Being Popular

Being Popular
By Arecee


This is the story of a young man who tries to find popularity and finds something else more important in life, his true self. Enjoy.

Popular: approved of, being accepted, example, a popular girl

Jason Randall scanned the help wanted adds until his eyes fell on “the add”.

“Positions open for self motivated persons with an expanding import export company, MBA required. Starting salary 96K. Phone 800 567 8765, ask for Mr. Larson.”

Jason went to the phone and called the number listed.

The phone rang and a woman answered, “Quantum imports, may I help you?”

“Yes, may I have Mr. Larson?”

“One moment please, transferring.”

“Hello, this is Tom Larson.”

“Hello Mr. Larson, my name is Jason Randall and I’m answering the add listed in the paper and was hoping the position was still available?”

“Yes there are still two openings available as we have already filled five placements. Tell me a little about yourself and if I like what I hear I will have you in for a formal interview.”

“Well I graduated from the University of Iowa just this last spring with top honors. I’m one month shy of my twenty first birthday and I would really like to have this job.”

“Did you say your just shy of twenty-one?”

“Yes sir.”

“How did you get an MBA at such an early age?”

“I was an exceptional student and skipped two grades when I was young. When I entered high school I was only twelve years old, which made interaction with the other students rather difficult. As a result I spent most of my time studying and entered the university when I was sixteen. The other students being older than me didn’t want a young teen at their parties so I once again found myself studying to pass the time. I was able to interact with the students in class but as far as social events were concerned I pretty much kept to myself and as a result I have my MBA.”

“You sound like a person that we might be interested in, can you come to Chicago this Friday for an interview?”

“Yes I can, what time?”

“Is nine AM too early?”

“No that would be perfect, see you then,” Jason said as he hung up the phone.

Wow this is so cool, an interview already and I just graduated Jason thought to himself, what should I wear, I know, my gray suit, I wonder if it still fits?

Jason entered his closet and found the suit where he had hung it three years earlier. He removed his jeans and shoes and tried it on. Damn it fits perfectly, he thought. Jason was hoping that he had out grown the suit.

Jason was a young man that never really grew very tall or large. Because he was so young in school he was always small compared to others in his class. Even as he grew he never really caught up to the other boys in stature, he didn’t become a manly man. If one were to describe Jason one would have to say that he was delicate. Jason always wanted to be thought of as rugged or chiseled or a strapping youth but it wasn’t to be, his mother would say things like, “you have delicate features or you have a petite build.” This wasn’t to say Jason was effeminate, he was just a thin man with if you will pardon the expression, delicate features. Jason also wasn’t very well liked in school. The older students didn’t pick on him other than with the nicknames like twig or midget, things of that sort but they were never physically abusive. The only times he had problems was when there were dances. No one would go with him until he had turned fourteen and then because he was so petite the only girls that would go to the dances with him were, shall we say the least popular. Jason wasn’t able to take the pretty or cute girls but the ones that were having problems with their weight or were tall and skinny, the ones that in a few years would become models but hadn’t filled out yet. Even after he had gone to dances with the girls they didn’t want to date him again, he was just too young looking, too small, too delicate. It was a high school thing that turned kids into killers or turned them into a stronger person and in this case Jason became a strong person. Sure he wished that he had been popular but on the other hand he knew that some of the popular kids would end up staying in their small town in dead end jobs and try to recapture their high school popularity and did not realize that once it was gone, it was gone.

Jason flew to Chicago and met with Tom Larson and was given the job and his choice of locations, Long Beach, California, or Houston, Texas.

“I think I will take Long Beach, I always wanted to see California,” said Jason.

“Well good luck young man, we will expect to have you on the job in two weeks. I don’t think I mentioned it but we are also providing you with a five thousand dollar moving allowance. This should make it easier for you to get settled when you arrive in California. Let me know when you arrive so I can alert your new employees.”

“Thank you Mr. Larson.”

“Call me Tom.”

Thank you Tom, I’ll be talking to you.”

Jason left Quantum and felt like dancing in the street. Wow I have a job and a good one at that he thought, I can’t wait to start.

Jason flew home and informed his parents of his good luck and of the fact that he was moving to California.

“Jason are you sure you want to do this?” asked his mother.

“You’re kidding, aren’t you mom?”

“No I’m not, you’ve grown up in a small town and this is a big leap, you’ve seen how those people are out there, they’re all crazy, skating around half naked and all the women have breast implants that look like melons and collagen lips and well you know I just don’t want you to change, you’re such a nice boy.”

“Mom, I’m not a boy anymore, I’m a man and I have to do this or I will remain a boy forever, trust me nothing is going to happen.”

“Are you sure?”

“Of course I’m sure and besides where around here would I start out making 96 thousand dollars a year plus a 5 thousand dollar moving bonus, don’t worry, I’ll be fine.”

“I hope so, I want you to call me every once in a while to let me know how you are doing.”

“I will mom, don’t worry I’ll be fine.”

Jason tied up all his loose ends and moved to Long Beach the following week. He was able to find a nice apartment near the beach. He had wanted one on the beach but even making 96K the amount of money required for such an apartment seemed a stretch. Maybe next year he thought.

Jason really had nothing to do so he started work a week early. His offices were near the docks in San Pedro and when he arrived he was surprised to find a small warehouse with a glass front. He walked through the front doors and was greeted by a young woman.

“May I help you?” she asked.

“Yes, my name is Jason Randall.”

“Oh my God you’re the new manager?”

“Yes I believe I am.”

“Come in here, let me show you to your office. My name is Betty Rosen. This branch just opened and I’m new here myself. After you get settled I will introduce you to the other employees.”

“Thank you Betty,” replied Jason.

Jason followed Betty to his new office. He couldn’t help notice what a cute little thing she was. Betty was only four foot eleven inches tall and looked like she weighed ninety pounds. She sure wasn’t one of those buxom beauties his mother was worried about.

“Here’s your office,” she giggled with nervousness. She had expected a much older man, not one that looked like he could be her younger brother. The office wasn’t what you could call the lap of luxury; it had windows that overlooked the parking lot and not much more. Tom Larson had explained to him that this was a new branch and they would have to see how it performed before they committed to nicer facilities. Jason wasn’t disappointed because this was much nicer than college and it was his first real job.

“Thank you Betty, how long have you worked for Quantum?”

“I was hired three months ago. I was the first employee in this area.”

“Are the people nice to work for?”

“Very nice as long as you do your job.”

“That’s good to know.”

The day progressed and Jason got to know a little more about Betty and the four other employees. Betty it seems was married to a man whom she met while attending college. She was twenty-four and had been married for two years. Her husband was a carpenter and they had no children yet, but were working on it she giggled. Jason noticed that she giggled a lot and was very perky around the office, no wonder she was so thin he thought.

Jason settled in and time passed rather quickly. The job he had was exciting, tracking goods and making a profit for the company. Unfortunately he didn’t have much time to socialize, as he had to work quite late many nights.

About four months had passed and Betty entered his office to ask him for a big favor.

“Jason, could I ask you to do something for me?”

“Sure Betty, what is it?”

“Well, I’m getting together with a bunch of kids I went to school with for a costume party and I need a date and I would like to know if you would go with me?”

“Me? Why not go with your husband?”

“Because the company he works for has a large building project that has to be finished and he has to work over time so they can finish on time and can’t take me. I asked him if he would be all right with you taking me instead and he said yes. You can dress at my house before the event and meet him so he won’t get jealous.”

“Okay, that sounds like fun, how do we have to dress?”

“Everyone has to dress as a famous couple, like Superman and Lois or Spencer Tracy and Catherine Hepburn or Roy Rodgers and Dale Evans. They award a prize for the most original and I was hoping to win this year.”

“Who do you want to go as?”

“I was thinking about Xena and Gabrielle.”

“You want me to be Xena?”

“Yes, you would be great.”

“What makes you think I would even consider dressing as a woman?”

“You really won’t be dressed as a woman but as a character, it won’t be that bad, Xena was kind of a macho girl and she even got to kiss Gabrielle once in a while, not that I’m going to let you kiss me and it won’t be that hard to do, you won’t have to wear heels or have big boobs, all that really shows are your legs and your shoulders, it will be fun.”

“I guess I could do it as a favor to you and it will give me an opportunity to get out of the office for a while.”

“Oh thank you Jason, were going to have so much fun, and don’t worry I won’t make you ride a horse,” Betty giggled.

The day of the party came and Jason went to Betty’s home to get into costume. Betty had rented the costume from one of the many costume shops in the L.A. area. Jason was worried that it wouldn’t fit but Betty had described Jason to the clerk and he had assured her that it would fit nicely. Jason removed all but his boxer shorts and tried on the costume.

“Wow Jason, this fits perfectly. Thanks for coming over early so we could try it on. We’re going to have to do a few things before we go however. Your legs look very nice except Xena didn’t have hairy legs so you will have to shave them and your underarms also. These boots should fit you but you can see your legs from the top of them up to your hips. You will also have to get rid of your boxers because they hang out and you can see them under your skirt and don’t worry about your breasts because the costume is very hard in front and it will look like you have them.”

“I can live with shaving my legs and underarms but all I have is boxers.”

“Don’t worry I’ll think of something, go take a shower and shave and then we can get dressed.”

Jason entered the shower and lathered and shaved his legs and underarms and did his face at the same time. Jason wasn’t a real hairy person to start with and only shaved his face every five days. When he finished he exited and dried himself off. Staring at him was a pair of panties, not overly feminine but they were panties none the less.

“Do you want me to wear these panties?”

“Yes and when you have them on I have a control device to hold you in so you look like a girl.”

Jason slid the panties up his legs and notice how smooth they were. He felt his penis twitch as they fell into place. That’s not a good sign he thought. He definitely didn’t want to get an erection especially in front of Betty, calm down he said to himself.

“Ooh your legs look great, here put on this girdle,” Betty giggled.

Jason put on the girdle and tucked himself away. Betty asked him put on the costume and then had him sit at her makeup table.

“I’m going to do your makeup and then I have the perfect wig for you to wear, your legs look great in that costume?”

“Thanks, just what a guy likes to hear.” Jason said sarcastically.

‘Better to have them look nice than all hairy.”

Betty proceeded to make Jason up and put on the wig. When she was finished she stood back and admired her work.

“Not bad, not bad at all, you look pretty nice. It’s too bad you’re a guy or I would have liked to have plucked your eyebrows but that wouldn’t fly at the office even though you are the boss, take a look.”

Jason looked at his refection in the mirror.

“Oh my,” he stated, “I do look pretty good, I look like a girl.”

“I must say I did do a good job on your makeup, lets go show you to my husband and see what he thinks.”

Jason walked out into the living room where Betty’s husband was watching a football game on TV.

“Ron what do you think of Jason’s costume?”

Ron turned and said, “Wow, you look really hot, for a girl I mean.” Ron looked and looked again, yes Jason did look hot for a girl, but then again Xena had been one of his favorites when he was younger as she had been with so many other young boys. Ron also curtailed any notion that he had to worry about his wife being out with Jason, he was just too pretty.

Betty went and got ready and she then drove both she and Jason to the party. She felt it would be best if she did the driving, as it might be a little embarrassing if they were to be stopped by the police.

Jason and Betty arrived and exited the car. Betty asked Jason to walk for her.

“Jason please take smaller steps, Xena was a super hero but she was also feminine. I don’t expect you to turn into a girl overnight but just a few things will help, like your walk. Make sure you place one foot in front of the other, there you go, much better.” Jason felt foolish walking this way but no need to make it obvious that he was a man.

The couple entered the hall and as soon as Betty’s friends saw her they ran up screaming.

“Betty you look great and Xena you’re perfect, I love your costumes.”

“Thanks Jenny, you look great too.”

“You and Xena are the best costumes I’ve seen all night, you might win.”

“I hope so,” replied Betty.

Jason and Betty enter the room and much to Jason’s surprise there were many people there. He was introduced to many of Betty’s friends, only he was introduced as Xena and not as Jason. He found that he was enjoying himself much to his surprise. As the evening wore on dinner was served and then there was dancing afterward. Xena was a big hit with everyone especially the guys. Jason was getting the attention he had never had in his whole life. The music began and before he could react he was asked to dance by one of the men. He looked panicked not knowing what to do.

