how much swallowing you’re going to want to do when you find out what goes down my throat. But, it’s really all about diet and exercise.

They laughed as they waited to get Nina’s luggage off the airport carousel.

Nina looked at her sister. “Seriously, you look great. Besides swallowing Taylor’s stuff, what’s your secret?”

Emily smiled. “Well, you know Taylor’s whole world changed over the past couple of years. And when Taylor embarked on her new life, she dedicated herself to exercise and dieting. I was so immersed in grad school that I ate whatever she cooked. I followed along with her to the gym. And as a result, I lost a lot of fat that was slowing me down. But, if you think I look good, wait till you see Taylor. She’s become so beautiful!”

Chapter Five

Nina thought about Emily’s descriptor for her husband but didn’t say anything. She’d only known Taylor when he started dating Emily and then when they lived together. But, she was away at a different school and only saw them both at holidays.

She’d always looked at the man Emily married with a bit of curiosity. Nina knew Taylor loved her sister, Emily, but they were just so young. And Taylor looked like he was sixteen.

Nina had been the maid of honor at her sister’s wedding, but since then, hadn’t seen either of them. When they all graduated from college, Nina’s company relocated her overseas to supervise a big European contract.

And Emily was right. Dad never felt comfortable around Taylor. Nina was sure Dad had pegged Taylor as being gay. With his long, flowing hair and his thin frame, their dad couldn’t understand what Emily saw in the boy.

Her parents had been opposed to Emily’s marriage and didn’t like their new son-in-law. They confused metrosexual with gay and thought all expressive, artistic men were queer. Her own father said that any man who loved keeping the house so much had to be a fairy.

Nina could still hear his cigarette smoke raspy voice. “Look at him. He does all the grocery shopping, the cooking, and the housekeeping. I mean, what man likes to do the laundry? Imagine him folding his wife’s underwear!”

And of course, since all the changes happened with Taylor, it had become a big ‘I told you so, and no one ever listens to me’ pity party. When Nina tried to point out it was Emily’s life, they almost disowned her for defending her sister.

Nina thought it was so wrong that her parents had written Emily and Taylor out of their lives. Nina knew her mom still received verbal abuse at home. No one could say anything to their dad.

But, each time her mom called her, Emily was always brought up. Nina knew her mom was concerned for her estranged daughter, but she felt her hands were tied. It broke Nina’s heart to see these two women she loved so much, so broken-hearted.

Chapter Six

Nina turned to her sister. “Tell me about Taylor’s transition. I’m really curious. It’s all happened long distance for me, and well, I want to understand.

Emily blushed. “Well, I have my theory about Taylor’s deep-seated needs. I’m sure that I awakened and encouraged her, but I think those feelings had to be inside her all along.

“It all started when we were first married. We’ve always enjoyed each other in bed. But, I pointed out to my new husband that he was hurting me with his rough-skinned hands and broken nails. I was complaining about how he was scratching me when we made love. So, I showed him how to file his nails and use hand cream.

“Well, my baby loved filing his nails so much, he even did mine. One thing led to another, and the next Sunday afternoon, I taught Taylor how to paint my toenails. He loved it and then insisted on learning how to give me a manicure.

“Well, and maybe I got carried away when I painted his toenails bright pink, but Taylor loved it! I remember how he squealed with delight.

“This bit of rebellion became his girly secret. Taylor hated his job and his brightly painted nails hidden inside his steel-toed work boots made it more tolerable. And he rewarded me with some of the longest lovemaking sessions, I’d ever known. I mean, he was so ready and turned on. It was mind-blowing for me.

“Of course, after I showed him how to shave his legs to make his painted toes look even prettier, well, you’d have thought I threw a drowning man a lifeline. It was all our secret, just the two of us against the world.

“Now, I’m sure this is too much information. My Taylor is very well-endowed, and with those magic pink toenails, he brought me to climax so many times, I had to beg for mercy every night.”

Emily grinned then shook her head. “Soon, he was using moisturizer and lotions for his skin. We both loved the smooth feeling of his legs, and Taylor decided to have all the hair on his body waxed, and then later, he had all his body hair permanently removed. His needs and desires were moving ahead at light speed. I don’t think he could have stopped if he wanted to.

I think he was fulfilling a destiny that he’d kept suppressed so deeply, he didn’t even know about it himself. But, Taylor finally found what he needed to feel whole.

“My Taylor was supporting us for years while I was in graduate school. He was still working in the auto supply store and working hard to make ends meet.

