A New Start in Life part 18

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A New Start in Life Part 18

The Girls.jpg

This is a gentle coming-of-age story about a college-aged boy becoming the girl he knows he truly is.
With the help of his two girl friends he becomes Susanna as they teach him all about life as a girl.
Please note this is a gentle, sentimental tale and although there is some sexual content it is inferred, NOT graphic and tagged where it occurs.

A note on the WBMC, I met some of these guys when I worked in America and found them not only interesting but good company and good friends.
I have used them in this story and reflected them as I found them.
If I have insulted them in any way it was unintentional and I unreservedly apologise.

We got in the car - well it was what’s called a SUV Kell sat in the front with Al so the rest of us squeezed in the back not that I was complaining as I was literally crushed against Mac and Shoni he had his arm around me. Really with the crush he had no option and I wasn’t complaining.

Al was telling them about our trip on Route 66 and also about his granddad giving us driving lessons and him teaching us basic car skills he commented, “They’re good but Susanna works wrenches like a guy, she’s good.”
I glanced at Shoni and she giggled (if only they knew) the others looked at us wondering what we were laughing at but a bit good thinking on Shoni’s part got us out of a possible spot with her saying as quick as anything, “ Until she breaks a finger nail, then she’s not at all like a guy!”
Mac commented, “Well she sure don’t look like a guy!” This didn’t help Shoni and myself but we managed to control ourselves.

The Navy Pier was quite something as well as the cinema there were shops display areas a children’s museum a big wheel which is called a called a Ferris wheel and other amusements. Also there were fast food places and restaurants sight-seeing boat trips it had a lot to offer.
We got into the cinema and watched the film I haven’t a clue what I watched, as I just enjoyed the experience snuggling up to a hunk!
After the film they took us to get something to eat at a place called ‘ The Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.’

As we girls had never been before we had a mix and match type food where everyone ordered something different and we (the girls) would try as we wanted.
Over a glass of coke the guys got around talking about our trip they were fascinated about what we were doing.
Al said he had thought about it travelling on a Hog??? (That word again) Now in the UK these are pigs in the states they are as the lad’s told us a very large type of motorcycle – as well as a pig!
Mac asked if we were afraid or worried we had to admit to being a bit apprehensive then Al told the guy’s,” These girls will be fine - Grandpa’s got his crazy buddies looking after them! And knowing them the word will have already gone out about these - three they’ll be looked after just fine!” (This was news to us)

Mac asked, “You mean The Brotherhood?” Al nodded Mac looked at us and said you girls will be just fine – now d’you three want to spend tomorrow going to the beach and back here?”
Then back to the beach at for a party with some buddies of ours” Did we? That was a stupid question we were really up for it.

They dropped us home about eleven Keith and June had waited up for us they could see by our faces that we had had a good time.
We told them about tomorrow (and possibly Sunday) but they didn’t seem to worry telling us to have a good time and remember we could stay as long as we wanted.
We went to bed happy I whinged about my periods but Kelly slapped me down telling me, “Susanna! A girl cannot switch her periods on and off now do you want to be a girl?”
I nodded glumly so she continued, “Good because I like you as a girl so you’re having periods the same as us two! Look at it this way - this is one way we girls learn restraint.”
Chastened I nodded mumbling, “You’re right Aunty Kelly” this started a wrestling match and finally we all snuggled together in bed giggling and looking forward to tomorrow.

For a day at the beach we had plenty of suitable clothes so some cut off Capri’s camisole and t-shirt, strappy sandals and a large daybag and we were ready to be picked up!
The all arrived together each in their own car (Hmmmmmmm) we girls slipped in with the guys and off we went to the beach.
Now I will admit that I never knew Chicago had a beach because it was so far inland.
However what it does have is Lake Michigan, which is one of the great lakes. And they also had North Avenue beach which had everything you could want a beach hut that looked like a stranded ship, volley ball courts, cycle hire, jet ski hire, snack bars and of course the beach.
June had given us a beach towel each just in case though as you may gather Illinois in early October is not the warmest place on earth but the weather was kind and something like an Indian summer (during the day) so we could lay on the beach go for a cycle ride and watch the guy’s show off on the jet ski’s.

