Mare's Tales 14

Our friends begin their experiments and reasearches to progress their ideas about solving their disabilities. They Have to employ a new maid to help with the domestic side of life whilst they concentrate on their scientific work and
Beverly enjoys some interesting sex with Dot.

Mare's Tales - by: Beverly Taff

Chapter 14.

The following morning was a weekend and we took off in the space wagon
to enjoy some of the beautiful countryside around our new home. We
stopped to watch a hockey match between two girls’ schools and I
caught a wistful expression flashing across Jenny's face.

"Missing it Jen?" I asked softly.

"Oh Yes! Desperately Bev," she replied as a small tear glistened in her

"Never mind love. If we're successful, you’ll be able to outrun anybody
on that field."

I gave her waist a little hug and she rested her head upon my shoulder
for a few minutes. Watching the game had had mixed results. It served
to emphasise to the four how disabled they were but it also helped us
in our resolve to see our project through.

The following week we bought the various animals needed for our
experiments and our work began in earnest. Cynthia and I were absent a
lot whilst attending at Miss Lanes Academy to help Dr James with her
surgery. She was one of the most able surgeons I had ever seen and her
dexterity left me breathless. It was after one particularly difficult
and interesting operation that I broached the subject of microsurgery.
She gave me several pointers towards nerve repair and grafting and her
observations proved invaluable.

"It's going to be very tricky Beverly. It has been done with some
detached limbs that have been reattached and I've had some considerable
success with rearranging my patient’s sexual organs and sensations.
Your friend Veronica was one of my first big successes. I've never
actually heard of anybody deliberately cutting a nerve except to
prevent phantom limb syndrome in amputations or to relieve pain. You
must be contemplating some very unusual work Beverly."

I explained about my ideas to splice two nerves together thus getting
two sensory terminals conducting messages or sensations to and from the

"Well I'm not even sure if that is possible. How could you test that

"The only way I can think of is to do some research on a pair of
conjoined twins."

"Good God! Beverly. Where would you find those and then get them to

I thought for some moments as a nagging idea returned to my mind.

"How about a circus freak show. Any Siamese twins that are prepared to
exploit their malady for profit might be more than willing to help in a
few experiments; for the right amount of money that is."

"Hmmm. It's a thought Beverly. It might be worth a try. I've got a few
contacts in the medical world who might be able to put you in the right

So it was that I found myself in America. In the course of my
researches a pair of Siamese twins had decided that they were tired of
the freak show booth and they wanted to get separated. After some long
discussions with their surgeon and themselves, I was to be allowed to
conduct a few critical ‘before and after’ experiments. Some would be
done whilst they were under anaesthetic and some whilst they were
conscious. The twins were an intelligent interesting pair and they
realised that my researches might one day help others coming after
them. They co-operated fully and I had some excellent results.

I gave the surgeon access to most of my notes and he even published a
paper on the operation. The really important stuff, I kept to myself.
It was too vital. I concluded that some of the nerves in the spinal
chord were in fact, naturally divided and that both twins had
sensations from the same organs that they shared. My micro-surgical
investigations had established that I had definitely only activated one
nerve ending but that both twins had experienced the sensation. This
proved to me that the nerve must have divided somewhere in the spinal
chord above where they were conjoined, thus transmitting messages to
both brains. This being the case, I concluded that if nerves could be
divided then they could be conjoined; ipso facto, spliced.

My next researches required that I find out how these nerves divided
and how the separated nerves then transmitted the signal to separate
brains without an apparent 'loss' of strength. I needed to return to
our labs to discuss these problems with Cye and Jacky. I also needed
some lower grade conjoined animals for lab purposes and foetal
experiments. I had been so busy in America that I returned home without
having visited a single tourist sight.

I did not announce my arrival home. I simply arrived in the middle of
the morning and went straight to the labs to put my problems to Cye and
Jacky. After the shock of seeing me we immediately chatted.

"The best specimens to work with would be 'double headed reptiles'
Bev," offered Cynthia. "They've got a simpler nervous system and they
are much easier to clone. There is a consequent higher proportion of
'double headed’ offspring. My researches are leading me down that route
anyway as I explore various genome maps."

"How is that work coming?" I asked.

"Well it's a huge task as Jacky here will vouch. We are working very
closely. As Jacky locates any likely looking gene I patiently explore
it to see if I can find it on the human or equine chromosome. We've had
some considerable success on the digestive systems of horse, mouse and
man. I reckon I could already breed an omnivorous horse and that is one
huge step to making horse and human compatible. It hasn't been easy Bev
but with Jenny's incredible computer skills we've come a long way in
only the few months that you've been away."

I gave both Cye and Jacky a hug and praised their work.

"You two have been marvellous. This thing really looks as though it
might come off.

