Tamara's Trials - Chapter 56 "Curtains for Tammy!"

Tamara's Trials - A Tommy & Tamara Story  

Part Fifty Six
Final Chapter


"Curtains for Tammy!"


Tuesday 24th March

Tammy remembered to take the borrowed theatre clothing into school, whilst the black robes and other items from the drama store had been sent through the school laundry to freshen them a bit.

The double English lesson today therefore turned into a partial dress rehearsal. Slowly the show was coming together. Any reticence towards the black tights, for the witches, was lost. Tammy had a late partial change of mind for the nobelmen's costumes and sent several of the boys to their rooms to fetch their kilts.

"Tammy," John asked quietly, "is it really necessary?"

"Yes John. You'll do it for me?"

"Okay, Tammy."

The Headmaster had told Tammy earlier that several local dignitaries had also been invited to the school for the performance, along withe the local press, but she declined to tell the cast in case it unsettled them. Of course the Head had required a full summary of the previous day's events in Wick, even though the Scotsman had it as a front page story, just underneath some election candidate's indiscretion. It was then that he informed her of Friday's dress code for the schoolboys.

Tammy took a moment at lunchtime to call the doctor's surgery, there was a new girl handling the calls.

"Hello it's Tamara Smart, I'm afraid I can't make my appointment this afternoon."

"Didn't you receive the letter? We've moved you onto monthly monitoring as the doctor says everything seems to have settled down, I'm just reading the notes."

"Oh, when do I make an appointment for?"

"No need, just turn up once a month between eight and five, the duty nurse will see you. Only make an appointment if you need to see the doctor, we'll call you if there's a problem."

"Okay, thanks."

"You will get called for a well woman clinic in a few months, by the way."

"Okay, I guess!"

"Every girl worries about her first one! Don't worry!"

"Thanks, I'll try not to."

There was some maths revision that afternoon but effectively all teaching had finished for the upper sixth; they were on their own now. The common room was quite empty as many of the sixth form boys had retreated to their rooms after lunch. Angela found Tammy looking worried.

"What's up, sis?"

"My driving theory test this afternoon." Tammy waved her copy of the Highway Code at the girl. "I can't take my driving lessons unless I've passed the test."

"Oh, I'm not doing mine until the summer now, mum's looking for a new instructor."

"I was lucky, I guess, friends in the right places."

"Friends in very high places, more like it."


"How are you getting over there?"

"Pru's picking me up. Hopefully she's got my car booked in for repair."

"I couldn't see anything, just a little mark."

"On a racing green Mini Cooper? Unless it's been on a rally circuit it should be pristine!"

"You're not thinking of racing it, are you?"

"No, I do have some common sense!"


There were twelve of them in the room, they would be completing the two part driving theory test using a PC in front of each applicant. The first part was a multiple-guess, sorry -choice, covering the rules of the road. After a short break part two started, this was more involved and included video simulations of vehicles and pedestrians with Tammy having to identify potential hazards using the mouse.

She thought she'd done okay but until the examiner printed off the results, she didn't know for certain.

"Miss Smart, you scored 90% on the first part, the pass level is 86%, and 45 out of 75 for part two, the threshold is 43. Congratulations."

It was a pass, but not as good as she'd hoped. Now she needed the actual road test to be successful, but that would have to wait for a week or so.

"Well done Tammy, it took me two goes to pass my theory."

"Really Pru?"

"Yes, and three attempts at the road test."

"I think I could have done better."

"You passed?"


"Then forget about it, let's get you home."

"Thanks, how's my car doing?"

"They've had to order the paint so it'll be with them for a few days."

"I want my baby back!"

"All in good time, they're also fitting some anti-theft devices that your father thought were necessary."


"You'll have it waiting for you when you return from Cornwall, you'll be able to drive yourself everywhere if you pass that test as well!"


"Freedom to be used as a taxi by everyone else!"

Wednesday 25th March

"Do you have to tie it that tight, mum?"

"What size did Sarah say to aim for?"

"Twenty-two inch waist, we managed twenty-four first time."

"Well that's just over twenty-two inches. It's only for today and tomorrow, unless you plan to fly wearing it?"

"Not likely. Has Pru everything arranged?"

"Yes, we'll all take a helicopter to Edinburgh Airport, you leave there at ten fifty, whilst Angela and I fly half an hour later."

"But I bet you arrive before me!"

"Yes, by the way I don't think you'll get lunch so best have a good breakfast. Have you packed yet?"

"I need to give Leanne a list but I really don't know what the weather's like or if we'll have any formal functions to attend?"

"Pack casual then, take one frock and a few skirts. The climate is much warmer than here, it's early spring down there. The key thing is to keep your luggage down to a minimum and only buy extra if you need to, bearing in mind you'll have to bring it all back!"

