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Part Forty Four
"The Ambassadors"
Monday 9th March (Continued)
Tammy returned to the school library from Mrs Small's office as Joan had to attend the staff meeting that had been called earlier in the day. Unfortunately that also meant that the library became quite busy after the bell for last period as all classes had been cancelled throughout the school. She gathered her books and walked upstairs one floor to the sixth form common room. This, however, was also filling up; although all the boarders would have been allowed to simply go to their rooms, many had chosen not to. Added to them were the day students who were now at a loose end until their transport was ready.
"I wish I could use my car."
"I agree, Tammy, but would you get permission to leave early as it would be unfair on the others?"
"That's one way to look at it, John, but it's equally not fair on me."
"Look, once the exams start we don't have to be here all the time. I'm doing an intensive driving course at Easter and should have a car when I get back."
"If all goes well I'll take my test during the Easter break too, but my instructor is going away."
"Okay, thanks again for helping me this morning, I was surprised to hear all of that though, I mean Tanya had tried to say something about it but I told her not to be silly."
"Not here, John, can we take a walk outside?"
"It's dry out there and there's a hint of Spring, where to?"
"How about The Close?"
The Close was a high walled garden populated by benches around the outside and occasionally served as an open air classroom. There were also a few seats in the centre and the pair headed there, arms linked, thankfully there was no-one else outside.
"I haven't been out here since the Autumn, Tammy."
"I figured it was the only place we couldn't be overheard."
"I guess you want to talk about the secret stuff?"
"Not really, I don't want to talk about any of it, however you've heard one thing and Tanya has heard something else. What she's been told, as well as her sister, is that I have access to things as part of my protection and that telling her any more would put her in danger."
"That's valid, my dad's said much the same to me when I've asked him why he was going to certain places."
"Right, but I've denied having anything to do with MI5 or whoever but unfortunately that's exactly what you heard me say to Mr Thompson earlier."
"He didn't believe you, did he?"
"Not at first but Joan, I mean Mrs Small, kinda convinced him." Thanks mum.
"Even so, it was just a few words and there was no evidence? You hadn't even managed to get my location from that Sophie, whoever she really is?"
"Yeah, but he heard me trying." Tammy's phone vibrated in her bag, she looked around before retrieving it and reading the message.
You're wanted, room 2. Joan
"I thought you handed your phone in?"
"That was another one. I'm needed apparently, they're using one of the classrooms for the staff meeting. If you don't see me again today assume I've been expelled."
"You're kidding?"
"Very possible." Tammy was now making herself quite worried.
"I'll walk back with you."
John squeezed Tammy's hand as they reached room 2, a large wooden panelled room with a glass wall onto the corridor. She opened the door and was met by Joan.
"I see Mr Hibbert found you?" She winked.
"Yes, Mrs Small." Tammy closed the door. She saw the Head at the front, together with her father, waiting for Tammy to give him her attention.
"Miss Smart, please join us." She walked to the front past all of the teachers, most of whom had taught her at some point. She was very self-concious by now.
"I've just been saying to the many staff who were not here on Saturday how the fashion show couldn't have gone ahead without the co-operation of the prefects or without your input in particular."
"Sir, I was pleased to help and I know it will contribute to my coursework."
"Nevertheless, and in spite of certain circumstances, the event passed off without a major issue, I must say that our coverage in the press was superb. Your contribution was to act as a go-between despite never having been involved in events management before. Well done."
"Thank you, Sir."
"Now, one last thing. I have received a proposal which will be put to the governors, many of whom are in this room, that we instigate the title of St Andrews School Ambassador to one or two sixth formers who are about to leave the school. I believe they can help spread the good name of the school and even deal with the press occasionally. I'll recommend we start that process by naming Miss Smart and Mr Hibbert our first Ambassadors. What do we all think?"
There was some murmuring but just about everybody in the room was nodding their approval.
"Thank you Miss Smart, that's all."
"Sir." She curtseyed. Tammy then swiftly, but quietly, left the room. The Head had just given his seal of approval to her, in spite of the trouble she'd already caused that day. She went to find John.
"So you haven't been expelled?" They were in the common room, John spoke just loudly enough to get everyone's attention.
"Not this time."
"You got away with it?"
"They'll never find the body anyway!"
There were a few chuckles around the pair, Angela looked worried.
"What was the real reason? I saw your dad at the front."
"I don't believe it's official so I don't really want to say, but it's good news, I think."