"Let's not forget Vee and Jenny in this Bev. They have worked like
Trojans on the computers and every single discovery has had to be
patented and or protected in some way to make sure that what we do is
legal. Veronica always has to be discreet and circumspect when
checking the legal aspect of any discovery. This is in addition to all
the filing, storing and retrieval of all the cross-referenced
information in the computers. She's been a real brick in all aspects of
the clerical and recording work."

I realised that I had been taking Vee's work too much for granted.
Because it was all ‘paperwork’ and 'pen pushing’ I had assumed it was
easy and unimportant. I resolved to give her an extra ‘dose’ of
attention that night in our lovemaking. I left Jacky and Cye to visit
Vee in her offices. I found her busy over the computers and engrossed
in her work.

Silently, I crept up behind her then gently reached around her and
squeezed her breasts. She let out a loud squeak of pleasurable surprise
and nearly fell off her chair. She turned her head and her startled
expression changed to a huge smile as I supported her and prevented her
slipping from her chair.

"Bev! You’re back," she exclaimed deliriously as she stretched her
torso for a kiss.

I met her soft lips and we lingered for several minutes before Jenny
disturbed our pleasures.

"Am I interrupting something then?" she asked.

We had not heard her wheel chair because we had been so engrossed in
our reunion. Without leaving Vee's lips, I glanced sideways and
beckoned Jenny to join us. With one hand I gently lifted her
deliciously soft light torso and placed her on my knee as we hugged and
kissed in a tight emotional huddle. After we had made our feelings
abundantly clear, I rather spoilt the fun by getting straight down to

"Right Vee, how is the whole enterprise progressing?"

Veronica turned to her desk again and tapped a few keys with the
artificial claws attached to her stumps. I held Jenny 'akimbo' on my
hip as we studied the screen and Vee explained the state of play.

"So far, we don't seem to have transgressed any legal boundaries and,
the more I research the legal aspects, the more I feel we won't have
to. If what Cye and Jacky tell me is true, we won't have to use any
human foetal material at all for experiments. We will have to use our
own genetic material later though but it shouldn't be a legal problem.
Jacky has already taken numerous swabs and samples from us all, and
each with our full consent.

"Well that's good news Vee. How are the other arrangements going?"

"Well all the legal and building arrangements have been finally tidied
up, so that's about all I- Oh! No. There is one small other thing.
We've had to employ a maid." Vee noted my surprised expression and
hurriedly continued before I had time to interrupt.

"Yes, I knew you'd be a little upset by this development but it really
was necessary. We are too busy to waste time with domestic chores.
There’s no risk to our security. I contacted Miss Lane and she
recommended Dorothy's daughter from the academy. Apparently she has
been a pupil at the school and she's progressed very well. Miss Lane
assured me that she would be totally discreet and not divulge any
secrets about what we are doing here.

I have to admit. She is an excellent maid and she's been very well
trained. She's a wonderful seamstress and housekeeper. The house is
spotless and the meals are excellent but she doesn't care to come over
to the labs much. This suites us perfectly. It's nearly lunch time,
shall we go and meet her?"

I nodded and replaced Jenny in her wheelchair as we rejoined Cye and
Jacky at the table in the big house.

Here I met our new maid for the first time and we hit it off right from
the start. Veronica and Miss Lane had chosen well. We called her Dot
for short because she was named after her own mum Dorothy and she was
everything Vee claimed she was. She enjoyed it at the big house and
enthusiastically carried out all her duties.

After Dot had laid the table and spread out the buffet lunch, she
joined us as an equal and dined with us. It seemed a little incongruous
to have Dot seated with us in her short frilly maids outfit but it was
a pattern that the others had established whilst I was in America and I
decided to let it ride. Dot was relieved that I hadn't raised any
objections for she had been nervous about my return - despite Vee's
assurances that I was not a dragon. I invited Dot to sit on the other
side of Jenny so that she could help me feed her. She had been doing
this in my absence and proved to be well adapted to Jenny's needs. By
this she proved to be an able carer.

"You seem well accustomed to Jenny's habits Dot," I observed.

"Yes Miss Beverly," she replied, "I've been doing it during your stay
in America. Miss Veronica suggested I help with this task. I hope that
you don't object Ma-am."

"No. Not at all Dot. Another pair of willing hands is always welcome
around here. Heaven knows there’s enough work for us all around here.
Veronica was quite correct to take on some extra help and you're most
welcome. How do you find it after Miss Lanes?"

Dot lowered her eyes and blushed deep scarlet before speaking softly.

"The discipline is a lot less severe around here."

"Discipline! Here?" I almost shouted with surprise, "What discipline?"

Dot smiled and giggled.

"Only teasing Miss Beverly. It's lovely here and I'm very very happy."

"I relaxed and laughed along with the others over the joke at my

As the laughter subsided I spoke cautiously.

