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Part Fifty Five
"Wrong Footed"
Monday 23rd March
By Monday morning the press presence outside the Smart family home had dissipated. A simple statement of 'No Comment' to all the Thursogate demands hadn't been adequate according to the press corps but a threat of legal action for harassment had the required effect.
Richard and the rest of the family pulled out of Dunbankin at eight thirty for the drive over to Wick Sheriff's Court, whilst their new PA remained at the house. Elsie was travelling over separately with her daughter Cathy, youngest son Michael and his boyfriend Mark.
Serious consideration had been given to them flying into Wick airport, where RS Helicopters was based, had the press still been camped outside Elsie's gates or Dunbankin. Of course the press shouldn't have known about the roadway that interconnected the two properties or the marked helipad behind the McPherson house..
They hit the usual morning traffic through the centre of Thurso but it wasn't far to Wick so no-one was going to get stressed if they were held up anywhere. By prior arrangement they parked in the carpark of the Mackays Hotel and went inside for a coffee, planning to walk the short distance to the court at nine forty for the ten o'clock start.
Those with a similar plan included PC Stuart St James, who quickly left when he saw Tammy and her associates.
"Dad, why didn't he stay?"
"Because he was the arresting officer once and was on the scene for a second assault so his evidence could be tainted by having spoken to us immediately before the trial."
"Quite correct Mr Smart."
Jeremiah Smith walked over and shook everyone's hand. "I hope we're in for an easy day, but that's often not the case, unfortunately."
That did not inspire confidence in Tammy.
"So could he walk free?"
"Unlikely, but not impossible."
"Miss Smart, I have to be a realist and at times the Sheriffs can make outwardly unusual decisions but their hands may be tied."
"Yes, but shouldn't we already be aware if there's a problem?"
"Not necessarily, we don't necessarily know what's happened while he's been on remand. The Sheriff should have any reports available but might not consider them relevant to the case itself, only to the sentencing."
Tammy wasn't satisfied but had run out of argument. With Jeremiah was George Smith who was representing Michael and Mark, no doubt funded by Elsie.
Tammy went to turn off her phone but noticed a message.
Have sent urgent notice to the Sheriff and Police Scotland, Jerry Trethgarwyn visited John McPherson in prison last week. Current whereabouts unclear. Sophie
She showed this to her father and Jeremiah.
"Who is Jerry?"
"Patrick's brother, another uncle of Chris Jones. If I remember correctly he worked on the boats and is experienced with explosives."
"Miss Smart, how certain are you of this information, is this an official source?"
"It is an official source, Sir, the sender is an officer in the Met Police counter terrorism unit."
"We have to assume we've been compromised, Tammy."
"Yes, but what to do?"
That was answered by her phone ringing, the number wasn't shown.
"Tammy, it's Ben, DC Ben Franklin."
"Hello, I just had a message."
"Yes, we're on our way with the bomb squad, where are you?"
"Mackays Hotel, by the river."
"Your vehicles?"
"In the carpark."
"We'll be two minutes, can you wait that long?"
"What do we do?" Tammy was starting to panic.
"We're a minute away!" Ben cut the call.
Sirens could now be heard approaching, as well as two helicopters landing nearby.
Suddenly all conversation in the hotel lounge started to query what was going on, but nobody had answers. PC Stuart St James ran back to the hotel.
"Everybody! We are evacuating the hotel following a bomb threat. Please proceed along Union Street away from the hotel. Do not attempt to drive away or collect anything from your vehicles. Move!"
Outside uniformed officers were directing everyone down to a wooded area south of the hotel. Of course one wag wanted their coat or bag from a car but was firmly told to keep moving. As this was going on, the bomb squad arrived in a borrowed van. Tammy and her family stood with everyone else wondering what the threat was all about.
Sophie rang her after a short while. "What's the latest?"
"We've been evacuated and the bomb squad have arrived, when did you get the news?"
"Half an hour ago, we've been trying to corroborate it and identify the target or targets, I'm at New Scotland Yard right now with the rest of my team."
"Okay, so what happens next?"
"They'll isolate the area but it's a large area to check including many potential buildings and vehicles if I remember. Just sit it out while the professionals do their job."
"Thanks, that's easy for you to say but you're five hundred miles away!"
"There's no time for humour, Tammy, I've just been given a recent fix on Jerry, up to ten minutes old unfortunately. Do you know what he looks like?"
"I'll send you a photo, he was close enough that he could even have been at the hotel with you."
