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By Susan Brown
Previously …
I punched him on the arm…
‘Ouch, I feel like a battered boy friend. I can just imagine one of your grasping ancestors thumping the Sassenachs with a Claymore and his more intimate enemies with a craftily concealed sgian dubh*. I have a feeling, Chloe McKerrell-McKay, or The Lady Peploe, or even the Marchionesses of God Knows What, that you are harder than you look, but as long as you don’t hit me, I think that I can handle it.’
He rubbed his arm in a rather exaggerated manner and winced bravely. I swear had barely touched him…
‘So you aren’t against still being my boy friend?
‘No, I’ll be brave and still keep you on. By the way, can I have a new Porsche? If I can, I will pay for a new seat for your Pinkie; I can’t be fairer than that!’
I did love this silly man.
I laughed through my tears and soon we were embracing and kissing and…well, enough of that.
And, och aye the noo; the story continues…
After a protracted session of naughty stuff, I finally put him down, as he was turning a bit blue. I didn’t know I had the strength, but enough of that.
Our talk turned to what was going to happen next, for both of us.
‘You know that every woman of a certain age will now be jealous of you and every man will want to get more acquainted with you.’
‘I’m aware of the fact that many people are materialistic. As far as the jealous thing, apart from the money, titles and that fact that I have you, I don’t know what they have got to be jealous about.’
We looked at each other and laughed.
After another bout of tonsil wrestling, my mobile started making noises.
I put my man down and dived into my bag for my phone.
It was Claire Templeton.
‘Hi Claire, wosup?’
‘Pardon, what? Oh sorry to disturb you Ma’am…’
‘Chloe; any more of that Ma’am nonsense and I’ll set the dorgs on you.’
‘You sound rather flippant and breathless Ma…I mean Chloe.’
‘Information is on a need to know basis and you don’t need to know. So what is it? Have I got to go and have tea with the Queen at Balmoral or arrange the hanging of some sheep rustlers?’
His lordship did spend some time there and you will almost certainly be expected to do so in the future.’
‘Regarding crime and punishment issue, I think that you may be overstepping the bounds of your perceived position Chloe.’
‘So I can’t even have people horsewhipped, put in irons and all that stuff? There is a certain wastrel with a fondness of sheep that I would dearly like to arrange some unpleasantness for.’
‘I think I know who you mean and can sympathise, but it would be frowned upon in certain quarters. Now, can you come up to the house tomorrow morning if you have the time? We need to go over a few things.’
‘I think that should be okay. What’s it all about?’
‘Well, nothing to worry about, just admin and things.’
‘That sounds a bit boring.’
‘It is a bit, but unfortunately, it comes with the job.’
‘Och well, noblesse oblige I suppose.’
‘I didn’t know that you spoke Welsh.’
‘Ha ha, very funny. I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon. About two do you?’
‘That will be fine.’
After the usual goodbyes I put the phone back in my bag and turned to Alistair.
‘Well, it looks like this Lady of the Manor stuff is going to keep you busy.’
‘Yes, I don’t like the sound of this admin stuff she was going on about, but I suppose I must do my duty.’
‘Never mind, I’m sure that there will be enough time in your busy schedule to enjoy yourself a bit.’
‘Only if you are there, my sweet.’ I replied, batting my eyelashes, hopefully provocatively.
‘I think that I might arrange my timetable to be available for anything that involves having a good time. Something in your eye, Chloe?’
‘I’ll have to practice my lovemaking techniques.’ I thought.
Although we were supposed to meet up that night, Alistair had forgotten that he had already agreed to go to some rotary club do, that sounded more boring than watching paint dry. He was going to cancel and go out with me, but to be honest, I was a bit tired after all that had happened and would welcome an early night. So we agreed to see each other for lunch the next day and after a coe-turling…I mean toe-curling kiss, we parted and I decided to have an early night.
Auntie was in the hall when I got back and wanted to know all the whys, wherefores’ and other things regarding my movements that day. Considering that I had seen her just wee while before, she should have remembered, but her brain wasn’t always all there and she tended to forget things other than juicy bits of gossip. Knowing as I did, that she was a member of the secretive and yet effective Muckle rumour-mongering ring, I told her very little, because the things that she did seem to remember were the things I didn’t want her to know about.
I knew that I would have to move out and soon and it seemed obvious to me that I would have to live in the big house. I had wanted to live the little cottage down by the sea that was being renovated, but that now looked increasingly unlikely and that was a shame as it was a lovely spot. I came back to the present.
‘I’m having an early night Auntie.’
‘That’s fine Helen, ye need ye beauty sleep.’
‘Erm, right. See you in the morning.’
‘Fine, don’t forget to shut your curtains, there’s a war on, you know.’