“Go ahead and dance with him Xena,” said Betty.

“I don’t dance well,” Jason said.

“Please dance with me, I don’t either,” said the man, dressed as Bogart.

Jason thought, how can I get out of this but since the music was fast, he thought why not, so he relented and followed the man to the dance floor. He began to dance and soon found that he was having fun. Much to his surprise he found that not only had this man asked him to dance but guys were cutting in to have the privilege to also dance with Xena. Xena was having fun and she was popular. This was a new experience for Jason, being popular, being wanted, the only thing he didn’t like was that he was wanted by men and not women but the feeling of popularity was having an effect on him and he liked this new feeling. After a while he started to tire and wanted to rest so his latest dance partner escorted him from the floor so he could sit and rest.

“Would you like something to drink?” asked Superman.

“That would be nice,” answered Jason. Jason didn’t have a very low voice so he sounded like a girl to the young man.

“What would you like?”

“Anything would be fine.”

The man left and returned with a gin and tonic.

“These are very refreshing,” he said.

Jason reached for the glass and felt the man’s hand linger on his fingers as he was handed the drink. Yuck thought Jason, don’t touch me like that, how disgusting.

“Thank you,” said Jason, “How much do I owe you for it?”

“Don’t be silly, what kind of man asks a pretty girl to pay for her own drinks?” He asked.

“Thank you.”

“Are you one of Betty’s co-workers?” asked the man.

“Yes, actually I’m her boss.”

“Really, what do you do?”

“I’m the branch manager for Quantum Imports.”

“Well it’s nice to hear of a company that isn’t afraid to have a woman running things for a change.”

“Yes it is a nice change.”

God this guy is trying to hit on me thought Jason, I have to get rid of him.

“I have to go find Betty,” stated Jason.

“I’ll go with you,” said the man.

“You don’t have to.”

“I’m not going to let the most desirable girl here out of my sight, let’s go.”

The man reached to take Jason’s hand to help him up. What do I do now he thought, be rude and ignore him or just give in and let him take it, I guess it won’t hurt me to touch his hand but that’s it, no more than that.

“Thank you,” Jason said as he was helped up.

“My pleasure.”

Now Jason had another problem, the man didn’t let go of his hand.

“Come on let’s see where she is,” said the man as he pulled Jason into the outer hall.

Betty was soon spotted and the couple went to her.

“Betty why didn’t you tell me you had such a beautiful boss?” asked the man.

“Oh, hi Bill, I see you’ve met Xena. I didn’t tell you because you’re biggest flirt I know.”

“Well next time don’t keep pretty girls like this a secret from me, some one this pretty might make me settle down.”

“Bill I swear you’re the worse. It’s getting late and Xena and I have to get home because my husband will wonder if you finally swept me away.”

”Well as long as Xena is around he won’t have to worry about that.”

“Come on Xena time to go home, nice seeing you Bill.”

“Good night girls and nice meeting you Xena, by the way what’s your real name?”

Oh shit he wants my name thought Jason, he bought me a drink and he might have a problem that I’m a guy dressed as a girl, think, think, what name can I use?


“Well it’s nice to meet you Tiffany,” said Bill as he lifted Jason’s hand to his lips and kissed the back of it before he let go. Jason almost peed his panties at this point, oh shit, oh shit, let go, please, thought Jason.

“Come on girl friend let’s go,” said Betty.

Jason and Betty went to Betty’s car and when they got in Betty went crazy and couldn’t stop giggling.

“Oh my God if I didn’t see it I wouldn’t have believed it, Bill thought you were a girl, that was too funny, he’s a nice guy but such a flirt, did you have fun tonight?”

“I have to admit I did. Life is so different when viewed from a girl’s perspective. I’ve never had attention like that before, there was something magical about it.”

“You’re not falling in love are you?”

“Gag, be serious, I thought I would pee my pants when he took my hand and help me up and then he wouldn’t let go. I meant that it felt nice to be popular for once in my life.”

“Well if you would get out more often and meet some nice girls you would be popular, I know some nice clubs you can go to, just get out once in while and you’ll see.”

Jason and Betty arrived at Betty’s and Jason removed the costume and Xena was gone. Much to his surprise he rather missed being Xena or the popularity of being Xena. Maybe he would do as Betty suggested and go to the clubs and maybe he would find popularity there.

Several months passed and Jason found his way to the clubs every weekend. Each time it was the same old story, he would ask a pretty girl to dance and it was always the same, “No thank you, I have a boy friend or I’m sitting this one out” The guys were all buffed and handsome and had no trouble getting a dance while poor Jason never did and he knew why, it was because he was, well, “delicate.”

Jason was sitting at his desk one day looking morose when Betty entered his office.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“It’s nothing.”

“Come one Jason I know you better than that, I know when something is bothering you.”

“I don’t know Betty, it’s just that I’ve been going to the clubs and I can’t even get a dance. I was just remembering how popular I was when I was Xena and the fun I had, I just miss that feeling.”

“Don’t let it get you down, I’m sure things will turn around, now let me see a smile.”

Another week past and Jason was still in the dumps.

“Jason, I can’t stand this anymore, I’ve got to cheer you up.”

“I’m sorry Betty there really isn’t anything you can do unless you have a girl friend that will go out with me or we went to a costume party every night and I was Xena again.”

“Wait a minute, hold that thought, I can’t think of any girl friends but maybe you have something there. You obviously can’t be Xena every night but you could be a girl and be popular again.”

“I don’t want to be a girl, I just want to be wanted and accepted.”

“You would be wanted.”

“Wanted by men, no thanks.”

“But you would be popular and besides all you would have to do is go dance and have a little fun for a change and get that gloomy look off your face.”

“I don’t know if I could do that and interact with men that way.”

“It would just be dancing and I would be there with you to make sure nothing happened that you didn’t want to happen, come on lets try this weekend and see what happens.”

“Let me think about it, you’re sure I would be safe?”

“Of course, you will be with me and Ron and he will protect you, so don’t worry, everything will be fine.”

“I’ll think about it.”

Jason thought about Betty’s suggestion for several days and finally decided he would do it, he would go out as a girl against his better judgment. The next day Jason told Betty of his decision.

“I was hoping you would decide to do it, this is going to be so much fun, you wait and see. I’m going to have to get some clubbing outfits for you and make you over. This will be a little work but I know you can handle it. This weekend I want you to come over to my house and we can get started. Tomorrow I will measure you so I can buy a few items to start with and then after we try this and go out one weekend and if you like it, we can go shopping for a real wardrobe.”

The next day Betty measured Jason and determined that he was a size eight and had a thirty-four inch chest. He wore size five men’s shoes so she determined that he would wear size seven in woman’s shoes. She asked Jason for some money to shop with and told him to come to her house on Friday right after work.

Friday came and Jason’s stomach was churning all day. I hope I’m doing the right thing he thought, what if people think I’m gay, I’m just dressing like a girl to go dancing, I don’t even want to hold hands, I just want to dance. By the time Jason reached Betty’s house he was a nervous wreck.

Jason rang the doorbell and Betty opened the door and pulled him inside.

“Hurry come on you have to take a shower and shave like you did last time. This is going to take some time so hurry,” Betty said excitedly.

Betty’s excitement seemed to calm Jason so he went and showered and shaved, then exited the shower and dried himself. Lying on the counter was a pair of satin panties which seemed much more feminine than the last pair he wore.

“Betty,” he called, “Aren’t these panties awfully feminine? What happened to the last pair I wore?”

“They’re supposed to be sexy and they are really an undergarment called a gaff. When you put them on pull yourself back and tuck your balls up into your body. When you do you will look like a woman.”

“How do you know that?”

“Because that’s what they said when I asked for instructions when I ordered it.”

“Where did you find it?”

“I went on line and bought it from Glamour Boutique.”

“What kind of place is that?”

“A place that men can go to get help to dress, now hurry up we have work to do.”

Jason did as he was told and when he did he did indeed look like a woman from the toes to his belly. Jason entered Betty’s bedroom.

“You look great, now come over here so I can put on your bra.”

“My bra?”

“Of course silly all women wear bras so their breasts don’t sag.”

“I don’t have any breasts.”

“You do now, open that box on the bed.”

Jason opened the box and saw two breasts staring at him. He picked one up and felt it quiver in his hand. When it did he gasped and dropped it on the bed.

“What in the world are those things?”

“Silicone breast forms. I want you to look and feel as much like a girl as possible and having nice breasts is the fastest way. Don’t complain too much, they cost a fortune. Now come over here and let me show you how to put your bra on.”

Jason let Betty put his bra on and insert the forms. He couldn’t help notice the weight of the forms.

“These are kind of heavy aren’t they?”

“They weigh the same as real breasts, now you know what women go through for their whole life because real breasts don’t just come off. While I was out I picked up a club outfit for you so you will be able to practice in what you will be wearing. This is a camisole; it goes on under your blouse so that it doesn’t cling to you. Besides that a camisole is sexy and guys love looking at a pretty girl in one. I bought this skirt and blouse for you. The skirt comes to mid thigh and the blouse is high enough that it won’t show cleavage but low enough that guys will try to see your breasts. Sometimes it is sexier not to see something than to actually see it. I also bought you a wig that is cut in a short style, it is cute and sassy, and the guys will love it. I’m going to make your face up now and while I do I want you to pay attention to what I do so you will be able to do it yourself with practice. Tonight I’m going to have to pluck a few strays from your eyebrows, when you were Xena your brows were fine but if you are going clubbing they will have to be shaped.”

Betty started to pluck Jason’s brows, just a little but enough to make them feminine looking. She then applied his makeup, put on his wig and had him face the mirror.

“What do you think?”

Jason looked and looked and then he looked some more. He didn’t see a boy looking back but a cute girl, one he would have been proud to dance with. She wasn’t going to be a model or a movie star but she was cute.

“Wow Betty, I look like a girl.”

“”You’re supposed to look like one, I didn’t think you wanted to look like a boy with a dress on. Now lets put the rest of your cloths on and see what we have.”

Jason put on the camisole, blouse and skirt.

“Oh shit, I forgot, here put on these panty hose and then I have a pair of heels for you to wear. Sit down and I will show you how to put the hose on, like this, roll the legs down to the toe and then roll them up your leg like this, see how they stretch, perfect, now the shoes.”

Jason slipped on the shoes, a pair of black pumps with three-inch heels.

“Now stand up so I can inspect you.”

Jason stood and promptly fell on the bed.

“How am I supposed to stand in these?”

“Stand slowly and try to balance, don’t jump up like a guy, that’s why women rise elegantly when they stand, because of the heels, now try again.”

Jason tried again and he was able to stand by himself. Betty asked him to walk toward her. Jason tried, so help me God he did try, but what a disaster. Clump, clump he went feet apart sliding and lifting and clumping all the while trying to balance himself on the tiny heels.

“Oh my God Jason you’re a mess, this won’t do. Sit down and watch me walk, see small steps, one foot in front of the other, balance on the balls of your feet, use the heel to rest your calves, not to walk on or you will break an ankle, now stand and try it again.”

Jason stood and did as Betty told him to do; he took tiny steps, walked on the balls of his feet rested with the heel and one foot in front of the other. Jason definitely wasn’t going to get a modeling contract walking the way he was but it was better that the first time he tried.

“That’s much better Jason, however there are a couple of other things you are doing wrong. First when you sit down keep you legs together, you are showing the world your underwear when you sit and when you get up your legs are to remain together, remember you are a woman now not a guy so if you stand like you just were, it will be like putting a sign on you that says “man”. I think we had better practice making you a lady for now and then we will decide when to go dancing.”

Jason practiced all day and was pretty good by the time the day ended, but he still needed more practice, especially walking. Sometimes he would sway too much and other times he walked too much like a man.

“Jason, I’m going to video myself walking and I want you to take the tape home and watch what I do and then tape yourself and compare what you do to what I am doing. When you look like me when you walk it will be time to go dancing. You can take your clothing home so you can practice looking like a girl and while you’re at it practice doing your makeup. You had better change before you go home, I don’t think your neighbors would understand a girl going into your apartment while you were away.”

