Tamara's Trials - Chapter 45 "The Auditor"

Tamara's Trials - A Tommy & Tamara Story  

Part Forty Five


"The Auditor"


Thursday 12th March

The rest of the week seemed to fly, Tammy had adopted a slightly toned down make-up regime and received no negative comments although the male staff were finding it difficult to say how she looked. Tammy put this down to English or Scottish reticence but checked with Joan once they were home.

"They've been warned that it could be termed sexual harassment."

"You're kidding?"

"No, the unions have issued guidance."

"So they can't say anything negative either?"

"They can, but have decided it's safer to refer anything to me instead of making an issue in the classroom."

"Safer for them?"


"What about our conflict of interest?"

"That will only be for a couple of months, so any decisions are monitored to make sure I'm being even-handed."

"Like not personally telling Tanya to apply for that job?"


"Did she? I checked her CV over and made some corrections."

"It was fine, but a committee will make the decision after the closing date."

"Which is?"

"Twentieth of April."

"That's the start of the summer term?"

"Yes, we'll interview in mid to late May and appoint someone soon after, hopefully. The cottage is being redecorated in April so will be ready for the interview days."

"I wonder if she's said anything to John?"

"Has he spoken to you about it?"


"Then she's waiting until she has some positive news."

"That doesn't sound like the Tanya I know."

"Maybe not!"

"Have you spoken to any of your Cornish friends since Monday?"

"No, there hasn't been a need."

"So a quiet week?"

"Mostly, oh I have my submission for the dress code debate." Tammy handed it over. "I'll email you a copy at school as well."

"What's your basis for it?"

"It's derived from the one that Tanya's school uses but I also checked with the Inverness Girls College for their take on it."

"I see."

Tammy left Joan in the sitting room and went upstairs to knock on Angela's door. She waited until there was a quiet "come in" before pushing the door open.

"Hi Tammy."

"Hi sis, did you get hold of Suzie?"

"Yeah, I just came off the phone."

"What did she say?"

"That she was a late bloomer so used chicken fillets until she was eighteen."

"So you're no different?"

"I suppose so, it's not that I have anything to show yet?"

"It will come, did mum try to get you an appointment for Whitsun?"

"Yes, got one for the Wednesday of that week."

"So you might get your prescription that day?"

"I might."

"Hey, be positive!"

"Sure, sis. Who's this guy who's arriving later?"

"Dave Brown."

"Who is he?"

"He's an old boy of St Andrews and he knows the Jenny who Suzie works for."

"Oh, is he a spook too?"

"I don't know, I was told he worked for the Home Office."

"I'll have to let Suzie know."

"You can't."

"Why not?"

"She could lose her job if the wrong person heard it, then I would lose my work placement."

"Just because I called her?"

"Yes." Tammy hadn't intended it to be so melodramatic but decided she had to do something before Angela made a bad mistake. "I'll ask Mr Brown to explain it to you later."


Tammy went to shower and dress before dinner. Whilst it wasn't a formal dinner party, Richard and Joan wanted to make the right impression. Once Tammy was dressing, opting for a long frock, her phone pinged.

He's a softie, but don't try to hug him! Heather

Richard arrived with Dave Brown around six after several meetings and reunions at the school. In total four old boys had made the trek North but there were only three guest rooms available, hence the official reason for asking the Smarts to look after one of them.

Dinner followed at six thirty and a few glasses of wine accompanied the food. Cathy had stayed to cook, assisted by Leanne but both were promised Sunday off.

After the meal, Dave asked Tammy if they could go somewhere to talk? She led him into the study, taking their wine with them. He put an envelope upside down on the desk.

"Now, Tammy, what have you been told about me?"

"Your professional history or that you're really a softie?" She smiled sweetly.

"I see Heather has been in touch."

"I couldn't possibly say?"

"Okay, now the first thing here is that you told me something without being asked."


"Shall we try it again? What have you been told about me?"