"The only discipline needed hear is self -discipline to keep everything
secret. Let's not forget that."

The conversation then covered our researches before we resumed work.

The midday meal was usually a buffet to accommodate the varied comings
and goings as our researches took their courses. The evening meal
however, became an important time for exchanging ideas when we
discussed any problems or advances or failures. It became a very
rewarding time as we shared disappointments or successes.

That first evening home from America, I couldn't help but notice the
frilly provocative outfit that Dot wore. As she bent over the table,
her short maid’s dress rose up to expose her smooth stockings and soft
slender young thighs. Her suspenders disappeared up under her flimsy
panties and over the delicious curve of her bum. Jenny caught me
looking and smiled. She waited until Dot had taken some dishes to the
kitchen before speaking.

"Delightful isn't she. I really wish I had my dick when she bends over
like that."

"I surreptitiously adjusted my tightening body shaper and pressed my
erection against the edge of the table."

Vee noticed the bulge under my pencil skirt and smiled knowingly.

"Go on Bev. None of us mind. She's only eighteen but she's all women,
as all of us have found out. We've all been with her and she’s
excellent company but there's something missing. We suspect its one of

She nodded knowingly at the disgraceful bulge in my skirt front and the
others smiled as I tried to 'hide' it. Jacky tapped the remaining dirty
plates and spoke.

"Take these into the kitchen and offer to help her. It's very late and
she'll be happy to accept your offer."

The others nodded and smiled as my organ hardened and nudged the table
edge. I took up the offer and stood to collect the remaining plates. My
cock was now rock hard and I had some small difficulty walking. I held
the plates close to my waist as I entered the kitchen simply to hide
the indecent bulge. There was no hiding my condition though. My nipples
were stiff and erect under my blouse as they thrust against the soft
Lycra cups of the body shaper. I had taken off the jacket of my
business suit and all my telltale signs were clearly visible.

Dot was bent over the sink exposing everything she had to offer. I
carefully placed the dirty dishes on the worktop and took a tea towel
to dry the washed dishes. Dot had laid out the best china to celebrate
my return and they were too fine for the dishwasher. We spent a
friendly half hour washing and drying dishes as we got to know each

The little minx had not missed my roving eye or the bulge under my
skirt. I was convinced that she had deliberately allowed the washing up
water to splash against her uniform and my blouse. My excited nipples
were plain to see through the wet silk fabric and even her nipples were
noticeable through the black satin of her uniform against the wet white
cotton of her apron bib. She 'accidentally' dropped the dishcloth and
brushed her cheek against the bulge of my skirt as she bent down to
pick it up. I let out a little gasp and jerked unconsciously as she let
her face linger against the front of my skirt before getting up again.

At first, I gripped the edge of the sink but she soon made her feelings
known. A knowledgeable hand reached up under my skirt and fiddled with
the poppers of my body crotch. I felt my rigid organ spring free and
create an obscene bulge, which I self-consciously tried to disguise by
pressing it against the sink. Dot was too skilful for this and she
gently twisted me round to face her. I found my bulge lodged against
the satiny frills of her uniform hem as she led my hand around the back
of her maid’s outfit. I felt the buttons and automatically started
freeing them as her crotch pressed hard against my bulge. As the
buttons came free my hands wandered down the soft curving spine to her
deliciously curved rump. Her satiny outfit slipped down like a
fluttering shroud, to reveal her creamy breasts in their lacy cups and
her panties and suspenders. My fingers probed down into the hot cleft
of her bum then under the waist of her panties to the already damp
hidden treasure. Dot gave a little sigh, gripped my roving hand, and
took me through into the utility room.

"Come on then," she whispered urgently, "I know that you are ready and
you're the only one here that can please me properly."

She squirmed her panty-encased treasure against the bulge in my skirt
as she deftly unzipped the side fastening. My skirt slid easily down my
slip to settle in a crumpled puddle on the floor. Dot pretended to be
the ever-attentive maid as she bent down to recovers my skirt. Again,
she pressed her bum cheeks against my organ as it thrust manfully
against the diaphanous silky fabric of my slip. The feel of the peachy
cheeks rubbing against my silk imprisoned organ caused me to udder with
anticipatory delight. I bent down to slip her panties down over the
luscious lobes of her bum but she stopped me as she unbuttoned my
blouse then slid my blouse and slip of my shoulders.

I was now left standing in nothing but my unclipped body-shaper and
stockings as I finally managed to remove her panties. Gently she eased
the body shaper over my shoulders and carefully cupped my aching
breasts as they rubbed against the stretchy Lycra.