Now Tammy was scared. She cut the call but kept her phone in her hand, keeping herself close to her father. A minute later her phone vibrated and a photo came on the screen. She showed it to her father who nodded. Somehow they needed the attention of an officer.
Jerry was almost the spitting image of his brother Patrick, the disgraced Police Officer. Tammy recalled seeing one officer outside the hotel who had tried to hide his face from her, Richard had seen it too. She wanted to call Ben but didn't know his number.
They looked around the area but couldn't see the fake officer. Finally a PC Tammy didn't recognise came over.
"Excuse me but I have to see DC Franklin now."
"I'm sorry but he's busy."
"I'm sorry but you will be letting the bomber get away if you don't let me speak to Ben NOW!"
"Miss, empty threats will get you nowhere."
"What if I said the bomber was in a police uniform? His brother's to be precise."
Unfortunately everyone seemed to have heard this last comment, Richard was not happy with his daughter's lack of constraint but the PC was now using his radio and receiving instructions.
"Come with me, Miss."
"I'm her father, I'm coming too. I'm fully aware of what is going on."
The pair walked off quickly with the officer, cutting through to River St. Ben came running over.
"What is it Tammy?"
She showed him her phone. "That's Jerry Trethgarwyn. He was in one of Patrick's uniforms when we were moved out of the hotel."
"Oh shit. We never considered that."
The other PC wasn't entirely sure what to make of this, Tammy continued, "Ben, we haven't seen him since then and Sophie says the fix on his mobile was 'recent' not current."
"So he might not even be in Wick anymore?"
Tammy looked at her father. "Pru!"
"Tammy, Phone Pru and warn her, I'll get a chopper organised."
Richard tried to phone RS Helicopters, just three miles away at Wick Airport. The call wouldn't connect.
"I'm sorry Sir but we've had to suspend mobile phones in this area." He looked at Tammy who was just finishing her call.
"Pru's fine, they're going into lockdown."
"Excuse me Miss but you shouldn't use that phone." He went to grab it but DC Ben Franklin intervened. Tammy meanwhile handed it to Richard who made his own call.
"It's Richard, we're in Wick and I need you in the air now, it's an emergency. Pick us up on River St - we need to be home ten minutes ago!"
Ben had taken the officer aside for a brief talk, the words "counter terrorist" drifted over.
"I'm sorry Miss, I didn't realise."
"That's okay, as I try not to broadcast what I might or might not do."
"What have you organised, Mr Smart?"
"A chopper should be here in five minutes, or less, Ben. Can you both come with us?"
"I should think so." He used his radio to contact the senior officer as the drone of a helicopter's blades could be heard in the distance.
The PC was uncertain what he was hearing.
"Excuse me Sir, but did you just whistle up a helicopter?"
"Yes, my daughter and I own the company, it's based just three miles from here."
"Using a phone that shouldn't work?"
"It's my daughter's, modern technology is wonderful."
The chopper over flew and came down in a clear grassed area some hundred yards away by the river bank. Tammy, Richard, Ben and the PC ran for the chopper, leaving Joan and Angela behind.
As they buckled in, Tammy decided to test Ben.
"Did the lad enjoy his first helicopter flight last week?"
"No, he said it ....... Tammy, that was naughty."
"Ben, I guessed what you and Sophie did."
"How did you know I was with Sophie?"
The aircraft lifted as Tammy answered, "I have my ways and it wasn't Sophie!"
The flight didn't take long but as they approached Dunbankin a black car could be seen against the gate by the main road. The chopper dropped onto the road to let them out, Richard told the pilot to head for the rear of Elsie's house and to wait, rotors turning.
The black car was empty. The four walked through the pedestrian gate to the front door, which was shut. Richard opened the door and the two officers entered before quickly declaring the property clear, their search was not the most thorough he had ever seen. Ben indicated that the Smarts could go inside, he would now circle around to the rear with the other officer.
The hallway was deserted but the study sign showed 'Occupied'. Richard checked the downstairs rooms himself before gently knocking on the study door.
The door opened, both Pru and Julie, the cook, were in there. Richard told Tammy to join them while he went to join Ben.
Tammy shut the door and locked it from the inside.
"What's going on?"
"I told you about the Trethgarwyn family on Friday?"
"One of them is known for handling explosives and was seen near the Mackays Hotel in Wick as we were being evacuated, then he disappeared. Our guess was that he would come here once he knew we were out of the way. He wouldn't have known about either of you two."
