Runway | Chapters 5 - 8: Learning - The Hard Way!

Synopsis: Having started their assignments, Brenda, and then Tiffany began to discover that not all was well within the Universal Modeling Agency. Trying to begin their surveillance, both soon found, their jobs were no piece of cake...





Chapter 5

Nine AM found Brenda in the offices of Universal Modeling Agency wearing her charcoal gray suit with a knee length skirt, charcoal panty hose and black pumps with four-inch heels. Her makeup was perfect as was her now almost shoulder length hair.

“May I help you?” asked the very pregnant receptionist.

“I’m here to interview for the receptionist job opening,” Brenda smiled.

“Oh, could you please fill out this paperwork? When you are done, Miss Benson will interview you.”

“Thank you,” Brenda said as she took the clipboard from the girl.

Brenda finished filling out the employment form and handed it back to the her. After taking a few moments to quickly scan over Brenda’s completed forms, the receptionist picked up the phone and spoke into it, “Miss Benson, I have a girl interviewing for my job, should I send her in? Thank You.” She hung the phone up. “Miss Benson will see you now. Her office is straight through that door.”

Brenda entered the office and said, “Hello Miss Benson, I’m Brenda Watson and I’m interviewing for the job opening that you listed.”

Brenda was stunned by Melissa Benson’s looks. She now understood why Miss Benson didn’t want to give up modeling. Even at her age; her figure, looks, and beauty still served her well.
The charm and mannerisms Brenda gleamed from this woman as she stood before her desk impressed her greatly.

“A pleasure to meet you Miss Watson, please be seated.”

The interview continued with all the usual questions. Melissa then looked her in the eye and said, “I’m quite satisfied with your credentials and experience. You are more than qualified for this position. Well, this job is yours if you would like. You will find that it is a little different from most receptionist jobs in that we work different hours with many of them being late at night from shows and parties that we attend. If you would like to think about it, I’ll understand. I will, however, need to know of your decision sometime within the next two days so we can have time to look for someone else if need or train our new employee.” Melissa smiled gracefully.

Brenda, without hesitating, exclaimed, “I’ll take the job! It sounds exciting and I can’t wait to start.”

Melissa chuckled, “I like that, a girl who can make quick decisions. We’ll see you in the morning at Eight Brenda.”

“Thank you Miss Benson.”

“Call me Melissa, we’re very informal around here.” They gently shook hands.

Brenda left the agency and returned to her apartment. After resting for a few minutes, she then called her contact’s number.


“May I have Bill Cline Please?”

“Who may I say is calling?”

“Brenda Watson.”

“Bill Cline.”

“Hello Bill. You’re supposed to be my contact for the assignment to uncover an ongoing drug operation at Universal Modeling. I’m sure you were contacted by the Washington office.”

“So finally, we’re starting with this thing? They contacted me three months ago. I wondered when we were going to start. Have you been over to Universal yet?”

“Yes, in fact, I was just hired today. I’ll be starting tomorrow.”

“Super! Just be careful. This group isn’t one to fool around with so watch your back. I understand there are two of you to be working this job. Who is the other girl?”

“Tiffany, but she won’t be here until next week. I’m sure I won’t find anything out for a while yet but, when I do, I’ll be calling.”

“Thanks Brenda, I’ll be waiting to hear from you.”

Brenda lowered the phone until she heard the audible clack as the headset rested in its holder. She began to wonder if this job was going to be as much fun as she thought it would be. Here she was, a man dressed as a woman having to worry about what to wear to work. She was also going to have to be very careful to maintain her role and not be discovered by her employer as an agent. Her body was also changing because of the hormones she was taking - becoming softer and weaker. Most of all, her desire to grow her own breasts scared her. She shouldn’t be feeling this way though. After all, she was a man. Or was she? Brenda slowly traced her fingers around her breasts savoring the sensation. She closed her eyes and lazed in the joy of the feeling when she felt the urgent tickling within each breast achieve a state of excitement. The tightness of her skin as her nipples began to swell finally caused her to reach a conclusive statement about herself. She wanted more! These feelings were almost like a narcotic. She had to have breasts!

“What should I wear tomorrow?” she wondered, “I need to make a good impression! God I wish Jenny was here to help me!” Brenda’s thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a quick knocking on her door.

“Hello? Who is it?” she asked as she pulled her hands away from her chest and stood up.

“It’s Annie sweetheart. I know you haven’t eaten yet. And, I was wondering if you would like to come over and have dinner with me?”

Brenda could hear her stomach growling. She hadn’t had time yet to go to the supermarket. Worse yet, she didn’t know of a good place to eat at yet around here. Brenda cheerily called out, “I’d love to!” as she opened her door. “I was trying to find something to wear. I start my new job tomorrow and I’m so excited!”

“You got the job? That’s wonderful dear! Where is it?”

“In Manhattan, it’s called Universal Modeling Agency. I’m going to be the new receptionist.”

“You should be a model, you know! You’re so cute.”

“You think?” Brenda opened her eyes considering the thought.

“Of course! You just wait. I bet they’ll eventually want you as a model.”

“I’m not tall enough and I’m too fat.”

“My goodness dear you’re not fat at all, look at me, I should lose twenty pounds.”