Jason changed back into his boy clothes and felt a twinge of disappointment, he liked the way he felt when he was dressed as a woman, his boy clothes felt so, how could he describe it, rough, plain, not sexy, dull, he almost wished he could wear his clubbing clothes home.

“Thanks Betty, I’ll practice and maybe I’ll be able to go out next week, see you Monday.”

Jason did indeed practice, everyday after work for hours, walking, sitting, standing up and putting on makeup. By Friday he had accomplished his task and was walking and sitting like any other girl his age. His makeup skills needed more work but they were passable. He couldn’t wait to tell Betty.

“Betty, I’m ready to go to the clubs. Can we go this Saturday?”

“Sure, let me hear you talk, like a girl”

Jason talked but sounded like a boy with a high-pitched voice.

“Jason tomorrow I will teach you how to talk like a girl and then tomorrow night, look out world here comes Tiffany.”

Jason and Betty both giggled when she said that, a feminine gesture that wasn’t overlooked by Betty.

The next day Jason was at Betty’s once again for voice lessons.

“Jason when you talk, use your hands more and you have to use a wider range of voice, almost like you are singing, let’s practice. We will have a conversation and I will help you.”

Jason and Betty talked and talked until Jason sounded just like the girl he was becoming.

“Jason we have to get ready, you shower first because you take longer to get ready and don’t forget to shave, nothing looks worse than a pretty girl with stubble.”

Jason showered and dressed but let Betty put on his makeup. This night she used more than she had before. When he was dressed and ready to go and looked in the mirror he gasped.

“What’s wrong?” asked Betty.

“I look hot, I look like I’m all legs and my face, God, I look hot!”

“You’re supposed to look hot, remember you’re on a quest, you’re a woman now and you are looking for a man, a man to seduce. When a man sees you, half of your work is over when you look as good as you do now.”

“I don’t want to seduce a man, all I want to do is dance.”

“They don’t know that, only you do so don’t say anything and live like a girl for a few hours and enjoy yourself. The best part of all this is that you will have free drinks all night long. Here take this purse and put your I.D. in it with some makeup and let’s go.”

“What happens if they look at my I.D. and notice I’m a man?”

“They won’t, believe me, you’re too cute.”

Betty, Ron and Jason, now Tiffany went to the club and Betty was right, even though they were carded the bouncer couldn’t keep his eyes off of Tiffany all he saw was the date of birth. The threesome made their way to the bar and Ron purchased them a drink. It only took about five minutes before Tiffany was asked to dance. She felt confident in herself and accepted and it was off to the dance floor. Betty watched as Tiffany walked with the man and noticed that her walk was perfection, almost as though she had been born a girl. Tiffany returned and was asked immediately again for a dance and then if she wanted a drink. She accepted and sat with a handsome man and talked about the usual things people talk about in clubs like this. Tiffany was getting caught up in the attention paid to her and she loved it. There were no overt moves on her, the men were polite and she just turned them down if it was something she didn’t want to do. All to soon the evening ended with one last dance, although this was a slow one and before Tiffany cold refuse her dance partner pulled her into his arms. He pulled her tight wanting to feel her body against him. Tiffany was in a panic, what should she do? She looked around and saw the other couples dancing and tried to mimic them, by putting her arms around the mans neck. God she’s hot, he thought, I hope she comes back here again. The dance ended and the man led Tiffany back to the table and left her with Ron and Betty.

“Tiffany, did you enjoy yourself?”

“Oh God Betty this was the most fun I have ever had, I want to come back again, please?”

“Of course we can come back, we can’t leave all these guys hanging, I think they are in love.” Betty said in a teasing way.

Jason knew she was teasing him but he was also on a high from being so popular. I can’t wait to get a high like this again; I can’t wait until next week.

“Can’t we come sooner?”

“No, we have to work and you would be a mess if you stayed up too late, next Friday is soon enough.”

“You’re right, I’ll show some patience.”

“How did you feel about the last dance? You were dancing pretty close to that guy.”

“When he pulled me into his arms I thought I would puke, and then I looked around and saw how the other girls were dancing and I wanted to look like them so I put my arms around his neck. After a little while it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, it was actually kind of romantic, I only wish I was dancing with a girl instead of a guy.”

“Well maybe after next week you might want to dance as a guy again and come out as Jason, we’ll see how it goes.”

“Maybe so, being a girl is so much fun but having to dance with guys is kind of yucky to me.”

Betty noticed the feminine words that Jason was using but didn’t want to say anything because the more he got into this role playing the more likely he would continue to pass.

“I’m glad you had fun tonight and next week will even be better because you will be more comfortable with yourself and be able to relax more easily.”

“You’re right it will be more fun.”

The threesome returned to Betty’s and Jason changed back into a boy and drove home to dream of being that popular girl again.

The week seemed to drag; Jason could hardly wait for Friday to arrive. The only thing that kept him from going crazy was the phone call from Tom Larson to tell him that their branch had exceeded the company’s expectations of growth and revenue in the L.A. area by forty-five percent. Because of this they were going to increase Jason’s salary by twenty-five thousand dollars a year. Jason was beside himself, a raise like that already, he couldn’t believe it. This only increased Jason’s need to celebrate, luckily he had only two days to wait.

Friday came and it was back to Betty’s to dress.

“Betty, I was thinking, could you get me some more clothes? I hate to wear the same thing over and over.”

“Jason, I was wondering when you would ask me that. You’re becoming more of a girl and you are acquiring a need to shop. This is a big step for you but I can’t always do your shopping so tomorrow I will take you to find some more clothes.”

“Thank you, you’re such a sweet friend.”

This evening Ron had to work but trusted Betty to take Jason on her own to the club so she did. The evening went wonderfully and the girls danced every dance except Betty only danced the fast ones, but Tiffany danced all the slow ones too and found that she enjoyed them as much or more than the fast dances. There was something intoxicating about holding another person close and laying your head on his chest, it was dreamy.

Tiffany and Betty drove home and talked of their shopping adventure the next day.

“Jason, have you decided what you want to buy tomorrow?”

“Well, I was looking at the other girls and.”

“Did you say the other girls? Are you a girl now?”

“No that’s not what I meant.”

“Oh you were watching the other girls and want to be Jason again and maybe dance with them?”

“No that’s not what I meant either, I was watching them and wondering what I would look like in their clothes. I noticed styles that I want so bad and tomorrow I will buy them, after all with my new raise I will be able to afford them.”

“Atta girl, spoken like a true female. How did you feel dancing the slow dances tonight?”

“I, uhh, well uhh, you know, I, I,” Jason stammered and turned red not knowing if he should say how he felt, he felt popular and he felt pretty, “I guess okay.”

“Come on girl friend, I know how you felt, you felt protected and wanted and you liked it. There is no shame in that, you’re a girl, you should love feeling that way.”

“You’re right Betty, I did feel like that and it made me feel wonderful. I shouldn’t feel like that since I am a man, but when I’m Tiffany I feel so wonderful, so wanted, so popular and I love it, am I wrong to feel like this?”

“Oh honey no, right now you are a desirable young woman and you should feel like one. If tomorrow you were dressed like Jason and felt that way then maybe there would be a problem, but tonight you are Tiffany and Tiffany should enjoy her femininity.”

“Then I will.”

Jason slept that night in Betty’s spare bedroom and only after she gave him one of her satin nighties. He donned the sexy garment and went to bed with a new feeling of femininity that wasn’t going away this night. He still felt popular even though he was alone in bed, but even more he didn’t realize that it wasn’t popularity that he was beginning to crave but something else.

The next morning dawned and Betty was out of bed like a shot. She ran to Jason’s room and knocked on the door.

“Jason hurry, the mall opens in one hour, get up sleepy head and get dressed.”

Jason opened his eyes and wondered where he was and then remembered that he was in Betty’s spare bedroom dressed in a gorgeous negligee and feeling wonderful. He asked himself, do women feel this way every morning when they wake? He stretched and turned to exit the bed, he looked at his legs peeking from under the negligee and thought, not bad, not bad at all, actually they are kind of sexy. Jason exited the bed and went to shower. Before he did he called to Betty.

“Betty, what am I going to wear, I can’t go shopping looking like Jason and I can’t wear my clubbing skirt?”

“I have something for you in the bathroom.”

Jason went into the bathroom and saw a pair of women’s jeans and a casual top for him to wear. Jason showered and dried and the put on his gaff and dressed. Betty did his makeup only less than at night, put on his wig. The only shoes he had to wear were his black pumps but they looked okay, as his men’s shoes wouldn’t have gone with the outfit he was now wearing.

Jason and Betty talked about what he should buy.

“Did you see anything last night that you would want to wear?”

“God yes, everything looked so cute. I need new shoes, you know the kind with the straps that go everywhere?”

“You mean sandals?”

“I guess that’s what you call them, I saw one girl with a pair that had the highest heels, they were so sexy.”

“Oh I saw them too, yes they were sexy but they aren’t for you.”

“Why not, I can get used to them, like you say just a little practice.”

“Because there is a saying for heels like that, they’re called come fuck me shoes and if that’s what you want then we will buy them, but for now I think you had better stick to three inch heels and look sexy and not like a girl on the make.”

“I see your point. I guess this girl thing is getting too exciting for me sometimes.”

“Don’t worry that’s what I’m here for, to keep you a nice girl,” Betty giggled.

The girls arrived at the mall and the shopping began. The first stop was Nordstrom’s where Jason found several mini skirts and a very cute little dress made for dancing. Next came the tops to go with the skirts. Jason found a tube top he just had to have but Betty stopped him.

“Why can’t I have it?”

“You can but you won’t be able to wear it, you have no boobs.”

“I have these things,” Jason said as he pointed at his breasts.

“I know you do but you can’t show them like real breasts because that top is made to show a lot of cleavage. Remember last night, the girls with tops like this and others that showed a lot of their breasts weren’t wearing forms. The only way to wear a top like this is to have real breasts and I don’t think you want that.”

“Your right, I forgot about that, I just feel so much like a girl sometimes.”

The quest continued and Betty was able talk Jason into clothing other than club wears.

“Jason, we have to buy you things other than what you will wear to the clubs. I can’t keep loaning you my things.”

“You’re right Betty, it isn’t right for me to borrow your stuff all the time, what would you suggest?”

“Everything, we’ll start from the skin out and when we’re finished you will need a whole new closet for everything,” giggled Betty.

The girls started at Victoria’s Secret and ended at Cathy’s Shoes with stops at every woman’s shop in between. Jason even had his ears pierced and bought jewelry. Jason was so caught up in the fun he was having with Betty he didn’t realize he was turning into a real girl. By the time the girls returned to Betty’s it was time to get ready to go to the clubs again.

Jason decided to wear the red dress he bought at Nordstrom’s with a pair of red sandals with three-inch heels. He also wore his first pair of earrings, ones that were red to match the dress. Betty looked and was glad her friend was learning how to co-ordinate his fashion.

“You look great, but wait, there’s something missing, I know, we have a few minutes, take off your sandals and pantyhose, I have to do your nails.”


“Because you don’t look finished, now hurry.”

Luckily Jason hadn’t trimmed his fingernails for a while and they were long enough to round at the ends and soon he had nails that matched his dress, as did his lipstick. He looked at his hands and they looked like secretaries hands that typed a lot, feminine but not overly so. Jason looked in the mirror and smiled, he looked hot. His makeup was perfect, his dress was shorter than the skirt he wore the night before and everything matched, right down to his toenails.

“What do you think?” asked Betty.

“I look really good, even hot.”

“Yes you do, see what I mean, you have to look finished, the more you become a girl the more you will realize it.”

“Oh Betty this is so much fun, the shopping and getting ready and now going out to dance, I’m the luckiest girl in the world.” Tiffany said as her eyes started to water with happiness.

“Don’t you dare cry, it will ruin your makeup.”

Tiffany gave Betty a hug and said, “Let’s go.”

