Don’t Blame Me I’m A Martian-34

Don’t Blame Me I’m A Martian-34

Chapter 34


It’s been days maybe a week it’s hard with everything that they have us going through with the noises and the lights and anything and everything to try and to keep me off center to tell time, to keep in sync with my bodies clock.

But it doesn’t matter.

Little by little I’ve been working at doing things, like building a Kaltra.

A kaltra is like a kata in martial arts but for the mind, for my people and it’s getting things linked together and lined up. First thing is first and that’s been scaring them unnerving them and getting them to hit my cell doors, to react. I’ve been studying them, learning how they move, the length of strides and the reach of their arms and how fast they turn and react.

That’s all memory now.

Next has been the hardest and that’s been building up my physical reserves. They don’t feed me too much but I’ve been slowing my metabolism down more and more and tricking my body into going into fat saving mode. It’s not much really but it’s all that I have.

And feeling out the drugs and the gasses that they use and getting rid of what it does…not getting it out of my system but embracing it and learning the full extent of the effects of the things that they are using.

So I can block them out and override them…mind over matter.

And lastly is my meditations…breathing cross-legged and staring at then as I’ve been hitting the floor.

Unnerving them, but way more important is casting my energy out with the hits, sending out with each of the vibrations and using them to move things, move tiny little things….making them go further and further until I can…

Learning to even do it is most of it and then being able to focus my feelings on touching them and turning them hours and hours every day of me just hitting the floor from lights on to lights out.

I don’t know what they’ve been doing to Stevie but she is my bonded and I know where they are.

I’m coming Stevie

I wait until it’s after feeding time and they slide the TV dinner in. Well it’s plastic and plastic and there’s no utensils so I eat with my hands. I’ll need the food and the energy and while I seem to be engrossed in eating they do what most humans do when faced with the routine.

They assume it will be a continuing state of things.

I eat and then I rest…breathe, breathe and flip my internal switches, boost up my metabolism make it go into overdrive and then trip my adrenals.

I’m at the door in a flash and I hear the guards yelling “Hey! Back away from the door!, Back the fuck away from the door!”

Then someone hits the gas button.

I ignore it and I hit the door and the wall and then the door and then the wall…each strike creating vibrations that I can feel in my fingertips…grab it, ride them…feel the movements…push them…you pictured this in your mind a million times Serra.

I could cry if I wasn’t so wired when the tumblers slip and move and the lock…unlocks.

I push the door open and they open fire and it’s guard three and five and I take a really good guess as to how they’ll move and fire and I slip to the side of the door.

Three is slower.

The gas is making a good smoke screen.

“Did we get him? Did we get him!?” That’s guard number five.

I count the rounds and they’re really fast shooters and they’re likely military but they still need to change clips and when I hear the slide of the clip releasing I move.

I’m Tuan… so picture learning mental control of your body, to override pain and anything else and take the human body to its mechanical utmost, we’re only limited by will.

The willpower to use our empathic natures to enforce the feelings onto our own selves. And yes it requires a lot of hard training it’s just not a natural power that we have.

I step in and the first thing is several sharp blows to the head to him and a triple Jeet kune do snap kick set to the head of five and it’s not going to hurt them with the helmets that they’re wearing but with my strength…well yes hurt, stunned and with very much likely whiplash from the blows.

I grab three and turn and I use him as a shield as guards one, two and four are firing at me and then.

I pop three’s arm out of the socket and break his wrist in a turn and he let’s go of his gun and I have it now.

And my hand eye is better than theirs, my nerve conduction is better than theirs and like I said I know how they move.

They’re down before the other alarm goes off with the people that are watching my guards. I keep up my speed stripping gear and vests and taking things ID cards, knives, all of the guns…and yes I can only use two at a time but honestly it’s going to be easier to just drop two spent guns and pull two ready ones.

I take all of the clips and their wallets too…I’m already on the move running and pooling the cash and the drivers licences into one wallet.

Yes I want to have a chance to know who they are, if I can know who they are then I can maybe or the others maybe can figure out who exactly they’re working for.

This really could be government or corporate of both.

I can’t take the elevators.

So the stair?

No, the elevators it is.

I feel them before they round the corner, these ones aren’t wearing the electromagnetic shielding helmets. I literally can feel their adrenaline and their combat instincts roaring through them and it’s like a beacon.

I toss a snap baton. I touch the whole area with the reaction they all should have when something is tossed around a corner. ~Grenade! ~

They react based on that burst of feeling, they simply have too much training and experiences not to heed the action blended with the outward empathic burst.

I turn the corner and I open fire moving fast as I can and shooting for their heads, they’re wearing vests but not helmets. I would not like to kill them but every soldier or agent that I take down is another one that can’t pursue us.

I’ve killed before.

I grab some more ammo and one had an H&K MP-5 and I take that too and I head for the elevators.

There’s a ding of awareness and I look up and start to shoot out the cameras as I’m going. “Dammit I should have thought of that.”

I feel and surprise a staffer. He’s a suit and not in the agent way so I use one of the tasers I have really sparking him out before he even had a clue who I was or that he was in danger and then I’m there at the elevators.

Brrt, Brrt…I take out two more cameras and I hit the button.

Then I force the doors.

I shouldn’t be able too, these are security styled doors and it would take a pry bar and tow very strong men to open these with the force they’ve built them to stay closed but I’m really strong right now and I have a combat knife.

The guard on it’s the key, slip it in and don’t pry it with the blade. It’d just snap off like that and I use the guard of the knife to push against the side of the door to protect my fingers just enough to get my hands in there and it takes a lot of will but I force them open enough to slip through.