“I’m fat compared to the models. They’re all skin and bones. And quite honestly, I don’t know how they do it.”

“Well come on now, before dinner gets cold.”

“Okay Annie, and Thank You! I am famished. I haven’t eaten all day.”

“You should eat something, starving yourself isn’t good for you, you’ll get sick.”

“Yes mom,” giggled Brenda.

“I’m sorry. I’m so used to having said the same thing to my boys that I just slipped and overstepped my bounds. I’m dreadfully sorry. I shouldn’t intrude like that.”

“Annie, I don’t mind. Really. I think it’s sweet that you care that much.”

Brenda hadn’t eaten a home cooked meal in months an when Annie opened her front door Brenda’s mouth watered as she smelled the stew Annie had cooked that day.

“Annie that smells wonderful! Please…what is it?”

“Just a simple stew dear. Now sit down, relax and I’ll serve you.”

“Thank you,” said Brenda as Annie placed a bowl of her stew and small plate with some buttermilk biscuits between them.

“Have you decided on what to wear tomorrow?”

“No, not yet. I was hoping you might help me decide later.”

“I would be more than happy to dear. I sort of miss having a daughter. Helping you will be just like having one.”

“Annie, this is simply the best stew I’ve ever eaten!” Brenda stated as she was blowing on another spoonful to cool it off, “I would love to have the recipe.”

“Only if you tell me how you keep so slim,” Annie giggled.

“It’s easy. I just watch what I eat and how much. I would love to have seconds, but I know if I do it’ll go right “from my lips to my hips,” Brenda giggled again as she stood up. “Let me help you with washing the dishes, it’s the least I can do Annie.”

“Don’t be silly girl, I’ll do that after we find something for you to wear tomorrow. Let’s go take a look at what you have and find you something suitable.”

Brenda led Annie to her apartment and the search began. Brenda felt as though she was doing a modeling session by the time she had tried on her seventh outfit, but she was enjoying the bonding that was occurring between her and Annie.

“Brenda, I think you should wear that charcoal suit with the skirt, the pink blouse, those black heels and nude pantyhose. You will look like a conservative businesswoman that’s just a little flirty, perfect for the first day on the job. After you are there for a while and see what everyone else wears and get a feel for more what you would be expected to dress as. People like to see a well dressed woman when they enter a business. The way some women dress these days, leaves me to wonder just what their mother’s taught them. Go ahead and draw yourself a bath and relax. Tomorrow will come soon enough. Have goodnight Brenda.”

Annie gently kissed her cheek.

“Goodnight Annie and thank you so much! I’ll see you tomorrow after I get off of work.”

Annie left and Brenda hung her clothes and drew her bath. Annie was right! A bath was the perfect end to a perfect day! Brenda was reveling in her femininity.

She set her alarm for 5AM so she would have time to dress, do her hair and makeup. She wanted tomorrow to be perfect for her first day on the job.

The alarm sounded exactly at 5. “Arghh!,” was the sound that came from Brenda’s mouth as she rolled over and hit the snooze button. Nine minutes later it buzzed again and she finally realized that she had to get to work. Three hours later Brenda walked into her new employer’s office.

Brenda’s stomach was doing flip-flops as she advanced to the reception desk. “Hi, I’m Brenda Watson. I’m to start a new job here today.”

“Welcome back! And Congratulations! I see you’re early too. My name is Cheryl. And you’re taking my place? I’m so happy Miss Benson finally found someone to replace me. I’m expecting in two weeks and I already feel as though I’m going to explode! It’s so uncomfortable sitting around all day and answering phones like this. Come over here and have a seat. Here are some forms you will need to fill out and then I can train you, come on don’t be shy.”

Brenda liked Cheryl right off, she was straight forward but nice and didn’t mince words. Cheryl handed Brenda the tax forms and the emergency information forms from a folder that had Brenda’s name on it. Cheryl seemed very efficient. Brenda only hoped she would be as good as Cheryl was. It would be a shame if she were to screw up Cheryl’s position even though she was here to observe the coming and going of possible drug dealers. Brenda took the pen and forms and filled them out and returned them to Cheryl.

“Thanks Brenda, now this is how we work the phone system. All the names are on this list. All you have to do is answer the phone with a pleasant greeting, get the person’s name and announce to whomever they wish to speak to that they are on the line. Every once in a while, the person might not want to speak to them so you will have to make up a fib and tell them that the person is busy. I know this looks hard at first, believe me it scared the life out of me the first time I saw the phone, but really, it’s very easy. Watch what I do and then I’ll have you take a try at answering the phone.”

Brenda watched as Cheryl answered the phone and when she finished she handed the ear and mouth piece to Brenda and smiled, “It’s all yours now, girlfriend.”

Brenda took the phone pieces and slipped them over her ear and in front of her mouth.

The phone rang right away.

“Universal modeling, good morning,” Brenda said as a greeting.

“Cheryl? You’re not Cheryl. Oh my God, did she have the baby yet?”

“No ma’m, Cheryl’s training me. I’m Brenda, Cheryl’s replacement. Would you like to speak to her?”

“Yes please. Tell her Jackie is on the line.”

“Hold one moment please,” Brenda muted the call and turned to Cheryl, “There is a woman named Jackie calling for you. Do you want to take the call?”

