Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 5: Volume 1: Chapter 18

Badasses Of the Multiverse Book 5: “The Gambling Man.”

Volume 1: “De La Plata Podrido.”

Chapter 18: “Sealed Can Of Savvy Awesome.”

By Paul Cousins.

Copyright Disclaimer: All copyrighted places, characters, items, and events, within the story, are held by their current owners. No profit is being made on this work of fiction.


During the morning after the chat between Lee and Chang, around ten thirty AM, Melvin walked into the Devil's Hotel restaurant. He was ready to face the day, and begin his shift, as the bartender for the hotel restaurant.

As Melvin entered the room, he noticed Revy sitting, alone, at the bar counter, on the side facing the left wall of the room. And she had her guns with her.

Also, Melvin noticed that Revy was the only other person in the room.

The morning staff had already cleaned up, and taken down the breakfast buffet for the day, and left to resume their other duties at the hotel. The other customers, besides Revy, had finished their breakfast and left to have some fun for the day.

Melvin grimly thought, 'This is not good. Revy, by herself, in a bar, is never a good thing. It usually leads to trouble. Plus, she is armed. Still, I better find out what is going on, so, I can mitigate the situation.'

Revy heard Melvin’s foot steps, as she turned to her left, in her stood, to to face him. She stated, “Hey Melvin. I have been waiting for you to show up, so we can get this party started. I would like to start off with a beer.”

Meanwhile, so not to keep Revy waiting too long. Melvin briskly walked through the front entrance to the bar counter, and around back for of the counter. He came to a stop where he was standing across the counter from Revy, as he asked, “What is going on Revy? And where is everyone else?”

Revy said, “Well, Benny convinced them all to take a bus tour of some ruins on the mainland. I didn't feel like going.... I have seen plenty of collapsed buildings, in my life. I don't need to see any ancient ones.”

Melvin mentally reflected, 'This is worse than thought. Revy left alone is like leaving a bored, armed, teenager alone. She will just get into trouble, unless I do something... I could get Lee. But, I think that game with River, that Revy and Chang forced him into, which he won, burned him out a bit. I know he ordered into his suite, yesterday evening, so I can guess he just wants to be left alone. So, I will only contact him, if it is an emergency.'

'Still, I need to find out how long until the others get back.'

Melvin inquired, “So, when will the others been back?”

Revy answered, “They left around nine this morning, and the tour was suppose to end around three this afternoon. So, I would say, they will all get back, in around four and a half hours.”

Melvin thought, with relief, 'That is not too long. Now, to get down to basics of why I am not going to let you get drunk, Revy.'

Melvin pointed you, “Revy, you should remember that I still have the rule where I am not going to let you get drunk while armed.”

Revy shrugged, as she said, “Okay. Fair enough. I will just few beers, until the Rats Nest opens up in half an hour, and then I will head over there.”

Melvin deadpanned, “I hope by taxi.”

Revy replied, “Of course.”

Melvin commented, “Though, I doubt you will get much service from the bartender over there, at this time of day. Especially, while armed.” He thought, 'Beside, I like that woman. And I don't want her getting mixed up with you, Revy.'

Revy's lips curled into smirk, as she stated, “I promise to be nice, and tip well.”

It took all of Melvin's willpower not to laugh at Revy's comment. Melvin thought, 'I highly doubt you will. Still, I don't want to serve you any alcohol this early in the morning. But, I have to keep you attention busy someway, for at least half an hour. And I don't think you are going to settle for a few movie suggestions... But, I have something else in mind. Something I learned while here in Plata Podrido, as a hobby.'

Melvin then noticed from Revy's facial expression, that she was growing impatient. Revy asked, “So, are you going to get me that beer? Or not?”

Melvin inquired, “Well, first Revy. I was wondering if you would like to play a little game?”

Revy stated, “It depends on the game. This better on be a ploy to get me to have sex with you. It will not work on me. And it will likely upset me.”

Melvin scoffed, “Please, Revy. I am at work. And I don't date crazy women. You included.”

Revy let out a laugh. She conceded, “You got me there. So, what do you have in mind?”

Melvin asked, “Revy, have you ever heard of past life regression?”

Revy smiled at Melvin, as she answered, “Yes. Sounds interesting.”

Melvin suggested, “Would you like to know to know about your past lives?”

Revy thought, 'That is not a bad idea. My kids are reincarnation of people I know it my current life. And I do wonder who I was in a passed life. And it might actually be fun.'

Revy shrugged, as she replied, “Sure. You are not going to pulled out a pocket watch, are you.”

Melvin pulled out his pen. He held it up, in front of Revy, as he said, “No. I learned to do it with a pen, or a pencil. Now, I just need focus on the pen, and relax your mind.”

Revy did as she was requested to do.


Half an hour later, Lee was making the most of his morning, in his suite.

It has been a few hours since he had awoke. He had long since gotten ready to face the day. Among other things, he had brushed his teeth, flossed, shaved his face, gotten a shower, and gotten dress.

He was dressed in his casual clothing, such as t-shirt, pants, leather belt, tennis shoes, and wrist watch.

Also, while he had on this blue cloth jacket, he did not have on his baseball cap and large glasses. His cap and glasses were on his nightstand, by the left side of his bed.

Lee has already ordered breakfast in earlier that morning. With the bellhop returning for the tray and cart, half an hour ago.

Lee made sure to tip the bellhop with a ten dollar bill.

Currently, Lee was sitting on his bed, watching TV.

The curtains to the outside were drawn open, with the sliding door to the balcony open, to let in some fresh, cool air, from the sunny day outside.

The light from the outside provided plenty of illumination for his room.

As Lee watched TV, he thought about his life, 'Well, all things being equal. Which they are clearly not. This morning has been pretty normal, considering how my life has become a carnival for the violently insane. That I have some of the most dangerous, badass women in the multiverse after my hide, for screwing them over, from a literary standpoint... Well, literary for me. Given what I wrote actually happened to them, in other realities.'

'In addition, besides Pedro. The other four people in town, whom know I am the writer, is gender bending, former dimensional warlord, mafia boss, turned back to casino owner. Along with his telepathic genius girlfriend. And their two main enforcers. A borderline insane autobot, and a former sith lord turned gray force using master. And they all are good friends with the women whom after me.'

'The only thing going for me in that situation, is that all four seem to like me, and they agreed to keep my secret, for the moment. Though, I have no idea how long said moment is going to last.'

'On top of all this, yesterday, one of the most powerful governments on this Earth tried to kidnap me off the street.'

'And if none of these people are able to get me, the cancer that is slowly killing me, will.'

'I have a few months until the cancer will kill me. But, first I have to steal one of the reality devices from the women after me, and use it to escape. That is the main problem. Fortunately, I had a few ideas on how to cure my cancer, once I am gone. Though, I first have to escape these women, which even I will admit is not going to be an easy task.'

'And the only four real friends I have here is a shady drifter, who is good at playing poker, and great at playing pool. A corrupt cowboy cop. A bartender, who is former military, and ex-mafia member, who is in hiding from his comrades. And another bartender, whose name, and past, I have no clue about.'

'Of those four, only the cowboy cop knows the truth about me. And as of yesterday, me and him decided it would be best for him to put some distance between us... Yep. I am screwed. I am so screwed to the wall, that I am likely now part of the wall.'

'So, I am just going to spend today in my suite, and shut out the insanity, for one god damned day. So, I can think, and plan my next moves, in this constantly shifting playing board which I call my life.'

'Still, at this point, the only question now is when the grim reaper will show up?'

Suddenly, there was a knock at his hallway door.

Lee turned to his right, in the direction of the door, as he sarcastically thought, 'That might be her, right now. Best get ready, and face whomever it is. Upset badasses make for poor company.'

Lee quickly used his remote to turn off the TV. After he set the remote on the bed, he got up, and reached on the nightstand to put on his large glasses, and blue baseball cap.

While he did so, he saw that the clock on the nightstand stated that it was eleven two AM.

As Lee walked around his bed the right side of his bed, he stopped at his sliding door, just long enough to shut and lock it.

He then turned and walked to the door to the hallway.

As Lee looked into the peephole, he saw that it was Melvin, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Lee thought, 'Even if Melvin knew the truth about me. I doubt he would hurt me... Besides he owes me, for saving him from his former friends, whom came looking for him. In all honestly, he is in a similar situation as me. So, I sympathize with his problems.'

'And I didn't really do anything to bad to the member of Hotel Moscow. Barring Balalaika and B. I was not the one responsible for turning Hotel Moscow into an Amazon Brigade. That is on Balalaika's head. And I didn't do anything to serious to Hotel Moscow.'

'Still, from the way he vaguely talked about his past, I get the feeling his reality device is broke. So, I might as well not brother him with telling him the truth. Still, I will see what he wants. He would only come to me if the situation was serious... It also might give me a good laugh. And I could use a good laugh, right now.'

Lee opened the door, as he greeted, “Good morning Melvin?”

Lee then noticed Melvin had a worried look on his face.

Lee expression turned grim, as he thought, 'Melvin being worried is a very back thing. And the last time he came to my door, a few member of his old military group, hotel Moscow, has come to town to look for him. And we barely got out of that mess in one piece.'

Lee asked, with concern in his tone of voice, “What is the matter, Melvin?”

Melvin said, with worry in his tone of voice, “Lee, and I am in big fucking trouble here. Probably more trouble, than the last time I came to your suite, looking for help. And you are the only one I can turn to for help. Please, help me.”

Lee thought, with concern, bordering on worry, 'Oh this is bad. If this retired Hotel Moscow badass says he is in trouble, that is saying something. I might as well help him. I cannot save myself, but at least I can save him.'

Lee calmed himself, as he put himself into his poker face frame of mind. He then inquired, in a calm, reassuring tone of voice, “First, tell me what is going on?”

Melvin stated, “Well, this morning, the girls decided to take a bus tour to the mainland, to see some ruins. Revy stayed behind. She was in the bar, getting an early start at drinking, and I didn't want problems. So, I suggested we play a game.”

Lee maintained his poker face, as he jump in, in a firm, borderline threatening tone of voice, “If this game involved sex, or violence, in any way, shape, or form, you are on your own. And my next action, after shutting the door, will be to call Pedro.”

Melvin shook his head, as he explained, “It was nothing like that. First, I want you to know we have roughly four hours to fix this. So, there is time. And well... You see, I have been here for a few years, and in that time I have studied a few hobbies. One of them is hypnotism.”

Lee entire demeanor completely changed to happiness, as he realized the possibilities of Melvin's comment.

Lee was barely able to contain his laughter, as he smiled. He said, with a bit of excitement in his voice, “If she is acting like a kid... Well, more than normal. Or, a chicken. I want to see this with my own eyes.”

Melvin calmly said, “It is not that type of hypnotism. Though, that might be tempting to do to here. I wish I had thought about doing that, earlier. But, no. What I am talking about, is that I studied past life regression, through hypnotism. And I got it worked with Revy. And it was not trick on her. She even liked the idea of learning about her past lives. The problem is I cannot turn it off.”

While, Lee began to realize what Melvin meant, his laughter died in his throat, as he dropped his grin.

Lee grimly thought, 'Oh no. Revy is literally not in her right mind. And Melvin wants me to return Revy to normal... Or, more aptly, what passed for normal, for her.'

'Also, with Revy having the personality of one of her previously lives. Knowing her. And my rotten luck. Chances are the older personality is more violent, and ill tempered than Revy usually is. Well, let's find out, what is going on.'

Lee responded, with worry in his tone of voice, “Oh no... No. No. No. You should have known better with that crew. That is like playing with fire, Melvin... Have you ever seen the Hellraiser movies?”

Melvin questioned, “Yes. Why?”

Lee answered, “Because if we don't fix this, they are going to skin you alive, and then really show you what true suffering is like...” Lee then stood a few deep breathes. He then inquired, “Okay... How bad is it? What person was Revy in her past life?”

Lee saw Melvin's body squirm, as Melvin coyly said, “Well, it is not really that bad... Well, it is. You can see for yourself. She is right here.”

Lee walked out of his room, and into the hallway, as Melvin moved out of the way, and to Lee's left side. Lee came to a stop, just inside the hallway, with the door to his room still open.

Lee then saw Revy with her pistols holstered, in her usual clothing, about ten feet away from both him, and Melvin, to Lee's right side. Lee also saw Revy quietly looking at them.

But, by the way Revy positioned her body, as she stood in place, along with the playful look in her eyes, Lee could see that something was off about her general demeanor.

Such as her eyes, and facial expression, were more relaxed than normal.

Revy then walked up a few feet towards him. As Revy walked, Lee noticed Revy's mannerisms were completely different, yet eerily familiar. As if her body language belonged to someone else he knew of.

Then, Revy came to a stop, in the middle of the hallway, about six feet from Lee and Melvin.

Revy then held her hands up in from of her, She made hand gestures, as she spoke, in a very calm tone of voice, in english, with the accent she used tipping Lee off as to who she was in so many ways, “Hello. I am told that you, my dear follow, could be of some use to myself... It seems I have found myself in a strange situation... Well, stranger than my usual affairs... Still, it all comes down to what you can do for me... A question... A parley... A twist of style... A twist of fate... All to answer the question, are you...” She cocked her head to her right side, as she continued, “Savvy?”

Revy then dropped her hands back to her sides, and straighten her head upwards, as she maintained a slight smirk on her lips.

As Lee continued to look at Revy, Lee stayed mostly calm on the outside, as he barely maintained his poker face. But on the inside, Lee was a tempest of worry and concern, as he thought, 'No. No. No. Revy cannot possibly be the reincarnation that person. Of all people... Dear god, I know you are cruel. But, not this cruel... No!...'

Lee calmly asked, “And to whom am I speaking to?”

Revy leaned down in masculine bow, as she answered, in the same accent she had previously used, “Captain Jack Sparrow, at your service.” She then leaned back up straight.

Lee was barely able to maintain his mask of calmness, as he mentally screamed, 'Oh god NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!....' Lee then forced himself to calm down, as he continued his thoughts, 'I have to calm down. I have to focus. I have to save the world for the most dangerous pirate in the multiverse. A pirate that is now even more dangerous...'

'And while the, how could Revy be Jack's reincarnation, is a big question. This still does explain a few things about Revy's personality. Such as Revy's bad karma in her rotten childhood. Also, there are parallels between Revy and Jack. Both like rum. Both are manipulative. Jack is just a whole lot better at it, given he was taught manners. Both are genre savvy. It is just that Jack dials it up to eleven.... Which could be a problem for myself.'

'Both are selfish, greedy, arrogant, amoral, bi-sexual pirates. It is just that Jack prefers to be nice about it. Also, Revy prefers to be honest with those around her, while Jack prefers to lie to others.'

'And Jack was enslaved at one point, and escaped. Revy was imprisoned, and raped, but she later escaped. Both have problems with their love life. I just fixed hers. The only real difference between the two, besides their genders, is that Jack has positive outlook on life. And Revy has a negative outlook on life.'

'That, and the fact that Revy is monogamous, while Jack is promiscuous.'

'And both of them stand by their friends, even when it is against their better judgment.'

'If it wasn't for the fact that Jack just being here is a danger to the world. Along with screwing over Revy's personal life. I would leave Revy like this. Unfortunately, I have to put this genie back into the bottle. And I think I know how. With Revy now being a sealed can of awesome. That is, savvy awesome.'

'The problem is that Jack Sparrow is so awesome, and savvy, that you only open that can when you are ready to end the world... Or, you just need someone to throw a really good party.'