As we lay lazily on the beach Shoni said, “I wonder if what Al said yesterday about old Al’s buddies was true?” Kelly rested on one arm considered this and said, “What we know of old Al it probably is - I’m glad in a way” “And so am I” I echoed.
Really in truth knowing this was comforting but we had to ask old Al, which we could do on Monday - as we will be seeing him at the diner where they all congregate – and Wednesday and Friday afternoon.
We had got into a habit of hanging around with these fearsome guy’s, who once you got to know them were great people. (Daren’t say pussycats because they most certainly were not!)

The guy’s came back to us after the Jet Ski’s full of testosterone. I personally was really happy that I was over that oestrogen is what I’m full of now! Thank the doctors but I must admit to my hormones running wild where men are concerned.
They suggested that we head for the Navy Pier so we piled into the cars and off we went. We went on the Ferris wheel followed by a big old-fashioned swing thing ride then we persuaded them to go on a sightseeing tour of the shorefront.
After which we had a burger, which of course being America was enormous and really yummy – I think I’m going to love American food because everything we’ve eaten so far has been scrumptious.

By now it was late afternoon and getting dark so we got into the cars and headed for the beach again this time I slid across the bench seat and snuggled up to Mac.
He took one hand off the steering wheel and put it around my shoulders squeezing me to him.
He momentarily kissed the top of my head and asked, “You having fun?” “Oh yes” I gasped, “I’m so enjoying myself.”
“When you leaving” he asked me kissing the top of my head. “Oh” I replied “next Sunday or Monday.”
He sighed and responded, “Shame I was just getting to know you. Will I see you again before you go?”
Shyly I answered, “If you want to “ he smiled at me “I want to, when?” I thought what we were doing for the week and said any day except Monday and Wednesday evening and Friday afternoon.”
He cocked an eye at me questioningly grinning I told him that we were with old Al and his buddies those days.
He gave a theatrical sigh saying, “Squeezed out by a bunch of granddads!” I just giggled and told him well you’re not squeezed out now.

We were approaching an area of the beach, and ahead was a flickering fire. As we got closer I could see many figures around a bonfire.
Mac pulled off the road onto a parking area there must have been a dozen cars already there. He switched the engine off and turned to kiss me; my waiting lips were ready for him and I melted into him his tongue brushed my lips - did I allow him in?
After a moments thought I opened my mouth to allow his tongue access to my mouth.

Our kisses became frantic, his hands were roaming over my nubile young body, and it felt really nice really natural as the song goes ‘he made me feel like a natural woman’.
His hands roamed below my waist towards my ‘pussy’ I murmured, “No, please”
And like a gentleman he moved instantly away and though he was really aroused he honoured my space.
After we had ‘made out’ (as it apparently called in the States) for a while I lay in his arms and dreamily said, “I feel great but there’s something I need to tell you.”
He kissed me again and muttered, “And what’s that?” I gave a shy smile and whispered into his ear, “The moon goddess has cursed me!”
I could see that he didn’t catch on at first then comprehension dawned he smiled at me and simply said, “Ah, I see – well that don’t change a thing I still want to see more of you while you’re here!”

We kissed and cuddled for a short while then went and joined the others who were congregated around the bonfire there must have been about twenty couples around the fire.
I saw Kelly and Shoni and we went over to join them. All the guys had cool boxes with beer and soda in them as we were only 20 we couldn’t legally drink in public in Illinois but we had a few beers.
Also we toasted marshmallows on the bonfire– believe it or not this was the first time I had ever tasted them and they were very, very yummy.
I’m going to have to watch myself with all this gorgeous food I may put weight on – how girly is that!
And I’m going to have to watch I don’t over use the word ‘yummy’ but it’s a perfect description.