‘Right, okay Auntie.’
I went upstairs, wondering if Auntie was taking any medication and was it my business anyway. Then I thought that it was my business and I would ask her the next morning if she was seeing the doctor about her little memory problem.
Although still light outside, I undressed and got into my nightie. Then I closed the curtains and tried to decide what to do. I wasn’t very hungry, but had a stash of biscuits. After making myself some hot chocolate, I lay on my bed and dunked a few shortcakes and settled down for the evening with a good book. Pride and Prej, my favourite.
After an hour, I had read several chapters and ate several biscuits. I was now rather tired so I decided to call it a night. I remembered suddenly that I had an appointment with my local friendly bank manager at ten the next morning. The appointment had been arranged the previous week, as I wanted to change my branch and transfer my details to the local one; much easier if you need to sort out standing orders or direct debits. I could have done it all on line, but mistrusted online banking and preferred to deal with friendly faces.
I awoke the next morning as fresh as a daisy with a hey nonny no on my lips. It was obvious that my early night and a good sleep had restored me and made me feel great. Not normally being a morning person, this surprised me. I usually woke gradually, with some reluctance and like a bear with a sore head. It usually took a power shower, several cups of coffee and a Danish or two to quicken my pulse enough for me to face the day with some equanimity.
The good, clear, Scottish air obviously did positive things to me. Even Auntie’s comments about the length of my skirt and lack of a hat when I left the house, didn’t put a dampener on my good mood.
I arrived at the bank five minutes before my appointment with Mr Marley, the bank manager.
I was asked to sit on a hard seat outside his office by a rather harassed looking lady who I took to be his secretary. It all reminded me of the time that I sat outside the headmaster’s office some years ago. An unpleasant time, as I had just been sent there by my form teacher for farting in class. The fact that it hadn’t been me but Pongy Thomas, sat at the next desk who did the wicked deed, made little difference as I was not believed. It did not help, as Pongy was the class bully and what he said was, according to everyone in our class, the full-unvarnished truth. So I got the blame, as usual and it resulted in a hundred lines of 'I must not break wind in class'.
Anyway, I was kept waiting for twenty minutes before being ushered into the presence of the bank manager.
He didn’t get up when I walked in, but waived vaguely at a chair for me to sit on while he did things on his computer screen.
Eventually he stabbed at the enter key and then looked up.
‘Miss Chloe McKerrell?’
‘Yes, that’s me.’
‘You are here because?’
I didn’t like his attitude, but being brought up polite, I didn’t go for his eyes with my artificially lengthened nails and just smiled and said ‘Yes.’ for some reason.
‘How can I help you?’
He said it as if he had no intention of helping me but was just saying it just for forms sake.
‘I would like to transfer my account to this branch.’
‘Because I live here now.’
He looked at his screen, played Beethoven’s 5th on his keyboard and then looked at me again.
‘I understand that you have changed your name from David to Chloe McKerrell; is that permanent?’
‘Yes it is, although I don’t see the relevance…’
‘Just making sure that we have the right details. We have a non-discrimination policy at this bank, but we need to ensure that we have the correct information and it helps to know if this change is transitory or permanent.’
‘It is permanent, although there may be a change to my surname shortly.’
He frowned, as if I had said something that was unpleasant.
‘Hmm, please keep us informed of any changes that might be pertinent to your account with us. Now, I see that you have an overdraft with us of one thousand pounds, but the income that you are showing does not warrant this. You had a job in London which paid enough to cover the facility, but looking at your first monthly salary that has just been credited to your account, this falls somewhat short of this amount.’
‘Yes, but…’
He put his hand up to silence me.
‘If I might finish; I regret that we can only allow an overdraft of five hundred pounds. The remainder will either have to be paid back or converted into a loan...
‘And what if I didn’t agree with that?’
He looked at me pityingly.
‘Then, I regret that we will have to call in the facility and we would have to insist on you paying the full amount owing plus administration fees, of course.’
I looked at him. He was the sort of smug, self-righteous wanna-be, jobs-worth that I hated with every fibre of my being. I could feel myself getting hot and I was finding it hard not to throw the large paperweight sitting on his desk at him...
‘Excuse me.’ I said politely, putting a lid on my emotions with some difficulty.
I pulled out my mobile and rang Claire.
‘I’m busy. I really don’t have the time to wait…’ remarked the manager, self-importantly.
I held up my hand, much the same way as he did with me a few moments before.
‘Hi Claire, sorry to trouble you. Where does the estate do their banking? I thought so. I’ll ring you back later.’
I looked at the manager.
‘So,’ I said, ‘you do not feel that you can let me keep the overdraft as it is?’
‘I have checked with the credit agencies and…’
‘Excuse me, aren’t you supposed to ask my permission before you do that?’