'Still, I might as well deal with this situation, because this is way out of Melvin's field of expertise.'

Lee turned to Melvin. He stated, with annoyance in his tone of voice, “Melvin, when you fuck up, you really go for the gold.”

Melvin turned to Lee. He could not help but smirk, as he inquired, “It is a gift. So, are you still going to help me?”

Lee said, “Yes. You go back to the bar. I am taking Revy out on an... errand.” He turned to Revy, as he continued, “If Revy's friends show up early, tell them that Revy did have a few drinks. And with her already having some alcohol. She talked me into taking her to the casino, to have some fun.”

Melvin thought, 'That might work.'

Melvin replied, “Alright.” He turned to Revy, as he said, “It was a pleasure meeting you, Jack.”

Revy looked over at Melvin, as she commented, in a relaxed tone of voice, in Jack's accent, “You to, as well, Melvin.”

Melvin then turned around and walked down the hallway, towards the front elevator bay.

Meanwhile, Revy turned to Lee, as she asked, “So, what makes you so special for Melvin to ask you to help in this situation?”

Lee looked at Revy, in her eyes, as he flatly answered, “I am the only person crazy enough to take the job, with the limited time we have, while remaining calm enough to pull off this job.”

Revy cracked a grin, as she said, “Now, that is an answer. So few people appreciate the advantages to being both crazy and calm at the same time.”

Lee admitted, “Yes. Being crazy calm does have its perks.”

Revy commented, “And you seem to know me.”

Lee retorted, “Who has not heard of the great Captain Jack Sparrow? Or, for that matter, the great Revy?”

Revy's grin got wider, as she replied, “Touche.”

Lee requested, “Now Jack. If you would please follow me to my car. We need to head to a few places? If that is alright with you?”

Revy said, “Absolutely. I want to see where this situation goes. And you do have a nice pink Cadillac.”

Lee thought, 'So, Jack has Revy's memories. That just means I will have to be even more careful. I will ask her about this, after we get into the car.' He joked, “Then, right this way, my lady.” He then turned and started walking towards the front elevator bay that went to the hotel lobby.

Revy let out a laugh. Though, Lee noted her laugh was more like one of Jack's laughs, and not Revy's laughs. Revy then turned, and caught up with Lee, to walk beside him, to Lee's right side, as the two of them headed for the front elevator bay.

Unfortunately, they missed Melvin, at the elevator bay, but they were about to get another elevator, within a few seconds.


It was a nice, sunny, cool day outside, as few minutes later, they were both in the front seat of Lee's pink Cadillac.

Lee was driving, with Revy beside him.

Lee had put the hood and windows down, so they could enjoy the nice day.

As Lee drove them to their first destination, he continued to watch the road in front of them, while he though, 'We will soon be to the first place we need to go, in a few minutes. Also, I will put the top, and windows, back up when we return to the hotel. For now, I need to keep Jack happy, while I work out my plan for this immediate situation. Speaking of which, this is a good time to ask about how much of Revy's memory, that Jack has access too.'

Lee commented, “I noticed that you are not surprised by the technology of this age.”

Revy turned to look at Lee. Revy stated, in a relaxed tone of voice, in Jack's accent, “That is because I have all of Revy's memories. Just not her personality. I believe this is due to my having my own memories, as well. And mine are a whole lot more fun that hers... Well, most of them... Still Lee, my boy, while I review Revy's memories of you, it is clear you more than you appear.”

While looking at the road in front of them, Lee commented, “That is true for everyone.”

Revy complimented, in Jack's accented, “Correct. And by the way, that is a nice dodge. You have been dodging every question I have made towards you, as Revy, since Revy has met you. That is very savvy of you. More savvy than, the fool, that Revy thinks you are. But, I know better. There are two types of fools. The foolish, and those who fool others. And you, my dear sir, are the latter.”

Lee thought, 'With someone as savvy as Jack. There is no point in denying that. She will spot a lie a mile away. And right now, I am on her good side. And I want to continue to be on her good side.' He admitted, “Okay. You got me there.”

Revy went onto say, “Quite right. It is quiet foolhardy, but commendable that you, the writer, would be able to hide so closely to your pursuers. Only the crazy of the crazy would suspect. I guess that fortuneteller was right. I would find you soon after doing some soul searching. Oh, the irony.”

In response, Lee immediately slowed down. He then parked on the side of the road, and put the car in park, with the engine idling. With the car no longer in motion, Lee turned to Revy. He stated, “You're right. Now, what?”

Revy looked over at Lee, as she smirked. She said, “Well, if I was Revy, I would be beating you to a pulp. But currently, I am not. I admire you, Lee. If for any other reason than the courage it takes to do all this. But, the question becomes, why?”

Lee answered, “I am dying of cancer.”

Revy stated, “That does explain a lot. And with that answer, it is obvious you plan to steal a reality device, and use it to find a cure in the multiverse.”

Lee stated, “Either that, or find a decent reality to die in, so I can be reincarnated. You, and your children, are breathing proof that reincarnation is possible.”

Revy said, “That is not a bad plan. And you have a nice fall back plan, as well. And for you playing this game so well. If I had the device that Rock and I use, I would give it to you. Unfortunately, Rock keeps it on her person.”

Lee thought, 'And you realized, that given you are not in your right mind, right now, you know you won't get into that much trouble. Melvin, on the other hand, will. So, I would still have had to save him. But, that is another matter. Also, I now know that Rock keeps a reality device on her person. This is the major break that I needed. Though, I cannot use that information right now. Though, this does open a chance, for a later opportunity. But, first I have to save Melvin, myself, and even Revy, from Jack's mischievous personality.'

Lee responded, “Thank you for the information. That is still helpful. By the way, I do not know how you, as Revy, could be the reincarnation of Jack Sparrow. Honestly, that comes completely from left field for me.”

Revy commented, “I know. As Revy, I read your stories. You mention me, as Jack, a few times. But, you clearly had nothing to do with this.” She used her hands to point at her chest, as she continued, “I guess it is just one of those things that came out of the blue.” She then dropped her hands to her lap.

Lee replied, “I guess so.”

Revy stated, “By the way. I know what you are thinking. I promise not to tell the others that you are the writer.”

Lee thought, 'You may promise that. But, given both you natures, as Jack and Revy. I doubt you can keep your promise. Still...' He replied, “Thank you.”

Revy said, “You're welcome.” She continued, in a demure tone of voice, “Still, even though you are dying. That does not mean we cannot have a little fun.” Her lips curled into a lecherous grin, as she continued, with a bit of eagerness in her tone of voice, “I swing both ways, mehearty.”

Lee commented, in a calm tone of voice, “Jack, I admit that it is tempting. But, we cannot. We have to get you back to sleep, and Revy's personality back in control. And we are on a tight schedule to do so.”

Revy dropped her grin, as she asked, in an annoyed tone of voice that was closer to Revy's voice, than Jack's voice, “Why should I go back to being that stick in the mud?” Her lips curled into a grin, as she said, in a more chipper tone of voice, with Jack's accent, “You got to admit that I much funner to be around. And I like being me, right now.”

Lee caught the accent slip, as he thought, 'Good. Revy is still in there. Though, I believe this is clearly not a case of one consciousness taking over another consciousness. So much, that Revy remembers being Jack. And she liked Jack's memories so much, she has become Jack.'

'Though, she is Jack. There is just not two personalities in her mind. Just one personality, that prefers to be the Jack persona, instead of the Revy persona.'

'Not that I blame Revy for this. For the short time I have knowing Jack, he is clearly a fun person to be around. And Jack is likely a very fun person to be.'

'But, if stress is applied, Revy's personality starts to come to the forefront.'

'This is very good. It means sealing Jack personality will not be hard. Because there are not two personalities trying to fight for dominance, inside Revy's soul. It is just a case of one personality preferring to use one set of memories, over the another set of memories.'

'Meaning all we have to do is seal Jack's memories. And the memories Revy has for today, to prevent her from realizing I am the writer. And I know just the two people whom could probably do it. And since they are both my friends. And Revy's friends. They would likely be more than happy to make the attempt.'

'Revy, Jack, or whomever she think she currently is, clearly does not realize this. This works for me. Though, if my plan A fails. I will just have to point this out to her, and hope that myself, and those I plan to seek help from, can encourage the Revy persona to come to the forefront. With myself then dealing with the fallout of her knowing that I am the writer, afterward.'

'Though, if we had the time. I am sure Revy's persona would eventually come back, in part, or in full. With Revy growing tired of the Jack persona, like a child growing tired of the new toy she has.'

'Unfortunately, by that time. Jack's persona would have wrecked havoc with Revy's personal live. Especially, Revy's love life with Rock. And I put much work, and effort, into helping Revy and Rock's relationship, to have a past life, of one of them, ruin it.'

'Besides, in the meantime, Revy would blow both my cover, and Melvin's cover. And the sad part is she would likely not intentionally do so. The information would just slip out of her mouth.'

'During my time around these lunatic women has taught me many lessons. Among those lessons, is that you can turn you back on a promise. But, you cannot turn your back on a lunatic.'

'No. I got to get this genie back into her bottle. This Jack has got to go back into his box.'

'Now, to convince Jack to want to do this. And I know just how to do it. I will use Revy's memories against Jack. If there is only personality in there. Deep down they will want the same exact thing. It is just that the two personae would prefer to go about getting the same thing they want, in two different ways.'

'And I know what they really want. The one thing that Jack likely never had in his previous life.'

Lee stated, “That maybe true. But, I want you to answer two questions, for both myself, and yourself. First, in your entire life as Jack, were you ever able to find true love, like Revy has with Rock? And do you still love Rock?”

Revy stopped smiling, as she when silent for a few seconds, as she thought over Lee's questions. She then replied, in a sober tone of voice, “I see your point. Perhaps I should go back to the way I was. The question is, how?”

This time, it was Lee's turn to smirk, as he stated, “Leave that to me. Still, I take it you would like to get changed into something more conformable.”

Revy let out a laugh. She then said, in Jack's accent, “Yes. I would. And I would guess your plan involves, Chang, somehow. He is the only one with the resources in town to help you with this. And that means, if you are going to Chang, for help, that Chang knows who you are.”

Lee stated, “Yes. Chang knows. And so does Annie, Arcee, and of course, River. But, none of the others know. So, when we go to the casino, please keep what is going on to yourself?”

Revy responded, “I will. And I would guess your plan for me to change into some clothing that is closer to my old style of clothing, to make it easier to convince Chang of the situation.”

Lee replied, “Of course.” He thought, with mild admiration, 'Jack, you are as good at this game, as I expect you to be.'

Revy smiled. She giggled, as she said, “Oh my student, the things I could teach you, if we only had more time.”

Lee flatly commented, “Mores the pity. Now, before we head out. I do have an important question for you. How did your pirate life end for you, Jack?”

Revy soberly answered, in Jack's accent, “A hangman's noose, in Caracas, Venezuela.”

Lee wondered in thought, 'Interesting. Now, that I think about it, there are a lot of Latin American connections in the Black Lagoon series. Specifically, Caracas, Venezuela. But, I just don't have the time to think about that mystery, right now.'

Lee politely requested, “Please, go on. I am sure there is more to your story than that.”

Revy gave Lee a weak smile, as she stated, in Jack's accent, “Oh, there is. I had gained the eternal youth I had sought for so long. But, I found that though I did not age, it did not make me immortal. It did not give me eternal health. Decades later, I started to get sick. Year passed, and I got worse. Though, I sought a cure, I did not find one. And so, before I got to weak to walk, I sought to go out a death that would be proper for a pirate of my pedigree.”

Lee held back a snort, when Revy mentioned the word, pedigree. He thought, 'Jack. You may have grown up around pirates. But, you did not become one, until you were forced to do so.'

Revy went onto say, in Jack's accent, “I decided to attempt the near impossible. My crew, and I, tried to raid Caracas, which was protected by coastal mountains. I failed.”

“We were ambushed in the pass we used to get into the city. Half my men were killed in battle, while the other half ran to my ship, and left with it, again. Without me. Though, I expected that, considering was part of my plan, to have a proper.'

Lee thought, with concern, 'Just like the situation I presently find myself in. No wonder you complimented my plans. You were in a similar situation. And since you could not find a cure. You went with your plan B.'

'Even if you could not directly confirm reincarnation. After all our adventured, you knew there was life after death. You have been dead before, yourself.

'So, you rightly viewed that dying in the manner you sought was not the end for you.'

'And here you are, to prove that you were correct.'

Revy continued, in Jack's accented, “At the end of the battle, I was surprised to find that I was mostly unharmed. So, instead of dying in battle. As I expected would happen. I was instead, captured. But, I soon found out, in person, that the man in charge of Caracas, at that time, the Governor of Caracas, was a big fan of my exploits.”

“And I have nothing but good things to say about my host, the Governor of Caracas.”

“While we both knew he had to hang me, and I had no plans to stop him. He treated me well. We had a wonderful conversation, which he provided a scribe write down what we talked about. I may have to look at up those records some time. I am sure they are still around.”

Lee agreed, “Yes. That would be interesting.”

Revy smiled, as she said, in Jack's accent, “That it would. And I am glad you agree. Also, the Governor of Caracas then offered me a priest to confess my sins to. Then, a good dinner with fine rum. And finally, he provide a beautiful woman for a last evening of pleasure.”

“Later that night, after the woman of the evening had left my cell, under escort of a guard. With no one else around, Calypso visited me, while I was alone. And we had an interesting chat. She told me that I did not have much to worry about. That I had done such a marvelous performance that I was going to be allowed to be a pirate in my next life, as well. I was very happy to hear that. She even added that in my next life, I would be just as wild, but in a different way.”

“She then told me that given the way I treated women, I would end of being born a woman. I found to be surprising, but not that disheartening. All the women pirates I knew were tougher, and meaner, than most of the men. She promised that I would not be the exception to that rule. And I see now that she was correct.”

Lee agreed, “Yes. Revy truly is a cut above the rest.”

Revy let out a laugh. She then stated, in Jack's accent, “Very true. Anyway, the next morning, at six thirty AM sharp, I was lead to the gallows, by wagon, at the crest of one of the mountains overlooking the ocean. As I was read the my charges, the angle of the gallows allowed me to see the ocean one last time, during a beautiful sunrise.”

“It was a glorious sight, indeed.”

“After the charges were read, I politely thanks my executioners for their generous hospitality. Then, they put the black hood over my head, and a noose round my neck. And promptly at seven AM that day, I felt a quick dropped, and a sharp snap of my neck. I then remember nothing, until I was reborn as Revy.”

Lee complimented, “I must say, Jack. You went out with as much style as you lived.”

Revy smile got wider towards Lee, as she replied, “Thank you, Lee.”

Lee turned to face the road. He checked to make sure he was clear, as he put the car in driver, and he he drove back onto the road.

When Lee was back on the road, he said, “Now, let's get you some clothes with a little more style to them.”

Revy laughed, in Jack's style of laughter, for a few seconds, at Lee's comment, as they drove down the road.


Around five minutes later, Lee drove into the parking lot of a local costume shop.

Lee came to a stop, by the curl, to a sidewalk, in front of the doors to the customer shop, with Revy side facing the doors. Lee put the car in park. He then looked at Revy, as he stated, “This is the best costume shop in town.”

Revy looked at Lee, as she raised an eyebrow. She inquired, in Jack's accent, “And how would you know?”

