Gilmore Girls

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By Mary Beth Sanford

This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. As always I write this for your enjoyment. A comment at the end would be greatly appreciated. Hugs Mary Beth.



65 million years ago Sarah, a Tyrannosaurus Rex, urinated a little ways from her nest. Not far from there, but a considerable amount of time later, a boy named Chad desperately ran from a girl named Susan. Chad wasn’t fast enough and worse he was the same size as Susan’s sister. It was her diaper he wore when he was put into her dress. Although that wasn’t really Susan’s fault. The fault really traced back to Sarah and all those other T-Rex's.


Dr. Mason Broaden, paleontologist; Dr. Lucy Caldwell, a GYN. Tracy Manchester Clinical psychologist. , Helen; Alicia Alistair. Susan’s teacher Ms. Albright The Gilmore gang: Susan Bickford (sister Emily), Helen Bickford, Susan and Emily’s mother; Tina Allison, Lori Baker and Chad Mason, AKA Shay their Mascot, and his mother Alice Mason.

Match Made In Heaven
Diaper Rubs And A Little Dress
Why Do You Run
Emily’s Plan
Dr. Mason Broaden and Dr. Lucy Caldwell
Hey Little Girl
This Thing For Diapers
Shay and Emily
Tina’s Redemption
That’s A Wrap


65 million years ago during what was then called the Cretaceous period of the Mesozoic era, Sarah, a female Tyrannosaurus Rex, opened her gigantic eyes. The urge to urinate woke her, and cautiously she rose above the nest she was guarding.

Sarah was average for her size measuring 49 feet long and weighing in at just a tad over 8 tons. As big as she was she moved like a ballerina to clear her clutch of eggs before lifting her gigantic tail.

A moment later Sarah, named by the amateur paleontologist that found her some 65 million years later, began saturating the ground below her with almost 374 gallons of urine. It was one of several pauses she would make over that day while guarding her nest.

She would leave 3,740 gallons of urine that day, and would do that every day while hatching her eggs. Almost 4,000 gallons from Sarah added another 192,000 gallons to 48 other Tyrannosaurus mothers nesting nearby doing that same exact thing.

In all over 70 million gallons that year alone would came to several billions over a long span of time. In that small area alone there would be tens of billions more before her kind would disappear from the face of our planet forever.

Yet even before the great meteor wiped all of her kind out forever, there would be another natural disaster called a limnic eruption or lake overturn. That following morning as Sarah slept the lake burped and a large dissolved carbon dioxide gas cloud bubbled up quietly taking her and her clutch.

What Dr. Broadbent discovered without really knowing it at first was that Sarah was actually the true cause for the town's girl gang. As it happens, those females, once in untold abundance, were having their babies almost exactly where the town now sat.

More importantly those dinosaurs urinating in hundreds of thousand of gallons, numerous times a day, were saturating a very small area with incredible amounts of estrogen rich calcium. The town, over time, was lowering the aquifer levels and had been for a hundred years since the pumps began drawing water.

Sixteen years ago but unknown to the town one small untested irrigation well was drawing up those estrogen rich deposits. It was an automatic watering system feeding the parks small recreation lake and a small stand of trees three girls claimed as their “Wonder Woman” hideaway.

Susan Bickford, Tina Allison, and Lori Baker drank from it almost daily. They used a tin cup polished as their silver chalice in a swearing-in ritual and did so from the ages of five till Susan’s first fight in the school yard. That was the day she cold=cocked one of the towns bullies when he tried cutting in front of her at the movies.

It astonished most of the boys and all of the girls. That was actually the day the Gilmore Girls, those three at least became a gang.


Unlike some his size, Chad’s luck that first day at Gilmore High came from his math skills and Susan’s D- as Ms. Albright handed Susan her paper with a warning. Susan didn’t lose sight of the fact that the new wimp next to her got an A+.

That in itself infuriated Susan and might have easily gotten Chad a beating, but Ms. Albright asked both to stay after class. It was an Email from the counselor suggesting pairing up the two that gave Ms. Albright pause.

Ms. Albright made it clear that Susan and Chad, at least as far as math was concerned, were made for each other. Ms. Albright was asking Chad if he could see it in his heart to help tutor Susan with her math. In turn Ms. Albright was asking Susan, indirectly if Susan might find it in her heart to protect the undersize boy.

Chad wasn’t stupid and quickly realized that helping Susan, whose reputation had preceded her, with her math was a good way to keep from getting beat up. He’d once read an old saying that said, “keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer.”

Chad said he was more than happy to help and quickly promised his time to Susan. Luckily Susan needed the class and saw the benefit immediately. Susan had been handed someone to do her homework.

At first they went to the school’s library, but Susan didn’t like being seen there with the “wimp.” When Susan moved the location from the library to Susan’s house to help, her friends were immediately added and obviously Chad agreed - readily. From that point on he was also helping Lori and Tina, Susan’s other two “gang members”.

It was walking into Susan’s house that Chad met Emily, Susan’s little sister. Ironically Emily was a soft spot for Susan. A swimming accident when Emily was ten, left her deprived of oxygen and developmentally delayed. Emily survived the accident but would forever be a five year old.

Susan didn’t miss the irony that Emily, now three years later, at 4 ft 7 inches was only an inch taller than Chad. It would also be another irony when that information would come to be known that Chad and Emily’s measurements were nearly the same. Emily’s chest measured 29 while Chad’s was under by an inch. Emily and Chad’s waist were 25 and 24.5 respectively.

Chad only knew these sizes when he met Helen, Emily’s mother when she took an interest in Chad not too long after he walked in. Chad’s age and size fascinated Helen and she immediately grabbed a sewing tape to take measurements. Helen’s sudden interest in Chad was suggesting him to a director she knew who was casting children for a spin on Peter Pan.

Susan shrugged and whispered in frustration that it was just something her mother did and to ignore it. When Chad met Emily he began to understand something of the mother skills. Emily was dressed in a beautiful princess-like dress holding a Patti Play Pal doll who was wearing a nearly identical dress. Susan’s mother, Helen, was a costume designer and senior seamstress for the local theater. She also had her own dress shop.

Chad said no to a role in Peter Pan, then maybe, which seemed to satisfy Helen’s request leaving Chad and Susan to settle into the homework. It was Tuesday and Helen was on her way out since she worked at the theater Tuesdays and Thursdays in the evenings. Helen kissed the girls and thanked Chad for his tutoring help and said she’d talk to the director. Chad nodded, said thanks, and watched her leave.

It was also worthy to note that Emily took to Chad immediately mostly because he was the same size as her. Ironically Emily wanted to play with Chad, but of course he didn’t and said no. Emily not knowing any better insisted, forcing Chad to say no until Emily started crying. Susan always the big sister insisted Chad play dolls just to keep Emily quiet. Homework, Susan insisted, could wait.

Chad fearing Susan’s wrath agreed and sat down on the floor with Emily and took the giant doll into his lap. It was then, to Susan's surprise, and Chad's horror, Emily left Chad with the doll for her room. Being left alone with a doll was bad but it got worse when Emily returned.

It got more embarrassing when Emily returned not because she had another doll which she did, but because she had two of her diapers and two pair of plastic panties in her hands. She handed the second doll to Chad, and both diapers and baby pants to Susan. Susan was caught off guard, but only for a second.

Susan taking both diapers and plastic panties in hand smiled knowingly. Her sister needed to be changed. Emily in whatever simple logic applied in a child’s mind just assumed Chad needed his diaper changed as well. Susan thought it was really cute. Lori and Tina sitting at the dinning room table thought it was hilarious that the teenage boy would have his own diaper and baby pants.

Emily meanwhile had darted to the front door where the diaper bag always sat for their next excursion. Susan knelt to open the bag and extracted the thin changing pad to began her sister’s diaper change. The diaper set for Chad ignored for the most part, left lingering snickers with the girls as Susan folded back Emily’s dress and slips.

Meanwhile Chad suddenly caught in Emily’s compromising moment quickly turned his back to avert his eyes. He sat looking out the living room window as Susan began removing the sodden diaper pinned around Emily. Chad didn’t see the curios looks from Lori or Tina because of his act of discretion.

As it happens though Susan was looking at Lori and Tina in the middle of wiping Emily. Susan was grinning mischievously as she began pinning the fresh diaper closed on Emily. It was when she was about to put Emily into the plastic baby pants that she paused to look at the larger sized panties she was holding.

Emily’s diapers and baby pants were larger than what you might buy for babies but they were identical in look and feel. That was thanks to Emily’s mom Helen. Helen with her costuming expertise and sewing skills simply went to the pharmacy at the time, purchased diapers and baby pants for babies and duplicated them in Emily’s size.

Emily had plain plastic panties and a few in colors from pink to yellow. Emily also had rumba panties to match a few of her special baby dresses that Helen lovingly recreated to match what Emily’s dolls wore. Those baby dresses included bonnets, the ruffled panties and in the beginning fingerless mittens. There were also bibs, onesies, and adorable booties to run around the house in. There were even a couple of sleepers.

However, Susan was still looking at those baby pants.

Both Tina and Lori looked on in silence as Susan held the baby pants up as if to gauge their size. There were silent nods of encouragement from both girls. Susan, instead of gathering the baby pants to slip them over Emily’s feet, carefully and quietly took them in both hands to hold them level while leaning forward. Susan intended to hold them closer to Chad’s bottom experimentally.

Susan was within inches of Chad’s own bottom without him being aware she was doing so. To the surprise of all three the width easily went across Chad’s bottom without stretching suggesting to Susan they could easily fit Chad. Susan’s devious smile was being shared by Lori and Tina. Susan straightened back up and this time did gather the baby pants for Emily. A moment later Susan was bringing Emily’s baby pants over her sister’s fresh diaper wondering how Chad would look wearing everything Emily now wore. It was clearly a thought shared by all three.

“All done Emily,” Susan said fluffing Emily’s slip and dress back over to cover the baby pants and diaper before helping Emily sit up. Emily picked up her Play Pal doll and fluffed the doll’s dress as Susan fluffed Emily’s.

“Change his diaper.” Emily asked.

“Yes Emily we need to change Chad’s diaper,” Susan said.

Chad turned his head when his name was mentioned and turned fully when he saw Emily holding her doll. All three girls again looked at Emily, then at Chad. Clearly the looks and smiles he saw meant they were joking Chad decided.

But then he saw Susan look at Lori and Tina and their look back at Susan. Chad’s stomach did a slight flip flop over what he was seeing in their faces. Chad did not like the looks. Susan understood clearly what her friends were thinking because she was thinking the same exact thing. At first no one said a thing.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking," Tina bent to whisper to Lori. Chad hadn’t heard them.

"Definitely," Lori said.

Susan was still fluffing Emily’s dress as Chad began to turn back around to see what his escape options were. Chad was ready to toss the doll and make for the door. He would even be willing to sacrifice his back pack if need be. As Chad did that Susan picked up the extra baby pants and diaper. Susan stopped Chad's turn by tapping his shoulder as he stood.

“What,” Chad asked pausing in his move.

"Wait a second," Susan said to Chad who stood near Emily who was oblivious to what was happening as Susan added, “I want to see something.”

“See what,” Chad asked cautiously. He didn’t trust Susan because she was still holding that diaper and plastic panties. Susan turned Emily so her back was against Chad’s so their shoulders lined up exactly. Susan now had them so they were now back to back.

Chad knew exactly what Susan was doing. Chad’s heart skipped a beat. Thankfully the other two girls were still sitting at the table leaving just Susan near him. He wasn’t sure if he could make it to the door, open it and run outside, but he was sure he would try.

"Hey Lori, how deep is Emily's waist? Can you guys tell from there,” Susan asked.

"Both are about the same," Tina said

“Susan, they are exactly the same. Their depth looks identical,” Lori added

Chad now knew what they were talking about. He had been measured by Emily’s mother but now he was being measured by Susan against Emily.

“Hold your arms up Chad,” Susan said and then added, “you too Emily, hold your arms up honey.”

“What for,” Chad asked already knowing the answer.

“I want to see something and you need to do what you are told,” Susan said looking directly at Chad. The force of her voice said it and Chad did as he was told.

"Look at that. Same height, width.. Even their arms are the same length. Susan, I’m telling you, everything is exactly the same. Everything should fit," Tina said.

"They really are nearly identical," Lori said.

“Why should our sizes matter,” Chad asked.

“Because I think I want to put you into Emily’s diaper and plastic panties,” Susan said moving to stand right in front of Chad to block his escape. She had quickly stood in front of him as Tina got up from the table and started moving to the right to keep him from running to the front door. Lori did the same and stood next to Tina.

That whole conversation and steps had taken maybe half a minute.

“What? Like hell! You’re not putting me into a diaper,” Chad said dropping his arms and moving sideways opposite of Lori and Tina and away from Emily.

“I’ve got to Chad. It’s the only real way to see if Emily’s diaper and baby pants will fit you,” Susan said.

“That’s not going to happen,” Chad said as it became very clear what the girls were now planning.

"Right, as if you had a say in this," Susan said springing in to grasp and bear hug Chad.

Chad had started to twist around darting left to make it by Susan in a feeble attempt to dash for the door. He looked like the smallest quarterback in the league trying desperately to break out from an obvious sack against Susan as the middle linebacker and two tackles .. It was futile from the start. Lori and Tina each took a step forward positioning themselves on either side of Susan as Susan swept him up.

“You silly,” Susan said lifting him so his feet came off the floor in her bear hug.

“Let me go,” Chad said as he struggled to work his way loose. It wasn’t going to happen.

“Not going to happen baby. I said I want you to try on Emily’s diaper and baby pants,” Susan said.

“No way,” Chad said struggling.

Emily still standing there watched as Lori and Tina moved past Susan on either side and closed in so that each could grab a leg. Susan held him easily in her bear hug with the other two girls now lifting Chad’s legs up off the ground. They arranged him first as if he was a blanket before all three firmly held him easily parallel to the ground.

“Stop fighting,” Susan said.

“No, you’re not going to do this,” Chad yelled trying to wrench his legs free from the two girls. As he continued to twist in Susan’s arms They all easily held on. All Chad managed to do was exhaust himself

“Let’s lay him down,” Susan said as she began to kneel. The other two followed her lead.

Susan, kneeling but still holding him in a bear hug rearranged herself so she was holding him under his arms, but still had the baby pants and diaper in her grip. Chad was now semi-sitting as Susan dropped the baby pants and diaper on the floor.

When Chad’s bottom touched the carpet Susan eased her grip and slipped her arms free. Susan now free moved in a kind of wrestling maneuver twisting around him while holding his upper arms with just her hands before pushing him down. She went from her bear hug to straddling him with her hands on his shoulders. The other two had pinned each leg.

Chad, caught off guard didn’t have time to react or move an arm or leg. Susan moved fast even as Chad tried reacting she was already pushing him down on his back and sitting on his chest.. Lori and Tina with a leg each were still pressing down, one hand on his knees locking them, as Susan slid her bottom forward above his belt line.

“I said let me go,” Chad yelled in frustration with his arms pinned between his side and Susan’s legs. He was out matched as Susan settled over his chest and stomach with his head now between her knees. Chad was now exposed to Lori and Tina from the waist down. Chad struggled mightily still, but the three of them managed him easily.

Susan having dropped the diaper and baby pants alongside on the floor was free to adjust herself. She had picked that day to wear a chiffon double layered shirred elastic waist skirt over a short nylon slip that sat on top of white panties. She did know the skirt flipped when she walked which was the whole point of the lace. The lace on the panties were for when she bent over.

Now it was all going to be for Chad who’s face was now covered by her skirt. She gave it a little flip but left it on his face for a moment. She was gathering both layers of skirt and her nylon slip when she finished her pivot on one knee to position herself spread-eagle across Chad chest. Susan was airing herself on purpose as she fluffed the skirt and eased it off Chad’s face.

Susan was still gathering her skirts and slip up so her panties were now fully exposed under his nose as she slid forward almost to his face. She had positioned her inside thighs very close to Chad's chin with her panty lace along both thighs now resting almost on either side of Chad's cheeks. He was just catching a waft of musk and Love’s Baby Soft from her panties as she wiggled herself into place.

In spite of the building anguish and growing humiliation of what was about to happen to him he couldn’t ignore what he was seeing. In spite of what was happening they were not hurting him outside of his struggles. The airy nature of Susan’s skirt, lacy edges of her slip and those panties were also creating a dilemma as well. He had a face full of fresh white panties just an inch or two away.

What was really happening to the sixteen year old virgin were sights, smells and sensations he’d never experienced and couldn’t ignore. In spite of what was happening Susan’s skirt, slip and panties were adding pleasure to his humiliation. He was suddenly torn between that proverbial agony and ecstasy.

He wasn’t oblivious to the obvious and his hormones, raging as they already were couldn’t help but savor the proximity of those panties now only an inch from his face as she sometimes wiggled. He tried lifting his head once and the reward came with the panties proximity. Those panties shimmered in the light even though the lace edge of the slip even as her gathered skirt shrouded them from the light source.

Chad’s erection was immediate and unavoidable. Each movement Susan made changed the panties slightly daring him to move close himself. He didn’t dare but the notion of doing so made him harder still. He continued to struggle, moving Susan. He had to at first to fight them off, but wanted to now just to get closer as he heaved his chest.

What was happening to him below his waist was almost secondary all of a sudden. He wanted so badly for those panties to move forward and brush his chin and maybe smother him a little. He wanted so badly to kiss Susan right there in that crouch and every second he was getting a waft of Love’s Baby Soft

The slip's lace was touching his forehead, then his nose, and he couldn't see anything past Susan's thighs and the crotch of her panties, but he knew he was being stripped of his clothes as he felt his belt ease loose. He was scared but given the proximity of Susan's lacy garments and clothes his penis grew. He felt his arousal start to throb.

"Oh my God. Susan, he's got an erection," Lori said as she undid his belt, button and zipper to tug his pants and underwear down just far enough to expose him. Tina had already yanked his shoes off and was doing his socks. Both girls had began tugging his trousers and underpants free from his legs.

“Stop that,” Chad yelled when one of the girls, he wasn’t sure which, touched the tip of his penis and circled it with a finger. There was a drop of pre-cum wetting him that a thumb or finger was now spreading. It was unpleasantly pleasantly electrifying and shocking him, arousing him. stabbing him with pleasure.

If they didn’t stop he was going to explode, yet when they stopped he wanted to scream for them to keep going. If he exploded they would think he liked this he mused, but he did he also mused within the same thoughts. He wasn’t sure he’d get up if Susan got up. Then Susan did rise a little and the other two stopped playing. It was both a blessing and curse.

Susan managed to bend forward slightly lifting a knee on one side, then the other to better pin Chad’s arms under her legs keeping him on his back while Lori and Tina easily removed his cloths below his waist. Susan tugged his shirt forward so it gathered closer to his chest putting Susan’s nylon clad bottom on his stomach but high above his waist.

“He definitely like’s something about this,” Lori said and added, “if you backed your panties over him Susan he’d loose it for sure.”

“Yes, and I’d have wet panties. No thanks, let’s get him into his diaper first then get him off so it’s his diaper and baby pants that gets wet and not my panties,” Susan said.

“No way,” Chad said wiggling his butt.

“No way? Really? Then why is your little peepee so hard little baby,” Susan said.

“I don’t know,” Chad said.

“Right. Trust a boy to lie about the obvious,” Susan said snickering as she added, “hurry with the diaper.”

Susan's motion, gathering her slip under her skirts so she could see his eyes also moved Chad's head within Susan's thighs so he was now looking up at the lace of her slip and skirt now hiding her crotch and lacy panties. Chad knew he was naked from the waist down but his chin was now buried within her skirt and slip.

"So maybe he likes my skirt and slip," Susan said bending down to look at Chad's face and asking, "is that it precious? Do you want to wear my skirt, slip and panties or is it because they are in your face? Is that what makes you so hard precious?”

“It’s none of your business,” Chad said feeling a finger touching him again.

“His little peepee is pretty small Susan, but’s it’s pretty stiff,” Tina noted and then added, “I’m thinking he’s still a virgin. Most likely it is your panties.”

“You know what? I’m not so sure Susan. I think it might be the thought of being put into a diaper like a little baby,” Lori said and added, “I think boys with tiny little dicks... especially dicks as small as this one tend to be very close to their mommies. I’ll bet he already goes to bed in diapers. He might still be taking a bottle at night.”

“Hey, you know what, you could be right Lori,” Tina said moving Chad's shoes and socks off to the side as she added, “it could even be he’s turned on nursing one of us while being diapered like a baby.”

“How so,” Lori asked.

“I know for a fact that boys this small love the notion of being treated like babies and nursing a breast again. It’s just instinct for them,” Tina said and added, “they can’t help it. They never had a real chance to grow up.”

“How do you know that,” Lori asked.

“Okay, this one time I was giving Mike a hand job, you know little Mike... Anyway, he was sort of nibbling my breast and for kicks and was having a hard time getting off, so I started teasing and said maybe baby doesn’t want sex? Maybe baby wants mommy to put him into a diaper while he sucks on mommy’s breast,” Tina said and added, “I swear to you the guy exploded instantly, and then spent the whole night denying it was because of what I said.”

“Serious,” Lori asked.

“Serious,” Tina said and added, “so just to see if that was true or not, I tried it on another boy... same thing happened. So we’re parked out at Oak Bend and I’m masturbating him and he’s nursing and nothings happening. So, I whisper that mommy is going to put him into a diaper and boom, he shoots his load. They’re just big babies inside.”

“Is that it Chad? Is it the thought of being put into a diaper like a little baby and nursing a breast that’s getting to you,” Susan asked as she added, “deep down do you really want to be put into a diaper?”

“Kiss off,” Chad whispered.

“Wait a second? I had another thought? Could it be Emily’s dress,” Lori said and added, “he might just like dressing like a little girl? Ever think of that? Could just be he want’s to be dressed up like a little girl?”

“Is that it Chad? Is the thought of those cute baby girl ruffles and frills turning you on? Do you want to wear ruffled slips and panties like my sister does," Susan asked.

"Leave me alone," Chad struggled to speak even with his jaw caught between the flesh of her thigh.

"Hey, is the diaper going to fit over his erection," Susan asked trying to twist her head to see.

"Are you kidding," Lori said laughing as she added, "he's got a baby penis. Besides, I'll rub him once, maybe twice before he's pinned into his diaper. Bet he won’t last a second or two."

"If that. Look, he’s dripping already," Tina said as she moved her finger along the side of his penis to the tip before she circled the top. Chad closed his eyes and pushed his hips up slightly. It was agonizing as Tina leaned past Susan and said, “all boys need diapers.”

“Make sure my skirt is out of the way. It’s chiffon,” Susan said as she gathered it from behind. In doing so the front fell over Chad’s head defusing the light again and warming the air more.

“His little penis is too small to hurt your skirt,” Lori said.

“This one for sure,” Susan said and then added, “so let’s get it done.”

The girls all laughed.

Tina and Lori worked together getting Chad positioned while Susan teased his lips with a finger. There was continued snickers over his pathetically small penis as Lori confirmed it was still very hard. Even then it wasn't much as their focus returned to his diapering. Chad didn’t struggle but did thrust against their fingering when they touched him.

Both girls lifted one leg each then stopped.

"Hey, we need diaper pins," Lori said and added, “none in the bag.”

"In Emily's room. They are right above her changing table in a dish, and grab the baby powder. Same shelf. The one in the bag was almost empty," Susan said as she added, "can't be a real baby unless you smell like a baby. Use a lot."

There was the sounds of girl’s flats on the wooden stair steps, then running down the hall, growing muffled into the room. They reversed till Lori was kneeling alongside Chad's legs with the diaper pins and new canister of baby powder. Tina had pushed Chad’s legs apart enough to kneel between them. His penis was straight up.

With Susan still on Chad's chest Tina moved further up the middle between Chad's legs forcing them apart while Lori, behind her helped bring his legs up over Tina's hips on either side. Each leg done one at a time.

Each time Tina moved closer between Chad's legs he had to move them apart even more. Lori now behind Tina held his feet even higher till they were now resting on her shoulders. He was literally trapped between the two girls and his feeble struggles ended. Tina with her arms now free and Chad’s butt full raised slid the folded diaper under him easily.

“Wow you guys. Susan you should see this. I’ve got our baby over a diaper,” Tina said pushing Chad down to rest on the fluffy thick cotton as she began to reach between his open legs to bring the edge up.

“Oh that is so damn cute. Here, please Tina let me do that part,” Lori said bending around Tina to see.

“Go ahead,” Tina said leaning back to give Lori space to reach in and do her thing.

Lori eased forward moving her hand between Chad’s legs. She was slow palm open so she slid along his testicles to the diaper. Her hand open the way it was and so close also rubbed the insides of both thighs.

Lori was teasing Chad as she reached the thick cotton softness before moving out towards the edge to pull it up slowly causing it to gather in the narrow passage as it passed. Lori again tugged it up slowly against Chad's testicles and thighs before letting Tina take over.

“That felt so sweet,” Lori said and added, “thank you.”

“Same as diapering a baby,” Tina noted before adding, “but better knowing it’s a teenage boy.”

“Exactly,” Lori agreed.

“This isn’t right,” Chad said from the other side of Susan.

“Yes it is,” Tina said back and added, “you guys would be doing this to us if you had the chance so of course it’s only fair. Wasn’t it a guy who said MIGHT IS RIGHT?”

“I like ours better,” Lori said.

“What’s that,” Susan asked twisting her head around.

“Girls rule, boys drool,” Lori said to the laughter of the other two.

Tina, smiling wickedly bent slightly and took up both edges of the diaper to pull them straight. She took each edge and tugged them up then apart. The girls were toying with him. Tina daintily held the corners and lifted the diaper’s edges straight up again taking the wrinkles out of it before positioning it carefully over his erection. Chad wasn’t sure what was happening but he was positive if they continued he was going to lose it.

