Green Lantern: Star Sapphire's Wrath

Green Lantern: Star Sapphire’s Wrath
(Fan fiction on the Green Lantern comics, the 2011 Green Lantern movie, and animated Green Lantern movies)

Hal Jordan’s 1967 Mustang skidded to a stop at the Ferris Aircraft parking lot. After spending last night with a yoga instructor and too much alcohol, Hal wasn’t at one hundred percent. He was disheveled and irritable as he rushed over to the hanger.

Hoping to not get caught late, Hal sneaked around the tarmac. “You’re late,” Carl Ferris Jr. said displeased upon finding him.

“And your snack machine no longer works. When I skip lunch, I assume snacks are available,” Hal pointed out.

“We’re making history with the Sabre today, and you’re fucking it up,” Carl told him.

“Nice name by the way,” Hal mocked.

“It’s in your father’s honor,” Carl said seriously.

“My father would have hated it. It’s basically a piece of metal with an X-box for a brain. It will never replace a real pilot,” Hal said arrogantly.

“It’s beaten most pilots already,” Carl countered.

“It hasn’t beaten me yet,” Hal replied.


Hal got into his F-16 fighter jet and expertly piloted the aircraft to high altitude. Carl followed close behind in his own F-16. Two Sabre drone fighters took to the skies in pursuit. Generals watched closely as the dog-fight was presented on screens in real time.

“Gentlemen, you are about to engage the fearsome and mighty Sabre U-CAV. Good luck,” the control tower said to both Hal and Carl.

“I don’t need luck,” Hal smirked as he began his maneuver.

The four fighters pursued each other across the California desert. Hal went for one of the Sabres and nearly got a lock when the Sabre took an unnatural dive. The Sabre then quickly came around and started chasing after Hal.

“Damn, it’s like they can teleport,” Hal remarked. In spite of himself, he had never faced such a challenge before.

Hal tried everything he could think of to get the Sabre off his tail. He took the fighter close the tree line, through mountain formations, and hugging the ground. The Sabre mimicked Hal’s movements perfectly and was on the verge of taking him out.

“I’m dead,” Carl said over the radio as the Sabre took him out.

“Oh, great,” Hal realized as two Sabres were now on him.

In a last ditch effort, Hal went straight up. The Sabres pursued quickly behind him. Carl noticed Hal shooting straight up. “You’re going to stall!” he warned.

“That’s the idea,” Hal smirked.

Hal began to lose oxygen as he reached the upper atmosphere. The two Sabres’ engines stalled and the two drones fell back towards the ground. Hal blacked out and his fighter plummeted. The Generals and technicians watched stunned as the two drones couldn’t restart their engines and crashed.

“Hal, wake up!” Carl shouted into his radio.

Hal eventually did wake up just as he was about to hit the ground. He quickly pulled up and saved himself and his fighter from crashing. Roaring back to life, Hal’s engines headed back to base.

“Well, that was easy,” Hal smirked


Carl waited for Hal to return to the hanger. “How stupid are you? You almost got yourself killed.”

“If you want to replace human pilots, they better be able to get out of a stall,” Hal said obviously.

“Two drones are destroyed and we’re going to lose the contract. You’re grounded permanently,” Carl ordered.

“You thought I would be an easy target. Sorry to disappoint,” Hal said sarcastically and walked off.


Hal headed back home in his truck after a night of drinking. Suddenly, a green flash went past him. “What the hell was that?” he wondered.

The green flash impacted the ground on the rocky beach. Hal curiously drove over to the crash site to investigate. As he walked up to the site, he realized it was an alien ship of some kind. Inside was a pink-skinned humanoid alien. Hal stared at the alien in amazement and then realized it was hurt. He gathered his wits and opened the ship.

“I’m going to get you help,” Hal promised him.

“It’s too late,” Abin Sur replied back. There was a hole in his chest that was bleeding profusely. “The ring chose you.”

“What ring? I don’t understand,” Hal said confused.

Abin Sur handed the Green Lantern ring over to Hal. As he touched the ring, he felt a radical power go through him. He felt in that moment he could do anything. “From time-to-time, you must recharge the ring,” Abin Sur said pointing to the green battery in the ship.