Lee thought, 'This is where I got some of my more flamboyant clothing during the time loop. And I am glad it was open during the Day of the Dead. Though, that three day holiday, of All Hallows Eve, Day of Little Angels, and Day of the Dead, are likely some of their best sales day for the year. Now, I better be honest with Revy. Though, vague.'

Lee honestly answered, “It is a long story, that we do not have time to get into, now. So, do you need money for clothing.”

Revy giggled. She said, “We are rich, thanks to you. And I have money on me.”

Lee sadly thought, 'Damn it. Now, she is grateful for what I have done for her? I hate myself, that I am going to have to get the old Revy back for all our sake. Jack really is just so much fun to be around.'

Lee calmly said, “You're welcome. Also, I suggest you keep your old clothing, for when you regain Revy's personality.”

Revy replied, “Of course. Though, Revy has such simple tastes in styles. While, I am much more flamboyant in my choices of clothing.”

Lee agreed, “That you are.”

Revy let out a laugh. She then stated, “The things I could do with this body. And I am not just talking about sex and violence. There are dozens of clothing styles that would look great on this body. And those are just off the top of my head.”

Lee commented, “We do not have time for you to spend all day picking out a new wardrobe.”

Revy responded, “I understand. I will just get something quick. That I think we agree will be... Me.”

Lee replied, “That sounds good.”

Revy offered, “So, would you like to come in with me?”

Lee said, in a calm tone of voice, “No thank you. I know your mischievous side. I wrote part of it. We do not have time to play dress up, for either of us.”

Revy shrugged, as she replied, “A girl can at least try. I should be out in half an hour.”

Lee stated, “Good. I will park nearby, and watch for you walk out. When you are ready, I will pick you up, here, by the curb.”

Revy said, “That will be fine.” She then got out of the car, and shut the passenger car door behind her.

While Revy walked inside the costume shop, Lee looked in front of the car, as he put the car in driver. He then drove his car around, in the parking lot, until he found a nearby parking place that faced the entrance to the costume shop.


Around half an hour later, from the driver's seat of his car, Lee saw Revy walk out of the customer shop.

Lee's only thought was, 'Wow. She pulls that off well.'

Revy wore old style pirates clothing, and a tricorne hat, that looked almost exactly like the clothing Jack Sparrow use to wear. The only two differences were that the clothing Revy wore fit her female frame. And where Jack Sparrow kept his muskets by his belt, Revy kept her semi-automatic cutlasses on her belt.

She also held her bag, filled with her old clothing, in her right hand, by the bag's top straps.

Lee noticed that the bag had a logo of costume shop, on the two large sides of the bag.

Lee started his car, put it in drive, and drove up to the front door, beside her, by the curb, with the front passenger side facing her, and the doors unlocked. He then put the car in park.

Revy walked up to the curb, where the car was able. She turned to Lee, as she said, in Jack's accent, “Thank you.”

With the roof and windows down, Revy tossed her bag in the back car seat, open the front passenger door, and got in.

After Revy sat down, she leaned back in her cushioned seat, she looked over at Lee. She asked, “Well, how do I look?”

Lee looked over at Revy, as he honestly admitted, “I wish I had a camera. It is so hard to pull off the same look as both a man and a woman, but you pull it off nicely.”

Revy warmly smiled towards Lee, as she responded, “Thank you. If nothing else, when this is over, Revy will finally have a set of stylish clothing to go into her closet.”

Lee laughed for a few seconds, at Revy's comment.

As Lee calmed down, he then looked in front of the car. He put the car in drive, and drove them both out of the parking lot, and onto the road. After which, Lee headed for the Daiyu Palace Casino, on the south end of the island.

While the drove, Revy commented, “Speaking of clothing. I may have Revy's memories, but even I don't understand some of the choices she made in her life.” She looked over on her cover right shoulder and upper arm. Which her clothing covered her tribal tattoo. She continued, “Such as the tattoo on my upper right arm and shoulder.” She then turned back to look at Lee, to her left.

Lee paid attention to every word Revy said, as he continued to look in front of him. He said, “Let me guess. She thought it would look cool on her?”

Revy responded, “Yes. I know you are very knowledgeable, about a lot of things. You stories reflect that knowledge. So, I have to humbly request. And please be honest. What is the current attitude about tattoos, like I have.”

Lee answered, “I won't lie to you. Tribal tattoos went out of style over a decade ago. It was a big thing for the nineteen nineties, which is when the Black Lagoon series was set. Though, you have such a hot body, most people could care less about the tattoo.”

Revy replied, “Thank you.”

Lee commented, “Well, for myself, Revy is not hard to understand.”

In response to Lee's comment. Revy laughed, for a few second. Though, it was more like Jack's laugh, than Revy's laugh.

As Revy calmed down, she said, in Jack's accent, “You are not the first man to mistakenly believe they understand women.”

Lee continued to look ahead of himself, as he countered, “Not women. Just Revy. I understand some of what makes Revy tick. Let me guess, Obviously, due to your lifetime's worth of memories, and experiences, plus Revy's one lifetime, the crap that happened Revy, when she was youngr, including her rape, does not effect you as much? The greater depth of wisdom from having practically doubled the lifetime's worth of memories, blunts Revy's early childhood traumas. Though, it still does effect you. Just not as much.”

Revy admitted, “That is correct.”

Lee thought, 'That confirms the one personality, two personae theory, I have for you. Which is good for everyone involved.'

Lee said, “As I thought. Unlike most people, I understand that the rape itself was not what caused Revy to finally snap. The rape was just the final straw of a long list of acts of abuse and neglect, from those around Revy, when she was a child.”

“The final moment that caused Revy's mental breakdown, with the resulting, and justified bloodshed she caused afterward, was soon after Revy being raped by that cop. After she her father hit her with a bottle. I can guess, when she got out of jail, she went to her abusive father over the matter of the false arrest and rape, and her father, whom likely either ignored her, or abused her some more, instead of aiding her.”

“It was then that she realized that everyone she knew around her wanted her to be in hell. And she decided to send them to hell, instead. She then got a gun, practiced with it. And when she felt she was good enough, she used her gun to kill people. Starting with her father.”

Lee's comment caught Jack off guard, as she leaned up from her seat, to looked at Lee most closely. She stated, “You do understand, Revy. And I am slightly afraid to ask what happened in your own life that allowed you to reach that understanding, yourself.”

As Lee continued driving them towards Daiyu's Palace Casino, he said, “Though, I was not raped, you really don't want to know what it took for me to gain such wisdom through pain.”

Revy replied, “I will take your word on that.”

The two then sat in silence, as Lee continued to drive them to the Daiyu Palace Casino.


Minutes later, Lee and Revy reached Daiyu Palace Casino.

Lee parked the car, about a hundred feet from the front entrance to the casino, which was covered by a large awning.

After Lee parked in a parking space, he put the car into park, turned off the ignition, pulled out the key to the car, and pocketed it.

Revy turned to Lee, as she asked, in Jack's accent, “So, how are we going to get into a meeting with Chang, on short noticed?”

Lee looked over at Revy, and smile. He answered, “Simple. The guards at the express elevator know you. If you haven't figured it out, they were likely some of the guys in Chang's Triad at Roanapur. Them seeing you in that dress will be all the proof they need to let us by, to see Chang.”

Revy pointed at her pistols, as she commented, “But, they won't let me take my weapons with me.”

Lee pointed out, “Put your weapons in the bag. They likely won't search us, if they don't see any weapons on us. And I mean this as a compliment, when I say that they know better than to pat down a lunatic like you.”

Revy giggled. She complimented, in Jack's accent, “Good point. And it is always nice to talk to someone who appreciates proper deviousness.”

Lee responded, “Thank you. And I take it there are no bullets in the chambers of your weapons?”

Revy said, “That is very perceptive of you.”

Lee shrugged, as he stated, “I watched your series. And I liked other subtle gun safety practices that you, Chang, and others, did in that series. Such as placing your trigger fingers against the trigger guard of your weapons, and not the triggers.”

Revy replied, “Yes. Chang was a good teacher. And it is clear you know how to use a gun.”

Lee said, “I am from the southeastern U.S., we are taught to use guns as children.”

Revy smiled, as she commented, “It must be a fun place.”

Lee commented, “It has its moments. I honestly think that if Revy had been born in the southeastern United States, instead of that toilet, New York City, she might have had a great time.”

Revy said, “Looking through Revy's memories, of her fascination with guns. And your people's love of guns. You might be right.”

Lee inquired, “Glad you agree. Also, don't take this the wrong way. I know Revy has an ass fetish, but I was on the fence on if she had a gun fetish.”

Revy stated, in Jack's accent, “Yes. I do have an ass fetish. Or, at least Revy does. It comes from after she was raped. She fantasized of revenge, by raping the man that did that raped her. And since men only have that one hole, that is where she fetish for the ass come from.”

Lee hesitantly commented, with concern in his tone of voice, “That... Does make sense.”

Revy responded, in a sober tone of voice, in Jack's accent, “Sadly. Yes. And you are correct on the other part of your comment. Revy's obsession with guns is more of a borderline fetish. It depends on the weapon. And yes, in the Black Lagoon series, when Revy talked to Shenhua about nukes, she was getting wet, down there, thinking about using a nuke, herself.”

Revy's tone of voice turned more warm, towards Lee, as she continued, “By the way, thank you for everything you have given me, as Revy, and for my family. I know as Revy, I am not grateful to you. And neither is the rest of my family. But, I am grateful to you, now.”

“I am even grateful for the nuke the Lagoon family has. Just having that weapon brought Revy a lot of pleasure, in a lot of ways.”

“And when I got back to be Revy, I wish I could continue to be grateful to you. Though, I doubt that. Because, we both know for your plan to work. I cannot remember any of this. Including, myself realizing you are the writer.”

Lee sadly said, “I know. And you're welcome.” He went onto say, in a more sober, than sad, tone of voice, “And at least are grateful to me, now. And I know at least a part of Revy will be grateful for what I have done for all of you.” He sorrowfully thought, 'That that will likely only be a small part.'

Revy understood the subtext of Lee's comment. She stated, in a sad tone of voice, in Jack's accent, “Yes. It is tragic.”

Revy then continued, in a curious tone of voice, “Still. The one thing I don't understand is how did you pulled off that ass joke, in the hotel theater, with Rock and Revy, seven times, without Revy killing you over doing that even once?... Actually, now that I think about it. Those memories are kind of jumbled. It was like Revy repeated the same day, over and over again.”

Lee thought, 'Jack is going to figure it out, eventually. So, I might as well, just tell her, now.' He admitted, “That is because, that is what happened. We were stuck in a time loop that only I remember.”

Revy guessed, “And it is a the long story?”

Lee smiled wickedly, as he replied, “To say the least.”

Revy commented, “That is intriguing. It is unfortunate that we do not have the time for you to tell me that story.”

Lee thought, 'Given how Jack is so happy with me right now. This might be my only chance to apologize about something, with Revy killing me over it. And it would make for a bit of closure on my part.'

Lee apologized, “I want you to know, that I apologize about something, during the time loop. If I had know that you and Rock were having your periods during that time, I would have tried to stop that loop sooner. And I did find a way to stop that loop, soon after I learned that was the case, with both of you.”

Revy inquired, “I believe you. But, how did you find that out?”

Lee answered, “Rock blurted that it was that time of the month for her. And I guessed from Revy's attitude, and closeness to Rock, that it was the same case for Revy.”

Revy said, “Good guess.”

Lee suggested, “Now, let's go see Chang.”

Revy offered, “Yes. I will like to see his face when he seems me like this. Want to bet that Chang will demand what is going on?”

Lee replied, “Nope. I am not taking a suckers bet. And if Revy had listened to me, she would not have taken that suckers bet, with Chang, in the first place.”

Revy let out a laugh. She then commented, “But, you did win me that million.”

Lee grumbled, “And you didn't let me keep a dime of it?”

Revy apologized, “Sorry about that. And thank you for winning me that money. And I am sure that was not easy for you.”

Lee replied, “To say the least. And I appreciate the thank you.”

Revy offered, “Unfortunately, I don't keep that much money on me. And I blew most of what I have on me, on the clothing I am presently wearing. But, would you take a check?”

Lee looked at Revy, in disbelief, as he flatly pointed out, “From a pirate, literally twice over?”

Revy realized what she had said. She sheepishly agreed, in Jack's accent, “Oh... Good point, love.”

Lee visibly deflated, as he suggested, in a slightly tied tone of voice, “Let's go see Chang, before we get on each other's nerves.”

Revy replied, “I agree.”

Both of them then got out of Lee pink Cadillac. With them shutting the doors behind them. Given the top and side windows were down, Lee did not bother to lock the vehicle.

Revy reached into the backseat, behind her, and opened the top of her bag. She then dropped her pistols into the bag. Next, she took off her hat, and dropped her pirate hat into the bag, over her pistols. After which, she picked up, and carried the bag with her, by its top straps, in her right hand.

Lee and Revy then walked side by side, with Revy to Lee's right side, as they headed for the front entrance.

As Lee walked away from the car, he thought, 'No one is going to steal my car. It stands out too much. And Pedro will have their hide, if someone tried to do so.'

A minute later, they made it to the front doors.

As the did so, Lee open one of the doors for Revy.

While Revy walked inside, she said, in a polite, cheerful tone of voice, “Thank you.”

Lee replied, “You're welcome.” He then follow her inside, with the door closing behind him.

Lee then caught up to walk beside Revy, to Revy's left side.

As they walked, Lee thought, 'The one thing I like about Jack, above all else, when compared to Revy, is that Jack knows her manners.'

While the two adults walked through the front lobby, they passed the front check in desk, and the casino tellers, to their left side. With the couched, seats, and small tables, lining the walls of the lobby, to their right side.

The two adults soon made it to the gaming floor. With the rock music that being played, by the speakers around the game floor, being, Bring Me To Life, by Evanescence.

Lee thought, 'What a proper song, for this situation. And it proves that Chang, and his staff, have good taste in music.'

Lee and Revy continued walking to the elevator bay, right in front of them, on the other side of the gaming floor, from the corner of his right eye, Lee saw Jetta, walking around the tables.

Jetta was wearing a black pants suit, ad she looked as if she was looking at the gaming playing around her, with a critical eye for detail.

Lee guessed, 'Well, Jetta does make a good pit boss. And she, Spike, and likely a few others, probably take turns, so the others can have a break. Spike is probably also watching Julia, with Faye and Jetta's help. And Faye is probably one of the dealers.'

'Though, after that game I had with River. Chang will probably give her the week off. To let the heat die down. And have the customer turn offer. So, no one, but the staff with recognize her, when she goes back to the gaming floor. And with Spike and Jetta present, they will keep her on her job, and from gambling away her money.'

'I am so glad I wrote it, so that I dealt with Faye's gambling addition, and I got her debt problems straighten out. That, with she and Jetta becoming rich, will probably keep them from killing me, if they found out who I was. Spike though, it is not going to so easy to appease...'

'Oh well, I better focus on the matter at hand, and fix Revy's mind, before Rock and the others get back from their tour. Or, my other worries will be insignificant, compared to what they will do to Melvin, and myself.'

'Also. Now, that I think about it. We need to take the front elevator, instead of going around back, because it lessens the chance of bumping into someone that would ask Revy questions. The less people that know the truth, the easier it will be the pass the lie off, later.'

The two adults remained silent, as they continued to walk towards the front elevator bay.

Several seconds later, they made it to the front elevator bay.