“After working double shifts, Taylor would come home an exhausted wreck each day and so our time in bed became a cheap, easy way to lift his spirits and erase that tension.

“At that point, Taylor felt free enough to start wearing my lingerie in bed and around the house. I often remarked what a beautiful woman he could make. I know I didn’t create his need to escape, but I encouraged it.

“Soon, I was close to graduating with my masters in nursing, and we both knew I would earn a hundred thousand dollars my first year at work. At that point, we thought long and hard about relocating before I applied for my license anywhere besides Pennsylvania.

“Taylor really looked forward to giving up his job at the auto parts store. It had become a despised place he went to make enough money to help us survive. Taylor often said it was his duty to keep us going.”

Nina laughed. “I can’t believe he was working in an auto parts company with shaved legs and painted toes. And you said he liked it?”

Emily laughed. “It turned out that my husband was a girly boy at heart. He loved wearing panties and stockings to work. Sometimes, he had a chemise under his work shirt, too. He even started filing his fingernails and coating them with a matte clear coat. Of course, he had his shoulder-length hair, but he kept it in a ponytail or a man bun. At night, well, we played, sometimes until the sun came up. He was so randy, and well, I loved it.”

Chapter Seven

Nina looked concerned. “So what made you decide on moving out to Las Vegas?”

Emily smiled. “Well, when I started putting out feelers, I heard back from a lot of places. But, I was recruited by the hospital system out here in Las Vegas. And Taylor knew he could get a job working in one of the casinos as a dealer. With his degree in business and software, he was sure he’d get promoted to a middle management position quickly.

“And the University Medical Center hospital group in Las Vegas really wanted me. They gave me an extra twenty-five grand to relocate and offered to pay our apartment rent for the first year. They had a senior staff member ready to retire and were looking forward to me coming out and training to replace her. It was too good a deal to pass up.

“But, then there was Taylor’s big dilemma. He really wanted to sport a different look before we relocated. He wanted to try cross-dressing full time before we moved and practice passing before we relocated. He said he was interested in cross-dressing full time now that he’d quit his job.

“Taylor had been dressing each weekend. Sometimes, he was the only one in the grocery store shopping in a tight skirt and three-inch heels. But, he was having fun.

“Taylor loved looking pretty inside and out. Most nights and weekends, we did everything together as two women.”

Nina looked strangely at her sister. “Didn’t this bother you? I mean, people were looking at your husband and thinking he was a woman.”

“Well, when you told me you’d fallen in love with a German woman named Gisele, I figured you’d understand. By the way, when are you going to tell mom or dad that you're gay?”

When Nina frowned and shook her head, Emily gave her a hug and kissed her on the lips. “Never. They can’t handle it. The two of you are just so much braver than I am.”

Emily hugged and kissed her again. “I guessed as much. After seeing how our parents behaved towards Taylor and me, there’s no reason to tell any truths. I think Taylor has made me a braver, stronger person. He had become so resolute in his cross-dressing, that I couldn’t say no. Instead of fighting, I did my best to help. He was finding such joy, it just didn’t seem right for me to put the brakes on.

“He talked about working as a woman and living full-time. He wanted to get a new drivers license and Social Security card that both said F for female.”

“Oh, wow! That sounds so crazy!”

“It made sense to me. If he was F for female, he could cross-dress full time. That’s what he wanted. Then, Taylor decided to get a complete makeover before we relocated. He had his hair done, got a mani-pedi, and had his eyebrows threaded and shaped. He said that before he looked for a job in Las Vegas, he wanted to become a full-time cross-dresser for now. He said he’d rather get hired dressing then try to hide himself any more.”

Emily looked a bit pained. “Well, I have to tell you about Taylor’s new look before we get out to our house. “Taylor realized that the girly-man inside him had to come out. He got his ears pierced, and Taylor decided to really work his look. He’d lost weight and was getting good at making himself quite pretty. This started upsetting my dad anytime we were together.

“Before we’d go to their house, Taylor would low key his appearance by removing all his makeup. He’d wear a simple blouse and slacks, and flats. He’d take off his lacy, padded bra. He’d remove his hip and bottom padding. He’d pull his hair back with a ribbon and take out most of his piercings. In my mind, he still looked feminine, but no padding gave him a more androgynous look.

“They’d never liked Taylor, and now my dad was getting all homophobic over him. You have to picture all this around the dinner table. Thanksgiving was a hoot with everyone in the family gathered at their house!”