Hal grabbed the car battery sized device. “You have been chosen…to be a guardian of the universe. You are the bravest of this world, the one with the most will,” Abin Sur continued.

“Wait…I’m just a pilot,” Hal doubted.

“So was I before the ring chose me,” Abin Sur smiled. “Without the Corp, there is only fear and chaos. We Guardians maintain peace in the universe over 3600 sectors. To serve is the highest honor,” Abin Sur told him.

“I can’t be a Guardian. I don’t know anything about the universe,” Hal doubted himself.

“The ring will tell you. The ring will take you where you need to go,” Abin Sur assured him.

“What’s your name,” Hal asked as Abin Sur began to fade.

“Abin Sur. What is yours?” he asked weakly.

“Hal Jordan,” Hal replied.

Abin Sur smiled and then closed his eyes as he died. Hal stood over the dead alien speechless. The ring remained in the palm of his hand, but he didn’t dare put it on. Hal then heard emergency sirens in the distance. Not wanting that kind of trouble, Hal ran back to his truck with the battery in hand and took off.



As he drove, Hal called up Carl. “Hey, Carl, I need your help,” Hal said anxiously.

“What the hell do you want, Hal?” Carl replied impatiently.

“You’re not going to believe me, but I just saw an alien crash on the beach. He gave me this ring,” Hal said.

“You’re right. I don’t believe you,” Carl said annoyed.

“I need you come by my apartment. I’ll show it to you,” Hal requested desperately.

“Fine,” Carl said rolling his eyes. He still couldn’t afford to have his best pilot go crazy on him.


Carl came to Hal’s apartment and found Hal to be visibly shaken up. Carl had never seen Hal this anxious before. On the coffee table were the green ring and the battery. It looked like a piece of jade jewelry. “This is alien technology?” Carl doubted.

“It speaks to me,” Hal said of the ring.

“You must be drunk,” Carl said disappointed and went over to the ring.

“Don’t touch it,” Hal warned.

Carl ignored him and put the ring on. The ring immediately glowed green and a green energy suit appeared over Carl’s clothes. Carl felt an incredible sensation as the ring became activated. Looking down at himself, he saw that he was wearing a green and black suit with the Green Lantern symbol on his chest. It didn’t feel like clothes but pure energy.

“This is amazing,” Carl said impressed. “I should have the lab test it.”

“The alien said I was chosen to be a Guardian,” Hal muttered.

“You, a Guardian? You can’t even handle yourself,” Carl scoffed.

“Believe me, I don’t want it,” Hal said seriously.

Carl gave Hal an odd look. Hal had always been fearless. This alien encounter had truly spooked him.

Carl took the ring off and his appearance went back to normal. “Where’s the alien now?” he asked.



Government agents swarmed over the alien ship. The body was taken away and the ship was being lifted by crane off the beach. Helicopters were overhead. Amanda Waddle approached the scene dispassionately as if expecting something like this to occur. Looking around, Amanda noticed tire tracks.

“Someone was here before us,” she realized. “Find him.”

Carl carried the ring and the battery over to his car. This discovery could more than make up for Hal’s fuck-up at the air demonstration. Carl drove to his apartment and parked in the parking lot. As he walked towards his apartment, he decided to put the ring on. There was just something addictive about it. Putting on the ring, he felt a rush of power go through him again.

Suddenly, five pillars of violet light slammed down onto the parking lot creating craters in the ground. As the light faded, five humanoids in reflective pink armor appeared. They were completely covered except for their upper chest and face. They wore head gear that resembled a crown. In their hands were staffs. They were all slender females with long hair. On their right index finger was a Violet Lantern ring.
The five of them advanced on Carl. “So, this is Abin Sur’s replacement,” the leader, Miri, said unimpressed.

“I’m not looking for any trouble, alright,” Carl said backing away towards his car.

One of the five pointed to his car. A streak of pink-hot plasma streaked across the air and completely destroyed the car sending scrap metal in all directions. Carl stared at them in horror. He quickly found himself surrounded by them.

“Don’t make me use this thing,” Carl threatened with his own ring. He didn’t know what he was talking about but hoped the bluff would work.

Miri smirked amused. “We killed Abin Sur. What makes you think you can stop us?” she asked. “You don’t even have control of your powers yet.”