“Sure! Jackie’s my best friend. I’ll take it over here on extension 43.”

Brenda transferred the call to Cheryl and then studied the list of extensions for the next calls.

The day seemed to go by swiftly with all the new things Brenda was learning. It was hard for her to try to remember everything, so she balanced out what was essential to know and try to also keep an eye peeled for what might be pertinent to the investigation. People seemed to come and go all day long: models, agents and various other people. Cheryl introduced Brenda to each and every one and explained who they were to her. Brenda made mental notes as to who ever seemed to catch her interest. One such person was Ron Strange, the building engineer. Cheryl had informed her that Ron spent a lot of his time everyday on their floor using various schematics and for tracing problems that never seemed to affect anyone and yet never seemed to go away.

“I think he just wants to see the models. What a pervert! He should just ask one out and be done with it.”

“Doesn’t Melissa complain that he comes here everyday?”

“She doesn’t seem to mind. I think maybe she likes him.”

Brenda made note of that fact. She wanted Ron checked out by the FBI.

Brenda finished her day and was dog-tired. All she wanted to do was to get home and collapse. She couldn’t wait for Dirk to start at the agency so he could give her a break. Even though she had been on the job for only one day, trying to investigate and be a girl at the same time was definitely a chore. “A chore.” Brenda giggled as she thought,” best shared with my best friend!”

When Brenda arrived home Annie was waiting,

“How was your first day Brenda?” she asked.

Annie barely knew Brenda and yet she felt like a mother to her. There was something sweet and innocent about Brenda that made Annie want to protect her. Brenda seemed to have never experienced life and she had a general sense of naivety about her. This was, of course, true because Brenda hadn’t, at least not yet, lived life as a girl — until now.

“It went well Annie. The phones were confusing at first, but I think I got the hang of using them now. This job might be fun.”

“Did you eat yet dear?”

“Not yet. I’ll probably fix something for myself a little later.”

“Well, I made some soup today and a little salad to go with it. I have to watch my figure too! You know, why don’t you join me? I’d love to have the company.”

Brenda smiled and caved in.

“Ok. Let me change first and I’ll be right on over.”

Brenda decided that she liked being with Annie. Their socializing made her feel more natural and comfortable. The edge she developed from the stress of learning her new routine at work and keeping track of events seemed to melt as they got deeper into conversation. “If this is how women are with each other all the time…damn! I really have missed out!” Brenda thought. She really enjoyed each minute she spent with Annie as they talked the night away.

The next day went smoother as Brenda was now more accustomed to using the phones. Ron came by as usual, as did many clients of Universal. Brenda wanted to take names, but she was just too busy answering the phone.

Brenda heard the door bang open as the UPS deliveryman entered, pushing a hand truck.

“Whoa! I think I just died and went to heaven,” he said as he stared at Brenda, his eyes doing a full body check on her.

“God Mario! If I hear that line one more time, I’m going to scream,” stated Cheryl. “Brenda this is Mario, our UPS guy and dreamboat of the female world, NOT!” she giggled.

“Mario, meet Brenda. She’s taking my place while I’m having my baby. I want you to at least make an effort to leave her alone.”

“God Cheryl!” He play mimicked Cheryl’s response, “You’re such a stick in the mud! I know you’re just jealous because I’m casting you aside for Brenda!”

“In your dreams macho-man,” responded Cheryl as she play smacked his leg.

Mario handed his signature board to Brenda to sign and asked, “Maybe we can have lunch sometime?”

“Maybe,” Brenda sheepishly responded as she tried to disguise her blushing.

“I’ll see you tomorrow Brenda. And thanks Cheryl,” Mario grinned as he left.

“I think he likes you Brenda. Be careful though, Mario’s such a tease!”

Brenda was at a loss for words. This guy was flirting with her and what was worse was that she found that she liked it. Just like back at the dance club, Brenda’s femininity was winning over her rationale and caution towards men. I had better gain control of myself or my secret might be uncovered!

The week continued pretty much the same. Ron was constantly in and out of the office everyday and Mario flirted a little more each day. Brenda had pretty much settled into her routine and was able to observe the visitors a little more closely. She began writing down names to pass onto Bill for investigation and soon found that she had accumulated twenty-three names. This might take a little longer than she had expected. A couple of weeks in and out? No way was that going to happen now!

Chapter 6

Brenda was now in her second week on the job and it was time for Tiffany to make her appearance.

Brenda was sitting at her desk as the door to the suite opened. In walked a tall un-Godly gorgeous woman. Brenda didn’t recognize her at first, after all it had been more than a week since she had last seen Tiffany. Seeing girls coming and going had become routine with Brenda. A radiant glow flowed from the beauty as she approached the desk. A twitch moved Brenda’s now mostly flaccid cock.

“May I help you?” Brenda asked.

“Yes, I’m here to see Melissa Benson, I have an appointment with her, my name is Tiffany Rollins,” Tiffany said as she continued her charade.

“Tiffany Rollins, I, I, I’ll announce you,” stammered Brenda. She had almost said that she hadn’t recognized her because Tiffany had a new look about her. That look was driving causing Brenda to feel stirred and drawn to her in a sexual way inside. She could only imagine what her look was going to cause men to do.