With the diaper now laying loose against Chad’s privates, but still laying unpinned Tina twisted opened the baby powder. She lifted the diaper again, tipped the baby powder and shook it over Chad till his loins were nearly pure white. Chad felt the cool powder dropping on him. Lori quickly reached across and held Susan’s skirt and slip up and out of the way to keep the powder off.

When Tina was done with his stomach she folded the diaper out of the way, bent down to gently lift Chad’s testicles to expose them so powder reached one side then the other fondling him a little as she did so. Still bent Tina set the powder down and his testis and started gently rubbing the baby talcum over Chad’s skin from his navel down to either side of his tiny erection before cupping him a little with the diaper.

“Does my little baby like that,” Tina asked.

Chad wasn’t going to admit it, he didn’t dare, but he did. It was all Chad could do to lay there and moan slightly. Tina was teasing him going alongside his penis, then along the crevices between his thighs and testicles to rub the powder into his skin. She never let him climax although he might have given the attention but she kept stopping. Then Tina stopped rubbing and tugged the diaper snug pulling it straight up again, then side to side slightly and down.

Finally she pulled it towards his waist, laid it flat and with a smooth press of her palms brought the sides together before thrusting the diaper pin in and locking it. She did the left side first then the right side.

“Perfect,” Lori whispered enviously.

The whole process including whitening Chad's loins and pinning the diaper closed with pinked tipped diaper pins took all of about four minutes with each diaper pin. Tina with one final motherly act bent and grabbed the top edge of Chad’s diaper and pulled on it so it squeezed his testicles and penis a little. Even Lori was getting wet just watching.

“Tina, I’m serious, you did that like a mommy,” Lori said running her hand flat over the diaper. She felt the hard little penis just a bump under the thick layers of cotton as she added, “he’s as hard as a little rock.”

“I had lots of dolly time when I was little,” Tina said and then added, “makes me think I should start keeping a few diapers and plastic panties around for the boys for when they actually do visit.

“How you going to wrestle a boy into a diaper alone,” Lori asked.

“Silly, You don’t wrestle them. You wait till they latch onto a nipple and gently grab a hand full of penis then you just ask to diaper them. No wrestling involved. If they say no way, you let go, pry them off your breast and say good bye,” Tina said snickering before she added, “how much you want to bet they spread their legs for mommy like the babies they are?”

“No bets on that,” Lori said before added, “don’t like the odds.”

“Lower his legs,” Tina said to Lori. Lori moved behind Tina and stood before bending to grab each leg by the ankles. She pulled them up slightly then out far enough to let them down alongside Tina then stepped back. Chad didn’t bother moving them to no one's surprise.

“I’d say that was a sure thing,” Susan said turning her face down to look at Chad as she added, “how about you?”

“That’s right isn’t it precious,” Tina said gently rubbing Chad over his diaper before Lori started doing the honors again.

Chad tried being angry and fighting it more but the sensations were to put it mildly too sensational and frankly overwhelming his senses as the girls toyed with him. He desperately wanted to climax but didn’t.

He didn’t want to give them the satisfaction so he fought it. He had grown tired and was fighting less and the soft cotton felt like silk as Lori moved the diaper slowly over him. Chad quickly lost the battle. Chad’s toes curled and his legs stiffed as he suddenly arched his back even with Susan still on his chest catching the girls by surprise.

“Wow,” Susan said as she added, “feels like I’m riding a bucking bronco.

“Did the baby just do squirts,” Lori asked as she continued to rub while added, “yep, ;he’s going soft. Our little baby girl just did his first squirt in a diaper.”

“Good girl,” Tina said praising Chad for no other reason than the humiliation. Chad felt his face flush as he looked up and saw Susan looking down into his eyes. She made a kissing motion with her lips as he closed his eyes in shame.

With that done the two girls repositioned themselves so they were on either side of Chad’s legs to slid the baby pants over each foot and along Chad's legs. Working together, and with Chad no longer struggling, they got the panties just over his knees before they lifted his legs to cover the diaper with the baby pants. Lori and Tina fussed with the soft plastic panties till they covered Chad’s diaper then sat back.

“Amazing,” Tina said.

“Fits’ perfect,” Lori said.

Chad was in Emily’s diaper and pink plastic pants. Both Lori and Tina slipped their fingers along the waist and legs to confirm there was room. Their look of astonishment between them said it all even as Susan twisted around further to see what they were seeing.

"Well," Susan asked when neither said anything more.

"Perfect, Seriously. They fit him perfectly," Tina said.

"Easily," Lori added now rubbing Chad again over his baby pants and diaper as she added, I could do this all night.”

Emily's diaper and pink plastic panties fit. It truly was amazing as Susan moved to let Chad up. Chad took Susan’s hand in an act of defeat but was still flooded with the pleasure of his orgasm. The plastic panties themselves felt like silk between his own thighs as he stood causing them to rub over his powdered legs. He knew the instant he rose he was wearing a diaper.

Chad felt the bulk between his legs but he could also feel the padding below each butt cheek as he clinched one then the other. He felt those one at a time while looking down at the large rounded mound in front of him. He was looking at a large pink pillow of shiny plastic and it was on him.

Tina was neatly folding his underpants and jeans while Lori was stuffing his socks into his shoes. They both stopped and just looked at the image of Chad, and how it had suddenly been transformed. The diaper fluffed within the bellowing baby pants exaggerating the babyishness making him adorably cute. Even Chad felt his face flush.

Even Susan was smiling while Emily sat off in the corner with her doll. Susan looked at her sister knowing that the dress she wore would fit the boy now standing there in her diaper and plastic pants. She felt her own pangs of a orgasm forming.

“Let’s get that shirt off,” Susan said moving closer to pull Chad’s tee shirt up. Chad knowing he wasn’t going anywhere dressed the way he was simply resigned to his fate and lifted his arms. There was no fight left as he let her lift his shirt. Susan pulled it up and off, giving it to Lori who began turning it right side in to fold it.

"Are you going to get one of Emily’s dresses," Tina said to Susan with excitement.

"Oh yes, you must," Lori added with enthusiastic nods.


“I’m not wearing a dress! Seriously, there is no way. This is bad enough,” Chad said knowing his protest was going to be ignored as he flipped his fingers across the baby pants in protest

“Will you stop insisting you’re not going to do this or that? Chad, if we say you’re wearing a dress, you’re wearing a dress and that’s that,” Susan said turning for the stairs as she added, “watch him, I’ll be right back.”

Both girls stepped closer to take up one of Chad's arms each, but Tina dropped the one she held to take Chad in a soft bear hug.

“What are you doing,” Lori asked turning to look at Tina.

Tina was maneuvering Chad so his back was against her. She twisted her head to see where she was going and backed towards a chair bringing Chad with her.

“I can’t stand it any longer,” Tina said still moving towards the chair.

Tina was strong compared to the other girls and easily shifted Chad so he was laying cross ways in her lap when she sat. With Chad positioned she began immediately caressing and rubbing his diaper again. She had him position so she could lift his head slightly to put her mouth near his ear.

“Hey? Are you getting him off,” Lori asked in a shocked voice.

“I want to play with my baby dolly a little,” Tina said rubbing the front of Chad’s diaper as she added, “you really are adorable in your baby clothes.”

"So when do I get a turn," Lori asked as she realized what Tina was doing.

"I don’t know? Maybe after we get him into a dress,” Tina said.

Chad’s erection had returned quickly with Tina attention. This was insane he mused as he realized the conflicts he had. He would have fought them if he could but he wasn’t even sure if he wanted to. Chad’s erection grew even harder.

"She’s right Chad. You’ve got to realize sweetheart that you really are adorable in your diaper and baby pants. I mean it. I'm really turned on by it. You are to. You know it because I can feel it. Does that feel nice baby," Tina said softly right next to Chad's ear as she continued to rub Chad over his diaper..

Chad remained silent, and he didn't move or struggle while under his diaper his penis was pulsing against the shifts. He’d been furious, then angry, now he was just getting off as Tina fondled him over the plastic panties and diaper. He tried controlling his breath to at least appear calm but he couldn’t.

Tina positioned him like a baby and continued rubbing, even bending to kiss him a couple of times. It couldn’t have been more than a few minutes, maybe three or four at the most, but a few seconds later Tina brought him to climax and just as he did so even she too shuddered.

He felt the shuddering pulse through his diaper and baby pants under her hand just as Tina shuddered under his bottom. It was the first time he’d been with a girl let alone a girl that had ever had a climax. Holy crap, he mused as he wondered if this counted as sex with a girl since they both finished together, more or less.

"Oh baby, that was so sweet," Tina whispered. Chad remained silent but he couldn’t help lick and wet his dry lips and half closed his eyes to the pleasure sweeping over him. He was savoring the sensations coursing through his body.

He felt the flush of embarrassment because it really was nice he thought to himself in silence. All he wore was a diaper and pair of baby pants in the lap of a girl his age. Twice now he’d been brought to climax that way.

Twice! Chad thought happily while keeping his face neutral.

“Got it,” Susan said coming down the steps two by two as she added, “and what are you doing with my baby girl?”

“Nothing now,” Tina said snickering.

“No way, I’m not wearing that,” Chad managed to get that out as he came out of his fog when he saw the dress. It was beyond just being a dress because of how “cute” it was. It was adorably cute and really tiny in Susan’s hand.

Tina had stood Chad allowing Lori to join them again.

It wasn't until Susan actually brought the dress against him that he realized just how small he really was compared to Susan and the other two girls. The dress’s skirt ended at Susan’s waist as she held it against herself. For Chad it would just cover his baby pants. For the second time that afternoon his heart sank.

There was no doubt it would fit him, and no doubt what he’d look like with it barely covering his pink baby pants and diaper. He had seen more than enough pictures of baby girls in their short dresses with their bulky diapers pushing their plastic panties just below their dresses. That hint of painted pink showing. If he wore that dress that’s exactly the image he’d make.

“No,” Chad said.

“Yes Chad, remember what I told you,” Susan said gripping his chin and smiling.

“Wow,” Tina said moving closer. Lori stood right next to him with Susan just in front of him holding layers of fluff.

"Look at that," Susan said admiring the possible fit as she held it against him before taking the dress off the hanger. The dress was bad enough but it wasn’t all of it. Draped over Susan’s arm, hidden slightly at first by the dresses skirts, as she handed the dress to Tina was the slip. It was a bouffant slip.

"Oh my God, that slip is adorable," Lori said kissing Chad on the forehead from the side before pushing his shoulders slightly forward so he was closer to Susan as she added, “you are going to be so adorable.”

"I know, mom loves this bouffant skirted slip on Emily. That’s why she made it. Emily really loves it. I guess I do to, but until now it was just for Emily. Goes with a couple of her dresses. Mom loves the ruffles and extra fullness. Should look really cute on our little baby girl here: “Right Chatty Kathy?”

“Chatty Kathy,” Lori repeated and added, “hey, I like that.”

Chad was looking at the slip as practically another swishy dress as Susan moved it about while the girls admired it. It had wide silken straps attached to a shimmering nylon top trimmed with lacy edges. The upper part the bodice formed a soft lace-trimmed heart shape over the area where each breast would be if he had breasts.

It was meant for little girls so it wasn’t meant for breasts Chad realized and somehow that bothered him, because it suited him more than the three girls teasing him. Dead center of all that white nylon and lace was a delicate pink ribbon tied into a bow of satin or nylon, Chad wasn’t sure which.

“What is with you girls and your lace, ribbon and bows,” Chad asked in frustration looking over the slip and dress. It was every boy’s nightmare and every girl’s delight. No one answered him, but everyone smiled at his distress as Susan waved the slip like a cape in front of him just like a matador in front of a bull.

“Sugar and spice and everything nice Chad, that’s what little girls and boys that dress like little girls are made of,” Susan said snickering. She waved the slip then moved it against him and drew it up so it slid over his baby pants and diaper.

It shimmered in the light like the dress did was all he cared about as Susan draped the dress over the chair and gathered the slip to fit it over Chad's head. Shimmering meant it was made of something silky. He wondered again why girls liked all those ruffled tiers that made the skirt so full. He actually counted seven ruffled tiers as Susan lifted the slip above his head.

“Hold your arms up baby,” Susan said. Chad, too tired from his struggles and still savoring his double climax hated what was about to happen, but still glowing from his last climax, put his hands up.

"It’s so frou-frou," Tina said moving from behind to fluff the slip around him as the skirts fell down around him to end just above his knees. Chad knew it stopped too soon to hide his diaper and baby pants fully because he could feel where the lacy hem touched his leg. If he were to raise his arms he’d expose his diapers.

The rustling came from everywhere as the girls fussed. Both Tina and Lori fluffed the skirt of his slip still as Susan turned away and took the dress off the hanger. Chad had resigned himself to what was happening allowing both arms to fall into the skirts of the slip. His fingers were caressing silky.

Lori was in front, Tina behind. Lori was fussing with the bodice by pinching the sides lightly while sliding the slip around his waist. He felt the soft nylon slip over his chest hardening his nipples as Tina fussed with the straps from behind with fingers under them. There was an underskirt of nylon taffeta that continued to rustle and slide against his legs both in the front and back as Lori bent and kissed him.

"My little sissy. You like your puffy don't you,," Lori whispered.

“Like dressing a living doll,” Tina said.

"No," Chad said in outrage.

"Well my little sissy I’ll bet if I reached under your pretty little petticoats and into your fluffy diaper I’ll find you nice and hard and ready for mommy again, so that means you’d be fibbing now wouldn’t it? Besides sweetheart mommy Tina and mommy Lori think you are adorable. Tell you what, if you’re good, really good maybe mommy Lori will rub your diaper this time," Tina said.

"Mommy Lori would love to play with her dolly,” Lori said.

"Come on you two mommies let's finish dressing our baby girl first," Susan said.

"I don't want to wear that dress," Chad said deciding to protest at least a little as he tried to twist out of it. Lori was right he was hard and it was painfully so as he stopped twisting. That twisting wasn’t helping him he noticed. Maybe he did like the puffy skirt swishing over his legs and the noise it made sliding over his baby pants?

"Hey! Listen to me little man! If you so much as cause one little tear in this dress, you are toast," Susan said. “I mean it. You just be a nice little sissy baby and play along and it will be over in no time. Do you hear me?"

“Yes,” Chad said.

Emily's dress was a mixture of white silky chiffon with a very light yellow bib front. That bib was also done in a chiffon and nylon so it was slightly opaque. The puffy sleeves were elastic but trimmed in the same lace as the Peter Pan collar that lightly gripped his arms. Down the front were rows of white lace that ended at the wide silky sash which was held to the dress with two yellow silken loops.

Susan turned the dress and undid the single button at the back near the neckline before gently tugging the zipper down to the waist. The sash hanging from either side of the loops was very long. That sash went past the skirt nearly reaching the floor before she lifted it all by the collar. One hand held the collar as the other went under the dresses skirts and slips.

The rustling started in front of him, with the sound moving up and over. A second later Chad again lifted his arms, closed his eyes and felt the layers engulf him as the dress came over his head. As tiny as the dress was it was extremely noisy as the layers caught over the slip. All three girls fussed with their sissy to bring the skirts of the dress over the skirts of the slip.

"Oh my God, he's like a little baby Southern Belle," Lori said as she helped fluff the skirt that came down to rest on top of his petticoats.

Chad had put his arms up so Susan could guide the dress's sleeves over them as Tina and Lori fussed with the skirts. The gathers allowed the layers of slips and skirt to easily lay over the slip's own petticoats he already wore. When the dress's skirt was finally settled and resting on the petticoats of the slip it was easily as wide as a door frame.

Chad lowered his arms but Susan brought them up and out again so she could fuss with the sleeves. Lori moved to the back and zipped the dress up easily then closed the single button again as Susan moved to the front to fuss more with the collar. Tina fluffed the skirts reaching under to play with the skirts of the petticoats but Chad felt her move to his baby pants and diaper. She grinned at him and moved so her face was close to his.

"Is my baby ready to sit in mommy's lap yet," Tina whispered pushing gently against Chad's diaper and baby pants. Chad, not seeing the harm in answering nodded a yes as his erection pulsed against Tina hand as Tina added, "soon baby girl, soon."

"How about her shoes," Lori asked as she tied the sash into a giant bow at the back as Lori looked down at Chad’s feet and added, “do you think Emily’s shoes will fit?”

As Chad stood there in Emily's dress, diapered under her baby pants both Lori and Tina stood there as Susan turned and ran for shoes. Susan was nearly out of breath from the frantic dash to and fro, and had a pair of white lacy socks in her hand when she bent to fit those first on Chad’s foot before she tried a shoe.

Chad slipped a foot in the black patent shoe which to Susan’s surprise turned out to actually be half a size larger on Chad. Susan jumped up, grabbed tissue from a box from the kitchen and folded it into Emily's Mary Jane shoes so they fit Chad’s small feet. It was like dressing Emily. She redid that shoe, duplicated the second and fit it on as Tina tied the long sash into a huge girlish bow at the back.

“Oh my God,” Lori said stepping back to stand with Susan.

“Tell me about it,” Susan said moving back to stand with Lori and looking at the little girlish boy standing there in front of them. She stood up from closing the last buckle of Emily’s shoe and slowly shook her head as she added, “there is a room full of stuff up there just like this.”

“He’s the perfect boy,” Tina said fussing with the bow still before she took joined the other two.

“You guys realize what I just said? I said that everything in Emily’s room fits him,” Susan said .

“How lucky we are to have a full time sissy mascot to tutor us with a room full of clothes to chose from,” Tina said.

“I wouldn’t mind seeing him in a nightgown at some point,” Lori said and then added, “and maybe even panties to rub over him with?”

“I’m leaning more with the diapers,” Tina said.

“I’m sort of with Tina,” Susan noted but then added, “but I’m use to having my sister Emily running around in diapers.”

“Anybody care what I think,” Chad asked standing there looking clearly like a little girl that had just been given a boy’s hair cut.

“No,” they all said at exactly the same time..

Emily had been off to the side, quiet, playing with her doll, watching. She was smiling at something. No one, including Chuck paid any attention to her as she hugged the doll she held.

When all was said and done Emily had a new doll Susan said getting her lipstick from her purse. She put a little on Chad but had to do the same for Emily. It was very clear to the girls that if Chad had long hair he would have easily passed as a little girl. Meanwhile Lori was anxious to get Chad off and took Chad’s hand for the chair Tina used earlier.

“So Susan, you mind if I babysit our little girl for a bit,” Lori asked taking Chad’s hand.

“She’s yours,” Susan said snickering.

This time Chad’s skirts and petticoats nearly covered the entire chair as Lori slipped her hand under the skirts and slips. Emily was sitting on the coach with her Patti Play Pal as Lori reached under all the layers of dress and slip and found the front of Chad’s baby pants and diaper.

"Hello baby," Lori whispered as she found the firmness of Chad under the plastic panties and diaper. She began to slowly rub him. Chad had laid his arms at his side but his hands had grabbed handfuls of his dress and slip fingering the silkiness of both.

The sensations of the layers against his knees and chest and between his fingers fed his senses as Lori brought him slowly to another climax. As bad as it was being diapered and dressed like a little girl, there were things about it he could get used to he quietly realized as his legs stiffened for the third time that day. His climax cut into his thoughts as Lori started to kiss him.

In too little time Chad had gone from a sixteen year old underdeveloped boy to a fairly cute looking little five year old girl still in diapers. Of course while Emily was ten she was still being dressed like a five year old because it made her happy. That had been some therapist’s idea not too long after therapy started.

Emily was finding herself. In spite of her age she was no longer a functioning ten year old. Not in her mind so she had dolls again and my little pony and Disney and cute little slippers. She was a fairy princess in soft pastel pinks and both her mother and sister made sure she saw herself exactly that way. Emily was exactly the way she wanted to be right down to the ruffles on her newer fancier baby pants.

When Lori was satisfied and everyone had been stilled Susan moved Chad to the table with their Math. Chad sat at the table helping the three girls with their math. Then later spent a little time playing dolls with Emily. Nearly an hour had passed and the newness of Chad becoming a little girl had more or less worn off.

Even Chad had grown a little used to wearing the clothes and had gotten Susan and the girls to finally settle down to do their homework. When it was time for dinner there was little reason to change so Chad sat on the floor with Emily and played with one of her dolls again till it was ready.

Susan sat down facing Chad who was now comfortably locked in Emily's high chair with his arms pinned at his side. He couldn't speak because they had forced a pacifier into his mouth and tied it snug with a ribbon. He was constrained enough to just listen and finally he did stop struggling to listen.

Chad wouldn’t take the pacifier when Susan offered it, but that changed when Lori and Tina tied his arms with ribbons and slipped another around his head holding the pacifier ring against his mouth. Chad nurse the pacifier till he agreed to keep it there without the ties.

As punishment for resisting Susan took Chad up to Emily’s room and switched baby pants for the soft pastel yellow rumba style. Those better matched the dress and then went to dinner. On the way down Chad was shown two maid outfits that two other boys wore when they came over on Saturdays to clean the house

Susan made it clear that Chad had it easy compared to them and while the girls were satisfying him, those two boys had to satisfy each other The notion that those two boys were satisfying each other dressed as maids made Chad gag and happily nurse the pacifier.

Chad shuddered over those hints. He was glad he wasn’t one of their maids. Susan moved closer to lean on the high chair's tray and looking right at him said that If he did what he was told to do he would never be picked on again. Never, ever again. The choice was simple. Get beat up or get dressed up? The choice would always be his.

As much as Chad said he hated it there was something about it. In any event he didn’t have much choice and he said yes to being dressed up. But he said he wouldn't like it. He wouldn’t like it very much at all. Susan said that was okay. It was perfectly normal for a boy not to like being sissified. This time Susan helped Chad into the high chair and took Chad’s pacifier as the girls fixed dinner. Chad and Emily sat at the table together.

That first night Chad and Emily had dinner sitting together as baby girls. Both she and he ate dinner with a partitioned plate and sippy cups. Emily actually ate pretty well and of course so did Chad. Tina and Lori switched being mommy’s to both Chad and Emily with the only exception that Tina and Lori sometimes teased Chad under the removable tray. It was the only thing Chad liked about the meal without admitting he liked it.

After dinner, with his own bib removed Chad was given one of Emily’s baby bottles when Emily was, until Emily fell asleep. Chad was finally allowed to change and go home when Emily was put to bed. Susan was thrilled over how things went.

Susan no longer had to babysit her sister full time with Chad in the picture because now when she had to watch her sister on Tuesdays and Thursdays all she had to do was bring Chad home. Chad meanwhile could walk the halls at school or down any street, any time and never worry that he might get beat up by anyone. The word was out. Chatty Kathy AKA Chad was off limits to anyone that might do him harm.

Even the boy bullys got the message.. The Gilmore Girls had his back.


Chad tossed and turned until he opened his eyes and let them focus on the clock. It read three o'clock in the morning as he rolled over on his back. Remnants of the dream came back to him. It was his first act of defiance yesterday. His one and only act of defiance as he recalled his dream and then his day, even the smell of diesel came back from the school bus as the details began to converge.

The bus rolled slowly to a full stop releasing a loud hiss from it's air brakes as Bud the driver pulled the lever for the arm holding the stop sign. Lights began flashing at the back as the door opened. This was Chad's stop. Bud, waiting, but sensing something wrong turned to look at the nine year old who was still sitting.

Bud, the bus driver, could only wait so long and his look began questioning Chad's hesitation. Bud's look also changed again this time to frustration when Chad didn't move. Chad knew Bud would simply drive off if he stayed any longer, and that was certain as Bud began to reach for the door lever.

Chad, desperation then frustration on his face, had no time left and no choice. He stood suddenly, quickly, reaching the door in a couple of steps then took the stairs down to the sidewalk. Chad grimaced as his foot touched the ground. He really had no choice clearing the bus steps and hearing the doors hiss as it closed.

Chad glanced in every direction twice, a third time even as the bus drove off. It looked like he was alone, but Chad knew better. He felt like prey and it was now too late to run back on the bus. It left him only one option and that was to run as fast as he could until he was home. Chad hefted his backpack, gripped it closer to keep it from bouncing and took off. He glanced one last time, then made a quick left to began his desperate sprint to safety. He saw her a second later.

He never stood a chance and Chad knew it the instant Susan came around the corner. She had been there all the time - waiting. "Damn it," Chad whispered the words. Susan was the same age as Chad but definitely not the same size. Susan was bigger. Way bigger than Chad. Bigger than most sixteen year olds and Chad wasn't even as big as most nine year olds

Susan moved like a lioness in the tall grass. She had simply been waiting for him. She was toying with him. She was even smiling, she wanted him to run. He tensed and took a few more feeble steps forward just for the sake of it but he knew it was futile.

"Chad, stop," Susan yelled as she easily caught up and lightly grabbed Chad's arm.

At his best speed running he was only half as fast as Susan was. All he would do was prolong the agony that loomed over him and in the end when all was said and done he'd just be tired. She gripped his arm firmly and was running alongside. He slowed, walked, then stopped. His shoulders slumped in defeat.

"Chad! Why do you boys run," Susan asked.

"Why me," Chad asked.

"You know why," Susan said hardly showing the effects of her run as she added, “and I thought you had a little fun with it last Tuesday.”

"You put me in diapers and a dress! Can't you just let me go this time," Chad said making a half hearted effort to pull free as he added, "I don't want to do this."

"Come on Chad, you know I can't. First of all, I promised the other girls. And what about Emily? Have you even thought about her? She loves playing with you," Susan said and added, "besides, you're so damn cute when you're dressed and you know it. You saw how all those things looked on you."

"I'm not doing it this time," Chad said as he began dragging his feet on the ground letting Susan half drag him back towards the house. Chad knew what would happen and he knew it was going to happen as Susan stopped and released his arm.

"Will you stop? Come on Chad you know you are. Now stop this before the others come out and ask what’s wrong! Now go on and call your mother," Susan said ignoring his refusal.