"That you're a St Andrews old boy and you've recently retired from the Home Office."

"That's better, no embellishment and only information that can be verified through public sources."

"So I'm not declaring any special access?"

"Correct, it's one thing to know confidential information but something else entirely to admit to knowing it, or even to hint. That, I believe, is your problem."

"Which is?"

"You like to tease."

"Do I?"

"Yes, and you just did it again, perhaps it's subconscious but it's there. If you can use it effectively it can be a great defence but it would also give an enemy or at least a potential opponent an advantage."

"So I need to be more aware of what I'm doing and saying?"

"Yes, but not so it sounds artificial or false."

"I understand."

"The other aspect is your body language, in my view other people can read much from it. It seems to vary from confrontational to self righteous to vulnerable, all in the space of a minute or two."

"I didn't realise."

"Plainly. The good news is that you're acting much like any eighteen year old girl, despite ...."

"Despite not having been born a girl?"

"Yes, and you're not the first natural looking transgendered person I have dealt with."

"Who's the other?"

"That's not for me to say. Anyway, when people look at you they see an eighteen year old girl, that much is fine. What can be damaging is when you become over-confident and are dying to say something, your body language betrays you and leaves you open to challenge."

"What can I do?"

"Work out what your approach is going to be and stick to it, unless circumstances dictate otherwise. Don't give anything away unless you have no alternative but be prepared for the consequences if you do. Also, don't ask for anything you can't have, there are laws and regulations to safeguard the public from abuse of powers by government servants."

"I don't know what the limits are?"

"We won't do that today, as we have plenty of time over the weekend. What I do want to do is check your security arrangements."

"Okay, I think?"

"Good, question whether I am in my rights or am I abusing my position? Remember, I'm retired."

"Right, on whose authority?"

He picked up the envelope he'd brought in and extracted a sheet from it. It was a letter on Security Service headed paper conferring Dave Brown with authority to conduct a security audit of the Smart and Small household at Dunbankin, Thurso. Tammy read down, there was a telephone number to call to verify the letter.

She opened the safe, withdrew the encryption card and put it in the phone before dialling the number given.

"Hello, Finance."

"Hello, this is Tamara Smart, I'm calling...."



"Yes! Hang on, Jenny's glaring at me. What did you want?"

"To confirm that Dave Brown is here with the authority to conduct an audit?"

"I'm told that he does. You've got my number now, when are you coming here?"

"Sorry Suzie, I can't tell you."

"Bah! It's okay, I was put up to this."

"I guessed, speak later? Hadn't you better go home?"

"Now you've called, yes we can!"


Tammy put the phone down.

"That was horrible! I was set up!"

"Yes you were, Miss Smart. That kind of thing is going to happen from time to time and you won't have any advance notice."

"How did I do?"

"Thankfully this is a sealed room, but I guess the folk on Orkney might have heard you otherwise."

"Sorry about that."

"As I said, you sound like and act like a girl in her late teens, so the exhilaration wasn't unexpected. So far as the actual conversation went, you correctly side-stepped the question that Suzie posed. She doesn't need to know when you're there. That's one of the main aspects of security, the need to know."

"That reminds me, Angela needs talking to."

"Don't worry, I have a session arranged for each of you, except you get two goes. Now, can you show me what's in the safe?"

Friday 13th March

Tammy drove herself and Dave Brown over to the school in time for breakfast where he joined the senior masters and Tammy went to the sixth form table. Angela was coming into school with her mother a little later.

"Who is he, Tammy?"

"I think he was a student here at the same time as the Head, he's just finished a career in the civil service, apparently."

"I think I'll give him a miss."

"James, they're not here for us, they're speaking to the lower sixth who haven't arranged university places or career paths yet."

"So how come you drove him here?"

"There wasn't enough room in the guest quarters. My Dad's a governor so offered to put him up at our's."

"Oh, I thought there was some other reason?"