The week Brenda was starting her new job Tiffany had spent perfecting her disguise. It was during this time Maria had decided to introduce a very low amount of hormones to help the disguise and the results had been dramatic. Tiffany glowed with self confidence and a new beauty that had stopped when the hormones were discontinued so Dirk wouldn’t become sterile. The doctors assured Dirk that if the levels were kept low enough he would be fine and no more physical development would take place. The hormones would affect him more mentally than physically. Gone was the bitter self loathing Dirk and here was the beautiful Tiffany Rollins, a self-confident young lady.

“Miss Benson, I have a Miss Rollins to see you,” Brenda said into her phone.

“Would you show her in please, Brenda.”

Brenda escorted Tiffany into Melissa’s office and closed the door as she left.

Melissa looked at the girl who wanted her agency to represent her. Standing there was a girl with wholesome innocence written on her face and yet just below the surface an ember of passion could be seen smoldering waiting to be taken. Tiffany was dressed in a light cream colored jacket and skirt that came to just above her knees. She wore a red camisole, nude nylons, red sling back pumps, red plastic bead necklace and bracelet, her nails were painted to match her camisole as did her lipstick, Tiffany was a sight to behold.

Melissa couldn’t believe her eyes, a girl like this came around maybe every ten years, a Christy Brinkley or a Cheryl Tiegs. And she wanted to be represented by Universal? Melissa couldn’t believe her good luck! A girl like this usually would end up at Ford or Willomena, not here! Melissa spent some minutes just taking in Tiffany’s beauty. “She’s going to make me so much money!” Melissa thought.

“Excuse me for my bad manners Miss Rollins. I’m Melissa Benson, won’t you be seated?”

“Thank you Miss Benson,” Tiffany replied as she glided to the chair in front of Melissa’s desk and lowered herself and sat daintily on the chair.

“Please call me Melissa, may I call you Tiffany?”

“Please do.”

“I must ask you Tiffany, how did you hear about our agency?”

“When I was growing up, Natalia Breshnekov was my favorite model and I wanted to be just like her. I saw that you were her agent and decided you were the right company to start with. So that’s why I’m here. Will I be able to meet her? Natalia that is, I’m such a fan?” Tiffany asked with the innocence she portrayed.

“Oh my dear, didn’t you hear, Natalia was murdered six months ago.”

“Oh, my God!” Tiffany relied, with the look of grief that said she had just learned that her favorite idol had just died.

“It was such a shock for all of us, we loved her so much.”

Melissa paused a moment to reflect on her late model.

“Getting back to you Tiffany, I would be more than pleased to represent you. To be perfectly honest, I think you will become a much bigger star than Natalia was. Where did you model before?”

“I’ve never modeled before. I went to classes to learn how to. But I’ve never had a job before modeling.”

“I would never have guessed! You carry yourself so well.”

All Melissa could think about was how innocent this girl was and the money she was going to potentially make from her. Unbeknownst to Tiffany, Melissa was becoming aroused by the sight and being that Tiffany radiated. Tiffany just screamed of sex. Melissa liked bedding both men and women and Tiffany was more than rocking her boat! Melissa wanted to have her now in the worst possible way! “But, business first before pleasure!" she thought.

“Tell me Tiffany, do you have a boy friend?”

“No, I haven’t had time for that,” Tiffany replied rather demurely. Just the thought of a guy touching her gave Tiffany the creeps! She might have become a new person over the last week but, being with a man? That hadn’t changed. No way, no how, was she going to bed with one!

“I’m so glad. Most of the girls here get a boyfriend, fall in love, get pregnant and that’s the end of their career in modeling! I hope you don’t do the same.”

“I won’t, you can count on that!”

“Tiffany, I’ll be straight forward with you. Most of the girls who come to my office I send away because they just don’t have it. They’re either too short or not pretty at all. But you have everything I look for in a model and more. I will be happy to represent you and I’ll have my lawyer draw up the contract. As soon as you read it over and sign it, then you can go to work.”

“Thank you Melissa.”

“I’ll have the contract here this afternoon and I’ll have you on the runway the day after tomorrow. I’m very excited about this Tiffany. I think we will be going a long way together.”

“I hope so too Melissa.”

“Have you found a place to live yet?”

“Yes, I found this apartment on 51st street. It’s perfect for me and its close by. I’ll be back later to sign the contract,” Tiffany said as she gracefully rose from the chair.

Tiffany looked at Melissa and liked her, she seemed to be a nice woman and seemed to care for her. What Tiffany didn’t know was that Melissa was an uncaring bitch who would sell her mother if she could make a dollar and could turn her charm on and off at will. Dirk/Tiffany was losing her edge, she was becoming soft and had to regain that edge or she would surely die in this escapade.

Tiffany exited Melissa’s office and walked through the reception area.

“It was nice meeting you, Miss Rollins,” said Brenda. Brenda still couldn’t believe what a difference a week had made in Tiffany. She was an entirely new woman! She had become so much more feminine and carried herself with so much more grace, she was making Brenda feel like she was Matt still and she had not changed at all!

“Thank you Brenda! I’ll be back this afternoon. It seems Miss Benson has decided to represent me,” she squealed as the kid in her came out.

“Congratulations! I guess we will be seeing a lot of each other then.”

“Yes, I suppose so. Well… see you later!”