‘When you signed the agreement for the overdraft, there would have been a clause stating that from time to time we can check your creditworthiness in order for us to help you.’
‘Or refuse to help?’
‘We have the fiscal responsibility not to give loans to people who cannot afford to repay them.’
‘Is that why the banks failed miserably just a few years ago and had to be bailed out by the taxpayer?’
‘Be that as it may, I am sorry, but I have another appointment with an important client in a few moments.’
‘But you were fifteen minutes late for my appointment.’
‘I was unavoidably delayed.’
‘There was nobody here when I came in…’
‘Miss McKerrell, this appointment is now over. I will write to you confirming what we have just discussed…’
He sat back in smug mode and steepled his fingers.
Enough was enough.
‘I wish to close the account, effective tomorrow. This will enable me to go next door and make other arrangements.’
‘Changing accounts is not always an easy matter, especially with your credit rating.’
‘Which is?’
‘I am not at liberty…’
‘I bet you’re not. I repeat I wish to close my account. I am sure that my new bank will make all the arrangements to transfer the accounts.’
‘There is only one account, I believe.’
‘You are mistaken. I rang Claire Templeton up at The Manor. I understand that the Peploe Manor Estate Limited is with your bank?’
‘I am not at liberty to divulge information regarding accounts other than your own.’
I stood up and leaned across his desk.
‘That is good, because all the accounts in the name of Peploe Manor Ltd are to be transferred as soon as possible to your direct competitor, The Scottish Liberal Bank and I wish to inform you that I am, among other titles, Lady Peploe so I have every right to do this as effectively, I am the owner of the company, much of the island and I suspect the very building that we are in now.’
‘But me no buts, Mr Marlow. Your attitude towards me and I suspect other customers is little more than contemptuous. I was going to explain myself and my change of good fortune but you gave me no opportunity to do so. I think that you may have to explain to your superiors why you have let a multi million pound account leave the bank due to your actions. I bid you good day and then you can then have your meeting with your important client.’
With one last look of disgust, I walked out.
I looked neither left or right as I left the building. Before I knew it, I was sitting on a bench looking out to sea.
My heart was thumping and I was close to crying. I wondered where all that had come from. Perhaps I had more steel in me than I thought. Reaction had set in and I started to shake.
I hated bullies of all kinds going back to that bully at school, Pongy Thomas, who made my life a misery. I could imagine that Mr Marley had been like that and still was. I could see by the gleam in his eye that he enjoyed putting me down. Well, I would be surprised if he was still in a job when the bank realised what he had done.
I didn’t like being nasty to anyone. I considered myself to be a nice and considerate person. I wanted my good fortune to be a blessing and not a curse to all those on the island. I just hoped that people like Mr Marley were in the minority.
I had learnt one thing, I wasn’t a pushover and I had a feeling that I would sometimes have to make some harsh decisions if I wanted to achieve good things on the island.
I sighed as I realised that I had to make a phone call and it was one that I wasn’t looking forward to.
I pulled out my phone and quick dialled.
‘Hi Claire. Erm, I have done something that I hope won’t cause problems…’
To Be Continued...

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Chloe's back!
What a hoot! I couldn't stop laughing. So many good lines.
Looks as though Claire has her hands full but clearly will give as good as she gets. Welsh indeed!
And as for meeting with the Queen... !
Now that the Bank Manager has been told the rest of Muckle will know within the next five minutes.
And I still want to know who assaulted Pinkie.
I can't wait for the next chapter.
I hate bullies too
she handled it awesomely, but its not surprising she'd shake afterward
It is going to be interesting
to hear his apology, or that of his replacements.
Let me count the ways ...
She owns the Bank? The Bank next door is owned by the person who slashed Pinkie? This is so delicious!
Thank You.
Lovely, good for her, cant imagine this is going to be a good thing for the bank :)
Is fearr Gaeilge briste, ná Béarla clíste.
Broken Irish is better than clever English.
Years Ago
I had something very similar happen to me. I had a cheque bounced for a two dollar shortfall on my current account because my pay had not been credited when it should have been. I went in to see the bank manager who was very much like the man described by Sue and who was completely disdainful of the bank's actions. Unfortunately for him he had neglected to check that I had quite a large balance in my savings account. I terminated my dealings with that bank on the spot and transferred all my accounts to the bank across the road.
The manager there welcomed me with open arms and told me that he had received a huge boost in his business as a result of his counterpart's attitude to his customers,
Good for her!!! Bullies need to put in their place!!
Girl power, eh?
Or should that be Lady Power... No wonder a reaction set in. Chloe isn't used to getting up on her hind legs it would seem. I'm glad she did, and that she's back on the pages here :)
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."