The two adults came to a stop in front of the two chinese female guards, in black suits and black dress shoes, whom were guarding the express elevator.

Lee thought, 'Given the other express elevator, around back, is not guarded, I am starting to think these guards are only here not to keep the drunks and gamblers from wondering into the wrong elevator. While also keeping a couple of arm guards on hand, near the gaming floor, if they are needed. If that is the case, then it is not a bad idea on Chang and Mal's part.'

'Though, now I need to convince them to let us pass. Which, given the situation, should not be too hard.'

Lee looked at the two guards, as he calmly stated, “Ladies, I know this is on short notice. But, please let us through. This is important.” He turned to Revy, to his right side. He then turned back to look at the guards, as he continued, with concern in his tone of voice, “As you can see, Revy is not in her right mind. I need Chang's help to fix this, before Rock and the others come looking for her. So, please let us through.”

Both women looked at each other. Then, they turned back to Lee and Revy. One of the women stated, in english, “You are right. This is important.”

Revy requested, in Jack's accent, “And I humbling request, that you two, please do not alert Chang that we are coming. I want to see the look on his face, when I show up in this.”

Revy different accent, and polite manners, set off all kinds of warming bells, in the minds of the two other women in the elevator bay.

The woman calmly said, “Whatever you say.”

The other women turned, pulled out a key from one of her pockets, and used it to summon the express elevator.

Several seconds later, the elevator doors open, Lee and Revy walked inside, without being searched.

Lee and Revy then turned around in the elevator, to face the doors, with Lee now to Revy's right side. A few seconds later, the elevator doors closed, and began to quickly take them up to the penthouse floor.

After the doors closed, the guards turned to face forward, towards the gaming floor. As they stood to the sides of the express elevator doors.

One of the guards asked the other guard, with concern in her tone of voice, in chinese, “Do you think we should contact Chang, that Revy and Lee are coming up to see him?”

The other guard faced forward, as she calmly answered, in chinese, “And risk pissing off Revy. On a good day, she is crazy. And this is clearly not one of her good days.”

The first guard responded, “I agree. And at least she is polite, right now. Though, I still agree. We should not chance it. And Chang has always respected intelligent decisions. And he can take care of himself. Or, herself.”

The other guard replied, “Yes. And sometime, I am going to find out how he can switch back and forth between genders.”

The first guard said, “Actually, I talked to Chang about that. He did not go into detail, but he said he was willing to offer us, his employees, some packets of powder, for free, that will temporally turn us back into men, if we wanted the packets.”

The other guard smiled, as she said, with interest in her tone of voice, “Sounds like fun.”

The first guard returned the smile, as she happily replied, “Exactly.”

The two guards then resumed their duties, in silent, for their current shift.


A minute later, the elevator doors to the penthouse opened, and Lee and Revy stepped out of the elevator, and came to a stop, in the hallway, with Revy being to Lee's left side.

The elevator doors then closed, though the elevator remained in place, in its shaft.

Revy turned to Lee, as she asked, in Jack's accent, “Do you remember the way to the office?”

Lee looked over at Revy, as he calmly answered, “Yes. One does not forget such details when dealing with powerful people.”

Revy commented, “Yes. It makes it easier to escape when you know the layout of the floor.”

Lee replied, “Exactly.”

Revy said, “That is precisely what I wanted to hear from you, my student. Now, let us go see Chang.”

Lee stated, “With pleasure.”

Both of them turned to their left, and they started walking down the hallway, towards Chang's office.

Less than two minutes later, after turning a corner, they made it to the shut door to Chang's office.

They came to a stop, in front of the door.

Lee then gently knocked on the door.

From inside, Chang asked, through the door, in chinese, “Who is it?”

Lee answered, in english, “It is, Lee. And I am not here for myself. It is, Revy. And it is very important. You got to see this to believe it.”

Chang stated, in an annoyed tone of voice, in english, “Then, come in.”

Lee gently opened the door inwards. After which, Lee let Revy walked in first, with Lee following right behind her.

Revy came to a stop, in ten feet from Chang's desk.

Lee left the door open, as he walked up beside Revy, to Revy's left side.

Lee saw that Chang was sitting in his chair, behind his. He was wearing his black business suit, but not his long coat, nor glasses. Lee then noticed a coat rack to his far right, in the corner, with Chang's coat hanging it.

Also, there was a pen and some papers on the desk, showing that chinese man was doing some paperwork.

Lee thought, 'I guess no one can look cool all the time. Occasionally, one has to take off the extra items, and relax, as they do some work. His sunglasses are likely in his coat. And he is just doing some managerial paperwork. That is just the price of running a business. Any business.'

Lee remained calm on the inside, as he continued his thoughts, with amusement, 'Now, to see what his reaction to this version of Revy, will be.'

As Chang looked up at the two of them, Le saw that as Chang looked at Revy, he did a double-take.

Lee and Revy both held back a laugh, at Chang's reaction.

Though, Revy smiled, while Lee maintained a neutral expression.

Chang flatly questioned, “Is this a joke? Because, if it is, it's a good one. But, one not worth wasting my time over.”

Lee commented, in a calm tone of voice, “I do not think Revy could pull off a joke this elaborate. It is just not her style.”

Chang replied, “I agree.”

Revy commented, in a polite tone of voice, with Jack's accent, “A pleasure to meet you, Chang. Lee, here, tells me that you can help myself. And I do look forward to your aid.”

Revy's mannerisms and polite tone of voice, set Chang on each.

Chang thought, with concern, 'Revy has never been this polite to me before.'

Chang turned to Lee, as he asked, “Is that really, Revy?”

Lee coyly answered, “It depends on your point of view.”

Chang demanded, “What have you done to Revy?”

Lee shrugged, as he responded, “Actually, it was Melvin who did this?”

Chang all but commanded, as he said, “This I have to hear.”

Lee explained, “First, we got a few hours to fix this. Rock and the girls when out of town, on a tour, on the mainland. Revy stayed behind. She was in the hotel bar, and Melvin, not wanting her to get drunk so early, suggested a game.”

Chang commented, “I do not fault that man for preventing Revy from getting drunk. I have done that before, myself.”

Revy calmly said, in Jack's accented,, “I hold nothing against that man, either.”

Chang thought, with concern, 'As much as I am enjoying a more polite Revy, I need to know what happened. If it is reversible. And if it is controllable. Because, occasionally I would like her to be this polite. And even my brainwashing techniques could not help to make such a radical change of personality, on someone, as what I am seeing presently with Revy. Also, that clothing and her accent seem familiar. But, I cannot place them. And they do not remind me in a good way.'

Chang inquired, “So, what happen?”

Lee stated, “Short answer. Past life regression, on Melvin. And Melvin could not figure how to turn it off. So, he came to me.”

Chang thought, 'I doubt Melvin knows that Lee is the writer. Still, Lee likely figured out Melvin's past, and he is helping Melvin, due to Melvin being a nice guy. I will be honest. I feel for Melvin's situation, as well. Still, I have to know whom I am talking to. And I have a bad feeling I already know. If I am right, it can only mean trouble. And Lee was wise to come to me about this situation.'

Chang looked over at Revy, and he took a hard look at her. He questioned, “Are you whom I think you are?”

Revy looked at Chang, as she smirked. She commented, in Jack's accent, “Chang, if you are as sharp as Revy's memories indicate, I think the costume and accent pretty much states the obvious of who I am.”

Chang realized, as he thought, with concern, 'Oh no. Now I remember. It could only be that one person. And not that I think about it, the similarities between him and Revy are downright eerie.' He guessed, “Captain Jack Sparrow?”

Revy bowed, as she said, “At your service.” She then leaned back up.

Chang just silently looked at Revy for a couple of seconds. He then pulled out his cellphone, as he quickly dialed a number. As soon as the other end picked up, Chang calmly stated, “Annie, find River, and get up here, to my office, as quickly as possible.”

Chang then closed his cellphone, and put it away.

Chang offered, “Please, sit down. While we wait for River, and Annie, to come here?” He thought, with worry, 'And I pray that Lee and I have the savviness to keep Jack under control, until they get here.'

Revy and Lee walked up to the two chairs in front of Chang's desk. Lee sat in the chair to Chang's right, while Revy sat down in the chair to Chang's left. With Revy setting down her bag, beside her, to her right.

Revy requested, “So Chang, is there anything you want to talk about, besides the obvious?”

Chang sighed, as he replied, “Not really.”

Revy said, “Don't be that way, Chang. Think of how cool... How suave this is.”

Chang responded, “I am thinking about this. And it scares me on several levels.”

Chang mentally reflect, with concern, 'The fact that you, as Jack, have a very devious mind, and Revy had some of the best gun fighting skills out there. I know. I taught her. Makes you very dangerous. And that is not even counting the super-soldier serum in your body.'

'You clearly remember being Revy. That is how you recognized me. And Even thought, I also have the super-soldier serum in me. With you combined skills, as both Jack and Revy. I am not sure I could take you in a fight. Even on a good day.'

Chang looked over at Lee, as he continued his thoughts, 'And give how intelligent and savvy you are, Lee. I am sure you have already realized all this.'

Revy inquired, “And why is that, love?”

Chang turned to Revy. He raised an eyebrow, as he inquired, “Are you coming on to me?”

Revy gave Chang a lecherous smile, as she casually answered, “Of course.”

Lee commented, “Don't feel bad, she offered herself to me on the way over here.”

Chang inquired, “You didn't take her up on that offer?”

Lee replied, “Of course not. I do not sleep with crazy.”

Chang pointed out, “You slept with, Eda.”

Lee questioned, “You heard about that?”

Chang answered, “Of course. She must have been desperate if she had to go to you for sex.”

Lee defended, “I am not that bad at catch.”

Revy stated, “Lee's right. He's got a charm to himself. At least, he knows his manners. When Eda talked to Revy, Eda mentioned that she was impressed with Lee's manners on their date. And that the sex with him was okay.”

Lee said, “Thank you.”

Revy replied, “You are welcome.”

Lee commented, “Besides, where do you think all those manners that Bob had came from.”

Chang conceded, “Point taken. Still, you slept with, Eda.”

Lee responded, “Actually, Eda is much like yourself. Eda is very sane. She can be mean. She can be vicious. She can be immature. But, she is not insane.”

Chang replied, “Now that I think about it, you are right.”

Revy stated, “Still, if either of you are interested, I am open to a threesome between the two of you. And since Chang here can change back and forth, it can be two male, one female. Or, one male, and two female. Hell, let's invite River. And Rock is always fun to be around. Though, I am not sure Annie is open to do this kind of fun.”

Lee thought, with concern, 'Pansexual insanity. The one type of sexual grouping of adults, that I did not deal with, in the romantic and lemon parts of my stories. Sure, in my stories, I did some threesomes. And the occasional foursome. But, no more than that. And I do not believe in having orgies. I just do not care for that.'

Lee turned to Revy, as he commented, in a calm tone of voice, “I believe Annie would decline your offer. Besides, I doubt Rock would be open to a five way.”

Revy looked over at Lee, with a lecherous smile. She stated, “Actually, Rock, Benny, Janet, Dutch, and I have done it, together, a few times.”

Lee said, “I honestly do not want to know.”

Revy teased, “Lee, you are such a prude.”

Chang could not help but to started chuckling, at the banter between Lee and Revy's persona of Jack Sparrow.

Meanwhile, Revy playfully suggested, “Along with some packet of spring of drowned man, we brought some packets of spring of drowned girl. Come on, you will enjoyed sex as a woman.”

Lee blushed.

By then, Chang started to calm down, as he commented, “She is right about that. Sex as a woman is pretty good.”

Lee turned to looked down, in front of him, as he quietly said, “I am quite sure.”

Revy stated, “Now, that I think about it, there were a few times, in the time loops, where those packets of spring of drowned girl went missing.”

Lee swiftly turned to look over at Revy, as his blush got a little redder.

Chang noticed Lee's blush getting brighter, as he accused, “You didn't?”

Lee turned to face Chang, and both Chang and Revy could see that Lee's face was now turning a very bright shade of red.

Chang flatly stated, “You did.”

Lee remained silent.

Revy giggled, as she playfully teased, “I take it back. You are not a prude. You are a closet case.”

Revy and Chang then burst out laughing.

Lee stayed silent, as the other two adults laughed for several seconds.

While Chang and Revy began to calm down, both of them turned to look at Lee.

Revy inquired, “So Lee, what female position is your favorite? And did you prefer to be with a man, or a woman, as female?”

Chang stated, “I doubt Lee got to that point. Lee likely stayed in her suite, and used the powder to play with herself.”

Revy asked, “Why do you think that?”

Chang explained, “Simple. Lee would probably looks like his younger sister, and you all would have recognized Lee, even with the gender change. If he, or in this case, she, left her hotel suite, one of you would have likely caught her, and asked her very tough questions, in a harsh manner. So, Lee here stayed in her room. Now, I would like to know, Lee. How young did that powder make you?”

Lee thought, 'That is no point in denying I did. If I do not answer them, they will only drag the situation out, for my own suffering, and embarrassment.'

Lee turned to Chang, as he quietly answered, “Around eighteen years old.”

Chang and Revy snickered even more.

Meanwhile, something occurred to Lee, as he suddenly all but begged, “Can we please think about something else, before the telepath, and the empath, get here?”

Less than a second later, Lee heard Annie voice behind him, say, in english, “Think about what?”

Chang and Revy saw Lee's eyes grow wide, causing the two of them break out into further laughter.

A few seconds later, Chang calmed down, as he looked pass Revy and Lee, over at River and Annie, by the door, on the other side of the room. Meanwhile Lee turned to his right, to look between the back of the guest chairs, to see the two newcomers. And Revy's laughs had become giggled, as she turned to her left, to look between the back of the two guest seats, to see River and Annie.

Just inside the doorway stood Annie and River. The two women were standing beside each other, with River to Annie's left side.

Annie turned to River, as she inquired, “What is going?” She mentally added, 'I sense much embarrassment from, Lee. And much humor and amusement from Chang, and Revy.'

River continued to look at the three sitting adults, before them, as she giggled. She coyly answered, in english, “Where to start? Where to start?”

Annie turned to look at Chang, Revy, and Lee, as she stated, “Simple answers work for me.”

River turned to look at Annie, as she said, “It involved temporal events, reincarnation, and gender bending.”

Annie looked over at River. She shrugged, as she questioned, in a casual tone of voice, “So, a standard day at the office?”

River said, “Pretty much.”

Annie requested, “Please, give me the details.” She mentally added, 'Just the facts, ma'am.'

River giggled, as she commented, “We should have not invited you to that nineteen eighties comedy movie marathon. You have been cracking jokes from those movies ever since then.”

Annie said, “Well now, the shoe is on the other foot. I found the Dragnet movie to be a truly underrated movie. And very funny. Still, what is going on?”

River stated, “Well, it seems that Revy is the reincarnation of the pirate Jack Sparrow, and the Jack persona is the one in the pilot's seat. I am guessing that Lee brought Revy here because of that.”

Annie commented, “Revy as Jack's reincarnation makes some twisted sense. And I could see why Lee would bring her here. Along with why Chang would call both of us two up here, as quickly as possible. We are the only two people that could possibly fix this problem.”

River stated, “My thoughts, exactly. And we have a time limit. Rock, their family, and friends have gone on a tour, out of town. They will be back in a few hours.”

