A Thief’s Problem –chp5

A Thief’s Problem.


Sister Magdalena, a.k.a. Angelic DeMarco, finds evidence of more than just illegal art trade while recovering a stolen painting in the home of a known criminal. Her investigation leds to the US and a very problematic situation with the US Department of Justice.

by Snowfall and Jessie Wolf.

Dedicated to the men and women of the US Marshal Service.

Edited by my husband Paul, and AJC Snowfall.


This is a work of fiction an any persons in this work are purely fictional.

Chapter 5
Ram’s Rock Island 2130 local time

Lyssa, Kimberly and Krystel spent the last few hours going over the assault plan sent in by Gemini. So far, there was only one flaw in the plan. One that unfortunately they had no real way to fix. No matter how they looked at it, Gemini was needed as part of the assault. This did not sit well with Kimberly or Krystel.

Lyssa though knew that in times of war all bets were off. And this was a very unconventional war that Maria was waging. She knew that her friend and fellow Prima was doing everything she could to keep the military side of the OICA out of her operation. The sad truth was this operation fell solely under Maria’s command.

“Okay, other than sending in one of us to replace them or augment. Is there any way to keep Gemini out of this op?” Lyssa asked the two seasoned operators.

“I hate to say it, but no. The only weak point in that house’s security is the roof. It’ll take the Madam and both Swans just to secure the front of the house. As for securing that boathouse, dock, ramp and ramp house; only the military side has the training outside of Hunter and Bobby. So that takes them out of the picture. Those four objectives must be accomplished if this operation is to succeed. No matter what happens, the only way to truly secure that security system is from inside the house. That means boots on the ground, leaving only Gemini and the nun to handle that objective.” Krystel pointed out for Lyssa.

Kimberly sighed and nodded her head in agreement with Krystel. “I would only make one change in the teams if I could. I would send two teams in by water.”

Lyssa looked over at Kimberly. “Why?”

“It would increase their chances for success. I would have team one escort team three across the waterway and up the boat ramp. From there team three could scale the back corner of the house practically undetected. Sadly, we don’t know the sister’s swimming abilities. As it is, Gemini has laid out the best possible assault plan with what assets they have on hand. It’s like Krystel said; the only sure way to secure that system is from inside the house.” Kimberly explained.

“Any word back on that ramp house? Does Vickers have a seaplane? If so; what type? Do we know if the man even has a pilot’s license?” Lyssa asked her two Command Staff.

“That's some intel that we do have. According to Rodrick a ramp building of that size can hold nothing bigger than a single engine floatplane. Because of the size of the ramp building our choices are cut down to three types aircraft, the two-oh-eight Caravan Amphibian, the De Havilland DHC-three Otter and the De Havilland DHC-two Beaver. The biggest of which with the widest wingspan is the DHC-three Otter at fifty-eight feet.” Krystle outlined for Lyssa grimly.

“Which one is the greatest threat for escape?” Lyssa wanted to know. “By that I mean range and speed.”

“That would be the two-oh-eight Caravan Amphibian. Range is just over one-thousand-two-hundred-and-thirty-two miles, crew of one or two, total nine passengers or thirteen with a FAR Part twenty-three waiver, cruise speed is two-hundred-and-fourteen mph. If Vickers has one of those it will be our biggest threat.” Kimberly pointed out for Lyssa. “And biggest nightmare as far as tracking.”

“How hard is that bird to track?” Lyssa asked.

“It can put down anywhere and refuel. The two-oh-eight has both land and water capabilities. Mostly due to the floats but does have actual gear. It only needs four feet of water depth to land and take-off, seven hundred meters.” Krystel explained

“The bad news is that Vickers does have a small aircraft license. The really shitty news is he is qualified for both multi-engine and amphibious operation. The man also has a small to medium craft license for offshore boats. That means if we don’t put a stop to him once he’s out to sea it’s going to be down to the Coast Guard’s offshore patrols to stop him.” Krystel bitched. “As much as I hate to say this, but I have to agree with Kristine on this. Vickers gets to either that fucking speedboat of his or possible floatplane, we’re going to need the Bad Boy. According to Gemini it’s an almost straight shot to the open ocean with only the South East Seventeenth Street Causeway Drawbridge in the way. Bridges with more enough clearance for even a triple-decker yacht with the drawbridge down. As for the span between the pillars you could drive just about anything between them.”

Lyssa could already tell the downside of Vickers’ escape. One that she didn’t want to face. Lyssa got a thoughtful look on her face. “How long from Launch can Rodrick and Lonestar be on station? I need to know because if that cocksucker gets away the Marshal and her Deputies are going to be chasing a ghost.”

“At full-military they can be on station in under thirty minutes. With the electronics package on that bird they can hunt down any boat or plane leaving that area.” Kimberly answered with a grim smile. “Don’t worry Vickers won’t get away into the night. If we have to, I can arrange for a mid-air refuel for the guys. The one thing that we need to remember is their time on station. Not matter what happens. We have to remember that big boy toy of your husband’s really drinks the go-go juice.”

“Sounds good so far.” Lyssa nodded her head. “Gemini send in the weapons loadout?”

“All three teams will be using forty-fives with silencers and knives only. Mainly to prevent accidental fatalities. They’re a good choice for close in work like this.” Kimberly told Lyssa with a harshness that belied her normal demeanor. “I'll say this Sergeant Major, the Marshal and her Deputies should have this in hand. I think that the only people any better at CQB are us, DemonWraiths, CAG and DEVGRU. Even then I would have to put in qualifiers on some.”