“That’s right. I don’t,” Carl smiled dangerously. Using his green ring, Carl created a green explosion that ripped up the blacktop, threw cars aside, and knocked down the five.

Still, Carl was having difficulty with the ring. His suit fluctuated in-and-out in front of them. “The ring resists me,” Carl realized. “Is it because I wasn’t…?” he wondered.

The five quickly recovered and moved in closer to him. “What do you want?” Carl asked them.

“This world is full of wrath, greed, and fear. We will select a chosen number of women to be given immortality. The rest will die,” she told him.

“Why only women?” Carl asked dumbfounded.

“Men are not deserving of life. I have seen what men have done to this world. You kill, you rape, you steal, and you treat women as slaves. When you have immortality, men are no longer necessary,” she said coldly.

“You’re over generalizing,” Carl said defensively.

“Silence! The only thing that got in our way was Abin Sur’s watchful eye but now that he’s dead, this world is ours,” she told him.

“You’ll have to get through me first,” Carl said bravely.

“I’ll fight him myself,” Miri said amused.

She whirled her staff as she got closer to him. Carl tried to imagine a sword and it appeared. He blocked her a few times before his sword shattered. Realizing the ring wasn’t working well, Carl resorted to his physical abilities. He struggled with Miri’s staff until it was thrown out of her hands. He then punched her like a boxer creating sparks off their suits.

Miri humored Carl enough and punched him to the head hard enough to nearly knock him out. She then punched him through the suit breaking a few ribs. Carl fell to the ground coughing blood. Miri aimed her ring at Carl, created an energy field around his body, and then repeatedly slammed him against the pavement. Still, even with his injuries Carl tried to get back up.

The five watched impressed as Carl got back to his feet. “Is that all you got?” he asked them.
The five aimed their rings at him and fired beams of violet light that went through his green suit and burned away some of his clothing. Carl fell to the ground with half of his clothes burned away. “You are not the chosen one. Tell me where he is?” Miri demanded.

“Fuck you,” Carl spat.

“It’s no challenge fighting a human whose ring resists him,” Miri said disappointed.

“Kill him then and be done with it,” another suggested.

“He has spirit. The Green Lantern Corp. has rejected him but perhaps he will not resist one of ours,” Miri considered.

“It’s impossible for a male to wield our ring,” another remarked.

“Well, that isn’t a problem for us,” Miri smirked. “Who knows? Perhaps, he is the one to fulfill the prophecy.”

Miri approached the broken Carl and knelt down near him. “I sense a deep love within you that dares not reveal itself. Like all males, you crave the touch and warmth of a female. I will take you to paradise where the only emotion that exists is true love.”

“You cannot have true love without loss,” Carl muttered.

“No, we will show you the true meaning of love,” Miri decided.

Creating a portal of violet energy, the leader had Carl dragged inside where all six of them disappeared. On the pavement was the green ring where Carl had intentionally dropped it. Inside his wrecked car was the battery.


Carl went faster than the speed of light as he went through the portal. He eventually landed on an alien planet with a violet-colored atmosphere. Carl felt his injuries being healed as Miri covered him in violet light. Getting up from the ground, he saw large cities made of violet crystals. In the center of the city was a large violet battery. In the sky were several moons and constellations Carl had never seen before. He was truly on an alien planet across the universe.

A slender humanoid female wearing a pink dress and mask approached the group. Other Violet Lantern Corp members walked alongside her. “Why have you brought this male here,” Aga’Po asked the group.
“He was found with Abin Sur’s ring, but he was not the chosen one. He resisted us with passion,” Miri said.

Aga’Po eyed Carl who gave her a defiant expression. “I feel fear, anger, hate,” she said of him.
“Understandable seeing as how you want to commit mass genocide,” Carl said angrily.

“There is a being called Parallax that is the embodiment of fear. It consumes the fear of sentient beings and grows ever stronger. It will soon reach Earth and consume all of Earth’s fear. When this happens, it will be unstoppable,” Aga’Po explained.

“So, your plan is to destroy humanity so Parallax doesn’t become stronger. Really?” Carl asked unimpressed.