The girls went to a different club this night and Tiffany was barely able to sit down before she was asked to dance. After the first dance she returned to the table and there was a drink waiting for her. She looked around and a cute guy held his glass up and smiled. Tiffany thought to herself, wow, I must look good to already have a drink and I haven’t been here five minutes. She looked back at the man and smiled back with her most alluring smile. Jason was making a big mistake doing this but didn’t realize that was what the man wanted from this fox of a girl. He stood and walked over to introduce himself and ask for a dance.

“Hi, my name is Jeff, and yours?”

“Tiffany, and thank you for the drink.”

“It was my pleasure, would you like to dance?”

“I’d love to.”

Jeff led Tiffany to the floor and thus began an evening of exclusive partnering. The two danced the next ten dances together, both fast and slow. Tiffany was beginning to have different feelings now, especially when she danced slow dances with Jeff. There was a bonding she couldn’t quite explain to herself but she liked the feeling of his hand tight against her back as it caressed her softly. After the third slow dance she realized she was becoming aroused, not like a man, but like a woman. Tiffany grew afraid.

“Jeff could we sit down for a minute please?”

“Of course.”

Jeff took her hand and led her back to the table. The week before Jason would pull his hand away from any man that touched him but now she took his hand in hers and held it tight. She didn’t want to lose this guy. Betty came back to the table with a frantic look on her face.

“We have to go, Ron was in an accident. He’s alright but we have to pick him up at the hospital.”

“I’ll get my things, I’m sorry I have to go,” Tiffany said to Jeff.

“I’m sorry too, will you be here next week?”

“I hope so.” replied Tiffany giving Jeff her best smile.

Betty and Tiffany left the club. Betty knew she had to have a talk with Jason.

“Jason, I was watching you tonight and it isn’t a good idea to spend your time with one person exclusively, people will get the wrong idea, especially the man you’re with.”

“I wasn’t doing anything wrong, it was just easier to dance with one person rather than go back and forth to the dance floor.”

“Who was that guy?”

“Do you mean Jeff?”

“Of course I mean Jeff, he was the one you were with,” Betty said with irritation in her voice, “I hate to say it but you looked like you had stars in your eyes.”

“It’s not like that, I just feel more at ease now dancing with men, like you said practice makes perfect.”

“This isn’t something to play with Jason, you are supposed to do this so you can have some kind of social life, it’s becoming more than that now, it’s becoming a dangerous game for you.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“For one thing guys think you are a girl and if they find out you’re not you could be hurt very badly but even more importantly you are becoming a girl and that’s not right.”

“What’s not right?”

“You becoming a girl, it’s one thing to go shopping or dancing as one but becoming involved with another man is something altogether different, it’s something a girl does and that’s what you were doing tonight. You were giving him all the right looks and moves for a girl and that wasn’t anything I taught you, it’s something that a girl is born with and that’s what scares me, a girl does those things naturally, not a man, unless you’re gay.”

“I’m not gay, don’t say that, maybe you’re right, maybe I am getting carried away with this thing, it did feel good though when Jeff held me.”

“That’s exactly what I mean, a man wouldn’t have felt that way, yet you did, you’re becoming too much of a woman.”

“But it feels so good when I become one.”

“I imagine it does, but then again it just might be because you feel popular.”

“You might be right, maybe it is because I feel popular. I just felt so safe and secure with Jeff when he held me, God I’m getting so messed up. I think maybe I’ll try being a man again and try something different. This girl thing is doing things to my mind that aren’t right, maybe I’ll try something away from the clubs and then I might meet a nice girl for a change.”

“I think that’s a good idea, if you give yourself a break from being a girl, you might meet the girl of your dreams.”

Jason and Betty arrived and Jason became a man once again and ready to pursue his dream of popularity.

That weekend found Jason at a soup kitchen helping with meals. He met a nice girl and as the day wore on he decided to ask her out.

“Jackie, I’ve had a wonderful time today especially with you. I was wondering if maybe you might join me later for dinner?” asked Jason.

Jackie was a pretty girl of about twenty years and liked helping the down and out. She also liked her men manly so all she could do was decline. She looked at Jason and saw a delicate little man that looked fourteen years old, almost like a younger brother.

“I’m sorry Jason but you aren’t my type,” she said, not wanting to lead him on.

“Okay, I understand.”

“It’s not that Jason, it’s just that I like big guys, it’s nothing personal.”

Here we go again thought Jason, damn why can’t I get a date, I’m a nice guy, I have a good job, maybe I’ll join a gym and try to become more manly, something has to work.

The very next day Jason was at the gym, joining and working out. He worked out for several months, pumping iron with little results. His waist grew thinner but nothing else seemed to grow. He struck up friendships with several young ladies but as usual they all had excuses as to why they wouldn’t go out with him. Jason was tiring of this crap and was at his wits end, and then he remembered Tiffany. He still had all those clothes and maybe it would be all right to be her a few more times, just to be popular again.

Jason approached Betty one day after work.

“Betty, may I have a word with you in my office?”

Betty entered Jason’s office and asked, “What can I do for you, Jason?”

“Do you remember when I went out as Tiffany and all the fun I had?”

“Of course I remember, why do you ask?”

“Because my life is shit right now. I tried working out and as you can see, nothing happened. I tried meeting girls everywhere I went and the answer is always the same, sorry not tonight or you’re not my kind, there’s always some excuse not to go out with me and I’ve had it.”

“Jason you’re a sweet man and someday you will meet a girl that can look past your stature and see the nice person you are, give it a chance, be patient.”

“I have been patient, I just want to have a little fun again and that’s why I mentioned Tiffany. I was hoping that maybe we could go out again. Ron is back to work and the three of us had such fun when we went out that I just wanted to do it again.”

“You want to be Tiffany again?”

“Yes, I still have all those clothes and I haven’t even worn half of them, please just this once?”

“Okay, I’ll talk to Ron and see what he say’s and let you know tomorrow.”

Later that day Tom Larson called Jason to let him know how his branch was doing.

“Jason, how are you, everything okay, you sound a little down in the dumps?”

“Everything is fine Tom, I guess I’m just a little tired.”

“Well Jason, I just wanted to call you and let you know that your branch has the best improvement in sales and profit of all the branches. You started with zero sales and now our company is the ninth largest import-export firm in the Los Angeles area, you’ve done a phenomenal job. The board of directors has decided to raise your salary by 100K a year because we are so pleased with your performance. Just keep up the good work.”

“Thank you Tom, I will, talk to you soon.”

Now Jason was ready to celebrate, he just hoped Betty would help him.

The next day Betty informed Jason that she and Ron would go out with him to celebrate his good fortune on Saturday night and Tiffany could come along.

Jason went to Betty’s house to become Tiffany once again Saturday afternoon. He wanted to look good so he started early as it had been several months since Tiffany had gone out. He shaved his legs and underarms once again and when he had finished his legs he wondered why he hadn’t shaved them more often, he felt nice and soft and smooth and much to his concern feminine. He exited and dried himself off and put on his gaff and wondered what to wear.

“Betty what should I wear?”

“I don’t know, let me look at you, wait I know just the thing. Remember that short leather skirt you bought? I have a pair of glasses that just have glass lenses with no prescription and you could go out as a sexy secretary. All you need is some dark nylons and a white blouse. Wear your black pumps, a little jewelry and you will be perfect.”

Jason began to dress, first putting on a pair of dark sheer panty hose and a short black slip with a little lace trim. When he pulled the panty hose up his legs he shivered with excitement. The feeling of the nylon was reawakening feelings he had tried to bury months ago but now they were coming back to the surface. Next when he put on the slip and felt the satin rub his legs through the nylon he knew he was doing the right thing. Next came the bra and forms, he realized that he had missed the tightness of the bra’s straps around his chest and over his shoulders but what really put him over the edge was when he lowered the camisole over his head and let it settle against his body. The feeling of the satin softly caressing his skin below his bra made him promise himself to never let Tiffany disappear again. Next came the skirt and blouse and finally the pumps and glasses. Betty had already made him up and styled the wig. Jason looked in the mirror and Tiffany was back and she looked good. Because of working out Jason’s waist had shrunk two inches which made him look a bit more shapely but he still looked like a skinny girl, but that didn’t matter right now because Tiffany was back and it was time to have fun once again.

The threesome went to the club and Jason was once again popular. He danced many of the dances, never more than twice with the same man having learned his lesson with Jeff. As the evening wore on Jason noticed that he wasn’t the center of attention as much as he was the first times he went dancing. There were other girls that seemed to attract the men more than he.

“Betty, why are those other girls so much more popular than me, I do look good, don’t I?”

“You look great, you look sophisticated and nice, but you have class. Those girls are looking to pick a guy up, see how they are dressed, mini-skirts and very low cut blouses. They’re breasts are hanging out and are barely covered. You couldn’t wear something like that because you have no breasts. See that girl right there, she has no bra on yet she has those huge boobs that don’t sag. The reason she doesn’t sag is that she has had implants and they are cheap, see how round they are, they look fake, but the way she is flaunting herself some guy knows she is going to give it up tonight and it’s just a matter of time that she chooses a guy to go with. The guys don’t care if her tits are fake because they just care what’s between her legs and for how long they can do her, you look good so don’t worry about her.”

Jason was worried about her though, what can I do to become more popular he thought? The evening ended and the threesome went home. Jason stayed the night at Betty’s and wore his satin nightgown not wanting Tiffany to go away. The next morning Jason returned home with some sadness, he didn’t want to put Tiffany away again.

The workweek started anew with Jason chasing a new account that would move them up to number five in volume in the L.A. area. The days were stressful and he kept thinking about Tiffany. Tuesday night he returned home and had made a decision, he would dress as Tiffany at home for the first time since he had practiced for his first night out. He wasn’t going to go out, he just missed being Tiffany. How would a girl dress at home he wondered, he thought about Betty and what she wore when he came to her house. He decided, it would be jeans, a blouse and casual shoes, a little makeup, no, he decided, no shoes, he would polish his toe nails instead, he was going to be a girl tonight. Jason showered and shaved his legs and underarms again, he was going to be all girl and she wasn’t going to have stubble on her legs. He finished and put on a pair of panties, no need to worry about a bulge at home and put on the girls jeans he bought on his shopping spree months ago. He found a cute pull over blouse and put it on after putting on his bra, now just a little makeup he thought. Betty had been doing his makeup for him because he was out of practice so this was going to be a whole new experience. Just a little mascara he thought and lip gloss, just a little, no need to over do it. Jason tried and had to remove it three times but finally did get it right, mascara and the lip-gloss, just two things but they were things a girl did and they looked good when he finished. He then tried to polish his toenails, which became a disaster. Water didn’t take the polish off like makeup, he had to use remover, four times he tried, and then remembered seeing a movie with girls putting cotton balls between their toes so they would have space between them, so he tried that with much more success. Jason was learning how to be a woman. Jason looked at himself in the mirror and saw a skinny girl looking back, not too cute but a girl none the less. I’m going to have to improve on this he thought, maybe I can grow my hair longer and maybe have my eyebrows done, possibly a complete makeover, I can do it he thought and then guys will be all over me, I will be popular just like the other girls. Dressed as he was Jason was losing any concept of what would happen if he were to do the things he thought of doing but then again one does tend to lose any reasoning while dressed as a woman. Jason spent the evening practicing walking in heels and just being a girl, he loved it. He even slept in his satin nightgown again. The next morning Jason realized that he forgot to remove his makeup and saw the raccoon eyes and giggled, next time I remove my makeup before I go to bed, he thought

The week past and Jason was hooked, Tiffany was becoming a part of his life in a very big way. Everyday after work Jason couldn’t wait to get home to become his new persona. He loved becoming Tiffany and practiced every moment he could at being her. He was like a teenaged girl. He soon was buying all the magazines, like Vogue and Cosmo to see the fashion and how to articles on makeup and hairstyles, how to co-ordinate clothing and accessories, Tiffany was becoming a real girl and Jason didn’t realize that she was taking control of his personality. Jason was happy at work and hadn’t mentioned Tiffany to Betty for several months. Betty had noticed this sudden change in things and seemed unconcerned at first but began to notice little things like makeup residue or just a little bit of nail polish on his fingers or a hint of perfume fragrance that would linger on him in the morning.

“Jason, may I have a word with you?” Betty asked when she could take it no more.