Annie said, “That figures. Still, we should be able to handle that problem in that amount of time. If Jack is willing.” She mentally reflected, with amusement, 'And I hope Jack is willing in more ways than one. Jack Sparrow, in Revy's body, gives me so many ideas.'

River giggled, as she requested, “Mind on your work.”

Annie deadpanned, “Okay. What else?”

River mentioned, “It seems before you got here, Lee, Revy, and the others, were suck in a time loop. During this time loop, Lee raided Revy and Rock's stash of magic powders. Specifically, the spring of drowned girl powders.”

Annie giggled, as she commented, “That really doesn't surprise me. I guess the temptation would be too much for anyone.”

River turned to look over at Lee, with Lee looking back at her, with a mix of annoyance and embarrassment. Though, River sensed Lee's emotions were more towards himself, than anyone else.

River commented, “Well, to be honest, if what I read from Lee's mind is correct. It was several years into the time loop, before temptation got the better of Lee. And she had some fun in her room. For a week during the time loop.”

Annie caught the female pronouns that River was using in regards to Lee. Annie complimented, “Then, Lee here is a better person than most.” She turned to look at Lee, as she continued, “But, given what he wrote, and did to us, I am just surprised it took that long for Lee to decide to pull something off like that. Or, in this a case of putting something inside?”

In response to Annie's joke, Annie and River giggled, a little.

Across the room, as Chang, Lee, and River, watched and listened to Annie and River.

Chang thought, with amusement, 'They are like a couple of giggling school girls. And that thought is wrong on so many levels. Not that I blame them for their reactions to finding out what is going on.'

Meanwhile, across the room, in front of the doorway, Annie giggled, while she said, “Still, I am surprised that you learned about this, now.”

River giggled, as she joked, “Actually, Lee's memories of those events slipped out during the poker game. I wasn't going to say anything, because I doubt anyone would believe me. Even in this group.”

Both women then giggled some more.

Having heard the entire verbal part of their conversation, Lee continued to face Annie, and River, as he complained, “Come on. Is everyone going to be a hypocrite on this?”

In response, the other four adults laughed even harder at Lee's comment about his secrets being revealed.

A minute later, as everyone calmed down, Chang requested, “River, Annie, please come over here.”

As River and Annie walked closer to the three other adults in the room, they left the door to Chang's office open.

Meanwhile, both Revy and Lee were turned around in their chairs, to face Chang, at River and Annie approached them, from behind.

As the two women came to a stop, River stood by Lee, to Lee's left side. While, Annie stood by Revy, to Revy's right side, with Revy's bag on the floor, between the two women.

Chang looked around the group, as he calmly stated, “Before we continue. I request that you keep what you have learned of Lee's... indiscretions, to yourselves.”

River said, “Of course.”

Annie commented, “I make it a policy not to judge such personal actions by others.”

Revy replied, “I will try.”

Lee said, “Thank you.”

Lee turned to look at River, as he thought, 'By the way, River. This pass life regression was done with simply hypnosis. And I believe this is not a case of two personalities in Revy's soul, vying for dominance. Just two personae. With Revy choosing to be the Jack personae, like a child playing her new toy. Though, telling Revy this might make things more difficult, in putting Jack back in his box.'

By then, River was looking down at Lee, as she read his thoughts. She commented, “I will keep that in mind.”

River and Lee then turned back to look at Chang.

River thought, 'I will inform Annie, about this. And if this is the case, then, it will be easier to seal Jack's memories, than I originally thought. But, if we do tell Revy this. Jack may just decided to stay Jack, under the justification, she will eventually turn back into Revy, for the most part, later on.'

River's lips curled into a slight grin, as she continued her thoughts, 'And Lee, you really are a genius. And I should know. I am one.'

Meanwhile, Chang stated, “Good. Now, to the heart of the matter. I need you to bring Revy back. As fun as Jack is. We need to seal Jack's memories, and get the old Revy back, before Rock and the others return from their trip to the mainland. I feel I do not need to explain why?”

Revy turned to Annie. She then looked at River, as she inquired, in Jack's accented, “So, you two want my memories sealed, as well?”

River looked over at Revy, as she said, with sympathy in her voice, “I wish there as another way, but Chang is right. Still, it is your choice.”

Annie turned to Revy, as she stated, “River is correct. Jack, it is your choice. But, while I would prefer you to stay in the Jack persona for a little while longer. I can see the reasons why that would be a bad thing. Still, the question comes down to, do you want to go back to being Revy?”

Revy turned to Annie, as she calmly responded, in Jack's accent, “I need some time to think about this.”

Lee turned to Revy, as he thought, 'She is stalling. This is a classic Sparrow trick.'

River turned to Lee, as she complimented, “That is a good assumption, Lee.” She looked over at Revy, as she continued, in a calm tone of voice, “Still, Revy here does need to think on this matter. Before she makes her choice.”

Revy looked over at River, as she said, “Thank you, River.”

River gave Revy a weak smile, as she replied, “It's okay.”

Chang commented, “That is fine.” All eyes turned back to him, as he continued, “I agree that an important discussion such as this, first needs to be thought over. So, take Revy, or in this case, Jack, to the spare office, down the hallway, while I talk to Lee.”

River replied, “Sure thing.”

Annie looked over at Revy, as she requested, “Come on, Jack. I would love to have a chance to talk to you.”

Revy got up, and picked up her bag, by its top straps, with her right hand. She walked around her chair, to her left. She came to a stop, between the two guest chairs, as she turned to Annie. She smiled, as she stated, “And I would love to talk to you as well, Annie.”

The three women then turned, and walked out of the room. Lee turned his head to look at then, as Chang and himself, watched the three women leave.

When they exited into the hallway, and turned left, with them out of sight, Lee turned back to Chang, to see that Chang was looking back at him.

Chang lips curled into the slightest of grins, as he commented, with only mild amusement, “I must say. You continue to surprise, Lee. I did not know you had the guts to experiment like that. You, of all people, should know that once you play around the gender bending, going back is next to impossible.”

Lee calmly responded, “A person can only imagine so much, before that person wants to try out what he, or she, imagines, in real life.”

Chang agreed, “True.”

Lee said, “As far as I know, it is a once in a lifetime opportunity. So, I was not going to waste it.”

Chang responded, “That is completely reasonable. Now, let us get this ball rolling. What is your plan to solve this mess with Revy and Jack? I know you have a plan. You always have a plan.”

Lee said, “Yes. I do. The question is can those two women fix Revy's problem, and bail our asses out of the fire.”

Chang asked, “If the women cannot fix this, how screwed are we?”

Lee answered, in a firm tone of voice, “To the wall, if we don't fix this.”

Chang inquired, “Any good news?”

Lee commented, “Well, I did not want to tell Revy this. Because it would complicated matters with her. But, I let River read my mind over the matter. I expect this is not the case of two personalities vying for dominance. But, one personality, with two sets of memories and personae. With Revy deciding to try out of the Jack persona like a child getting a new toy she is interested in. Though, I suspect that Revy does not realize this.”

“During our car ride over here. We talked, and at one point, Revy did become annoyed, and she slipped back into Revy's accent and mannerisms, for only a second. Before Jack's accent and mannerisms, reasserted themselves. But, I did notice this. So, I believe that even if we are unable to fix this, the Revy personae may eventually come out on her own.”

Chang felt mild relief, as he replied, “Okay. That is good news. And that does not sound so bad.”

Lee pointed out, “The problem is. That could be a while. We both know how Revy is. Once she is interested in something. It becomes an obsession for her, until she can work it out of her system. Which can take a while to happen."

Chang begrudgingly agreed, “True.”

Lee commented, “If River and Annie are unable to find a way to seal Jack's persona, and memories away. I will tell Revy the truth. That she is still Revy, whom is mostly acting like when she was Jack Sparrow, in her previous life. But, she is still Revy. And I believe, within the next few hours, we can encourage the Revy persona to come to the forefront. With her only retaining a few of Jack's mannerisms.”

Chang inquired, “Yes. I believe we can still accomplish that, with the limited amount of time we have. And her still retaining some of Jack's manners, would be a bonus. Though, what problems do you foresee for us?"

Lee thought, 'Besides the fact Revy, as Jack, currently knows I am the writer. Several problems.' Lee said, “A number of problems. The top of the list being that Jack has a wonderful talent for screwing over other people's plans when they least expect it.”

Chang stated, “You got that right.”

Lee mentioned, “But, given you called the two women here, whom I am hoping can fix Revy, without me first suggesting to do so. Which I was going to. With you already seeking to fix this before her family gets back to town. I believe we are thinking along the same lines.”

“But, this still comes down to River and Annie's abilities. And in that respect, given you have known them for years, you likely have a more detailed understanding of their abilities, than I do. So, how good are they? Can they fix Revy? Or, do I need to make other plans?”

Chang thought, 'Now, is probably the best opportunity I am going to get to play my hand. And use what I know about him, to get him to accept what I am offering. I am glad River and I were able to finally come up with a workable plan for Lee, this morning. But, I will have to do so, slowly. So, he does not realize what I am doing.'

Chang inquired, in a calm tone of voice, “What other plans are you thinking about doing? I know you have cancer. It is kind of obvious, given how skinny are you.”

Lee commented, “I am not surprised you figured that out. Though, I am not dead yet. And I am nowhere near to the point of being bedridden. I still have some fight left in me. Though, I admit, Jack already figured out who I am. And given Jack's talkative nature, if she stays this way, she will tell Rock and the others about me. Even though she promised not to do so.”

Chang hid his emotions, as he thought, with amusement, 'Oh Revy. As Jack, knowing that Lee is the writer, puts me in an even better position. And with me already helping him on that matter, only strengthens my hand with Lee. Now, for my offer.'

Chang calmly offered, “Yes. That could be a problem. But, what if I could remedy the situation for you?”

Lee inquired, “How so?” He thought, with mild interest, 'I might as well hear him out. Given my lack of options. If it is a good enough pitch, I might even accept his offer.'

Chang did not show it outwardly. Though, he thought, with amusement, 'Good. He is interested enough in at least listening to my offer.'

Chang said, “You could surrender to me. I won't lie. They will have a measure of revenge on you. But, I will insure that in the end, you will survive, you will recover, and you will still be passably sane.”

Lee chuckled, a little. He then smiled, as he said, “Passably sane. That is a new one. I will have to remember that one. So, what would be the price?”

Chang answered, “You come work for me. I will set you up with a decent place to live, here at the casino. Good hours, good pay, and I will even cure your cancer for you.”

Lee guessed, “The vat process.”

Chang replied, “Of course. You have shown that you do not mind being female. And the brainwashing will only be minimum. Same Boris, Rock, and I, had. You will be comfortable in your new gender, and bi-sexual.”

Lee admitted, “Tempting. Though, that is neither here, nor there. The question is can you handle the heat it would take to protect me. I am sure you can convince Revy and Rock's group. Along with keeping your employees in line. Though, let's be honest. I only have to worry about Mal and Spike. The rest either don't know, or they don't care.”

Chang complimented, “That is very astute of you.”

Lee responded, “Thank you. But, there are others you will have to worry about, in protecting me. Given how many already know about my stories, from your little group. I am sure that Balalaika and B knows about the stories, as well. I heard, from a friend, what Balalaika did to her men, now women. Hotel Moscow was already a badass army. Now, they are a super-soldier amazon brigade. I even met a few of those women, as they stopped by looking for someone.”

Chang stated, “I already know Melvin was a former member of Hotel Moscow, and Balalaika is after him. I am guessing that it was Melvin whom told you about what happened at Hotel Moscow.”

Lee inquired, “Correct. How did you know it was Melvin they were after?”

Chang answered, “I recognized him, from our days in Roanapur. We even talked about the matter. And I agreed to keep his secret from the others.”

Lee said, “Thank you. Melvin is a friend. And I appreciate you remaining quiet on that matter. And fortunately, I was able to help get those women off of Melvin's trail.”

Chang thought, 'So, Lee does know about Melvin's past. And he is still helping Melvin. Both then and now. And the fact that Lee is helping Melvin, even it if is to hide Melvin from Balalaika, may help me convince Balalaika and B to back off on Lee. Balalaika does care about her subordinates. Even her wayward ones. Lee helping Melvin will only help my case in convincing her to not come after Lee. Because, she will admire such friendship towards those she cares for.'

Chang stated, “That is kind of you. Though, Balalaika is more amendable to comprise than you may believe. Remember, I had to deal with that women on a near daily basis, for years. She likes to bark a lot. But, she only bites when provoked.”

Lee said, “I hope you are right. Still, both of us realize that eventually, word of my existence, and the stories existence, will reach the Lovelace household. With Roberta and Fabiola coming after me. Those two together are a force that few people would want to tangle will. Especially, those that know what each of them are capable of.”

Chang begrudgingly thought, 'That is a good point.'

Lee went onto say, “Then, there are others. When it comes to revenge, the line forms to the left for me. I literally made a lot of badasses across multiverse my enemy, by writing those stories. Especially, book two, and parts of book three. Any of them that learns of my existence is going to come after me.”

“I have no illusions of my situation. All I am doing is trying to delay a horrible fate. Yet, all my selections are increasingly more horrible fates.”

Chang thought, 'Damn. I really did think about Lee's situation that way.' He admitted, “Okay. I will admit that I am not sure I could handle that much heat. And you clearly understand your situation better than I. So, let me look into this, for later?”

Lee replied, “Agreed. And for the record, from what I know of you, you are a good boss to your subordinates.”

Chang cracked a smile, as he thought, 'That is not exactly a, yes. But, he is clearly leaning towards accepting my offer. The only reason he is declining right now is due to what he pointed out. And I free admit, that I did not fully taking into account all the dynamics of the situation. But, he did accept the olive branch, and that is the important part.'

Chang said, “Thank you.”

Lee suggested, “Now, let's get back to what we were talking about. Can those two girls fix Revy?”

Chang pointed out, “This could still be difficult. River's telepathy is passive. She cannot really connect to another mind, bar a few exceptions. And Annie was not really that well trained in the mental aspects of using the force.”

Lee answered, “Yes. I know. But, it is all we got. And I think this can work. As long as Jack is willing to allow it to happen, I think that River and Annie can reseal Jack's memories and persona, without harming Revy's memories and persona. Annie can use the force to establish a mental link between her, River, and Revy. Then, Annie can check the emotional state, and River can work on Jack's memories.”

“Remember, this was done with simple hypnosis. So, undoing this might not be that hard, as long as all parties are willing. And with River's genius to guide them, I think they can pull this off.”

Chang agreed, “While I said it could be difficult. I agree with you. And as much as I like to have Jack around. I am not going to screw over Revy, Rock, and their family to do it.”

Lee complimented, “That is kind of you.”

Chang replied, “Thank you.”

Lee stated, “I even have a cover story, for after we have Revy's mind repaired.”

Chang inquired, with interest in his tone of voice, “Which is?”

Lee stated, “We first need to make sure that Revy does not remember anything from today. When Revy wakes up, in the guest office, nearby, with not memory of today. You can tell her that she took a cab to the casino, for some early drinking, while talking to a few of her friends, over here, such as yourself. She got a hold of some bad hooch that threw her for a loop.”

“Fortunately, you guys realized what was about to happen, and you stopped Revy before she made an ass out of herself. With no one getting hurt.”

“You brought her upstairs, to the penthouse, to keep and eye on her, and keep her away from everyone else. She then found a pirate costume, in a storage area, on the floor. A costume which you bought for yourself, from a local costume shop. You like pirates. Along with your female form and Revy's female form being close in body measurements.”