“I must consider what is best for the universe. I would gladly sacrifice your planet to save the universe from Parallax,” she said.

“I say you give humanity a chance to fight,” Carl said defiantly.

“Your primitive weapons will do nothing against Parallax,” Aga’Po said flatly.

“What about the Green Lantern Corp?” Carl asked having only a vague sense of what that even was.

The females gave expressions of distaste upon hearing them being mentioned. “The Green Lantern Corp allowed Parallax to escape. They have lost in every encounter against Parallax,” Aga’Po said.

“Then we should join forces,” Carl said obviously.

“That is impossible,” Aga’Po rejected.

“I don’t know what kind of feminist bullshit this is but all life is sacred, not just one sex or one race,” Carl argued.

“He does have passion,” Aga’Po allowed. “You will soon understand.”

Aga’Po fired her violet ring on Carl. It wasn’t painful but it did feel hot. Carl soon found what was left of his clothes burning away until he was completely naked. Carl tried to resist the beam but found himself unable to move. The violet energy sizzled over his skin burning away all of his body hair without hurting his skin. His skin became perfectly smooth to the touch.

“I will give you pleasures you could never dream of. I will give you purpose,” Aga’Po told him.

Carl’s body began to shrink in height and mass. His muscles and bones shrank until he had the same dimensions as the others. “I will give you beauty,” Aga’Po said to him as his face became more feminine. He soon had the face of a beautiful human woman. His black hair grew longer until it reached down to the middle of his back.

“I will give you the power to nourish,” Aga’Po continued. Carl’s nipples grew larger and breasts began to form on his chest. Carl could only watch in fascination as they grew larger until they reached C-cup size. He held them with his now feminine hands in wonder.

“I will give you the power of life,” Aga’Po concluded as Carl’s hips grew wider and his waist shrank down giving him the perfect hour-glass figure.

Carl found himself oddly content as he saw his penis and testicles shrink until they were no more. He then felt an intense pleasure as his female internal organs formed. When it was complete, Aga’Po withdrew her ring.

Carl stood in front of them as a female human. She looked at her hands and her body with a strange excitement. Somehow, this was what she had always wanted but was impossible due to her position in society and body type. All of her concerns about Earth were now gone. She was now a part of something bigger than one planet.

“What is your name, child?” Aga’Po asked the new female.

“Carol…Carol Ferris,” Carol answered automatically.



Meanwhile, Hal Jordan found Carl’s truck completely destroyed in the parking lot. He found the green ring and the battery. Looking around, he saw damage to the pavement and the trees in the area. There were several fires still burning. Picking up the ring, he wondered what had happened. Before he could investigate, he was suddenly encased in a green bubble and transported away.

While Hal Jordan began his training as a Green Lantern, Carol experienced love in ways she couldn’t imagine. In this society, there was no jealousy. People picked partners at random or whatever suited their needs at the time. No one refused and orgies were common.

Carol was quickly educated in Lesbian sex positions and every female sexual sensation. Still, no matter how many times she made love there was still a longing in her heart. Something was still incomplete. She thought of Hal Jordan and wondered what he was doing. She couldn’t have known that Hal was going through rigorous training on Oa.

“It is time,” Aga’Po told her Lanterns.

A squad of Violet Lanterns, including Carol, shot off from the plant, entered a portal, and came upon the planet Earth. Carol watched as an observer as Miri and her squad fired their rings on the planet. A violet crystal formation began to appear around the planet which would freeze the population into perpetual romantic pleasure.

Several green flashes suddenly came upon them. Sinestro, Kilowag, Tomar-Re, Hal Jordan, and others moved to intercept the Violet Lanterns. Carol immediately recognized Hal Jordan but remained silent. Something in her awoke as she saw him. Her previous restraints on romantic love had been lifted. She loved this man even from before. In all the love-making sessions that she had done with other females, nothing compared to what she was now feeling for Hal Jordan.

Sinestro fired on the violet crystal surrounding the Earth blasting it to the pieces. He then led his squad against the Violet Lanterns. The two sides clashed creating powerful green and violent colored explosions in space. Carol watched as Hal held his own against one of the Violet Lanterns.

“So, he was the chosen one after all,” she realized. That was why the green ring had resisted her. It was why she was defeated. It was why she was abducted and transformed. It was all because Hal was unwilling to take up the responsibility.

