Tamara's Trials - Chapter 7 "The Perfect Gentleman"

Tamara's Trials - A Tommy & Tamara Story  

Part Seven


"The Perfect Gentleman"


Friday 16th January 2015

The tail end of the week had a strange feel. Tammy wasn't entirely comfortable in the house knowing that Elsie was in hospital, not seeing Elsie for one day wasn't unusual but knowing that she wouldn't be seen for a week was more troubling somehow. The only other McPherson who lived there was also missing, plainly living elsewhere much of the time.

School had resumed on Thursday morning with almost all the staff present, Monsieur Benoit was moving around St Andrews on crutches but at least he was there. Yvonne Stewart, however, was missing however none of the staff were saying anything.

John Hibbert found Tammy after lunch.

"Sorry Tammy, I've messed up your weekend."

"Have you?"

"Yes, Tanya told me she was doing a sleepover at yours but Sandy has suggested I stayed down there."

"I'll forgive you if you promise to be good, just don't give Sandy a reason to throw you out of her house in the middle of the night!"

"I'll be the perfect gentleman."

"Good. What has she planned for tonight?"

"I don't know, but she's told me to wrap up warm so I guess we're walking."

"She didn't mention whether to wear sensible heels did she?"

"Of course she didn't!"

The bell sounded so the two picked up their books and headed to the English Literature class. A seemingly impromptu session commenced with John and Tammy reading the parts of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, whilst the remaining boys read all the other parts necessary. Their tutor, Mr Wright, extolled them to put passion into the story and not read it blandly.

"The words on the page are just a part of this tale, the soul of the story is in the performance; it's a play not a thrupenny paperback!"

It might have been Friday afternoon although that didn't mean that Mr Wright was going to give them an easy ride. Tammy and John, however, needed no encouragement and often helped the other participants, their work earlier in the week proving useful. The hour was up quickly for the pair, slowly for many others.

"Mr Hibbert and Miss Smart, I'd like to speak to both of you."

The rest of the class shuffled out, mostly heading for the common room as the upper sixth form had a study period last on a Friday.

"Now, I'd like to propose something to you."

The pair nodded.

"You may not know but Macbeth is also a part of this year's Scottish Standard English and the GCSE English Literature paper."

John seemed to know this but it was news to Tammy. "Sir, we've both been excused the year eleven revision sessions."

"I'm aware, but can I ask that we spend this period on a Friday, plus the study period that follows, to put together a play for the year elevens just before the Easter break."

"We won't have time." "Sir." She remembered.

"The pair of you will be learning the script anyway, so you'll just need to encourage the others. We've two hours over nine weeks and we'll perform it just before the end of term."

"John, can we carry this off?"

"I know we can, it's just the others. Sir, how about involving some of the year elevens?"

"We've considered that but their timetable wouldn't allow any free time in the week and weekends won't work for the pair of you."

"What about costumes?"

"There's no budget, but if the witches want to provide their own dresses, who am I to stand in their way?"

"Okay Sir, it sounds like it can be done."

"Good, because without the two main roles this couldn't be done. I'll be here for a few minutes longer in case anyone wants to ask me about it." That was a dismissal.

"Bye, Sir."

They walked to the common room.

"John, did we just accept more work?"

"Yes, but it won't be quite that bad."

"I'll remind you of that next time you moan." They'd reached the room, Tammy closed the door behind them.

"Can I have your attention, everyone?" Most eyes turned to John.

"For those doing Highers or A Level English, the upper sixth will be performing an in-school production of Macbeth just before Easter. I suggest you get a copy from the library if you don't have your own already."

There was a murmur of groans.

"If you have any questions please see Mr Wright, he's still in his room."

There was a knock on the common room door, Tammy answered it and accepted a sealed note from the admin assistant, Julianne. Even though the note was addressed to Tammy, Julianne didn't look pleased to see her.

Once the door was closed, Tammy opened the note and quickly read it.

"Can I have your attention?"