Chang replied, “Thank you.”

Lee said, “You're welcome. And the bag she is carrying has the logo of that costumer shop. So, it will check out. Even if she kept the receipt. She walked out of the costume shop wearing that clothing, so the receipt would be in the pockets of that clothing, or in the bag. Either can be explained away, as you bought it, and put it there yourself.”

“Moving on. You then, went to check on her, and you found her with the costume, and her clothing and weapons in the bag. You took her to the office. Which she will wake up from. To sleep off the bad alcohol. When Revy wakes up, you can say that the bad reaction caused her memory loss.”

“Since no one was hurt. Revy will not dig too deeply into the situation. Also, you can tell Revy to keep the costume, as a gift, to further smooth over the situation. And Revy will likely be waking up in a good mood. Being Jack Sparrow for a day would put anyone in a good mood. Even if she does not remember why she is in a good mood.”

“As for myself. By then, I will be long gone. If this plan works, you can leave a message with the check in desk, at the Devil's Hotel, to get in touch with Rock and the others. And they will come pick her up.”

Lee smirked, as he stated, “And if this all goes off without a hitch. All in all. Everything will go back to, for lack of a better word, normal, and we all move on with our schemes, plans, and general deviousness.”

Chang returned Lee's smile, as he happily complimented, “Brilliant. Absolutely, brilliant.”

Lee continued smiling, as he asked, “Thank you. The only minor problem is that you will need to speak to the two guards, at the elevator bay in front.”

Chang said, “That will not be a problem. They know to keep their mouths shut.”

Lee responded, “Good... Now, onto a related matter. How is this even possible? I mentioned that Rock knew of Jack Sparrow in book two. With the Pirates of the Caribbean films existing in your reality. So, how can a character be reincarnated from one reality to another. That is not easy. For example, look how much effort it took for me to get John to become Violin. That was an epic odyssey that span the entirety of my four books.”

Chang explained, “Jack Sparrow was a historical figure in my reality. Though, the Johnny Depp movies were pretty good. And from what I understand, they truly captured Jack Sparrow's character, and the history of his life. I take it that this is not the case in your reality?”

Lee sighed, as he though, 'The simple answers are usually the most obvious.' He looked over at Chang, as he responded, “Nope. For us, the Pirates of the Caribbean were just total works of fiction. And when it came to Jack Sparrow, it was just Johnny Depp, being Johnny Deep, while channeling Keith Richards. And to remind you. Revy being Jack, is still a very big problem for both of us.”

Chang said, “True. But, even if our plan does not work. It is not the end of the world. I can see the problems. But, at least, this way, Revy is a lot more positive, well mannered, and fun to be around.”

Lee pointed out, “That is the problem, Chang. She is likeable as she is now. Very likable. But, even beforehand, next to you, and the maids, Revy is likely one of the best dual wielding gunslingers in the multiverse. She is also a hardcore badass. Just this makes her extremely dangerous. But, having Jack at the wheel dials the danger level to eleven for her abilities.”

“You think you, and I, are good at manipulating people? That we are magnificent bastards? We are amateurs when compared to Jack Sparrow. She is more genre savvy than you, Rock, Violin, Deadpool, and me, put together. She is fast on the uptake. She figured I was the writer within five minutes of me meeting her like this. Either we fix this, or I am in real trouble.”

“Also, if we let her remain this way. Even if Revy's persona comes back, for the most part. She will still have access to Jack's memories and persona. And Jack clearly has an addictive personality. In the most literal sense possible. Revy probably had one brush with Jack's persona. And now, Revy likes being Jack, so much, that she is literally addicted to being Jack.”

“As such, what every she calls herself. Revy, or Jack. It does not matter. She will be ruling this city within the year.”

“Keep in mind. As impossible as it sounds. One time, Jack literally walked away with a fleet of ships, in a burlap sack. And he even got someone else to tote the sack for him.”

“Think about of the tools she now has at her disposal. She now has Jack Sparrow's seductive abilities, savviness, and intelligence, Revy's sexy body, Revy's street smarts, and Revy's fighting skills. And Jack was no slouch in the fighting skills department, either. And that is not counting her youth, health, and other abilities, she has, due to the super-soldier serum running in her veins.”

“Give her long enough, and you, River, and everyone else, will be eating out of her hands. So, you can see the problems of her remaining the way she is.”

Chang thought about what Lee said for a few seconds. He then stated, “Okay. You have a point there. Still, as I have been thinking about it. As we talked. I can come to be on fence with Annie, on this matter. We can have some fun here, with Jack, for a few hours.”

Lee flatly commented, “That would be a very bad idea. Along with their taste for rum, Revy and Jack are both escape experts. Jack knows he, or in this case, she is great at parties. Jack will use this, and her body, to lull you all into dropping your guard, and escape. And we do not want that to happen. If that does happen, I will not be the one that is going to explain to Rock, their family, and friends, about what happened to Revy.”

Chang realized what Lee was saying. He said, “Yes. You are right.”

Lee stated, “As savvy awesome as Jack is, we have to put Jack back into his box.”

Then, over the course of a few seconds, both of them then realized the pun that Lee said.

They started chuckling, for a few seconds.

As they calmed down, Lee admitted, “Yes. That was bad pun. Though, it was still funny.” He thought, 'And the second time I thought of it. I just did not have time to appreciate it, last time.'

Chang complimented, “You really have a gift for humor.”

Lee agreed, “I know. One of the reasons I am in this mess is my wicked sense of humor. I got a real mischievous side.”

Chang suggested, “Have you ever considered stand up comedy?”

Lee joked, “Nah. The audience would kill me for my jokes, while laughing.”

Chang snickered a little. He then said, “Okay. Let us settle this matter with, Jack, before something does happen.”

Both men then stood up. Chang walked around his desk, to his left side. As Lee turned around, and walked around to his right, of the chair he had been sitting in.

When Chang walked passed the guest chairs, Lee followed behind Chang, as both men continued to walked towards the door to the office.

After the exited the room, Chang turned left, down the hallway. With Lee following Chang, down the hallway, to the nearby guest office.


Meanwhile, three minutes ago, in the guest office, down the hallway. With the office door being to their left.

River opened the door. She then let Annie and Revy go into the room. River followed behind them, as she left the door open.

As the three women walked into the room, Revy took a look around the room. She saw the room was just a standard office, and the room was less plush than Chang's office.

There was a curtained window, with white drapes, on the far, exterior wall, which let enough sunlight in the room, to see with. So, the women did not have to turn the lights on to see with.

The window three feet by three feet. It was placed in the middle, top half, of the far wall.

There was a desk directly in front of the door to the hallway, several feet away from the door, on the other side of the room. Below, and in front of the white curtained window. The desk was sit about eight feet away from the far wall, with the desk facing the door.

There was a chair behind the desk, and two chairs front of the desk. With a large couch set against the left wall of the room, when walking into the guest office.

As the women came to a stop in the room. They stood there, for a few seconds.

Annie then took a few steps away from Revy and River, as she turned and looked at Revy. Revy turned to Annie.

Even without the force, Annie could tell that the woman was looking her up and down, as Revy was mentally undressing her.

Revy turned to River, and from the blush River had, Revy could tell that River was reading Annie's mind.

Revy turned to Annie, as she joked, in Jack's accent, “You know the one problem with this situation. Since there is no mirror in the room. I am unable to mentally undress myself.”

The other two women laughed, for a few seconds.

As Annie and River calmed down, Annie teased, “That can be easily solved. Still, I must say, Jack. You are well dressed.”

River commented, “I agree.”

Revy said, “Thank you. And you are both look lovely.”

In response, the other two women smiled towards Revy.

Annie inquired, “Where did you find a costume that looks like your old pirate outfit?”

Revy answered, in Jack's accent, “Lee knows of a local costume shop in town. And it is a very nice shop. I found the store to be well stocked, with helpful employees, and good prices. And I have a feeling that Lee shopped their during that time loop. I seem to remember seeing Lee at parties, wearing a pink tuxedo, pin feather boa, black dress shoes, sunglasses, and pink top hat.” She shook her head, as she continued, “That boy really is a closet case.”

The other two women giggled, a little.

Annie turned to River, as she asked, “Did Lee really wear that, during the time loop?”

River answered, “Yes. Lee did wear that. Complete with a pink feather boa.”

Annie giggled a little, as she commented, “I guess Lee is a closet case.”

Revy complimented, in Jack's accent, “Perhaps. But, that boy has real talents in knowing where to go, and how to get someone to do what he wants.”

River stated, “Well, he has a lot of experience in doing that.”

Revy said, “Considering the time loop, he has likely reached the level needed to be a master manipulator.”

Annie stated, “But, he is probably nowhere near your skill level, Jack.”

Revy inquired, “Not yet. But, if Lee lives long enough, he might reach me level. So, why did Chang want to talk to Lee alone?”

River answered, “Both of them are very good at coming up with ideas and plans. And they know you are just as good. And from what I read of their minds, they were both planning on how to handled the situation, once we restore you personality back to the way it was.”

Revy turned to River, as she pointed out, “That is if I want to do it.”

River said, in a comforting tone of voice, “Don't worry. We are not going to force you. Besides, I am not sure we could do this, unless you were willing.”

Revy questioned, “So, how would you do it?”

Annie stated, “I would link both you minds, with my own. And River and I would then see what we can do. The force does allow for suppressing memories. And River's genius and telepathy would help. Though, I will be honest, we have no real training in this.”

Revy turned to Annie, as she flatly said, “I do not want to have a split personality. That would be worse. Imagine having this body and soul with two crazy personality running in tandem. That would be very bad for everyone involved. I can live with be either Jack. Or, Revy. With me preferring to be Jack. But, I cannot live with being Jack and Revy at the same time.”

Annie responded, “We agree. Beside the ethical reasons. You being willing to do this, will decrease that chance. Though, your memory might eventually return.”

Revy smirked, as she stated, “I guessed as much. You cannot keep this much awesome buried forever.”

River said, “True.”

Revy inquired, in Jack accent, in a demure tone of voice, “So Annie. I noticed the way you were looking at me. What would you liked do, while we wait? I have a few ideas.”

Annie looked at Revy, as she grinned. She said, in a sultry tone of voice, “So do I. And it involves uses of the couch by us.”

Revy returned Annie's grin, as she said, “That would be a good start.”

River just smiled mischievously, as she said, “I will be elsewhere.” She mentally added, 'In a nearby room, as you to woo each other.' She then turned around and walked out of the room. She gently closed the door behind her.

Revy set her bag near the desk. Then, she and Annie, walked over the couch, and sat down, while facing each other. Revy sat on the left side of the couch. While Annie sat on the right side of the couch.

Revy requested, in Jack's accented, “So, love. What do you want to first?”

Annie lecherously smiled, as she responded, “Anything you want.”

The two women then began to have some fun.


A minute later, Lee followed Chang the hallway, in the penthouse.

Lee then saw Chang stop by a closed door, to their left side, with Lee standing a few feet behind him, to Chang's left side.

Chang said, “I hear River giggling.”

Lee commented, “I bet those heightened senses come in handy in a lot of other ways.”

Chang looked over at Lee, as he smirked. He admitted, “Yes. And they work in both genders. I am happy that you made it so the super-soldier serum benefits carried over not only with gender bending, but with children, as well.”

Lee stated, “It solved a lot of other problems. Also, for those with the serum to safely bend their gender, and have healthy sons. Instead, of just healthy daughters.”

Chang replied, “True.”

Lee said, “Also, while you are still with River. I see neither of you are clearly parents. So, you are planning to have any children in the future? Are you just going to keep being a childless couple. Not that I am judging, either way.”

Chang stated, “Yes. We talked about it. We do plan to have children, eventually.” He then cautioned, “And don't you dare crack any jokes of which of us would be the father, or the mother, to any of those future children.”

Lee confessed, in a casual tone of voice, “I admit. I did have a few jokes on mind.”

Chang replied, “At least you are being honest about it.”

Lee countered, “No. Just being polite. So, this is door to the office.”

Chang answered, “No. This is not the office door. The office is a few doors down.

Lee stated, “So, River giggling by herself. That is never a good thing.”

Chang deadpanned, “I know.”

Chang then turned back to the door. He then casually opened the door, in a slightly slow manner, without allowing it hit the wall, inside the room.

As the door opened, Lee saw that it was a standard office break room.

There was a small refrigerate on the floor. Nearby, on the wall, was a snack table, with a turned off coffee pot, styrofoam cups, plastic utensils, paper plates, and items to make coffee.

There was a rectangular table in the center of the room. The table had six chairs, two on each of the long sides, and one on each of the short sides.

And they saw that River was sitting in a foldout chair, on the long way side of the rectangular table that was facing them.

River continued giggling, as she looked up Chang and Lee. She happily greeted then, “Hi guys.”

Chang sternly inquired, “Dare we ask, why you are giggling?”

River happily answered, “You are going to love what is going on in the nearby office.”

Lee stated, “That can only mean one thing.”

Chang turned to Lee, as he deadpanned, “I know. So, want to guess which one is on top?”

Lee replied, “I decline to answer, on the grounds I prefer to continue breathing.”

Chang looked over at River, as he pointed out, “Remember, we have a telepath here. I can ask her to answer for you.”

River just giggled more loudly, as she looked at the two men in front of her.

Chang looked over at Lee.

Lee turned to Chang, as he responded, “Damn, you are good, Chang. Well, whether Revy, or Jack. Both of have dominate personae. They never settle for being second best at what they do. Annie on the other hand has some dominance issues. As a child, Annie was a slave, with a rebellious strike. After he was freed from being a slave. He became a servant of the Jedi Order. As such, he was eventually taught to obey with out question. First, as a padawan, in the Jedi Order. Then, as a Sith. And as a Sith Lord, Annie was always the apprentice, never the master.”

“This lead to a lot of issues to Anakin, and later on, Vader, dealing with indecision, emotional immaturity, and extreme anger issues, that I worked hard to fix in my stories, when I turned Vader into Annie.”

Chang said, “And I am glad you did so. Annie may hate me. But, I am happy that she is the way she is. Instead, of the way she was.”

Lee continued, “Yea. As Annie, she makes for a more stable employee. Though, even without the brainwashing. Which she eventually overcame. Annie likely is still a bit submissive, at the subconscious level. A level that Jack excels at exploiting.”

Chang replied, “Too true.” He mentally added, 'And it is insights like this, which make me want to hire you, Lee. I just have to figure out how to do it without getting us both killed. Though, I still want to have a little more fun with you'

Chang asked, “And who do you think is the dominant one in the relationship between River and I?”

Lee looked over at River for a few seconds. He then turned back to Chang. He flatly answered, “At this point, I am not sure myself.”

River stated, “He is telling the truth. He honestly does not know.”

Lee said, “And for the record, Chang. I sincerely apologize for making you, River's bitch.”

River commented, “He is honestly sorry about that.”

Chang responded, “Well, considering the sex was good, and how it turned out, to this point. I forgive you, Lee.”

Lee responded, “Thank you. Now, let's go stop those two, before one of them winds up pregnant by the other.”

Chang asked, “They are both women at the moment. How would that even be possible?”

Lee shrugged, as he halfheartedly joked, “With those two, you never know.”

River laughed, in response to Lee's joke. While Chang did not even so much as chuckled.

Chang agreed, in a serious tone of voice, “True.”

Chang then turned and walked down the hallway, with Lee following Chang.