"No, just the need for a bed for one of the old boys."

The shutters went up at the servery so the first table, Tammy's, went to grab their food whilst staff served the Head's table. Over the course of the next few minutes each of the tables went to get their breakfast.

The day's announcements were short as there was a full school assembly at eight thirty at which time the day students would also be present. The Head rose before the command to leave the refectory was made.

"You cannot have failed to notice that we have some visitors with us. Each of them was a student at St Andrews in the past and all have a wealth of advice and experience to offer. Whilst they are here primarily for the lower sixth, any year ten or eleven boys who wish to speak to them should make a request through their form tutor. Some of our visitors will be here until tomorrow lunchtime so there is plenty of time. That is all."

The room now dispersed, knowing that they were due in the Main Hall in half an hour. Tammy was walking slowly and the Head caught up with her.

"Did you find last night useful, Miss Smart?"

"Useful, Sir?"

"Having Mr Brown lodging with you."

"Oh yes Sir, we seem to share some interests."

"Good, I'm glad about that. Have you informed Mr Hibbert yet about the ambassadorial position?"

"No, Sir, I felt he should hear it directly. I similarly haven't informed him of his fiancée's application as that should come from her."

"Very good. I will speak to Mr Hibbert later and give him the news. It is subject to ratification at the next Governors' meeting, of course."

"Of course, Sir."

Tammy went to the common room to grab a coffee in the twenty minutes or so they had before the assembly. She was going to warn John that the Head would see him later but realised this would be teasing, as she knew why and couldn't tell. She therefore, wisely, kept quiet. What was truly amazing, however, was that none of the teachers or other staff had commented to Tammy, or John, on their appointments, therefore the rest of the school was completely unaware. Tammy wondered if she was being tested, again?

The assembly took nearly an hour to complete, as each of the guests wanted to address the whole school about their professional history after leaving the school as eighteen year old boys. Amongst the visitors was one from the Diplomatic Service who Tammy remembered from just before the kitchen problem at the school, in mid November of the previous year. That was one of Tom Smart's last days as a boarder, indeed one of Tom Smart's last days as a student at St Andrews. The Diplomat didn't seem to talk about work oversea much except for the seedier areas of certain European cities.

Dave Brown's speech was based on finance, which he admitted wouldn't appeal to everyone; that generated a laugh. It was clear though that few would seek him out. The two others had careers in industry.

Most of first period had gone by the time they left the main hall so Tammy first went to the loo then made a fresh coffee. There was a period of maths to come before mid-morning break, followed by two periods of business studies. The day was to conclude with the Macbeth rehearsal.

Tammy was just hoping that the week would end peacefully as she'd managed without any problems once Monday was out of the way. Signs that this was not to be came halfway through Business Studies when Mrs Adams arrived at the classroom door.

"I've been asked to take Miss Smart to the Head's study."

Mr Carmichael did not appreciate the interruption. "Whatever it is you've done, Miss Smart, get back here quickly."

"Yes Sir."

Tammy decided to take her bag, not knowing how long this would take. Janet, in the meantime, had disappeared.

Tammy arrived at the Head's study a few minutes later and knocked before pushing the door.

"Come in, dear, come in."

"Hello Headmaster, Sir, Mr Brown." With the Head was the Diplomatic guy.

"Sit down Tammy, this is my good friend Jonathan Meach. Thank you Headmaster."

Tammy was now confused as Dave Brown was effectively throwing the Head out of his own study.

"Pleased to meet you Mr Meach."

"Please, it's Jonathan. Now, I'm about as much of a diplomat as Dave here is a Home Office accountant, if you understand me?"

"I believe so, Sir, but with which agency?"

"I'd like you to speculate, Tammy if I may call you that?"

"Certainly, Jonathan. Well my first guess would have been SiS but I'm not convinced I'm right, so I'm guessing it's to do with drugs and you use your diplomatic cover to travel between countries involved in the trafficking of drugs but not those involved in the production itself."