"No," Chad said.

"Chad. You're being silly and you know it," Susan said.

"Get someone else," Chad said.

"Chad, you know there is no one else and Emily loves you," Susan said.

"I'm not playing with Emily," Chad said and added, "and I'm sick of you making me dress like a damn baby girl. I’m suppose to be tutoring you guys."

"Hey, what's wrong with dressing like a girl," Susan said and added, "I do it all the time."

"Duh, you're a girl," Chad said.

"Yes, but don't you see how silly that sounds? I mean you're a boy, okay, so you wear pants and I'm a girl but I wear pants too. There it is. Ergo, you wear dresses like I wear dresses," Susan said.

"No," Chad said.

"Chad, the other girls are going to come out of that house expecting you to cooperate like the last time, and you know that if you don't you get beat up or worse. It's a rule! Boys do what girls say or they get punished," Susan said and then added, "come on why get hung up on all this now and risk getting your butt kicked?"

"Because you know damn good and well it's not just the dresses. You make me wear diapers too," Chad said.

"True, but so does Emily. Can't help with that. She still wets and messes, and mom still makes her wear diapers because of it so that's that. As long as she's wearing them, you're wearing them," Susan said.

"I'm not," Chad said.

"What the heck is getting you all hung up all of a sudden," Susan said.

"Because I don’t want to be the only boy that has to dress like a doll just to keep your little sister Emily happy," Chad said and added, "that's why."

"Duh? Look, Chad, I’m trying to be nice here. You know damn well that one way or another you're going to be our little baby girl tonight, and there is not a thing you can do about it. I’m just saying, that if you do it without struggling it will be better for you,” Susan said.

“Better for who,” Chad asked in frustration.

“Okay, better for both of us Chad," Susan said and then added, "but trust me Chad, the last thing I want to do is see you get beat up? I like you and Emily really likes you."

"I get beat up anyway," Chad said.

"No you don't. The girls don't touch you when you're dressed up and you know it," Susan said and then added, “in fact if memory serves, you got off from both Tina and Lori the last time.”

"True," Chad agreed saying so in a softer tone.

“What’s the matter,” Lori said coming to the edge of the porch.

Chad doesn’t want to cooperate and lets us dress him up as our baby girl tonight,”Susan said.

"But we don't need his permission," Tina said in a matter of fact voice. Tina wasn't as tall as Susan but she was much stronger and far meaner as she added, “why don’t we just diaper him and walk him over to main street and leave him to walk home.”

“Wait, what,” Chad said.

“You heard her,” Lori said and then added, “don’t believe her, say no again.”

Lori came down the steps and drew closer and suddenly elbowed Chad in the gut causing Chad to exhale quickly as he doubled over.

“Oh, sorry about that. Did I knock the wind out of you. Come on and lets get you into a diaper before you wet yourself and then I’ll carry you up to main and let you make your way home. Or would you rather cooperate,” Lori asked bending over to get into Chad's face.

"Okay," Chad said struggling to talk and having second thoughts as he added, "please, I'll do it. I wear what you want."

"Okay Lori, that’s enough! See, he wants to be a good little sissy," Tina added patting Chad on the head as she gently helped Chad straighten. She started brushing off imaginary dirt.

“Come on, it’s not worth getting beat up over,” Tina whispered. Chad looked at Tina and nodded.

"Fair enough then. If he lets us dress him tonight and if he's a good little sissy and that means no hassles, we'll let him wear the ruffled panties over his diaper,” Lori said and then added, “and panties home”.

"I'm not wearing panties home," Chad managed to say. He still had his pride.

"Chad? Did I ask you," Lori said.

"No," Chad answered.

"Say it's a deal Chad," Susan pleads.

"Deal," Chad says and then adds, "what about after Emily goes to bed?"

"Fine! I guess I'll go along with this, but it better be hassle free," Lori says before looking at Chad and asking, "and you better be a cute little baby girl for me? Chad?"

"Is everybody happy? Great! Go on, make the call Chad," Susan says and then added, “and no more running okay?”

"Deal," Chad says as he pulled his cell phone out of his backpack and presses 01. It rang twice.... "Mom? Hey! Mom, is it okay if I go over to Susan's house. Susan needs help with her math homework again. She says I can have dinner there and they will walk me home. Not late, I know, I will. Thanks. Love you too."

"Okay, let's do this," Susan says as the small group of girls and Chad started the walk into Susan's house.

Emily was at the top of the stairs and hit the banister with her hand. She was mad over what they were doing to Chad. She went back to her room and sat at her little table and picked up her Chatty Kathy and poured tea in the bears cup and decided to move her plan forward for his sake.


So like he had on Thursday Susan caught Chad in the hall between classes and said she’d meet him at the bus stop. Chad agreed, but this time when he got to Susan’s house he undressed in Emily’s room without the struggle. There was no complaints or hesitation. All three of the girls were impressed.

Chad laid over Emily’s diaper allowing Susan to diaper him then she selected the plastic lined panties that went with the dress she decided on. On Tuesday it was the white nylon covered plastic pants in ruffled yellow rumba panties.

Chad was already dressed when Lori and Tina arrived. That turned both of them on when the cute diapered little boy greeted them at the door standing meekly with the pacifier in his mouth with Susan behind him.

This time though things were different....

“Chad do me a favor and take Emily up to her room and have tea with her. The girls and I are going out into the back yard for awhile,” Susan said.

On this night instead of doing homework Chad was told to take Emily upstairs because Susan wanted to talk to the 'girls.'

Chad shrugged. On other occasions Chad would have taken Emily’s hand, who would meekly followed Chad up the steps to her room. This time Emily didn’t. This time Emily refused his hand and walked ahead of Chad and not behind.

Chad only slightly surprised watched her go and skipped to catch up as she reached the steps and began to climb. Chad still wasn’t aware that anything was different. Emily was wearing a similar dress as he, but in a pastel green when she sat at her table to start her tea party.

Chad assumed he was going to play with Emily until Susan called from the foot of the stairs when the time came. That’s how it worked in the past. With the exception of Emily already in her room Chad had no reason to suspect anything amiss.

Susan, Lori and Tina stood at the foot of the steps as Chad climbed towards Emily’s room. They watched from below as Chad went up the steps. Their looks, as always nearly identical. Chad wore white rumba panties with yellow ruffles, Emily was in the white panties with pink ruffles.

Both Chad and Emily wore petticoats under their dresses fluffing the skirts and making them bounce. Their pink legs looking adorable coming from the massive bubbled panties over thick disposables. Chad reached the top before the girl’s finally turned for the kitchen. Emily was already in her bedroom.

“I’ll never get use to seeing him like that,” Susan said.

“No kidding,” Lori said.

“If it were up to me, I’d just get a chair and watch him go up and down the stairs all night,” Tina said bringing snickers to all three of them.

Meanwhile, Chad had reached the room as Susan, Lori and Tina had made their way to the back yard. Emily was sitting at her table. Chad was just entering the bedroom. He had resigned to playing tea time with Emily till Susan came to get him. Chad had just crossed the threshold.

“Did they stay downstairs,” Emily asked in a clear and normal voice as she got up from her tea table and moved to her play desk. If you ignored how she looked you’d think she was suddenly a normal teen wearing a costume.

Chad stopped dead in his tracks as if he’d been smacked. His stomach flipped- flopped and butterflies formed. Emily had gotten up, made it to her desk turning fast enough to flare her own skirts. It was a reminder that she was still dressed like him, and most likely wet but there she was with her hands on her hips waiting for him to answer.

“What? What did you say,” Chad said almost stuttering. Emily talked. She talked often, but not in complete sentences, and not so normal sounding. She had never talked in a complete sentence.

“I asked if they stayed downstairs? Please check, and then get the door,” Emily repeated as she suddenly sat at her desk. Her computer was childish, cute with a princess bezel and pastel colors, but suddenly the screen split into four small equal size screens as Chad still stood dumb founded. Emily added, “come on Chad wake up. Go check the stairs and make sure that we’re alone then close the door till I get these up and working.”

“Are those cameras,” Chad asked as the screens came up. There were definitely four different views of the house below.

“Chad. Focus. Check,” Emily repeated.

Chad turned for the door in silence. He thought he was going insane, but clearly something was going on as he took a quick look outside the room to see if anyone was near. With the hallway and steps clear he pulled back into the room and closed the door.

“All clear,” Chad said.

“Good,” Emily said and then added, “Got them. It’s okay, they’re all on the patio and the kitchen door is now armed. They've just started a joint. We’re okay. I’ve got the back door to the kitchen rigged and it is armed when they closed it, so when it opens again I’ll get a light and a soft buzz.”

“You get a light,” Chad said.

“It’s a little spook alarm. They sell them on line,” Emily said and added, “look’s like a tiny spider.”

“I’m getting very confused,” Chad said and then added, “you can talk? You’ve wired the back door? You’ve got surveillance cameras? Emily, I’m not understanding any of this?”

“Look Chad, I’m sorry, but this is the first chance I’ve had to get us alone long enough to explain any of this,” Emily said.

“Explain any of what,” Chad said.

“Why you’re dressed they way you’re dressed. Why you're here for that matter! Why I needed a friend and why your my first ever chance I’ve had to get one,” Emily said and then added, “I know, this all sounds kind of weird, but trust me Chad this can get pretty insane after a while.”

“Insane,” Chad said fluffing the skirts of his dress as he added, “you’ve seen what I’m wearing under these things right? You’ve been there when they dressed me! What am I saying? These are your things!”

“Right, but you get to put your pants back on and go home. I get to go over to that changing table and lay there while my big sister puts me into another diaper,” Emily said and then added, “trust me, you’ve got the better part of the deal. Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve worn big girl panties?”

“I’m not understanding any of this,” Chad said moving to the little table to sit. He felt faint. He gathered his skirts and slip and sat next to the large stuffed bear and the Betsi Wetsi doll that he moved over to the next chair.

“Well, let’s see? Okay, about nine months ago you guys moved in,” Emily said and then added, “actually, that’s when the escrow closed and I got an alert that a 16 year old boy was arriving in the neighborhood. I ran the search on the papers then and got a hit on your name. Got kind of excited but I’ve been there before.”

“You ran my name,” Chad said.

“Well, first of all on you and your mother, through the escrow, then the bank which linked me back to your old address and school,” Emily said and then added, “you specifically then.”

“You ran a check on me,” Chad said.

That’s right. I’ve been running checks on every new kid that shows up for about two years now. You’re the first that’s shown any promise at all. That’s when I discovered you had a nearly perfect 4.0 grade point average and some pretty good skills in math. Decided I’d use your math skills to connect you with me via my sister.

“Wait, you connected me with your sister through the school,” Chad said.

“I did. Went into the database, fixed your class room assignments, used the counselor connections and faked an Email suggestion to the teacher that she hook you up with Susan. Hacking the school’s office computer to put you into Susan’s math class was the easy part.” Emily said.

“Hold on a second,” Chad said and then added, “I ended up in your sister’s class because of my grade point average?”

“Yes,” Emily said and then added, “I knew the teacher would put you and her together once she got the Email. I also knew my sister would cheat and make you do her homework. I also knew the Gilmore Girls, being who and what they are, would force you into my clothes, meaning sooner or later you’d be here in my room.”

“How? I mean how did you know that,” Chad asked.

“Chad? That’s the easy part! Think about it,” Emily said and added, “the worst student sitting next to the best student? What do you think is going to happen?”

The rest was just you being you and Susan being Susan,” Emily said.

“You hacked the school’s computer,” Chad asked.

“Chad, I really am very smart,” Emily said proudly.

“But you’re handicapped,” Chad said and then added, “you've got the mind of a five year old?”

“No, they thought I was handicapped,” Emily said and then added, “A lot of this, most of this I fake.

“You faked being handicapped,” Chad said and added, “why?”

“Chad, you’ve seen my sister. You know what she’s like. Imagine what one day is like, then multiply that by three hundred and sixty five days,” Emily said and then added, “Chad I was in hell and she was smart enough to hide what she was doing to me from our mom.”

“But how can you fake being handicapped,” Chad asked.

“Are you kidding,” Emily said and then added, Chad, this isn’t me bragging, I’ve got a genus IQ. My IQ measures around 142 or there about. Yours by the way is above average at 124 making you almost gifted, which makes me lucky to have you here. Anyway, faking it was the easy part. I just looked up the symptoms for a drowning victim deprived of oxygen and became that victim.”

“I’m not following you,” Chad said.

“I’m a drowning victim. Drowning isn’t from swallowing water Chad, it’s from not getting oxygen to the brain,” Emily said.

I simply hid, exhaled and let my oxygen saturation fall far enough till they pulled me from the water, and let them began giving me mouth to mouth resuscitation. The water, by the way, was pretty cold so I had allowed myself also to cool down, way down till I’d reached hypothermia. Emily said.

“How,” Chad asked.

“That too was planned. I was out with my sister. She hated watching me so when she went off miffed, I hid. I found a thin icy part of the river, fairly safe, and a place to hang on while I kicked the ice open. I stepped in and held my breath till I reached critical hypothermic levels,” Emily said and added, “out of view of my sister of course. She was having a cow. It was delightful to watch.”

“How did you survive at those levels,” Chad asked.

“Yoga” Emily said and added, “I was right at the edge of my training when the EMT team found me. Actually just as they started up stream looking, I let go and took in a gulp of water to choke myself and floated to them. Woke up in the emergency room. Susan of course blamed herself. She was pretty scared looking for me. It was risky, but it was worth the risk to get out from underneath her control.

“So you’re not handicapped,” Chad asked.

“Long story short, no,” Emily said and then added, “I came to, but when I woke, I didn’t open my eyes. Controlled my breathing, heart and blood pressure while Susan was in hysterics nearby. I just listened and savored the panic for a while. The doctor was calming her and then I heard my mother’s voice trying to console her.

They said even though I’d been pulled from the water and revived, they didn’t know how long my brain had been without oxygen. Of course I knew how long. Only time would tell them that. It would depend on what I did once I woke. If I woke. The doctor was warning them I might have been starved oxygen too long and may never wake up and if I did I might have the brain of a child.”

“But you did wake right? Obviously you didn’t have the mind of a child,” Chad said and then added, “or did you?”

“Like I said Chad I’m the smart one. But I did hear the doctor say I might have the brain of a child. I really liked the notion of that,” Emily said and then added, “I also liked Susan being all hysterical. As you’ve discovered Susan is a bitch. She was just as bad with me as she is with you. Having her off my back was a Godsend. So I decided to fake it.”

“You fake wearing diapers,” Chad asked in a disgusted voice.

“Oh Chad, diapers are the best part,” Emily said.

“The best part,” Chad repeated.

“Chad, think about it, I get to watch my bitch of a sister change my diapers. Don’t you get it? She changes diapers that I urinated in and when I can, which is often, I poop in. Thank about it,” Emily said laughing as she added, “once a day I lay there in absolute bliss watching my sister gag. Yes Chad I fake wearing diapers.”

“But what about school? Your social life,” Chad asked and added, “and what about me?”

“I’m on-line. My sister leaves me alone a lot because I’m quiet. She loves it when I play on my computer. She sees my games, but I see the world. I get all the school I can handle. Just so you know, I’m in my second year of college classes,” Emily said.

“And your social life,” Chad asked.

“It’s pretty much like yours,” My social life was in the dumpster anyway and what little I did have, even before the accident, was always in ruins thanks to Susan. She was a very jealous sister,” Emily said and then added, “as for you, that’s the only sad part because I had to find someone with an intellect that I could relate to and it had to be someone that could fit my clothes.”

“Okay, but you being a girl wouldn’t it have been more logical to find a damn girl,” Chad asked.

“Yes and no,” Emily said and then added, “I mean you’re right of course, a girl would have been perfect, but not nearly as easy to get my sister and friends interested in, so it kind of had to be a boy. Then of course you showed up.”

“So you set me up,” Chad said.

“So I set you up,” Emily said and added, “although I like to think of it as more manipulating. It sounds better.”

“So what happens now,” Chad asked. He wasn’t sure how mad he was yet.

“What is happening now? Come on Chad? You get all the sex you can handle from Lori and Tina and maybe even Susan when she’s in the mood. Not every sure why she hasn’t tried yet,” Emily said which suddenly Chad stopped by holding up his hand...

“Wait, you’re making this sound like you did this all for me,” Chad said.

“If you had let me finish I would have said plus I get a really good friend that will nearly be my equal in the sciences, and maybe in math although I’m not sure about that yet. You get to learn code if you want because I can teach you that, and the girls protect you from all the other bullies,” Emily said and then added, “meanwhile I continue to keep my sister off my back.”

“But this stuff... what about this stuff! I was talking about what I’m wearing. These diapers, your baby pants and your damn dresses. Do these have to continue,” Chad asked.

“Those? Yes, those do I’m afraid,” Emily said and added, “look, as much as I hate pretending, I must. For me they’re part of my persona. Hey, I’m a thirteen year old girl with the capacity of a five year old. I need to dress like a five year old and I wet. The diapers and plastic panties need to stay. For you as well now that we’re connected. So yes, they’ve all got to continue.”

“What if I tell Susan what you’re doing,” Chad said.

“Bad idea,” Emily said and added, “come on, think about it? I can’t let you. If that happens I’m outed and it’s hell again. I couldn’t go back to that. Nope, I couldn’t let you.”

“How’s that,” Chad said.

“Seriously, really bad,” Emily said and then added, “bad because Emily tells her big sister that Chad touched her inside of her diaper. That naughty boy reached right in here, where she goes potty and he wiggled a finger where she wiggles her fingers sometimes. Do you have any idea what my sister would do if I told her that?

“It would be bad,” Chad said.

Exactly,” Emily said and added, “Look, I know it’s harsh Chad, but you’ve got to understand that I need this to continue. I’m desperate Chad, I’m trapped. You’ve seen what my sister is capable of! I need a friend, and I’ll do just about anything to keep it going and stay hidden from her. You are the first good thing that’s come along. You tell her and I’m screwed.”

“You’d really do that,” Chad asked.

“I don’t want to! I don’t! But Chad, think about it? I don’t have a lot of choices here,” Emily said and added, “if it goes back to before. I’m Susan’s punching bag and so are you for that matter. Come on, you already know what that’s like. I’d do almost anything not to go back. Wouldn’t you?”

“So this or the worst fate I can imagine,” Chad asked realizing this wasn’t the worst fate he could imagine.

“If you were in my shoes, would you toss away all this to go back to the way it was” Emily asked.

“I guess not. No, I don’t think so,” Chad answered honestly.

“So, can you ignore what is happening to you, and just be my friend,” Emily asked.

“So I’m suppose to just skip over here and let your sister and her friends dress me like a baby girl and hope they give us time alone together,” Chad asked.

“Unless they decide they want sex with you first,” Emily said.

“There is that,” Chad said fluffing his skirt and slips as he added, “so Susan really gags when she changes your poopy diaper? Man, I’d love to see that.”

“I’ve got feed,” Emily said turning back to the terminal and typing in a couple of commands. Another window appeared as the screen split in two, and a menu came up in it. Emily typed a little more and a video started playing with Emily obviously on the changing table getting her diaper changed. Susan was doing the changing and you could hear her.

“Oh God! Emily! What the hell did you eat,” Susan said before making a retching sound. Susan coughed, turned her head, gagging and coughing again before she could turn back and continue.

“That never gets old,” Emily said.

“You really are having fun with this,” Chad said laughing.

“You can as well you know,” Emily said and then added, “I can set up an account. I’ve got a server in Russia I support with bit coin. By the way, you could end up being the luckiest boy in that school if you play your cards right.”

“How’s that,” Chad said.

“First of all, I’m in a couple of European accounts using bit coins and fairly well off so it’s not outside my realm to start seeing to it that you get a little compensation for your efforts,” Emily said.

“Like what,” Chad asked.

“Like a new system that we can use to communicate with,” I’ll start that process tonight after the household goes to bed. I’ll rig it so your mom gets the notice that you've won a contest.

“Next are the girls,” Emily says.

“The girls,” Chad ask.

“You don’t realize it Chad, but both Lori and Tina are really hot for you. Not you per se, but you dressed up the way you are,” Emily said and added, “Tina definitely is the mommy type with you as her baby, and Lori absolutely loves this little girl look.”

“I sort of got that impression,” Chad said.

“No, you don’t know the half of it. Seriously, you don’t. Not like I do. I’ve heard the conversations. Tina could spend hours playing with you as your mommy and most of that time would be treating you like a baby till she get’s you off. They think it’s a way to control you! Same thing with Lori. You’re kind of like their doll but with a penis,” Emily said.

“That’s so weird,” Chad said.

“Really,” Emily said and added, “and before all this your sex life was so great you had trouble keeping track?”

“I didn’t have a sex life,” Chad said.

“Exactly,” Emily said.

“Getting diapered like a baby isn’t exactly my idea of a satisfying sex life,” Chad said while his erection began growing.

“Really? As compared to what,” Emily asked.

“I’m just saying,” Chad said.

“So let me ask a hypothetical? There is this really cute girl and she comes up to you and says she wants to have sex with you, but she’s got a little hang up. This hang up is she can only get turned on diapering you first! My question to you is: would you say no or let her diaper you,” Emily asked.

“I suppose I would let her diaper me,” Chad said after thinking about it for a moment.

“Well, if you let Tina diaper you I can guarantee you’ll have all the sex you can handle,” Emily said.

“I guess I kind of know that already,” Chad said and then added, “I mean she’s already done that.”

“No silly, at her place. She went out and got a package of disposables that fit you. She told Susan she wanted to do that. Susan went with her shopping. Tina got a bunch of other things as well. Suppose to drag you to her house in another day or so. Of course Susan gets you Tuesdays and Thursdays but Tina wants sex with you so she’s planning a day or two with you in diapers on another day,” Emily said and added, “you’re practically having sex every day of the week.”

“And you know this for sure,” Chad said suddenly realizing he was hard as a rock again.

Surveillance honey,” Emily said and added, “want to see the video? Look, I’m telling you, you could be the happiest boy that ever got bullied by girls.”

Just then the computer went beep. Emily hit F6 and the screen changed. It showed the back door to the kitchen opening and the girls walking back into the house.

“That’s the back door to the kitchen. Okay, we've got to become victims again,” Emily said shutting the computer down and moving back to her table as she picked up a doll. Chad followed and sat next to Emily picking up a tea cup and Betsi Wetsi as he heard the footfall of shoes on the stairs. A few more steps and then the door opened.

“Okay Chad, time to change,” Susan said as she added, “mom’s coming home in an hour.

“Chad. Tea,” Emily said.

“I know precious. Chad is having tea, but Chad has to change and go home,” Susan said as she motioned for Chad to stand and come with her. Chad stood and started to follow Susan out of the room, but as he reached the door he paused, turned and looked back at Emily. She was sipping tea from an empty cup. Emily winked.

“I know I bullied you into this Chad, but the truth is my sister really does like you,” Susan said from behind as she pulled on the sash to undo the bow before she unbuttoned the dress as she added, “I guess I just wanted you to know I appreciate it.”

“Thanks I think,” Chad said holding his arms up so Susan could lift the dress up. The slip followed. Susan let Chad undo a single diaper pin so the entire mass of diaper and plastic panty could slid down and off. His black strapped shoes and lacy socks followed and he got dressed as she added, “Lori had to go early, so Tina is walking you home.”

“Okay,” Chad said as he buttoned his shirt and grabbed his back pack. He had his pants back on then his shoes and socks. Susan watched him go. Emily back at her computer had put her cameras back on and she too was watching Chad walk out with Tina.

Tina was at the foot of the steps as he made his way down the stairs.


“Okay sport,” Tina said as she started for the front door. They both started silence but as they neared Chad’s house Tina added, “tomorrow's Friday and my mom’s got a date. I’m going to need some tutoring so I’ll you’ll come home with me from the bus.”

“I don’t even get to go home and change,” Chad said with a touch of sarcasm in his voice. He was remembering what Emily had said of Tina and his erection was instantaneous.

“You’ll be changed at my place when you get there,” Tina said with a snicker.

“What’s that suppose to mean,” Chad asked knowing full well what it meant.

“Just never mind. You just tell your mom you’ll be coming home with me tomorrow,” Tina said and added, “Hot dogs and chips and I’ll walk you home.”

“What if she says I can’t,” Chad said.

“She better not, for your sake. Ask her while I wait,” Tina said letting Chad walk up to his door and open it. Chad’s mother came into the frame and waved to Tina who waved back.

“She wants me to tutor her tomorrow if it’s okay mom. She’s going to have hot dogs and chips,” Chad said as he stood by the open door.

“Good heavens. Maybe you should start charging them,” Chad’s mother said laughing as she turned back for the kitchen pausing first to ask, “Of course you can.”

“Tina, mom says it’s okay,” Chad yelled. Tina waved and turned for home as Chad closed the door.

“Did you eat,” Chad’s mother said as she kissed him. His mother leaned back and ran her thumb over his lips as she asked, “are you wearing lipstick?”

“A little,” Chad said quickly as he added, “it was Emily, Susan’s handicapped sister. She tried putting lipstick on me because I was having tea with her. We’re the same size so she wanted me to have tea.”

“Well for heavens sake,” Chad’s mother said and added, “you are becoming quite the helper around this neighborhood aren’t you?

“I hope not,” Chad said and then added, “I’m kind of tired mom. I’m going to go take my bath and go to bed.”

“Okay honey. Good night. Don’t let the bed bugs bite,” his mother teased. Chad didn’t remember when that began but nearly every night it brought a smile. At one time there was a tickling pinch under the covers when she said it. Often it came right after her good night kiss.

“Good night mom,” Chad said heading for the stairs..

Chad masturbated with his mother’s hand cream before stepping into the shower. To his surprise part of his fantasy was a mixture of images to do with Emily’s clothes including her diapers and plastic panties under the yellow dress he wore that evening. The interesting thing came when he thought of tomorrow with him being diapered while sitting on Tina’s lap. It took exactly seven strokes to bring him to climax with the cold cream. Chad slept like a baby that night.