I was now naked but for my suspenders and stockings whilst she had
nothing but bra, suspenders and stockings. Dot bent down and collected
all the scattered garments, folded them into a neat pile and tucked
them under her arm. She smiled self-consciously, pressed a finger to my
lips, and then gently tugged me by my rigid organ towards the spin-
dryer. After arranging the clothes neatly on the worktop she turned to
face me and hitched her self up on to the spin dryer. Her delicious
inviting sex was now at exactly the same height as the root of my
desperately stiff erection and her eyes gleamed with lust as she
reached out to grasp the purple swollen prize.

I let out a little squeak of delight as she gradually drew my organ
towards the hot wet target of her very existence. As my naked breasts
brushed against her bra, I slid my hands around her slender back and
released the clips. With practised ease, I slid it off her shoulders
and our touching breasts and nipples sent a spark of lust crackling
down our bodies to our loins. Dot gave off little mewling whimpers as
she carefully eased my titanic weapon into her craving maw. With each
wriggle of her hips and twitch of my bum we gently filled her needs
with my desires. Finally, she grunted with satisfaction as my pubis
ground against the stiff little core of her delights.

Dot then did a strange thing. She started rearranging the linen around
her into tidy piles. With my cock lodged as deep as it could go I
watched puzzled as she twisted and swivelled to reach the piles of
linen and tidy them. As she leaned and stretched she sent strange
little twitches along her love tube to excite my cock. It was like a
little ritual with her. The word 'ritual' suddenly clicked in my mind.
This was part of some training ritual that had been imprinted on her
mind at Miss Lanes.

'Of Course!' I realised. 'Dot was unable to enjoy her orgasms until
everything around her was neat and tidy.'

I recalled her urgency to complete the washing up and leave the kitchen
completely tidy and it all fell into place.

'What a perfect little maid,’ I thought, 'tidiness before sex.' It was
a behaviour pattern locked into her psyche by some clever psychotherapy
developed at Miss Lanes. I reflected ruefully that it was probably all
tied up with the cruel regime of discipline and punishment that I knew
still prevailed there. Poor Dot had to have everything clean and neat
or tidy before enjoying sex. As she finished the last batch of folding
I felt her physically relax again and she turned to smile at me. I
nodded at the neat piles and looked questioningly into her eyes as our
breasts and nipples gently brushed together. A small tear came to her
eye as she nodded an affirmative to my unspoken question.

"Miss Lanes." She wept as her head settled sadly on my shoulder and her
long soft hair brushed over our breasts.

"I know my darling. We've all been through it. It's all right now
though, you're among friends. You don't have to do anything you don't
want to. Do you want me to stop?"

"Oh no!" she squeaked, "This is lovely."

By way of emphasis she wriggled her bottom some more to try and get my
cock even deeper. It was already as deep as it could go and she only
succeeded in grinding her clitty against my pubis. This was enough however
to open the floodgates of her desire and she settled comfortably onto
him with her long youthful legs locked around my back. As I gently
started to thrust, she reached down and fiddled with the washing
machine controls. Suddenly it went into a spin cycle and started to
vibrate madly.

Dot's soft bottom started to vibrate and wobble in synchronization and
her love tube started to transmit delicious ripples along my cock. She
let out high-pitched squeals of pleasure as her whole being rippled and
vibrated. Her pert young breasts trembled and jiggled the stiff pink
nipples against mine as more shockwaves of delight traveled to my
rapidly approaching climax.

In no time at all an orgasm was boiling through my loins and my semen
was spurting against my ticklish cunny lips. The sensation caused me to
squirm and twitch as the sticky fluid caused my lips to become tacky
and sensitive. My pussy then started to flood its own juices and the
mixture ran onto the tops of my stockings before dripping to the floor.
Dot now started to thrash and writhe as a splendid orgasm coursed
through her body. Her sopping cunny left its telltales on the top of
the spin-dryer as her bum slipped and slid around on the accelerating
maelstrom of pleasure.

Her stiff nipples pressed hard against mine and I felt her frantic
heartbeat thumping away as it pounded its rhythm under her breasts.
She let out a deep groan of relief, as her final climax rumbled
through her core and crashed like a thunderstorm in her tortured brain.
Her body thrashed and shook in paroxysms of uncontrollable ecstasy, as
her jaw became slack and her eyes blank. With a final wail, she
collapsed against me and we remained locked together for several
minutes as our exhausted bodies recovered.

"That was wonderful Bev," she whispered in my ear, "it's the first time
that I've had someone with a proper prick all to my self -in my own
time- and in private."

She gently arched her hips forward to allow me so slide my softening
cock out then she stretched her long soft youthful legs to the floor.

"I understand Dot. I never had a completely spontaneous and free love
match until the five of us left Miss Lanes. There was always the threat
of one of the mistresses or staff interrupting it."

Dot squeezed against me and kissed me softly on my lips. She then set
about tidying up the mess again. She knelt down and gently kissed my
cock as she softly wiped the insides of my thighs. I took her hand and
pulled her up to my lips again.