Carol burned with anger and resentment over how things had happened. Without realizing it, her ring glowed with power.

“We must retreat for now. They are too strong for us,” Miri said as she battled Sinestro.

Carol ignored the order and went straight for Hal. With a loaded fist, she punched Hal as hard as she could. Hal was stunned by the unexpected attack and shot straight towards the Earth. His green suit protected him as entered the atmosphere and then he suddenly stopped once he hit the ground creating a large crater.

The other Violet Lanterns looked upon Carol in awe at her strength. Sinestro wrapped up Carol in green chains pinning her arms and legs together. “Only a human, I see,” Sinestro sneered.

Carol resisted the green chains and in furious anger blasted them to pieces off her. Sinestro calmly materialized a sword and went for the kill. The other Violet Lanterns took hold of Carol and brought her over to a portal before Sinestro could make his strike.


The defeated Violet Lantern squad materialized back on their home planet. With the exception of Carol who was lost in thought, the other Violet Lanterns knelt before Aga’Po in submission. “We have failed you, my queen. The Green Lanterns were too strong,” Miri said.

“I saw it, but one of you showed strength I have not seen in a long time,” Aga’Po said referring to Carol.

“Her powers are not refined,” Miri said.

“In time, they will. Train her,” Aga’Po ordered.

Carol didn’t do well in her training sessions. Her mind was lost in thought about Hal. Her ring and the planet she was on made her mind obsess over him. She lost interest in the other women declining to be touched by any of them. She was perfectly love-sick on a planet that only contained love.

Once she learned how to make portals herself, she escaped to Earth. Seeing how her Violet Lantern uniform would not do, Carol broke into a clothing store at night. Deactivating her ring, she was completely nude. She looked for appropriately sized clothing, a top, pants, and a leather jacket. She then found tennis shoes that were a few sizes smaller than what she was used to.

Exiting the store, she found herself a sports car. Using her ring, she created a pink key that perfectly fit in the slot. Entering the car, she drove off towards her father’s mansion. In her mind, whatever she wanted or love, she could take.

Upon arriving at the mansion, Carol saw that there was already a party going on. Sneaking through the crowds, she looked for her father, Carl Ferris Sr. Instead, she smacked into Hal Jordan.


“Sorry, Miss,” Hal said slightly tipsy.

“Hal?” Carol wondered.

“Have we met? I feel like we’ve met before,” Hal said sheepishly.

Carol hesitated. “No, we haven’t,” she lied.

“You are beautiful. Nice clothes,” Hal complimented.

“Thanks,” Carol said awkwardly.

“Maybe after the party is over, we could spend some one-on-one time,” Hal suggested.

Carol was intrigued and disgusted at the same time. Did Hal Jordan, her own pilot, proposition her for sex? Carol didn’t have time to answer him. A helicopter arrived making it difficult for anyone to hear anything.

“Hal, it’s me, Carl,” Carol said to him.

“What?” he shouted back not hearing her over the helicopter.

The helicopter then began to shake as it experienced sudden engine failure. The helicopter missed the helipad and was going straight for the crowd. Carol went for her ring but couldn’t figure out what she could do with it. She wasn’t willing to blast the helicopter to pieces and kill her own father.

A green beam surrounded the helicopter and kept it still. The green beam then gently placed the helicopter on the helipad safely away from the crowd. The green force field stayed on the helicopter until its blades stopped turning. The crowd then stared at a smiling Hal Jordan who was wearing his Green Lantern uniform.

Realizing the crowd was looking at him, Hal decided to introduce himself. “In case you can’t tell, I’m Hal Jordan. I have been specially chosen to protect an entire sector of space that includes Earth. I am Green Lantern but first and foremost I’m an American,” Hal said to the crowd.

The crowd applauded and Hal went back to his normal suit. Carol watched as her father gave Hal a grateful handshake. “I wished Carl could see this,” Carl Sr. said to Hal.

“I’ll find him even if I have to search the entire planet for him,” Hal promised him.

“Thank you, son,” Carl Sr. said gratefully.

