Tamara's Trials - Chapter 26 "Queen Bitch"

Tamara's Trials - A Tommy & Tamara Story  

Part Twenty Six


"Queen Bitch"


Wednesday 4th February Continued

Tammy's eyes flickered in the artificial light as she tried to focus.

"Can you hear me Tamara?"

"Yes - my throat is dry."

A cup fitted with a drinking straw was held up to her lips so she could take a few sips. Tammy used this time to work out she was in a hospital room with a nurse and a doctor, possibly others.

"Is that better?"

"Y-Yes thank you. Where am I?"

"You're in a recovery room at the Raigmore."

"Inverness then?"


"What happened?"

You were found unconscious in the out patients department of the Dunbar, you were stabilised then flown here in the air ambulance."

"What was wrong?"

"We're still working on that but I had to remove your testes as they were inflamed due to sepsis."

"That saves me a hospital visit then."

"I saw that you were scheduled to have them removed, but a Dr Davison had added a note."

"I'd just come from seeing her, it's a good job you didn't take my blood pressure."

"We would have done, it's standard procedure,"

"How long do I have to be here?"

"We're keeping you overnight as we'll want to take more bloods, plus you had a general anaesthetic."

"Did you find anything else?"

"Such as?"

"A womb?"

"I'm afraid not."

"Oh well."

"Your father is on his way apparently, but there's roadworks on the Kessock Bridge so he might be a while."

"He'll fly."

"Not on that road."

"No, we own a helicopter firm, RS Helicopters, based at Wick."


Tammy must have drifted off to sleep as the room was empty when she next looked. There was a knock on the door, Richard and Joan had arrived.

"Hi guys."

"We were told you hadn't woken up."

"Depends when you asked, I've just woken up but I know I talked to a doctor earlier, the surgeon I think."

"How are you, Tammy?"

"Joan, I'm laying on a hospital bed, connected to machines that go 'ping' every so often, not to mention various liquid-filled tubes, with no memory of the past however many hours, and you ask me how I am?"


"I have no idea, best ask one of the qualified bods."

Richard took over. "We tried, but as you're over eighteen and apparently out of danger we have to ask you!"

"Right, as you know I had an appointment with Jill at nine this morning after Michael dropped me at the hospital, then I woke up here. I have no idea how much time has passed."

"It's nearly one o'clock."

"Thanks, where's lunch? Anyway they tell me my balls were inflamed with sepsis and I guess that probably caused me to black out."

"Any idea why?"

"No, not yet, Dad."

"How did the appointment with Jill go?"

"Not well, not well at all."

"Didn't she give you the okay?"

"Yes, but it's largely irrelevant now."

"So why are you still bitter?"

"It was her attitude."

"Do you want to see someone else?"

"I don't want to see anyone at all if possible."

"Now is not the time to sort this out, we need to find out what's gone wrong with your body."

"Yes, I suppose so. Did you bring any clothes?"

"I collected Joan from the school and she went through your room."

"Tammy, I've packed two nighties, several changes of underwear and an outfit for you to leave in. That bag is in the car, along with your handbag which you left in Dr Davison's room apparently. Have they said how long you're staying?"

"Overnight, but beyond that I don't know."

The door opened, a nurse and a porter walked in.

"We've come to take Miss Smart to the ward but it says male surgical."

"Typical! Doctor Sutherland said she'd fixed that anomaly."

"But the notes say Orchitis/Orchidectomy - oh. I'll be back in a minute."

Tammy started to laugh. "Can I expect this often?"


She was eventually moved to a side room on the female surgical ward after phone calls were made, it appeared that the name of Professor Roberts was key to getting the NHS database fixed. Richard and Joan went to find lunch as soon as Tammy's destination was confirmed. Tammy must have dozed as the room wasn't empty when she awoke.

"I'm Dr Wright."


"I'd like to bring you up to date about what we're doing."

"Fine, fixing the NHS database would be high on my list."

"I'm told that's being done at the moment."

"I'll believe it next time I have a flawless interaction with a hospital or doctor's surgery."

"That is near impossible with or without issues with the patient database."

"Perhaps." Tammy was warming up to this Doctor.

"Now, do you understand why you were brought in?"

"Infected balls?"

"Crude, but correct. Have you been feeling tired and run down?"

"Yes, I haven't been on top form for ages."

"It looks like you've been carrying an infection, anyway it seems to have attacked your testes."