"You weren't told off at all?"
"No, why?"
"I heard a few things."
"Don't believe everything you hear, it might be damaging, as I know too well."
The phone rang in the corner, one of the boys took the call.
"There's an extra minibus into town in five minutes if anyone wants it?"
Five or six, including Tammy and Angela, grabbed bags and coats. Tammy decided she didn't have time to go to her locker to swap her shoes as she needed to collect her phone, but did check her pigeon-hole and retrieved a document that was sealed in an envelope. That went into her bag to be read later.
As she walked past room 2 the meeting was in full flight but the blinds had now been dropped, baffling some of the Head's words, although one word "inconsiderate" did escape the room.
Once at the school secretary's office Tammy retrieved her phone from Janet Adams who was waiting.
"Janet, I'm surprised the bus was authorised to go early?"
"It wasn't, I persuaded the driver to do an extra run, he might finish earlier that way!"
"Thanks Mrs Adams." There was another student waiting so Tammy decided that overfamiliarity wasn't advisable right now.
Tammy and Angela were the first drop-off so were indoors in under ten minutes.
"Hello Miss Tammy." This was the new approved greeting.
"Hello Leanne."
"There was some mail for you, Miss, I put it in your room."
"Thank you."
"Would you like a drink?"
"Just some iced water, please."
"For you as well, Miss Angela?"
"Lime cordial please."
Leanne disappeared into the kitchen, whilst the girls went to their rooms. Tammy stripped and walked into her bathroom, switching on the shower. Whilst the water started she checked her breasts. Tammy had been on HRT for three months now, and an increased dose for a month. She was now definitely gaining breast growth. It wouldn't be long before she could dispose of the enhancers, she thought.
The clothing she'd shed had been collected and a long glass of water was waiting on her desk. Tammy decided that a onesie was acceptable wear for the remainder of the day and had just started zipping it up when there was a knock on her door followed immediately by the door swinging open.
"What did the Head say?"
"Can't you wait for me to be decent, please Angela?" The zip had got stuck six inches below the neckline, Tammy was wiggling it up and down to free it, Angela looked on.
"Done it, and I didn't expect to be the star of a show?"
"You've got real boobs." Angela was upset.
"I suppose so but there's not much so far. Don't forget I've been on hormones since December."
"And I can't get them yet, s'not fair."
"I was over eighteen when I got them, although there were pressing reasons. You'll get them in good time, maybe he'll prescribe HRT when you see the Professor next, as you'll be over eighteen then as well?"
"Maybe, but that won't be before Whitsun."
"When is it this year?" The Whit week half-term break wobbles between the last full week of May and the first full week of June.
"The late Spring Bank Holiday is on twenty-fifth of May."
"That should mean we break up the previous Friday for a week?"
"So you might get onto hormones before you leave school?"
"Look, be positive. Have you asked Suzie if she was a late bloomer?"
"I can't ask her that!"
"Of course you can, girls talk about it between themselves."
"I'll call her later, okay?"
"Do it, but also talk to mum about it."
Angela left the room so Tammy first picked up the envelope she'd found in her pigeon-hole. Inside was a job description for the job of welfare assistant, working to the Staff and Student Welfare Manager. The summary said:
The Welfare Assistant will be expected to support the Welfare Manager and Senior Leadership Team with health, social and pastoral issues affecting all students at St Andrews. Given that female boarders should be joining St Andrews in the Autumn of 2015 this role is open to females only but this would require the Welfare Assistant to be available on call. A male role will be advertised separately. Accommodation would be provided on site and would suit someone undertaking part-time degree studies in health or welfare. Applicants should be prepared to start on the Sixth of July 2015 subject to clearance.
Tammy scanned the sheet and emailed it to Tanya. She had a "thank you" reply a few minutes later followed by a phone call.
"Is this for real?"
"Yes, Tanya. I had this direct from the Headmaster."
"They want me?"
"Yes, you get the cottage too."
"Both of us?"
"I thought we were going to ask you if we could have the flat about Sarah's shop?"
"This is a much better idea, plus the Police haven't released it back to me yet so it's possible it wouldn't be ready by the time John finishes school."
"What do I do?"
"Read the sheet I sent you, everything's on there. Do you have a CV prepared?"
"No, not an up-to-date one."
"Put one together and email it to me, I'll check it for you. You'll also need to find your offer letter from the university."
"Sure, what did you say to John?"
"I didn't, this is your choice to make."