"On what do you base your assessment?"

"During your speech in the main hall you didn't mention the arts, culture or politics of the European cities you have visited, and many were ports not capitals, even then it was red light areas. I recognised some of the street names."

"Very well done, Tammy. Dave was right about you."

"So what really brings you to Thurso? Trawlers running drugs into Caithness through Scrabster and Wick?"

"Right again, are you familiar with the investigation concerning the Police discovery of the huge amount of drugs in the middle of town?"

Tammy laughed. "I own the building."

"It's a clothes shop, you work there sometimes."

"But I own it, the shopkeeper rents the ground floor and I was going to get the first floor rebuilt as a flat, once the police let me have it back."

"I see. Dave, someone didn't do their homework."

"Don't look at me, my lot didn't brief me on this."

Tammy had to giggle. "Am I the only one here who knows what's going on?"

"Tammy, don't tease!"

"Okay Dave, but under the circumstances I think it's fair."

"Granted." Dave wasn't happy but agreed with Tammy, Jonathan took over.

"Anyway, this paints a different picture, doesn't it, Dave?"

"Yes. Tammy, could you get hold of Jennifer for me?"

"It's programmed in my phone."

"Not the one you left with the secretary this morning?"

"Of course not, I wouldn't leave my secure phone anywhere!" Tammy dialled the number, Suzie answered.

"Hi Suzie, it's Tammy. I have someone who needs to talk to Jenny, if she's free."

"Sure, transferring you." Tammy handed over her handset, Dave wandered towards the window as he spoke.

"So Tammy, how are you finding it in a boys school?"

"Remember, I was one of them the last time you were up here."

"My stay was cut short by the great kitchen disaster. What happened to the manager?"

"He was found guilty of hygiene offences and fined, then decided I was at fault so attacked me more than once. His trial comes up soon."

"Remind me not to mess with you, young lady."

"I'm a gentle girl really."

Dave walked back and handed Tammy her phone. "That's agreed in principle, subject to Tammy."

"What's that?"

"We want to setup a formal joint drugs and financial intelligence unit in Caithness but we need premises that are accessible and where we won't get asked questions. I believe the entrance to the flat is around the back?"

"Yes. Are you proposing renting it from me?"

"It would seem that way."

"What about fitting it out?"

"We'll do that."

"We'll need a contract."

"Someone will be in touch, but don't assume they know you, right?"

"What will the name be?"

"Caithness Marine Research."

"Okay, did you know that until a few days ago I was going to offer the flat to two of my best friends."

"Why didn't you?"

"Two reasons, not mixing business and pleasure plus one of them is going to be offered a job at the school that includes the cottage."

"I see, do you have any questions?"

"One, do you try to directly identify candidates for the intelligence services while you're here? With the support of the Head I would also guess?"

Dave looked at Jonathan before replying for both of them.

"It would be pointless to waste such an opportunity, but that doesn't mean we actually do."

"Dave, don't be cruel to the girl. Tammy, you're correct but I think it's only fair to let you know something."

That earned Jonathan a stare from Dave Brown, who then shrugged.

"Tammy, following a suggestion by the Head you were due to have been spoken to last Autumn by one of us but those plans were messed up by the school closure."

"So I would have been offered this intelligence role anyway?"

"No Tammy, if one of us speaks to you it does not mean that you've been accepted, but it does mean that you've been noticed."

"It still seems like my life was predetermined."

"Nobody could have predicted the kitchen problems and how that became the catalyst to changes in your own life?"

"I suppose so. It'll be lunch soon, have you much more to do?"

"No, but we're being treated this afternoon to a production of Macbeth."


"Yes, a Mr Wright from the English Department said he'd arranged it and that everybody was ready to show their acting skills."

"Is either of you armed?"

"No, should we?"

"Because I'd like to murder a teacher right now!"

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