"I know all about that, Dad and I have flown a few times in the past!"

"That was Tom, not Tammy, your luggage needs are completely different!"


Tanya somehow managed to join them for the rehearsal, using the minibus from town with the day students.

"Our teachers don't want to see us again." She shrugged. "I don't know if that means they've done everything they can and have given up?"

"It's probably that you need to relax a little and they're just taking a back seat. They'll be there if you need advice or help."


They used the stage in the main hall for this final rehearsal, being surprised by one of the art department teachers and a group of his sixth form student. They were stood next to several murals.

"Miss Smart, we aren't quite ready for you."

"Ready with what?"

"We're just putting the backdrops in place so you'll have the moor, the castle, and a few others."

"Thank you Sir."

"We had enough time at the end of the year to do some practical work, the students really wanted this to work."

"I have no idea how you kept this from me, Sir."

"You've been very busy, concentrating on your own work. The Headmaster suggested a few weeks ago we might help make this production extra special."

"That's very kind."

The art students took another five minutes and left one student as scene changer who was familiar with the play. Elsewhere in the hall technicians tested the lighting and sound system. With all the elements in place it went well with few major hiccups.

The cast did a post-mortem, with the various technicians and stage hands although the masters kept out of the way - this was Tammy's show in every sense. Finally Tammy was reminded by Tanya, and John, to ask the witches a question.

"I'd like a volunteer to play the second witch at the Mill Theatre for five performances in May. The next rehearsal is in two weeks but each of you is capable of playing the role."

Froggett asked what the Mill Theatre costumes were like?

"Very professional, the make-up artists will also make certain that you won't be recognised."

Tammy only knew Froggett's first name as Les, although formality amongst six formers usually didn't allow for first names during school hours, in case a master was nearby. What Tammy had now established, through the school secretary was that his name was actually Leslie. She decided not to challenge him about it but tried a different tack.

"If one of you is willing, come and see me later or leave me a note in my pigeon-hole."

The rehearsal was over and morning break had started. Tanya reluctantly climbed into a taxi to be taken back into town. John did not want to let her go but there was a limit to how far he could stretch the issue.

"Look John, she'll be back tomorrow but promise me you won't disappear to your room with her?"

"I can't promise it Tammy, there's no privacy here."

"Then take her outside, just dress for the weather. Do you remember the saying, 'Ne'er cast a clout till May be out'?"

"Yes, but what's that got to go with anything?"

"When Tanya's around the school, keep your clothes on!"

Just before Tammy finished for the day she went to her pigeon-hole, there was a sealed message. The actual message was simple:

Can I be a witch? Lori.

That could complicate things.

Thursday 26th March - Last day of term

The Headmaster had decreed that every boy would wear their formal kilt as part of the uniform today. The sixth form were exempt from this instruction but many went along with it; for the prefects it was almost a competition as to who would look the best. It seemed odd seeing all that tartan in the corridors during the morning. Tammy herself was in a white dress with a tartan sash, she certainly gained plenty of attention that way.

The play was now scheduled for two o'clock, meaning that it wouldn't finish until after the last bell. There were no lessons scheduled after morning break for students in any case, but that didn't mean there wasn't work to do.

"You don't have to be here this early, Tanya."

"Mum had to drop me off, I have Joanne's spare stage make-up kit to carry, can I have a cup of tea?"

"I need permission for you to use the common room then, until we can relocate to the green room."

"Lunch too, please."

"You're not asking much, are you?"

"I'm a growing girl, Tammy!"

"Yeah, around the middle!"

"Not whilst I'm wearing this corset, I shouldn't manage more than a salad."

"I'll see what I can do."

"Will we have to change with the boys?"

"Of course not Tanya, we can use the medical room, they'll use our English classroom as the blinds can be pulled down."

"So I'll have to do their make-up wearing that dress?"

"You're not going to paint their toes are you?"

"Only if they ask nicely."

Tanya had been warned about the kilts so decided on a tartan skirt that morning. Mr Thompson was not impressed having a strange female loose in the school for such a long time but the prefects accepted she could use the common room until lunchtime and the kitchens effectively re-allocated Chris Jones' lunch to Tanya, quite appropriate as it happens. When the Head had passed her in a corridor she received a nod of approval and a smile.

Tammy, was still wondering what was happening to Chris. Ben Franklin on Monday had more-or-less confirmed that a male boarded the helicopter to Edinburgh. Does that confirm Chris was alive, contrary to the official news? What Tammy knew was that Sophie had been staying near London, at an undisclosed location, and wasn't due back in Cornwall for a week or so. Was she babysitting Chris? How much intelligence could they get from him? Creating a false trail for an eighteen year old seemed like an extreme measure to her. One last thing, she couldn't raise her suspicions with anyone.

"What are you thinking?"

"Er, what?"