"I know how they programmed you Dot. But there really is no need to
clean up directly after making love. It takes some of the edge off the

Dot shook her head resignedly as she slipped from my grasp.

"It's no good Beverly. I simply have to do it. I- it's as though I'm
having a multiple orgasm. There's no way I can explain it. You'd never
understand. I just have to do it. I'm sorry."

I looked down sadly as she wiped the mess off the floor and thought
about all the wild lovemaking that we five 'girls' had enjoyed on the
big bed- the state of the sheets when we fell asleep. It would have
given Dot nightmares of frustration if she had tried to tidy the bed
after every bout of lovemaking.

Miss Lane’s academy had done its job well. Dot was the ideal maid for
any sort of mistress or master. She always had to keep the place clean
so this made her a good housekeeper.

She always wanted to tidy up immediately afterwards, this meant no
'evidence' if a master took advantage whilst the mistress of the house
wasn't looking. She was bi-sexual so ideally suited for mistress or
master. Finally she had to do it in the privacy of a place where she
could clean up immediately afterwards, either her own room or a another
room where a mistress or master could leave straight afterwards thus
avoiding any deep emotional entanglements from any 'pillow talk’ after

I had to concede it to Miss Lane; she created a perfect maid-available,
discreet and no emotional ties. I shuddered to think however, what deep
emotional scarring had been done to poor Dot’s psyche.

"Have you been with the other girls all together?" I asked.

"No it's all but impossible for me to enjoy love in a bed because I'm
always thinking of the sheets and untidiness as I thrash around. I
invariably enjoy my sex down here in the privacy of my own domain. I
subconsciously know that I'm achieving something as I bounce around on
the spin-dryer or bend over the sink."

I felt a wave of deep sympathy for poor Dot. This was the best solution
she could manage to compensate for the cruel sexual imprinting enforced
at Miss Lanes.

"Well you're always welcome to join us all on the big bed. I'm afraid
it would take several years of skilful counselling to free you from the
mental trap of your sexual fixation."

"I'm not really sure that I really want to be cured anyway Miss
Beverly. If my fixation were 'cured' as you put it, I would no longer
connect tidiness and sex together. I would cease to enjoy my maid’s
work. At present I sometimes enjoy a secret orgasm if I simply rub a
floor brush handle against my clitty whilst sweeping the floor. If I
was 'cured' as you put it, I wouldn't be good for anything else. I've
got no other qualifications like you ladies."

I realised the subtle and cruel techniques that the academy used to
lock pupils into their life rolls after school. It was just like the
Jesuit philosophy- Give us the child and you can have the man. It was a
well-proven and clever technique that ensured the maids loyalty to
their mistresses for the rest of their sexually active lives.

"Are you happy here then?" I asked.

"Oh Gosh! Yes! It's wonderful. I often speak with other maids on the
grapevine and we all know who the cruel mistresses are."

"Mmm, yes," I agreed knowingly, "And I suppose Miss Lane does as well."

"Probably," agreed Dot, "she usually sends boy-girls to them."

"Are they preconditioned like you?"

"Usually, yes."

I smiled inwardly. I had been lucky that Dr James had discovered my
hermaphrodism and that she had been so happy for it to assist her with
her researches. I had since learned that there had been only one other
known true human case of bilateral hermaphrodism and even that one had
not born children.

I was unique in having both genders functioning in the same body and
having successfully procreated my own children. It had been a miracle
for Dr James and for me. Dot smiled and reached forward to unclip
my suspender belt.

"I'll take these," she smiled as she gently worked the stockings down
my legs. I shuddered with pleasure as her soft fingers caressed the
insides of my legs. Her lips brushed softly along my flaccid organ
and she looked up as I gently stroked her hair.

"I'll put these in the laundry basket and you'd better have a shower. "
She gently grasped my organ and whispered in my ear. "I know he's
lovely to play with but he looks awfully untidy. I'd prefer to see him
washed and folded neatly away into some panties."

I giggled at her suggestion, there was some truth to her observation.
He did look distinctly incongruous with his swollen purple head and
thick veiny shank hanging down in front of my soft pink rounded thighs.
Even my soft golden downy hair could not disguise his purposeful power
and potential. I self-consciously adopted the natural female posture
with one leg crossed in front of the other. This of course served only
to thrust my organ outwards. The only way I could disguise him was to
tuck him backwards into my vagina. The only problem then was that my
cunny lips became excited as they were opened and he became horny
again. It was all right if I had satiated him and he simply developed a
'lazy lob'.