Brenda smiled as Tiffany left. It was good having her friend back again.

Chapter 7

Brenda had made an appointment for that day at noon with her new doctor so she could continue her hormone treatment. She wanted to continue her development towards transitioning into a woman..

Brenda was shown into the office of Dr. Bill Morris. He was a specialist who did a lot of covert work for the government. But he was also worked with people with special requests for those outside the government as long as they were approved.

“Good afternoon Brenda, I’m Dr. Morris. I’ll save time by telling you that your records were sent to me by the doctor you were seeing in Virginia. He is the one who was helping you with your disguise. I’ve read the agreements you signed and saw that if there was a screw up, we would be responsible to correct it, am I right so far?”


“Good, now what brings you here today?”

“Dr. Morris, what I’m going to tell you is very difficult for me. When I started this assignment, I was having fun. You know, flirting with femininity, playing with the clothes. It was almost as if I were still in a school play as an elementary school child. It was fun! But as things progressed, and the training became more serious, I had somehow crossed the line. Mentally I had become a woman. This was no longer just a disguise! They started us on hormones to soften our looks with the understanding that we would discontinue them before any real damage was done to our bodies. We had been on the hormones for almost three months when my chest began to swell, not a lot but enough to notice. Whenever I would shower, The sensations the water produced within me as it touched my skin was like Wow! Having breasts, even this small, had made me feel very different, but in a good kind of way. It also gave me a purpose.”

“A purpose?”

“I guess you could call it that. Everything I had ever done in my life to this point was to have fun. I had never really been serious about anything before. The only reason I joined the FBI was to have fun, and I guess, in an odd sort of way, I had found it. After five months of prepping and learning my role for this assignment it was as though a light went off inside my head and *this* had had become my purpose. I have grown to love being this way, not just the appearance of being feminine but actually becoming a complete woman! I have grown to love pampering myself and needing to be around and with other women. I became excited when I noticed my breasts began to grow. I need them! It’s not just to confirm my femininity, but just one part of a total process I will need to go through and be what this disguise says I am. And that’s sort of why I’m here, I have to finish what I started, I have to become a whole woman!”

“That’s a pretty serious decision there Brenda. Are you sure that’s what you want?”

“More than anything! My life, up until now, had been aimless wandering. Now that I have a goal for the first time in my life, please help me attain my dream?”

“You’re very convincing Brenda and since we all signed your contract that we would do whatever you decided to. I’ll continue your medication, however, sometime in the next 4 months I will need your case officer’s authorization to continue the treatment as well as a review from a psychiatrist. It’s not that I am going to try and stop you, I won’t. But, I would be remiss if I did not request that in light of what you want. I want to be sure I’m not doing harm to you and to ensure that this is what you really want still at that point in time. If it turns out to be something else and not what you thought, well, then at least we have time to correct this. I would also like you to see me once a month to just to be sure you are in good health. Oh, and Brenda?”

“Yes doctor?”

“You’re going to make a lovely woman, “ he grinned.

“Thank you very much,” Brenda blushed with the compliment.

Brenda returned to work and carefully sat down. Her rear, where the doctor had injected her with her hormones, was still slightly sore. Cheryl had covered for her while she had been gone and really didn’t mind. She and Brenda were great friends.

“Is everything alright?” asked Cheryl.

“Everything’s fine. I just needed a checkup,” Brenda smiled.

“I always worry around here when one of the girls goes to her doctor. It’s because usually they are pregnant.”

“Does that happen a lot?”

“Nope! Just to me,” Cheryl giggled.

“I’m going to miss you while you are on leave. You’ve become a great friend to me.”

“I like you too Brenda. You have picked up the routine here rather fast and do it very well too. Next week the parties will start again and you will have to work late.”

“What parties?”

“Parties that promote the agency. They were fun at first, but after I got married, I hated going to them. The models were able to ask guys to escort them and after a few drinks their escorts were hitting on anything with skirts. It was fun and it kept my sex life active but afterwards, I wanted to go home to my husband. It was becoming a strain on our marriage but then when, I became pregnant and was going to leave this job, my husband mellowed out.”

“How often do they have these parties?”

“At least once a week.”

“Are they really fun?”

“They can be. Just be careful though, more than booze is used. I quickly learned that drinking and working don’t mix. So I just drank soft drinks and watched everyone else make asses out of themselves.”

“What did you mean more than booze?”

“Girlfriend, it’s best you don’t know! Let’s just say that if the police were to raid the parties we would all be in deep trouble. Fortunately, Melissa’s boyfriend is a high muckity-muck with the police department so it’s pretty cool about what goes on at these parties. He knows that it all goes with the territory and pretty much leaves well enough alone. He knows that if he were to bitch about it, Melissa she would cross her legs and cut him off.”

“She wouldn’t?” giggled Brenda.

“Oh you bet she would! I’ve seen her do it before and he came crawling back with his tail between his legs, Ahh the power of pussy!”

“I’m really going to miss you Cheryl, you know that?”

“Well you have me for three more days, so enjoy it! Ouch! Damn, that baby can kick. I can hardly wait for it to come out.”

“Is it a boy or girl?”

“I don’t know yet. I want it to be a total surprise. Maybe I’ll find out with the next one so I’ll be able to decorate before it comes. But I wanted this one to surprise me.”

