Tamara's Trials - Chapter 42 "Lessons learnt"

Tamara's Trials - A Tommy & Tamara Story  

Part Forty Two


"Lessons learnt"


Sunday 8th March

Tammy climbed into the driving seat of her instructor's car just before nine.

"You seem distracted, Tammy."

"Um, yeah."

"What's up?"

"It was a long day yesterday at the fashion show, then a long talk with mum and a friend."

"Sounds serious?"

"It was all about my future, and hers."

"You mean university and jobs or relationships?"

"Her relationship is already sorted, and that was my fault, but it was my professional future that's in doubt, Tanya as well."

"I hope you get it sorted, self-doubt is not a healthy emotion."

"I know."

"Are you going to be okay to concentrate on the road?"

"Sure, where are we going?"

"Into Wick and around the back roads."

Tammy set off, driving overly cautiously as she was indeed still worried what Tanya might say to anyone.

As many folk at this time would have been at home or at a church service, on account of the shops being shut until ten, the roads were quiet. Once in Wick, Linda told Tammy to follow the signs to the harbour and park in the small carpark.

"The office where you'll do your driving theory test is over there and it has to be completed before you take your road test. Have you booked either yet?"

"I don't think so, at least I haven't done so myself."

"If you want to take your test during the Easter break then you need to book everything as soon as possible, by the eighth of April if you can?"

"I thought I'd have another week?"

"My husband has booked us on a holiday, I only found out yesterday."

"Somewhere nice?"


"That's nice, I went there once with my Dad."

"Do you mind if I use the ladies loo? It's over there." Linda pointed.

"Not at all."

"I'll only be a minute, don't go anywhere."


Tammy watched Linda disappear into the doorway of the public toilets, something she herself always tried to avoid, before reaching into her bag that was stowed behind the driver's seat. She removed two devices, resembling thumbdrives, from a side pocket and firmly pressed a pad on each to activate them. She noted the serial numbers with her mobile phone's camera before putting them in their hiding places: one went under her seat, the other into the bottom of Linda's bag. By the time Linda returned there was nothing out of place, although Tammy was pretending to blow her nose with a tissue.

"Do you have a cold?"

"No, the sea air does it to me sometimes."

"Okay, start it up. Let's take a drive around some of the residential streets as we should find some traffic."

They pottered around the back streets for ten minutes before starting their drive back to Thurso. Instead of going straight back home Linda directed Tammy up towards a small industrial unit. She pulled up outside a nondescript building with an external toilet block signed 'Males Only'.

"This is the actual driving test centre, but it's obviously closed today. If you book your test after the eighth I won't be able to accompany you."


"Right, drive back home; I think you know the way."

"Actually I need to go to town so can we finish there?"

"Sure, oh next Sunday you're down for a two hour lesson."

Tammy waved to Linda as the instructor drove away, relieved that the lesson and the other aspects had gone smoothly. It was just before ten so there weren't many around yet. She walked to the back door of Sarah's shop and pressed the delivery bell.

"Hi Tammy, thanks for coming down."

"That's okay, it turns out I have something else to do in town today, Tanya should be here sometime near midday."

"That gives us a clear two hours then, let's get cracking."

What was waiting for Tammy was a huge stock delivery from the show's fashion house. Much of the existing stock that was on the shelves and racks was now destined to the back room and would be available on request only. In place of that was almost the entire collection exhibited by Tammy, Tanya and the other models the previous day.

There were also large window banners shouting 'New Season' and 'Show Exclusives'.

"Tammy, if we can get this done before half eleven I'd like to open for a couple of hours."

"I also need some photos for the shop's facebook page."

"I took some yesterday when you were on the catwalk, I'll email them as you might want to edit them a bit first."


Sarah took the opportunity to push the vacuum cleaner around the shop floor as Emily hadn't done it before locking up the previous afternoon. The noise of the motor meant they didn't hear the delivery bell so the next noise was a banging on the glass door.

"We're about done, open up."

Tammy raised the blind on the doors to reveal Tanya and Debbie peering in. She unlocked the door then raised the window blinds as well.

"Only two items in the changing rooms at a time please ladies."

"Get lost Tammy!"

"According to my driving instructor I can't get lost."

"How drôle."

"Now, Debbie, are you here to make sure I don't put a hex on your sister?"

"No, I want to be sure of what she claims you said yesterday."

"Then she's already broken her promise."