Then he would nestle comfortably up inside my love tube and gently
caress the soft velvety lining. After sex with Dot I was now in this
condition of satiation and pretty sure that he wouldn't become stiff
until I went to bed with the girls. I gently took Dot’s hand and
demonstrated how he could be tucked backwards into my pussy. Her eyes
nearly popped out as she watched my disappearing trick and then copied
it. Her hands lingered around my cunny lips as she explored and groped
all the secret parts that nestled in my crotch.

"The girls did mention this, but I couldn't be sure exactly how you
were made until I had a look. You've got no balls though."

"I have, but they are now tucked away deep inside my abdomen. They
don't get in the way when I tuck him into her like that."

Dot giggled as she repeated the trick one more time.

"And it doesn't hurt at all?"

"Nope. It makes perfect transition I can even get away with it on the
beach. There's no bulge at all. Nice and neat as you prefer it. There
are no balls to be crushed at all."

Dot gently nuzzled her lips into my crotch then carefully tugged him
out again with her teeth. I gave a little shudder of nervousness as I
felt her teeth. He was flaccid so my female psyche took over and I
unconsciously spread my thighs. This demonstration of trust pleased Dot
and she cleverly tucked him back into my cunny using just her teeth and
lips. If I had been erect and she had taken him in her teeth my
reactions would have been one of nervous panic. I explained this to

"When he's hard I feel like a boy but when he's soft I feel femme.
Consequently I feel femme most of the time and that’s why I live as a

I gently caressed Dot’s hair as she made a final inspection to satisfy
her curiosity. My body was always a mystery to anybody when they first
came across me so I was quite resigned to their curiosity, especially
if we became intimate.

"It's true then that you can make yourself pregnant."

"Yes, quite true. Not only can but did. It was when I reached puberty
and my hormones were all up the creek. Dr James couldn’t get the
contraceptive dosage right and I fell pregnant to myself with twins.
You'll meet them during the holidays."

"Mmmm! I'd like that. Boy and girl aren't they?"

I paused for a moment. We had no idea how Bernard was going to turn
out. He was wearing a blue ribbon at Miss Lanes. I hesitated then
realised that Dot was bound to find out sooner or later. It may as well
be now.

"My son Bernard is probably like me, a bilateral hermaphrodite. My
little daughter is a real lady a little poppet."

"That's fantastic. Gosh it must be fabulous to experience both kinds of
sex,” she added enviously.

"Not always my love. Believe me there are plenty of complications.
Come on I’ll have to get ready for bed. The others are probably waiting
for me up there now. Are you going to join us? I'll help you clean up
here first."

I felt a little sorry for Dot and her need to leave everything clean.
I helped her tidy up then we slipped into the downstairs shower and
washed each other. After we had dried each other down she went to the
clean linen drawers and got me a clean teddy whilst she dug out one of
her basques and some stockings. She studied my crotch and admired the
way my bulge was so cleverly disposed of.

"Gosh Bev, your transition is perfect."

I had to admit that Dr James had done a good job and I felt little or
no discomfort whatever underwear I had on unless I got horny. With our
hands around each other’s waists and our hips pressing sexily together
we used the stairs instead of the big lift.

Vee, Jenny, Cye and Jacky were all lying on the huge bed neatly attired
in their frilly night teddies. I noticed their immediate interest in my
crotch and the flickers of disappointment at the total lack of a bulge
in my teddy. Dot noticed it also and she glanced at me guiltily. She
knelt on the bed with her bum towards me and 'presented' her delectable
rump and naked crotch for my perusal.

The soft ripe curves and youthful limbs encased in nylon and framed by
the frilly hem of her basque soon started my engines again. I fidgeted
with my teddy crotch as my organ responded and a rustle of anticipation
whispered over the satin sheets as the girls detected my reaction.
Within minutes our randy sextet was beavering away as passions took
over. We had started the night early but it was well into the small
hours before we all finally fell asleep. My homecoming had been
especially nice and I had honoured my commitment to show my thanks to
Vee for her hard work on the legal front. I fell asleep with a clear
conscience and didn't wake up until mid morning. I found my self-alone
in the bed with the bedclothes tucked in neatly around me. Jet lag had
caught up with me and the others had let me lie in.

My awaking had alerted Dot who appeared with a breakfast tray as I was
washing. I smiled at her and we sat on the bed together as she played
mother and poured the tea.

"This is a little luxury I could learn to enjoy," I giggled.

"I didn’t realise how hard I worked helping the others all the time.
You'll prove to be a godsend. Veronica was very astute to employ a

Dot studied me for a few seconds before nervously broaching a subject.

"I I’d like you to think of me more as a friend than a simple domestic.
You would be the first real friend I've ever had."

I thought back about my time at Miss Lanes and realised that not all
the pupils had had such a good time as me. I realised that Miss Lane
and Dr James had recognised the potential of the five of us and allowed
us to go much our own ways. Some of the ‘girls’ had suffered severe
discipline all the days of their school lives. I gave a little shudder
as I tried to contemplate what poor Dot might have endured. She spotted
my shudder as my breasts wobbled and she reached out to me.