Some of the group had guitars and they sang folk songs we snuggled into the arms of the guys talking about our trip around the world was one hot topic.
One girl about the same age as us commented that she would love to do what we were doing as she had just finished collage and was at a loose end.
Kelly must have had more to drink that I thought because she said, “We leave next Monday come with us if you want!”
Shoni and I just looked at each other and raised an eyebrow.
We were talking to another girl called Rachel and she told us about another road the US 20 that is longer than Route 66 and spans the whole country starting in Boston. Rachel then told us that we could have gone from Boston on US 20 then changed to Route 66 in Chicago she gave a smile continuing, “But at this time of the year Route 66 would be your best bet as it goes south where it’s warmer US 20 is north so it would be really cold!” Kelly commented, “Well girls that looks like a summer trip sometime in the future!”

It was a really good way to spend an evening no one got drunk as all were driving and the laws are very strict and the police are around to enforce the law (unlike the UK, where there seems to be a shortage of police)
About eleven we returned to the car for some more ‘making out’ – (I love the term) finally getting home by midnight this time Keith and June didn’t wait up for us.
We were up late on Sunday I tried to phone Gill (feeling a bit guilty I suppose) but all I got was his voice mail so I left a message saying I’d call back later unless he called first.
Keith had gone to play golf leaving June on her own after we had sorted ourselves out I asked he if she wanted a ‘master class’ in making Yorkshire Puddings.
So we spent a couple of hours cooking and at first discarding failed puddings but soon she had got the knack and she was confident also they were really good, so the four of us made pigs of ourselves.
(I still couldn’t figure out the difference between Yorkies and Popovers except what they are cooked in!)

About twelve the doorbell sounded, June opened the door we thought that it wasn’t for us three as we weren’t expecting the guys for a couple of hours.
I heard June say, “Come in honey the girls are through the back” much to our surprise it was the girl that Kelly had invited to join us.
She looked a bit uncomfortable and shyly asked us, “Last night well err were you being nice to me or did you mean that I could really travel with you guys.”

We looked at each other and at the girl who really looked uncomfortable then Shoni’s mothering instinct cut in and she went over to the girl put an arm around us and sat her down saying, “Kelly meant what she said last night - but you don’t even know the three of us.”
The girl (who’s name was Charley) answered, “Well you seemed ok last night friendly and I thought..............” her voice trailed off here.

June who had been listening to the conversation asked, “Orange juice?” and disappeared into the kitchen, “I’ll help” I offered and followed her.
June asked me, “What are you going to do?” I simply shrugged and honestly replied, “I haven’t a clue June we’ll have to find out about her see if anyone knows her.”
June nodded then after a moment’s thought said, “Ask Al those friends of his may have some idea’s show her your backpacks they may put her off.”

We went through with the orange juice, June said cheerfully, “If you want to travel with these girls you better check out their backpacks to see what you need.
We showed her our packs, which didn’t seem to put her off I was really warming to Charley she seemed a really nice genuine girl especially when she said, “Look guy’s I’m sorry to drop in like this why don’t we forget it.” Saying this she got up to leave

For the first time I spoke up, “No Charley it’s ok wait a minute now before you go what you doing tomorrow about five?” she looked surprised and answered, “Nothing, why?”
I ploughed on, “Will you come with us to meet some friends of ours?” “Sure” she said, “I’ll see you here tomorrow?” I nodded telling her, “About a quarter to five would be fine.” “Ok” she answered as we walked to the door with her and saw her out.
As I closed the door I saw the other two looking at me like I had suddenly gown another head!

Kelly looked at me and said, “Well?” I knew what she meant but acted dumb, “Well what” I answered in my innocent little girl voice. Kelly came straight back at me “You know fine what I’m on about Lady – tomorrow we are going to see Al and his friends.”
Very patiently I answered, “Kelly think - if we stand a chance of finding out about Charley these guys may be able to help us – after all it was your idea!”
Shoni then spoke, “I kind of like the girl what Susie says makes sense let’s see where it takes us?”
So we agreed to think about it and decided that we’d phone Al (senior) tomorrow and ask his advice we had only known him for a week but we trusted him implicitly.