Julie wasn't clear about this. "What would he have done?"
"Blown something up or planted a bomb for when we returned, probably."
"Look, there's two officers out there with my father, they all know what the guy looks like. I did warn you he might be in a police uniform, didn't I?"
"Yes, we saw him pull up just after all the doors were checked, that was when we came in here. We couldn't raise any of you by phone."
"No, you can't hear a phone in the helicopter, plus we left the other two in Wick where the phone signal was cut off."
Tammy's phone now rang.
"Hi Sophie, we're at home and he's here."
"I was about to warn you, who have you got?"
"I'm in the study with the staff, Dad's outside with Ben Franklin and a uniformed PC."
"He's dangerous Tammy."
"We know, but I'm under orders to stay in the study as it's the safest place."
"The safest place is still five hundred miles South of you."
"Okay, so I'm not in New Scotland Yard? Can you tell me if reinforcements are coming?"
"Yes, but everyone was wrong-footed."
"Right, I think I can hear something outside."
"Be careful Tammy."
"Yes, Sophie. Bye."
Julie looked at Pru who shrugged.
"Tammy, was that person really in New Scotland Yard?"
"Yes Julie, she was in the Counter Terrorism unit."
"I didn't believe those stories."
"The ones where I am almost killed or kidnapped?"
"Your sister was aware of some of them."
"She tells tales sometimes."
There was a loud banging on the front door of the house. Tammy gingerly unlocked the study door and peaked out. The coast was clear. Next she looked out of the front door, two uniformed officers were there so she quickly opened it.
"Hello Miss, were you just in Wick?"
"Yes, so were you. We don't think he's in the house, my dad and DC Franklin are out the back somewhere."
"We'll check inside anyway, there's more officers outside."
"Thanks, I think I'll wait in there." She pointed.
"Good idea."
Tammy returned to the study and shut the door. "Nothing to do now but wait."
Tammy contemplated calling Heather, if only to chat, but that would have exposed Julie to even more of the alternate life that Tammy now led. She'd also slid her mobile back into her bag before either of the two ladies could get a better look at it.
"So, Pru, where are you from?"
"Edinburgh originally, I moved up here two years ago for a job at Dounreay Restoration but was made redundant a few weeks ago as my section was amalgamated with another, they had given me the good news on Christmas eve so I was not happy working my notice."
"Neither would I be! How did Dad find you?"
"It seems he went into the coffee shops and hotels and asked if any out of work junior professionals came in, they should give him a call. I was given his card in the Castletown."
"By Frances?"
"No, by one of the barstaff, who said you were a decent person." Tammy blushed. "Anyway, I called on Monday, was interviewed the next day and asked on Wednesday if I wanted to start immediately, subject to clearance. I didn't realise what kind of clearance he was talking about!"
"You may be told things that are out of the ordinary, so it's useful to make sure you're not an enemy agent!"
"In Thurso?"
"Location is unimportant, but I'll have to leave you the phone number of the cottage I'll be staying at in Cornwall."
"When was that actually arranged?"
"Only in the middle of last week, sometimes that's how it happens here. Dad used to get a call at four o'clock in the afternoon giving him notice to be in another country at noon the following day."
"So is there anything 'ordinary' about this household?" Julie shook her head.
"Nothing at all, but they're no trouble really."
They waited, and talked, for a few more minutes before there was a knock on the door. "Open up Tammy, the coast is clear."
The three stepped out.
"What happened Dad?"
"It seems the guy attached a device to your car."
"MY car! The cheek!"
"That will be dealt with, anyway he hopped over the gate into Elsie's and was running towards the chopper. What he, and we, didn't know was that the gamekeeper had released the dogs once he knew what was going on."
"So they got him?"
"Oh yes, he'll need more than stitches in his legs."
"Good, now what about my car?"
"Leave the bomb squad to handle that, Tammy, we're due in court. Pru, if the press come back say nothing, just refer them to the police."
"Yes, Mr Smart."
They arrived back at Wick Sheriff's Court around half past eleven by which time the usher was getting concerned.
"The Sheriff doesn't like being kept waiting."
"We're all here now."
"Maybe, but he summonsed the Procurator Fiscal and they haven't finished yet." Just then a phone sounded, he walked over to take the call.
"The case of John McPherson will now be held in camera, the press and public are excluded."
Once inside the court room the Sheriff made his entrance, but the prisoner was not brought into the dock.