“You’re going to have more?”

“If Bill has his way.”

“What about you?”

“Right now the way I feel, not a chance. But I know after I have the baby, I’ll probably change my mind. I love kids!”

“Your baby is very lucky to have you for a mom.”

“Thanks! I need to go lay down for a second. The baby’s foot is in the wrong place and it hurts, I’ll be back soon.”

Tiffany returned to sign the contract and learned that she would be working the very next day. One of Melissa’s other models had become ill, actually she was to far gone on drugs to make the assignment. Melissa had assigned Tiffany to cover for her.

“Tiffany! Hi, remember me?”

Tiffany smiled. “Oh yes! From yesterday. “

“I’m Brenda. When do you start?”

“Tomorrow! Can you believe it? God I’m so excited!”

Cheryl had just returned and raised an eyebrow. “Tomorrow? You must have made quite an impression then girl! Most girls wait weeks before they are ever contacted back to model. I suspect Brittany overdid the drugs again. Gawd! She’s such a loser! Tiffany, promise me to be careful and don’t get caught up in the scene that Brittany did? It’s the pits and will ruin that beauty and charm you seem to carry so well. Besides, it’s not really you.”

Tiffany paused a moment.“Why is she doing the drugs?”

“Because she let the partying gain control of what she was doing and now she can’t stop it. I’ll bet she gets fired soon too. I don’t think she can stop.”

“What is she taking?”

“Meth. She says she needs it to work. But all she’s doing is just ruining herself. It won’t be long before she looks too old to work and ends up on the street.” Cheryl stated with disgust.

“Where does she get it?”

Cheryl, leaned over closer to Tiffany and whispered.

“This is just between you and me. But I think Melissa sells it to her. I’m leaving I can’t be fired so I’ll tell you as much as I know. This is more for you Tiffany than Brenda. But Brenda, please be careful too. Melissa is a cold hearted bitch and will do anything to be the most popular girl in the modeling field. She still looks good, but no-one wants a woman forty years old modeling their clothes. Clothes designers want someone like Tiffany here. So, and I’m not even sure about this, but I think Melissa starts the girls on drugs just to screw them up and prove that she should be the one modeling. Once she gets them hooked, she takes their money from the jobs they do and gives them more drugs. I’ve seen many girls go through here and it’s always the same. They start out looking good and a year later they’re gone.”

“Has she tried to do that with you?”

“Why would she? I’m just the receptionist and no threat to her good looks. You had better be careful though Brenda. You’re very cute and for the first time someone other than a model might be a threat to her.”

“What about that cop guy she’s dating?”

Cheryl’s face went into a more serious look.

“You know that old saying: Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer? Well, I think that applies here. Melissa always knows when to lay low and I think her dumb ass boy friend tips her off without even knowing it. You know cops - they all know where the nearest doughnut shop is, but when it comes to girl friends, they lose all sense of rationality. They seem to let their little “head” do all their thinking for them.”

Brenda asked, “How do you know that about cops?”

“I’m married to one dear. When I first met Dave, I knew right away he was it! He’s an unstoppable bundle of energy! We met at a club and one thing led to another and he asked me out. We went to a play on Broadway and I couldn’t concentrate on the stupid thing. Something about him always makes me want to jump his bones. That’s all that was on my mind throughout the entire show. He was so nice that I decided to wait until later that night even though it was killing me. So, I asked him to come over to my place for dinner and I cooked a meal he would never forget!”

Cheryl’s smile turned a little down as she continued.

“I went on line and found some recipes and made this dinner for Bill. I didn’t know he was allergic to shellfish and I put this shrimp base in the pasta sauce. Well you can guess the results. I had to rush him to the hospital while he was puffing up like a balloon.”

“Oh my god!” Tiffany exclaimed.

“He almost died. He still jokes about it, ‘Yeah, my wife tried to collect the life insurance before we were even married,’ he would joke. After that night, well, God I love that man! Anyways, that’s how I learned about cops - give them a good meal and they will love you for life.”

“I’ll be careful Cheryl, I promise.” Tiffany offered.

“Me too.” Brenda added.

The following day, Brenda was alone at her desk when Mario pushed through the doors.

“Hey good looking! Where’s Cheryl?” he asked with a smile on his face.

“She had to go rest. The baby was really kicking today. You know tomorrow is her last day. Come by and have some cake with us. Cheryl would like that.”

“I will! And now that Cheryl can’t protect you from me, when are you going out with me?”

“Maybe in your next life,” giggled Brenda.

Brenda like Mario. He was fun, witty, and easy on the eyes. If only circumstances had been different, she would have gladly gone out with him. But, being an undercover agent pretending to be a girl had its drawbacks. And one of them was dating a person of the same sex. As time has gone by though, Brenda was having a hard time drawing a distinction between being a man and a woman. She would have to get her head on straight or there could be problems!

Cheryl returned and Brenda told her that Mario was asking about her.

“Mario is such a sweetheart. He has hit on me everyday until you got here. I know he just kids around though. He hits on every girl in the building. He’s just a flirt.”

“Does he get in trouble?”

“Nope! We all know he’s just kidding and no one really takes him seriously. He’s really very sweet. He’s had a girl friend for six months. You think he flirts now? He was way worse before he met her. All in all, I really like Mario.”