River quickly getting up from her chair. She briskly walked around the table, to her left side. As River came to the door, she turned off the light to the room, and she gently closed the door, behind herself.

After which, she quickly caught up with Chang and Lee.


A few doors down, to the left, the three adults came to a stop, and even Lee could hear the moaning coming from the other side of the wall.

Chang was in front, with Lee, behind him, and River being Lee.

They all turned to the door, to their left.

Chang gently opened the door, and all three of the adults walked inside.

What they saw was interesting, to say the least.

On the couch was Annie and Revy.

Annie was sitting on the right side of the couch, with the clothing above her waist discard to the floor.

Revy was leaning over Annie, as they were passionately kissing on their lips, while Revy used her right hand to gently massage Annie's left breast.

And both of them were clearly completely oblivious to the presence of the other three adults intruding into the room.

Chang thought, 'I see Lee was correct, on which one would be on top. Damn. I have to save that man's life. If for any other reason than the fact he is so polite, while still being able to play at my level. Now, to get their attention.' He stated, in a strong, even tone of voice, “Ladies.”

Both of women suddenly stopped kissing, as they turned to the two men, and one woman, looking at down at them.

The three adults saw embarrassment showing on Annie and Revy's faces.

River smiled mischievously, as she giggled at the sight before her.

Lee thought, 'At least they have the decency to show embarrassment with their situation. Still...' He said, “Annie, I wrote you to have better standards than this.”

River laughed for a few seconds, at Lee's comment.

Meanwhile, Annie defended, “It is Jack Sparrow, Lee. Who would turn down Jack Sparrow, the rock star of piracy? Sure, it is Revy's body, but it is Jack's soul.”

Lee conceded, “You have a point there.”

By then, Revy had leaned up off of Annie, and back on the left side of the couch.

And Annie quickly used the force to pulled her white bra, shirt to her. She then swiftly put on her white bra, shirt. After which, she pulled up her robe, which was laying under her.

Just as Annie finished dressing herself, she got up from the couch, as she looked over at Chang, River, and Lee. She requested, “Just please don't tell Arcee about this.”

Lee said, “Don't worry, I am not going to say anything, to anyone, about this. You keep my secrets. I keep yours.”

Annie smiled towards Lee, as she replied, “Agreed.”

Lee turned to Revy, whose facial expressions had gone from embarrassment, to confusion.

Lee thought, 'Now that you have had a few seconds to think about your actions. I bet you are realizing what you were about to do. With Revy and Jack's natures conflicting with each other.'

Lee said, in a firm tone of voice, “Jack, this is why we have to reverse was was done to you. Revy, for all her faults, is a very monogamous woman. On the other hand, you are not. If you are allowed to stay the way you are, your promiscuity will destroy your relationships with not only Rock, but the rest of your family, as well.”

Revy was silent for a few seconds, as she let what Lee said, sink in. She then looked over at Lee. She agreed, in Jack's accent, with the hint of disappointment, “You're right, Lee. I love, Rock, and my family. We need to do this. But first, do you have a plan for when I wake up?”

Lee answered, “Yes.”

Revy asked, “So, what is your plan?”

Lee turned to Chang, as he requested, “Chang, please explain.”

Chang looked over at Lee, as he stated, “Thank you, Lee.” He turned to Revy, as he continued, “Yes. We have a plan. Lee came up with it. And it is workable. But, it requires that you have no memory of this entire day.”

Revy said, “I can live with that. Will the lie be embarrassing for me?”

Chang answered, “Quite the opposite. The story is that you got drunk, from bad batch of alcohol, and you found that pirate costume, and put it on. You honestly look great in your pirate outfit.”

Revy replied, “Thank you.”

Chang went onto say, “But, we stopped you from doing anything embarrassing, nor harming anyone. And you slept off the alcohol, with no memory of the events of the morning.”

Revy stated, “That will work.”

Chang said, “Glad you agree.” He looked around, as he asked, “Everyone okay with this plan?”

Annie said, “I can see the logic in it.”

River commented, “It works, without upsetting anyone. I think we can pull it off.”

Revy looked over at Annie, as she requested, “So, what do you want me to do first, to go back to being sleeping beauty.”

Annie gave Revy a sad smile. She said, “Just lay back on the couch. Then, River and I will get to work.”

Lee and Chang then watched a Revy shifted her position to where she was laying on the couch, on her back, with her head resting on a vanity pillow, against the interior side of the right armrest.

While River walked up to Annie and Revy, Lee turned to Chang, as he said, “We need to go. Distractions will only cause problems.”

Chang turned to Lee, as he responded, “I agree. Let us wait in my office.”

Lee agreed, “That will work.”

The two men then walked out of the room, and towards Chang's office. As they left the room, with Lee being the second man out the door. Lee gently closed the door behind him. With him turning the knob, so that it did not click as it closed. And he slowly turned the knob back, so as to not make a sound, and disturb the three women inside the guest office.


Half an hour later, Lee and Chang were in Chang's office. Chang was sitting in his chair, behind his desk, while Lee was sitting in the chair in front Chang's desk, to Chang's right.

They left the office door open.

Currently, they were talking about very fictional series. And they were having a great time within their casual conversation.

Chang inquired, with relaxed interest in his tone of voice, “So, they actually continued that series, after thirty years?”

Lee answered, in a casual tone of voice, “Yes. I know, it also surprised me when I first heard about it. From what I understand, the series picks up from where the first series left off. And to be honest, the first series was pretty good. It has aged well. And soundtrack is still amazing to listen too.”

Chang agreed, “Yes. It is. That soundtrack has an eerie vibe to it, that was still pleasant and relaxing to listen to. And the series was not that bad a watch. It was different. In a good way.”

Lee pointed out, “It was one of the first TV series of its time to have a completely laid out, over arcing plot, for the entire series. And it predated the Babylon Five series, by a decade.”

Chang asked, “True. By the way, why did you not have us mess with the Babylon Five reality?”

Lee answered, “I could never figured out how to fit the B Five reality into the stories. When I create a story, there is a reason for everything I put into that story.”

Chang commented, “I can see your line of reasoning.”

Lee stated, “Speaking of which. Since you know that series, did you ever steal that mechanical, golden, flying condor? On the cool meter, that is one of the coolest flying machines in the multiverse.”

Chang responded, “I know. And while were are not interested in the group that flew the machine. The problem was we needed that medallion to get the machine to work. And those that flew that machine that medallion. Even with that darkness weakness for the machine itself. We could never catch them. Those three kids really are sneaky. Very sneaky. And damn, does that spaniard knows how to fight dirty. Real dirty. And those two cowards know when to run. After my forces failed on the third attempt, I decided to leave them alone.”

Lee chuckled a little, as he thought, 'I am not really surprised that group could best Chang's forces. They are crafty enough. And they have plenty of experience with escaping. And I am happy they got away, with their giant, golden condor.'

Lee complimented, “Deciding to leave them alone, and let them keep that flying machine, was an intelligent move on your part. And in that reality there are still six cities of gold left to be found. Those cities might be worth checking into.”

Chang said, “Perhaps. But, I would have to watch the new series, first. It might be best to see how that series plays out.”

Lee replied, “I agree. As I stated. It is not wise to mess with a series that is not complete.”

Chang asked, “Then, why did you have Annie kidnapped in the middle of her series?”

Lee stated, “I had my reasons. Mostly for an interesting plot. I wanted a younger Vader, whom had not lived the events of the original trilogy. So, I could have Vader, as Annie, watch the entire series and see where her life went wrong, and how it would have gotten worse.”

Chang inquired, “Sort of a, this is what would have happened, scene?”

Lee replied, “Exactly. And in doing so, I made Annie a better person.”

Chang inquired, “Yes. You did. So, are there any other series of that vein, as The Mysterious Cities of Gold?”

Lee stated, “Actually, yes. There is a series titled, Da Vinci's Demons. Very adult. But, very good. It is about Leonardo Da Vinci's as a young adult, trying to solve ancient mysteries, while deal with the cutthroat politics of Europe at the time. Leonardo is portrayed as a crazy awesome, genius, badass, artist and inventor... Well, more so than he was in real life. Good acting. Good plot. Good direction. Well thought out characters.”

Chang said, “Sounds interesting. I will have to look into that series.”

Just then, they heard a knock at the open door to Chang's office.

Chang looked behind Lee, as Lee turned around to see River, and Annie, walking into the room.

As the two women came to a stop, about six feet from the two sitting men, River stated, “The operation was a success. Revy is now asleep. She should sleep for the next few hours, then wake up with no memory of today, nor Jack's memories.”

Chang inquired, “Good. I hope Revy did not suffer any during this.”

Annie said, “No. There was no pain involved. Jack was very willing to do this. And because of that, the entire operation went like clockwork.”

Lee said, “That is nice to hear.”

Chang requested, “Ladies, if you do not mind. I would like you to stick around the penthouse, and monitor Revy for a little while. Just in case there are any unforeseen problems.”

“You can order lunch in, if you want. But, I want you to keep your senses tuned to Revy. Monitor her, as she sleeps. And when she wakes up, I want you to immediately contact me, and the three of us to check on her, at the same time. And I will be the one that tells the cover story.”

Annie said, “No problem.”

River stated, “Works for me.” She then turned to Lee, as she smiled. She offered, “Lee, would you like to join us for lunch.”

Lee honestly answered, “I would love to. Though, my plan requires me to be far away from Revy, before she wakes up.”

Annie and River giggled.

Annie complimented, “A wise idea.”

River turned to Annie, as she suggested, “Want to watch a movie in the penthouse living room? The large widescreen TV, mounted to the wall, along with the sound system, makes it feel like it is a theater experience.”

Annie looked over at River, as she happily replied, “That sounds like a great idea. Though, I would prefer it not to be a pirate film, nor a sci-fi film.”

River cracked a grin, as she said, “I fully understand. How about a romantic comedy?”

Annie responded, “At long as it is not to sappy one. Though, I am a woman, that does not mean I like chick flicks.”

Lee mentally wondered, 'Given how badass this group is, I wonder who among this group actually likes sappy chick films?'

River turned to Lee, as she answered, “Inara... And Faye, after a few beers.”

Annie inquired, “River, what did Lee just mentally wonder about?”

River looked at Annie, as she stated, “Lee, was just wondering who among us like sappy chick films.”

Chang said, “I always wondered about that, as well.”

Lee commented, “It was a fair question. And now we know.”

Lee turned to River, as he thought, 'River, on the matter of your film selection, I suggest the movie, America's Sweethearts. It is a funny parody of romantic comedy that is not to sappy, but very hilarious, with a well rounded plot.'

While River continued look at Annie, Lee saw River smile. River suggested, “How about the movie, America's Sweethearts?”

Annie answered, “I have seen that movie before. It is very funny.”

River said, “Then, we will watch it.”

Annie shrugged, as she replied, “Okay.”

Lee stated, “Before you ladies go. I want to thank you for your help.”

Annie turned to Lee, as she said, “No problem, Lee. The laughs we have had about you today, are more than enough payment.”

River looked over at Lee, as she calmly stated, “You're welcome, Lee. And I don't mind. You are a nice person, Lee. And Revy did need the help.”

Lee replied, “Have fun ladies.”

River said, “We will.”

Both of the women then turned around, and walked out of the office, and turned down the hallway, towards the living quarters of the penthouse level.

When they were gone, Chang inquired, “You recommended that movie? Didn't you? You told River telepathically about that movie, and she went with it.”

Lee looked over at Chang. He cracked a smile, as he said, “You, of all people, know that telepathy does have its advantages.”

Chang thought, 'What a minute, the poker game.' He accused, “River's eye rolling at the poker game. That was, yes and no. You to were telepathically talking to each other during the game?”

Lee admitted, “Of course. And with only stating yes and no, and a mix of facial expressions, she is a wonderful conservationist. And remember, I wrote those telepathic conversations you had with River.”

Chang thought, 'Lee is a genius, to not only be about to do that on the fly, but in front of everyone, without getting caught. In the next few days, I am going to have to look into finding a way to get everyone to back off on their vendettas with the writer. So, Lee can come work for me.'

Lee then got up. He stood up straight. He looked down at Chang, as Chang looked up at him, from the chair Chang was sitting in, across the desk, between them.

Lee said, “Well. I better get out of here, and work on an alibi. Before Revy wakes up.”

Chang commented, “Good idea. And as soon as Revy waits up, and I am sure she is back to her usual, bitchy self. I will leave a message at the Devil's Hotel front desk, for Rock to come to get her. If something goes wrong, I will instead, leave a message with you, at the front desk of that hotel.”

Lee replied, “Okay.”

Chang inquired, “What are you plans, if something does go wrong?”

Lee admitted, “If something does go wrong. I don't know what I am going to do. But, I will think very hard on your offer.”

Chang requested, “Please do.”

Lee turned turned, and walked out of the room.

As Lee walked down the hallway, towards the front express elevator that would take him down the to gaming floor, and eventually to his parked car, outside, he thought, 'I think I will get some lunch at the Last Resort Diner, and stick around there for a little while.'

'And while I am there, I will call Melvin at the hotel bar. I will let him know that everything should be fine, and for him to play it cool, and pretend that Revy never showed up this morning, when Rock and the others get back from their tour.'

'Then, I will head to the local library, to unwind in the music room. It has been a while since I have practiced on a few instruments, and this would be a good excuse to do so.'

Five minutes later, Lee had made it down to the ground floor, out of the building, and into the parking lot of the casino.

Lee soon reached his car. He got into his vehicle, he started the engine, and he drove to the Last Resort Diner.


Twenty minutes later, it was around one PM, as Lee walk inside the Last Resort Diner, after parking his car in the diner's parking lot.

The diner was quite full that time of day, with the lunch crowd. And Lee directly walked to the counter, and sat on one of the cushioned stools, at the counter, across from the cooking area, with his back to the front doors.

A few seconds later, Mary walked by. She came to a stop, by Lee, as she asked, “What can I get for you, Lee?”

Lee turned to Mary, as he said, “Hi Mary. I will order in a minute. But, could I borrow you diner's phone. I promise it will be a local call.”

Mary replied, “Okay.” She then turned and walked around the counter. She picked up the wirerless phone, off its mounted base, on the back wall.

Next, she turned around, and walked to the counter, across from Lee, and handed him the phone.

Lee gently took the phone, as he said, “Thank you.”

Mary stated, “No problem.” She just stood there and watch.

Lee thought, “Mary being here, listening in, will not cause a problem. Because, she will not know what I am talking about. And she is a dear to get the phone for me. Also, I will order in a minute. This phone call is more important.'

Lee then dialed number to the Devil's Hotel restaurant.

Lee held the phone up to his right ear, with his right hand. He heard the phone ring a few time. Then, the other end pick up.

Melvin said, in in spanish, “Hello. Devil's Hotel and Resort. How may we be of service?”

Lee stated, in english, “It is me, Lee.”

Melvin said, in english, “Oh. Hi Lee. So, did you fix our problem.”

Lee answered, “Yes. Everything should be fine, Melvin. Just keep quiet on your end, and things will likely work themselves out.”

Melvin replied, “Can do. And thanks man. I owe you.”

Lee responded, “Don't worry about it. Your reasons were justified. But, if there is a next time, just make some movie suggestions, and arrange for the hotel projectionist to immediately play them.”

Melvin agreed, “Good idea. So, how did you pull it off?”

Lee replied, “You don't want to know.”

Melvin said, “Okay. You're probably right. Well, see you, later.”

Lee commented, “You too.”

Melvin then hung up his phone, and Lee did the same.