"Thanks Tammy, thanks for being a good friend."
"That's okay, but please get that CV written!"
"Yes, boss!"
"One more thing please."
"What's that?"
"Can you get me the dress code, particularly the make-up and jewellery rules for your school?"
"Sure, but I think it's on the website, I'll email a link when I find it."
Tammy's phone pinged as she hung up.
Call us. Heather
She took her glass of water down to the study and let herself in, after setting the 'Occupied' sign. A minute later the safe was open and the secure phone was dialling.
"Hi Tammy, you're home."
"Yes, slightly early finish today but I think time is slipping away."
"It does that, anyway we have an update for you."
"I believe Dave Brown is seeing you on Friday?"
"Yes, how do you know?"
"He used to be my boss, Jenny replaced him last year."
"I was told he was an old boy at St Andrews and worked for the Home Office."
"He is an old boy and Home Office was his cover. Anyway, I'm sure he'll talk to you and tell you what's appropriate, the thing to remember is that he knows just about everything about you."
"Don't be worried. One of his jobs is to give you a good briefing on personal security and then to identify any other training you need. I don't think we can wait until the end of June, do you?"
"No, I'm making mistakes right now."
"Your Head has been in touch with Dave and mentioned you seemed unguided, like a missile that's lost its target."
"That's a little over the top?"
"But largely accurate. Your call to Sophie this morning proves it, you don't know what your limits should be."
"Perhaps I shouldn't be doing this?"
"Look Tammy, you're still a teenager with all of the issues associated with that, including school, plus being transgendered. That's a heavy load to carry, even before we burdened you with this opportunity."
"So I should drop it?"
"Did I say that? No, you're struggling a bit but much of that is our fault as we handed you tools without an instruction manual. Let's give you some support and back off on any requests for a few weeks."
"That doesn't mean we won't be talking to you as you should still keep your eyes and ears open and report anything appropriate."
"I can manage that."
"Good, because there are some worrying things going on."
"Like what?"
"This holiday your driving instructor booked?"
"To Vienna? Strange that she didn't ask me anything about the city when I said I'd been there?"
"That's because they're flying to Budapest first, and her husband hasn't booked any leave yet."
"Does he have to? It's almost a month away."
"Yes, in the real world people have to book leave months ahead. You'll learn that when you leave school."
"So what do you want me to do?"
"Just keep your eyes and ears open, as I said. Don't go asking questions, let the information come to you, that way you can't be accused of investigating."
"Or spying?"
"Exactly. Self-preservation is key here, even at the expense of intelligence. A blown intelligence officer is no use in the future and a waste of investment."
"How did you learn?"
"The hard way, by making mistakes and by listening to people who knew what they were talking about. I'll tell you more when we're together, promise."
"Look after yourself please Tammy, and don't take risks."
"I will, thanks Heather. Bye."
Tammy disabled the phone and locked the safe before leaving the study. She walked almost straight into Joan.
"Can we have a word, Tammy?"
"Sure." She held the door open and walked back into the study, Joan followed."
"Firstly, I had no idea the Head was going to do that this afternoon."
"Which bit?"
"The Ambassador role, but it makes sense."
"Because John and I will still be in the area?"
"Yes, so you'll be available."
"There was more though, wasn't there?"
"Yes, the Head stamped on a few there who don't like you, but did it so it didn't look like favouritism."
"By including John?"
"Exactly. He then had a right go at all of the staff who went offsite on Saturday."
"I know."
"You weren't in there for that bit of the meeting."
"The Head and I had a private meeting earlier in the day."
"I see. Did he mention the job vacancy?"
"Did you speak to Tanya?"
"How did she take it?"
"Like all of her Christmases came at the same time. Why didn't you tell her?"
"As I would be her manager that wouldn't be right."
"Where is it being advertised?"
"In the Thurso Echo on Friday plus the Scotsman on Saturday."
"Not through an agency?"
"No, we want to control the process. Did you say anything to John?"
"Good. How did your chat in here go?"
"It was okay, I've confirmed this Dave Brown is a spook and that he will be giving me a security briefing."
"The Head suggested he stayed here instead of at the school, once I've checked with your father we'll confirm the arrangements."
"Heather said that the Head knew what was going on."
"By implication you might also suspect that Elsie knows Mr Brown?"
"I hadn't thought of that, but Dr McIntosh has only been Head for about twenty years."