The guys came and picked us up as I left I said to June, “Remember boiling hot fat and really cold batter!” she smiled and commented, “I hope they turn out ok,” Kelly heard and said, “Well the one’s I ate were fine – no probs June go girl!”

The guys took us to a football game - this was American football and even though I didn’t understand anything at all about the game the atmosphere was brilliant.
Mac tried to explain what was happening and what was meant to happen but I still didn’t understand it.
I found myself cheering when they cheered waving the team colours and Mac bought me a baseball cap in the team colours.
The dropped us home about six June had supper ready roast chicken and all the trimmings. I whispered, “How’d they go?” she simple put two thumbs up and the three of us helped her bring the food to the table Keith’s eye’s opened wide as there was a platter of perfect Yorkshire Puddings!

We chattered about the day we had just had told him about Charley turning up and about asking Al about her.
He nodded saying that the brotherhood would help us if they could especially if Al was involved after supper I phoned Al on his cell phone (I’m getting used to the language) and after apologising for disturbing him asked the favour from him.
As usual he was totally laid back and asked Charley’s full name. When I admitted I didn’t know her second name his only comment was, “I’ll ask that grandson of mine - see ya tomorrow about five” and with that he hung up. A man of few words!

We went to bed early and discussed Charley as we snuggled together the ever practical Kelly asked, “Susie, have you thought about when............ well you know err you want to let your skin breathe?”
I must admit I hadn’t but simply answered, “We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.”
Shoni commented, “It shouldn’t be too much of a problem.” I grinned ruefully and whispered, “It would be no problem if I could have the operation.”
They gave me a hug and told me that there’s loads of time. Then as we settled down to sleep Kelly muttered, “I wonder how it will feel with four of us instead of three?” This made us pause for thought, as we were a unit a team we all knew what the other was thinking - she was right it was going to be strange.

We were up early the next day and helped June out, then we went exploring Chicago, telling June we should be home about eight and that we’d eat out.
For our first day we went to Lincoln Park, which was free! There were cycle ways places to jog a zoo and a nature museum, conservatory and cultural centre, skate parks really everything we could need so we spent a good few ours there.
Then we wandered to the Riverside walk and spent some time there mainly drinking coffee, eating and people watching finally getting back to June’s about four thirty.
Charley arrived about fifteen minutes after us dressed casually but she was still somewhat ill at ease we tried to make her feel comfortable as we all piled into the Jeep and headed off to the diner.

When we got there, only about a dozen ‘hogs’ were outside. (See! I’m slowly getting the hang of the language).
Among them Al senior’s Charley looked a bit shocked and quietly asked, “You’re biker chicks?”
Kelly snorted with laughter telling her, “No way these are our friends they’re great guy’s.”

She still looked a bit apprehensive as we entered and the reception we got didn’t help any while we were known and welcomed for poor Charley it was totally different when confronted by these scary looking guys. I sensed she was about to bolt for it.
So I gently took hold of her arm and told her, “Let me introduce you to our ‘grandpa Al!” This got a fearsome glare from Al senior but broke the ice with the other guys who started to gently rib him about his new granddaughters.
Slowly she was accepted - then one guy (Ed) said, “Girl your surname’s Willis right?” “Yes sir’ Charley slowly answered wondering what was coming next (as were us three) Ed then continued “Would your daddy be Sergeant Chuck Willis?”
Charley straightened up put her shoulders back and with a look of real pride on her face answered, “Yes sir he is”.
This great hulking guy Ed strode up and said, “Little lady, let me shake you by the hand!” she slowly held out her hand which was trembling like a leaf her face had a questioning look on it.
Ed explained, “I was in the same outfit as your daddy in the First Gulf! You little lady were our good luck charm every time we went hot your Daddy always told us ‘Guy’s we’ll get out of this I’ve got to see my little Charley - and damn me we always did!”