I breaths a little once I’m on the other side of those doors and I reach out and feel.

Stevie’s upstairs.

And there’s an elevator coming down very fast with a whole dozen agents in full combat gear and armor too. They have orders now to kill…I can feel it.

There’s this second that they come and I drop off and they stop at my floor I was just on and it’s a close thing between the drop…freefall down the shaft and grabbing the undercarriage.

There’s a…there’s the distinct smell of wood and glue with the grease…it has a plywood floor.


I’m recovering from another healing; they keep brining me different people and most of them I don’t really know not being too well versed in politics. Some of them I sort of get to know while I’m healing them and that’s sometimes not a good thing.

Some of these men.

And it’s almost always men.

Well they’re lewd and they’re vile.

The things that I have seen, and it just ever so seems that with money and I mean unseemly amounts of wealth comes this vile almost disconnect with the rest of humanity.

Then add in some of the Zealots.

And I don’t do broken bones either I fight and heal diseases.

They fill these people with drugs that will boost the immune system, young new blood transfuse from what feels like children…and vitamins and IV’s and all of the very best and then I’m set to work.

I’m a healer and there is a karmic, an ethical imperative for me to use my abilities to help someone.

I’m not helping these men of that though I am helping the others that they have here as hostages. I’m not sure where they are but they are here and they’re…well we’re actually a private hospital.

With a facility above it and well with a facility there’s hostages…not that I’d do that.

But to be allowed to heal kids and people that don’t have a chance?

That’s why I heal and treat as best I can these sick old men.

Like that Romney fellow from yesterday. I think he was a governor up in one of the New England states or something?

See I use my Shuan powers and my empathy is more linked to the healing and sensory and perceptive sides of the mind and soul so what I do is I link with my patient and I go deep until I find the center of their sickness and then I feel out the center of their health and I slowly use those links to slow the cancer or other disease and to direct the body to fight it better, to fight it in an almost controlled way.

The closest thing would be I sort of make the disease sick and then use the immune system to attack it like a nano-army.

Though I can’t do it at once and I can’t cure all things…I can help, I can help a lot but too far gone is too far gone.

But it’s often a lot of treatments…and it takes a lot of concentration.

I’m drooping and feel like something between a boiled cabbage and hell and I’m drinking a can of that Slimfast like shake stuff when I see the handlers coming in.

They’re in the infectious diseases gear and that’s because it’s been modified to block them from my powers… wire meshed suits and visors so I can’t make eye contact or skin contact so I really can’t do anything and usually they have the batons but this time they have batons and they have pistols.

“What’s going on?”

“Shut up number six and get moving.”

“I have a name.”

“Don’t fucking care! Move cunt!”

I get hit with a jab and shocked…not tasered but very, very much like a cattle prod. I yelp and get moving and I’m being led to the secure sealed elevators to be taken below again and I see Dr. Armbrewster there.

“Doctor.” I try to be cordial as I rub at the place where I was shocked.

“Number Six.”

“I have a name doctor.”

“And we’ve had this discussion before Six.”

“And I was hoping to have it again Herr Doctor.” I smile at him.

“You’ll not be smiling soon Six, the kill order just went out about that Freak Five.”

“Serra? There’s a kill order on Serra?”

He turns and he smiles. “Yes, we’re finally going to be rid of it. Execution for being an enemy combatant. He has no use any longer for us.”

I look at him and the others and then I look back at him. “I thought you said a lie by omission is still a lie Dr. Armbrewster?”

“And what would I be lying about Six?”

I take a side step out of the way as the elevator doors open and Serra’s there wearing a bullet proof vest and those scrubs they make us wear, sweat soaked and covered in blood and grease and all of her muscles are standing out… and there’s bodies in SWAT like armor all around her and she’s got some kind of heavy rifle looking weapon pointed at him.

“You should’ve have said that she was loose Herr Doctor, there’s a world of difference.”

Armbrewster’s head explodes at this range….I drop and cover and it’s really fast and loud and I know that there will be screaming and alarms going off… Then they are going off as Serra dumps half of the gear she has and she pulls the fire alarms…everyone we see as we’re heading out of this area and out into the main part of the hospital grabbing both of us lab coats to cover ourselves with and her buttoning hers up and using another one to wipe off her face.

We’re running out of there as security comes and she screams at them and she points back towards the section we were in.

“He’s in there! he’s in there and he has guns!”

I throw in. “He came up from the freight elevator!”

We both hit the empathic fear push and sell our fear to them.

One of the security guards says. “Go, go! Get the hell out of here!”

We’re running and we actually go into one of the nurses stations like staff would trying to blend with the panic as we are passed by two serious guys in serious looking suits and sunglasses and ear pieces with guns out.

Then we’re out and we’re pushing the “Blending in” with the staff and patients as the fire evac is in progress and we leave the crowd and Serra psi-jacks a car using the feelings of the locking stuff and using her own electrical field to pop the electric locks and then start the car and we pull out.

We get out and onto the road and then the highway.

The GPS says we’re near a place called Ruby Valley, Nevada.

I look over at my Tuan, my beloved. “Where are we going now?”

“West…we head for California and then.”

“Then we look for Dylan?”

Serra looks at me. “First we get lost and then a safe house, and then we have to tell the other’s what’s going on.”

“And Dylan?...” I look out the window as we’re driving. “If they’re going to change then they’ll be going through it soon.”

Serra nods. “We’ll check, one of the hidden elders might have clues.”

I nod and bite my lip.

There’s so much to be scared for and of and right now I just really, really want to get my family back together and get home.

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