“No shit. This is their kind of work. I swear damned near pissed my pants as I was watching the Madam going over some of the more advanced moves for that knife fighting style with Gemini the other day. Talk about getting downright nasty. I mean that knife fighting style of theirs is just wrong in so many ways. I know that we were good, but Samantha, Annette, and Maria move like they’re dancing. Not performing some type of bladed martial art. When they first got here all I saw was Madam Maria giving the girls some type of advanced ballet training. Not anymore.” Krystel frowned.

“Keep in mind, that style of knife fighting is a very tightly kept and centuries long held secret among the DeMarco and Capizeo families. From what I understand it's passed down generation to generation. And NEVER to someone outside of the family. No matter how close to the family they are. I’ve had the pleasure of knowing exactly two practitioners of that very deadly martial art until now. The first was a soldier who could give just about anyone with a blade a run for their money. He was that good.” As Lyssa thought about that soldier from long ago a small smile came to her face. “Rager once told me that as good as he is, he doesn’t hold a fucking candle to the women in his family. As of now, I know exactly six practitioners. And they’re all deadly as hell when push comes to shove. Fights with them aren't pretty.”

“Damn. I knew they were good but for you to say that Lyssa it is just more than a little fucked up. I do have to ask you one thing though. Just who is this soldier you keep talking about?” Kimberly asked her friend and their CO.

“I first met Raphael ‘Rager’ Giordino in CAG. First Group Special Forces, Special Operational Detachment Delta back when I first got out of Special Warfare School. He's a distant cousin to Maria and Annette. Somewhere around a fourth or fifth cousin not really sure which. I’m not too sure if he has a connection to Samantha or not. I just know that he is part of the DeMarco extended family and one hell of a knife fighter. He was also the one to first show me the Way of the Dancing Blade. I don’t know how many cherries he put through their paces on the sands. All while beating the piss out of them bare handed.” Lyssa smirked as she thought about that Italian-American soldier. “You know for a New Jersey beach boy he is most definitely not some stupid damned guido. The only time I could ever tell what that he was even from the Jersey coast was when he got tired. That was the only time his accent ever came out.”

“Damn Lyssa, you must have really respected the guy. Is that why you let Maria on the inside in the first place?” Kimberly asked.

“Nope. That was all on the Major. It was all his idea to bring in Maria and her family. As for Rager, I gave him fits because he couldn't beat me. I just hope like hell that Gemini can keep a handle on their fathers. Their operations need to remain in the shadows for as long as possible.” Lyssa felt deep in her heart that the time of the Black Badge Deputies was coming to an end. As a full team anyway. Kasey and Kristine may go on with the undercover and investigative side of the work, but their parents will be relegated to a more support role.

“What ever happened to Rager?” Krystel asked her.

“Drunk driver hit him while he was home on leave.” Lyssa sighed. “The last I heard he’s in a wheelchair. Paralyzed from the waist down. From what I understand he’s a professor of history for WVU.”

“Speaking of old vets. What happened to that contact of Annette’s in Colorado? You know Gunnery Sergeant Earl Hartley?” Krystel sked Lyssa. “The last we heard he was just getting out of the local VA Hospital. How did the lawsuit settle out?”

“Let’s just say that Gunny was well taken care of.” Lyssa smiled. Then turned serious as she looked down at the estate grounds map. “I wish we had a better Intel on that damned ramp house.”

“You’re not the only one. Even with the drone flyovers that Samantha got us and OUR own satellite overflights we still got next to nothing. Only the size and possible uses. I think that only Rod and Lonestar can give us a full report on that damned thing. Even then it’ll be a best guess at most.” Kimberly growled.

“Kimberly, just what is it about that damned building has you so on edge? This is not like you.” Krystel almost demanded.

“Too many fucking variables. That’s what has me on edge here Krystel. You looked up the specs on those three planes. And that motherfucking boat of his. Hell, that fucking boat itself is a goddamned jet on the water. As far as the bridges go, they might as well be skyways. Team one has to secure their four targets, or this op is fucking blown.” Kimberly bitched for all to hear.

“Trust in the Deputies and the Marshal, Kimberly. This is their kind of war. We keep Joe and Jane Public in the dark to what we do. Never let them see the blood-spattering their white-picket-fences. The Black Badges have to work in the light and shadows. Their job is to go in and clean the blood-spatter off Joe and Jane Public’s white-picket-fence once all has gone to shit.” Lyssa told her friend.

“We know that boss. It’s just that there are times when we wish we could do more than just send them in as a ‘cleanup crew’. We spent too much time in training Gemini for them to end up as just being a pair of beat-cops or to take over where their parents leave off. They’re better than that.” Krystel sighed.

“We know they are Krystel. The problem is we need someone like them out there in the trenches. They’ve both grown by leaps and bounds. Those two girls have outstripped their training in ways WE as their trainers never saw coming.” This time it was Lyssa who sighed. “Three years ago, when they first arrive on the island, I never saw those two girls becoming what they have in such a short time. I know that their parents just wanted them to be your everyday teenage girls. Worrying about their grades and boys. Not chasing down International Criminals and taking on Organized Crime.”

“Do you still believe they’ll make the difference in this mission?” Kimberly asked her bluntly.

“Tonight’s operation will be the deciding factor. What about the Boston op? Any word from Anna or Eddie?” Lyssa asked.