“Sure Betty, what’s up?” he asked cheerily.

“I know it’s none of my business but I do feel some what responsible for your actions and I don’t want you to think that I don’t want you to enjoy yourself but I worry about you because you’ve become a friend and I have to ask you why you have makeup on in the mornings?”

“You saw that?” Jason asked, as he turned red.

“Yes I did and I know it’s none of my business but I do worry about you, so what’s going on?”

“I, uh well, I, I love being Tiffany and I have been spending time as her at home. I don’t know why it just feels right.”

“What do you do when you’re Tiffany?”

“You know, I’m just a girl, I practice my makeup and hair, polish my nails, try on my clothes, you know girl things.”

“Do you go out?”

“Heavens no, I only go out with you and Ron, I just like being Tiffany.”

“Are you going to go out?”

“I don’t know, I really don’t, please don’t say anything to anyone about this,” Jason said as a tear formed in his eye.

“Honey, don’t worry you’re a friend and friends don’t hurt each other, especially girl friends.”

Betty hugged Jason and he knew his secret was safe for now.

Another month passed and Jason was getting the itch to go dancing again. He asked Betty if she would go with him but she said her mother in law was in town for a month and so they wouldn’t be able to go for a while. Jason wanted to dance so he decided to go alone.

Jason dressed in one of Tiffany’s club dresses and made himself up. The practice he had been doing the last month with makeup had paid off, it was even better than the makeup Betty’s had done for him. Jason looked in the mirror and felt confident that he would be very popular tonight. Tiffany went to the club and began to dance soon after arriving. After several dances with different partners Tiffany wasn’t asked for five or six dances. Finally she was asked again and she accepted. Her partner was an average looking guy named Bill and he was a good dancer. When that dance ended he asked her to dance again and even though she didn’t want to dance exclusively with just one man she also didn’t want to stand around like she just had just been doing. Tiffany accepted and thus followed a series of dances, both fast and slow. Tiffany was once again getting caught up in a situation with which she had no control, being as this was her first night out alone as a girl. As the evening progressed, she was becoming more at ease with herself and the slow seduction taking place. She liked being held by this man and she liked feeling popular, she liked it a lot. The last dance arrived and Tiffany was aroused sexually and she liked the feelings she was having, will he kiss me she wondered, I hope so she thought, not, God if this man kisses me I’m going to hit him or I’ll throw up, no, that wasn’t what Tiffany was feeling at all. Tiffany had taken possession of Jason’s body and he had become a young woman, one that wanted a man to want her and kiss her. As the dance ended Bill did kiss her and when he did Tiffany went weak. She put her arms around Bills neck and held him tight kissing him back, for this was the first kiss Tiffany or Jason had ever had from another person other than his mother or his aunts. Bill broke the kiss and Tiffany regained her composure.

“Thank you Tiffany for the wonderful evening, may I call you?”

“Yes you may, here’s my number,” she said as she wrote it on a napkin, “Please call.”

“I will,” he said as he left.

Tiffany drove home and felt emptiness about her, she wanted Bill, here sitting beside her to kiss her neck and lips, to tell her how much he loved her, and she wanted a man. Tiffany arrived home and went to bed after removing her makeup. She lay in bed thinking of what had just happened. She had just had her first kiss from a man and felt good about it and as she did she felt the tears form in her eyes, why did she have to be a man, this isn’t fair she thought. As the night wore on Jason began to think, what the hell am I doing, shit, I kissed a man, I kissed a man and I wanted him to kiss me more, yuk, what in the hell is happening to me?

Jason finally fell asleep and awoke the next morning still thinking of the kiss. There is something perverted here he thought, no more of this Tiffany stuff, it’s messing with my mind, I’m done, I’m throwing all her things out next week, I’m done with it, no more. Jason’s thoughts were interrupted by the phone ringing.


“Hi Tiffany, this is Bill, I just wanted to call and thank you for last night, I had a wonderful time.”

“Bill,” Tiffany said excitedly, “I didn’t think you would call.”

“Why wouldn’t I call the prettiest girl at the club last night,” said Bill, continuing the seduction.

“I don’t know, I just thought you wouldn’t,” Said Tiffany, clearly flustered.

“Well I did and I was wondering if you might have time for dinner next week?”

Oh my God, oh my God, he wants to take me out Tiffany thought, her heart was racing, I can’t date him I’m a man,

“Oh Bill I can’t, I’m so busy at work that I can’t take off, please call me back next week and maybe I will be able to, okay?” Tiffany replied, she didn’t want to blow him off and she liked being desired by this man and even though dating him was out of the question, she didn’t mind him calling again.

“You bet I will, bye.”

Jason was beside himself, Tiffany had an admirer, and Jason had wanted to get rid of Tiffany. If he did though would he be popular, certainly Tiffany was but would he be, he knew the answer to that. Would he be able to give up his life as Jason just to have popularity? God this is so complicated he thought, I like being a guy but I also like being Tiffany even more than I thought I would. Being a girl is very special he thought, maybe if I tried to be more of a girl I wouldn’t have these mental conflicts with myself. Jason decided to go on line and visited several sites on being transgendered. Jason discovered more information that he thought existed. He dressed as Tiffany again just to see if he really liked being Tiffany. Once again the feelings of femininity overwhelmed him, it was as though he was a totally different person, he had to be Tiffany, he had to be popular, he had to be wanted. It was while he was under this duress that he decided that he wanted real breasts and a real figure. No more little butt or false breasts he wanted to feel like a real girl, he wanted to become a real girl, he wanted to become Tiffany. The next day Jason ordered hormones from Mexico, he thought he knew what he wanted and was going to get it, Tiffany was going to become a real live girl.

The hormones arrived and Jason thought, what in the hell am I doing, I can’t do this, it’s so permanent, it’s so perverted, it’s so fucked up. He was just about to throw them out and as fate would have it Bill called.

“Tiffany, hi it’s Bill.”

“Bill, hi.”

“I just called to see if you’re ready for dinner yet?”

“Almost, maybe in another week.”

“That’s cool, I’ll call you.”

Jason hung up the phone and Tiffany took the pills and swallowed them. Tiffany’s popularity had won over Jason’s weak will and he was now willing to see what would happen with the hormones. Bill never did call back but Jason continued to take the hormones. The strange thing about all of this was that his performance at work improved. After about four months of hormone treatment Jason was starting to fill out. His hips were starting to change, as was his waist. He was becoming softer looking and was becoming much more emotional about things. His chest had begun to itch and hurt just to touch. These were changes that didn’t slip by Betty.

“Jason, are you all right?”

“Why do you ask?”

“You seem different lately, are you taking something?”

“Of course not, I think its just nerves, I’ve been under a lot of stress lately.”

“Okay, if you say so.”

Betty let it drop. She knew if Jason wanted her to know what he was doing he would tell her.

Another two months passed and Jason was starting to have problems hiding his changes. They weren’t great but enough so that his clothes no longer fit properly. The hormones were also doing things to Jason that he couldn’t see, like making his blood pressure go through the roof.

It was a Wednesday when Jason complained to Betty that he felt cold even though it was seventy-five degrees in the office. An hour later he felt too warm, he felt like crying, he felt giddy, he felt feminine he felt wonderful. Jason stood to tell Betty something and fainted as he did. An ambulance was called and Jason’s secret was about to be discovered.

Jason opened his eyes and looked around the room he was in. What happened he wondered and where am I? He didn’t recognize the fluorescent fixtures overhead nor did he recognize the curtains around his bed, for that matter he didn’t recognize the bed he was in. He tried to move and found tubes leading to his arm, he groaned and a nurse rushed to his side.

“Are you alright?” she asked.

“Where am I?”

“You’re in the emergency room at county hospital, you fainted and have been unconscious for an hour.”

“How did I get here?”

“Your secretary call for an ambulance when you fainted and they brought you here.”

“What’s wrong with me?”

“Your blood pressure got so high that it made your body shut down as a warning, it’s good that you are so young or you might have had a stroke and died.”

“Why is my blood pressure so high?”

“I don’t know but we are running some tests and should have the results soon. Just stay still and relax, your doctor will be in soon.”

Jason closed his eyes and drifted back to sleep. An hour past and he felt a hand shaking his shoulder. He opened his eyes and saw a man standing next to him.

“Mr. Randall, I’m Dr. Murray. I just received the results of your toxicology tests and found out why you have such high blood pressure. You seem to have extraordinarily high amounts of estrogen and other hormones in you system. Are you in transition at this time and who prescribed these hormones for you?”

Jason could see the heart monitor jump when the doctor asked him that question, this was his secret and no one was to know what he was doing. He obviously didn’t think the whole thing through because it wouldn’t be long before he would have breasts and feminine hips to hide.

“I got the hormones from Mexico.”

“How did you know what amount to take, did a doctor give you the amounts or did you guess?”

“I guessed. I went on the Internet and read about them and thought I would be able to figure out the right amount to take.”

“Well obviously you didn’t take the right amount, you almost killed yourself. You are going to have to stay here for a few days before I release you to make sure you are all right. Because this is a county hospital I see many patients like you that are in transition but usually for other reasons. I’m going to recommend another doctor for you to see and have you put on the proper dosage of hormones so this doesn’t happen again. Nurse would you take Mr. Randall up to his room, I’m done here.”

“You mentioned other reasons people like me come in here?”

“Yes I did. The most common reason is severe trauma. A girl like you picks up some guy and when he finds out you are a man he beats the heck out of them and the other is attempted suicide. Girls like you sometimes have a lot of mental issues and the hormones don’t help but tend to magnify what problems they do have, that’s why you shouldn’t even take them before you have a very thorough mental examination and that’s why I’m recommending another doctor to look at you and why you should never self medicate yourself, good luck,” said the doctor as he left.

Jason was wheeled to his room. He started to think of what the doctor had told him about hormones. How could he be so stupid? What made him think he could possibly know how much hormone to take to get a figure, heck he had a hard enough time taking aspirin let alone a powerful drug like that. His mind was in a whirl and the wrong dosage of hormones wasn’t helping, he just wanted to cry which is what he did, he cried himself to sleep.

“Jason, Jason,” the voice said.

Jason opened his eyes and saw Betty standing next to his bed.

“Jason what happened, the nurse says you will be in here until Friday.”

“My blood pressure was too high and I passed out.”

“Why is it too high?”

“They didn’t tell me yet, they said they would after the tests are in,” Jason said knowing he was lying to his friend. He wasn’t ready to tell her about the hormones just yet.

“Maybe it was the stress at work. I phoned the corporate offices and told them what happened to you. They said that everything will be alright for now and that they wouldn’t have to send anyone out to cover for you since most everything is under control and the nurse said you should be able to return to work Monday.”

“Thank you Betty, you’re so good to me, could I please have a hug?”

Betty gave Jason a hug and when she did Jason fell apart, the tears poured from his eyes. How could I do all these stupid things and not tell my best friend he thought, she has always been here for me and now I won’t even tell her what I have done, Jason just cried.

“Jason, what’s wrong, what aren’t you telling me, you can tell me anything, you’re my friend, I’m here for you.”

“Oh Betty, I’ve been so stupid, I just couldn’t tell you what I was doing, I’m so ashamed.”

“Please tell me Jason, I’ll help you no matter what you’ve done.”

“If I tell you do you promise not to be angry with me?”

“I promise, that’s what friends are for.”

“Do you remember about six or seven months ago when I asked you if you would take me to the clubs and you couldn’t because your mother-in-law was staying with you?”

“Yes I remember.”

“Well I decided that I was a big girl now and I would go out by myself so I did. I had so much fun dancing and even met a guy who was very nice to me. I wasn’t as popular as I thought I would be so I thought if I had a real figure I would become a much more popular person. I got some hormones from Mexico and started them four months ago. They were the wrong dosage and this happened, I feel like such a fool,” Jason said as the tears fell once again.

“Oh Jason, why didn’t you come to me first before you did such a thing?”

“I was afraid you would laugh at me.”

“I would never laugh at you, you’ve become a very good friend. What do you plan to do now?”

“I’m not sure anymore. I love being a woman but after this happened, I’m not so sure anymore, I’m going to have to think about it.”