Carol wanted to embrace her father but something was keeping her back. She had been trained to think that all men were the enemy. That included her father and Hal Jordan. She struggled against her training as she saw Carl Sr. and Hal talking.

It should have been her saving the day. It should have been her with the green ring. It should have been with her enjoying the evening with her father. In uncontrolled rage, Carol activated her ring and flew at Hal. She grabbed Hal and took him high into the air. Her violet colored uniform appeared over her clothes as she went to full power. Hal immediately powered his own ring as he was being brought higher into the air. The crowds watched as the green and violet colored lights in the sky eventually went past the horizon.

Carol punched Hal a few times and then backhanded him hard to the ground. Hal slammed into a rock formation causing an explosion of rock and dirt. Carol fired continuous blasts at him with her ring creating a giant crater in the ground. A large green fist suddenly slammed into her. Hal emerged from the cloud of dust and smacked her hard with a giant green baseball bat.

Carol felt stunned by the attack. How could he materialize objects? Hal created a large green hammer that swung down on her. Carol hit the ground hard and was then suddenly hit by a tank blast from a green tank. Hal formed green cuffs around her legs, arms, and neck pinning her to a rock formation.

“I have to thank you for getting me out of that boring party,” Hal smirked as he floated over to her.
Carol resisted the cuff rings but it was no use. “I remember you,” Hal said recalling their fight in space.

“I know all about you, Hal Jordan. You’re a self-centered, egotistical, reckless asshole,” Carol said to him.

“That’s fair,” Hal allowed. He went for Carol’s ring and took it off her finger deactivating her suit. Hal then created a floating green force field around the violet ring.

Hal casually deactivated the green rings around Carol’s limbs freeing her. “Are you going to behave now?” Hal asked condescendingly.

Carol hated him more than ever but also fought the desire to kiss him. “Hal, it’s me, Carl,” Carol finally managed to say.

“Come again?” Hal wondered.

“I was taken by the Violet Lantern Corp. They changed me into this,” Carol told him.

“Really?” Hal questioned.

“That’s why I was at the party. You saved my father’s life,” Carol said to him.

“Then why all the hate?” Hal asked confused and still unsure whether he wanted to believe her.

“I can’t control my emotions. One moment I hate you and the next I…,” Carol said unable to finish her sentence.

Hal seemed to understand her situation. “Ring: Do a body scan,” he ordered. The green ring scanned Carol’s body.

“My God, it is true,” Hal realized after the scan was done.

“Help me,” Carol pleaded with him.


Hal wasn’t certain what to do. He couldn’t think of how his new powers could solve the situation. Before he could find a solution, a portal opened. A Violet Lantern squad led by Miri appeared. Hal considered Carol and then the Violet Lantern squad.

Miri fired on Hal’s force field freeing the violet ring inside. The ring immediately went to Carol’s finger. Miri then blasted Hal into a rock formation burying him. She went over to Carol. “Look what this man has done to you,” Miri said sympathetically.

“I’m fine,” Carol said confused as to what to think.

“Look what have men have created for their women,” Miri said of Carol’s clothes. Miri zapped her clothes destroying them. Carol immediately activated her ring to return her back to her violet uniform.
Hal blasted the rock off of him surprising Miri. “I’ll send you down to the planet’s core next time, Green Lantern,” Miri threatened.

“Carl,” Hal called out to her.

Miri looked at Carol who seemed to wavering. “Carl Ferris is dead. Carol Ferris now lives.”

“Come back to me,” Hal said to Carol.

Carol looked at Miri and then back at Hal. Her mind had trouble concentrating between the two of them. She hated Hal but loved him at the same time. Hal suddenly kicked Miri away from Carol. Hal quickly formed a green bubble around the both of them and flew off.

Miri and her squad quickly pursued and fired on Hal from all sides. The green bubble began to crack despite Hal’s best efforts. Once the bubble shattered the two of them fell to the ground. A still conflicted Carol fell to the ground and fell unconscious.

Hal reformed his bubble only for Miri to kick and punch his bubble across the mountainous terrain. Miri appeared before Hal as his bubble shattered again. “You seem to think this is a game,” Miri smirked and then stabbed him through with her spear.