I could see that Charley’s eyes were full of tears I slipped my arm around her waist and gave her a squeeze of support she gave a weak smile of thanks and gravely shook hands with Ed her small hand was engulfed in his huge one.
As Ed ambled back to his beer he asked her to give her Daddy his regards and tell him where he could find like-minded ex military guys.
In a small voice she said, “I’d love to do that sir but Daddy died five years back.”
Ed stopped and looked at her with compassion saying, “He was a brave man, y’hear don’t ever forget that. How’s your Mom doin? From what I remember she was a pretty little thing just like you.”

Charley stood straight as a board and in a quiet trembling voice told him; “Mom died six months ago!” the place went quiet.
Kelly came and put her arm around Charley this was too much for the poor girl and she broke down. Some of the other girls came around us and comforted poor Charley soon she composed herself clearly the pain was raw – I could really understand this.

We sat around a table Al came quietly to us and asked, “Does this answer your questions girls” dumbly we nodded.
We found out that she lived with her Aunty and that after completing college she didn’t know what she wanted to do so she worked in a fast food restaurant.
Shoni said to her, “Charley, if you ever want to talk about anything Susie here knows what you’re going through.”

Charley looked at me with big brown eyes and asked, “She does – how?” I knew it was my turn to bare my soul. I smiled sadly at her and told her the story of my family.
We spoke for some time Kelly told her that we had known each other since we were little girls.
I was about to say something when I got a non-too gentle tap on the ankles. What she was trying to point out was that we knew each other really well and we may without realising it make her feel like an outsider.
Charlie said she had figured this out and would try to fit in – the more I got to know her the more I liked her!
So I told her, “Charley what my ‘learned friend Kelly’ is trying to say is simply be yourself, don’t try and be like us just be you”.
Kelly just grinned and snorted, “You can be such a cow Susie” I simply grinned back at her.

Then the penny dropped and Charley’s eye’s opened wide she spluttered, “You mean you guys are going to let me go with you?” Like a well oiled machine all three of us simply nodded.
She burst into tears saying, “Oh thank you guys thank you so much.” One of the guy’s sitting with us chipped in saying, “Girl, I’ve served with Brit’s and their sense of humour is weird they’ll drive you crazy.”

So this is how three became four – much to our surprise!

The next day again we went sight seeing, this time we had a cultural day, the ‘Adler Planetarium also the Museum of Science and Industry then back to Riverside Walk to eat and People watch then back home to cook supper for June and Keith.
Charley came round just as we had laid the table for supper so we lay one more place and she brought us up to date. She had quit her job and was going around the local camping shops to get the gear she needed.
June arrived home first and was totally laid back that her guests had invited another guest for supper. All she said to Charley was, “I really hope you enjoy yourself with these three. I’ll tell you these Brit’s take a bit of getting used to!”
Charley smiled and told June, “I was warned about that last night I’ll take my chances with these guy’s.”
June gave a theatrical sigh and commented; “Tell me about it, I’m married to one!”

I’ll try and describe Charley she is a tall girl about 5’ 11” a good 2” taller than I am. She has remarkable big expressive brown eyes these are really a window to her soul - now I know her well I don’t think she was capable of lying.
She has the straightest brown hair I’ve ever seen!
After getting caught is rain and her hair dries naturally it dries straight as a die it’s amazing!
Mine dries wavy Kelly’s hair goes really frizzy and Shoni’s hair well her hair is wavy anyhow so hers dries errrr wavier than ever!
Now back to Charley she is very pretty with full lips and a classic nose, delicate jawline and a long slender neck.

She left for her Aunties about nine so we drove her there to save her getting a cab as we said our goodbyes she asked, “See you at the diner tomorrow night?” We nodded and left her at her Aunts.
The week continued with us sight seeing meeting with the guys and going to the diner with Al.
One thing of note Wednesday night at the diner someone put ‘Desperado’ on sung by the Eagles. Now I love listening to the Eagles as my dad used to play them a lot in fact I know every song word perfect.