As usual Chad woke with an erection. As he sometimes did he went under his box springs for his mother’s old slip. Chad had an old half slip of his mother’s that he’d removed from the donation bag a while back. He opened and slipped one of the free prophylactics he grabbed walking by the clinic over his morning erection.

That prophylactic was a ridiculously loose fit, but it served to catch his mess underneath the layered nylon as he masturbated to the image of Lori teasing him into panties. He imagined those feeling the same as his mother’s slip. Again there were only a few strokes needed before he exploded.

Chad didn’t skip to school that day but he could have. All day Chad looked for Tina and finally, just before he was to step aboard the bus he saw her.

“Hey sport,” Tina yelled from the walkway as Chad made his way for the second bus for home.

Chad turned towards the familiar voice, pausing to wait when he recognized Tina. Any other time or not too many days ago his heart would have skipped a beat from fear. Now it skipped a beat for other reasons.

Two boys standing near Chad also turning at Tina’s voice and they too also recognized her. Both eased away from Chad when they realized the girl weight lifter was coming towards Chad and they were standing too close to him. Chad looked sad for their sake, but he wasn’t as Tina came up and added, “hey, you ready?”

“Ready,” Chad answered trying not to smile as he boarded the bus in front of Tina. The relief on the other two boy’s faces was priceless as they made their way to the back of the bus.

Tina was not a girly girl but she was feminine if that made sense. She was big on weightlifting and had the arms to prove it but she wore blouses and skirts most times that were shimmering and lacy, softening the hard edges of her toned muscles. Chad rememberedclearly how easily she had lifted him that first time from the chair. Chad was thankful his jacket was zipped as his erection sprang up from the memory as the musk swept over him when she neared.

“Take the front,” Tina ordered.

Chad moved into the seat behind the driver and against the window. Tina slid in tugging her skirt when she settled but smiled when she caught Chad looking. She slipped her left hand on his leg hidden by his backpack, and slowly inched it up and over so her pinky was close before she wiggled it.

It was a ten minute drive from the school which would be a thirty minute walk using short cuts if he missed the bus. That wiggling pinky nearly drove Chad mad as it lightly touched his erection. When Tina realized he was hard she turned to look at him and smiled. She looked around to see who sat nearby before bending close to Chad’s ear.

“Is baby hard from mommy’s finger or is baby hard from the thought of getting put into a cute thick diaper,” Tina whispered.

She thought she was dominating him. She wasn’t as Chad’s penis began to throb. He closed his eyes and imagined her finger easing between the diaper and his thigh to first touch his penis and then slid up alongside of it. That’s when he started to explode. He was still ejaculating as the bus came to a stop.

“Did baby make a mess,” Tina asked snickering as she rose and took his hand.

They pulled up a few blocks away from Chad’s house. Chad, weak, stood as Tina tugged him off the bus. He forced himself to act normal but the pleasure was still there as his underpants, wet from his ejaculations rubbed over him.

“Does your mom still know you’re tutoring me today,” Tina asked.

“Tutoring,” Chad asked sarcastically.

“You heard me. Yes, tutoring,” Tina said and then added, “I’m practicing being a naughty mommy and you’re going to teach me some of the finer points of what to do with a boy baby before you get them off, so yes, you’re tutoring me.”

“So it’s cloth diapers and plastic panties I suppose,” Chad asked remembering what Emily had said.

“I”m afraid not honey,” Tina said and then added, “I’m a bit more modern. I’m going with disposables diapers.”

“Okay, I know I’m small, but there is no way I’m going to fit a baby’s diaper,” Chad said.

“Really. See you give up on yourself too soon. That’s what I meant about tutoring and me training as a mommy. Now get those clothes off and let’s see if my research paid off,” Tina said as she added, “I found a diaper online that is suppose to be as big as Pampers Cruisers size 7.”

Tina allowed Chad to go into her room first. On Tina’s desk was the box of diapers that read Mama Bear Diapers Size 7 on the front with a stylized bear and wetness line It read flexible cuff legs and elastic back. Chad was rock hard standing there making Tina smile as she opened the package and tugged one of the diapers free.

“Size 7,” Chad repeated. He’d heard of size 6 which he suspected he might almost fit but didn’t know about size 7..

“Pampers size 7 will fit a baby up to 41 pounds. So will the Mama Bear diapers but both have generous waist sizes that go up to 27 inches and you precious are 25.5 inches. Oh, and the Mama Bear diaper is an all night diaper. All night honey! That means gathered legs and extra material. Nice and thick precious so mommy can pat you and feel nothing but diaper. Here let me read from the box: So The Baby Stays Dry All Night! Doesn’t that sound adorable,’ Tina said.

“Adorable,” Chad repeated as he removed his shoes and socks. His jeans followed and then his underpants which, because of his ejaculations and dribbles, were wet.

“Shirt too honey,” Tina said and added, “and get over here before I lose it”

She opened the diaper and laid it on a baby’s blanket she opened with a flurry and shaking hands as Chad moved to lay over the diaper. Even before Chad settled Tina leaned to the nightstand to pick up a pacifier. The plastic stop was in a very light pastel pink his growing favorite only recently noticed since his focus had been on the diaper.

“Take this,” Tina said.

“I don’t want it,” Chad said playing hard to get.

“Take it or I’m going to slap your leg,” Tina warned.

Having set the rules between them that defined their roles Chad let her ease the rubber nipple into his mouth and immediately began wetting it imagining it was her nipple as he laid back. He had done all that he could against superior odds he thought happily. He placed his hands at his sides ignoring the throbs of his erection as he raised his hips to allow Tina to fuss with his first diaper.

There was nothing he could do against this horrible woman Chad thought to himself should the topic ever come up. There may be a boy someday in his future that might dare to ask what happened to him and what he tried to do to prevent it. He would hang his head, close his eyes and whisper to the knowing nods of others that would understand when he’d say: “I don’t want to talk about it.”

“That’s my baby,” Tina said moving his hip a little as she moved the diaper till she was satisfied. She pushed his legs apart, then maneuvered between them, her knees touching his thighs. She paused a moment to cup his testicles in the soft folds of the disposable. Clearly this was for her sake Chad noted as her eyes half closed.

Tina’s knees, always moving, clad in silky nylons rubbed lightly tortuously against his thighs while she continued fondling his testicles. She was evil personified he reasoned as he gasped against the sensations cascading together. Everything together a blur all for no other reason than to lord over him. She was the dominate of their species as he nursed the rubber tit.

She stopped teasing, powdered him generously and then bent to gather the sides on the left. Tina brought the diaper over fully and taped it closed. The large tabs were generous and Tina had been right. The diaper was more than large enough to fit him with size to spare. It wasn’t strained at all on him as she fused happily with the gathered legs.

It fit perfectly and when he brought his legs together it bellowed out the front which caused her to gently push on that mass just a little. Chad, his penis beneath it, was kissed by the soft dry material and his drip of pre cum was instantly wicked even as it caused another. Chad bit at the pacifier in pleasure.

“Perfect baby,” Tina said moving to her dresser to grab something white and silky. Chad recognized it as a camisole but clearly not Tina’s when it opened. She removed the tab and added, “here let’s get this on.”

“That’s a girl’s top,” Chad said as a kind of protest just to keep his position clear.

“So what’s your point,” Tina said gathering it to pull over his head before adding, “at least it’s not a dress - yet. Now lay down on your side and scoot over here so I can lay next to you.

Chad did, so that Tina could pull the baby blanket up. She undressed down to her panties and bra and climbed into bed so she was laying next to him. She thrust her hips so she was spooning him as her arm slid over his stomach before slipping into his diaper. She nibbled on his ear a little and hummed a satisfying sound as she pushed her hips against him.

“Nurse your pacifier baby,” Tina whispered as a finger circled his penis within his diaper. After a moment she pulled it free and rested her hand over the front of his diaper massaging it nosily. It crinkled like fresh newspaper or a grocery bag waiting to be filled, or the taffeta of Emily’s slip Chad mused with his eyes closed as the diaper played over his erection.

Chad sucked on the pacifier imagining it Tina’s breast while she played over his diaper. Chad had brought his arm out of the way so it was across his chest and was teasing his own beast over the silk of his camisole smiling within at the notion that he could wear girl’s clothes and like them.

Before this he had only used one item of his mother’s and that had been her old slip to masturbate and now he was dressing as a little girl for Susan, and a baby girl for Tina. It had only been two weeks and he’d been in two frilly dresses with slips and now this camisole. Two diaper changes in cloth and this disposable. So far he liked it all. What did that say about him he wondered..

Chad wanted to touch Tina but wasn’t sure he dared but dared he did as he moved his hand to his side. He allowed it to rest on his diaper then slid over his bottom till it was near where he thought her panties might be. He positioned them where he believed the crotch was and moved so he could caress her there and did so.

“Baby! What are you doing to mommy,” Tina said suddenly but affectionately as she added, “does my baby want to play?”

Chad had nothing to lose and nodded yes allowing himself to turn and he did so slowly so he began to face her. He switched hands but place his left where his right had been while he continued nursing his pacifier. Tina realizing what he was doing laid back and moved her legs apart giving Chad unfettered access.. Chad couldn’t believe what he was doing as he moved his tiny hand under Tina’s panties.

“There honey. In, more, that’s it sweet heart, wiggle. Wiggle more. Oh precious. Such a good baby. Oh yes honey,” Tina whispered those bits and pieces constantly as she undulated and slid up or down to exaggerate or diminish his movements. She was gyrating or pushing or thrusting against him in a dance with his whole hand that she had ultimately urged within her.

Chad wasn’t sure what he was doing but he was positive most times he was doing what she wanted. Then suddenly she arched as if shot, moaned and shivered. She tossed her head ever further back before she pulled back completely. Chad thought he’d done something wrong then realized he’d done something right as she rolled over to kiss him.

Tina slithered sensuously below his hips and undid both tapes on his diaper. It was her eyes that caught his attention more than any other gesture but when she exposed him it ended up being her lips. She used two fingers to hold him upright before she moved to first kiss then suck him into her mouth.

Chad wasn’t much bigger than the nipple on a baby’s bottle so sucking on him wasn’t much more than nursing one and she nursed He couldn’t have lasted if he tried and shot what little he had in seconds.. He pumped happily the few seconds it took to empty himself and still she sucked till he was shooting just air but he gladly did that and would have for as long as she wanted. He didn’t know how long her lips drew on him but in the end his diaper easily covered what was left.

“Hey,” Tina said sometime later.

Chad waking looked around yawning and stretching. They had fallen asleep together and gotten tangled in their silks, arms and legs. Chad’s pacifier was between her breast and he had spittle on the side of his cheek so it had been awhile since he’d lost it as Tina sat up. Chad sat up with the urge to wet and did so without a thought once he remembered he was diapered.

Tina with no more concern that he had caught the change in color and smiled.

“When you’re done let me know. You’ve got to change so I can get you home,” Tina said.

“I’m done,” Chad said moving to the edge of the bed before laying back to have his diaper removed. Tina slid off the bed and came around to stand between Chad’s legs and undid the tapes before rolling his wet diaper into a ball. She taped the sodden diaper closed then grabbed a popup to wipe him. He dressed when she was done.

“I’ve got a vibrator,” Tina said and then added, “when I bring you home next time I’ll teach you how to use it.”

“I’d like that,” Chad said and then added, “could I nurse you while I used it on you?”

“I’d like that to,” Tina said as they reached his house. Tina bent and kissed Chad on his cheek as his mother turned the porch light on. Chad walked up the porch, turned and waved to Tina who waved back.

“She sweet on you,” Chad’s mother asked as Chad came in and sat his backpack down?

“Mom, she’s got me by a hundred pounds,” Chad said.

“Honey, you’d be amazed at how easily people can get around their differences,” Chad’s mother said as she fixed him a plate of food.

“No I wouldn’t,” Chad whispered over a snicker as he picked up the salt.

“What,” Chad’s mother asked.

“Nothing,” Chad said.


Dr. Mason Broaden, a paleontologist with a growing following, was an emerging celebrity of late. His fame came with his recent discovery of a completely intact Tyrannosaurus Rex he fondly named Sarah after his sister. Ignoring the press, he did what he did every night after his notes were written and photographs sorted. Dr. Broaden took those to help identify the bones they packed and shipped before settling down to look through his microscope.

Besides defining the area and extensive carbon dating, Dr. Mason Broaden was looking for more microscopic hints that would age Sarah’s site - his site. On Dr. Mason Broaden's wall, there was a geological survey map of Gilmore, the town, now outlined roughly with pins which also showed a rough outline of the cavern below the town where Sarah was found. The cave entrance was a mile North.

What was catching his attention this night wasn't the small bits of matter that were often connected with fossil sites and lakes, but those crystallized salts. While most paleontologist might ignore those salts Dr. Mason Broaden's with his one year of advanced chemistry was now working it in his favor.

What had struck Dr. Mason Broaden even more curious wasn't just the condition of the T-Rex bones or her petrified eggs being carefully removed by his team, but the incredibly pungent odor of old stale urine that had hit them from day one. After 65 million years there should be no smell at all. After this many millions of years the site should be "bone" dry but it wasn't. He had noted that to no one in particular that day he carried a sample of the sands home with him.

So there he was that night with his curiosity newly focused on those salts under his microscope. Those calcified salts mixed within the sand and clay had taken a little time to identify but he did. It made him shudder over the proportions when he completed his test. The density of those crystallized salts were staggering as he calculated his results three different times just to be sure.

It kept hitting him over and over again, after every test and after every test he’d test again. He went back to the map, then back to the microscope, then back to the map. It couldn't be, but it was. If he was right, and unfortunately he was positive he was, the whole town could be a case study of absolute chaos and then at some point he realized that it already might be.

So the first question was the most obvious. If it was already chaos why didn't anyone know? How could something so obvious go undetected for so long? If it had gone undetected, and it couldn't then it had gone hidden and that meant cover up. Who then would want to cover up something like this? What to do about it caused him a great deal of concern that night. No matter what, he had to know for sure.

Dr. Mason Broaden had only an inkling of what was happening because he wasn't focused yet on the town. Not fully. Not yet, because Dr. Mason didn't have a history of the town at that moment. What Dr. Mason Broaden really had was a very strange notion and an odd location and a very weird theory at best. However, he almost had it, not quite, but almost. He needed more data and for that he needed more help.

Dr. Mason Broaden's hand was shaking when he picked up his phone...


The quake, when it came, started during the middle of the night and was recorded in an area previously unknown for earthquakes. It wasn't deep either, but seismologist would still link it to the large tectonic plates that formed the mountains in that region created over the millions of years that had shifted that portion of land into hills and valleys. It was late Summer in 1951.

People had sat up afraid before understanding why only to discover it was a mild shaking that had woke them and then stopped. Many sat quietly waiting to see if it would continue. It didn't. When it didn't continue most dropped back onto their pillows and went back to sleep. No one really remembered that night. There was only a brief mention of it in the newspaper that following day. It just wasn't bad enough as earthquakes go.

"Hello," she answered.

Dr. Mason Broaden was looking over his notes and research trying to determine how far back the region had seen seismic activity and realized it could have been the earthquake recorded in 1951. He brought up the records scanned on his laptop then old black and whites of ground swells and shifts and a couple of newspaper articles just as Lucy answered.

Dr. Lucy Caldwell, was a local GYN. Dr. Mason Broaden wanted to confirm what he suspected and thought she would give him the best "professional opinion". Of course she was skeptical but that was a good thing. She promised to view his results. What Dr. Mason Broaden proposed was too ridiculous to even consider. After all, 65 million years was a very long time ago.

Lucy joined Mason in his room two hours later and began to look at those very same crystals. She shook her head at the evidence. That amount of time would make any viable chemicals, especially compounds, nearly impossible to remain viable. It was impossible she said several more times again even while looking at the slide Dr. Mason Broaden had asked her to examine.

But.... if it were possible... were Dr. Lucy Caldwell to guess, and she did, she guessed correctly that it closely resembled estrogen. As astonishing as it was, the evidence was becoming overwhelming. Yet she cautioned Dr. Mason Broaden one more time just to be sure. She too had to be sure so she ran a simple pregnancy test strip over the salts she now studied. The strip tested positive. She would have said she was looking at something not too unlike the dried urine of pregnant mares. She ran two more strips with the same results.

That too was impossible but there it was right in front of her. The most dominate chemical she identified was something akin to the female hormone Premarin. Not exactly Premarin, but close enough in the key identifiers to call it that Very close. Extremely close.Nine out of ten markers close. Too close to ignore. She shook her head and whispered again: "impossible."

When Dr. Mason Broaden asked her what she was talking about Dr. Lucy Caldwell explained how artificial female hormones came about. According to her, It all started with horses as she began, while turning from the microscope and rubbing the bridge of her nose to organize her thoughts. Lucy sat for a minute and then continued:

Premarin actually came from the urine of pregnant mares. Pregnant mares were once used in the production and manufacturing of the drug Premarin by that name. Premarin at one time, was the major source for female hormones and was the commercial name for a compounded drug consisting primarily of conjugated estrogen.

According to Dr. Lucy Caldwell estrogen was literally the very stuff that made females female. Those conjugated estrogen's were isolated from mare's urine and hence the source of the name: Premarin or PREgnant MARes urINe.

However, to gather that much urine from mare's they literally had to pin them and kept them pregnant, catheterizing them to collect their urine to isolate the estrogen. The foals were destroyed as were the mares who no longer could produce. Ultimately it was banned for the cruelty to the horses..

Simply put what Dr. Mason Broaden had discovered, besides his intact fossils, was an incredibly rich and incredibly old reservoir of preserved female urine filtered by the sands and ash into a rough pool of conjugated estrogens or to put it another way a huge bank of female dinosaur hormones.

Obviously, based on that cache of eggs, it had been created by thousands of female dinosaur’s, lots and lots of female dinosaur’s. How that conjugation occurred is a big unknown as was the reconstituted urine but obviously it had something to do with the recorded earthquake back in 1951 after Dr. Mason Broaden showed Lucy the data.

How the actual chemical mechanics came about wasn't clear yet, but proof of it was on the slide. The image from the book Dr. Lucy Caldwell showed Dr. Mason Broaden was nearly the same chemical structures that were now millions of years old and yet there they were and remarkably still viable. Saying that was impossible was in itself impossible to say.

What made Dr. Lucy Caldwell sit straight up in her chair was suddenly realizing she was looking at a major prescription level dose of female hormones in a sample of sand not much bigger than a quarter of a teaspoon. It was, she told Dr. Mason Broaden, the same stuff women going through menopause took on a daily basis - but in much smaller doses.

When Dr. Mason Broaden and Dr. Lucy Caldwell stood at the wall looking over the map that Mason had outlined Lucy tittered before finding a chair. She couldn't speak at first then after a time she looked at Mason and after a long pause licked her lips.

"There could be billions of doses," Lucy said.

"Of female hormones," Mason noted.

"Of female hormones," Lucy said.

Dr. Lucy Caldwell looked at Dr. Mason Broaden for a long time in silence and then asked him in a very calm and collected voice just exactly where that sample came from. She needed to know the actual physical coordinates. Dr. Mason Broaden, just as calmly, but with his hand shaking still, moved to the wall map again, lifted his finger and pointed in general to the area where he was excavating.

Dr. Lucy Caldwell without changing her tone or demeanor and in that very same tone asked if Dr. Mason Broaden knew where the towns wells were. This time Dr. Mason Broaden's hand didn't move. Pointing to at least one well. Both doctors returned to their chairs and went back to their data. It was Dr. Caldwell who stated the obvious.

"If the data is correct, there was only one working well drawing, a small one, from that pool of water anywhere near those salts. Dr. Mason Broaden and Dr. Lucy Caldwell both sat and breathed a sigh of relief. The lake that the small inlet fed was large enough and had sources well enough from other locations that contamination should be minimal. Shutting the well would be the best course of action they decided.

“So for the sake of curiosity, what would happen to a person drinking this water,” Dr Mason asked.

“For boys, it would be a very aggressive male to female transsexual transition shifting almost all of their secondary sex characteristics from male to female. For females a very early puberty with corresponding maturity,” Dr. Caldwell answered as she added, “to be blunt, girls would become women and boys would become girls.”


“Honey, did you enter some kind of contest,” Alice Mason called from her small desk in the kitchen. She had been opening mail when Chad had come in, drew a glass of water and left for his room. The word contest peeked his interest since Emily had cautioned him that she might connect with him in that way.

“Long time ago? Just after we moved it,” Chad yelled back and then asked, “why?”

“Oh my God,” Chad’s mother yelled and then added, “Chad, you need to come in here now!”

“What,” Chad asked rushing into the kitchen.

“If I’m reading this correctly you’ve won, first prize,” Alice said and then added, “what’s a gaming computer?”

“Wait, what? Are you sure you’re reading that correctly. You sure it’s not some kind of advertisement,” Chad asked rushing over to his mom to read the document she was holding. It was from some company from some place out of New Jersey that specialized in gaming software. At the top it was thanking everyone for their entry's and Chad for winning.

According to the letter Chad was to receive a new bundled ASTS G15 Gaming Desktop bundle with all the latest bits and pieces beginning with an over clocked Intel high speed chip set that made his hands start to shake. It had double the normal memory, hard disk and included duel 20 inch screens.

“Is it a good computer,” Alice said looking at her son for hints that it was a legitimate deal and not some sort of promotion.

Chad was about to answer that he was positive that the computer was about as good as it got, but wasn’t sure about the deal till he saw the fine print at the bottom. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He knew then that the offer was legitimate.

It read “for technical support contact ASTA technical support and ask for Emily”.

“Chad,” Alice said and added, “is it legitimate?”

“I’m at a loss mom! Yes it’s legitimate! It’s all good mom,” Chad said and then added, “and I’m the luckiest boy alive.”

“So what’s a system like that worth,” Alice asked looking at the papers as she added, “I mean if you had to buy something like that?”

“Are you kidding,” Chad said as he started calculating what it would cost for him to build up a system like the one he was looking at. At the very lease he was looking at $3,500 to $5,000 and said so to his mother’s amazement.

It came the following day by UPS and Chad spent that morning plugging things in and setting it up under the admiring eye of his mother. It looked like it belonged on a space ship she said given the lights and style as Chad powered it up.

“Oh my God,” Chad yelled from his room.

“What,” his mother called from the kitchen as she came into the hallway.

“I’ve got an account! I’ve got a high speed Internet account in my name for twelve months free,” Chad said from the top of the stairs as he added, “it’s part of the deal from the company.”

“What do you have to do to set it up? I mean does it take a credit card or what,” Alice asked with a touch of skepticism in her voice.

“I’m already on line mom,” Chad said and added, “and verified. It’s in the company name.”

“Have fun,” Alice yelled turning back to the kitchen. Not having to register a credit card or pay out of pocket in these times was a good thing.

Chad went back to his desk, sat and moved the mouse to refresh the screen again bringing Emily’s face back up. His own face appeared in a smaller window in the upper right hand corner.

“So you like it,” Emily asked.

“It’s awesome,” Chad said putting the headset back on and bringing the small gaming mike down to the right side of his mouth as he added, “thank you so much. I guess I should ask how?”

“Bit coins and good investments and a couple of accounts in the Bahamas. Chad, I need to thank you for what you’re doing for me,” Emily whispered as she added, “mutually assured delights Chad. If you’re going to be a girl for me I might as well try and make you as happy as a boy can be doing so.”

“Well, you’ve made me pretty happy,” Chad said.

“At least now we can communicate when we are away from each other. When I can I’ll get you set up with a phone. Oh, and we need to start working on a security plan for your house.”

“What’s the security plan for,” Chad asked.

“You need the high end cameras, remote feeds. I’ve already got them on order. Should arrive over the next few days. You needed the computer first,” Emily said.

“No, I meant why the security,” Chad asked.

“You’re going to start taking me for walks,” Emily said and sometimes you’re going to bring me to your home. It’s going to take a while but I want to build us up in our parents eyes and being away from the girls so we can move about outside of the houses occasionally.”

“What are you thinking Emily,” Chad asked.

“What if I told you that I’m working on a plan to set up my sister and her gang members? I’m working on a non violent crime that could net her enough jail time to put her into Juvenile hall till she’s twenty one,” Emily said.

“Wow! Are you serious? How would that work,” Chad asked.

“Too much to talk about for the moment but what if I told you I’m also working on you as one of my caregivers,” Emily said.

“I’m not sure I follow,” Chad said.

“Well, that too is too complicated to discuss yet,” Emily said and then added, “but what if I told you that you’re a miracle worker and it might turn out to be so miraculous that you’d be allowed to practically live here during the day?”

“Tell me about that then,” Chad asked.

“Really, it’s too much to talk about for the moment,” Emily said and then added, “we’re this close now, we’ll be closer. Listen, tomorrow Susan is bringing you home with her to babysit me. She’s got a home economics project she needs to do on her own, so mom is making her get you to babysit. Cooperate okay?”

“You got it,” Chad said and added, “I guess I’ll see you then.”

“Oh, and just as a warning, you might be outed tomorrow night,” Emily said.

“Wait? What? Did you just say I might be outed tomorrow night,” Chad asked.

“I did, but I’m planning it to be a good thing. It’s part of my overall plan, so relax Chad. Phase one at least. Listen, I need mom to see you as a really good guy,” Emily said.

“I’m in a dress and your diapers,” Chad said and then added, “how does that translate to good guy?”

“Here’s my thinking: Susan dresses you like she normally does and leaves you in the room right after mom goes off to her shop. You’re with me which she’s going to do to work on her project. At some point I trigger Susan’s phone app to 911 mom’s phone then disable both phones so mom think it’s a glitch. Mom rushes home, and finds you dressed,” Emily said.

“And I’m outed,” Chad says and adds, “and all hell breaks loose.”