"True but he was a St Andrews old boy himself, as was his father. They lived in the McPherson house as did Elsie when she wasn't away at school. One thing though, then the house was called the McIntosh house."
"I didn't know that."
"Having access to the pupil records can be educational itself, not that I would do that!"
"I don't suppose you spotted any of my teachers in there as well?"
"One or two but I really would be breaking a confidentiality agreement if I said anything about them, for now at least."
"Okay, going back to Tanya and John, I was going to offer them the flat."
"I know, and I think it's a good thing that you won't be their landlord."
"So what do I do?"
"I'm the wrong person to ask, but I reckon your father will suggest you use an agency so you don't deal personally with the tenants."
"That sounds sensible. Now, what about Angela's birthday?"
"What about it?"
"I've bought her a few bits but what are we going to do?"
"Elsie invited all of us over for dinner. Don't forget that you're both busy on Saturday, plus your driving lesson on Sunday, so we can't go anywhere. Angela and I will have a break at Easter, it's only a few weeks away. She'll have some money to spend by then."
"How's the legal stuff going?"
"My solicitor phoned me half an hour ago, she should have the fatal inquiry report tomorrow and Police Scotland have agreed terms."
"What are those?"
"It's based on lost earnings as well as compensation. It helped that Angela was under eighteen too, but they didn't admit liability."
"Even so."
"We have to be prepared for begging letters when that news reaches certain people, so your dad's trying to sort out some scanning of the mail. Angela's security also needs to be improved."
"Damn, no chance of a normal life then?"
"None, and you need to practice your curtseying."
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Friends in High Places
It appears as if those around Tammy are more connected than I thought.
Usually I don't like serial stories, as I want it all RIGHT NOW!! I find myself checking BC at least once a day, hoping to satisfy my Tammy fix. If you don't post an update at least every other day I go into withdrawal. Very enjoyable series! Keep up the good work!!
"Damn, no chance of a normal life then?"
giggles. Doesn't look that way ...
Is our girl levelling out a bit more in this episode, she is actually being quite reasonable and had an actual conversation with Angela who I would love to hear more about, how she is growing into girliness etc. I have a nasty feeling she could go into reverse
That's More Like Our Girl
Tammy behaved very sensibly and maturely in dealing with the events in this chapter. Heather gave her some good advice and also admitted that her organisation was responsible for some of Tammy's predicaments by "giving her the tools without an instruction manual".
The "holiday" to Vienna is beginning to smell like a fish past its use-by date.
If Tammy was destined to have a normal life we wouldn't have a story, would we?
a great series
Shiraz I really like this series . you write well and I'm excited for the next installment
quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall
Tammy could say "so many
Tammy could say "so many issues and so little time", as that seems to be what has been ruling her life recently. As she and John get closer to graduation and she will be entering "the real world"; it hopefully will get better for her especially as she will be getting some very necessary and required training. "Winging it" just doesn't cut it a lot of times, cause then you feel like you are walking across a tightrope juggling a bunch of balls. Janice Lynn
I got my Tammy fix today!
Looks like our girl is finally going to get a little basic training in how to handle or avoid delicate situations!
Maybe a little backup besides?
She is being held accountable to too many people who are abusing their authority.
Still TMI
While Tammy believes she is doing the right thing in telling those close to her to not talk about anything they've overheard her say, or has been told, she's still telling them bits and pieces that should not have been said. Any reference to any agency she may or may not be associated with should never be mentioned. No one should have found out about her clearance or its level. Her only answer should have been to say the less known, the better. Or, I'm not at liberty to say. And if pressed, I'll get back to you.
The world she'll be entering is not the real world in any way she understands the real world. This is a whole different world, a world where the smallest bit of information acquired can get a person killed.
Tanya's previous actions could lead a person to believe Tanya isn't mature enough to hold the position being advertised. She has trouble keeping important information to herself, and that job will require sensitive information not be divulged. If Tanya gets the job, she better grow up and grow up fast.
Joan is sort of a mystery, in that she seems to know what Tammy is doing in the study and/or who she spoke to. Why? How does she get the information? And should she be talking to Tammy about what occurs in the study? She really doesn't have a need to know, despite her soon becoming Tammy's step-mom. Joan may think she needs to know, but others would disagree.
Others have feelings too.
Preliminary training - at last!
It's taken them long enough, but with Tammy effectively being an active agent already, they've finally realised it might be a good idea to give her some form of basic training before induction officially takes place in June...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!