“Well don’t you worry, I’ll be here for you.”

“Thank you Betty, I love you.”

“I love you too Jason.” Betty said as she left.

The next day a middle-aged woman came into Jason’s room.

“Hello Jason, I’m Dr. Sarah Burns. I’m a specialist in hormonal therapy and I’ve come to take a look at you and then we can decide what to do about you.”

Dr. Burns looked at Jason’s chart and then examined him. When she was done she look at him and said, “Jason what you did was really bad for you. I don’t know why you didn’t see a doctor first before doing this to yourself and I don’t want to know why, but now we have to try to fix what you have done. You have some development in your breast area and also your hips are becoming more feminine looking. If you were to stop your hormones now the development will also stop and for the most part go away. There is a more serious problem however, when you took these hormones you chemically castrated yourself. You can never have children unless you adopt them. If you had seen a doctor first you could have had dosages that wouldn’t have destroyed your testicles but that is neither here nor there right now. What we have to do is decide what is best for you from this point on. If you go on the proper dosage of hormones you will develop into an attractive young woman. I won’t lie to you, you won’t grow large breasts and your hair won’t go away but with surgery you can become a woman. If you decide to go the other way you won’t be able to father your own children and you might have to have surgery to reduce the size of you nipples. After what you just put yourself through I would probably suggest the first option, you almost killed yourself trying to become a woman so you might as well finish the task.”

Jason couldn’t believe his ears, he was sterile, he couldn’t have children, and he did this to become popular. If he had just left well enough alone he would be fine but no, he just had to be wanted. If only he had some patience he could have found a girl who would have accepted him for who he was, a delicate man. Now he had to make a decision that would affect the rest of his life. He wasn’t so sure he wanted to be a girl anymore, he was still a virgin and now he couldn’t even know what it would be like to be able to make love to a woman and produce children, that was gone forever. Would he want to become a woman and make love to a man, sure he would be able to be bedded and he did feel a need when Bill had kissed him but was it a need because he had never been wanted sexually before by a woman or was it a need because he had become a woman at the time of the kiss. Jason was going to have to talk to someone before he could make such an important decision.

“I’m not sure what I should do,” said Jason.

“Well there is no need to rush into it now as the damage is already done and you won’t be making anymore testosterone so you won’t lose the changes you already have, so take your time making a decision and then call me.”

“Thank you doctor.”

Jason was released from the hospital the next day and was driven home by Betty. He spent the whole weekend relaxing and pondering what he should do. By Monday morning he was even more uncertain as to what he should do.

Jason was at work for about an hour when the phone rang.

“Jason, it’s Tom on the phone for you.”

God what does he want, I’m not in the mood right now to have my ass chewed out for having to go to the hospital.

“Hello, Tom.”

“Jason how do you feel? We were very concerned when we heard you had to be admitted to the hospital, is everything alright now?”

“It’s getting better.”

“Can you tell me what happened, Betty said it was something to do with high blood pressure.”

“Yes that’s what the doctors told me.”

“Well listen Jason, we can’t have you running our branch with high blood pressure so next week we’re going to have you go to the company condo over on Maui to relax for a week. You have been working too hard and need some time off and we won’t take no for an answer, are you alright with that?”

“That would be great, I’m looking forward to going, thank you so much Tom.”

“Don’t thank me Jason, you deserve it, yours is the best producing branch in the company and we owe it all to you, we don’t want to lose you, now take it easy, I’ll talk to you when you get back.”

Tom hung up the phone before Jason could say another word. He thought they would be mad at him but to the contrary they cared for him. Tears came to his eyes, damn hormones he thought. He told Betty of his good fortune and she hugged him and told him to enjoy himself and not to think of a thing other than relaxing.

The following Sunday Jason flew to Maui and was soon in the company condo looking out the window at the Pacific Ocean splashing on the beach in front of the condominium. A relaxed feeling washed over him as he put all thoughts away for at least a few hours, my personal decisions can wait for a few days he thought, for now it’s just rest.

Several days past until Jason felt like venturing forth to see the island. He arose and put on a t-shirt and jeans and drove a short distance to Lahina to have breakfast. He found a little restaurant and went in to have breakfast. A cute little Hawaiian girl waited on him.

“May I have your order?” she asked.

“I think I’ll just have coffee,” He said.

“I’ll be right back,” she said with a smile.

The waitress returned and handed Jason his coffee.

“You’re new around here,” she said.

“I flew in a couple of days ago and this is the first time I’ve been out.”

“Not many tourists find this place, how long are you staying?”

“Until Saturday.”

“Enjoy your coffee.”

The waitress walked away after smiling at Jason. She sure is cute he thought and nice too. I’m going to have to come back here again he thought. Jason finished his coffee and left but not until the girl asked him to come back again. Jason spent the rest of the day wandering in and out of the tourist shops and bought himself several items, some scrimshaw ivory and a cute little necklace for Betty. Jason returned to the condo and felt invigorated for the first time in days. He decided to go out to see what the nightlife was like in Lahina.

Jason dressed in a pair of slacks and a dress shirt and made his way to The Sheridan to see what they had to offer. He tried asking several girls to dance but it was the same thing all over again, I’m here with my boy friend or I don’t dance or this or that. Jason had hoped things would be different here but it wasn’t. He went back to the condo and fell asleep. The next morning he figured he might as well have some pleasure and returned to the coffee shop to see the cute waitress. He wasn’t disappointed as she was as friendly and perky as ever. Jason had his coffee and left feeling better for the experience.

Jason drove to Hana and enjoyed the waterfalls and by the time he returned to the condo it was dark. He decided to go out again but this time as Tiffany. Jason had decided not to take a chance that he might not have fun and packed some of her clothes. Another thing that was weighing on his mind was that he wanted to be both Jason and Tiffany while on vacation to help him decide which way he might want to go when he returned home. Jason took a shower, shaved and soon Tiffany was ready to go have some fun.

Tiffany returned to the Sheridan and this night she danced all night long. She wore her red dress and sandals and looked hot. Near the end of the evening one of her dance partners bought her a Mai Tai to drink. They sat and talked about mostly nothing but Tiffany was enjoying herself and she was enjoying being with this man. This enjoyment was more than just being able to talk to someone but it was making her feel funny inside, she was becoming aroused. The man reached for her hand and held it. Tiffany didn’t pull away but smiled at the man instead, she liked what was happening. The evening drew to a close and the man walked Tiffany to her car and kissed her good night. This wasn’t like some of the other kisses Tiffany had gotten before, this kiss had lust in it and she was responding. She pulled the man tight and parted her lips for her first French kiss. As the man’s tongue entered her mouth she moaned and went weak. The man felt her swoon and held her tight to keep her from falling. Tiffany could feel the man becoming hard against her and wondered what it would be like to be a woman and have him make love to her and have him penetrate her. Tiffany was going over the edge and she knew it.

She pushed the man back and said, “I had better go before we get carried away.”

“May I call you?” he asked.

“Yes here’s my number.”

Tiffany drove home and was beside herself with self-doubt. What should I do she thought. I meet this guy and I want him and it makes me want to remain Tiffany and yet there are times I want to be Jason, God I’m so confused.

The next morning Jason was back at the coffee shop.

“How did your evening go?” asked the waitress.

“I had so much fun, I went dancing.”

“I wish I was there so you could have asked me to dance.” stated the girl.

Jason couldn’t believe what he had just heard, “You would have wanted to dance with me?”

“Of course, you’re very handsome.”

“I am?”

“Of course you are, you know that. I bet you have girls all over the place.”

“No not really, what’s your name?”


“Do you ever have any time off Mia?”


“Would you like to spend the day with me?”

“I thought you would never ask, I’ll show you the island.”

“I can’t wait.”

Jason left the shop and returned to the condo and spent the rest of the day sunning on the deck and wondering what Mia saw in him. That afternoon the phone rang and it was the man Tiffany had met the night before.

“Hello, Tiffany?”


“This is Roger from last night. I was wondering what you were doing tomorrow, I thought we could take the catamaran to Lanai.”

“Oh gosh Roger, I’m already doing something but if you would like I can meet you this evening for dinner or something.”

“Sure that would be great, I’ll meet you at the luau at the Hyatt at seven.”

“I can’t wait see you then.”

Jason glued on his forms then went and changed into a sexy little white dress that was backless and sleeveless but had a collar that let the satin fabric flow down over her breasts and then into her tiny waist and hugged her hips and ended mid thigh. Because of the warmth and humidity of Hawaii and the fact that her legs were nicely tanned, she only wore her three inch white sandals with the ankle strap. She added some jewelry and was on her way. She arrived at the Hyatt and had the valet park her car. She walked into the lobby and couldn’t help but notice the click, click of her heels on the marble floor. She walked by a mirror and saw her reflection, my God she thought, I look like I’m trying to seduce someone. Her bare back was lightly tanned from sunning herself and the white dress she wore made her look even more tan. I should have looked at myself before I wore this dress, I hope Roger doesn’t get the wrong idea about me.

“Tiffany, hi, wow, you look stunning.”

“Thank you, you look pretty good yourself.”

Roger was wearing a pair of tan shorts and a dress shirt and his tanned hard-body looked like candy to Tiffany. He greeted her with a kiss and they went to eat. After the dinner was over they danced until they closed the bar. Tiffany had only two drinks but they seemed to relax her and she was becoming giddy with the evening. Roger sensed this and was caressing her back knowing that if he were lucky she would be his this very evening. Tiffany and Roger started to kiss and Tiffany was losing all control of her emotions and of her self-control. Roger French kissed her and rubbed her bare back and could feel her luscious butt through the thin satin dress. Roger was pressing his engorged member against Tiffany’s stomach and she could feel it. This only turned her on more, God was she hot, never had she felt this way, she wanted to be a woman, and she wanted to bed this man. She reached down with her hand and felt his hardness with it. This feels so right and I want this thing so bad she thought to herself. There was a sudden awareness of what she was doing and she then realized that she couldn’t do what she wanted. She pushed Roger back panting wildly and said, “I can’t do this Roger, I’m sorry, I’m married and I thought I would be able to but I can’t, I hope you understand.”

Luckily Roger was a nice man and responded, “I understand, let’s go home.”

The couple parted and Tiffany drove home. When she entered the condo she burst into tears, she wanted that man so badly and yet she couldn’t have him, why is life so unfair she thought.

The next morning Jason picked up Mia for their date. Jason was still feeling giddy from the night before.

He knocked on the door of Mia’s apartment.

Mia opened the door and said, “Hi you look happy today.”

“I’m just happy to be able to spend the day with you, are you ready?”

“Yes, let me grab my purse.”

Mia locked her door and they were off. She showed Jason all the little secret places on Maui, the beaches and waterfalls, the volcano, where to snorkel and the best places to eat. Mia liked Jason and wanted more than just a nice time with a guy. He was driving and she slid over next to him and rested her hand on his thigh. He had never had a girl do this to him in his life. She had him exit the road and park on a bluff over-looking the ocean.

“Jason lets go look at the blow-hole, it’s really spectacular.”

Jason exited and went around to open Mia’s door. When she exited she took his hand and didn’t let go. She intertwined her fingers with his and said, “Jason I like you and I know you have to go home tomorrow but you’re so nice and there is something about you that I really like. The first time you walked into the coffee shop I thought I would die you were so cute. I had to get to know you and I thought you would never ask me out.”

“If I had known that I would have asked you out the first day.”

“I wish you had.”

Mia then reached up and kissed Jason. It was the first time a woman had kissed him. It felt wonderful, it felt soft and yet he didn’t respond the way Mia had hoped he would.

“What’s wrong Jason?”

“It’s nothing, you just surprised me.”

“Well let me surprise you some more.”

Mia kissed Jason once more but with more passion. She pushed her tongue into his mouth and hoped he would respond. Jason tried to kiss back like Tiffany had the night before but for some reason he didn’t feel comfortable doing that. Mia was responding though, she wanted Jason; she wanted him in the worse way. She reached down and took his penis in her hand and thought it would be hard but to her surprise it was still soft.

“What’s wrong Jason, don’t you like me?”

“I do, very much.”