“And if they had known that Taylor had been experimenting with estrogen, they’d have totally disowned us on the spot. He was starting to get enlarged nipples and small breasts. His rear end was rounding, and his skin was softening. He was practicing talking in a higher register and not hiding his feminine mannerisms. He was just so happy.

“Taylor jokingly threatened to dress up in full garb for that last Thanksgiving. At this point, Taylor could look beautiful even without a dress and stockings. He had a wonderful glow about himself. I talked him out of dressing because I just didn’t want an argument to start.

“And when I announced we were moving two thousand miles away to Las Vegas, I think both our parents were relieved.”

Nina gasped. “What did you say to Taylor when he told you he wanted to take estrogen?”

Emily nodded. “If that’s what he wanted to try, I was supportive. Actually, I wrote the prescription. And, we had long talks about the serious side effects. I was supervising his bloodwork and monitoring his health all the time, so he wasn’t jumping off a cliff. I mean, she really needed this. I’d never seen her happier.

“Taylor was a butterfly coming out of a chrysalis. A plain, skinny guy accused as being slightly girlish, maybe even gay. And suddenly, Taylor was happily wearing dresses and living as a woman.

“Every day, Taylor came home from work and took a shower. She’d put on fresh panties and a bra. Taylor would pick out a cute little tee shirt and tennis skirt. She’d brush her hair into a high ponytail and tie it off with a ribbon. I’d watch her put on a bit of mascara and a little gloss. She’d be beaming.

“It was wonderful to see her so happy.”

Nina just sat there listening. Emily sounded sincere and quite content. She didn’t seem disappointed or sad. It was apparent that she still was in love with her husband.

Chapter Eight

“And when Taylor started talking about transitioning, I really wasn’t surprised. After all, she really was enjoying the clothing and the makeup, and well, in my mind, she had already transitioned. But now she decided she wanted to live as a woman full time. She didn’t want to simply crossdress.”

“What did you tell him, er her?”

Emily shrugged. “I still adored my Taylor, and I’d celebrated the way she’d gotten happier each day. Without any doubts, I had to encourage her.

“Of course, I knew our marriage was over, and my husband had left forever. I assumed Taylor would live full time, transition, and leave me. I felt sorry for myself, but I loved Taylor too much to interfere. This was her destiny.”

Nina just listened as her twin poured her heart out. “I wish I had been there for you. That must have been so hard.”

“Well, I’d never seen Taylor so content. Once she’d made the decision, it was like all the walls had come down. She was beaming with joy.

“But, then, when I least expected it, Taylor told me she loved me more than ever. She wanted us to stay married, and she definitely didn’t want to have bottom surgery.

“Selfishly, I was relieved. For years, I had loved our bedroom play. Even with the estrogen flowing in Taylor’s bloodstream, add just a little viagra and everything worked fine. While her sex drive was blunted with all her medications, she could still enjoy our lovemaking.

“We decided that instead of going with large doses of estrogen to feminize Taylor’s old body, we would monitor her dosage carefully. We chose to use surgery to enhance her breasts, hips, and a pretty round bottom.

“Before we left town, Taylor quit work and went to our salon for a makeover. She had her hair permed and highlighted. When she came out of there, you would never have known what was between her legs. While she still had a boyish look about her facial features, you’d have never guessed she was a guy.”

“What was Taylor planning to do when you got to Las Vegas?”

“Taylor was hoping for a complete facial feminization surgical procedure before she applied for a new job. We decided to spend my signing money, and she went under the knife.

“Taylor had her jaw reduced, a nose job, a brow sanding, and got her Adam’s apple shaved. She was back on her feet in four weeks because she had the best nurse practitioner in Las Vegas caring for her.

“Taylor applied for a job in a big casino and was hired immediately as a dealer. She explained that she was transgender and her pit boss was okay with that. Taylor was wearing padding to give herself a feminine shape, so no one was the wiser. As soon as she started getting paid and receiving benefits, Taylor began scheduling enhancement surgeries to replace her padding.

“Within six months, Taylor was totally reconstructed. Since my husband was five foot nine, my new wife decided to go for a slight, pretty figure. She had trimmed down to one-hundred-twenty-five pounds. She had a cute B cup, slight hips, and the cutest round bottom. Taylor was gorgeous and happy.”

Nina looked incredulous. “And you were okay with that?”

Emily laughed. “Why not? My lover was happy, and I loved my new nursing career. With our latest jobs and holding on to our lives together, we were both floating on air.