“Exactly. Except we’re waiting. You’ll later tell Susan you heard mom drive up, hurriedly got out of your Helen Jane shoes and socks, my diaper and baby pants and into your jeans that you pulled up past your knees,” Emily says.

“Okay, so I’m now bear foot, in my jeans but still wearing your dress and slip,” Chad says.

“Hold on. While you hoping into your jeans, I unbutton the top of the dress and unzip it so it appears you’ve just put it over my slip after removing your tee shirt. With me so far,” Emily asked.

“Okay I think I get that part,” Chad says cautiously.

“Now, when my mom comes in, you’re standing next to me teaching me the I’m A Little Tea Pot song,” Emily says and then adds, “you look surprised and embarrassed and tell my mom that sometimes Emily pulls a dress down and wants you to wear one and it seems to make her happy so you do.”

“Okay, so I’m standing there looking like an idiot pervert in front of your mom with your sister behind her,” Chad says.

“Exactly. With my sister behind her who was in a complete panic expecting you to be dressed like a little girl wearing diapers and plastic pants,” Emily says and then adds,” Except while everyone is standing there, I hug you and give you a doll to my mother’s amazement. Mom can’t believe how comfortable I am around you. Later that’s when you tell Susan you heard the car and wanted to cover for Susan.”

“And I’ll be a hero to mom and to Susan as well,” Chad says.

“Exactly,” Emily notes and added, “and Emily’s best friend. Plus you’ve been outed in one of her dresses over one of her slips. Which makes part two of my plan easier.”

“Fair enough, but I think I can slide my pants over your Helen Jane's,” Chad notes and adds, “which gives us a few seconds more time and would prove your shoes fit as well?”

“Will your pants fit over my diapers and baby pants,” Emily asks.

“Not on a good day! Too thick,” Chad answered.

“Okay, stick with the original plan, but leave the shoes and socks on,” Emily says.

“See you tomorrow,” Chad says.

“Tomorrow,” Emily said and added, “good night then.”


“Hey,” Susan yelled twenty feet from Chad as he started to get into the cafeteria line. A half dozen boys, some coming into the line some already standing in line scattered. Others turned and walked off as Chad turned and walked over towards the girls.

“What’s up,” Chad asked.

“You baby girl,” Susan said and then added, “call your mom and tell her you’re tutoring tonight and ride the bus home with me. I’ve got a Home Ec 101 assignment I’ve got to finish or I get an “F”.

“I don’t know the first thing about Home Economics,” Chad said.

“I know that you dimwit I’m not dragging you home to do it, I just need you to watch Emily while I do it. I have to do some experiments on chemical processes of certain foods during cooking. I need time to prepare and cook them,” Susan said and then added, “and you my little sissy baby are going to keep the other little baby girl entertained and happy while I do it.

“Is Tina and Lori going to be there,” Chad asked.

“Hey, focus. You guys can have your little sex games some other time. I said this is a babysitting gig and that’s all. They are not going to be there, is that clear,” Susan said.

Both Lori and Tina gave Chad wicked smiles before Susan said no, then both frowned. Even Chad frowned a little. Tina even mouthed the word “Wednesday” to him making him smile. Of the three and while she was the most powerful she was also the gentlest. Chad gave only a hint of a nod.

“Meet me at the bus stop,” Susan said.

“I will,” Chad said.

“Chad, we are so lucky to have you. Math tutoring and now baby sitting Emily. Is there nothing you can’t do,” Helen Bickford said grabbing her keys and purse off the dining room table.

“Lots, Mrs. Bickford,” Chad said smiling.

“Chad, after all this time, please. Call me Helen,” Helen said.

“I will,” Chad said but didn’t.

"Okay kids, I've got to go. Susan! No boys! Except Chad of course. You kids be good and Susan, whatever it is you’re doing, don't make a mess. I want that kitchen spotless when I get home. I’ll be home regular time unless you need me for something. Chad, I’ll take you home when I get back,” Helen said.

“Yes ma’am,” Chad said.

Emily sat at the kitchen table eating cereal bits while Chad and Susan stood motionless huddling there in the kitchen in silence after Ms. Bickford left. They were listening first for the garage door to open and it did. A few seconds later they waited for the car to start and it did that to, then a second later Ms. Bickford was backing out of the garage.

"Okay then," Susan said.

As the car drove off Susan took Emily’s hand and had Chad follow.

Not waiting Chad started to undress. He removed his socks to put those into his shoes and into Emily’s closet. His pants and underpants followed resting folded on top of his shoes. Susan meanwhile unfolded a disposable diaper on the changing table.

Emily went over and sat at her computer and moved her mouse to bring up a falling star game. One star came down but she missed it. Another started to fall as Susan waited for Chad to remove his tee-shirt. Chad did and walked over stark naked and climbed up on the changing table to lay over the diaper Susan had laid open.

It was routine when she powdered him and taped the diaper closed. He got down without the panties and held his arms up for the slip that Susan lifted off the hanger and Emily’s computer announced a boing as a falling star blew up into colorful bits. Chad went into the fluffy fancy full slip and fluffed it as Susan turned for the lavender dress. Chad fluffed the skirts on the dress as Susan closed the zipper and button.

“Okay, you two play nice. Give me a minute to make your bottles and I’ll make a try of snacks,” Susan said moving to the door.

“How long,” Chad asked.

“Five minutes for the bottles,” Susan said and then added, “about three to finish my assignment.”

Chad moved to the little table and sat before picking up one of Emily’s dolls. Emily went over and sat next to Chad and did the same. She had luggage for each doll and matched the luggage piece for the doll Chad had. Chad pulled a diaper and pair of baby pants for his doll and began taking her dress off.

“Little sissy,” Susan snickered as she left the room.

There were two baby bottles of juice, some animal crackers, gummy bears and a bowl of cereal on the tray when Susan returned.

“You’re on your own Chad. I’ll be up in three hours to change you both,” Susan said.

“Okay,” Chad said watching Susan walk back out the door. Emily sat there with Chad for a couple of minutes before she got up and hit a couple of keys on her computer. She had hit the mute first. The screen showed Susan reaching the bottom of the stairs, the second screen showed her walking into the kitchen.

“We’re good,” Emily said as the sounds of pots and pans started coming from the speaker as Emily added, “and we’re armed.”

“So when are you triggering the alarm tonight,” Chad asked.

“I’ll let her finish her homework,” Emily said and then added, “do you want to get off in your diaper by the way?”

Chad blushed crimson but then he realized Emily had been around almost every time he’d had sex with Tina and Lori. It made since in an oddly perverted way that she’d be aware of his sexual inclinations by now so hiding them wasn’t going to be necessary or practical.

“Has all of this been hard on you,” Chad asked.

“Does the notion of me using a vibrator put you over the edge,” Emily asked.

“No,” Chad said before added, “and that was too much information.”

“So we’re kind of in the same boat Chad. Nice thing is what happens in your diapers stays in your diapers. Sort of like Las Vegas,” Emily added with a snicker before adding and with all those petticoats and layers of dress I won’t ever know you’re playing with yourself so have fun.”

“Fine,” Chad said before adding, “so about this plan of yours?”

In spite of his apparent indignation Chad fluffed his dress and slips or appeared to fluff them. In reality it gave him the opportunity to get his left hand under the layers far enough to rest of the toddler style diaper Susan had tapped him into. The pink decorations on the box resting on the shelf were the same on the one he wore as he gently caressed the soft plastic layer.

“I actually like that brand myself,” Emily said noting the minor glazing in Chad’s eyes.

“Me too,” Chad said as he caressed himself.

“Mutually assured delights,” Emily said.

“What,” Chad said as he pressed a little more firm against the diaper while his right hand began caressing his silkiness of his slips and dress.

“Part of my plan is to ensure we both maintain this ability for our mutually assured delights. I don’t want to give up my diapers or little girl clothes and I’m guessing you’d like to keep yours or rather the opportunity to wear mine as well.” Emily said.

“I would,” Chad said dreamily as he added, “I’ve sort of gotten used to them.

“Tell me about it,” Emily said and then added, “I’ve been in diapers now for three years. Long time without panties.”

Chad’s eyes glazed over completely and slowly closed and Emily smiled as she realized that if she continued talking he wouldn’t hear what she said. She turned back to her computer to watch her sister and give Chad the time he needed to bring himself to climax.

His rapid rubbing was evidenced by the increased noise of his diapers crinkling sounds that suddenly slowed to just a few crinkles a second. Emily listened to those crinkles grow slower still.

“Did the baby mess her diaper,” Emily asked when it was clear Chad was back and fully composed again.

The baby messed her diaper,” Chad said with an obvious blush in his cheeks.

“What do drink out of your bottle now or just do sippers,” Emily asked between giggles.

“Sippers,” Chad said picking up one of the baby bottles to nurse from it before asking, “so, about your plan?”

“Chad, we’re much alike if you ignore the obvious. and that includes age for the time being. I’m thirteen which puts me into a gray area for sex if I were to engage in sex which happily I can avoid as long as I have fresh batteries,” Emily said and then added, “as for you and me it’s the four year rule.”

“What’s the four year rule,” Chad asked.

“We’re both considered closely compatible if we fall within four years of each other which we do. I’m thirteen about to turn fourteen and you’re sixteen going on seventeen making us no more than three yeas apart,” Emily said as she added, “we’re even safer still without the aura of sex hanging over us so I intend to keep it that way. So keep rubbing your diapers.”

“I will,” Chad said laughing.

“As for me,” Emily said and then added, “I also decided I liked being this size and decided a couple of years ago to maintain this physical size.”

“How do you maintain a physical size,” Chad asked.

“I hacked a doctors computer and created a file and wrote a prescription and have maintained that prescription through a pharmacy crossing several companies that ultimately mail me my pills monthly. With that I take what is called a high dose estrogen or HDE hormone therapy. It’s a common treatment for girls that risk becoming too tall during puberty,” Emily said.

“That’s not going to be a problem for me,” Chad said.

“I know,” Emily said before adding which means we’ll pretty much be able to maintain the same sizes in clothes for a long time to come. I know that doesn’t sound too important now but as I look to our future I think it might be.”

“Why’s that,” Chad asked.

“I wouldn’t mind having someone to romp with down the road and it would be nice to have someone that fits the things I’m wearing,” Emily said before adding, “especially if he sorts of likes the same things I like.”

“Who says I like this stuff,” Chad said taking his bottle and nursing it for a couple of moments before realizing he was doing so. He blushed pulled the bottle from his mouth and added, “fine, but I still like pants as well.”

“Didn’t say otherwise,” Emily noted with a knowing smile as Chad started nursing the bottle again. He was caressing his skirt as he did so.

“So about this plan,” Chad said taking the bottle out of his mouth.

“It’s in two parts. The part where I take care of Susan and the girls, and the part where I take care of you and me,” Emily said.

“Tell me about Susan and the girls,” Chad said but then added, “and I didn’t know we had a future?”

“Neither did I Chad but it seems of late you’re all I can think about. Anyway, that’s for later if you don’t mind,” Emily said and then added, “as for Susan and the gang.”

“Susan and the gang,” Chad repeated.

“Okay, Susan in the very near future is going to get an Email sent accidentally about a plan to break into a shop. That shop sells girl’s formals. It’s a simple breaking and entering or B&E, receiving stolen goods and possession. It’s going to be too good to pass up. The person alleged to be the one that should have gotten the Email will be the one tipping the police off.” Emily said.

“Which I suspect is all you,” Chad said.

“Which is all me,” Emily said and then added, “I’m also managing the DA and sentencing recommendations through probation. Hopefully all this comes together to put Susan, Toni and Lori into the Juvenile system until their twenty first birthdays.”

“Five years,” Chad said.

“Think of it as them as going off the college for five years. They will go to a Juvenile Ranch, minimum security by the way, for five years which nets them each college degrees and a fairly sizable endowment at the end of it. That endowment comes from an anonymous donation, that when traced back stops mysteriously at the dress shop,” Emily says and added, “I’d say they got off easy.”

“I’d agree,” Chad said.

“You’re the only one that got the short end,” Emily said before adding, “If you’ll pardon the pun. Look Chad, I did this to you and thankfully you sort of like it but it doesn’t change the fact I did this to you. So there is one other part that happens not matter what else you decide.”

“What’s that,” Chad asked.

“Seems that the code you wrote for that game that won the contest was so extra ordinary that a company in India wants it. This company owned through an LLC in Dubai, which itself is owned by a managing firm through a bank in the Bahamas wants the rights to it. They have extended an offer to you through your mother of course in the amount of $326,000,” Emily said and added, “with $2,400 a month paid to you in perpetuity into a trust fund.”

“What code,” Chad asked feeling his stomach twist in excitement.

“The code of conduct that says you’re a pretty good friend to have,” Emily said getting up and moving close enough to hug him before she added, “thanks for not hating me for what I did to you.”

“Emily, what made you pick that amount,” Chad asked.

“That part was easy. Pays your debt. Gives you two years income and that’s what your dad was getting when he was killed,” Emily said moving close again and kissing Chad before adding, “now little sister what say we finish our baby bottles and then do the 911 for phase one.”

“I’m up for that,” Chad said laughing as he realized what he’d just said. Emily had gotten her baby bottle and a small vibrator before moving over to her bed, while Chad started nursing his as he moved over to the changing table and climbed up to lay down to play.

The sounds of pots and pans banging and in use continued coming from the kitchen over Emily’s computer as Chad once again began rubbing himself over his diaper. He rubbed while coaxing the juice in small squirts from his pink plastic bottle and caressed the various layers of his dress and slips trying to guess which was which.

Nearly three hours had passed when Chad helped Emily clean the room. Susan was well on her way through her homework and in deep concentration when Emily sent the 911 message over her phone to her mother. A signal from Emily’s computer shut Susan’s phone blocking any signal from coming into it but Emily kept watching Susan for any signs that it did. Susan kept working.

Chad removed his diaper, put his shorts on and then his pants easily sliding them over his Helen Jane shoes. It was then that they decided he should be wearing his own shoes and socks. He changed and then sat at the doll table deciding as well not to rolls his pants up to hide them under the slips and dress. It was just as he settled that the garage door opened. Emily could see Susan panic at the sound.

Susan was trapped like a deer in a set of head lights as her mother came in. You could tell Susan wanted desperately to run up the stairs and alert Chad while she was answering questions of her mother. The first was why the 911. It had obviously been sent without there being an emergency but Helen wanted to confirm that Emily was okay before doing anything else.

Susan and Helen turned immediately for the stairs. Chad and Emily moved immediately for the chairs and took up their dolls Emily had unbuttoned Chad’s dress and brought the zipper all the way down. Since they had time they had decided that Chad would also put his tee shirt back on. Chad had put just the dress back on minus the slip.

Helen came in first with Susan right behind her and instantly Susan said she could explain but stopped short of saying another word when she saw Chad sitting there obviously in his boy clothes but wearing one of Emily’s dresses. Chad looking very embarrassed quickly removed two clip on hair barrettes with daises that Emily had put in just for grins.

“Chad, what are you doing,” Helen asked.

“Emily wanted me to wear a dress because boys can’t play with dolls. Just girls can play with dolls so she said if I wanted to play with her dolls I had to wear a dress. When I said no she suddenly looked so sad that I said yes,” Chad said and then added, “so, well, here I am. I guess I should have told Susan but I didn’t think it would hurt anything.”

“I can’t believe this. Do you realize that I can’t imagine another boy... not one, that would do this for Emily,” Helen said moving over to where Chad was sitting to give him a hug as she added, “Chad, honey, you are one in a million. I mean that. I just love you to death.”

“Thanks Chad,” Susan said looking confused as her mother walked back for the hallway.

“Susan, let’s you and I go and figure out this damn 911 application. Why did I get it and how come you don’t know anything about it,” Helen said walking off.

“I heard the garage door opening,” Chad said after darting to where Susan was standing.

“Where’s the diaper,” Susan whispered.

“In my book bag,” Chad said and added, “I’ll dump it in the trash when I get home.”

“I owe you,” Susan said turning to follow her mother down to the kitchen. Emily waiting till Chad gave her a thumbs up before going to her computer. A second later with the sound muted the four security screens came up.

“Did you see how well that dress fit him,” Helen said as she stood there poking at her phone.

“As good as it does Emily,” Susan said.

“He’s so damn cute,” Helen said and added, “I love, just once, to dress him like her and use one of her Shirley Temple wigs.”

“Wouldn’t that be fun,” Susan said and then added, “got to be a glitch mom! Says it was sent but I didn’t send it and your phone says you tried to call the house but my phone shoes no record of it.”

“Well, what’s the good of these stupid applications if they don’t work for heavens sake,” Helen said and then added, “well, never mind that. No emergency so no harm. Go get Chad and I’ll drive him home.”

“I’ll see you in school tomorrow,” Susan said as Chad got into Helen car for the ride home. Susan was thrilled how things worked out as she began cleaning the kitchen.

Chad was thrilled as he waved goodbye to Emily’s mother who was talking to his mother, no doubt talking about his exploits with Emily, as walked into the house. He was starved as he sat his bookcase on the chair in the dining room. His mother was still outside as he filled a bowl with stew.

It had been a gesture of kindness by Emily to send Chad home with one of her disposable diapers and a basic pair of soft pliable pink plastic panties. She had removed the soiled diaper that Chad had promised to dispose of with her replacements. Chad when he finished dinner and his bath and was in his room remembered he needed to get rid of that diaper.

It was when Chad opened his back pack to remove that soiled diaper that he discovered what Emily had done. Chad with a slight trimmer born of guilt this time went to his door and locked it first before going to his bed and laying over the open diaper.

Chad didn’t have baby powder but was fresh from his shower as he spread his legs and brought the diaper between them. He smoothed the front to the back, tapped the sides closed and slipped himself into the soft pastel pink baby pants. For the first time since becoming a sissy baby for Susan he was about to sleep like one as he made his way to the door and unlocked it.

When Chad’s mother first took note of his puberty she began knocking first before entering his room. It was something she had read as a cautionary tale from a knowing parent and had laughed at the time till she had her own teen. Now it was habit as she did so. Chad was already in bed.

“Quite a night and you've certainly impressed Mrs. Bickford. Me too for that matter. Most boys would run screaming from those kinds of situations,” Chad's mother Alice said bending down to kiss him on the forehead.

“I would have mom, but screaming around Emily would have scared her,” Chad said laughing.

“As well it might,” Alice said hesitating after she had leaned in to kiss him. She had heard it then, just before kissing him, it was faint, very faint but unmistakable, then again when she leaned back. This time she’d caused it. moving her hand closer to Chad’s hips. Whatever he was wearing crinkled as she added, “good night precious.”

“Good night mom,” Chad said.

“Honey,” Alice said from the door just as she put her hand on the light switch as she added, “Emily also wears diapers and plastic pants doesn’t she?”

“Yes, she does,” Chad said and then asked, “why?”

“Just wondering,” Alice said shutting the light.

It was just after four when Alice came back into Chad’s room and confirmed what she already knew before bending to kiss him one more time before covering him. He looked adorable in those pink baby pants she thought. Evidently Chad wasn’t just wearing Emily’s dresses Alice mused as she slipped between her sheets before shutting the light on her night stand.

“Hello,” Helen answered.

“Hi Helen, it’s me Alice, Chad’s mother.

“Of course,” Helen said and added, “what a boy.”

“Thanks,” Alice said and then added, “Helen, can I ask you, was that the only time that you know of Chad dressing in Emily’s things?”

“Well yes,” Helen said and then added, “may I asked what this is about?”

“I’m not sure Helen. To tell you the truth I don’t really know. I think Chad adores Helen. She’s the little sister he’s never had and since he’s lost his father he’s been a little lost himself and I think Emily is filling a little of that void,” Alice said.

“What are you trying to say Alice,” Helen asked.

“Helen, I think Chad is actually regressing a little,” Alice said.

“That could be and perhaps might explain why they get along so well,” Helen said and then added, “if you’re worried about it we could stop it. I’d hate to because Emily loves Chad to death.”

“Absolutely not. I mean even if he is, I’m not sure it’s a bad thing yet. I’ve read that this sort of thing is a coping mechanism for children and God knows Chad could use a little of those mechanisms. Between his size and the lose of his father he struggles at times,” Alice said.

“I know and I think that’s the benifit Emily is getting. They seem to be sharing some of their pain with each other. I know Emily has become much more extrovert since Chad came into her life,” Helen said.

“Helen, what if I find, and I’m not saying this is so, but what if dressing in Emily’s things is a little more that for Emily’s sake,” Alice said letting out a sigh of relief that she’d said finally said it.

“You think he might be cross dressing and taking advantage of Emily’s sizes? Interesting,” Helen said and then added, “well, if that’s the case and if you’re okay with it, I have a whole closet of things we can share. Alice, if putting a dress on that boy is all I need to do to make sure he’s around for Emily’s sake then say the word and make room in his closet.”

“Oh I am so glad to hear you say that,” Alice said and then added, “I’m not sure yet and in fact I’m not even sure how to even ask him such a question but if he is wearing her things I was so worried it would end his relationship with her and I know how he feels about her.”

“So what we need to do now is come up with a plan on how to discover, or perhaps uncover just how far we need to go,” Helen said.

“Exactly,” Alice said.


“Chad,” Susan yelled causing lots of kids to turn around and lots of kids to be relieved that it wasn’t them Susan was yelling at.

Susan made her way to Chad through kids quickly separating like fish swimming away from a cruising shark. She reached Chad who was suddenly alone.

“That was pretty smart that night,” Susan said.

“Thanks,” Chad added.

“Yea, well anyway, you won one so I owe you,” Susan said and then added, “and Lori wants to dress you like a little girl and play house. It’s her turn. So when you see her let her know she can use some of Emily’s clothes but she’s going to have to buy panties if she wants you wearing those. Because Emily doesn’t have any panties.”

“Okay,” Chad said deciding it wasn’t worth the battle to argue with her. Besides, he wasn’t sure it was worth the argument any more or that he’d argue if given the chance. Last night he’d slept for the first time in Emily’s diapers under a pair of her baby pants and had the most delightful dream.

Sometime in that dream he was a girl and because he was a girl his size no longer mattered at all. He was also Emily’s sister somehow but he wasn’t sure how and he even more odd he was still a boy. All in all he woke with the hardest wood he’d even had in the morning and the best time masturbating it that he could remember.

Even using his mother’s old slip over a prophylactic didn’t compare to rubbing the baby pants and diaper. He actually had to stop a couple of times just to drag it out a little because as soon as he started he kept reaching climax too soon. Finally he just gave in and rubbed himself till he exploded into his fresh diaper. Then he wet it.

Now he was looking for Lori and he was hard again.

Alice tossed the mail on the table and made coffee. It was too strong but she was exhausted waking and then sleeping. She was convinced her son had some sort of issue but couldn’t decide what to call it. Disorder, fetish, lifestyle she had no idea.

He was sleeping in a diaper under baby pants, had been caught wearing a little girl’s dress and seemed perfectly happy doing both. At least the dress part although she was jumping to conclusions with very little evidence. She had no idea how many times he was wearing diapers or why...

She would find a way to discuss it with him, somehow.

The letter was from some company it appeared to be connected in some way to the one that had the contest which Chad had recently won the computer from. She read the first paragraph and sat it down.

A decade ago Alice smoked. Alice wanted to do so again at that moment. She wanted to take a cigarette firm light it, suck it till it glowed and blow that puff free then inhale the next. Do another, a third, perhaps a fourth before picking up the letter again.

If she was reading it right her son had written code that was now worth $326,000 dollars to this company and they were willing to keep him on at $2,400 a month from here on. She did the math. Roughly that would pay their mortgage, all of their bills and net them two years income in savings. Not counting what they’d spend on a car.

She read further It was some kind of Limited Liability Company out of Dubai connected to a management firm through a bank in the Bahamas that would get the rights. For that Chad would get that monthly check in perpetuity out of a trust fund set up in his name. Alice, hands shaking, got up and went to the bathroom.

Her little boy the same one she found in a pink diaper under soft pastel pink baby pants last night and not a few hours before caught wearing a little girl’s dress was writing code. Code they thought was worth over a quarter of a million dollars and she was trying to figure out if he was gay or had a fetish or some kind of disorder?

She laughed. If there was anyone with a disorder it was her she mused as she picked up the phone and dialed Helen’s number.

“Hello,” Helen answered.

“Hi Helen, It’s Alice again,” Alice said before adding, “where do you shop for Emily’s diapers and baby pants and would you mind loaning me a couple of her night things?”

“She’s wearing the Cloud Cuddles for Girls in disposables. I get the day and night versions. She also wears clothe diapers and plastic pants. I get all of those at Murphy's in their baby section near the Chubby part. Chad's the same size so get the size 6 C for Chubby,” Helen said and then added, “and when you’re ready just stop by and I’ll have everything here ready.”

“Mom? I’m home,” Chad yelled from the kitchen.

“Be right there,” Alice yelled back from Chad’s room. She took one last look around then rushed out closing his door. It had taken her two hours to set things up but she was positive she’d done the right thing. It was Emily who had helped which had surprised her mother.

Alice had shopped for the diapers and baby pants and stopped at Helen house and gone right to Emily’s room with Emily following curiously thumb in her mouth. The two women talked and Alice told Helen about the money for the software delighting Emily who didn’t show the emotion.

What further delighted Emily was how easily Chad was being outed. The two women seemed eager since Alice had discovered Chad in Emily diapers last night. Which mapped into Emily’s dress. Chad’s mother had purchased girl’s diapers to match the ones she had caught Chad wearing and was now at Emily’s house getting things for Chad to wear at home.

Which frustrated Emily a little because she wasn’t sure what was happening with Susan and the Email she had sent her. Emily had sent Susan the Email over twenty minutes ago just before class was to let out and she had set it so her system would ping with a Kermit doing a dance from Sesame Street.