"Tammy, you were miles away."

"Sorry John, I was thinking."

"Spaced out more like it. Do you know where Tanya's gone?"

"To powder her nose."

"I'll wait."


Tammy gathered the cast together just before lunch.

"Please be sensible with your food choice, we can not afford for any of you to need the loo during the performance!"

With that they headed into the refectory. Given that Tammy and Tanya were in corsets they really couldn't manage much. What wouldn't help was that once they were in their costumes, half an hour before curtain-up, they would be stuck like that until at least half an hour after curtain-down as the cast was due to be presented to the mayor, most of the local councillors, and one or two other dignitaries.

The hall would be full with guests in the first few rows and up in the 'gods' using the balcony that ran across the back of the hall. The entire school was invited too, including the very youngest. If Shakespeare wasn't in their vocabulary yet, this afternoon would change that.

Of course, Macbeth is a dark and, in some ways, demonic play that has frightened many audiences over the centuries.

One of the school technicians would operate the lights, while another had the sound responsibility. They'd only had one chance to rehearse with the players, the previous day, so there was a risk it wouldn't be entirely professional. One of the chemistry masters had been asked to create a potion for the cauldron that would generate a flash and smoke at the correct time, without damaging the plastic container.

Sarah arrived at half-past one. Tammy quickly told the rest of the cast to change whilst the girls were dressed by Sarah. It already looked likely that the start of the play would be delayed.

"Tanya you need to be tighter, sorry."

"I've just had lunch, I can't compress my tummy any more."

"Rubbish, it's that or the dress won't fit properly."

Tanya complained but soon accepted the inevitable. Once she was down to her undies, she pulled on the white tights and waited while Sarah climbed onto the medical table with the dress.

"I'll drop it onto you."

The headpiece was fitted next.

"Your turn Tammy."

Tammy sent Tanya to the green room to check on make-up requirements so Sarah accompanied Tammy to the classroom where the boys were struggling. Once they finished gawping at Tammy in her golden dress, the main issue became apparent; most of the boys had never worn tights before so were in danger of laddering or ripping them within seconds. Those who had mastered the hosiery denied prior knowledge, just saying that it seemed obvious.

Finally the last one was sent around to the green room a few minutes before two o'clock. Sarah now went into the hall to inform the Head of a short delay, then to take her seat. Tammy finally joined the queue for make-up, pleased that Tanya had the boys under control, or was that under her spell?

The cast had avoided the main entrance as well as the hall's doors so hadn't seen the guests arriving. Equally they hadn't seen any of the costumes either. Tammy walked out onto the stage while the curtain remained down. The house lights dimmed and a single spot illuminated her, the hall fell silent.

"Honoured guests, ladies and gentlemen, fellow students, I would like to pay tribute to one of our cast who cannot be here this afternoon. A week ago we lost Chris Jones who was on the point of taking his A Levels as well as adulthood. He was an integral part of this production and I dedicate this performance to him. Thank you."

A few camera flashes had caught her eye.

"Could I please ask that you do not use flash photography during the performance and that you have turned off your mobile phones?"

She walked off, her heels clicking. There was a ripple of applause but the single spot remained, a sound effect of wind started as the curtain rose. The spot now focussed on the three witches, hunched over a cauldron. It began.

When Tammy wasn't on stage she was making certain everyone else got their cue, although Tanya almost missed one because she was touching up Duncan's make-up.

Tammy hissed, "Tanya put him down and get out there!"

When the curtain fell everyone was hot and exhausted. Bottled water had been delivered at short notice to the green room but that just meant the make-up had to be touched up more often - until drinking straws also arrived.

Tammy led the cast out onto the stage for their curtain call to rapturous applause. Now the cast could see how full the hall was, although they'd caught glimpses of the gold chains of office worn by several of the dignitaries as well as their formal kilts or dresses. Now the cameras flashed and Tammy could see a professional photographer moving around in front of the stage.

The Headmaster walked onto the stage to thank Tammy and the cast directly, as well as everyone else who'd played a part in the production. Tanya even had a special mention. Tammy was invited to meet the dignitaries whilst the rest of the cast were excused, pleasing them. Tanya grabbed each of the boys and used a packet of baby wipes as she cleaned their faces.

"If you get make-up on the costumes then you're dead meat, boys!"

Tammy finally had to make her excuses and nearly ran to the medical room so she could be returned to her own white frock and get into the ladies loo.

A lady walked up to her as Tammy came out of the loo, suitably refreshed wearing her day make-up.

"Miss Smart?"


"I'm Dolores Fogarty from the examination board. I would just like to say thank you, it was well worth the trip from Edinburgh." She walked away.

Tammy's smile could not be erased for hours.

*** FIN ***

Author's note: This concludes Tamara's Trials. Tammy and her friends will return later in 2015.

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