"Correct me here, my blood results suggested I was going through a late puberty?"

"Something was going on, and it's true your body saw an increase in testosterone, but the testes were dying. The only problem was that they were taking you down with them."

"Hence I blacked out?"

"You went into shock, good job you were in a hospital; that Dr Davison saved your life."


"What is it?"

"I'd just had an awful appointment with her."

"Get over it, she's a doctor and she did what she's trained to do, even if the two of you couldn't agree. What was the argument over?"

"Whether she was going to let me have an orchidectomy!"

"Oh, I see your point!"

"I'll have to deal with that another time, what did you do?"

"We removed your testes, and pumped a gallon of antibiotics into you."

"Hence the IV?"


"How long am I going to be here?"

"We need to see that the infection is under control but you're still weak and it'll take some time. I wouldn't book anything for the next few days."

"We're moving home on Saturday plus I'm rehearsing at the theatre."

"You've had your theatre appearance for the week, young lady, what play is it?"


"And you're?"

"Lady Macbeth."

"I'm sure a week won't matter."

"I'll let them know, where's my phone?"

"I'll ask a nurse to help you as your possessions could be anywhere."

"Sure, could this infection have messed with my brain?"


"I think I've been a right queen bitch recently."

"And they thought you were male?"


Dr Wright went to the door and opened it, but she was stopped from leaving the room as Richard and Joan returned, this time her dad was carrying two bags.


"I'm Tammy's father and this lady is from her school."


"Okay, this lady is going to be my wife."

"Fine, so long as you're not here to take advantage of a sickly defenceless girl?"

"My daughter Defenceless? I'd beware her tongue if I were you!"


"Is that her handbag or your own?"

"Ouch, it's Tammy's, and we have some clothes."

"She's not leaving yet."

"A clean nightie and knickers for starters."

"I'll call a nurse, she'll have padding down below."

The Doctor now left whilst Joan unpacked the bag and handed Tammy her phone, and a hairbrush."

"Thanks, mum."

That earned her a kiss.

"Be careful, I'm infected."

Tammy remembered that she would have turned her phone off before going into the Dunbar that morning, as was her normal practice, so her phone was off. It was a minute before she could use it therefore, hurriedly silencing the phone as messages flooded in. Before she could deal with any of them a nurse arrived.

"Good afternoon, I'm Kate."

"Hi Kate, I'm Tammy and these are my parents."

"Okay, parents, please leave the room, I need to check your daughter's dressings."

"I have a clean nightie and undies in the locker."

"Okay, but out, out!"

"Damn spot."

"Eh? Oh, Macbeth. Come on, what is everyone waiting for?"

Richard and Joan were shooed out of the door before the bed covers were pulled back.


One of the first messages Tammy sent was to Jill Davison, thanking her for whatever she had done after Tammy's collapse. A bunch of flowers would be sent as soon as Tammy could organise it. It wasn't long before her phone showed signs of dead-battery syndrome. No-one had mentioned a charger. She sent one last message.

Dad, flowers to Jill please and phone charger for me

With that last gasp, Tammy's contact with the outside world ceased. She dozed until dinner was delivered, then dozed more.

Thursday 5th February

Tammy could only imagine the conversations her father had enjoyed with the hospital management as he asked to borrow the helicopter pad to make a delivery just before eight in the morning.

"What would you like to deliver?"
"A phone charger for my daughter."
"By helicopter?"
"It's quicker than using the car."
"We need that pad for the air ambulance."
"It only needs to be on the ground long enough to hand over a package."

The nurse that delivered the phone charger didn't know what to think as she plugged it in the wall.

"How did you manage that?"

"My Dad did, he and I own the firm."

Tammy switched the phone on, quickly tapping a response to her Dad, confirming receipt.

"Put that down, I'm here to change your dressings and take some blood."

"Great, vampire time."

"No needle needed, I'll just use the cannula."

"It's just a saying."

"And I've heard it a few thousand times."

"Bit lame, then?"



She managed to get a copy of the Scotsman which included an interesting headline:

Schoolteacher charged in Terror Plot
Police yesterday charged former schoolteacher Yvonne Stewart with offences related to the
Christmas bombing campaign against the air traffic control systems. Without giving away
many details it is understood that Miss Stewart harboured a number of the terrorists prior
to their arrest. She is believed to have been taken to a central London Police Station in
what is an unusual move.
A journalist, Sharon Pike, initially arrested under terrorism laws has since been re-arrested
and charged with offences under data protection legislation and is being questioned at Thurso
police station. She was formerly editor of the Thurso Echo.