"I have been informed this morning of events concerning an alleged conspiracy to murder, including prima facie evidence that the defendant has knowledge of this. Under those circumstances, he has been arrested in the cells and will be remanded in custody. Given that there are now terrorism elements to this trial, and I have no wish to try those in isolation, his case will be transferred to a higher and more secure court. I am also ordering full reports on the defendant."
"All rise!"
That was that. It was close to midday and, so far as the court case was concerned, nothing had been achieved except to send John McPherson deeper into his own personal Hell.
No-one felt like staying in Wick any longer than necessary so a procession of vehicles, including the press corps, left town. Elsie made an executive decision to lunch at the Castletown and told Cathy to call Tammy.
"Mum's decided, there's no appeal against her decision I'm afraid."
"It could be worse!"
A plain clothes officer arrived late that afternoon to take Tammy's and Richard's statements, having to write RESTRICTED top and bottom of each sheet. "This will complicate matters, and that's before anyone wonders if this is complete fiction!" He left after an hour or so.
Tammy was not happy when she'd looked out the back, her car's paintwork had been scuffed. Was it the bomber, Jerry Trethgarwyn, when he attached the device or the bomb squad when they removed it? Either way it needed TLC.
"Dad, did you see what they did?" She was crying.
"Tammy, that is minor, very minor, considering what could have happened. Your recognition of Jerry's face this morning most likely saved your life."
That was sufficient to open the flood gates, she leant against her father and sobbed her heart out.
Author's note: This is the penultimate chapter of Tamara's Trials.
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I just saw this and started
I just saw this and started to read it, not knowing it was the last chapter. Very good! I will now start at the beginning! :)
I tried to get first comment*lol*
ok down to business. Shiraz, this is fantastic tale. Our Tammy has been on a wild ride since the start and I know there's quite a ways to go before she's done. I have my hopes and wishes but I'll keep them to myself and wait as patiently as I can for the next installment of Tammy's VERY busy life as I know it'll be a nail-biter.
quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall
Thanks Snowfall
I'm proofing Chapter 56 right now but you won't see it before Monday, probably. By then I should have Chapter 1 of UG Book 3 started.

*hands you coffee, treats, no-doze and jolt cola.
quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall
This excellent story is so fast reading, with so many unexpected twists and turns for our Tammy and her family and friends, it definitely keeps you on the edge of your seat. I am teary eyed realizing that we are nearing the ending of this story. I do hope you will re-introduce Tammy in more stories about her and then about her new adventures with Heather and Sophia. Once she is fully trained, I can see the three of them being the new force to be reckoned with in the world of Forensic Accounting and the world of finances.
Janice Lynn
Out of breath with all the excitement! and also sad its next to the last chapter, looking forward to UG continuation. Many thanks to Shiraz for such an exciting chapter.
The Penultimate life
Well, she'll not be getting bored or sunburned will she? On stories where it is possible, I usually explore the surrounding countryside with Google Earth as I read. It is quite lovely country. Still I prefer the trees we have here in Oregon.
Please Don't Leave Us Hanging
"So is there anything ordinary about this household?" Definitely not!
Trethgarwyns all over the place, Russian spies and John McPherson to be dealt with still. I hope you tie the details up in the next chapter, but, if not, you HAVE TO start Book 3 of Unaccounted Gains immediately, if not sooner!
And now we know a certain young man(?) is still around.
All she ever wanted
was to just be the girl she knew she was. Nobody would let her. Her mother gets mixed up with a criminal syndicate and it all spins out of control from there. Maybe now things will wind down and she can finish her transition and education. Maybe she can start to have a social life and start dating.
close call
wow !
i hope you will be continuing the story
saw you note saying this will be the second to the last chapter of the story and I hope you will be continuing it in another serial.
Good eye
Does Tammy need to move into a bunker in order to stay safe? And the events in this story should convince Julie what has been happening are not fairy tales.
What can be said about the hatred John McPherson has toward Tammy? He's far over out of control, needing locked away for the rest of his life. Or is he involved with the drug smuggling and wants to get rid of a thought to be witness? Still, getting Jerry Trethgarwyn to plant a bomb on Tammy's car? John will never get out this hole.
Those are some mean dogs, to uninvited guests. Jerry needing more than stitches in his leg earns those dogs a nice thick steak for dinner.
Tammy acts as though she has everything handled, until something like this occurs, causing her to release all the pressures on her dads' shoulder.
Others have feelings too.