I seem to have a few serialized stories that have not been completed. So I'm curious which one would y'all most like to see re-started? I don't mean any serial in the last 12 months or any story that came to an actual end. Some of these stories I just ran out of steam or the story started meandering. I don't want to lose ground on any of my current stories, but I thought it might be fun to revisit an "orphaned" story.
As a side note, my output is probably going to fall as right now I have both kids home. The oldest goes back to college for summer classes in a couple of weeks, but the youngest will be out of school for the summer in a couple of weeks. It's hard to write when the kids are blowing up enemy tanks or fighting dragons.
Anyway, this isn't a contest and no one will be a "winner", but I will write another chapter to whichever was the most popular...if any. I'll check back here in June.
I'd like to see the Alex series continued
The Model or Drag Queens
The Model or Drag Queens
My Choices
I would agree about the Alex series, but the more I consider it, the more satisfied I am with the ending.
The Accidental Series and I'm With the Band are two I would love to see continue.
Be kind to those who are unkind, tolerant toward those who treat you with intolerance, loving to those who withhold their love, and always smile through the pains of life.
My Preferences
I would prefer that your current series Princess Warrior be your highest priority.
(#2) Another Martian Princess one of your best works could have a sequel (to honor the works of Edgar Rice Burroughs)
(#3) the Q'fahr series was unfinished
(#4) Kajira's Dance (Gor "Computer game") was a finished work but I would really like to read a sequel
(#5) Brain Jacked Chronicles was unfinished. If you are not going to finish it, could you at least tell us how it would have ended?
(#6) Girl Park was a series of stand alone stories. I am sure that more in this series would be popular
Serialized stories
There are a number series I would dearly love to see continued including JulieO's Fresh Start series continued, although the stories in the Dark Realm universe are very dear to me as well.
I Was Going...
...to go with Drag Queens but after a re-read of Alex just now, I'll vote for the latter. As someone said, it does seem as though it wouldn't take all that much to reach an "End of Book One" type of plateau.
Drag Queens
Definitely Drag Queens... need to see how things develop with Eric!
Story Continuation
The Model
Continuation of a Series
While I already suggested "The Model", I also saw the Alex series as being unfinished. I also enjoyed the Q'Fahr, Martian, and Reluctant stories. In the end, however, the choice belongs to your muse. Continue the series which you feel most comfortable with continuing. Your committed readers will likely enjoy whatever you choose to contribute to our "jones".
I would love to see you finish the tale you are the most fond of. :)
Who Else Would Respond in Such a manner but...
I agree fully.
I agree fully.
-- Daphne Xu
Here I am again. Two of your stories were "I was a ... for the FBI". I really enjoyed both of them, and have hoped for more.
The Poll
Would love to See Alex finished and the Model - both wonderful stories
Another vote
My first vote is for Brain-Jacked Chronicles, then Seoul'ed Out. However, I have enjoyed all your stories and characters, and enjoy visiting with all of them. I am on my second pass through all your stories. It is some annoying to encounter unfinished ones, but I'd much rather have them as is than not at all, and would much rather read what you really want to write than something you have to force.
more please
Accidental Romance and I'm with the band was good also id like to see more dark realms if you do any of that
also I was a Cheerleader for the FBI and any more similar FBI stuff
Orphaned stories
I would like to see part 2 of the Brain jacked chronicles. Are you sure you're not a screenwriter?!
Screen writer
That is something I'd love to do. Probably never get the chance though.
There is a part 2 to the Brain Jacked chronicles. I'm lacking on the 3rd and final part.
Is there a chance that you could amend your titles to say 'Complete' for those which are and some other code eg 'wip' work-in-progress or ''unf' for unfinished or 'inc' incomplete or perhaps some new code of your own invention.
Certainly, I would ask that titles with 'Chapter 1' be amended - if it is truly a 'starter' chapter which has gone no further then 'start' might be valid.
I enjoy very many of your stories but those which have sat around incomplete for a while do give me a jolt when I get to the (temporary) end.
It's one of the reasons I avoid doing series anymore. The problem is that inspiration comes and goes. I'll get excited about a story line and then inspiration dries up. I only see "on going" and "complete" as options. I try to get stories finished. It took me 11 years to finish Office Bet. I really don't want to do that again.