"What's the matter? Are you cold?"

"No Dot my darling. I was just thinking about Miss Lanes."

Dot made a face, which said it all. It was obvious that she did not
want to talk about her school days. I realised that it could not have
been easy being the child of one of the staff. It would have been a
heaven sent opportunity for any really unhappy children to get back at
the academy. As I finished my breakfast Dot took the tray and returned
with my underwear. She was now fully familiar with my underwear and
started to fit my cache-sex. I usually wore one to ensure that I didn't
develop any unruly bulges whilst out in public but I hadn’t intended
wearing one today.

"I don't think that will be necessary today Dot. I'll only be working
in the lab in a loose tee shirt and leggings. I won't be going anywhere
in public."

"I was just thinking about your excellent transition ma-am. It's a pity
to spoil it by letting it get out of control. I think it's a good habit
to get into if you always want to look and feel fashionable and

I thought about this for a moment and conceded that Dot might have a
point. Her passion for tidiness also translated into a concern for
appearances. My appearance was a reflection on her care. It would be
unfair on her if I became slovenly. My preoccupation with my work had
caused me to become uncaring to some extent about my appearance.

"Very well then Dot, you have a point. I'm never sure if I'm to attend
some sort of business meeting at short notice. I'll wear it. But not
too tight mind!"

A little smile of satisfaction flicked across her lips as she bent
down. She gently slipped it around my loins and lingered, -a little too
long I thought- around my groin as she tied it back. She then slipped
my bra on and slowly caressed my breasts as she moulded them into my
cups. I was definitely getting aroused as she slowly drew the stockings
up my legs and clipped them to the suspender belt around my waist. She
then lifted my arms and fitted a body - blouse over my shoulders. The
fiddling of her fingers with the hooks and eyes in my crotch did
nothing for my peace of mind. I gave a little twitch and spoke.

"D- don't be too naughty now Dot. I've got to keep my mind on my
researches during the day you know. I've got a lot of work to get
through. L- lets keep this sort of ‘dressing’ for evenings, weekends
and special occasions, O.K?"

"Yes Miss, very well Miss."

Dot gave a little courtesy and proceeded to zip up my pleated skirt. I
reconciled my self to the fact that Dot didn't really approve of
leggings and I wasn't going to get much opportunity to enjoy the
freedom and comfort of them. She then took a hairbrush and started to
brush my long flowing hair. It was long time since I had enjoyed the
soft intimacy of this attention and I relaxed blissfully as Dot gently
drew the brush through my tresses. It was one of the most relaxing
sensations and I almost went into a trance as I let her take complete
control of my morning toilet. A few light touches of make-up were added
and I stepped into comfortable pair of low-heeled court shoes- ready to
face the afternoon.

"Thank you Dot, that was wonderful. It's something that I have missed
for years; being really pampered like that."

I bent to give her a peck on the cheek but she threw her arms around me
and hugged me gently.

"It's me that should be thanking you Miss Beverly. I'm really happy
here. It's such a lovely old house and such wonderful girls to care
for. Thank you once again."

We parted company, me to the labs and Dot to her kitchens. I had some
loose ends to finish before picking up the next part of my research
jigsaw. These were completed satisfactorily and I soon plunged into the
next stage. This was to develop techniques in microsurgery for cutting
and splicing nerve tissue so that it could heal and resume transmitting
nerve pulses. The big problem proved to be getting the nerve tissue to
regenerate after any surgical procedures.

I had some ideas involving retinoic acids and these were to be my first
angle of attack. Cynthia had already prepared some low-grade laboratory
animals during my stay in America and we commenced our researches on

I reached the lab later that afternoon to find Cye busy preparing a
small squid. Squids were excellent creatures for researching nerve

"How's it going Cye?" I asked.

"Well I've chosen this one because of its type and size. It's only
about a foot long and it's got a well-defined nervous system going down
the central core. They are about the same thickness as human nerves;
good for practice but easy to handle on the lab worktop."

Cynthia and I then set about our work. It was weeks before we had
completed our first tentative steps then we had to wait see if our work
was successful. It was and we were the proud possessors of a squid with
eleven working tentacles. He didn't seem bothered by it and employed
his extra appendage with equal dexterity.

The strange thing was that the extra tentacle developed reproductive
organs and it mated successfully with another. This proved to be an
intriguing deviation but more importantly, Jacky discovered some
important aspects of genetic linking and coding from it.

This facilitated several useful short cuts in the lower order genome
mapping. It was uncanny how many times an unexpected development
produced interesting results for Jacky and Jenny to spring off.