“I do too, he’s really cute.”

“Don’t fall in love Brenda! He’s just fooling around and he already has someone.”

“I didn’t mean anything by it. I just, well you know… well he is cute!”

“I know, let it go.”

Chapter 8

Tiffany reported to her first modeling assignment at the headquarters of a new fashion designer. She walked inside and was suddenly in the midst of a bedlam. People were running everywhere and she thought she had found the wrong place.

“May I help you?”

“I’m supposed to report for a modeling assignment. but it seems I found the wrong place.”

“No, it’s probably the right place. What’s your name?”

“Tiffany Rollins.”

“You have the right place! Come with me. We don’t have much time left so let’s get you made-up.”

The squat woman led Tiffany to a dressing room in the back.

Tiffany was in awe with the activity. "What have I gotten myself into?" was all she could think about. This operation had gone out the window. Looking for drug dealers was the farthest thing from her mind at the moment. The beehive of activity was beyond comprehension.

“Come here! Don’t just stand there gawking!” barked the makeup person, “I don’t have all day and the other girls will be here soon.”

Tiffany sat down at the oversized vanity with a mirror the length of the entire wall of the room to have her war paint put on. She had a chance to look more closely at the nasty person that had called her.

“I’m sorry,” stated the man, woman, or whatever? Tiffany couldn’t figure out which it was!

“You have to be new here, because none of the regular girls are ever on time. And it’s a zoo when they start arriving. Let’s start again. I’m Justin and I’m here to make you beautiful.”

“Okay,” was all Tiffany could think of to say.

“My goodness! You’re going to be easy! You’re already gorgeous!”

“Thank you… I think.”

Justin went to work on Tiffany and was finished ten minutes later.

“You are really easy to do. You take exceptional care of yourself and only need a little to your face to highlight its beautiful features and a touch to your hair to offset it with. I’ve never seen you before.”

“This is my first time modeling.”

“Well, I can guarantee it won’t be your last! Not with your looks! I’m all done dear.” he stated as he began motioning for a girl that was standing at the head of a line that had somehow formed behind them as they had talked.
“Now I have some real work to do. Come over here, Connie. It’s your turn now!”

Tiffany moved aside and began wondering where she should be going to when a tap on her shoulder startled her.

“Tiffany, go over there to Janice and she’ll show you what you will be wearing. She’s the one in that corner over there.” Justin smiled.

Tiffany wandered over towards the racks of clothes and saw a mousy sort of woman fussing over each outfit. She obviously didn’t see Tiffany standing next to her.

”Excuse me, are you Janice?”

“Yes dear, and you must be Tiffany! Melissa told me she was sending a new girl and I’ve never seen you before, am I correct?”

“Yes ma’m. Jason just finished with my makeup.”

“These outfits here on this rack are the ones you will be modeling in today. It’s a new line geared towards businesswomen, but with a twist of sass to it. There will be five of you girls here today so changing will be a little rushed but not impossible. Each of you will wear four outfits so I’ve sectioned off this area into five spaces with your clothing on separate racks so there won’t be any mistakes as to who will be wearing what. Underneath each outfit are the shoes that are to be worn with each outfit. You may as well relax for a few minutes. The show doesn’t start for another hour, but I will need you to put on this pair of panty hose to make changing the shoes much easier on you. And it won’t hurt to accent your legs either! Since this is your first show I’ll help you dress until you get used to re-hanging your outfits and changing into what you are wear next. Also, these clothes need to be properly hung and taken care of since they are on loan. Remember speed is the most important thing here.”

“Are you sure these clothes will fit me?”

“Shoot! You know I almost forgot about that! I know the sizes of the other girls and have already made adjustments to their clothing. I have never worked with you before. Let’s go ahead and try on these clothes so I can adjust them to you before the show starts.”

“Is there a place for me to change?”

“No, you change right here. Don’t worry it’s not like we’ve never seen girls changing before. Now let’s get cracking Tiffany. I only have an hour to fix everything.”

Tiffany looked at the clothing she was to wear. She would be able to leave her bra and panties on, but everything else would have to go. She had worn sweat pants, a blouse and a light jacket knowing she would have to remove them eventually, but now was the time and she became fearful that her secret would be discovered. She slowly removed her jacket and laid it on a chair nearby. Her hands trembled as she began to unbutton her blouse. It was as though she was all thumbs as the buttons stuck in the holes. She still wasn’t used to women’s clothing having buttons on the other side.

“Tiffany if you don’t hurry I won’t have time for you. Now move!” Janice said in a more stern tone.

Tiffany closed her eyes and thought to herself if I don’t do this thing right now I’ll blow the whole operation. Then this deception would be all for nothing. So screw it! If they see something they shouldn’t then I’m not as good as I think at hiding my thing. Like they had said before, half the models are men anyway!

Tiffany rushed and was soon in just her bra, panties and pantyhose. Tiffany hated to admit it to herself but she was beginning to like the feeling of hose on her legs. It felt sensual and, yes, feminine. This was something Dirk had been fighting with from day one and now he was actually beginning to like it!

“With this outfit you must wear a camisole and half slip. The skirt is short and the coat buttons are below your breasts. I’m sorry but you will have to remove your bra. Don’t worry three other girls here have forms too so you won’t be alone in that department. I’ve never understood why you girls get so skinny that you lose your breast tissue, but I guess it’s that important to you.”