Kermit had done his dance so Emily knew Susan had gotten the Email. Unfortunately she couldn’t go on line and check because Alice and her mother Helen were going through her drawers looking for things to give to Chad to wear. Which thrilled Emily.

There was also another odd bit of news that she had only just glanced over but wasn’t sure at the significance of it. Emily knew about the towns Tyrannosaurus Rex, that was big news, but the paleontologist, a Dr. Mason Broaden was now saying there was concern that the area where the fossils were found was contaminated one or two or several of the towns wells.

Not just contaminating the wells but doing so in such a way that it was turning boys into girls or something. Of course that was hysterical but a comment that added some amount of credibility to the hysteria came from a Dr. Lucy Caldwell suggesting there really was large amounts of female hormones resembling estrogen found in the towns well water. Emily wanted to read about that as well.

Meanwhile as Alice and Helen were pulling nightgowns out of Emily’s dresser drawer to Emily’s delight to share with Chad, Dr. Broaden the paleontologist and Dr. Caldwell the GYN were walking along the lakeside. Their concern now was isolating the area that was drawing water from the salts where Sarah was discovered.

The most obvious fear was that people might be drinking the water that was being brought to the surface. Once they had traced the line and found out where the outlet was the had called Gilmore’s City Engineering department. From there they had met Andrew Patterson. Andrew had agreed to take them out to the area where that pipe fed a city park’s lake. Andrew unlocked the service gate for their walk in.

The stand pipe turned out to be a thousand feet past the gate and was easy to find. Andrew looked at his logs and the last time there was a recorded check was twelve years ago. Lucy did a quick calculation and whispered to Mason that the girls would have been four then.

Andrew Patterson confirmed that the pipe was installed years ago. It was about sixteen according to Andrew to add an automatic watering system into the lake to compensate for evaporation. Once the city installed solar there wasn’t even the cost of running the system to consider, just the replacement and nothing had needed to be replaced yet.

When they came up on the site well hidden by a fairly small stand of poplar trees and shrubs it was clearly a place now claimed by children. There were toys and food wrappers and wooden boxes around an old cable drum acting as a table.

Lucy didn’t know it was Susan, Tina, and Lori’s place or that they drank from it almost daily when they were growing up. Lucy did find the sacred cup only because you could tell it was a childish shrine. The shrine with the goblet was near the leaking pipe sitting on an upturned orange crate decorated in glitter and a My Little Pony.

“Girls,” Dr. Lucy Caldwell said.

“That’s good right,” Dr. Mason Broaden said before adding, “I mean if it had been boys it would have been worse right?”

“If it had been boys they’d already be singing soprano,” Lucy said.

“Ouch,” Mason said.

“This is clearly where they’ve been dosed,” Dr. Caldwell said as she added water to a small test tube and shook it. It turned a dark purple as she added, “about a hundred times normal.”

“How much do you think,” Dr. Broaden asked.

“Rough guess? Since the age of five to sixteen they’ve come here at least some part of their days. My most conservative guess, about 32% of their lives over the past eleven years,” Lucy said.

“Serious,” Mason asked.

“Easily,” Lucy said and added, “think about it. say conservatively about 79 days during the school year, maybe another 40 out of the 90 in Summer. Times that by 11 years and you’ve medicated each of them 1,309 times with multiple doses.”

“Which compares to what,” Mason asked.

“Compared that to say a pre operational transsexual who goes on a regiment 99% less potent for about 700 days before they have the operation,” Lucy says and then adds, “and you wonder why they might be a little more aggressive that the average girls? Duh! It’s a wonder they weren't eating boys for breakfast.”

“So now what,” Mason asked.

“We’ve got a crew rerouting the draw pipes to another well. This one gets shut down in about six more hours and comes back in eleven days from a new source,” Andrew said as he added, “so if I drink that, I get breast?”

“Instantly,” Lucy said grabbing the goblet and letting it fill with water before handing it to Andrew as she added, “here, that’s about a DD’s worth.”

It wasn’t until she laughed that Andrew laughed.

While across town Susan’s phone dinged that she just got an Email. Susan opened it. She didn’t know who Madden was nor why she was the Email started out as “Hey Sues” but it did. Then she sat and read it again. It was clear it wasn’t meant for her.

Susan sat with Lori and Toni just after the last bell. She had told them to wait for the last bus because what she had to tell them was too important to wait. There was a rival girl gang that was planning a heist and she mistakenly got the Email of the plan. How she didn’t know and didn’t care but it was perfect.

The shop was a dress shop, formals, it was going to be getting it about two hundred in four cases of fifteen each. The back window above the bathroom facing the ally had a broken latch and was going to be unlocked by one of the girls using the bathroom.

That night of the shipment they were going to go in, open the back door, steal the four cases of formals and sell them open market at $10 apiece by word of mouth. Two hundred formals at $10 was $2,000. If they got rid of even two thirds it was an easy $1,300 and it could be gone in a couple of days.

“And you’re sure this is legitimate,” Tina asked.

“Only one way to really find out and that’s to push on the window,” Susan said laughing.

“But what if that other group of girls does the same thing at the same time,” Lori asked.

“Lori,” Susan said and then added, “I got the Email? Whoever sent it sent it to me instead of them. They don’t know about the dresses, the window or the delivery times. So, it’s tonight. At midnight you grab the garden wagon and meet me in at the back of the store. I’ll be standing that the back door.”

Emily saw Kermit dancing on her screen when she refreshed it Susan had read the Email and she was positive she had taken the bait. She typed another Email to the store's owner telling her that she was going to be robbed by the Gilmore Gang that very night.

The store owner tried tracing the Email to no avail but called the police anyway. Detective Mark Hamilton from Robbery was given the assignment. He signed out an unmarked car at ten that evening and parked at eleven in a spot that gave him a good view of the alleyway and the back of the store. A black and white was assigned from eleven thirty on.

Detective Hamilton clicked his radio at five after midnight as Susan came walking past. She used a metal trash can to gain access to the window and two minutes later was standing at the back door. As if on cue another girl was tugging one of those large wheeled garden wagons past him. Detective Hamilton keyed his mike and said “GO” when the first box was carried out onto the wagon.

“Hello,” Helen said blinking herself awake as she added, “yes, this is she? She what? When? Oh for God’s sake. Well, she’ll have to wait because I’m alone and I have a handicapped daughter. Thank you, yes, I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Hello,” Alice said looking at the clock. It was just after one as she added, “what? are you okay? Well of course you’re upset. Don’t give it another thought. Hush. We’ll be there. Seven sharp.”

“Who was that mom,” Chad said coming into Alice’s room. The phone had woken him. He was still giddy from the evenings event beginning first with the news of his software sale and his mother’s joy that their money worries were more or less over. Emily had kept her word but while that was good news it wasn’t the great news.

The great news was the package of disposable diapers on his bed next to the cloth diapers, diaper pins and plastic panties in the same sizes as Emily wore. His mother at some point last night discovered he was wearing the diaper Emily had sent home with him and figured out he liked them and took it upon herself to indulge him.

The unbelievable news was discovering his mother and Emily’s mother had gone through some of Emily’s things and Alice had brought home a few of those to share with Chad. Chad at that moment was standing the his mother doorway wearing a frost white baby doll set with matching panties covering a disposable diaper. On his right shoulder was a clip holding a soft pastel ribbon dangling a pacifier.

He was, according to his mother, Emily’s big baby sister.

“That was Helen. Susan was busted tonight breaking into a dress shop. She’s spending the night in Juvenile Hall. Helen wants us, you actually to stay with Emily tomorrow while she bails Susan out of jail and gets her legal help. Is that okay,” Alice asked.

“More than okay,” Chad said shaking his head. He wasn’t sure if he was amazed over how easily Emily shaped her world or how happy he was over the shape it was taking. He ran his hands over his baby doll set then over the back of his panties and told his mother good night. Chad turned back to his bedroom but stopped, turned back to his mom and asked, “was Susan the only one?”

“I don’t know honey,” Alice said.

Without the risk of getting caught Chad found the nylon exercise pants and jacket to wear with his tee-shirt which allowed him for the first time ever to wear a diaper in broad daylight. Last night he had walked back to his room in his baby doll and laid back in bed, fussed the pacifier back into his mouth and slowly brought himself to climax by rubbing his diaper and caressing his double layer top.

In the morning, at an hour before his mother was due to wake he fondled himself again till another climax then took the liberty of wetting into the night time diaper he had tapped himself into. It was heaven as the warmth spread over the front, down the sides and along his bottom as he nursed the rubber tit.

After a time he showered, used generous amounts of baby powder after drying then went back to his bedroom to tape himself into a dry diaper before stepping into his jogging pants, tee-shirt and jacket. He felt so cute as he made his way to breakfast. Nice thing is, he mused, he didn’t need a diaper bag because he and Emily wore the same things.

“Ready honey,” Alice asked.

“I am,” Chad said.

“I’m going to drop you off, check on Helen and make sure she’s okay then go and get our finances taken care off. Oh, and you may pinch me again if you like,” Alice said. It had been an ongoing joke as they went online to shop for new cars last night.

Chad had taken his shower, diapered himself and put on his baby doll night gown and gotten at least five, maybe six hugs then insisted mom find a car. She was the one that left, came back from the kitchen and clipped the pacifier on his baby doll top. Said it was good for stress as she teased it into his mouth. Chad wasn’t so sure since he sat there the whole time with an erection.

“Thank you guys,” Helen said opening the door to Alice and Chad as she added, “Emily is in her room.”

“I’m gone,” Chad said as he started up the stairs.

“Hey little girl,” Emily said as Chad walked into the room.


Emily had opened the police booking system, then the system the District Attorney’s used to set bail with the courts. She had already composed but had not posted a field report from the imaginary investigator with the probation department on her recommendations.

Susan went right to her room. Helen came in to check on Chad and was actually surprised to find him still dressed as a boy but hugged him anyway. She didn’t know that thanks to Emily’s hacks they already knew more than she did about Susan’s status.

Chad and Emily were just as surprised as Susan that Tina never showed. It had been just Lori and Susan taken in the Robbery. Tina had gotten an Email from “a friend” telling her to stay home. Tina, already suspicious of the Email that Susan had received did exactly that. Telling Susan later her mother had taken gravely ill.

As part of the plea bargain Susan met Tracy Manchester a Clinical Psychologist who had been asked to sit with Susan to discuss how long and how often she and the other girls played on the site near the lake. This came at the request of Dr. Lucy Caldwell based on her recent studies and published findings pointing to the estrogen anomalies.

Lucy believed Susan was as much a victim as perpetrator. In fact, between her and the psychologist there was a lot of data complied on Susan and Lori were coming up on sentencing. There was a significant report filed by a visiting probation officer that swayed the judge who agreed with her findings.

Susan and Lori both were ultimately sentenced to the Gilmore Juvenile Ranch. They would serve on all counts to run concurrent up to their twenty first birthday. Upon their release their records would be sealed. Emily would see that they would be erased.

It was Chad that suggested a party.

At first it seemed cruel to throw a party for someone going to jail but it wasn't jail Chad argued. It was a very large ranch. Secondly, an anonymous donor had established a significant endowment on Sarah’s behalf. That endowment was to include a recreation building and several new classrooms plus a small museum to house a second intact Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Susan and Lori would complete their high schooling and then classes for their Bachelor degree. Susan was going to take up costume design hoping someday to follow in her mother’s footsteps while Lori wanted to become an actress. Money for both was established those goals. Then there was Tina and Chad sitting down to ask Emily why that Email.

“You needed her,” Emily said.

“I needed her,” Chad asked with a face full of confusion.

“Who, besides Tina, would ever tolerate giving you diaper rubs,” Emily asked and then added, “because I most certainly wouldn’t.”

The irony of that statement came not too long after the trial when Chad met Tina getting off the bus when she came up and took Chad’s hand. At first Chad felt the pangs of panic until Tina walked him to his front door.

It was there at the door that Tina asked if he’d like to come over after the going away party and maybe play house with her with him being the baby. Tina said she still had a nearly full package of diapers left. Chad said yes. He got a kiss and a pat while Tina got a pleasant surprise discovering he was wearing a diaper.

The party was going to be the twin girls Chad and Emily, the Gilmore Gang Susan Lori and Tina, Alice and Helen, Lucy paired up with Mason and Tracy for Susan’s and Lori’s sake. That tongue-in-cheek “twin girls” reference was for Chad’s sake and an inside joke started when Susan called him Emily’s big sister.

It was the day Chad had diapered himself under his jogging suit for the first time to sit with Emily while Helen went to bail out Susan. When Susan came home she had gone immediately to her room. What had bothered her most was the worry over leaving Emily alone if she went to jail.

Chad could hear Susan crying beyond her door when Chad edged closer and knocked.

“Go away,” Susan yelled.

“No,” Chad said.

“You want an ass-kicking,” Susan yelled.

“Yes, and a diaper, baby pants and a pretty dress so I can watch your sister till you come back,” Chad yelled before adding, “so you’d better hurry.”

The door opened and Susan loomed over Chad with a half smile as she wiped her eyes.

“You’re an idiot,” Susan said.

“Duh! Which is why I’m standing at the door of the toughest girl in my school,” Chad said and then added, “and just so you know, she’s not going to be alone till you get back. No matter what.”

“So you’re what? The big sister,” Susan asked snickering as she added, “which is more like her twin.”

“How about big sister twin,” Chad said.

“You really are a Dufus,” Susan said.

“And she really is my friend,” Chad said and then added, “and for some reason she likes you so I guess I do to. Which is maybe because I won’t have to see you for about five years.”

“I ought to punch you,” Susan said.

“I’d rather you diaper me like you normally do,” Chad said and then added, “come to think about it you’ve never hit me so right now that threat seems a little hallow.”

“You know she likes you in a dress? Right,” Susan said.

“I do and I’ve talked with my mom and your mom and I’m going to home school for my remaining two years and literally do it as Emily’s sister,” Chad said.

“You re’ serious,” Susan said grabbing Chad’s arm and tugging him into her. She wrapped her arms around him and squeezed till he said he couldn’t breath in a muffled voice.

“You’d do that,” Susan said.

“I told you, she’s my friend,” Chad said and then added, “besides your mom says she’ll sew me my own dresses.”

“Will you send me pictures,” Susan asked.

“As many as they allow,” Chad promised before adding, “if you promise to come to our party.”

“I promise,” Susan said hugging Chad again.

It was a sheet cake with one side brown and the other green with the two separated by a cute wooden fence. Two girls one already on the green side, the other on the fence signified Susan and Lori. “The Grass Was Always Greener On The Other Side” it read followed by Good Luck.

At the table, with both about to start serving the cake after Susan cut into it from one side while Lori cut from the other was Emily and Chad. Emily and Chad were dressed identically and literally you were hard pressed to tell them apart. It was hilarious.

The honor of making the outfits fill to Helen who took up the challenge befitting both a mother and skilled seamstress. Emily and Chad had discussed their outfits in secret and decided on night time diapers over soakers in cloth. Chad noted that to Helen who fashioned contoured diapers with triple fold inserts that were pinned on.

The diaper were approved easily when Chad tried walking and found his bottom swinging what he thought was wildly from side to side. Emily’s wasn’t any better and got Chad’s snicker when she tried her own walk. They were definitely thick enough and under the matching ruffled panties cute enough.

Frou frou slips, how he loved Helen calling them that, were really the key to fluffy dresses Chad learned. As Emily pointed out it was their exaggerated tiers each larger and only a few inches apart making them so bell-like that exposed the panties. When he asked the obvious and why the tiers, it was so there were more ruffles and lace - Duh!

“You take a tier of satin and on each side you connect to the other tier of satin but when you do you ruffle them and added lace. Emily said lifting Chad’s own slip to show him what she meant before she added, “it’s a girl thing for girls and a sissy thing for boys.”

Helen too teased a little lifting the slip by the straps several times to adjust them which delighted Chad each time he had to wear it. Having a dress made wasn’t a single operation but many and he had to wear his slip at least four times before Helen announced it done. The cuteness was making sure his ruffles “peeked” from beneath and that there was plenty of ribbons and bows.

It was the same with the dress which to Chad’s surprise also had a slip. When he asked Helen about that she said it was a taffeta layer sand he told him there were a whole bunch of reasons starting with it helped the dress slide over the petticoats when you dressed.

All you had to do was let the dress fall, twirl and the dress just slid down. Then there was the swishing noise when you moved which was wonderful and she showed him that by twisting the dress still on the hanger. It sounded like a large bag full of fall leaves but felt like silk.

That silk like feel Helen said was so the dress didn’t bunch up which was the best reason of all because chiffon was very light and airy and tended to drift with breezes and without the taffeta to rest on it wouldn’t lay back down. It was all so pretty learning about the layers and touching the edges.

Emily loved it herself and they kept hugging each other every time they had to try on their slips or dresses. When Helen complained, in a light-hearted way Chad said it was okay because he loved crushing his dress with Emily. It made him feel so girlish. Helen hugged him then too. When Chad asked why she was hugging him she said it was because Chad was more girl than boy.

“Boys didn’t get it,” Helen said.

Emily and Chad's dresses were very bright white layers of chiffon over taffeta with hardly no waist. There was just the gathered skirts to the puffy sleeves that were gathered into cute large balls that hugged their arms. Very blush pink satin circled the arms in elastic and matched the edge of their Peter Pan collars and sash. They looked adorable even without their spit curled wigs and bows.

It was Emily that decided on white ruffled socks and single strap shoes rather than the black patent Mary Jane shoes. When Chad asked her why she said they were sort of like virgins so they should be mostly white coming out. This was, after all, their coming out party as much as Susan’s going in party, Emily noted. That was said in private but it became a family affair when Helen dressed Emily and Alice dressed Chad.

“Twins,” Someone said when the girl boy and girl came down the stairs and while no one would admit they looked, not a single eye missed the chance to see how puffy Chad’s and Emily’s bottom was coming down the stairs. Least of all Tina. Tina had slipped a pad into her own panty for just that reason as she shuddered slightly watching the little girly boy descend.

“I am going to ravage you in so many delightful ways you little sissy,” Tina whispered.

“What,” The paleontologist Dr. Mason Broaden asked.

“What? Oh, sorry. I said I thought that little boy looked delightful as a girl,” Tina said cursing herself for not looking around first.

“Wait? One of those two is a boy? Which one is the boy,” Mason asked.

“You knew that didn’t you,” Dr. Lucy Caldwell said sipping from her cup of punch.

“No actually. They were not some of the kids that drank from the well were they,” Mason asked.

“No, that is something else,” Lucy noted. She wasn’t sure how the little boy dressed like the little girl came about but she did know it had something to do with Susan or that they were somehow related to Susan. In any event which ever one was the boy he was adorable.

“Are both diapered,” Mason asked now completely intrigued by the duo moving to the table of food followed my their mothers.

“I believe one needs to be and the other is for sympathy,” Lucy said.

“That’s it exactly,” Tina said moving off to give Chad a little pat which was actually going to be a little touch before she fainted.

“Hey Tina,” Susan said as Tina neared.

“Hey Susan,” Tina said before both hugged.

Chad moved from the table to both and got close enough to high five each. Tina hugged him then but one of her hands managed to slip under his dress and land on his bottom.

“When can I see you again,” Tina asked and then added, “and do this with you at my breast?”

“Right now,” Chad said feeling himself growing painfully hard as she felt Tina’s hand squeeze. When he had found out that Emily had saved Tina by sending her that Email to not go to the dress shop he was shocked, then relieved. Then astounded at how horny he was for this weight-lifter dominate that now held him.

“Tomorrow,” Tina asked and added, “after school?”

“I’m going to start home schooling so I can stay with Emily. I’ve made arraignments. Maybe I can slip away. I’ll call you. It’s going to have to be when Helen’s home.,” Chad said.

“Okay, we’ll talk,” Tina said releasing him and backing away so Susan could give him a hug.

“Well big sister twin,” Susan said when she broke from her hug.

“You going to be okay,” Chad asked.

“Actually yes,” Susan said and then added, “some of it because of what you’re doing, so thanks.”

“You’re welcome,” Chad said but then fluffed his dress as he added with a laugh, “which is partly your fault.”

“And don’t you forget it you little sissy,” Susan said bending to kiss him on the cheek.

“Never,” Chad said as Susan gave turned and gave Lori, who was walking up, a high five.

Emily followed Chad around and they danced together. Emily nursed a pacifier and forced Chad to nurse one as well. Chad knew Emily was doing it on purpose because Emily would bend in close and whisper “like nursing a baby’s bottle sissy”.

The party lasted nearly tell midnight before things began to break up. Lori’s parents had little to do with her and were indifferent to how she reported to jail so Helen had agreed to take her with Susan. The trip that morning was just the three of them, with Alice along to keep Helen company, with goodbyes after breakfast.

Chad had come over in his new jeans and tee shirt covering a day diaper with girlish decorations. The jeans were something Helen had found for Alice that were actually girl jeans for plus size girls with slightly larger hips. Slightly larger hipped girls or boys wearing diapers Helen noted to Alice. They had fit perfectly.

Emily and Chad were alone and would be for the next four hours to cover the two hour one way trip that Alice and Helen were taking. Emily came over with a diaper bag and handed it to Chad before she turned for the stairs.

“What’s this,” Chad asked.

“A diaper bag silly, what’s it look like,” Emily said and then added, “it’s got a couple of diapers, a cute soft pair of baby pants, some baby oil, lotion, powder, wipes, pacifier and a baby bottle of juice. Oh, and one of my baby dolls with panties to change into.”

“For what,” Chad asked.

“For your visit,” Emily said.

“Who am I visiting,” Chad asked.

“Mommy Tina,” Emily said and added, “she’s down in the basement waiting to say hello. Says she’d like you to be wet when you get there so she can make you wetter when you get there.”

“What,” Chad said getting an instant erection that slithered slightly over to the left of his diaper causing him to immediately shift it up much to the delight of Emily.

“Go,” Emily said.

The area that had been cleared was now set up with camping gear with a blowup queen size mattress sitting at the center. Over it was a satin spread and pillows with Tina sitting in just her bra and panties.

“Hello baby,” Tina said standing as Chad reached the bottom of the steps.

Tina immediately took the diaper bag and placed it on a card table. She opened it and removed all the items before turning back to Chad. She waisted no time it taking everything off but his diaper. He was nursing the pacifier when she laid him back on the satin spread.

Tina was a giant standing there between his legs slightly bent and looming down looking at him. It furthered the illusion that he was tinier than he actually was which somehow amplified his helplessness even more. Her massive hips just standing there between his legs nearly made him spread them as far as they could go. It was wonderfully intimidating Chad realized as his penis throbbed.

“I thought so! Soaked,” Tina said tugging both tapes free as she added, “you’re nothing but a baby. A tiny little baby that should be in diapers and look at that little penis? Good heavens, you’re not telling me that you truly believe something that tiny is ever going to satisfy me or any other female? Well baby?”

Chad laying there was almost on the verge of exploding. He wasn’t sure if he was suppose to say anything or not. He’d never played this kind of game before and didn’t know the rules but the humiliation he felt was real. He was in a wet diaper and his penis was tiny. There was no getting around it.

“Keep that pacifier in your mouth baby. No need to answer the obvious,” Tina said gathering and rolling the wet diaper he wore as she exchanged it for a fresh one. The changing pad that had been thoughtfully brought down was two foot square so it was ample for Chad to lay over. Tina didn’t close the fresh diaper but she did pull several baby wipes from the container.

“Look at you. Pathetic,” Tina said as she began wiping him with the baby powder smelling pop ups. It was agonizingly awesome as she gently lifted his genitals left then right to clean under and around his folds. She even wrapped one around his penis and drew it carefully but firmly to a stretch.

“You seriously can’t call yourself a man now can you. My God, you’re sucking on a baby’s pacifier while a woman, every bit your superior gets you ready for another diaper and you're’ what? Sixteen, about to turn seventeen? Really? Wetting diapers,” Tina said bending back far enough to pick up the baby powder.

“Well so be it precious. If you’re going to wet into a diaper like a baby then we most certainly want you smelling like a baby now don’t we,” Tina said turning the top to align the holes at the top. She upended the container and began shaking it over Chad and like snow it started to fall.

Each shake brought a puff of white that both settled and clouded into fine particles where it landed. Some of those particles reached his nose and instantly enhanced his experienced as it heightened till he wasn’t sure it could get any higher. He was wrong because the instant he thought that she laid her hand directly over his penis and rubbed it in a circular motion.

It was her right hand rubbing and the left held the baby powder but suddenly he felt that had pressing the diaper against his crotch. She pushed firmly causing the diaper to crinkle while pressing and moving it noticeably. The ruffled gathered edges that would form dams once the diaper was taped closed only teased his thighs now. There was no hope of holding back he mused as he tried.

“Come on my little baby man you know you like your diaper. You know how much you like being mommy’s little baby? Suck your pacifier and smell the baby powder and think about how wonderful your diaper is going to feel on when mommy tapes it closed. That it precious let yourself go. Be mommy’s baby honey,” Tina whispered.

Chad lost it then. It was explosive. It wasn’t a cascade of pluses but a merge of them. He couldn’t tell between the first two or three which was which. Just one long shot that pulsed ejaculate into her palm and slightly past her pinky onto his stomach. He throbbed more pulses as she continued to rub over him and press his diaper.

He was sure it was forever but knew it lasted only seconds. He didn’t remember arching his back but he had and releasing that he uncurling his toes as well. He’d just run a marathon he realized and all because of her insults and she smiled. Chad smiled back as he began nursing the pacifier he only just realized he’d been biting on.

“Wonderful precious,” Tina said with a sudden shiver. Her breathing was as labored as his as she began wiping her hand. She cleaned herself, then Chad and the wipes went onto the open dirty diaper that she now rolled and taped. She added more baby powder and closed his diaper snug.

“Here, sit up and I’ll get you into your nightgown,” Tina said grabbing his arms and pulling him into a sitting position. She fished the cute pastel yellow nighty out and gathered it before slipping it over his head then moved him so he was laying further up on the bed while she folded the changing pad.