“Anna called earlier and confirmed the contract for Abrams.” Krystel answered nodding her head. “She was able to secure the services of the Irish Rose. At the set price and conditions. They’re catching commercial flights back to Freeport. She said something about avoiding the Miami traffic.”

“About that Lyssa. Why are we going with an outside contractor? Wouldn’t it be better for one of us to takeout Tango One?” Kimberly asked quickly. “I mean this is totally outside of our standard operational procedure. Can we even trust this person?”

“To a point. We need a true kite on this one, Kimberly. One that can be thrown to the wolves and have no blowback on us for starters. It also gives Madam Maria’s plan a chance at working. Start setting up the chatter to cover a terrorist attack on Abrams. DOD will do the rest for us. Thus, allowing Maria the time needed to go in for a hostile takeover of the company.” Lyssa pointed out the full plan for taking out Abrams and securing his shipping company. “As for trusting the person handling the contract. They’re a professional hitter. They'll get the job done or face having a contract taken out on their own head. The Irish Rose will succeed or die trying. That is a world and profession on to itself.”

“I got to ask. Does Maria really have that kind of monetary clout to pull something like that off?” Krystel was still trying to find how just how much Maria was worth.

Lyssa just chuckled. “Trust me, Maria can buy and sell that company twice over and never break a sweat.”

“Please tell me that we’re not going to let her pull that?” Kimberly snapped as she thought about Maria having that kind of clout with the military. “We do have a plan in place. Right boss?”

“Let’s just say that I trust Maria to do the right thing. Besides, I doubt you will be hurting after she lets her whole plan play out.” Lyssa smirked before turning serious once again. “Did Gemini send in their contingency plans if things go sideways?”

“Received and updated. As it stands, between Gemini, and the other Deputies they have covered every foreseeable contingency. As for the security system I have to say that the Kitty truly knows her shit. That woman knows more about breaking and entering than we could ever dream. At least when it comes to security systems.” Krystel had to begrudgingly give Angelic her due.

Lyssa shrugged. “As good as we are and we’re some of the best. Remember that there is always someone out there that’s better at something because they're specialize. Angelic ‘Kitty Soft Paws’ DeMarco just happens to be one of the best thieves in the world. The woman could give lessons on Infiltration techniques. She's that good. Drift is different so you can't compare them. There's probably some SEALs in DevGru and Red Cell that could give her a run for her money.”

"Oh." Krystel replied.

Lyssa got that thoughtful look on her face again. “Were there any plans for just a two-team incursion?”

“They sent in four. Plan A is a combination of Stalking Horse, Rumrunner, and both Geminis. Plan B has Gemini One, White Swan, with Stalking Horse, and Rumrunner. Plan C replaces Gemini one, and White with Gemini Two and Black Swan. Plan D has the Swans with Stalking Horse and Rumrunner. All four plans leave the Madam with the Kitty and whoever is free for backup. Also, all four plans allow for the water insertion of a four-man team.” Krystel told Lyssa quickly seeing where her boss was going. “Which team setup do you want to suggest they go with?”

“Tell them to go with the Plan A alternate. That way Gemini can provide cover for Stalking Horse and Rumrunner while they secure their targets. Once the ramp house, ramp, boathouse and dock are secure; they can then move to support the Madam. Gemini and the Kitty can link up then move straight towards their primary mission of securing that fucking security system by the back corner of house.” Lyssa ordered them. “Everything else stays the same as far as the plan goes.”

“Copy that boss. Want us to pass anything along to the Black Badge?” Kimberly asked Lyssa.

“No.” Lyssa said then paused. “Hold. Check that. Run the Hostile Personnel Roster again.”

Kimberly began to review them till Lyssa pointed. “HOLD!”

“Jack Ramirez?” Krystel asked.

Lyssa nodded. “Forward this guy to them. He is to be taken intact. He doesn’t have to be alive, just clean. No residue of him.”

“What’s his deal?” Krystel asked.

Kimberly put it together quick and answered. “Fall guy. They need somebody to blame this on. An inside guy.”

“Exactly. He’s new and sketchy. Otherwise, Sam gets pegged. She’s on the radar because she had to interact with cops. They made a report.” Lyssa explained.

Krystel forwarded the instructions and file. “On it. Anything else?”

“Everybody comes home.” With that Lyssa turned and headed for the door. “You have your orders. See you thirty minutes to mission clock.”

The two seasoned operators turned to carry out their assigned tasks.

Krystel looked over. “Kim, do you get the feeling that Lyssa is worried about this op?”

“In more ways than one, Krystel.” Kimberly looked to the door of the Operations Center. “Ever since the ‘good sister’ showed up on the island Lyssa has been on edge. I know that Madam Maria was pissed that the Iscariot Division is involved. Why; I don't know. I do know that they're the big bad spooky arm of the Church and all. But I get the feeling that for Maria there is something personal going on.”

“There is something personal going on. I asked Annette about why her mother was on edge. You know what I got for answer? A dirty look that said to go burn in hell. I left it alone after that. What I do know is this. Whatever went down between the DeMarco family and the Church wasn’t good.” Krystel shuddered at the memory of that conversation. She was sure that Annette was going to pull her family knife for a minute.

Kimberly frowned. “No matter what happens we have to do our damnedest to give that team the best top-cover we can.”

“Don’t you worry about me doing my job on that, Kimberly. If I have anything to say about it. Nobody’ll ever know they were there. They’ll be nothing but ghosts in the machine.” With that Krystel turned her considerable talents to making sure the Black Badge Deputy Marshals disappear into the ether of the net.