Chapter Nine

“We had been in Las Vegas for six months. I had settled into my new role at the hospital and loved my job. We were looking to buy a house.

“Taylor decided to apply for a new job within her casino. She chose to be a hostess. Taylor felt she could make more money serving drinks and waiting on customers than dealing cards at the blackjack table.

Taylor gleefully abandoned her dealer’s uniform for cocktail dresses. I knew she loved parading around in dresses and higher heels. Taylor loved her new glamorous look. And of course, when she dressed up, the tip money flowed.

“And she was in her feminine glory dressing up each night and waiting on people. She was enjoying the low cut dresses showing off her little boobs and short skirts curving around her gentle hips and across her tight bottom. Taylor had become a fantasy wet dream and was loving it.

“And then came the offers.”

Nina looked surprised. “Huh? Offers?”

“Well, after all, this is Las Vegas. And here she was, working in a glamorous hotel right on the strip. She was dressed to the nines and looked quite tasty. I sometimes wondered what conversations she was getting into at work. I suspected that she’d get all sorts of offers for some hanky-panky.”

Nina looked shocked. “Seriously, did you think that your Taylor was fooling around on you?”

Emily frowned. “I wasn’t sure. But, I gave her a free pass and a green light. I knew she’d never been with a man and was probably dying of curiosity. And I’m sure she was getting offers left and right.

“You know that Las Vegas has a reputation and well, I wasn’t trying to make a big deal out of Taylor cheating on our relationship. We talked about it, and eventually, I convinced her to just give it a try. You know, maybe just start off with a little oral with someone that knew she was trans. I never wanted her to get hurt picking up some guy who was going to get upset when he found out about her past.”

Nina looked surprised. “I don’t know if I could be you. What if after all of this time, Taylor decided to leave you for another person, a man or another woman?”

Emily smiled. “You’re right. That could very well happen, especially since we’ve dropped the conventional rules of marriage.

“I guess judgment words like infidelity or cheating had to be ignored in our case. In my mind, Taylor has to want to be with me as much as I want to be with her.”

Emily grinned. “I still believe in true love. I think that all this crazy behavior leads us to where we’re supposed to go.

“Whether Taylor is meant to be with me or not, isn’t important. I love her. If it’s a one-way street that leads us to part, well, I’ll understand. The fact she might need to go her own way to seek her happiness would make part of me sad since I love her so much. But, the fact that she finds joy will gladden me as well.”

Nina giggled. “You and your Princess Bride fixation! But, you’re here in Las Vegas! You trust your beautiful wife to return after she’d been in bed with a man.”

Emily shrugged. “Asking her to hold back and deny herself would be telling her she could be a woman in name only. If she has to kiss a lot of frogs to reaffirm our bond of love, it’s really okay.

“Before I met Taylor, I had other relationships. I probably had more sexual partners and had more realizations, too. It’s not all about fucking, but the time that surrounds the act. I think that’s true love.”

Nina shook her head. “I don’t know if I’m there yet.”

Emily laughed. “Okay, I’ll give you an example. If I was staying at your house, would you be confident enough within yourself to invite me to join in lovemaking with your Gisele?”

Nina thought. “You mean, like the three of us?”

Emily laughed. “Would making love with your identical twin be an exploration or another form of masturbation?”

Chapter Ten

Nina had a strange look on her face when she kissed her sister on the lips. “I remember we used to practice kissing together when we were teenagers. But, never as far as a climax or an orgasm.”

Emily smiled and kissed back. “There’s a big porn industry out here in Las Vegas and well, when Taylor had changed jobs within the casino, she had gotten noticed.

“Suddenly, here was this beautiful blonde working out on the casino floor waiting on the crowds wearing cocktail dresses and always having her hair and makeup looking perfect. She was a standout and a new face. With all the tip money rolling in, she was tempted.”

Nina looked at her sister. “Did you ever worry about Taylor after you encouraged her? I mean, I’d be a nervous wreck!”

Emily nodded. “I assumed she would try it out. I figured as a woman, she’d want what we all get and enjoy. I just took it for granted that my baby was enjoying all her new assets. I think that was part of her coming of age.

“But, to me, it didn’t seem very important if she was having sex with guys. I mean, I certainly enjoyed having a man treat me like a woman before I was married and I just assumed my baby had to make up for lost time.