She waited a few seconds then repeated her request, before continuing once a sort of calm prevailed.

"I have just been informed that Miss Stewart has left the school with immediate effect. Mr Thompson asks that anyone who had less than pleasant dealings with her goes to see him at the earliest opportunity."

That generated plenty of discussion.

"Tammy, how bad was she really?"

"Truly awful, John, but at least she's gone now."

"Okay, I've got to go to my room now and get ready as I'm catching a minibus into town when the rest of the school finishes."

In the past Tom would have joined John in his room but things were different now.

"Okay, I think I'll find Mrs Small, there's something I want to ask her."


Tammy spoke to Louise in the study once Tammy was back from school.

"Okay, Tammy, why are we in here?"

"I'd like you to check something for me."

"And you're not sure if your dad would approve?"

"Something like that."

"Okay, but if I don't like it I won't do it, understood?"



"One of the office staff at the school is called Julianne Sutherland, she started there last autumn. Anyway Joan and I think she's been passing on student information to Yvonne Stewart."

"Is that all?"

"Not quite, we suspect there's a closer connection but we can't find it out."

"Well, seeing how she's unmarried and we know her brother David, are there any other siblings?"

"I hadn't thought of that."

"So, see what you can find out, it shouldn't be too difficult. There's also a Sutherlands chemists in town, is she related to them?"

"I will, thanks."

"Is there anything else?"

"Yes, can you run me down to Sandy Smith's place after dinner?"

"Maybe, but you'll have to find your own way back."


She made her way up to her room to decide what to wear for the evening, but really needed a bit more information so called Tanya.

"I'm busy"

"Then put him down for a minute."

"I can't wait that long."

"You've got all weekend Tanya, but I need to know what we're doing tonight."

"Oh, drinkies in the Castletown then round to the disco in the Central Hotel. Bring some ID with you just in case."

"I'll meet you at the Castletown just after eight."

"Fine, shoes for dancing, right?"

"Yes boss."

Tammy showered and, with a better idea of the evening's activities, decided again a long skirt or even a skirt given the sub zero (Centigrade) temperature outside. She transferred her usual items into a small bag but realised she was low on cash.

The news at dinner was that Elsie was recovering well from the second operation but the reconstruction had been delayed as she was too weak. A firm of medical suppliers had been at the house that morning to survey for a medical room in case Elsie needed a nurse at the house, she could certainly afford them.

Richard wasn't happy about Tammy going out that evening but reasoned that she was eighteen so could decide for herself, plus there was no threat right now and she would be with friends anyway.

"You say John Hibbert is going to be there?"

"Yes, he's staying at Sandy's so he can be at the audition tomorrow morning, after she's given him a haircut."

"What are your plans tomorrow."

"With Sarah from half past eight or so, round to Sandy about ten and at the theatre from eleven. After that I don't know."

"I thought you were at the theatre from ten?"

"It's an open audition so they'll screen the unknowns first, Tanya, John and I will report after the first lot have been reduced to a 'maybe' list."

"Right, but you could be there for hours?"

"One or two, probably. I'll get lunch with Tanya and John."

"Okay. Louise and I will run over to Inverness to collect her car in the morning, we can drop you in town on the way."

"Thanks. How's the house purchase coming along?"

"I'll want you to authorise a transfer deed as well as signing as a partner in the new business."

"Can we do that tomorrow?"

"Yes. The Dohertys have accepted our offer so we can put the finance in place and wait for the legal stuff to happen."

"Louise mentioned a swimming pool?"

"It seems like a sensible thing to do, we can use the barn for a pool and some fitness equipment."

"That was used as a garage so where will you keep the cars?"

"There's an unused shed which can be rebuilt, the surveyor has sent his findings to our architect."

"How soon could we move?"

"Not for two to three weeks and don't expect everything to be finished or even started by then. We need permission to build the pool and convert a shed and I'm not certain whether we need it for the new fencing yet. One other thing is that we would need to furnish it, our stuff from the London house is in storage so would need to be transported, it seems a waste not to re-use at least some of it. Everything else would have to be ordered and we're not on next day delivery up here."