97488 Ponce de Leon dr. Fort Lauderdale Florida, 0330

In the shadows of the overgrown sea grape tree Maria bided her time until the mission started. Just behind her were Samantha, Annette and Angelic. All four women were dressed in the form fitting tactical catsuits that were supplied by the OICA. Even Maria had given into the necessity of the suit over her vanity of being too old to wear one. Also like their counterparts in the military side of the OICA, the three law enforcement operatives had painted their faces in night-time cammo. Samantha was the one to help Angelic with her cammo.

Maria called in. “Stronghold; this is Bravo-Actual. Come in Stronghold. Do you copy? Over.”

“Stronghold here Actual. Read you five-by-five, signal is green. Are all your elements in place?” Lyssa replied.

“Waiting on confirmation of Bravo element now Schoolhouse. They should have just about reached the dock. Any contact?” Maria was actually worried that sending half of her team to Colee Hammock Park might endanger the total mission.

“Stronghold; this is Bravo team. We are set at point Bravo One. Gemini is in overwatch.” The sound of Bobby’s voice coming over the radio finally eased Maria’ worries. “Sorry for the delay. Had a small problem with the local LEO’s to sort out before we could legally enter the water. Over”

“Stalking Horse, are those LEO’s going to be a problem on your return?” Lyssa asked quickly.

“Negative. Played it off as two undergrads and profs doing an aquatic night life study.” Bobby answered quickly.

“How’d you explain the weapons?” Maria asked him.

“Never came into play Actual. All they saw was two teenage college students with their Professors in wetsuits.” Bobby explained.

“Actual to all elements stand-by to execute incursion. Mark your targets. ROE’s are now in effect. Everybody comes home. Over” Maria looked over at Samantha, Annette. The two women doubled checked the .45 APC pistols. Angelic pulled her 10mm pistol and double checked that there was a dart in the chamber and shivered. For the first time in her life Angelic would be firing lethal rounds. Her Aunt Maria had impressed upon her the first rule of her team with ice in her voice. Everybody comes home alive. Maria told her bluntly that if she could not take a life Maria would take hers. Angelic knew that was no ideal threat. Maria DeMarco would always protect her immediate family first.

So, it would be that on this night it was not Sister Magdalena that would walk among the shadows. No, it would be the newest member of the Moonless Wraths Guild, Angelic DeMarco. Even though she had yet to claim her birthright. All four women double checked their family knives and signaled their readiness. Only Angelic was having second thoughts.

“Alpha team; set.” Was all Maria said into her mike.

“Bravo team; set.” Cam Bobby’s quick reply.

“All teams set Stronghold. Waiting on go order.” Maria told the operations center.

Kimberly responded. “Op center; set. Mission clock; set. Thirty-five minutes. On our mark.”

Maria held her breath waiting for the go order.

“All teams; Hold. Say again: all teams; Hold.” Lyssa ordered then dropped off the net entirely.

Maria couldn’t believe what they were hearing. Something had to have gone wrong for Lyssa to call for a hold. Before she could ask what was going on the Op center came back up on the net. “All teams; stand-by for go order in ten mikes. Over.”

“What the hell, Actual?! We got a clear shot to the front of the house. I say we go now.” Annette bitched only to have Maria give her a glare that could freeze oxygen.

“We don’t have all the facts. We hold until given the all clear. You were trained better than this Black Swan.” Maria snarled as she slowly scanned the surround area for possible threats. Then as if by magic she spotted what none of them had. Pointing towards the waterway. “THAT is our reason for holding.”

Out on the waterway a forty-five-foot cabin cruiser with tuna tower was slowly making its way towards the open water. The sounds of drunken sports fishermen could be heard coming from the boat. They were running with full nav-lights and beacons. The foreword sweeping spotlight would have highlighted Bravo team as they exited the water going up the ramp or onto the dock. Not something Maria wanted to happen. By the time the boat had passed the ten-minute window was closer to fifteen, but Maria didn’t care. She wanted her team to execute this operation as safely as possible.

“All clear, Actual. Stand by for go on our mark.” Kimberly’s calm cool professional voice came back up on the net once more. “Stand by. Stand by. EXECUTE! EXECUTE! EXECUTE!”

As one the four women slithered around the massive sea grape tree onto Vickers estate. They all moved as if make of smoke and shadows with deadly intent.

Maria announced their presence to the security guards by placing two rounds in the center of the head for the Gate guard. “Actual; one down.”

Samantha wasn’t far behind her with her first kill by dropping the first of eight roving guards. “White Swan, one down.”

Annette slit the throat of the next rover. “Black Swan, one down.”

Angelic took her aunt’s warning to heart and for the first time took a human life by shooting a roving guard in the back with a poisoned dart. The man was dropping over dead before he could react to the sting of the dart.

“Kitty, one down.” She reported.

Tarpon River boat ramp

The second they heard the go team Bravo moved out. They had held their breaths as the cabin curser rumbled pass as they waited in the water under the boat dock. Bobby led Hunter and the girls slowly up out of the water along the boat ramp towards the ramp house. He stopped the team once they we’re level with the dock.

Kasey spotted the first roving guard and put two rounds into him. One in the head and one to the heart. “Gemini Two, one down.”

Bobby, Hunter, and Kristine were already shedding her fins and scuba tanks. Once Kristine was free of her scuba gear she took over for Kasey as lookout. Once Bravo team were ready, they moved out to secure the dock, boathouse, ramp house, and ramp.