Lee then looked across the counter at Mary. He handed her the phone, as he said, “Here is your phone back.”

Mary took the phone with her left hand, she replied, “Thank you.” She then turned and walked back to the wall, to hang of the phone.

A few seconds later, Mary returned to stand across the counter from Lee. She looked at Lee, as she pulled out her pen and notepad. She asked, “So, what can I get for you?”

Lee stated, “I will have a cola, hamburger, and fries.”

Mary smiled, as she replied, “Coming right up.” She then wrote down Lee's order. Next, she headed towards George, the cook, to give him Lee's order.

As Lee watched this, he thought, 'After I eat. And wait a little while. I think I will got to the library after this. Still, that will have to wait a few hours. I first need to stick around the here for a little while, as an alibi.'

By then, Mary had brought Lee his glass of iced cola.

Lee did not use a straw. He instead sipped his cola, as he quietly waited for the rest of his order to be filled, and he could eat lunch he ordered.


Two hours later, it around three PM. In the spare office, at the penthouse level of Daiyu Palace Casino, Revy woke up on her back, laying on a couch, her head resting on a vanity pillow.

Revy sat up, with her feet on the carpet of the room, as she thought, 'Where am I?'

She then looked down at herself, and saw she was wearing some strange, pirate clothing.

Revy pulled at her coat, as she thought, 'What the hell is going on here? This better not be a joke.' She then looked over at the office window, and she saw daylight.

She mentally reflected, 'That last thing I remember was going to bed with Rock. I hope nothing kinky happened to me while I was out.'

She then heard the door to the office open.

When Revy saw who walked into the room, she relaxed.

Revy saw that it was Chang, Annie, and River, standing ten feet from her, looking down at her. Chang was in the middle. River was to Chang's left side. And Annie was to Chang's right side.

Chang said, “Ah. You're up. You had us worried.”

Revy looked up at them, as she inquired, “What happened?

Chang lied. “Well. It began this morning, when you took a taxi to the casino. You said that Rock and the others went on a tour, and you were planning to start drinking early.”

Revy admitted, “That sounds like me. So, what happened next?”

Chang thought, 'Good. It is Revy. And she does not remember a thing. I thank you, River. And I will thank Annie, later. For doing such a good job.'

Chang saw, from the corner of his left eye, River smile at him.

Chang stated, “You drank a bad batch of some strong alcohol, before you realized it, and it threw you for a loop. You started acting a little crazy, well crazier than you usually were. But, you were not violent. No one was hurt.”

“Though, were able to get to the penthouse, where you found one of my female pirate costumes, in a storage room. And you put it on. Fortunately, River and Annie here were able to get to you, before you did anything embarrassing. And they brought you here to sleep it off.”

Revy commented, “Well, it appears to have worked. I feel fine. Though, I guess that is why I don't remember anything. Still, I feel fine. Actually, I great. And I am happy for some reason.”

Chang thought, 'So, Lee was also right about Revy's mood, after she woke up. That man seems to be batting a thousand. But, in this game, all it takes is one strike, and the game is over, in defeat.'

River smiled, as she commented, “Consider it a good aftereffect of the alcohol.”

Revy replied, “I will. I hope I wasn't too much of a bitch, when you got me up here.”

Annie cracked a grin, as she answered, “No. You were a perfect lady.”

Revy giggled. She then responded, “Yea. Right. So, what time is it?”

Chang said, “Around three PM. And before you ask, I already called the hotel, a few minutes ago.” He mentally added, 'After River and Annie sensed you were starting to come to.' He continued, “I got in touch with Rock. She said they got back early. She said she is coming in the GTO, and she will be here in about twenty minutes.”

Revy stated, “That is great to hear. So, where are my clothes?”

Chang answered, “In that bag, over by the desk. Your cutlasses are also in there. And you look so good in that outfit that I would prefer you to keep the pirate clothing.”

Revy replied, “Thanks.” She looked down at herself, as she said, “I kind of like it. I always liked pirates, even before coming one. And this costume fits me well.”

Revy then looked back up at her three friends, as she requested, “Now, shoo. So, I get dressed.”

Chang cracked a grin, as he replied, “No problem.

The three adults left the room, with River gently closing the door behind them.


A few seconds later, as River, Chang, and Annie, walked beside each other, down the hallway, towards the living quarters of the penthouse, Chang whispered, “Just to make sure. Did it work? Completely?”

River quietly answered, “Yea. It worked. Completely. And from you thoughts. You're welcome.”

Chang whispered, “Well, again. For Annie's sake. Good job. And thank you.”

Annie softly replied, “I appreciate it.”


Five minute later, inside the spare office, Revy had gotten dressed in her usual clothing, with his pistols in their shoulder holsters, under her armpits.

She then opened the door to the office, to help her listen out for Rock.

Next, she sat on the couch, with her bag of pirate clothing, including the pirate hat, and pirate boots, on the floor beside her. With Revy wearing her usual green boots, that were tied at the top of the laces.

Twenty minutes later, Revy started hearing the footsteps. She recognized them as the footsteps of her lover walking down the hallway, towards her.

Revy yelled, “Rock, over here!”

A few seconds later, Rock walked into the room, and she came to a stop, a few feet from Revy, with the redhead still sitting on the couch, looking up at her.

Rock turned and look at Revy, as she commented, “It figures you would get into trouble while I was gone.”

Revy replied, “Actually, I wasn't that bad.”

Rock stated, “Yes. Chang told me Annie and River got to you before things got out of hand.”

Revy conceded, “Yea... So, how was the tour?”

Rock answered, “It was okay. But, I felt it could have been better.”

Revy then grabbed her bag with her pirate clothing in it, with her right hand, as she stood up.

Revy said, “Well, you can tell me all about it in the car.”

Rock replied, “Fine with me. So, where to first?”

Revy requested, “If you don't mind, Rock. I would like to head back to the hotel, and drop this bag of clothing off.”

Rock inquired, “Sure. What is in the bag?”

Revy answered, “A pirate costume that Chang gave me. I will show you what I look like in this pirate costume tonight, right before we go to bed. It might give you ideas for some fun we can have, while in bed.”

Rock gave Revy a lecherous smiled, as she replied, “Nice.”

Revy suggested, “Also tonight. Before we do that. I would like go to the Rats Nest, with the girls, and get some drinks. I am not talking about heavy drinking. Just a few beers. I don't feel like going to the hotel bar tonight.

Rock responded, “That is fine. I will even be designated driver. So, who do you want to bring along?”

Revy stated, “Well, the girls can take care of themselves. So, I guess, Benny, Dutch, Janet, Shenhua, Sawyer, and Lotton... Wow that is a lot of people. We are going to need two cars, and a second designated driver. I think Lotton would be open to being a designated driver.”

Rock replied, “I guess so. We can always ask.”

Revy agreed, “That true. Now, let's get out of here.”

The two women left the office door open, as they walked into the hallway, towards the front express elevator, to the ground floor, to the parking lot, and to their car.

When the got into their red GTO, Rock drove them back to the Devil's Hotel.


Around that time that Revy and Rock left the Daiyu Palace Casino, to head for the Devil's Hotel, across town, Molly was in the local library. She was dressed in casual clothing, without her weapons on her person.

Molly walked into the library about fifteen minutes ago. After she took a taxi from the Devil's Hotel, to the building.

Presently, she was sitting at a table, in the main room, across the room from the library entrance. She was reading a spanish book. The book was about the Mexican-American war, told from the Mexican point of view.

Molly thought, 'This is an interesting read, from a historical standpoint. And I am glad my parents and I politely convinced Fabiola to teach me spanish, years ago. Knowing spanish is now coming in handy, during our stay on this island.'

She then heard the front door to the library open up.

She looked up to see Lee walking into the library.

Molly thought, “What is he doing here?”

She then saw Lee turned to his right, and walked into the music room.

Molly thought, 'Lee is going to play some music. This I got to see.'

Molly set her book down, as she got up, and headed for the music room, to spy on, Lee.


After Lee walked the musical room, he shut the door behind himself.

He then walked over to the piano, that was across the room, and sat down at the piano bench.

Given the position of the piano, Lee was facing away from the door.

Lee then began spending the next several minutes playing the entire Moonlight Sonata from memory, without him missing a single key.

When Lee finished, he moved on to play a much shorter, more modern, and rarer piece of music, by piano, that took him two minutes to play.

As he concluded his playing. He heard clapping coming from behind him.

Lee turned around, to his right, to see Molly standing several feel behind him, clapping. The door to the music room was also open.

While Lee did not show any negative reaction to Molly's presence, he grimly thought, 'Damn. I cannot even let my guard down for one second. Oh well, I will take the complimented for what it is.'

A few seconds later, Molly stopped clapping.

Lee said, “Thank you for the applause.”

Molly complimented, “You are welcome. You have a real talent.”

Lee agreed, “Yes. I do. But, I do not like to boast about my talents.”

Molly commented, “I can appreciate that. Anyway, I recognized the Moonlight Sonata. But, I do not recognize the other piece of music you played, afterward.”

Lee thought, 'That is because the last piece is rare, and if I told you what it was, it would likely get me found out as the writer.' He lied, “It is just a piece of music I learned years ago. It is not important.”

Molly replied, “Okay.”

Lee got up from the piano bench. He turned to face Molly. He hid his annoyance, as he calmly stated, “Well, I just wanted to play for a little while. To get it out of my system. And I have done that. I will be going now.”

Lee continued to use his poker face, as he thought, with annoyance, 'Actually, I wanted play the music instruments in this room, for the next few hours. As a way to unwind. But, I cannot do that with you in the his building.'

'Doing so would reason to many questions with you, your family, and friends. And I lucked out over the questions you had for me, the morning after that poker game I had with River. I do not think I will be able to be that lucky again.'

Molly said, “Have a nice day.”

Lee replied, “You as well.”

Lee then walked passed Molly, as he exited the room, heading for the library exit.

As Molly turned around, and watched Lee walked away, she thought, 'Oh well. At least I got to to listen to a good performance, without paying for it. Now, to go back to reading that book.'

Molly then walked out of the music room, as she head back to the table, across the room, where she left the book she was reading, so she could continue to enjoy learning from it.


A minute later, as Lee walked through the parking lot, he sternly thought, 'I have to be more careful. Still, this con is starting to collapse. But, I still have a little time to figure out what to do next. I think I will spent the rest of the day in my hotel suite, trying to figure out what to do next. And I will order in tonight.'

'Still, this has been a productive day. Chang made me a good offer. If I can buy some time, he might solve some of the problems with his offer. If he does, I think I will take him up on his offer.'

'And if anything else, at least I can look forward to playing some poker with Sam, at the Rats Nest, tomorrow morning.'

A few seconds later, Lee reached his car. Before he left the diner, he had already pulled the windows and hood up.

Lee got into his car, started the ignition, and drove himself back to the Devil's Hotel, to spend the rest of the day in his suite.


Around seven PM that evening, inside the Rats Nest.

Behind the bar counter, the bartender noticed that her place was not even half full that evening.

She thought, 'Given it is the middle of the week, this is not a bad turnout. And most of those here are regulars that leave good tips.'

She then heard the front door open. She turned toward the door, to see who was walking in.

She thought, with annoyance, 'Why did those bitches have to show up?'

The bartender watched as the eight women, in casual clothing, walked into her bar.

Bringing up the front was Revy, in her usual clothing, completely with her two semi-automatic pistols in her shoulder holsters.

The other women were Rock, Lotton, Janet, Dutch, Benny, Shenhua, and Sawyer. Though, the bartender did not see any weapons on the other seven women.

The bartender turned away from them. She overheard their conversation, as the women shut the front door behind them, and made their way further into her bar.

Lotton said, “Look. I do not mind being designated driver. As long as I am not the one who is going to clean up any vomit in the two cars we took to get here.”

Rock stated, “As the other designated driver, I am with you on this.”

Janet commented, “I don't drink that much.”

Benny replied, “Neither do I.”

Revy said, “I will try not to.”

Dutch commented, “Being around Revy, I know better.”

Revy replied, “Hey.”

Shenhua stated, “A lady does not do such things.”

The other women snickered a bit. But, Shenhua ignored them, and she did not reply.

Sawyer said, “I know my limit.”

Revy suggested, “Well, if you guys do not want to be designated drivers, we could always ask Lee, to substitute for either of you.”

Rock flatly said, “No.”

Revy stated, “You are still upset about that chase Lee took us on.”

Rock commented, “Anyone who plays chicken like that is not completely sane. And I am not putting my life in the hands of a lunatic, whom I do not completely know.”

Revy agreed, “Fair enough.”

The bartender then turned back to the eight women, as she watched as them walk to the large table, that Lee and Sam usually sat in, located in the far back left corner of the room.

The eight women then sat down at that table, with one of them using a spare chair from another table, to sit down.

After they were all seated, they talked for several seconds.

A minute after they sat down, the bartender watched Revy get up, and walk over to her.

The bartender thought, with dispassionate annoyance, 'It figures that Revy would be the one to come place their orders.'

When Revy reached the bar counter, across from the bartender, the bartender looked over at Revy, as she stated, “Hey Revy. I hope you don't plan to get drunk while having those on.” She used her right hand point at Revy's pistols. She then dropped her right hand back to her side.

Revy shrugged, as she replied, “Don't worry. I only plan to have a few beers.”

The bartender responded, “Good. So, what can I get for you all?”

Revy answered, “I want a cold bottle of beer for myself. Rock wants a bottle of coke cola. Lotton wants a bottle of seven up. As for the rest. One bottle of rum. And a bottle of whiskey. With five small glasses.

The bartender said, “I will your order ready for you in a minute.” Then, something occurred to the bartender, as she thought, 'This might be a good chance to ask Revy a question I have been wanting to ask her, since they all got here.'

The bartender inquired, “By the way, I have a question for you.”

Revy cracked a smile, as she said, “Shoot.”

The bartender commented, “For a while, I have been watching you guys come and go in this town. And from what I hear, it is clear that you, and those women with you, are not here on vacation. You are clearly after someone.”

Revy thought, 'There is not reason not to tell her. We have no really made it a secret that we are after someone in this town.' She admitted, “You're right.”

The bartender asked, with more concern, than curiosity, “What the hell did the person, you are all after, do to get on your bad sides?”

Revy smirked, as she coyly answered, “The guy we are after scorned a whole lot of women. Us included. And we are going to find him, and burn him for messing with some major mojo..”

Bartender suddenly remembered a conversation she had with one of her customers, months ago.

The bartender thought, with disbelief, 'Nah... They couldn't be after him?... Could they?... And if so, I need to know why. If for any other reason, than to know if I need to leave town, before he is caught. Still, it is best I thank Revy for answering my questions.'

The bartender said, “Okay. Thanks for the information.”

Revy replied, “No problem.”

The bartender then watched as Revy turn around and start walking back to the corner table, where her friends were sitting.

As the bartender began to round up the drinks for Revy and the other women, with her, the bartender thought, 'Now, to figure how to confront Lee tomorrow, so I can find out what is going on.'

A few seconds later, as the bartender puts the bottles and glasses on a tray, she came up with a workable plan, as she thought, 'That should work. And even with his precognitive abilities, he will not see it coming. Now, to see Revy and the others, before they cause any more problems.'

Soon after, the bartender delivered Revy's order to corner table, where the women were at.

Fortunately, she had a pleasant night. Though, she doubted that the next day would be as pleasant for her, and those she knew.

To be continued.

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