"Did not!" Tanya had her hands on her hips and could have imitated an eight year old with an attitude quite effectively. Tammy and Debbie started laughing but were cut short by a cough from Sarah. Customers had now seen that the doors were open.

Even those that had been at the show would have been impressed by the range Sarah had available. There was a ten percent discount available at the till for Caithness District residents but Sarah had told Tammy to apply it regardless. Those who attended the show also had a £10 voucher valid for sales over £40, although most sales never reached this amount.

For over an hour Debbie and Tanya were adopted as shop assistants, refolding stock or returning items from the changing rooms to the rails. By one thirty it had finally died down.

"Sarah, can I talk to the girls in the stock room? If it gets busy again I'll be straight out."


Tammy organised teas and coffees first, making sure that Sarah had a drink.

"Now, Tanya, can you remember what we agreed last night?"

"That I would never tell anyone what you were talking about."

"So why is Debbie here?"

"Because I had to tell someone."

"Tanya, did you repeat our conversation to Debbie?"

"No, but I didn't want to see you alone today in case you brainwashed me, zapped me or something like that."

Tammy and Debbie laughed, "You've been watching too much science fiction!"

"Seriously Tammy, you are into some weird things."

"Look, all of this is for my protection, nothing more."

"It doesn't look like it. Why did you need a new mobile phone?"

"It connects me to the counter terrorism officers directly instead of having to deal with a control room in Inverness. It also can't be intercepted by the spooks, whoever they're working for."

"I thought you were one of them?"

"I'm a school girl who's hoping to go to university in September, that's all, but there are still some nasty people around. Those guys who tried to kidnap me are due in court in a few months time and I bet someone will have another go at me. Try living your life with that thought?"

Tanya obviously hadn't and was trying to judge Tammy by her own standards. Debbie, who had been quiet so far, now spoke.

"So you're not going out to spy on anyone?"

Tammy laughed. "Are you kidding, I'm hardly low profile am I?"

"Not with photos in all the Scottish Sunday papers, plus a few of the English ones!"

"So, I wouldn't make a very good undercover investigator, would I?"

"Well, no. So what are these bugs for that Tanya mentioned?"

"There's one for each of my handbags plus my coats and jackets. Don't forget I have to put one in my car too."


"So if I get abducted the police can track and find me, before the kidnappers do anything really nasty."

Tanya and Debbie both looked very disturbed when Tammy finished saying this.

"What's this thing about guns then?"

"It was a joke, Tanya."

Tanya wasn't so sure. "But you said you had a security briefing?"

"Sure, I have work experience in London and Cornwall this Summer and will need to be briefed as to what I can and can't do. That includes giving you any more details about my security arrangements, although there's a very good reason why you shouldn't know anything, or at least anything more."

"What's that?"

"In case you become a target too, you could be a means for the nasty people to find and get at me. They won't be too worried what happens to you as it would be me they're after."


"And, if you tell anyone else then they can be a target too. Only complete ignorance can keep you safe, Tanya. That means not repeating to anyone what you think you know as that could place them in danger too."

Tanya was now truly worried, she'd been told much the same the previous afternoon but, with the elation of the fashion show, it hadn't sunk in. Debbie now looked concerned.

"Are we safe with you, Tammy?"

"The short answer is yes, but I will be notified directly by officers if they hear of any information so I can take measures to protect myself, if necessary."

"And all this is because of what happened over Christmas?"

"Yes, but other things have gone on that I really mustn't discuss as the court cases will be coming up soon."



"How did you get to learn all of this?"

"By having counter terrorism officers turn up in Sarah's shop and then at Elsie's house, my bodyguard told me a few things too."

"What does your dad know?"

"Most of it, but even he has to be kept in the dark over some things."

"What about Joan?"

"Not much, that's why we were talking when Tanya walked into the kitchen yesterday."

"So you have to keep most of it to yourself."

"That's right."

"Doesn't it get to you?"

"Sometimes, having a bad day at the wrong time of the month can make me Queen Bitch!"

That took the edge off the tense air in the stock room and they shared a group hug. Tammy started to cry.

"What's up?"

"Thanks for being friends, the stress does get to me at times, so sorry if I snap at you."

"Hey, I'm here for you, and I really really promise not to tell a soul, I don't want to be a target!"

Tammy dried her eyes.

"Can you help me, Tanya?"

"What's up?"

"I want to try on some of the new range. My black leggings are fine with everything and we'll only do the tops for now."