“There were some nights where she didn’t come home, and there were a few occasional crushes on someone she’d met and slept with. But none of that lasted, and she always stayed my soul mate. In a way, I thought it was good that she spread her wings and her legs. I figured that she’d appreciate what we had together.”

Nina was shocked. “I can’t believe you let him cheat on you and violate your marriage vows.”

Emily shook her head. “No. I married a man who stayed faithful to me. My husband never cheated. He wasn’t running around on me with other women.

“And the new Taylor, well, all her affairs were with men. Knowing she was trans, didn’t affect her popularity with the guys. She was the new girl on the block that everyone wanted to meet. And Taylor enjoyed being fussed over and complimented. She loved it that men wanted to buy her a drink and ask her out.

“What I liked about my sweetie is that she shared the fact that she was trans. Anyone who wanted to spend time with her was informed upfront. She didn’t keep it a secret, and while that discouraged some guys, most men were intrigued.”

Emily smiled like she remembered all the nighttime conversations they had. “And then something different happened. One night, a producer, asked Taylor if she wanted to do porn. When she revealed she was trans and still well endowed down there, well, this guy immediately offered her big money just to shoot a solo. She said she’d have to think about it. So, Taylor came home and asked me what I thought.”

Nina nodded. “And I’ll bet you told him to turn down the porn offer? Right?”

Chapter Eleven

Emily smiled. “No. I suggested that she go out on her own. I told her to investigate starting up her own site and selling memberships. We looked around, talked to some knowledgable people, and got some excellent advice.

"We looked around at the technology and searched out the money for a startup. Taylor’s site is called Play Time With Trisha. She took on a public name to separate our real lives from her on-screen persona.

“And it’s been up and running for six months. So for half a year, Taylor has been staring in her own films and running the site herself.”

Nina looked shocked. “Seriously? So you watched while Taylor made it with guys? How strange was that?”

“It started out as solo stuff. Experimenting with sex toys. Then it became more varied using men as sex objects, and then real lovemaking. Taylor knows how to heat up the screen. She’s become very good at sex in front of the camera.”

Nina’s eyes opened wide. “How’d that make you feel?”

“Honestly? Very turned on. I loved watching her, almost as much as taking part.” Emily nodded. “And the best part was when she asked me to join her on camera!

“It became a real turn on for me. I never realized how much of an exhibitionist I was until I tried it out!”

Nina shook her head. “Oh, wow!”

Emily nodded. “It’s all I do now.”

Nina was shaking her head. “Join in? You mean you gave up nursing? I can’t believe you gave up your professional career to perform in live sex shows!”

Emily smiled and told Nina how much money they’d made in the past six months.

“What? You’re kidding!” Nina watched Emily nod her head.

“Seriously, I find that hard to believe! What’s your role?”

Emily laughed. “I don’t do much. We just roll the cameras and then make love. Our cameraman is our director and producer. So our costs are pretty controlled.

“We do it once a day for about thirty minutes. It’s pretty simple, and we’re not acting. When either of us has an orgasm, we just show it on the screen.”

“Aren’t you afraid of getting caught or arrested?”

“No. This is Nevada. Everything is pretty much done here all the time.”

Nina looked shocked. “Will I recognize Taylor? Has he changed that much?”

Emily nodded. “She’s so much more beautiful and well, if you didn’t know her background, you’d just think she was a showgirl off the strip.”

Chapter Twelve

When they arrived at Emily and Taylor’s place, Nina was impressed. It was a beautiful house on a cul-de-sac with lots of property. As they drove up into the driveway, they parked next to a Range Rover and a Porsche.

Emily helped with the luggage. “The Porsche belongs to Terry Henderson. He’s our cameraman, director, and producer. You’ll love him. He’s a dish!”

Nina laughed. “Well, since we’re so honest, I still enjoy the occasional guy. Is he available?”

Emily nodded. “Oh, yeah. He’s so cute.”

As they walked into the entrance hall, Emily took a right and led her sister down a hall. This brought them to the guest bedroom and bathroom. “This is yours as long as you’d like. You can stay forever! I love you, sis. It’s so good to have you home!”

And a few minutes later, they walked by the kitchen. And at that moment, Nina came face to face with the new Taylor. She was just as gorgeous as her sister described. Lots of naturally blonde hair, a beautiful face accentuated with a touch of makeup, and a nice lean long legged body. Taylor’s delicate features and cute curves made her look so innocent and disarming. She was wearing a bikini and a gauzy robe that hid nothing. Instinctively, Nina looked down between Taylor’s legs at the flat fronted bikini bottom.