"I had noticed."

"So, to answer your questions, everything's in hand."

"Thanks, what about Joan's house in Bletchley?"

"That was sold this week and she should have the money soon. We also sent George's ashes South yesterday to his family, Joan didn't want them up here."

"I can understand that."

"One thing tonight, if you see Yvonne or her friend, stay away."

"They're barred everywhere."

"Not everywhere is signed up to the bar scheme and not every barman would know what they look like so don't make assumptions."

"Yes, Dad."

"Enjoy yourself and don't take risks."

"Yes, Dad."

"You best get upstairs and do whatever you need to get yourself pretty."

"So I'm not pretty already?"

"I didn't say that."

"Yes you did."

"No I didn't and this isn't turning into a panto or a Monty Python sketch."

"Oh yes it is."

"Away with you!"


Tammy met up with them shortly after eight and was surprised to see Angela there.

"You didn't say you would be here?"

"Neither did you, fine sister you are."

"Tammy, Angela, what's this about sisters?"

"Erm, Tanya, it looks like our folks are getting married."

"Are we the first to hear?"

"No, Frances knows."

"How?" Angela sounded worried

"He overheard Joan and I on Tuesday lunchtime, mind you we got a glass of Prosecco out of it!"

"Does this mean you were drinking alcohol when you were supposed to be in school? Naughty."

"But nice!"

"A wedding!" Debbie had just picked up the conversation and even Tanya had extricated herself from tongue gymnastics with her boyfriend.

"Calm down Debbie, my dad's still not through his divorce and I forgot to ask for an update tonight on top of everything else."

"No not for a few weeks yet."

"Not for a few months, probably after our exams."

"What courses are you thinking of doing?"

"We'll both go to the college, I want to do a Business Management degree."

"And I am looking at community health care. What about you Tanya?"

"Mum wants me to do hairdressing and beauty but I'm thinking about Child and Youth Studies."

"Is it a degree course?"

"Yes, Angela."

"So John, what are you thinking?"

"I have an offer from Cambridge to study law."

"I sense a 'but'."

"Errr, just a small one."

John stood and slowly turned towards Tanya before dropping to one knee.

"Tanya Smith, will you marry me?"

Tanya sat there, her mouth open, while her sister shrieked. Tammy stared at John, she'd known him for most of the past decade, whilst Angela was embarrassed and wanted to hide. Their corner of the hotel bar went quiet.

"I will, John Hibbert."

The pair embraced then the tables around them went wild. When things had calmed down John reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a small box. From that he removed a simple gold ring with a single diamond setting and placed it on her waiting finger. Angela had now come to her senses and was taking photos of the event.

The newly engaged pair were now sat looking into each-other's eyes, communicating without words; Angela leant over to Tammy and whispered in her ear.

"They're only eighteen."

"Yes, they are, I'd say this bodes well for the Tamara Smart Matchmaking Service doesn't it?"

The excitement on the nearby tables had now dissipated but Debbie was apparently in shock. "My little sister, engaged before me! What will mum say?"

Frances now approached with a tray. "Something to help the happy event?"

"Thank you Frances, twice this week too!"

"Quite, Miss."

After he'd left four glasses of sparkling wine on the table, Frances left. Tammy coughed, deliberately, as she picked up a glass. Tanya and John broke off their unspoken conversation long enough to take their own glasses, as did the other pair.

"I'd like to propose a toast to Tanya and John."

"To Tanya & John," was the chorus.

Tammy's phone rang, it was Sandy."

"Has he done it, Tammy?"

"Do you mean has he proposed?"


"Yes, about five minutes ago. How did you know?"

"He asked my permission, that's why I invited him to stay tonight. Are there any photos?"

"Yes, Angela took some."

"How about Debbie?"

