Runway | Chapter 39:

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Chapter 39

by Arecee

The day after New Year found Brenda back at her desk fielding calls about Tiffany. Everyone wanted her, clothing designers and the networks were all calling. She was to become a star.

Melissa finally dragged her sorry ass through the door with an obvious hangover.

“Are there any calls?” she asked.

“About fifty and they’re all about Tiffany. I don’t think anyone in the business hasn’t called,” Brenda said.

“Give me the numbers and I’ll see if I can find the energy to call them.”

Brenda handed Melissa the paper message slips and she snatched them from her hand.

“Melissa, I need to talk to you and I don’t want to wait until later,” Brenda said.

“Brenda, I feel like hell right now. Can’t it wait?” Melissa asked.

“No, it can’t.”

“All right, come in my office.”

Brenda followed Melissa into her office and closed the door.

“Melissa, you promised me that I wouldn’t have to have sex with Donald on our date so I agreed to go. After the play he demanded that I do something with him, and that wasn’t part of the deal.”

“What did you have to do to him?” Melissa asked.

“I had to suck him off.”

“Did he pay you anything extra?”

“Yes, I wasn’t going to do it for free,” Brenda said.

“Good, never give it away. I’m sorry he didn’t say anything to me about sex, but I’m glad you kept him happy.”

“What if he was a cop? I would have been arrested for prostitution. I really need some assurances from your friend before I do this again.”

“Are you saying you’ll continue as long as he talks to you?”

“Yes, but not until then,” Brenda said.

“Was it hard for you to do?” Melissa asked.

“You were right, it does become easier, it’s just part of the job, I worry about going to jail more than doing it, so please talk to your friend,” Brenda said.

“I’ll call him right away. Maybe he’ll see you tonight,” Melissa said.

“Thanks,” Brenda said and left the room.

Brenda wondered why she kept getting herself in deeper. She should have said that she would only see Preston and that was all, but now she had as much said that she would be a full time escort if she met with Melissa’s friend. How stupid could she be?

Melissa called her friend and to talk.

“Hi, it’s me. I need you to talk to Brenda. She’s worried that she might go to jail for what she’s doing. I want you to see her tonight and tell her not to worry. She’s starting to become more comfortable with the sex part of the job and I don’t want her to change her mind. She’s going to be a real money maker. I just wish she would use more drugs. I hate having to give her so much money,” Melissa said.

There was a pause and the she said. “Good, I’ll let her know.”

Melissa walked to her office door and opened it.

“Brenda, my friend will be here at six to talk to you, so don’t go anywhere after work,” Melissa said.

“Yes Melissa,” Brenda answered.

Brenda was wearing a blouse and a short skirt, the blouse was unbuttoned enough to show some cleavage. She was proud of the handy work the doctors had performed on her, and hate to completely cover them.

Melissa’s boyfriend entered the office at six sharp and smiled at Brenda. He was a tall man in his late forties, but very handsome. Brenda could see why Melissa was drawn to the man. He had a certain look when you saw him, almost like a tiger waiting to mate with his pride. He was scary and yet something drew Brenda to him.

“You must be Brenda,” he said, “I’m Arnold Bratton, Melissa asked me to come and see you.”

Arnold extended his hand and Brenda placed hers in his, it was almost as though she couldn’t resist his magnetic attraction.

“It’s nice to meet you,” she said.

Arnold couldn’t help noticing Brenda’s cleavage. Melissa had nice breasts, but they were rather small. Brenda’s were much nicer and he felt his penis twitch as he looked at her.

“Is Melissa here?” he asked.

“No, she had to go to a show and asked that you meet her there after you’re done talking to me,” Brenda replied.

“We’re alone then,” he said.

“Yes,” she answered. Brenda felt herself becoming uneasy with Arnold’s stares and yet she was being drawn to his animal magnetism. No man had ever affected her this way.

“Let’s go into Melissa’s office where it’s more private,” he said.

Brenda numbly followed him into Melissa’s office like a lamb to slaughter. She felt herself being seduced and he hadn’t even touched her. God, he was sexy.

“Sit next to me on the couch, Brenda. I want to assure you that you are perfectly safe with me and you have nothing to fear.’

Brenda sat on the couch and felt Arnold move next to her until their thighs touched. She could feel the heat radiating from his pant leg as it touched her soft skin. It felt good.

“Brenda, I’ll get straight to the point. Melissa wants me to assure you that nothing is going to happen to you if you keep working as an escort for her and I’ll guarantee that you will be safe,” he said as he softly stroked her arm.