I happened to mention that I used to dance with my mum to the Eagles. Al said, “I’m not as good looking as your Mom, but d’you want to dance?”
Did I! This for some reason was what I needed to do so I got up and went with Al onto the small space used as a dance floor and simply danced.
As I danced something inside me snapped! I was back with my family I was their daughter - loved and accepted as Susanna!
I was in a world of my own I danced I remembered my parents, I prayed and I wished I still had them here with me.
I was singing the songs eyes closed someone kept feeding the jukebox and I kept dancing eyes closed remembering my family.
I never realised but I had a different partner for each song my eyes were closed and tears streaming down my face. I was in both a good and a bad place if that makes sense.

Desperado, Lying Eyes, Hotel California, Tequila Sunrise, Take it Easy, Best of my Love, New Kid in Town, One of these Nights, Take it to the Limit and my most favourite Peaceful Easy Feeling.

The music just went on after god knows how long I opened my eye’s and the first thing I saw was Kelly, Shoni and Charley just looking at me along with a good few more folk. I looked and it wasn’t Al I was dancing with it was Ed!
Ed walked me over to the girls and he asked, “Feelin better?” I nodded, not trusting myself to speak but I did feel better - maybe purged I don’t know but certainly another ghost had been partially laid to rest. Was this a message from my family or was that wishful thinking I simply didn’t know but I had really felt that they were there with me while I was dancing.

Shyly Charley asked, “Susanna does the hurt ever go away?” I took her hand and sadly said, “No Charley it never goes away - but it does get less I promise.”
No one ever spoke of that night again and everything went on as usual. I was really glad about that as that was a deeply personal experience for me it was like a wound had been healed just a little.
Friday came and in the afternoon we spent our last day with the brotherhood they arranged for us to follow a couple of the guys out of Chicago as the original route of the 66 was difficult to find so we arranged to meet them at Al’s Garage on Monday Morning.

Friday night with the guys Saturday we spent making sure that we had everything we needed long suffering June and Keith said it was OK for Charley to spend the weekend with them if she wanted.
When Charley arrived as well as her backpack she had a guitar strapped to the back she simply shrugged and said, “It’ don’t weigh much and I love playing it.”
The ever-practical Kelly simply said, “Well you’re carrying it” Shonali took a different viewpoint saying with your playing and Susie’s voice it’ll make camping better.

Saturday night we went to the beach again and hung out with the same crowd (more or less) that we were with the previous week and had a really good night.
I said my goodbyes to Mac somewhat sadly but as he put it – I’d have like to really got to know you but it wasn’t to be but I’ll always remember my ‘little English Rose’.
This made me giggle but it was so sweet. Corny yes but still sweet (He’d remember me until the next girlfriend)

Sunday we spent planning – that is more planning and we tried the tent out with four of us. Now I know we should have tried it out sooner but we didn’t luckily when they said a three-man tent they meant it three men! So with four girls there was room enough - it was cosy but comfortable. I tried Gill once again but again all I got was his voice mail so I left a message. I mentioned it to Shoni so she tried and had the same result – voice mail.

We cooked Sunday lunch for June and Keith and made sure our room was spotless. I think we all would be sorry to leave them but as June put it when we tried to thank them from the bottom of our hearts. “Girls, it’s been an absolute pleasure to have you stay at our home. You’ve been perfect house guests – please keep in touch and tell me how you are doing and remember you’re welcome here any time.”
Monday morning we stripped the bed and put the sheet into the washer to save June doing it and got scolded for out troubles.
We packed Jerry (our name for the Jeep) said a tearful goodbye to June and Keith and headed over to Al’s garage where we got a monster of a surprise there were about 20 motorcycles there they were going to escort us out of Chicago in style.
Al gave us each a stick pin with the symbol of the brotherhood simply saying, “It may help you.” Then Young Al passed us a flat pack cardboard box, when we looked closely we found it was a portable toilet that used plastic bags! He grunted, “This will help you too. You’ll find it handy and save you digging a hole!”

As we set off with our escort there was a lump in certainly my throat as we roared through Chicago flanked by these great guys following the ‘Mother Road’.

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