Tammy reached into a few boxes and pulled out a selection of size 12 tops before taking her own top off.

"Here's my phone, you know how to use the camera, don't you? Please don't chop my head off!"

Tammy quickly went through a dozen tops before tidying up the mess she'd made, the Smith sisters decided to leave Tammy as soon as the photos were taken.

"Is everything okay, Tammy?"


"Your mascara has run, what was this talk about that caused that to happen?"

"Nothing, nothing I can talk about."

"If you can tell them, then why not me?"

"My talk with them concerned my security, I was attempting damage limitation and I think it worked. I cried a little because we had a group hug afterwards."

"I didn't think you had any problems right now?"

"If the two of them heed the warnings and keep their mouths shut, I won't."

"Oh, did you threaten them?"

"No, but I explained the worst that could happen. Like when the terrorists couldn't find my mum and went for me instead."

"And because you're a target they could become one too?"

Tammy nodded.

"If they know my security arrangements then they become a target. Tanya heard something she shouldn't have, and put two and two together."

"Making five or six?"


"What did she think you were, a spy?"

Tammy laughed, "yeah, silly ain't she!"

"That's what too much telly does to you, a far too vivid imagination. Do you wanna grab a sandwich in the hotel then go home?"

"Good grief, where's my phone?"

Tammy retrieved it from where Tanya had left it. There were four missed calls from Joan, Richard (twice) and Angela. Tammy remembered putting her phone onto silent mode before leaving the house that morning.

"I never told mum and dad I was stopping in town!"

Tammy called her father.

"Oh, you're alive!"

"Yes, Dad. Do you remember me saying that I was wanted at Sarah's shop today?"

"Yes, but you were coming home first."

"Linda brought me back from Wick through town so I finished here."

"Any problems?"

"Only that she can't do anything after the eighth of April as she's going away."

"We'd best book those tests?"

"Yes, when I get in."

"Do you want picking up?"

"Sarah and I will grab a late lunch first, if I need a lift I'll call."

"Okay, but let us know next time what you're doing!"

"Yes, Dad."


It was nearly five when Sarah dropped Tammy at home. She first went to see Angela.

"I'm sorry sis."

"It's me, Tammy, I've been letting things get to me."

"How did the call with Suzie go?"

"She spoke to mum mostly, I'm just worried she's made the right choice."

"If I understand it correctly, Angela, she didn't apply for the job she was invited, head-hunted if you wish. She must have had some idea what it was going to be but is now getting all the scary stuff told to her."

"Yeah, and she can't tell me what that is."

"That's for your own protection."

"How does that work?"

Tammy repeated the explanation she'd used with Tanya and Debbie.

"Yeah, but you're family so wouldn't we be targets too?"

"I suppose so, but at times it's good to be able to deny knowing something, especially it it's true."

"But you'll know what she's doing?"

"I don't know, but it looks like we've come across some of the same people. Remember, she's there to work and I'll be in Cornwall on work experience."

"What am I going to do?"


"In the summer?"

"Get a job?"

"I don't need the money now."

"That's not the point, it's all about making use of your time and learning new skills, lessons in life if you wish. If you want to do Health Studies why not see if there's any temporary jobs going at the hospital, clinics or pharmacies? It might help your coursework when you start the degree."

"It might."

"Come on, be positive. You should be able to get somewhere in town whereas I have to go first to London and then three hundred miles West, it's nearly nine hundred miles from here that way. It rules out a quick weekend break."

"But you didn't apply for that?"

"No, I was invited, like Suzie was."

"Will you see her?"

"I don't know, I'll see if I can get her direct number and give her a call from downstairs."

"If that works, can you show me how to use that phone?"

"If I'm cleared to tell you. Even Dad's not really supposed to use it, at least he doesn't need to call anyone."

"But he's cleared?"


"And I'm not?"

"I haven't been told, but if you sister is now working for that lot then it's likely you'll have been checked to see if there are any skeletons in the closets?"

"Is that likely?"


After dinner Tammy escaped to her room and grabbed her laptop. She had decided she needed to let Heather know what had happened over the weekend but didn't want to go through the unpredictability of a phone call so she decided to write a report.

It took half an hour to write and another fifteen minutes to get it into the right order. She uploaded it to the special website before deleting the file and closing down her laptop.

A few minutes later she received a text.

Read report, thanks. Speak tomorrow. Heather

Tammy turned the light off and fell asleep.

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