Hal coughed blood devastated by the strike. Since becoming a Green Lantern, he had felt invincible. Now, he was receiving the beating of his life. Miri withdrew her spear and punched Hal to the face and midsection sending him to the ground.

The rest of the Violet Lantern squad arrived as Miri was about to give Hal a killing blow. “Please, if you love me, don’t kill him,” Carol pleaded.

Miri hesitated as her own sense of love became conflicted. “No love can come from a man,” she told her.

“Please,” Carol begged.

Miri withdrew from Hal in disgust. “It seems you require more training,” Miri said of Carol. The Violet Lantern squad created a portal back to their world.

Hal turned to his ring. “Call for help,” he ordered.


The Violet Lantern squad came before their queen Aga’Po. “This one has a weakness for a man,” Miri accused Carol.

“Is this true?” Aga’Po asked of Carol.

“I don’t know,” Carol admitted.

“Your feelings betray you,” Aga’Po said seeing into her mind. “Your feelings for Hal Jordan are strong.”

Carol expected to be disciplined or killed. Instead, Aga’Po talked with her compassionately. “Many years ago, we once loved the men that now call themselves Guardians. They rejected our love believing it to be a distraction from their will. This Hal Jordan may appear to love you, but he will always put his own desires first. Love and selfish desire can never co-exist, my child,” Aga’Po told her.

“I can’t fight my own feelings,” Carol said to her.

“Alone you cannot, but you are not alone,” Aga’Po assured her and then motioned for Miri to take Carol away.


Soon thereafter, Carol rejoined the Violet Lantern squad perfectly conditioned against men. The squad exited a portal near Earth and fired down on the planet. Violet-colored crystals formed around the planet. The waves, plants, animals, and every human being were frozen in place. While their bodies were frozen, their thoughts were that of pleasurable love.

As expected, Parallax approached Earth. It was made of the pure yellow energy of fear. It was shaped as an insect with wings. It attempted to feed off the Earth’s fear but there was nothing for it to consume. Frustrated, Parallax circled the planet a few times.

“It has grown so large,” Miri realized upon seeing it. “Stay steady. Fear is the enemy of love,” she told the others.

Parallax then noticed the Violet Lantern squad and felt something from Carol. Deep down beyond all her conditioning was a fear that could not be purged, a fear of losing Hal Jordan. Parallax roared and went straight for the Violet Lantern squad.

A green chain net manifested around Parallax keeping it from moving. The Green Lantern Corp emerged with Hal Jordan among them. “We’ll take care of this, ladies,” Sinestro said condescendingly.
Parallax resisted the net even as Green Lanterns fired green blasts at it. “We have it contained. Now what?” Kilowag asked Sinestro.

“Now, we take its power,” Sinestro said simply as he put a yellow ring on his finger. Sinestro flexed in ecstasy as he felt the yellow power flow over him.

Sinestro then took aim at Parallax and began absorbing its energy. “Yes, give me everything you have.”

“You intend to be as powerful as Parallax?” Tomar-Re questioned.

“Of course but unlike Parallax I am not a mindless beast,” Sinestro said.

“That’s too much power for one man,” Hal objected.

“You’re free to craft your own yellow ring,” Sinestro replied arrogantly.


Parallax screeched as its power was being drained away. Hal began to waver as he saw Sinestro’s expression. He was drunk with power as even his eyes glowed yellow. “That’s enough!” Hal said as he broke the net around Parallax.

Now free, the weakened Parallax fled the solar system. “What have you done, Hal Jordan?” Sinestro said angrily.

“Take off the ring, Sinestro,” Tomar-Re said gently.

“With this kind of power, why should I?” Sinstro asked with a crazed expression on his face. Sinestro then turned to the Earth. “There’s a chance that Parallax will come back to this world and when it does its powers will be restored. This planet reeks with fear.”

“We have it under control, Sinestro,” Miri said to him.

“I have a more permanent solution,” Sinestro said as he aimed his ring at the planet.

“That will kill both male and female,” Miri reminded him.

“Yes, perfect equality,” Sinestro said as he focused on his power.

“Stop, Sinestro,” Kilowag said forcefully. “The battle has been won.”

“The war, however, is not over,” Sinestro replied. He suddenly lashed out at the Green Lanterns with powerful streaks of yellow energy. Hal went for an attack only to be blasted into the moon.