Bobby sent Hunter and Kasey to secure the dock, and boathouse. Meanwhile he and Kristine took care of the ramp and ramp house. As Bobby neared the ramp house, he spotted a second roving guard and fired two shots. “Stalking Horse, one down.”

The man was dead before he hit the ground. Kristine rushed forward and searched the dead man. What she came up with surprised her. “Stalking horse look at this?” She held up the black bifold wallet to her father. “Does this look like what I think it is?”

Bobby took one look and keyed his mike. “Alpha team double check rovers for CWPs and PSC creds, Over.”

“Stalking Horse are you positive on that last transmission? Over” Samantha asked.

“I have solid confirmation in my hand Schoolhouse. These mooks have Charley-Whiskey-Papas and Papa-Sierra-Charley creds. Over” Bobby knew this wouldn’t change their operations, but it could throw a monkey wrench in their investigation.

“Stalking Horse, can you tell who those creds were issued by. Over” Maria asked him.

“Creds were issued by Castle Private Investigations, Madam. Over” Bobby knew that Kimberly and Krystel were monitoring their radio chatter. The two teams didn’t have to wait long to find out who the PCI was and where their Corporation Head Quarters was.

“Stronghold to ALL Bravo, Bravo elements, shift to Bravo phase NOW. Over” Lyssa ordered.

Kristine looked over at her father when she heard the order to shift to bravo phase. “You going to be okay here on your own dad?”

Bobby pointed to the back corner of the house and then ordered. “GO. Your sister is going to need you to help cover the Kitty.”

Kristine didn’t need to be told twice. She broke into a dead run for the back corner of the house. Kasey was hot on her heels. They had just reached the corner of the house when Angelic rounded the far side. Kasey didn’t wait for their cousin to reach them before she threw the grappling hook over the roof edge. After a quick tug Kasey sent Kristine up the rope first. When Angelic reached her Kasey sent the thief up the rope behind Kristine.

Once Kristine cleared the roof edge, she waved for Kasey to follow Angelic. Kristine stood lookout for her sister and cousin as they climbed the rope. Kristine never took her eyes off the surrounding area. She watched as Bobby and Hunter entered their respected target buildings undisturbed. From her position she couldn’t see the cigarette boat or a seaplane. Once Angelic and Kasey had joined her on the roof all three moved to the nearest skylight.

The TOC Ram’s Rock Island

Lyssa glanced over at the clock waiting for the water team to get into position. The main screen held the satellite view of the compound. She could see the markers for Alpha team under the sea grape tree. On the secondary screens were the individual video feeds for the bodycams. So far Kimberly and Krystel had spotted all eight roving guards. And thanks to Gemini’s work Krystel was deep inside the house security mainframe. She was watching the system like a hawk thanks to the warning that Angelic gave them.

“I swear Lyssa this system is fairly nasty, even if it is a trusting soul.” Krystel remarked. “Just about showtime, yes?”

“Just about. What’s the hold up on the Bravo element, Captain?” Lyssa asked Kimberly without turning to look at her.

“They were detained by some local LEOs. Stalking Horse fed them some line about them being a pair of Professors for MU and Gemini was their grad students.” Kimberly chuckled. “I really got to give it to Gemini. Some of those cover ids they came up with are so far out there its funny. I mean who would actually believe there is a real Professor Roy Hinkley and Professor Harold Everett. I know that I wouldn’t have thought of those aliases.”

Lyssa never took her eyes of the main screen. “Blame their fathers’ twisted sense of humor for that, Krystel. That and way too much time with access to amazon prime. I got a look at some the aliases for the girls’ mothers, those were some real side splitters.”

The radio came to life. “Stronghold this is Bravo-Actual, come in Stronghold. Do you copy? Over”

Lyssa answered the older woman and team leader. “Stronghold here Actual. Read you five-by-five, signal is green. Are all your elements in place? Over”

“Waiting on confirmation of Bravo element now Stronghold. They should have just about reached the dock. Any contact? Over.” Kimberly knew that Maria was worried about having to split up her team the way she had. She wasn’t the only one worried about that.

“Stronghold this is Bravo team. We are set a point Bravo One. Gemini is in overwatch.” Bobby’s voice coming over the radio finally eased everyone’s worries. “Sorry for the delay. Had a small problem with the local LEO’s to sort out before we could legally enter the water. Over”

“Stalking Horse, are those LEO’s going to be a problem on your return? Over” Kimberly asked quickly.

“Negative Stronghold. Played it off as two undergrads and profs doing an aquatic night life study. Over” Bobby answered quickly.

“How’d you explain the weapons? Over” Maria asked him.

“Never came into play Actual. All they saw was two teenage college students with their Professors in wetsuits. Over” Bobby explained.

“Actual to all elements, stand-by to execute incursion. Mark your targets. ROE’s are now in effect. Everybody comes home. Over” Maria ordered her team over the radio. “Alpha, team set.”

“Bravo team set.” Came Bobby’s quick reply.

“All teams set Stronghold. Waiting on go orders. Over” Maria told the operations center.

Lyssa looked over at Krystle and Kimberly. “Op center set. Mission clock set. Thirty-five minutes. On our mark.” Lyssa looked up at the main screen and spotted the boat before Kimberly or Krystel. “All teams; Hold. Say again: all teams; Hold.”

She rounded on Krystle and Kimberly. “Where the hell did that boat come from? Talk to me here people.”

“It’s a privately-owned cabin cruiser Lyssa. It came from somewhere up river. Fog of war, Sergeant Major.” Kimberly answered fast.