“Are you sure I’ll be safe?” she asked softly as she felt her body yielding to his advances.

“I know you will. I’m her partner and I never let anything happen to our girls, especially to one as special as you,” he said as his hand came to rest on her breast.

Brenda felt his finger touch her nipple and it grew hard. How could this man have seduced her so easily, she wondered as her hand touched his growing penis. This was the first time she had wanted, no needed to have a penis in her mouth. She undid his pants and pulled them down and lowered his underwear. His hand was rubbing her breast softly and she moaned and lowered her head and took his thing in her mouth and made love to it. She was kissing and licking it and took it as far into her mouth as she could worshiping the flesh as she did. Arnold knew how to make love to a woman and he was doing everything to keep Brenda at her highest arousal. He finally came in her mouth and she sucked until there was no more to give. She felt her body tense and then she had her first female orgasm and felt the fire rip through her body as she swallowed his load, Brenda was in lust.

Arnold couldn’t believe what Brenda had just done, it was the best blowjob he had ever had. God, she was good.

“Brenda that was perfect. I know you can do the same for some of our clients, can’t you?” he asked.

“Yes, I will,” she said dreamily.

“That’s my girl, I have to go now, Melissa’s waiting for me, and thank you for a job well done.”

Arnold fixed his pants and left. Brenda wondered what had just happened, she was still in a state of bliss and started to realize what had just occurred. She had had orgasm and it was different from when she was a boy, it was better and she had swallowed. She was conflicted, she should be disgusted with herself, but she felt no shame for what she had done, she almost felt pleased about her performance, Brenda was growing into her role too easily and she might not be able to leave it behind.

Brenda went home and thought about what Arnold had said, he was Melissa’s partner in the escort business, so it only made sense that he must be the supplier of the drugs too. She also wondered if she could trust what he had promised her. He had seduced her in his girlfriend’s office without a second thought. She hadn’t even tried to resist his advances, in fact she had wanted them. What’s wrong with me, she wondered. Am I turning into some kind of sex starved slut? Brenda’s stomach turned at that thought, the bastard knew exactly what he was going to do to me, and I let it happen. Brenda finally knew how low she had gone for the investigation. She had become like the bad guys. This thing had to end, or she might not ever be the nice girl who came to New York, again. She would have to set up a meeting with Bill Cline and plan some sort of strategy.

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Brenda Has Met The Enemy

And he has some sort of power over women it seems. Now we know that it is not Mario. But will Brenda succumb to her base nature or will her love for Mario help her to overcome?
May Your Light Forever Shine

May Your Light Forever Shine

He's got a dark charisma...

and it looks like Brenda's under his spell - she's in soooo deep, I hope she can extricate herself with a sense of dignity...

Good to see that Mario's not involved.... or is he?

When all this goes to court, how will Brenda/Matt's actions be taken into account - she is prostituting herself, which crosses the line - wouldn't that taint her credibility?

He conquers who endures. ~ Persius


If she were the only witness, probably. If there's substantial other evidence, probably not. She'll get ripped up by the defense, of course. But, many times "deep cover" agents don't actually testify. They find the evidence, and identify people, and such.

What's being described as happening to her, is one of the risks of deep cover agents/operatives. They begin to identify with those they are supposed to be working against and/or do the things someone in their role expects them to do. Agents in the mob, have gone much further than Brenda has so far...

Interesting story. I'm finding it fascinating.

I hope they can get some real dirt on this guy & Melissa.

I also hope Mario's NOT still the courier, though he could be... Either wittingly or unwitingly.

Thanks for the enjoyment.


Brenda has to really take

Brenda has to really take care and focus on the investigation. She is very close to really "crossing the line" from undercover investigator to active participant of what the investigation is all about. I noticed a comment regarding how would the courts look at her actions. This was actually taken care of by Bill when he informed Brenda that all of Tiffany's money she got from modeling, etc had to be turned over to the FBI/Government so the same would apply to Brenda for whatever she does or gets. She is performing (no pun intended) as a woman and it would be understood by the prosecution that she had to protect her identity and life and act as natural as other woman would in like circumstances. J-Lynn

Thank you so much

Thank you for all the comments and I'm REALLY glad that most of the readers see this as more than just a TG fiction piece. I wanted this to be a story about two boys, well actually young men that got caught up in the world of crime, and wanted to be agents like they saw on TV. We all know how it started and its come to where it is now, two young people who will have some important decisions to make when this is all over, if they live that long. Thank you all for your comments, Arecee