By Melanie E.
"Daddy daddy look at what I drew!"
Eric leaned down and picked up his little bundle of joy in one arm, laughing as he did so. "Whatcha got today sport?" He asked, unable to suppress a grin at the look of disgust on his child's face over the pet name, a look that disappeared almost immediately as their eyes lit up and they started waving a piece of paper in their hand.
"I drew us and momma up in heaven," his little angel said, brandishing their work of art proudly. To some, these might only seem to be the scribblings of a three year old, but to Eric, they were the greatest works of art in the world.
There was something odd about this one, though.
"JD, why are you wearing a dress in the picture?"
"Because I wanna be pretty like momma was," JD said, their blue eyes shining with tears.
Eric knew he should say something. This wasn't right! How could he let his child grow up like this? And he knew just what to do.
Eric set his child down then crossed to the fridge, using the time it took to hang up the newest work of art to try and calm his nerves concerning what he knew he had to do next.
His child stood still, innocent, waiting for words from their father.
"Do you want a dress of your own?"
JD's squeal of happiness and rushing hug was all the support Eric needed to know he'd made the right call.
NOTES: Just something short I came up with today. Hope y'all like it!
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Very Cute
This is very cute :)
Short, Sweet
and full of hearts.
Peace, love, Freedom, Happiness
Hugs tmf
That Was Very Nice
What a wonderful father he is!
If only all parents could be
If only all parents could be this understanding and accepting.
Thanks everyone for the words of support so far!
It was just one of those little things that popped into my head so I opened a blank doc and put it down :P
I'm glad people like it, though. It seems that more and more in the world there ARE parents like this, and in my book that's a great thing.
Melanie E.
Melanie I am glad that is
Melanie I am glad that is changing. When I exhibited girlish tendencies it was tried to be discouraged by the males around me. My mother occasionally would buy me dolls and toy stoves which of course would disappear after a while. lol.
My childhood was a mixed bag
That's to be expected of any deviance from white-baptist-sexually-repressed-racially-insensitive-country-boy in the south though.
I really don't have the greatest opinion of my home region.
Melanie E.
"Do you want a dress of your own?"
now THAT'S a good daddy
Allergy Season
It must be allergy season.
Wait, I don't have allergies.
But my eyes are all watery and my nose wants to run, and for some inexplicable reason I find my breathing coming in sobs.
Couldn't be what I'm reading, could it?
Thank you. Very sweet.
Oh God sis!
You've got me bawling! How I wish my father could have only seen the truth and dealt with it as correctly.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Yes it's a nice little story, but...
It's a very nice little story, but I'm going to offer some very picky criticism [Everyone else: Boo! Spoilsport!] I don't like the way you're using 'they' and 'their' to refer to the child, plural pronoun for singular. I can see why you're doing it - to avoid revealing JD's gender. In some contexts 'they' can be used to mean 'he or she', unfortunately it doesn't work here. In the first paragraph it's actually confusing as you think for a moment that it refers to JD and Eric. Elsewhere it's merely tremendously awkward.
I don't know what the solution is; I wouldn't want you to use some artificial pronoun like 'hir'. I don't want to discount the emotion everyone's feeling - this genuinely is a super little story. But I feel you do need to revise this.
That wasn't too picky at all
And I agree on the wording feeling awkward: this was less than fifteen minutes' work, and I didn't want to agonize over it too much. If I do something more with this in the future I'll try to fix it, but I really couldn't come up with a better idea for how to emphasize the father caring about who his child was, not what sex they were.
Melanie E.
If We're Voting
Please put me down for an "aye". I like "they". The first time I saw you use it I stumbled, and then said, "That's exactly how I feel."
I'm not a petite person. I was a fullback on my high school football team. (A fullback is a large, faster player who carries the ball when he isn't knocking over people for other fast runners who are usually smaller, not like the defender-fullback in that other football game.) Yet, I've always been ME, or as you so wonderfully put it "THEY".
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Really nice
This is a very nice little story. Just sad mommy can't be around to help.
Others have feelings too.