“How long before that boat is out of there?” Lyssa demanded.

“It’ll take it at least ten minutes to clear our teams.” Kimberly answered for the Op Center team.

“All teams stand-by for go-order in ten mikes. Over” Lyssa turned to Kimberly. “Any more surprises like that on the waterways?”

“Scanning for them now, Sergeant Major.” When she was done Kimberly looked at Lyssa. “Clear. The Black Badges have a forty-five-minute window once that bitch is out of there, boss.”

Lyssa turned back to watch the cruiser troll passed the Bravo element then gave the countdown and go order. Once the two teams were moving Lyssa turned her attention to the bodycam feeds. She smiled at the deadly precision of the two teams. Even Angelic didn’t hesitate to drop a roving guard.

Lyssa whispered to herself. “Bring them all home, Maria. I do not want to stop your family. They can do this.”

“What was that Sergeant Major?” Kimberly asked.

“Nothing.” Lyssa answered.

97488 Ponce de Leon dr. Fort Lauderdale Florida

When Maria heard the order to shift to Bravo she waved at Angelic. “Go. Gemini will meet you at the back corner.”

Angelic just nodded her head and took off. Maria then turned to Samantha and Annette. “Link up with Stalking Horse and Rumrunner. Take out as many roving guards as you can. I’ll secure the front of the building. Get a move on girls.”

Samantha and Annette didn’t argue and moved to carry out their mother’s orders. Maria turned her attention to securing the front of the house. She spotted the guard long before he had a chance to call out a warning. Three well placed strikes with her left hand and the man died standing up. “Actual one down. What is the count Schoolhouse? Over”

“Six with two outstanding Actual. Over” Lyssa answered quickly.

“Where? Over” Was all Maria asked.

“Rover One is next the main gate headed away from you. Rover Two is on the downside of his sweep towards the ramp and boathouses. Over”

“Damn. I only have time to take out one of them.” Maria looked up at the sky. “Just once could you give me a break here?”

“Gemini Two, one down backside of the house. Over” Kasey’s voice over the radio made Maria smile in thanks.

Maria looked back up at the sky. “I guess you do answer prayers sometimes.” As she headed for the main gate Maria keyed her mike. Keeping her voice low Maria warned her team. “There is still one more rover out here people. Stay on the bounce. Over”

“Bravo-Actual you’re ten minutes on the mission clock. Get a move on.” Lyssa warned her.

That was all Maria needed to hear to move with more speed. Kasey’s voice came up next on the radio with an update on their progress. “Stronghold this Gemini One, breeching skylight now. Kitty has by-passed exterior sensors for alarm. Over”

“Gemini you are a GO for second floor penetration. Stalking Horse, Rumrunner, what is your status?” Lyssa asked as she looked to their feeds.

“Stronghold, this Rumrunner. Surprise packages are in place with remote detonators for the cigarette. This baby is set to blow the moment it even thinks of leaving the dock. Over” Hunter called in from the boathouse.

“Stronghold this Stalking Horse. Our suspicions about there being a seaplane were correct. The situation is our worst-case scenario. Tango Three has a Cessna two-oh-eight Caravan Amphibian. Planting surprise packages now with remote detonators. Over.” Bobby’s report brought Maria up short.

“Stalking Horse, do you have enough surprise packages to ensure that beast goes down? Over” Maria him quickly.

“More than enough Madam. Don’t worry Tango Three won’t be using this baby to go anywhere. One touch of a button and it goes away. Over.” Bobby’s reply put Maria at ease.

She wasn't the only one to have their fears set to rest. Back in the TOC Lyssa called up to the flight line with orders to have Rodrick and Lonestar downgraded.

“Flightline; Stand-down Bad-Boy.” Lyssa ordered.

They wouldn’t be needing the Grumman F-14 Tomcat. At least, not this time around. That was one of two ace cards the OICA wanted to keep up their sleeve for as long as possible.

Second-floor of the house

Angelic dropped to the floor on feet of feathers. Kasey and Kristine came down right behind her. The teenagers immediately split up. Kristine led Angelic towards the control center while Kasey moved to secure the other end of the floor. It didn’t take Kasey long to find the second-floor security guard. The man had taken a seat in a chair at the far end of the floor and gone to sleep. Kasey didn’t bother with finesse as she moved to carry out her orders. She pulled out her family blade and shoved it beneath the man’s left ear. He died in his sleep.

At the other end of the hallway Kristine spotted the next guard on the landing between the two floors. She also didn’t waste time, putting two rounds in the man’s head with another round to his chest. The man dropped dead where he stood.

She turned to Angelic and nodded. “It’s your show cousin. We got two minutes before the next guards show up.”

Angelic shivered at the cold and callous nature in which her younger cousins could kill. Even her time round Samantha and Annette had not prepared her for their daughters’ actions. If this is was what it meant to be a Moonless Wraith, then Angelic was having second thoughts. She had always known that part of her family were members of that deadly and feared guild. That she had not embraced that side of her training was never an issue for her family. Just as it was with her brothers. They had always known they could walk away from that part of the family traditions. Here in front of her was the final accumulation of over four-hundred years of traditions and training. Something that she could only try her very best to match as Kitty Soft Paws, the Holy Thief.