“Then why aren’t you hard, are you gay?”

“No. Heavens no, I had an accident a few months ago and it left me sterile and that’s why I can’t get hard.”

“I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have asked, I don’t even know you and I’m already trying to get you in bed, it’s just that your so cute that I can’t help myself.”

“I’m sorry too Mia, maybe we should go.”

The couple drove home in silence. All Jason could think of was why couldn’t I have met this girl a year ago, Betty was right all I had to do was be patient, but no I had to be popular and look at me now. I have this pretty girl next to me and I can’t do anything about it. I just wish she excited me as much as Roger did the night before he thought. Jason left Mia at her apartment and they kissed goodbye. Jason returned to his condo and packed to return home.

Jason arrived back to work Monday morning and Betty greeted him cheerily.

“Welcome back good looking.”

“Thanks, it’s good to be back.”

“How was your trip, did you have a good time?”

“I did, it was very relaxing and I had fun besides.”

“Really, what kind of fun?”

“Do you really need to ask, Tiffany went dancing and Jason went out on a date.”

“You went out on a date?”

“Yes I did and with a very pretty island girl.”

“Wow, how did it go?”

“It was wonderful at first but as the day wore on it turned into a disaster.”

“How did that happen?”

“Do you remember when you told me that I should have some patience meeting girls, you were right because of what happened with the hormones I couldn’t do what she wanted to do, I felt so embarrassed. After that the date just fell apart.”

“You poor thing, don’t worry things will get better.”

“I hope so.”

Jason had put some thought to his dilemma concerning hormones and decided that he would see a gender specialist to talk to about his feelings of what he had done to himself. His first appointment was Wednesday afternoon. He entered the office and introduced himself.

“Hello, I’m Jason Randall to see Dr. Short.”

“Please be seated and fill out these forms and Dr. Short will be with you shortly.” Answered the receptionist.

Jason filled out the forms and waited to see the Doctor, a tall man about six foot six entered the waiting area.

“Jason, I’m Dr. Short, would you come with me?”

Jason stood and walked into the Doctor’s office.

“Please be seated on the couch. I’m Dr. Don Short, I know, its always funny to see me and then I tell you that I’m Short, well most people laugh and believe me I’ve heard all the jokes about my name. When I was in grammar school the kids would change my first name to darn and then call me Darn Short and I would correct them and say that my name was Darn Tall.”

Jason giggled, he felt good about talking to this man, and he seemed to be a very open person.

“So what brings you here today?”

“Doctor, I have some issues that I have to resolve so I can get on with my life.”

“What kind of issues, as you know I am a gender specialist so I can kind of guess what you want to talk about so I want you to be as open as possible with me.”

“My main issue right now is to whether I should continue taking hormones. I had a very bad experience with them and now I’m not sure if I should take them.”

“What kind of experience?”

“I was taking the wrong dosage and almost died.”

“I guess that would be a deterrent. Why were you taking them in the first place?”

“I wanted to become more feminine looking.”

“How did you obtain them?”

“I got them from Mexico.”

“That wasn’t a very smart thing to do. This is going to take some time to know the right way to go with you so I want you to start at the beginning so I can have a better understanding of what we are working with. Did you dress as a girl when you were very young?”

“No never.”

“When did you first dress as a woman?”

“When I went to a costume party.”

“Ah yes, you and a million other men, and then what happened.”

Jason proceeded to tell Dr. Short about Xena and how popular he was and how much he liked the feeling of popularity. He then explained that as Jason he would go out and was rejected at every turn but when he went out as Tiffany he was popular again so he started to go out more often as Tiffany and his popularity was like a drug, he needed more.

“How did you feel about interacting with men this way?”

“It was just dancing, what do you mean?”

“Did it stimulate you sexually?”

“No, in fact it kind of creeped me out the first time a man held my hand.”

“Does it stimulate you when you dress as a girl, do you get aroused?”

“No I never have been excited that way when I dress. I get excited that I am going out as a girl but the clothes don’t excite me.”

“Okay, so now you’ve been doing this for a little while, when did you stop disliking men touching you?”

“I guess it was the third or forth time out, I just figured that if I was supposed to be a girl and men were going to touch me, I kind of let it happen and found it wasn’t so bad.”

“Now you’ve gotten past men touching you, how do you feel about men?”

“As Jason or Tiffany?”


“As Jason I still don’t like men to touch me, it just doesn’t feel right, but as Tiffany I love it. It excites me when a man pursues me and I can finally kiss him and wish that I was a woman to be bedded by him.”

“How do you feel towards women?”

“As Tiffany I have no interest in women at all, but as Jason I do.”

“In what way, do you have sex with them?”

“No, I’ve never had sex with a woman or man for that matter. I met a girl when I was in Hawaii and had a date with her and she wanted to have sex but I couldn’t get hard, I think it was because of the hormones I had taken.”

“Yes the hormones could have had an effect, but it might be more than that. Do you ever have an erection in the morning when you wake up?”

“Yes quite often until I go to the bathroom.”

“This tells me that you can still function physically but mentally you may not want to have sex with a woman, Tiffany may have taken over some of your brain functions and you have become much more of a woman than you think. Have you ever wanted to have sex with a man?”

Jason blushed and said, “Yes, when I was in Hawaii I met a man and we had two dates and I wanted him inside me in the worse way, but there was no way to do it.”

“Well there is a way but I would prefer that you not do that at this time. It sounds to me that you have become a woman in more ways than one and should probably resume taking your hormones but this time under a Doctor’s care. I’ll recommend that you start again with Sarah Burns so she can monitor you properly. I want to see you for several more sessions so you can get over some of the problems you’re having. See you next week.”

Jason returned to work and made an appointment with Sarah Burns for the next day. Jason was examined by Dr. Burns and began a series of hormone injections that day. She also prescribed hormone patches for Jason to wear. Jason returned to the office and told Betty of his decision to transition into a woman.

“Jason I didn’t want this to happen. I know it was fun to be Xena but this is over the top.”

“This has nothing to do with Xena. Xena was fun for me too but it has nothing to do with what I want to do now.”

“What are you going to say to Tom Larson?”

“I will just have to say that if they still want me to work for them they will have to put up with a new woman working for them.”

“You might lose your job.”

“I might but even if I do, I’ve been offered another position with West Coast Import and they would do anything to have me, even let me transition.”

“Are they offering a raise?”

“Yes they are, but I don’t want to leave this company.”

“When are you going to tell them what you are doing?”

“Not for a while. I want to see what the hormones do first and then I’ll tell them what I’m doing.”

“Jason this is such a big step, are you sure you want to do this thing?”

“I’ve never been sure of anything but this time I know what I want to do.”

“I hope so.”

Jason continued with his therapy, both mental and hormonal. Several months past and Jason wanted to ask what Dr. Short meant by other ways to please your man or be pleased yourself.

“Doctor, you asked me if I had sex with a man the first time I came here and you said something about different ways to do that, what did you mean?”

“I thought you knew about anal sex or oral sex when I asked you that question. Now that I know you as well as I do, I realized that you were like a young teenaged girl discovering her sexuality for the first time, why do you ask?”

“Because I want to go out again and I’m feeling different now with the hormones. I look at guys and wonder what it would be like for them to seduce me, am I wrong thinking that way?”

“Of course not, you’re a young woman now and I’m sure you will want to experiment with sex. Before you do though be sure that is what you want to do, don’t just do it to do it. Also be careful, you can catch things that can kill you so be selective and careful, make sure the man uses protection.”

“Thank you Dr. Short.”

Jason left the doctor’s office and had a lot to think about. Jason was drifting away and Tiffany was becoming the dominant personality. The hormones were doing their job, Tiffany was becoming a well-shaped young woman and her mind was becoming one that only would be defined as feminine. Jason was almost gone.

Tiffany wanted to go dancing once again and asked Betty to go. She accepted and a date was made for Friday night.

Tiffany dressed and looked at herself in the mirror. She looked hot. Her legs had become more feminine looking and with nylons on they were hot. She looked at her hips, they had become fuller and her butt pushed her dress out in a seductive way. Her waist had grown smaller and she was pleased. She looked at her chest, she still wore forms but now she had small cleavage to show the world. She took the forms out of her bra and looked again, she was flat, no more than an A cup at best. I should be bigger by now she thought but that was not to be. She realized that if she were to become the size she wanted she would have to have implants. She would have to become the type of woman her mother warned her about, not one that would seduce her son but she would become the woman that would have seduced her son. Tiffany put her forms back in and went to pick up Betty. The two girls had a wonderful evening and Tiffany voiced her want for implants.

“Betty, I’m thinking of getting implants. My breasts aren’t growing any larger and I need more.”

“Are you sure? You haven’t told the main office about what you are doing, but with implants you will have to. There will be no way to hide them.”

“I’m going to tell them this week and if they don’t like what I’m doing, well so be it. West Coast wants me and I told them what I was doing and they were fine with it.”

“I hope our company is too.”

“Me too.”

Monday came and Jason was on the phone with Tom Larsen.

“Good morning Tom, how are things in Chicago?”

“Just great Jason, to what do I owe this call, you usually don’t call me until Wednesday?”

“There are a couple of things. First I want to tell you that I’ve landed two more accounts, which should move us up above Centurion Imports in both volume and profit. The second is a bit more involved, at least for me. There is no easy way to tell you this except to come right out and say it, Tom, I’m going to transition from being a man to being a woman. I’ve been taking hormones and now it’s time live as a woman so I can have surgery in the future to become a complete woman. Lastly I want to remain at this position with Quantum Imports. West Coast has offered me a job with them with a considerable raise because they have seen what I have done for our company and my transitioning isn’t a problem for them so now the ball is in you court so to speak.”

“Wow Jason, you’ve really caught me with my guard down. You want to become a woman, why? Are you going to be able to do this job when you become a woman?”

“Of course I will, I’m not going to inject my brain with bimbo juice, I might even do better as a woman, you know how the government is about quotas.”

“Jason before I can say anything I will have to run this by the board of directors and then we will let you know of our decision. You have really shocked me with this news and if it were up to me I would let you remain because I would hate to see you working for that competitor of ours. Money can make a person over look a lot of things and you have made a lot of money for this company so don’t be to concerned about our decision, it will probably go the way you want.”

Jason hung up the phone and went to work feeling better now that he didn’t have to hide his secret. The way his body had been developing it was becoming almost impossible to hide the fact that he was becoming a woman. His hips and legs had become soft and rounded and his waist had shrunk. Betty had to remind him that he had to wear looser clothing because people would be able to see his nice feminine shape. The only disappointment he had was with breast development, sure his nipples had grown and they had become very sensitive to touch but they just didn’t want to grow beyond a small A cup, thus his decision to have breast augmentation.

Jason talked to Dr. Burns and she recommended a plastic surgeon in Beverley Hills.

“Jason, Dr. Harold is the best. He does almost all of the movie stars and you know how natural they look, I wouldn’t use anyone else.”

“Is he expensive?”

“Of course he is but this is your body were talking about, if you want to save money go to some butcher in Tijuana.”

“You’re right Sarah this is too important to save a few dollars.”

Jason made an appointment for the next week with Dr. Harold.

The following Monday Tom Larsen called Jason back to tell him of their decision.

“Good morning Jason, how was your weekend?”

“It was nice thank you. Have you and the board of directors made a decision on my fate?” Jason giggled because he was confident they wouldn’t want to lose him because of all the money he had made for them and because he had a job offer from one of their main competitors.

“Yes we have and the news isn’t good. The board decided you could remain with the company as long as you remain a man. If you decide to go through with this transition thing we will have to let you go.”

Jason was stunned. This can’t be he thought, I’m a good employee, I do a good job, why would my sex have anything to do with my performance, I must have heard him wrong.

“Are you saying that I’m fired if I pursue my wish to become a female?”

“I’m afraid so Jason, I tried to talk them out of letting you go but they wouldn’t hear of it. All they would talk about was what the company would do with a freak working for them and what people would say.”

“They wouldn’t say anything, this is California.”

“Yes it is, but where we are is Illinois and that kind of thing doesn’t fly back here, I’m sorry Jason but you have a decision to make.”