When that was done she slipped next to him and opened her bra to expose her breast before taking his pacifier.

“Okay baby now that you’ve practiced, try nursing on the real thing,” Tina said resting her head on a pillow she embraced with her left arm. Chad didn’t need all that much encouragement and scooted close to lock on to start nursing instantly. Her moans were soft and immediate.

Those moans encouraged Chad who found his penis, he thought satisfied, growing a little firmer. Chad reached down to the soft silken panties and felt the large pad realizing Tina’s hand was already inside. He caressed the elastic, nylon and even Tina’s hand as she manipulated herself to another shudder.

There was a pause, a quick shake then she was hugging him as she rolled on her back dragging him over to lay on top. She embraced him using both hands to cup his bottom over his nightgown which gave him an unreal sense of self as his chest clad in the nylon rubbed over her breast. They kissed or rather she kissed and it was her tongue dancing into his.

“Wonderful precious,” Tina said hugging him powerfully then releasing him. She remained there for a moment then sighed as she added, “go and get dressed and put those things back in your diaper bag baby. Mommy has to go.”

It took about ten minutes to gather his things and get dressed and Tina helped before pushing him back up the steps. Meanwhile she was letting the air out of the mattress and gathering things to put away as Chad climbed the steps. When Chad turned at the top she waved, and blew him a kiss.

“I could do that again,” Chad said coming into Emily’s room and hugging her from behind.

“Thought you’d like the break,” Emily said sitting at the computer.

“Wait, you saw that,” Chad said.

“Nope, just making some investments,” Emily noted as Chad came up on a trading board as she added, “your mother put some of your money in a money market which isn’t a bad thing but it’s not big on returns. I just accidentally put some of it in a couple of stocks. Bank mistake in your favor.”

“Did mom make any money,” Chad asked completely ignorant of whatever it was that Emily did most times.

“Broker had to sell the shares but she made about $32,000 that got rolled back over with an apology from the bank,” Emily said and added with a snicker, “they’re still trying to figure out how she got connected with the high muckety-muck’s account.

“So you think our mom’s are going to get together,” Chad asked.

“They already have,” Emily said and added, “some serious discussions about you and this urge to wear dresses. Your mom thinks you’d be better off as a girl but she’s got some real guilty feels about over it.

“What have you heard,” Chad asked.

“She thinks your regressing because of your dad. Obviously she doesn’t know about Susan so if you left that alone you’ve got some cover,” Emily said but then added, “although my mom worries Alice might stop what your doing.”

“Your mom’s not sure if you’re just cross dressing or it’s some kind of transgendered thing and my stuff was just handy because we’re the same size.,” Emily said and then added, “so you’ve got to start thinking about do you want to do this full time or part time?”

“Wow, that’s a tough choice,” Chad said.

“Not really,” Emily said and then added, “either way you get to keep your little thing. You’ve already gone past puberty so whatever is going to happen has already happened so hormones isn’t going to change things much. Which begs the question of why that is?”

“Can you keep a secret,” Chad said and then laughed as he added, “that’s a given isn’t it.

“Duh,” Emily said.

“I’ve been on mom’s hormones since I was eleven,” Chad said and then added. One quarter pill a day which is one of her pills every four days. She’s been taken to regulate her period for years.”

“Why,” Emily said.

“I guess it was the body hair. Some time back I heard some boys talking about puberty and how we get body hair. Something about getting body hair really threw me for a loop. Never understood why till now. I guess I was regressing. Can’t be infantile with too much hair.

“Or feminine,” Emily said and the asked, “I don’t think I’ve never noticed you having breasts.”

“I don’t think the amount I was taking was enough to give me those secondary characteristics that comes with hormone therapy. Although it did sidestep the hair issue and I know that because I don’t have a lot around my penis and none on my body.

“TMI dude,” Emily said and added, “Way too much information. So if you ever did decide to be a girl you’d pretty much be about where you are now with the only difference you’d be dressing like one.”

“So what do you think,” Chad asked.

“That’s easy,” I love you. You really are my sister so either way I’ll take you. Frankly I’d love to see you in my dresses, but I’m good with what you decide,” Emily said.

“Love you to,” Chad said and then sat at the little table, grabbed a bear and while hugging it said, “I could never give up the dresses, or the diapers.”

“Then don’t,” Emily said and added, “let’s figure out the transgendered part and simply drag... sorry, poor choice of words and simply let the diapers hang on as a fetish that came from your connection to me.”

“You think my mom would buy that,” Chad asked.

“Of course,” Emily said and added, “it’s all so logical and remember, part of this is relieving her of her guilt. She’s desperate to feel good about you so that’s the real goal. You need to tell her this is what YOU want and oh, by the way, you got this thing for diapers.”


Chad and Emily were walking hand in hand in front of the house when Alice and Helen pulled up. Helen was shocked, explaining that Emily never went out till now and obviously that was Chad’s influence. Alice was delighted. They all went into the house together.

Leaving Susan and Lori wasn't as traumatic as Helen thought it might be. Susan was enthusiastic about turning her life around and Lori was happy to be away from her life. Meanwhile Helen and Alice had talked. Alice was newly independent causing Chad to almost blow it.

Alice didn’t know about the stock sale yet because she hadn’t seen the mail. In any event since money was no longer an issue Alice had agreed to take up some of Helen’s efforts at managing the costume design. Alice was fairly decent on a sewing machine but needed more skills to do costume work and Helen was willing to teach her.

That’s when Alice sat and asked Chad how he felt about Helen and her, along with Emily and Chad living together. Neither house was adequate for two families and both Alice and Helen loved how Chad was with Emily. She was also talking about Home schooling. Lots of changes and still lots to talk about but there was the big stuff.

It was the first time Emily was at a loss intellectually. She had not anticipated that coming together of the two women but the thrill it gave her was almost too much and she nearly lost it.

So did Chad who had been sitting and stood. He was too excited to sit and simply rant to his mother and hugged her, then Helen and then Emily who finally had an outlet and hugged back. It was obvious to the two women that the idea had gone over well with the kids.

There were a lot of plans to be made and dinner needed to be started and they were still two separate families Alice said as she encouraged Chad to say his goodbyes for the evening. Emily gave Chad a secret wink and a whispered “later” as they left.

“So I’ve got a question for you as all of this falls around your head,” Alice said.

“Can I say something first,” Chad interrupted. He more or less knew what his mother was going to say and he knew she was going to beat around the bush trying to be cautious with him but Emily was right. He need to help her past the guilt.

“Of course honey what is it,” Alice asked.

“Mom, I think... I mean I’m not 100% sure yet, but I think I’d rather be a girl,” Chad said and then added, “and if your wondering, I’ve been thinking about this since I was about nine or ten when I started taking your hormone pills so I didn’t get body hair.”

Chad smiled at the look. Emily was right. Chad kept thinking of that commercial whichever one it was that called out the prices for this and that but how in the end the results were priceless. His mother’s look was priceless. He had successfully conducted a preemptive strike.

“And I have a fetish,” Chad said before adding, “which I suppose I can blame Emily for because her diapers fit. The thing is I know it’s odd and maybe even weird but it makes me feel good and I sleep better than I ever had. There, I’ve gotten everything I needed to get off my chest off my chest.”

“So if I’m hearing you correctly you want to wear dresses and diapers,” Alice said cautiously as she added, “or I suppose you’ve wanted to wear dresses since you were nine or ten and diapers since you’ve met Emily.”

“But it’s not her fault,” Chad said and then added, “it’s just she was the source.”

“I get that,” Alice said before added, “or was.”

“What,” Chad said.

“Source,” Alice said and then added, “no need to take Emily’s diapers since you or rather I can buy them from the same place Helen get’s them for Emily? Right?”

“Oh. Right,” Chad said slightly surprised at his mother’s attitude.

“We’ve already done this once Chad. I mean it’s not like this is a total surprise right. That night I caught you in the diaper made it pretty obvious something had changed - no pun intended- and it was Emily’s diaper. That’s when I talked with Helen. She was the one that suggested some of her things as well.

If it hadn’t been for Susan’s arrest that night and the chaos the following day we would have already had this conversation. There is no doubt you are Emily’s big baby sister so it’s pretty obvious that’s kind of introduced you back into diapers and I also believe it does help you cope so where’s the harm?

I guess what I’m saying is... we’ve got to adjust but that’s just adjusting. I’m sure living together and home schooling is going to make you’re transition a whole lot easier,” Alice said and then added, “and tomorrow let’s start that shall we? I love shopping. Especially for my daughter... old what’s her name?”

“Old what’s her name,” Chad repeated and added, “really?”

“Is it still Chad,” Alice asked.

“Shay,” Chad said sheepishly and then added, “spelled with a Y at the end. It’s Gallic means admirable I found out.” Chad didn’t tell her it was Emily’s idea.

“That’s adorable. I could have picked that,” Alice said and then added, “Oh my God! Dora The Explorer, Poly Pocket? No wait.. My little pony, or Lisa, Elsa? I’m getting dizzy. There’s Barbie, let’s not forget Barbie.”

“Mom, what are you talking about,” Chad asked.

“Well Shay, my adorable little girl which, if memory serves, is just a tad bit under a size four... be still my heart. You put me, that is us, into the girl’s departments that makes mommy’s thrilled to be mommy's.”

“What,” Chad asked.

“Honey, your little girl clothes love themes and I was just thinking of the themes from when I wasn’t too much bigger than you are now. Although I could be picking up from more recent stuff, but imagine what’s available to you and your dresses honey,” Alice said and then added, “you could be wearing a nightgown over your diapers with maybe My Little Pony on it as soon as tomorrow night!”

Chad’s erection was instantaneous.

“I do like the idea of My Little Pony,” Chad said snickering.

“Over diapers or because it’s on a nightgown,” Alice asked.

“Both I guess,” Chad said.

Dinner was simple and filling and they cleaned things up over small talk. There was a happy break when Chad’s mother found out she’d made another $32,000 from the bank. She was skeptical and wasn’t sure she believed it deciding to call them the following day.

It got awkward when she offered to diaper Chad and he said no. He said he’d rather diaper himself and went off to bed with a kiss and a hug. He wondered over that as he went off to his room. There was something about the sexual component that was unsettling about it. He reasoned, when he gave it more thought, that it was more fetish than life style as he logged on to talk with Emily.

He laid on his bed tapping himself into his diaper as his computer came on.

“Hey, would you mind! There are web sites that you can do that at,” Emily said as the screen came up. Her face appeared as did the small screen in the upper right showing him tapping his diaper closed.

“Sorry about that,” Chad said as he added, “thought I had more time.”

“Pervert,” Emily said snickering as she added, “so your security devices have arrived at the security firm but I’m going to hold them there till we move. I can’t believe we’ll be living together. Even I didn’t plan on that. And as sister’s of all things. Assuming that goes well?”

“That’s why I’m on,” Chad said and added, “You were right about being proactive. She jumped at the chance to accept my acceptance and loves the name Shay. So do I by the way. Gosh, when I was walking to my room I got to thinking about how little time has passed and how fast things have moved.”

“Tell me about it Shay,” Emily said allowing the name to sink it as she added, “that name fits so well.”

“Thank you,” Chad said and then added, “feels nice saying it. Listen Emily, we need to break you out of that shell too.”

“I know,” Emily said and then added, “it would be nice if we both arrived at nearly the same time.”

“So I’ve been thinking,” Chad said and then added, “what about this miraculous sort of spontaneous recovery over the span of our moving in together. We could use that as a cover in fact.”

“Go on, I’m intrigued,” Emily said.

“Okay, now I haven’t fleshed all of this out yet. Actually I need to make this a little more credible for our mom’s sake, but there is ample proof that what your alleged disability is very similar an Autism Spectrum Disorder. That’s just saying you've got some of the same internal disruptions. In your case it would have been traced back to your near drowning. Had you actually nearly drowned,” Chad said.

“So far so good,” Emily said.

“Right,” Chad noted and then added, “but what’s held you back... the biggest most significant issue has been your sister. I don’t have any doubt that your mother, with very little encouragement, will agree with that. The good thing about that is with your sister gone so quickly now, that apparent external system of stress is gone. That means the internal tensions you’ve had, the things that have been holding your recovery back are gone.”

“So what you’re saying is I could literally show signs of recovery day by day,” Emily said.

“Exactly,” Chad noted.

“Then thing that I see is we could be building a while new family dynamic under cover of the move and have it emerge with the final completion of the move,” Chad said.

“So as we start into the move I become a nearly normal Emily, and you evolve into my cute and adorable big little sister Shay,” Emily says.

“I like the way you put that,” Chad said.

Which is exactly how things began to evolve. Helen was actually fairly easy to convince. It was a question Helen asked of Chad that started right after she caught Emily reading a first grade book under his care. They had set it up that way.

“Chad, Emily is showing an almost remarkable... I’m not even sure what to call it other than a coming out of her shell kind of thing,” Helen said and added, “and it seems to be centered around you. What are you doing?”

“Honestly, Mrs. Bickford... Sorry, Helen, it’s not me. Promise you won’t get mad if I tell you this but I think Susan was sort of holding her back,” Chad said and then added, “From the very first day that Susan left I’ve seen the changes.”

“Actually so have I,” Helen said and then added, “it’s sort of like she was being suppressed and that suppression has been lifted.”

“That’s what I’m thinking. It’s not so much what I’m doing as it is what Emily is doing. That other day that you caught her reading, I just handed her the book and she started reading. I think she could be reading at grade level in no time,” Chad said and added, “I think she could be nearly normal in no time.”

“And you, how are you doing,” Helen asked and added, “I sometimes forget what a load we’ve put on you?”

“I’m doing fine. Better than fine,” Chad said and then after a pause and in a slightly lower voice he turned to Helen and said, “of course I get Emily’s dresses if she decides she wants to dress older... right?”

“Chad... I mean Shay, honey, for what you’ve done I’ll personally see to it that you don’t have enough closet space for your dresses,” Helen said and then added, “if being a little girl delights you the prepare to be overwhelmed honey.”

It took nearly three weeks to find a house but the one they found was spectacular and ironically was five miles less of a commute for Helen. It was more expensive and without Alice managing some of the investment would have been way out of range for a single mom but between the two an easy reach.

For the girls it was heaven. The family that had previously owned the home had girls and had built the home, as the previous owner noted, with “that handicap” driving the need for more bathrooms and closets. The two North facing rooms that would become Shay’s and Emily’s had cushion covered benches within bay windows

On either side of that spacious view was room for a desk and another for their computers. Across from there was the wall for the bed and nightstands then the bathroom and closet. Their closets were walk in. Each bathroom was a full bath and the closet massive.

The two master suites meant for his and her’s would be for her and her. Which became an inside joke about the capacity of the hot water heater. Considering that four females were going to be living there meant four bath tubs could filled at any given time. Not to mention the number of candles lit and laughter that ensued.

There was some work done as the other two homes took time to sell and escrow to close including modification to a barn that was converted from horses to sewing and custom clothing design including a covered walkway. Emily and Shay Spent long moments running the length and width of the property to the amazement of Alice and Helen because in the three months of chaos Emily changed.

“So your okay with them taking the bus,” Helen asked just days after the final move. It had been Emily’s idea to spend a day at the mall. Shay was petrified but she had to admit that with the dabs of makeup and normalized dress it was nearly impossible to tell Shay was ever Chad.

“They’ve got cell phones,” Alice said and then added, “we’re five minutes from there. It’s sooner or later?”

Chad was looking in the mirror at himself and shaking his head.

“This is nuts,” Chad whispered more to himself than to Emily who was putting lipstick on at her vanity.

“Seriously, you’re going to get cold feet now? Now,” Emily said twisting her lipstick and dropping it back into her little purse as she added, “after all of our planning and conniving and scheming? I’m out, you're out and now when we can go out you want to back out?”

“It’s the diaper,” Chad said.

“Shay, you’ve still got a penis,” Emily said and then added, “if you wear just panties and for some reason, any reason God forbid, someone gets a peek under that skirt and slip you're outed and all it takes is one HEY, THAT’S A GUY!”

“You’re right,” Chad said.

“At least you’re wearing your panties under the diaper? Right,” Emily said.

“There is that,” Chad said moving a little to take pleasure in the nylon rubbing against him inside of his diaper. That bit of insight was Emily’s doing thank you very much.

They had spent yesterday and most of last night trying to figure out what to wear after almost as much time convincing their mothers to let them venture out on their own. At first it was no, then yes but we’ll be there as well, then maybe. The finally okay but take your phones and call every half hour.

Taking the bus was a whole new argument. It was for Emily’s sake Chad, as Shay had argued. He too was out but they were use to him as her now so the shock of seeing him as Shay wasn’t as much as seeing Emily as a ten year old. For nearly three years non-stop Emily had been in diapers and all of a sudden she was back in panties.

Which delighted Chad a lot because as Helen had promised Chad got Emily’s hand me downs and that included her so called “baby underwear”. Chad’s mother snickered a lot considering they had to go out and get him a little dresser for his “fetish wear”.

Chad had spent a lot of time fondling and deciding on what to wear that day. While Emily was deciding on what color panties Chad was caressing baby pants and choosing between cloth and disposable diapers. Now he was in a day disposable over panties under tights.

Chad had selected a three piece pattern that Alice had crafted as she called it “for a sissy”. It was a cute soft chiffon country flaired skirt in very dark yellow over solid taffeta that connected to a white nylon tee. She added a large chiffon bow on the front of the skirt then under the taffeta included a lacy edged petticoat. The petticoat was about two inches longer so it showed.

A second layer to the petticoat laid on top of a nylon layer to give it just enough “girlish bounce” but slid easily over Chad’s tights which was confirmed by Chad when he tried it on for his first fitting. It had a short bolero jacket of polyester lined in nylon with long sleeves.

Emily’s dress was nearly identical except for colors. Her skirt was red with the top white. Chad wore two hair barrettes and spit curls like Shirley Temple while Emily went with bows and pig curls. Both had white bags to match their flats. Emily went with short socks. She liked the feel of the nylon slip she said when she walked.

“I like not walking with a diaper between my legs,” Emily teased.

“Not me,” Chad teased back.

“So, you ready,” Emily said standing and tugging at her own skirt. They were not twins, but you could tell they were sisters. The similarities were too many to ignore. Both wore flats, the purses were the same, same earrings and hair color not to mention the dress styles.

“God, look at those two,” Alice said as the girls walked down the long driveway to the bus stop. They city bus came by the house and would stop if someone was waiting for it. That was the other nice thing about taking the bus. It was direct to and from the house to the mall.

“I can’t believe I’m watching Emily walking out of the house. Honestly, I never thought I’d see this day,” Helen said as the two women stood at the window.

“Oh my heavens,” Chad said as they walked.

“What,” Emily said with concern in her voice.

“I should have done this sooner,” Chad said.

“Go out,” Emily asked.

“No silly,” Chad said and then added, “panties under my diaper.”

“Oh wow, way too much information,” Emily said in a squeamish voice before laughing.

Chad giggled and moved his legs as they waited for the bus. Both boarded happily, relaxed albeit with some nervousness but there were few kids on board. Being home schooled had an advantage. They both carried plastic cards identifying their state status should they be stopped. Chad’s legal status had also been changed so he was now Shay Mason.

They shopped for earrings first, then a doll much to Emily’s delight. Chad blushed at the notion of having one but when they began to pass the doll shop Chad felt the pangs. For reasons he could not fathom or explain he wanted a doll. He had never wanted a doll before but now he did.

“Rite of passage,” Emily said taking his hand and walking him into the shop. The woman greeted them warmly. Emily said her sister Shay, a dedicated tomboy most of her life, had never had a doll and suddenly craved one and they were there to satisfy that sudden urge.

“Tomboy,” Chad whispered.

“It’s true,” Emily said before adding, “you’ve never worn a dress till this year. God I can’t remember you even wearing panties if ever.”

“Fine, I was a Tomboy,” Chad said and then looking around asked, “so how do I pick?”

“Diapers or panties,” Emily asked.

“I’d like a toddler I guess. Someone in the middle I suppose. You know,” Chad said walking over to where the little girls were posed as he added, “where they can wear diapers but occasionally panties to.”

“Like you,” Emily said.

“Like me,” Chad said just as his phone went off.

“Hi mom,” Chad answered and then added, “we’re fine. Right now? At the doll shop. For me. Yes, for me. I’ll tell you when I get home okay? Love you too.”

“Checking in,” Emily aske?

“They’re buying dolls,” Alice said closing her phone before adding, “or rather Shay is.”

“So they’re basically doing girl stuff,” Helen said sipping her coffee as she looked out over the back yard and smiled.

“Pretty much,” Alice said pouring her own cup and sitting down at the counter before asking, “could you imagine this six months ago?”

“I couldn’t imagine this before escrow closed,” Helen said and the read the letter from Susan again. It wasn’t so much the apology that had shaken her but the other things she talked about. The things she’d done to the kids around the neighborhood and Emily before her near drowning. Were it not for that accident it would have still been going on...

“Both Shay and Emily deserve all the happiness we can give them,” Helen said shaking her head.

“But don’t forget what Susan’s Clinical psychologist Tracy Manchester said about those damn salt deposits! The real culprit is Sarah that Tyrannosaurus Rex and her urine.”

“It’s too bad they didn’t find out about all of that until now. I sure as hell could have used it a few years back sitting in the principal's office,” Helen said as she added, “then again I look at Tina and see how she’s weathered her own storms.”

“I know, sometimes it’s fate that defines the hands played,” Alice said as she imagined what might have been had Chad not been so radically dominated by Susan and her gang.

Of course Alice didn’t know the exact role Tina played in Chad’s changes and Chad wasn’t talking much about those times. Chad didn’t want Tina's part known in too great a detail because Tina was still playing some of those roles. He loved when she played mommy to his role as baby.

“Hey, where did you go,” Emily asked Chad as he picked up yet another doll. He’d been focusing on the babies but this one in particular held his interest because of the outfit Emily suspected.

The outfit was a lot like the dresses she and Chad wore except the slot at the back and then overlapped with ruffled lace like curtains. Where they parted the ruffled panties trimmed in the same lace actually showed. It was an adorable touch.

“So I bet I can guess what’s got your attention,” Emily said and Chad slowly came back to Earth.

“What,” Chad said.

“Exactly,” Emily said.

“I want this dress,” Chad said lifting the skirt then turning the doll over before adding, “and this doll.”

The sales lady showed Chad where the outfits were for that size doll and gave Chad a basket. He filled it with miniature disposable diaper, plastic panties in two styles to match the styles he wore. He had been wearing the pull on pants till he got Emily’s stuff and a couple of pair of snap on plastic panties.

Chad fell in love with that snapping sound when Tina first put him into them. Diapering him had become almost routine and he was nursing his bottle when she decided to use the snap on panties and that first click was such a turn on that he’d lost it. She got to the second and he’d finished. After that Tina started using them as rewards.

“Baby dolls! Those are so cute,” Emily said holding up the tiny baby doll set that Chad had put into the basket of his doll.

“I know right,” Chad said as he moved to the accessories and put into a baby’s bottle and pacifier. When he was finished and standing at the counter to pay for everything it was Emily that said the obvious.

“What’s that,” Chad asked but knowing the answer because he smiled instantly as he handed the sales lady his card. That was another little innovation from Emily’s hack skills when she created the Ever Bloom Day School Company Card.

Emily gave credit to Chad and the mothers loved it and now each of them had one. With a $20,000 limit it was easily approved. It was again as Chad ignored the sales woman’s calculations to address Emily’s answer.

“That doll,” Emily said before adding, “is you.”

“Is that what you were like when you were little,” the sales woman asked as she began packaging everything.

“It’s pretty much what he is... now,” Emily said and then added, “he is that doll!”

“Oh,” the sales lady said and then quickened her actions. Her end of the conversation dried up instantly delighting Emily instantly. Chad on the other hand wanted to throttle her.

“Of course she hasn’t been out of those things all that long either,” Chad said and then added, “it’s the only reason my mom hasn’t had to buy anything yet because everything of her’s was so new.”

“I see,” the sales lady said handing the two bags over the counter to Chad before adding, “well, I hope you enjoy your doll honey.”

“She will,” Emily said and then added, “they’ll look identical after dinner.”

“I’m going to do something bad as soon as I can figure out what it is,” Chad said as the reached the center of the mall. Emily was still laughing.

“Oh my God, “Alice said as the two girls struggled into the house with their arms full of bags, as she added, “is there anything left on the card?”

“I’m afraid not, and the man that bought the house says we have two weeks before we have to move,” Chad said sitting the bags down before falling backwards into the large chair in the family room as added, “and I’m never talking to Emily again, for life.”

“Really,” Helen said before adding, “what did she do for that kind of banishment?”

“Outed me to the doll sales lady,” Chad said which sparked another round of laughter from Emily which prompted Chad to jump out of her chair and run after her. Emily in a panic raced for the back door, opened it and just made it out before Chad reached her as Chad added, “you sleep with the bugs tonight!”

“I’m sorry,” Emily yelled from the other side of the locked door.

Chad, with his back to the door stood with his legs apart, arms folded and instantly caused the two moms to lose it.

“Do you know how hard it is to look tough in ruffles and lace,” Alice said.

“Oh, that reminds me,” Chad said quickly unlocking the door before rushing to the bag with the doll as he added, “can you make this dress?”

Emily came in which prompted her mother to say that her punishment appeared to have ended, if a bribe was paid, which appeared to be a dress of some sort. Emily smiled, nodded and pointed to the doll Chad had pulled from the bag and was carefully and lovingly unwrapping.

“Oh my, she’s adorable,” Alice said and then added, “is that the dress?”

“Yes,” Chad said.

“Very much you,” Helen said and then added, “and does this release Emily from her banishment for life?”

“Yes, no, wait,” Can you do the panties to,” Chad asked.

“Yes,” Helen said.

