Christmas Dreams
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Prizes currently are 1 x $250, 3 x $150, and 6 x $50 USD paypalled or gift vouchered. Prizes are subject to go up!
Admin Note: This Contest may have additional prizes. Voting method, dates, and times will also be announced very shortly! ~Sephrena.
The theme for this year's Christmas Story Contest is the enactment of making or trying to make someone else's dream come true for the Holidays. It can be done from the viewpoint of the main character or a secondary character in the author's story. Either the main character or a secondary character needs to be trans, gay, lesbian, bi, or intersexed.
That's it. How you develop the story is entirely up to you. ^^ The story can use any plot device, any theme variation at all: from romantic, action, horror, to comedy, etc. and any time period or setting. Stories can be any length and chaptered. Stories must be brand new and never posted anywhere else on the Internet or published. Multiple submissions are allowed with only the top submission of any author's total submissions to claim a prize. |
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I am looking for unusual stories and creativity from the norm in some fashion within the entries. The making of a dream come true can fail in one way and succeed unwittingly in another. The attempt and working for it are important to the theme. Almost any idea for a catalyst can used: various organizations, people who for rescue and hospital services, police, military, news, journalism, business organizations, and everyday common citizens can be involved. Use your imagination and take that road never trodden before!
We have the talent here on the site. I would love to see it shine this year like never before! Any Genre, any device is allowable as long as the story adheres to the theme. |
When you write an entry, please tag it with this in the story teaser:
<div align="center"><img src="/topshelf/system/files/u1973/lights06.gif" width="480" height="22" alt="lights06.gif" /></div>
<div align="center"><font color='#3344ff'><strong><em>December 2017 Christmas Dreams Story Contest Entry</em></strong></font></div>
to display your entry:

Currently, I have set up the prize structure arranged to 1 x $250, 3 x $150, and 6 x $50 USD winners using either paypal to send or else an Gift voucher. We may be able to get additional prizes depending on what happens between now and Christmas. The winners will be selected by some means of voting which we have yet to resolve and will reannounce very shortly.
I want everyone to feel included in this contest, even if you are just a reader. This contest is about everyone and includes everyone. |
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The winners will need to pm Sephrena with their paypal account names to transfer their prize awards to or else email address for the gift voucher option. All prizes will be transferred very soon after the winners announcement. |

BigCloset TopShelf
No more excuses...
...for me at least!
A story is already brewing in my mind... and I am truly determined to venture into the world of html without Sephrina's assistance posting... who has been wonderful to me BTW.
Story Contest! Yay!
Christmas Story
I have a story in mind. I'm just trying to figure out if who i want for the main character in the story will work.
If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.”
― Toni Morrison
Christmas tale?
I'll see about throwing my hat in this year, I've got an idea I've been sitting on. The only issue is finding the time.
If you appreciate my tales, please consider supporting me on Patreon so that I may continue:
My entry is done( 1st draft )
The idea came to me as I was crossing Salisbury Plain in the fog early Thursday Morning.
I'll let it stew for a while and then edit it before posting it.
The story is very different to pretty well anything that I've written before. It is unusual to say the least.
Can't wait to read it
Still waiting
for premium story access, from donating last years prise to hatbox.
Sephrena, I just entered a
Sephrena, I just entered a story, but failed to use the HTML stuff. I'm not sure how to get that in, help!
Taken care of
by the Christmas elves
Visit my Caption Blog: Dawn's Girly Site
Visit my Amazon Page: D R Jehs
I would enter but
like the last three years my annual multi caption holiday story will be posted on Christmas day on my blog so it will be after the deadline.
Visit my Caption Blog: Dawn's Girly Site
Visit my Amazon Page: D R Jehs
I'll probably enter this contest,
But it may not be until December as I'm doing NaNoWriMo at the moment and I intend to meet the 50k mark there before time runs out.
Nice use of the “Love Stage”
Nice use of the “Love Stage” pic
I have an idea as well
just moving it from idea to story is different and for a Story contest as well.
New for me.
well I did
Well I did enter and have now posted the story.
Possibly entering this year.
Normally I’m not one for entering in these contests but this year my muse is actually quite high in terms of a Christmas tale.
I’m not going to spoil anything but I have something up my sleeve this year. :)
Great another contest....
I hope I can use a minor characters from one of my stories to be the characters. By the way... sorry about not posting, I had writers block, so I created a few more chapters, that I might post soon....
TGSine --958
Curses... I had an idea, so I started....
...and DREAMER is now at 30,000 words and has snowballed out of control. I have SO MUCH to finish, and this damn thing has grabbed my muse and hijacked my computer. At this rate I am not going to make the dead line, as I can see it getting to 70,000 words.
There's no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong clothes!
you can submit it with chapter chunks
even if the whole story isn't submitted on time you can be graded on what was presented. Shauna last year did not finish hers yet it did extremely well. Submit chunks of it when you feel okay with it.
Re: you can submit it with chapter chunks
Shauna wasn't the only one last year who was posting multiple parts of an entry for the contest.
I did as well, that story being Home Is Where The Heart Is. I managed to post the first four parts before the contest ended, and I continue adding to that story as the muse orders it (LOL). I haven't finished it yet, but that is due to Home being open-ended time wise.
So go for it, Tanya. Even if the whole story isn't finished when the contest ends, it's still eligible. I'd be happy to read it.
Sorry Crazypagan! I know you did too. I was just using someone as an example :)
*hugs tight*
Getting out of hand
I had an idea (not for this contest) and it has snowballed. Now at around 22,000 words and still growing.
Sometimes the 'muse' just won't stop giving. :) :) :wink:
A question.
I have been looking at getting back into writing TG fiction once more and I thought this contest might be a good place to get started once more...
The thing is I have one question.
There is a line in the instructions as follows:
Does that mean that the entry has to be in first person? To my understanding, which might be a result of my poor English skills, third person, which is what I tend to write in most of the time, is a omniscient view point external to the characters and there for can not be from the viewpoint of a character inside the story. Am I failing to understand how third person works or have I just failed to understand the nature of this instruction? Can someone explain the instruction to me in a way that an idiot like me would understand?
Thanks in advance.
I know these boxes are for saying something smart or witty, but even after all these years, that eludes me...
The answer is no...
What I am saying is you can write it from the perspective of the main character, or else from a secondary one about the main one. It can from 1st or 3rd person perspective either way.