Tammy recalled her father had dealt with a journalist several months earlier, she'd have to check this with him. What was going on with Yvonne?

She had no family or friend visitors during the day but several bunches of flowers were delivered and Tammy was now able to keep in touch with everybody. She'd asked her father about Sharon Pike but he'd simply asked her to leave it until she was back home.

Dr Wright did see her during the afternoon and seemed pleased with how Tammy was reacting to the antibiotics.

"Can I take my pill? I've found a strip in my bag but I'm unsure."

"I think you can, but no point in taking blockers now."

"I guess not! When go I leave here?"

"You can go home in the morning."

"Thanks, I'll make transport arrangements."

"There's heavy snow forecast."

"I'll ask for a helicopter then."

"Was that you this morning?"

"The chopper, yes."

"For a phone charger?"

"Sure, essential equipment."

"It used to be an urgent request for a wordsearch or crossword book and a biro; the hospital shop sells both."

"Perhaps they should stock phone chargers too?"

"They probably do, did you ask?"

"I didn't even know there was a shop."

"Hadn't you been to the Raigmore before?"

Tammy shook her head.

"I have normal, and abnormal, appointments at the Dunbar plus I went to Wick once for a CT scan, but I've never been here before."

"Well, next time ask."

"The only time I hope to be in hospital again is for my GRS, and I don't know if you do it here?"

"I'm not sure, you might need to go to Glasgow."

"My consultant is at the Royal Infirmary.

"So it's likely they'll do the work there. I have to see someone else now, I'll be back tomorrow to discharge you."

Friday 6th February

Richard had apologised to Tammy that he couldn't collect her but said he would make alternative arrangements.

"Come on young lady, I've left Jonathon parked right outside the main entrance."

"Good morning Elsie, I'm waiting for clearance to go."

"Poppycock, get yourself sorted whilst I find a member of staff with the balls to discharge you."

Tammy did as asked, after she recovered from a fit of the giggles. She was dressed when Dr Wright appeared, accompanied by Elsie.

"Do you know this lady, Tammy?"

"The Lady Elsie McPherson, head of the Clan McPherson? No, never seen her before!"

Elsie coughed. "That's enough cheek Miss Smart if you'd like a lift home. I'm told the walk is quite invigorating at this time of the year."

The doctor laughed, "I have your discharge paperwork here, including a prescription for two weeks of antibiotics, please use the pharmacy downstairs as your local chemist may not stock this strength. Make an appointment to see your GP in a week's time."

"Okay, and thank you."

"I can be certain that you won't be back here for the same operation a second time."

"Correct, or I'd be making medical history?"


The ride back to Thurso was uneventful, especially for Tammy as she dozed off for much of the journey. Contrary to her wishes she was packed off to bed as soon as they arrived, although a bowl of hot scotch broth followed swiftly.

"You can come down for dinner, but not before."

"I need a shower."

"Is that sensible?"

"I'm not light-headed, well not too much."

"I'll ask Leanne to help you."

Elsie left before Tammy could object.

"Welcome back Miss, Madam McPherson says you need some help."

"I can cope."

"But Mrs McPherson was insistent, Miss, I have to help you in the shower."

"I do need one."

"I'll get the water started. Leave your underwear on if you wish, Miss."

That didn't last long, Tammy needed to wash everywhere, including her groin where the dressing was effectively a pantyliner. Leanne was waiting outside the cubicle with a large towel to wrap around Tammy and a smaller one to dry her hair. Before long Tammy was sat in a clean nightie whilst Leanne dried her hair before putting it up.

"Thank you Leanne, I feel silly not doing this for myself."

"It's no trouble Miss."

Tammy fell asleep after taking an antibiotic and was woken close to dinner time, but Elsie decided Tammy should eat in her room. Her father came to see her around seven.

"I'm sorry I haven't been here."

"That's alright, I know you've been busy at the house."

"Yes, we have just got the alarms working and the last of the furniture has arrived."

"I'll come over in the morning then."

"No, you will not. You're staying here until you're fit to work, otherwise you would just be in the way, young lady."

"But, but, b..."

"No, this is for your benefit, get yourself well and then you can help. Until then you will stay here, Leanne will also stay to look after you."

Tammy wasn't impressed, but had lost this fight.

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