Taylor smiled and winked when she saw where her sister-in-law’s eyes had traveled. “Nina, tucking is an art made more comfortable because everything is a bit more flexible these days. And camouflage is part of my everyday life.

“But, I’d recognize you anywhere. You and your sister are two of my favorite women in the universe. Welcome to our house!”

“Oh, Taylor, I would have never recognized you. You look incredibly gorgeous, and I’m jealous!”

Taylor hugged her, and Nina could feel his breasts rub against hers. “I’ll give you the name of all my wonderful surgeons. I love every one of them!”

Nina kissed Taylor on the lips, then petted her curves. “Thank you, honey. I can see what they’ve done for you. Emily tells me just how happy you are!”

Taylor looked at her wife. “It’s a dream come true. I just didn’t know that it was my dream, but here I am! Are you going to watch our filming? We’re on in an hour.”

“On, So soon?”

“Oh yes, we broadcast live to our subscribers at least twice a week at six eastern standard time. That means we start at three.”

Emily smiled at her sister. “C’ mon, Nina. We have time to get you settled and then you can decide whether to watch our broadcast or take a swim in the pool. I’ve got a suit for you. I went ahead and bought you several new ones. They’re on the bed in your room.”

“And your room is at the other end of the house. That way, you’re removed from the noise and traffic we have here during the day.”


“Well, our home is our office. So you’ll see the occasional business meeting or porn star who wants to work with Taylor. She’s the new face on the block, and a lot of people want to appear on her site and urge her to reciprocate. It’s a money thing.”

Nina grabbed her sister’s hand. “I can’t believe that you’re making so much money. That’s unreal!”

Emily laughed. “We know it won’t last. We should see a fall off in six months to half of what we’re bringing in. Taylor will have to find something else to do in a year, and maybe I’ll go back to nursing. None of this porn stuff lasts forever unless Taylor wants to tie herself to a large operation and sign a contract.”

Nina looked puzzled. “Is that bad?”

Emily shook her head. “Not bad. It’s just not for us. I don’t think Taylor wants to be in porn the rest of her life. I think she’s just making money while she can. There’s a real difference between the two of us fucking all the time, and Taylor fucking whomever the producers want to pair her up with.”

Nina looked puzzled. “I hear you switching pronouns with Taylor.”

Emily smiled. “That’s me. I slip up once in a while, especially when I’m talking to you cause you’re from the days when Taylor was my husband and a man.”

Nina nodded. “That’s understandable. I’ve decided that I want to watch your video. I figure I can swim anytime. How long do you perform for?”

Emily grinned. “I guess, since I’m in it today, we’ll go a full thirty minutes. But, it’s not scripted, and well, it’s how Taylor decides to run it. She creates the scenes, and I just take part.”

Nina really looked at her sister carefully. “How hard is it to perform in public? Don’t you get nervous?”

Emily nodded and hugged her sister. “Of course, I do. But, Terry is the only one watching us while we get it on. I don’t think about all those subscribers and what they’re doing!

“It’s like everything else. You do something enough, and you get used to it. I’ve always enjoyed sex and sex with Taylor is the best. We were made for each other.”

Nina shook her head. “Does it get boring?”

Emily kissed her sister on the cheek. “You watch and see if I look bored.”

Chapter Thirteen

Nina followed her sister to the other side of the house. She walked into an area that had once been a four-car garage. Now there was a newly raised roof, and the studio had been doubled in size. Nina looked up at the high ceilings with light poles and many different spotlights with colored filters on them. Everything looked very real and professional.

Against the back wall was a generous sized three-sided stage. It had eight foot high backdrops and was decorated to look like a bedroom. It was their movie set.

The bed took up most of the space on the stage.

Besides the set, three cameras in the air were all remotely controlled at a large table with monitors and joysticks. Terry stood up and introduced himself. Nina had a chance to look him over. Just like Emily said, he was cute.

Before they started, Nina watched Taylor pop a viagra and then Emily produced a joint. She lit it up and offered it to her twin sister. They both smoked. Taylor took one hit and then passed.

Once they were both high, they went on the set next to Taylor under the lights.

Emily looked at Nina’s growing smile as they stood there. “What?”
If it were possible, Nina’s smile widened further when she coquettishly replied, “I hear twins are pretty popular in the movies…”
Then the action really began...

postscript: I have a slew of Kindle books with lots of free chapters to preview. Just type in Leslie Moore to see the covers. Happy Memorial Day, 2019!

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