With skills born of training and need Angelic led her younger counterparts down the stairs to the first floor. After snatching the security guard’s pass-card Angelic was able to disable the floor sensors in each room and hallway between the stairs and the control center. Once there Angelic went to work on the combination lock for the control center door. When the lock clicked Kasey was the first to enter the room. She fired twice killing the on-duty guard. With an ease born from practice Kasey reloaded and let the slide for her weapon slam forward.

Kristine was already working on securing the security system. Once she opened the computer system, she contacted the TOC via the Net. “Stronghold; Gemini One here. System is open. It’s all yours. Have fun and strip this bitch. Over”

“Copy that Gemini. Thanks for the assist. Now get out of there and link up with the rest of your team. Over.” Krystel ordered.

Kasey and Kristine grabbed Angelic and headed for the front of the house. They needed to let the rest of the team in the house. The first of which would be Maria.

Maria had not been idle while her granddaughters and niece were taking care of the security system. She had removed the final roving security guard in the fashion of a Lithium Flower. By moving between the shadows of the trees and other landscaping Maria approached the man from behind. For a short time, Maria lost the man to the shadows of the curtain wall. That was until he lit up a cigarette. She smiled as he drew in deeply on the cigarette and the cherry flared. She waited until his back was to her and exhaled. With a speed born of years Maria struck.

Placing a hand over the man’s nose and mouth she pulled his head to the left. With an assuredness born of years, Maria delivered the coup de grâce. She slid the blade of her family knife between the base of the skull and top of the spine. Effectively severing the spinal cord from the brain. The move has been taught to military units around the world as a way to silently kill sentries. For Maria it was taught to her by her mother as a way of assassination.

As the man fell dead at her feet Maria thought about the term Bobby and Hunter had taught her for the move.

“That is most definitely a sure-fire way to disconnect the computer.” She chuckled as that saying came to her mind then turned him over and smiled. “Ah, Buonasera Signore Ramirez. So nice to meet you.”

“Madam, one down at main gate. I have the designated Tango. Moving to front door. All elements report in.” She said as she pulled the dead guard deeper into the shadows of the curtainwall to be retrieved on the way out.

“Bravo lead and White Swan; target secure and moving to front door.” Bobby told her quickly.

“Bravo two and Black Swan; target secure and waiting for Gemini to open the door.” Hunter answered from his place next to the front door with Annette.

When all six adults were finally at the front door Kristine opened it. With an efficiency of a well-trained and long-time team the Deputies split up to carry out their next assignments. Bobby and Hunter headed for the servants’ wing to secure those that were there. Samantha and Annette headed for the second floor to find their main target, Vickers. Maria took Kasey, Kristine and Angelic then headed for Vickers office.

Bobby and Hunter found that the servants’ wing held six rooms. The door to each room was double checked and found to be locked from the outside. Both men looked at each other as a shared thought ran through their heads. The servants were slaves.

Bobby keyed his mike. “Stronghold, once we’re clear notify the LEOs. November Charlies are possible slaves. Over”

“Can you verify Stalking Horse?” Came Kimberly’s angry reply.

“Negative, Stronghold. Only evidence of forced captivity.” Hunter answered for them both.

“Stronghold; I agree with Stalking Horse and Rumrunners assessment. Hold for our extraction. Then contact LEOs.” Maria ordered Kimberly. She had her own problems to deal with just then. Namely a very deadly safe in Vickers’ office.

“Angelic are you sure you can open that thing without blowing us all to our Heavenly reward?” Maria asked as she glared at the Harmon and Gary 45000 Heavy Security Safe. One of the few consumer safes built with a layer of high-explosives between the door plates. Enough high-explosives to level the house killing everyone inside at the time of the explosion.

“Don’t worry, Marshal. I got this.” Angelic assured her with great confidence. Angelic knew she could crack the safe.

“Confidence is a fine thing dear. Over-confidence can get us all killed. Now, can you open that safe safely or not?” Maria snapped.

Angelic nodded her head and turned back to her work on the safe. “I can but it is going to take me time. How much do I have?”

Maria looked down at her watch. “Stronghold; what is our mission clock? Over”

“You’re at twenty-five on the clock Madam.” Lyssa answered her quickly. “Is there a problem?”

“You could say that Stronghold. Do you have a good feed on the Kitty’s body-cam?” Maria asked quickly.

“That is a roger Madam. What exactly are we looking at?” Kimberly asked in confusion.

“Stronghold, that is a Harmon and Gray forty-five-thousand deadman’s safe. The door, and walls of this bitch are packed with over fifty pounds of class-one high-explosives. First mistake; arms the detonators. The second, sets them off.” Angelic answered as she worked the combination to the safe.

TOC Ram’s Rock island

Lyssa spun around and demanded. “Why isn’t that thing on the schematics?”

Both women were pounding away on the computers at their individual stations. Kimberly was the first to say anything. “Sergeant Major that has to be a change order in the building plans. That or it was installed without a permit.”

“There isn’t even an order or receipt for the thing. IT shouldn’t even exist let alone be in that house. The one on file is the Carson two-hundred.” Krystel said from her station before looking up at Lyssa. “Sergeant Major we got a real problem here. I just got the specs on those things. They’re built for military, Counter-Intelligence and Homeland Security use only! They're used to hold top secret documents that are burn on reading, NATO Rainbow Clearance only, shoot the messenger shit here Lyssa. Stuff like what that nun brought us.”

“Madam drop down to channel three.” Lyssa waited for Maria to join her on the private Command channel. “Madam, you have less than twenty-minutes to get that safe open and remove Tango three from play. Can you get the job done?”