"She's in shock, she, and I, genuinely didn't see this coming."

"Well, you can tell me everything in the morning, if I don't regret it before then."

"Bye, Sandy."

She put her phone away in her bag and suggested to Debbie and Angela that a trip to the ladies loo was needed. Angela was about to complain when she realised what was intended.

As they rounded the corner they came face to face with a very happy Sandy who was also holding a glass of sparkling wine, she shushed the trio. "I want to surprise them."

Tammy wanted to use the loo anyway so shepherded the other two in there.

"Tammy, did you know anything about this?"

"No Debbie, nothing at all."

"But you've known John for years."

"That didn't help me one bit, he bowled a blinder."

"Whatever that means."

They both heard a sound from one of the cubicles. "Angela?"

"Not wwwelll."

"Probably the wine? Okay, we'll call your mum."

When Angela left the ladies she was several shades paler than beforehand. They returned to their seating area but asked the barstaff for a glass of water on the way past. Sandy was sat with her future son-in-law whilst Tanya was going through the emotions like a flip book.

"We need to get Angela home."

"I think this pair have plenty to talk about, shall we scrub the dancing?"

"Yes, Debbie, another time perhaps."

"Sure, at the engagement party maybe?"

Tammy took out her phone and called Joan, asking for transport for herself at the same time.

"Joan will be here in ten to fifteen."

Her phone rang again.

"Tammy, are you at the disco?"

"No, Dad, in the hotel and I have some news."

"Never mind that, Michael's been hurt and is at the disco, there's an ambulance on the way."

"Okay, on my way there."

"Take someone with you."

"Okay." "Debbie, can you come with me? Michael's been hurt."

The pair grabbed coats and bags before leaving in a hurry for the short walk round to the Central Hotel. An ambulance and a police car were outside with the Fraser brothers in their police guise trying to control matters. It appeared that the disco was being emptied and everyone was being questioned and, if necessary searched.

Suddenly PC St James came around the side of the building with a mid-thirties male in handcuffs, A knife was in a plastic bag. The prisoner was being led to a waiting police van.

"He was coming out of the emergency exit. Let the rest go."

The crowd now flowed away. Tammy and Debbie were able to get much closer.

"Ah, hello Miss Smart."

"Good evening constables, what happened?"

"An argument that turned nasty. Your friend is in the ambulance."

Tammy put her head in the back.

"Sorry, you can't come in."

"He lives with me." Technically her statement was true, even if the interpretation was a little off.

"Okay." She climbed up the steps.

"Michael, how are you?"

"I've felt better."

She turned to the paramedics. "How serious are the injuries?"

"The wounds are not too deep but will require some sutures, we are just about to head for Dunbar."

"If you don't mind I'll come along."

Just then PC Andrew Fraser hopped on as well, Tammy waved at Debbie to indicate she needn't hang around.

"Right Miss Smart, I've been tasked to go to the hospital with Mr McPherson, you don't have any transport, do you?"

"No, I'm still waiting for my driving lessons."

One of the paramedics closed the rear door whilst the other sat in the drivers seat and pulled away, Tammy and the constable just had time to find a seat. The journey only took two minutes and sirens weren't needed but the blue lights were flashing around the darkened streets.

Once outside the Accident and Emergency entrance Tammy and the PC stepped out, allowing Michael and a paramedic to lead the way. Once they reached a cubicle the nurses took over to clean the wounds and start stitching Michael back together. Tammy could see them working on his left arm.

"Michael, can you tell me what happened?" The nurse was absent so PC Fraser had his notebook ready.

"I was dancing with my boyfriend and some other guys from college when this man walked up to me and pulls a knife. I went to defend myself and he caught my arm before some of my friends got him down."

"Can you describe the man?"

"Mid thirties, five foot nine or ten, short black hair and a Highland accent."

"How do you know he had a Highland accent?"

"He said something to me."

"What did he say and when did he say it."

"It was just before he went to stab me, he said 'this is from your brother'".

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