Miri and her squad then confronted Sinestro. “Only a man can control fear,” he said to them.

“Only a woman can love,” Miri replied to him.

Sinestro and Miri clashed with their respective powers. Sinestro created a sword to Miri’s spear. The two swiped at one another creating brilliant flashes of violet and yellow light. An expert swordsman and warrior, Sinestro slashed Miri devastating her.

Sinestro fired on the other Violet Lantern squad members taking from them their fear. Defeating both squads, Sinestro turned to the planet. He blasted the violet crystal away returning the Earth to before. Sinestro then fed on the Earth’s plentiful supply of fear.

“I had no idea one world could hold so much fear,” Sinestro said blissfully as he absorbed all of it.

After he had his fill, Sinestro aimed his ring at the planet to destroy it. The yellow beam went straight for the planet but was blocked at the last moment by Carol’s own violet beam. “You cannot defeat me, woman,” Sinestro sneered at her.

Carol held her own for a few moments but then she was pushed into the atmosphere. Sinestro laughed at her apparent weakness. Suddenly, Sinestro was pulled away from the Earth towards a green-colored sun. With his power, he tried to resist the gravitational pull of the artificially created sun.

“Gravity’s a bitch,” Hal said to him.

“How juvenile,” Sinestro said and then blasted the sun with his ring. The sun went supernova creating a powerful green blast that threw the two of them away from each other.

Hal recovered quickly and punched Sinestro hard into the asteroid belt. The two clashed repeatedly inside the asteroid field destroying asteroids as they did. Carol joined the fight as well. She trapped Sinestro inside a force field while Hal swat him with a green baseball bat. Sinestro was flung into a large asteroid creating a large crater.

Hal then formed a large canon and fired repeatedly on the asteroid completely destroying it. Sinestro was dazed for a moment but quickly recovered.

“You betray the Green Lantern Corp by working with that filth,” Sinestro said to Hal.

“I think you have already done that,” Hal replied.

Carol tied up Sinestro with ropes pinning his arms and legs. Hal loaded up a sling shot and fired a green ball of energy at him. The ball hit Sinestro flinging him into deep space. Unable to stop his momentum against the green ball, Sinestro fell into Jupiter’s gravity well and disappeared inside the planet’s fast moving clouds.

“Is it over?” Carol asked exhausted.

“Knowing him, he’ll find a way to escape but his pride has taken a hit. He’ll be hunted down like a fugitive,” Hal assured her.

“It’s so beautiful out here,” Carol said of stars and asteroids around them.

“Yes, it is,” Hal agreed.

“I never thought I would be able to fly through space. It almost makes all of this worth it,” Carol said sadly.

“I’ll find a way to fix what they did to you,” Hal promised her.

“It’s alright, Hal. I never told you this but even before they changed me…I’ve always loved you,” Carol said embarrassed.

“Really?” Hal asked amazed. He never knew Carl to be gay.

“It’s the reason I didn’t fire you,” Carol said sheepishly.

“Well…that’s letting your feelings get in the way of logical decision making,” Hal teased.

“I want to love you, Hal, but it’s against our law,” Carol said conflicted.

“Fuck the law,” Hal said as he kissed her.

Their green and violet auras swirled around them as they touched. Carol let her restraints go and kissed Hal passionately. This was beyond anything she had ever experienced with her Violet Lantern Corp. This was beyond infatuation and lust. This was real love she had always had for her subordinate and colleague. Hal was always the missing thing she needed. She had loved him, but he hadn’t returned that love to her. Now, it would be unbreakable no matter what intergalactic corp. said.

Carol and Hal broke their kiss in the middle of the asteroid belt. “My people will soon come after you,” she warned.

“Including you?” Hal asked.

“Maybe,” Carol said flirtatiously.

“Thanks for the heads up,” Hal smiled and gave her a surprise kiss.

Hal then took off as the Violet Lantern squad took off after him. “Hurry up,” Miri said frustrated at her.

Carol touched her lips and smiled. Clenching her fist, she rejoined the others. She would change the Violet Lantern Corp from the inside, not the outside. She would make them realize the value of love between men and women. Maybe, one day, she would even become their Star Sapphire.


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