As we slowly plodded up the higher orders of animals our skills
improved and our nerve repair surgery became second to none. We still
hit problems though and often had to return to basics to find the
solutions. Fortunately Jacky’s encyclopaedic knowledge of cell genetics
and Jenny’s statistical analytical skills usually proved equal to the
problem. Within a few more months we had reached work on the higher

One cold winter’s morn a quintet of hopeful girls gathered around an
anaesthetised dog as it recovered from its operation. We waited to see
if our handiwork was successful. We had grafted an extra tail on the
dog to see if it could wag both tails. Our efforts had a mixed success.
The nerves transmitted a weakened signal to both tails and they seemed
to suffer some slight paralysis. It was as if the signal was divided
and weakened as it traveled along the nerve pathways.

The dog awoke to find itself with two tails and it whimpered nervously
at the strange apparition waving at its rear. It did however manage to
wag the tails independently and this proved that our microsurgery was
working. Furthermore, it had involved work on the base of the actual
spinal column. This was an important technical step. We all smiled as
Jacky formulated our thoughts.

"Well we're nearly there except that the signals seem to divide and
weaken." I shook my head.

"That's not good enough. We are going to have to find ways of boosting
the signals, probably at the junctions of the nerves."

"We should be able to do that by modifying the enzymes and proteins
that coat the nerves. If we can create a metabolism that supplies
sugars to the nerve coatings at the actual graft they should be able to
reverse the signal attenuation."

I looked hard at Jacky as the concept struggled in my brain.

"Good god Jacky that would be almost tantamount to a small mini brain
at each graft. Like the old dinosaur hip brains."

Jacky shook her head.

"It's not that complicated Bev. I've done some researches into this and
I think it will only take a few neurones to achieve it. A lot less than
the ganglia you find in insects."

I raised my eyebrows with surprise but had to accept Jacky’s opinion.
She was far further down that road in anticipation of our needs. Cye
also looked surprised at Jacky’s opinion and voiced her thoughts.

"Well, if what you say is true Jacky. Then our work is well on course."
A fricassee of anticipation fluttered through the group and we all
smiled at each other. It was time for a thought busting session. We
usually did this in the dining room in the evening but this was too
important to delay.

Cye hitched herself onto a worktop and her stumps swung freely under
her short skirt as she spoke.

"Those ganglia boosters are also going to have to work as dampers to
reduce signal strength when two sensory nerves are joined. If not then
maybe the single nerve could be overloaded when conveying messages to
the brain."

"That shouldn't be a problem," opined Jacky. "The only problem is to
organise an accurate test to see if the correct information is reaching
the brain."

"Hmmm, that would require predictable behavioural responses from a
sentient animal. An ape or some animal we know would respond as
predicted and trained," answered Cye.

"So the only way is to do the work on a higher animal with a discreet
sensory or motor nerve terminal and then identify the responses to
determine that the right effects have been produced," I pondered.

Jenny now displayed her brilliance once again. She often recognised
numerous aspects of the problem and plunged straight to the core of a
solution. This was another of her flashes of genius.

"Well the animal has got to be horse then because that's the final
animal we shall be dealing with when we conclude these researches.
It's also a trained animal so we have predictable responses and
expected results. The trick is to decide what responses are the best
and how to create the right response."

We all sat quietly as our gears ground away in our heads. Jenny clicked
her fingers.

"As I see it, the problem is deciding which is the best single
individual nerve to work on."

"Correct," I agreed.

"Well the best nerve would be the auricular nerve in the ear. If we
cross over the auricular nerves we can see if the horse turns its head
the wrong way when it hears a noise and is properly blinkered. What's
more, the auricular and retinal nerves seem most responsive to small
treatments of retinoic acid and vitamin A treatments. That would seem
to be the logical path, particularly if we are going to have to start
practising microsurgery on the larger higher mammals"

We looked at Jenny with admiration. She had solved about four problems
with one controllable experiment. After some more discussions we
resolved to conduct this experiment as soon as possible.

After agreeing the strategy, Cye and I had a lot of reading to do to
revise our knowledge of the hearing systems of the horse. I had to
revise my microsurgery and Cye to revise her veterinary knowledge of
the horse's head to share the scalpel work. After two weeks we had done
the operation and it simply remained to see if the horse’s behaviour
was as expected. To our immense relief and satisfaction, it was. If we
approached the blinkered animal from the left it naturally turned its
head to the right and vice versa. When we took the animals blinkers
off, it became quite distressed as eyes and ears conveyed contradictory
information to its brain. Cye watched the animal as it circled
confusedly around the paddock.

"She will be very distressed for a few days, but the brain will
readjust itself and within a matter of months it will have relearned to
hear 'properly'. She'll soon get over it. Like a stroke victim learning
to re-use other parts of the brain to recover old skills."

So ended the first stage of our investigations. Cye was proved right.

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