“Then yes,” Chad said and added, “she is hereby released. But I’m going to need extra ruffles. She was really bad.”

“Then of course we’ll add more lace,” Helen said and added, “and I’ll make Emily sew the gathers.”

“What,” Emily said in fake anger.

Chad stuck his tongue at her and they both laughed. The rest of the hour before their baths was showing off what had drained the card. Mostly clothes, but there were decorations for their rooms, Emily got some age appropriate books to put on her shelf that wowed her mother.

There were small gifts of love for both moms and hugs for those. Some awkward moments when Chad showed his mom a bra that he’d never fill but then brought out the foam inserts that started making her cry.

“Honey, you’d look like a small, as in short, version of Dolly Parton if you tried wearing this,” Alice said and then added, “we’ll work on a look that fits.”

Even Emily wasn’t smart enough to help with that one and that was obvious with the look she gave. They had argued at the store over it. They’d been in the teen section looking at bras. Neither of them had breasts, even Emily, and the sales lady was very sympathetic to their plight.

She did show them what girls did to “stuff” their bras mostly with foam because silicon was way out of their price range. Tissue was even discussed and then the sales lady asked if the girls had talked about this with their mom. Clearly they hadn’t and she suggested they should, but Chad wanted to take a bra home and bought one with the foam.

Chad understood it wouldn’t work but that was on an intellectual level. He purchased that bra and padding for the emotion of it. It had given him an erection just touching it and a near orgasm standing there holding it in the store. Emily knew it as well

“Thankful you’re wearing a diaper,” Emily whispered as Chad’s eyes glazed over?

“What? Oh, yes, I guess so,” Chad said and then with a renewed blush said, “yes.”

It was that way when they went in to look at slips, then panties and even when they window shopped at the baby store. Both bought pacifiers just so they could say they did. Then Emily went back into the department store tugging Chad with her for makeup.

The makeup lady there was patient, kind and delighted to have two budding little girls to play with and spent almost thirty minutes filling two new bags with stuff she showed each how to use. Chad was beside himself when the left the mall for the bus stop and trip home.

“Girl day,” He mused softly to Emily when they finally sat down to rest their feet.

“Best day ever,” Emily said.

Shay and Emily day,” Chad whispered nudging Emily as the bus pulled away from the curb.


Chad’s phone buzzed just as he was heading up to his room and a hot bath. It was Tina with the text “missing you baby girl?” The erection that had been coming and going throughout the day came back.

Chad was exhausted but the tiredness drained instantly as he typed: “missed you to. Long day. Tired.”

“Too tired for a diaper rub?” Tina typed.

“Mom, Tina needs math tutoring,” Chad yelled.

“Math tutoring? At this time of day,” Alice asked.

“She want’s to know if she can pick me up and if I can spend the night,” Chad asked.

“Spend the night,” Alice asked with skepticism.

“Because it’s so late already,” Chad said.

“Let me ask you a question,” Alice said and then added, “do you have protection?”

“I’ll be sleeping in a disposable,” Chad said.

“Don’t be coy with me young lady. You know what I mean,” Alice said standing there with her hands on her hips as she added, “if you’re going to play games with me then turn around and go back to your room and text Tina that your mother said no.”

“I do but I don’t need it, it’s not that kind of sex,” Chad said.

“Thank you for being honest with me and yes, you may go over and ‘tutor Tina’ and stay over if necessary,” Alice said.

“Thank you,” Chad said hugging Alice before he typed in “hurry!”

Tina arrived fifteen minutes later with a blast of her horn. Chad darted out with a wave back to Alice who shook her head. She knew Shay was indulging her fetish with Tina which, when push came to shove was Shay’s only outlet.

It was also pretty clear that Tina was indulging her own fantasies with Shay. She suspected that Shay was Tina’s only outlet as well. Given that it was clear those two only had each other for what they did.

Alice had sympathy for them both and a bit of tolerance as well hence her nod to Shay’s request. She wasn’t keen on her daughter having sex at the young age of sixteen but then again she was nearing seventeen and was most likely going to have it anyway.

“Have fun today,” Tina asked.

“Tons,” Chad said and then added, “bought me a baby doll.”

“Really? Is she like the one I’ve got,” Tina asked.

“I don’t know,” Chad said and then asked, “diapers, baby pants, nightgown? Does the one you’ve got have those things?”

“She does,” Tina said and then added, “plus mine drinks from a baby’s bottle, wets her diaper and gets an erection when I rub her diaper. Oh and she loves nursing on my breast. Does yours love nursing on your breast?”

“Damn that was good. I thought you were talking about an actual doll,” Chad said laughing.

“I am,” Tina said moving her hand to rest over Chad’s lap as she added, “see, she gets an erection when I rub her diaper.”

“You’re driving,” Chad warned.

“That’s a really cute outfit,” Tina said as she turned into her driveway as she added, “love the white tights.”

“Easily removed,” Chad said as he watched the garage door raise. That door was suddenly a metaphor as he sat there in the middle of a fantasy for what was coming as his own erection grew harder. It seemed, much to his amusement, matching the rise of the door.

“And I shall little girl, I shall,” Tina said turning to grab Chad and draw him closer to kiss after which she added, “Oh, and I’ve got you the cutest pair of baby pants.”

“Really,” Chad said.

“Print and pink,” Tina said and added, “with baby animals.”

“Prints,” Chad said.

“Didn’t you say you might get a part playing the role of a bed wetter,” Tina said and it involved the mother putting the child back into diapers and baby pants?”

“Rubber pants,” Chad said.

“Prints? Where did I get prints from,” Tina asked.

“Princess, you silly,” Chad said and added, “I said the mother was going to turn the boy into a princess because he was caught crossdressing.”

“Was I sober when you told me this,” Tina asked snickering.

“Obviously not,” Chad said and added, “you got prints out of princess and plastic panties from rubber pants so clearly your head was not where my head was.”

“I think you were holding a vibrator on me at the time we were having that conversation so I’ll make you the scapegoat and say too bad about the mix up and Oh, I got you a cute pair of print baby pants to put you into tonight for no good reason other than to turn you on,” Tina said.

“And what better reason than that,” Chad said moving his legs apart for Tina’s attention before she kissed him one last time.

“And unless we’re going to do it in the car we’d better leave it,” Tina said shaking her head.

“Hey, what’s that,” Chad said coming into the kitchen. Clearly it was a high chair and not too much bigger than a normal size toddler’s high chair but this one had been modified a little.

“Like it,” Tina said and then added, “never mind answering because it doesn’t matter anyway. You don’t have a say in it. Come on and let’s get you changed and I’ll show you how it works.”

“Wait, aren't you going to explain it to me,” Chad asked.

“Nope! This is a show and tell device,” Tina said as she took Chad’s hand and walked him down the hall to the baby room.

“Oh my God..... Tina what have you done,” Chad said coming into the room that Tina had set aside as their play room. It started out as a guest room right after Tina bought the house. At first just a dresser and bed with a night stand. A basic set that ultimately became a girl’s set.

The room slowly evolved into a girl’s room then a little girl’s room then into a sort of baby girl’s room. It was the bed that was swapped out for a day bed with three sides that Tina had designed with a forth side that slid out from the bottom to make a forth side to create a crib.

The decor transformed into a baby room with wall decorations that changed from pictures to satin covered foam clouds, pastel colored baby animals and a cute set of unicorns. A very blush pink base highlighted by a slightly darker shade for a strip followed another in a light lavender.

That light lavender color picked up the chiffon and lace curtains and a white rod with matching tie backs. Every time Chad came over there was something new to admire and something in the closet to be fearful of. Tina had a streak.

That first stay Chad was feathered into a glorious agony after being cuffed in pink fur-lined straps and diapered. His screams begging her to stop were muffled by the pacifier she forced between his lips before tying it off. His diaper was soaked from several wettings and two full ejaculations before she opened the tapes and removed the vibrating plug.

His second plug, before another ample diapering, wiggled if that’s the right word. It sort of undulated when it was turned on and felt like it was crawling up his bottom. She said that was the intent in its search for his prostate. Chad said it seemed to find it fairly quickly because between her rubs and that wiggly worm he soiled himself fairly quickly.

On that occasion he had been assaulted, wormed and then encouraged to lay over Tina who was in a scrumptious nightgown set that still allowed him access to her breast. He took full advantage of her own sensitivity to inflict as much sexual agony on her as she did him and left her as exhausted as she did him. It was a wonderful evening in spite of the odd sensations that worm caused as he nursed.

Tonight she had something special planned but first he needed his baby bath, his diaper, those adorable printed baby pants and a very pretty dress. Nothing of which was too surprising and very pleasant when she soaped the wash cloth and went back into the water to scrub him. He smelled like baby powder when the water swirled down the drain.

More so when she used the powder puff and sprinkled him with the Johnson and Johnson’s baby powder. He looked like a ghost but smelled like a baby when she moved to the small box and opened it.

“What’s that,” Chad asked with a sense of dread that didn’t match the erection that came instantly.

“Your trainer for when I feed you,” Tina said and then added, “and that’s all you need to know about it for now.”

“Okay,” Chad said as he laid there watching. It actually looked like a molded penis as he dipped a finger in Vaseline then lubricated the inside of it. Once the inside was lubricated she came over and gently pushed it over Chad’s penis as he added, “what the heck?”

“Just relax,” Tina said as she laid the wires out before closing the diaper. With the diaper tapped she brought out the new pastel pink baby pants and helped Chad into those. Bending his legs to help get into those moved the odd shaped dildo he was wearing and he could feel the suction giving him more of an erection.

Tina had him stand for his slip and dress, then sit again for his lacy socks and Mary Jane shoes. She produced a new wig, this one blond and straight but parted down the middle into two pigtails tied off with large bows.

“Such a sissy,” Tina said helping him up and taking his hand for the kitchen.

“Now what,” Chad asked.

“Gerber’s,” Tina said as she removed the tray and helped Chad into the chair. Chad sat and discovered that the two restraints she brought over hooked to the bottom of the tray after she slid it in place. Two more fur lined leather straps kept his legs apart against the chairs sides.

“I’m not liking this.” Chad said as Tina came over with a large toddler size jar of strained carrots as Chad added, “you know I hate carrots right?”

“I do,” Tina said twisting the jar open as she sat a baby spoon down so she could hook up a switch to the wires coming out of his diaper as she added, “that’s why mommy needs to train her baby to eat her carrots.”

“Seriously Tina, I can’t stand them,” Chad said.

“I know precious, but they are really good for you,” Tina said and then added, “so why don’t we try a few bites and see if we can’t get a little of this down, okay?”

“I won’t,” Chad said.

“Okay,” Tina said moving to tied a fairly substantial, bit adorably cute bib around Chad’s neck. She arranged it so the soft pliable plastic was tucked under the tray before she sat again. She dipped the spoon into the carrots, came out, scrapped the bottom of the spoon for excess and went to Chad’s mouth. Just as she reached his mouth she press the button.

Chad felt the sensation as a kind of undulation beginning at the base of his penis that moved upwards to his tip. It felt like a hand was in his diaper masturbating him in the most extraordinary way. Just when he thought it couldn't get any more erotic there was a small faint electrical charge. It was slight but it enveloped the entire head of his penis. He was so shocked that he yelled. The spoon of carrots went in then.

“That’s my girl,” Tina said with enthusiasm. She used the spoon to catch some of the carrots that Chad had refused when he caught on.

“What the hell was that,” Chad yelled as the sensations subsided.

“I told you honey, it’s your feeding trainer for vegetables and things that are good for you but that you don’t like,” Tina said as she added, “want to try another?”

“NO,” Chad yelled.

Tina dipped into the carrots again and came back out, scrapped the bottom again and headed for Chad’s mouth.

Chad turned this time but Tina held fast where his mouth had been and simply pressed the button. This time she just held it.

Chad felt the same sensations again but instead of a short burst of an electrical pulse there was a steady current. It was a very low dosage, hardly a trickle but it was around the head of his penis and he couldn’t stand it. He tried but it only lasted for a second or two.

“God.........,” Chad yelled and when he did the carrots went in.

“What a good girl you are,” Tina said just as enthusiastic as before.

“You bitch,” Chad yelled pulling at his restraints.

“Come on now it can’t be that bad, it’s only carrots,” Tina said dipping the spoon into the jar again.

Chad stiffened, pushed himself back against the chair, closed his eyes and this time opened his mouth voluntarily. He took the spoon of carrots but when the rolling massage moved up his penis there was no electrical charge at the end, just the sensation of being masturbated. Chad opened his eyes in surprise.

“Wonderful honey,” Tina said dipping the spoon again. She did the same and the same thing happened. There was the sensation of being masturbated and Tina smiled, this time holding that button till Chad stiffed in pleasure. He was exhausted when the machine stopped.

When Chad opened his eyes Tina had returned with a baby’s bottle of juice and was freeing one of his hands. Chad took the bottle and began nursing it as she did the other hand before releasing the tray. Chad continued nursing as Tina carefully undid the wires and gingerly lifted the suction device out with a wrap.

“So what did you think,” Tina asked.

“That you’re mostly evil,” Chad said removing the bottle to speak then putting it back into his mouth. A second later he removed the bottle again and added, “and that was awesome! Oh, and I still hate carrots.”

Later that night she changed him into a cloth diaper and snap on Gerber like baby pants and a baby doll set to sleep in. She too wore a loose fitting baby doll set. They had picked a movie, made popcorn and she popped the top on a coke while he had his in a sippy cup.

They discussed the role he was going to be cast for.

So what’s the movie,” Tina asked.

“Christine Jorgensen, A famous Transsexual back in 1951 that underwent gender reassignment surgery one of the first male to female transformation. What made her so unique was she got a lot of publicity because she had gone through World War II. I’m playing her when she was a boy growing up,” Chad said.

“That should be interesting,” Tina said.

“I think so,” Chad said and then added, “I get to dress as a little girl and they’ve cast him as a bed wetter so he gets put back into diapers and rubber pants by his mother as well.”

“Torturous,” Tina said snickering.

“Damn near as mean as you,” Chad said laughing as he moved a hand to slide under her nightgown.

Chad rolled so he was sideways and moved Tina’s nightgown to expose her left breast. Tina, accommodating Chad twisted a little and eased her breast up towards Chad’s lips. Chad latched onto the nipple and began sucking at the hardening tit as Tina closed her eyes to the sensations.

They drifted off in that position and at midnight the television, set to shut off, went silent.


“Oh wow, you guys made it,” Tina said hugging Susan and Lori as the tears started flowing.

“Told you we’d come,” Susan said.

“God, I can’t believe it’s been five years,” Tina said.

“Six honey,” Susan said and added, “We were sixteen when we went in remember? You just had a birthday and unless I counted wrong you should have had twenty two candles on your cake.”

“Guilty as charged, except I tell everyone I’m still twenty one,” Tina said.

“Me too,” Lori said laughing.

“So you guys came? Thank you,” Tina said again as she added, “seriously, “Shay’s going to be thrilled. It’s her first serious role with the studio.”

“Wouldn’t miss seeing our little sissy getting put into a diapers again,” Lori said and then added, “especially in front of all these people.”

“I know right! I mean who would have guessed,” Tina said laughing as the hugs broke.

“Where’s Emily, Alice and mom,” Susan asked.

“On their way. They called from the gate,” Tina said. Emily had some kind of last minute code release this morning and her computer died on the way over. The worlds biggest Geek and her computer dies on the freeway.”

“So where is our star,” Susan asked looking around.

“She’s still in the production meeting. They do day notes on the scripts then the shoots. She shouldn't be more than another ten maybe fifteen minutes. You want coffee? They set up a table each day,” Tina said.

“Sure,” Susan said taking Lori’s hand.

“So how’s married life,” Tina asked.

“Loving it,” Lori said before Susan could answer and added, “but we had a long courtship that started when we were sixteen.”

They laughed.

“Best thing that every happened to us,” Susan said turning to Lori and kissing her.

“And business,” Tina asked.

“Are you kidding,” Susan said and then added, “do you know how many kids are like us out there? I could double the offices and still not have enough counselors.”

“It’s too bad, but then again, I guess that’s good,” Tina said.

“It’s paying the bills,” Susan said, laughed and added, “and then some. I mean who would have thought?”

“So what’s Shay’s part like. I mean is she the star or what,” Lori asked.

“Actually she is,” Tina said and then added, “she’s playing the young version of Christine Jorgensen.”

“So if I remember my history and I don’t, Christopher Jorgensen was America's first known Transsexual or at least one of the first,” Lori said.

“She was in the Army or something,” Susan added.

“That’s right,” Got a sex change or rather a sex reassignment in Copenhagen, Denmark in 1951 I think. Been reading the bio with Shay,” Tina said.

“So Shay’s playing the boy,” Susan asked.

“Yes When She was a he and a young male George Jorgensen before he was drafted for the war. From about the ages of fifteen to eighteen. He was born the same year as Shirley Temple and grew up with her movies,” Tina said.

“I can guess this plot,” Lori said as she added, “little sissy wants to be a girl, watches every Shirley Temple movie! Starts stealing clothes from clothes lines.”

“That would have been a wonderful time to steal lingerie,” Tina said.

“Why,” Lori asked.

There were three types of fabrics back in those days,” The poor wore cotton, while the middle class wore Rayon the artificial silk, which was popular from about 1924 on and silk for the well to do,” Tina said and if you’ve seen the costumes you’d know what I mean! Fabulous.”

“So Shay is playing a young Christine then,” Susan said.

“And you’re going to love this,” Tina says and added, “George was a bed wetter and his mother angered by the constant bed wetting forces him back into diapers. That’s the scene coming up today.”

“You’re kidding,” Susan said and then added, “like a page out of the past.”

“Exactly,” Tina said and then laughed as she added, “work up last night in a cold sweat, got out of bed and when I asked her what was wrong she said nothing. Just a dream but when I pressed she said it was about us.”

“As in us,” Susan asked.

“As in us on that first day she was tortured by us as Chad. She wanted to remember the emotions for the shot today because that was that day we dressed her in Emily’s diaper and dress,” Tina said.

“Maybe we shouldn’t be here,” Lori said suddenly looking concerned.

“As if that’s going to change things now,” Tina said before adding, “do you know how many times a week I force her into diapers? Trust me, today is going to be one of her milder days.”

They all laughed. They were still laughing as Emily, Alice and Helen walked in.

What’s so funny,” Emily said looking every bit the Geek that she was. Purple hair in pony tails with pink balls holding it together. She wore a denim strapped dress that didn’t hide a lacy slip but she pulled the look off with a cute short sleeve cotton blouse. Off her shoulder was a Forever There computer book bag. Everyone smiled at the shoes because the only difference between these Mary Jane’s and the ones she wore six years ago were the heels.

“Cute shoes,” Susan said hugging her sister.

“Thank you,” Emily said hugging back as she added, “did you get my Email?”

“I did and holy crap Emily,” Susan said before adding, “do you know how much my tax bill is going to be this year? Just on the gains? You’ve got to slow down!”

“I told you to reinvest it in Real Estate. Go out and buy some land somewhere. No buildings just land,” Emily said.

“I keep meaning to,” Susan said and then added, “anyway, thanks. It’s nice being well to do after being not so well to do.”

“Amen to that,” Lori said coming back with two cokes and handing one to Susan as she added, “hey Helen, hey Alice.”

“Hi Lori,” Alice and Helen both said at the same time. More hugs were exchanged as they started moving over the guest chairs. A young girl with a binder came over and introduced herself. She was the producer's assistant, Carol and thanked them for coming on behalf of Shay who was in her dressing room. After the shoot Shay was going to remain and change later.

They all nodded as she walked off.

“Does she know who we are,” Susan asked.

“Not really, she just knows that the star has family coming,” Tina said.

“The star! How wonderful does that sound,” Susan said smiling.

“Long time in coming,” Alice said and then added, “she’s been working hard at it.”

“Lots of dues,” Emily said and then added, “lots of dues.”

“True enough,” Susan whispered.

“Amen to that,” Lori added.

“Are you kidding me,” Susan said sounding slightly shocked.

They all turned to see what Susan was looking at, who was facing the scene that had been set up for the shoot. Lights had been turned on and people were setting up reflectors and free standing lights but it was Shay herself that had caught Susan’s attention She was walking in and matched the two dolls already placed in the scene.

The dress was a baby’s dress with a skirt at arms length in alternating strips of pink and white. Tiny flowers of pink and green decorated the white part. A wide two inch ribbon of white went around the bottom just above a ruffle that included a strip of lace. That lace obviously matched the lace of her baby slip and the panties that showed.

Like most baby dresses this one had no waist so the skirt started where the round collar ended and the puffy sleeves joined. All the edges were trimmed in ruffles and edged in delicate lace. The fabric shimmered like silk or nylon. The panties as well but with an additional layer of chiffon and clearly bellowing outward from diapers. At the back side were four... no five layers of lace.

Shay’s bonnet, tied on with a wide satin strip of ribbon went out around her face a good six or seven inches. From behind it covered her head allowing her curled hair to fall out from the back in ringlets. There was a pacifier clipped to the dress dangling from the same color ribbon as the one holding the bonnet on.

With the ruffled panties peeking from beneath it made her legs longer looking down to the ruffled socks and white baby shoes. Which made it even more outlandish knowing how old the child apparently was wearing the outfit. It was obvious that was no baby in spite of what she wore. The two dolls arrayed on the white French table and dresser dressed identically only made it worse.

Blushed cheeks were touched up by a very effeminate man who also freshened Shay’s lipstick as she was carefully positioned into the scene. Several technicians with light meters moved lights and checked as the Director sitting at a camera with a screen watched. On occasion he would call out a name and move a light or reflector.

A woman wearing a trumpet skirt and stern white blouse with an upturned collar came in holding a pair of rubber panties and unfolded diaper in her hand and took up position near Shay on a cross of tape placed on the floor.

“Okay everyone places. Sound. Cameras. Rolling. Marker and action,” Director Brighton yelled.

"And action," Director Brighton said from the chair, but looking through the twelve inch black and white monitor. A second camera zoomed in on Chris as he emerged from the bathroom but immediately began to zoom back.

Shay as Chris head bowed lifted his dress, clearly humiliated. Lucy, his mother, standing by the bed caught the movement straightened and turned in his direction. When she came up she no longer blocked the diaper and soaker, nor the plastic vinyl pants that would snap on when he was pinned him into the diaper. At the moment he was in panties

Chris: Mom, you don't have to do this.

Lucy: Chris enough is enough and I'm through talking. You're going back into diapers until the bedwetting stops.

Camera one zoomed back slowly showing the whole room as Chris holding his dress and slip up passed his mother. Camera two zoomed in slowly to frame Chris walking to the beds' edge and climbing awkwardly onto the mattress before twisting to lay over the diaper. As Chris spread his legs, Lucy his mother turned back to face him.

"And cut this scene," Director Brighton yelled. There was a bell that rang freezing the sound tapes and marking the film strips in both camera. Director Brighton added, "okay people, let's get Chris diapered and call it a day...."

"Okay everyone second positions," the unit director yelled.

"Clapper," A voice yelled

"Cameras, mark your positions," another voice said from a chair setting off the set

Terry playing Chris's mother Lucy sat, picking up a script first then looked at the scene coordinator who gave her a thumbs up. The coordinator physically spotted the two diaper pins, and baby powder for the next scene. With those still in place she spotted Shay who hadn't moved much and simply spread his legs a little more.

"Speed," a voice yelled.

"And action," Director Brighton yelled.

“Chris! Look at you, just like a little baby,” Lucy said before adding, “as if dressing as a girl isn’t bad enough? Now diapers? Is there no end to this?”

Sitting at the bed's edge and grabbing the hem of the diaper as she tugged it up between her son's thighs. She let the diaper gather there to pick up the baby powder turning Chris's skin white with the talcum. With the powder cover him from his navel to his thighs she finished his diaper with the two white tipped diaper pins.

Camera two stood stationary at the foot of the bed pointing down as Chris was diapered. Camera one was moved slowly alongside the bed as the diaper was pinned closed. It stopped and zoomed in as Chris brought his feet up for the rubber panties.

Lucy pulled on the rubber panties smoothed the hem of the elastic around the legs and waist and took a moment to look at her son before she stood back shaking her head. Everyone watching the scene was spellbound. Susan, Lori and Tina were lost in their own thoughts, as was Emily.

“Well? How do you feel now little boy? Do you like being a pretty little baby girl? Is this what you wanted? Sugar and spice and everything nice like a sweet little baby girl? Nice thick diaper precious. A nice thick diaper and sweet rubber panties for my baby. Now when my baby girl wets her bed tonight only her diaper get wet,” Lucy said shaking her finger in Shay’s face.

"And cut," Director Stan Brighton yelled as he added, "okay everyone, that's a wrap. Good job Chris, you too Helen."

"Thanks Stan," Terry said getting up and stretching. She gave Chad a high five as she stood.

"Ditto that," Chad said as he slipped his feet to the bed's edge.

“Deja vu,” Susan whispered to Lori as she leaned closer as she added, “tell me we didn’t go through this exact same thing not that long ago.”

“Giving me goose bumps,” Lori said.

“It’s making me wet,” Tina whispered as she added, “I’m wondering if Shay can borrow those rubber panties for tonight? And that outfit?

Someone snickered.

“Okay everyone, if this last footage is good. We’re done for the week. Shay, you are a living doll.” The director yelled before adding, “good job everyone. That’s a wrap.

Chad turning from the set looked out from under the lights as they were shut off suddenly saw his family standing there. Alice, Emily, Susan, Helen, Lori, and Tina all had a hand in this he mused as he lifted the edges of his skirts and slips.

With him standing there doing nothing but looking they all started to look back and wonder what was going on. They were all now looking over at him curiously as he took the very edge of his baby dress lifted it, and executed the perfect curtsey.

“Thank you everyone,” Chad whispered before blowing a kiss, but then remembering what Dr. Lucy Caldwell had said added, “and you Sarah, thank you as well, wherever you are!”

The End

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