Tiffany thought she had blended her forms well that morning. She didn’t count on the keen eye of Janice though! She was going to have to be more careful in the future.

Tiffany donned the outfit and Janice made some small adjustments and then had her try on the other three. She was able to wear the camisole and slip with the other outfits so those were left on in order to be ready for the show. Time passed quickly and soon Tiffany heard the announcement that the show was going to start. The announcer gave a short history of the designer and her ideas for the up and coming businesswoman. She felt that women’s business clothing had fallen behind the other fashion styles. Tiffany pondered that these designs really would make a woman feel successful and sexy at the same time. The show was now starting!

Connie was the first model to walk the runway and was greeted with polite applause. Next came the three other girls, and finally Tiffany. Tiffany’s heart was in her throat. She was extremely nervous as she started forward towards the runway.

Think! think! Put one foot in front of the other, just like with Maria. It’s the same. Just don’t stumble. No! Don’t look at the audience. Smile! Yes remember to smile. Walk to the music. Strut your stuff! Damn it Tiffany, move! Tiffany finally took the first step and then the second. The third came easier and then it was as though the music took control of her body. She strutted down and back all the while the audience was clapping wildly. She had passed beyond the partition and quickly began removing her outfit. She then pulled another one on with Janice’s help.

“Did you hear that applause Tiffany? It looks like we have a new star!”

“Was that for me?”

“You bet it was! It sure wasn’t for that outfit! Now hurry! You’re up next.”

Tiffany rushed to the runway and arrived just as the girl in front of her exited the stage. Tiffany had gained a little confidence from her first walk and was a clearly a vision of beauty as she walked down and back and to a much louder applause than her first time. Her last two outfits looked better than the first two and by the time she finished with her last walk, the audience went wild. They couldn’t get enough of Tiffany! A star was born! All five girls came out on the runway together on one last walk and returned to remove their clothing.

“Well, well, well. Looks like we have a new star,” Connie dripped with sarcasm in her voice.

Tiffany didn’t say a word, but she now felt threatened. Connie was the professional and Tiffany was newbie and there seemed to be a pecking order to this business.

“Leave her alone Connie! You’ve been the star around here for a year now. You above all shouldn’t feel threatened by someone new,” responded Janice.

Connie just looked at Janice and scowled. Tiffany could see that there would be no camaraderie in this business and it might be just as well. If she became too close to one of the girls it might skew her investigation.

One of the other girls walked over to Tiffany and extended her hand.

“Hi, I’m Donna. Don’t mind Connie. She’s just like that with everyone.”

“I’m Tiffany. It’s very nice to meet you.”

“That’s Betty and Sally. Girls, this is Tiffany.”

“Hi,” they said in unison.

“Betty goes to NYU and is studying law. She does this to pay for school so she never has time to hang around. Betty is like me. She uses every dollar she makes to buy clothes.”

“You know that’s a lie Donna! You spend all your money on that useless guy you live with.”

“What about Connie?”

“I don’t know that much about her. When she first started here she was really nice. But now she just keeps to herself. I think she might be doing drugs. All the best girls seem to end up that way.”

“What about you?”

“Me? Heavens no, I’m about to retire. There aren’t many thirty year old models around anymore. I think I’ll take my money and run. Besides, I have a boyfriend that wants to get married soon. When that happens, I’ll get pregnant and for sure I won’t be able to get any modeling jobs.”

“Tiffany, Margaret Voss would like to speak with you,” said Janice.

“Who’s Margaret Voss?”

“The designer of these clothes.”

A rather petite woman in her early forties entered the dressing area just as Tiffany finished putting her clothes back on.

“Young lady, I can’t thank you enough for the wonderful job you did today! You sold the line. I’m very impressed! Why haven’t I seen you around before?”

“This was my first show.”

“Your first? My, my. Well, I just wanted to thank you in person. I do hope I will get the opportunity to work more of company’s clothing lines with you!”

“Thank you! And I hope so too,” Tiffany replied as she turned scarlet, blushing with embarrassment.

“My God, do you know who she is?” asked Donna.


“She just went into business for herself. She used to work for Ann Taylor as a designer. When she left, the stock in the Taylor company actually dropped. She never thanked any of the girls before. You must have made quite an impression.”

“Big deal! This was just one show! We’ll see how the next one goes!” Connie spat as she left the room slamming the door behind her.

“Why is she like that?”

“Because you’re a threat to her and to be honest you’re a threat to Melissa too.”

“Melissa, why?”

“Because she is getting old and pretty girls remind her of her youth and how popular she once was.”

“But she manages us, that just doesn’t make sense.”

“To us it doesn’t either, but that’s just the way Melissa is. She will be as nice and sweet as can be to your face, but behind your back she’s stabbing you with three knives. She really isn’t a nice person. Be careful Tiffany! After today, you’ve become the biggest threat Melissa has had in a long time.”

“Thanks for the warning.”

Tiffany thanked the girls for all their help and caught a taxi home to her studio apartment. It was located on 51st street so the fare wasn’t too expensive. The thought of a model riding the subway, somehow, just didn’t seem right.
Edited by Sephrena Lynn Miller

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