Lyssa could tell by the bodycam footage that Maria had walked out of the office. “We can get the job done but there is not enough time for information extraction. As for the safe, I have faith in the Kitty to get it open and in time.”

“Do NOT take chances Madam. If that fucking thing blows with you and your team in that house; you’re all dead.” Lyssa knew the danger the Black Badge team was facing.

Before Maria could answer Angelic came up on the team channel. “The safe is open. I suggest the Madam rejoin me. I have something that she needs to see. Over”

Lyssa let the breath that she had been unconsciously holding out through clenched teeth. “Go Madam. Your mission clock is at thirty-minutes and counting down.”

“Copy that Stronghold.” Maria replied.

Lyssa turned to Kimberly once Maria was back on mission. “I want to know how a fucking civilian got their goddamned hands on a military and intelligence extreme high-level security safe. I don’t care how you get the information. Because I know for a fact that the Major is going to want to know that answer more than I do.”

“No shit! I watched as Angelic worked that combination on that safe. Talk about sweating bullets. I know that I saw her hands shaking at least once. I know that I wouldn’t have tried it.” Kimberly told Lyssa. “I am worried that they don’t have to time to get actual intel off Vickers though.”

“I have a feeling that Maria has planned for that contingency.” Lyssa said as she looked up at the bodycams for Samantha and Annette. “I get the definite feeling that Vickers is in for a LONG night.”

97488 Ponce de Leon dr. Fort Lauderdale Florida

Maria heard several thuds coming from the front of the house and went to investigate. She smiled as she saw Samantha and Annette dragging a rather large and very full duffle bag down the stairs. “I do hope that our bunny isn’t hurt too badly by your treatment girls. We need him to answer a few questions for us yet. He can die later. Not now.”

Sam kicked the bag with her heel to hear a grunt. “Don’t worry Madam. The scum is still alive.”

Maria looked to Samantha at hearing the anger in her voice. “What was he doing when you interrupted him dear?”

“You would have to be there to believe us, Madam.” Annette said as she spat on the bag. “This pig doesn’t deserve to breathe.”

“Black Swan go secure our truck. White Swan give her a hand. I’ll have Stalking Horse and Rumrunner bring out our guest and additional.” Maria ordered her two daughters. “We’ll question the scum somewhere nice and quiet. Somewhere where we won’t have to worry about being interrupted by nosey neighbors or the police.”

With those orders Maria turned and headed back to the office. There she found Kasey and Kristine going over what they found in the safe. “Talk to me Gemini. What do we have?”

Kasey was the first to speak as she held up a stack of passports. “Vickers has a lot of friends, Marshal. I got multiple passports and visas for the US, just about every member of NATO, half of the Middle East Nations and six nonextradition countries so far. This stack is nothing but bearer bonds and blue-chip stocks.”

“Marshal that is just the tip of this iceberg. I got a stack of ledger books that is going take somebody with a butt-load more experience than we have. There's some kind of code here that I can't figure out. Take a look?” Kristine handed the one she was currently looking at over to Maria.

Maria took the ledger book and scanned the headers. It didn’t take her long to figure out what they meant. This was a full accounting for every arms-deal that Vickers had ever made. It held the information for the type of weapon, how much, how many, who to and where delivery was made. It also gave her who those deals were made for. Maria wasn’t surprised that the number one entry under that heading was for a certain US counter intelligence agency.

“We can’t do much now girls. We'll have to deal with this later. Gather everything up. That includes any cash the man had stashed here. We leave nothing behind.” she turned to Angelic. “Can you relock that safe safely?”

“Yes ma’am. Once I was able to open the safe, I wrote down the combination. I just have to enter it in reverse.” Angelic turned thoughtful. “Though I would advise against doing that.”

“Why?” Maria figured she needed all the facts. She wasn’t a thief.

“Because the next person who tries to pop this safe, could end up dead. And take all the evidence with them.” Angelic turned to look towards the servants’ wing. “And any unfortunates that may still in the house. This is not some everyday safe to play around with Marshal.”

Maria thought about what her niece just told her. “Very well, leave it open.” Maria keyed her radio. “All Bravo elements exfiltrate now. I repeat exfiltrate now. Time for us to go kids. Stronghold; contact the LOEs in ten minutes. Bravo Actual; OUT”

With that the Black Badge team left the estate of Ronald Vickers. Samantha, Annette, Angelic, and Maria left by the front gate in Big Blue with Vickers and the body of Ramirez in the bed of the truck. Bobby, Hunter, Kasey, and Kristine left the way they came in, by the waterway. They would be met by the Alpha team in Coolee Hammock Park. From there the team would find someplace remote to handle the interrogation of Vickers and to go over his ledges.

When they were halfway across the waterway Bobby pulled out the remote detonator and hit the button. Both the seaplane and speedboat went up in a rolling ball of flame. The shockwave sent ripples across the water high enough to reach the tops of the docks on the far side of the canal. As the pieces of the two storehouses rained down the four-man team finished swimming to their extraction point under the cover of night and the explosions.

As they climbed out of the water they were met by Maria and her half of the team. “Really Robert? You just couldn’t have removed the explosives before leaving?”

“We did Marshal. Just as our Instructors said. The best way to remove armed explosives is at a distance or blowing them in place. We chose the easiest way. Blow them in place.” Bobby answered honestly with a crooked smile. “Besides, everybody loves a good fireworks show and fire. We just gave the locals an early Fourth of July and weeny roast.”

“Our daddies love a BIG boom.” Kasey and Kristine sang out.


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