“I’m sorry too Tom but I have made a decision and I guess I’ll have to take West Coast’s offer. I really wanted to stay here even at a lesser salary than offered but if this company is so narrow minded then I don’t want anything to do with it, it’s time for you to come into the twenty first century. It’s been nice working with you Tom.”

Jason hung up the phone and burst into tears. Jason was severing all ties to his past by changing jobs and maybe it would be better this way, he would now become Tiffany full time and wouldn’t have to explain the change to anyone he worked with. He was going to miss Betty but they could still be best friends away from work, maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all. Jason dried his tears and went to tell Betty the news.

“Betty they fired me,” Jason said as his chin began to quiver.

“Oh no please tell me you’re kidding.”

“I wish I was but they said if I decided to become a woman then I would be out of a job.”

“Oh Jason, I’m going to miss you,” Betty said as the two embraced and the tears flowed.

Several minutes passed before the two could compose themselves.

“Are you going to go to work for West Coast?”

“I have to work and at least they are understanding enough to let me transition.”

“What about your accounts?”

“Hopefully they will follow me. If I’m lucky maybe they will let me take you with me too. I would hate to have to train someone new.”

“I hope you can too, I love you Jason, who would have thought being Zena would end like this?”

“I think being Zena was the best thing that could have happened to me. If it wasn’t for that I would have never found the new me.”

“But you wouldn’t have to go through this heartache.”

“It’s worth it, I love being Tiffany, I wouldn’t change a thing except for being able to work here.”

Tom phoned Jason and told him that he was to leave that day. Quantum would be sending him his final paycheck pay by mail. Jason informed West Coast that he would start to work for them in one month’s time as he wanted to have his implant surgery before he began and this would give him time to heal from the surgery.

West Coast was excited that Jason, now Tiffany was coming over to their firm. West Coast was much larger than Quantum but their sales had declined since Jason and Quantum entered the west coast market. They knew of Jason’s transition but they didn’t mind as they knew it was the performance on the job not the kind of person you were that mattered. It also helped that someone had transitioned ten years before and knew that the person in transition would be a happier employee. They just wished that Tiffany could have started sooner.

Tiffany had her surgery and ended with C cup breasts. She was off for three weeks before starting her new job. During this time she became better acquainted with her new assets. She was amazed at how much more sensitive her now larger breasts were only now they were sensitive in a pleasurable way. She loved feeling them especially in the shower while the water ran over them.

It was a week before she was to start her job so she called Betty to go shopping.

“Betty, would you go shopping with me? I need new clothes especially tops now that I’ve grown considerably,” Tiffany giggled.

“You bet girl friend I’d love to, how about this afternoon?”

“That would be perfect, see you after work.”

Tiffany went to dress. She decided to wear a pair of low cut jeans and a cute top that showed off her new assets. She looked in the mirror and knew she had made the right decision, she looked hot. She donned a pair of white running shoes and went to meet Betty.

When Betty saw Tiffany she let out a squeal.

“God Tiffany you look great. Your doctor did amazing work, you wouldn’t even know you had surgery. How do they feel?”

“They feel soft and natural, I’ll let you feel them later, lets go shopping.”

The girls proceeded to most every store in the mall. Tiffany was on a mission and by the time she was done she had bought enough clothes to last her two weeks at work without wearing the same thing over again and several clubbing outfits for the weekend. She bought practical shoes for work and even bought a pair of CFM sandals with four-inch heels for the weekend. The girls were having fun until Betty brought up something that was happening at work.

“Tiffany, I didn’t want to talk to you about work but you’re one of my best friends and I have to tell you something.”

“What’s wrong Betty?”

“The person they sent out from the east coast has been saying very bad things about you to some of your old customers.”

“Like what?”

“He’s been telling them the reason you were fired was that you were into all kinds of perversions and that someone else was making the deals with them and you were just the front person. It’s been terrible since you left, the customers are pissed because they think you cheated them.”

“I never cheated anyone. The deals I made were better than anyone else would offer. What kinds of perversions are you talking about?”

“He’s told people that you performed oral sex and everything, it’s just terrible what he is saying.”

“Does Tom Larsen know about this?”

“He would have to, he sent him out here.”

Tiffany was seething with anger, how could they do this to her, she did nothing but make money for that company and now they do this to her.

“They’ve done this to the wrong person,” she said to Betty, “I’m going to talk to an attorney about this. They can be upset about me leaving but that gives them no right to destroy my life.”

“If you need anything, I’m here for you.”

What had started as a fun evening had turned into something else, Tiffany was pissed. Tomorrow I’m talking to a lawyer she thought but first she wanted to confront Tom Larsen about what she had learned.

The next morning Tiffany called Tom Larsen.

“Quantum Imports.”

“May I have Tom Larsen please?”

“Who should I say is calling?”

“Tiffany Randall.”

“Is he expecting your call?”

“Possibly, just tell him I’m on the phone.”

“Tom Larsen.”

“Tom this is Tiffany Randall and I want to talk to you about some of the things I’ve heard being said about me.”

“Oh Jason, I didn’t recognized your other name. What are you talking about?”

“You know damn well what I’m talking about, you can’t lie to people about me and get away with it, why are you doing this to me?”

“Why, I’ll tell you why, you were making all kinds of money for this company and then you decided to do this stupid girl thing, well I’m sorry missy, that kind if bullshit doesn’t fly with this company. You thought you could put pressure on us with some phony job offer from another company just so you could live some perverted life style, well think again, by the time were done with you, you won’t be able to find a job washing dishes. You should have thought of that before you did any of this.”

“I’m going to sue you for what you’ve done.”

“Sue us? You’ve got to be kidding; they will laugh you right out of court. Do you seriously think anyone will believe some sicko dressed in woman’s clothes over a well respected business man from the mid west, I think not.”

“Tom I had a much higher opinion of you than what I have now. I didn’t realize you were such a homophobic person. I’ll bet you hate blacks and Asians too don’t you, I had hoped you would have thought twice before saying anymore bad things about me but I guess I was wrong, goodbye Tom.”

The next morning Tiffany calls for an attorney.

“Law offices,” said the voice on the other end.

“Hello, my name is Tiffany Randall and I need an attorney.”

“For what kind of case?”

“Defamation of character.”

“I’ll have you talk to Marvin Cline.”

“Mr. Clines office, how may I help you?”

“I would like to speak to Mr. Cline.”

“Are you an existing client?”


“What is it that you are calling about?”

“My previous employer has been slandering me and I want him to stop.”

“This sounds like the kind of case Mr. Cline should be able to help you with, I’ll transfer your call.”

“Marvin Cline, how may I help you?”

“Mr. Cline, my name is Tiffany Randall and my previous employer has been spreading lies about me and I want him to stop.”

“What kind of lies?”

“It’s kind of involved, Let’s just say that he has made accusations that I have preformed some sex acts that I really have never done.”

“Why would he do that?”

“Because he is angry that I wanted to change my sex.”

“Change your sex?”

“Yes from male to female.”

“So let me get this straight, your old boss has decided to destroy your life because he didn’t like your decision to change sexes?”

“That’s about it.”

“It sounds to me like you have a very strong sexual discrimination law suit here. I would like to see you in my offices tomorrow at two PM. I will be in court tomorrow morning but will be free in the afternoon, can you make it?”

“I’ll be there.”

Tiffany had a week before she would start working for West Coast and she was going to make sure that Quantum would pay for what they had done to her. They could try to keep their accounts and she wouldn’t blame them for that, but not by lying and trying to destroy her, that was just wrong.

Tiffany bathed and decided to wear one of her new Ann Taylor suits she bought with Betty. She wore a silk blouse with the blue suit, which she left unbuttoned to show a little cleavage, with the money she spent on her breasts she might as well show them off. She added sheer charcoal panty hose and a pair of blue pumps with two-inch heels. Tiffany was a poster child for how a woman should dress when she has a career. She looked in the mirror and was pleased with what she saw, a sexy career woman on the go.

Tiffany arrived at the law offices and was escorted into Marvin’s office. Marvin Cline was a man of about forty- five years old and looked like he took care of himself, he was very handsome with slight graying at the temples and well tanned skin. Tiffany felt her nipples twitch when she saw him, my but he’s handsome she thought to herself.

“Hello, I’m Marvin Cline, it’s nice to meet you Tiffany. I hope you don’t mind me saying this but you look stunning.”

“No I don’t mind and thank you, it makes a girl feel good to be noticed after all the work we go through to look good.”

“I doubt you had to try very hard, your very pretty.”

“Thank you.”

“Let’s get started, I need to know everything you can tell me about yourself and how this whole thing came about.”

Tiffany started at the beginning with Xena and how it made her feel popular and how it progressed to dancing and then how dressing made her feel special. She explained that she had thought she was just dressing to go dancing but realized that she actually wanted to be a woman and tried hormones and almost killed herself by accident. She explained how she grew Quantum into a major player in the L.A. area in imports and exports and decided to transition into a woman. She also explained that another company wanted her to go to work for them and they are fine with her transitioning while she works for them. She told Marvin about her conversation with Tom Larsen about her need to transition and he seemed all right with it at the time although in retrospect he may have been lying. Several days later he called and told her to clean out her desk and not to come back. She explained that she found out about the rumors from a friend of hers and to see if they were true phoned several of her old clients who confirmed what Betty had said was true, Quantum was trying to ruin her reputation.

“Are any of the accusations true, have you ever had oral sex with a man?”

“Absolutely not, what a demeaning question.”

“I’m sorry but I had to ask it because if you had it would come out in court and I hate surprises. Have you ever had any other sexual relations with a man other than something as innocent as a kiss?”

“No, never.”

“It sounds to me like you have a very good case, how do you want to proceed from here?”

“What are my options?”

“You can sue them or if you want we can take them to federal court and nail them for sexual discrimination or both.”

“What would you recommend?”

“I would just sue them. We will contact them and see what they have to say and if they put up a stink about it then we might as well go the whole route. They probably think they have you over a barrel because you’re transgender but I have news for them, in California things have changed and judges have become much more accepting of people like you. After the murder of that girl in northern California judges are going to be much more favorable to you and when it comes to sexual discrimination it doesn’t matter who you are, if you discriminate you lose. It helps also that you are attractive and present yourself in a classy way, I can almost guaranty a win.”

Tiffany left and felt better for a change. She went into a coffee shop in the lobby of the building to have a snack. She ordered a coffee and a roll and sat to eat it. She had just taken her first sip of coffee when a man walked up to her table and asked if he could join her. Tiffany looked around the restaurant and saw that all the tables were taken.

“That would be alright,” She said.

“Thank you, do you work in the building, I don’t think I’ve seen you before.”

“No my attorney works on the nineteenth floor.”

“What do you do?”

“I start a new job next week at West Coast Imports.”

“Are you a secretary?”

“”No I’m in an executive position, I buy and sell merchandise all over the world.”

“That sounds exciting, have you been doing it long?”

“Two or three years, what do you do?”

“I represent farm growers from the San Joaquin valley. It’s not very exciting but it pays the bills. My name’s Mike, by the way, and yours?” Mike asked as he extended his hand to hers.

Tiffany took his hand and noted that it was strong and said, “Tiffany.”

“Well Tiffany thanks for letting me sit here, do you ever export farm goods?”

“I never have but I have thought about it from time to time but never went anywhere with it because of the special handling it takes.”

“You should think about it, there is really good money in it. Maybe I could take you to dinner and we could discuss it and if you didn’t want to talk about it, maybe you would just go to dinner with me no strings attached.”

“I would like that, here’s my number, give me a call and we can set something up.”

“Count on it Tiffany.”

Tiffany finished her coffee and left but not before giving Mike her biggest smile.

She walked to her car and took out her cell phone and called Betty.

“Betty you will never believe what just happened, I was just asked out for a date.”

“You were?” Betty giggled, “Is he cute?”

“Of course he is, he’s a fox.”

“Where are you going?”

“To dinner but first he has to call and make a date.”

“God this is so exciting, just be careful.”

“I will.”

Mike called that night and made a date for Friday night. Tiffany asked what to wear and he said it was a nice restaurant but would leave it up to her.

Friday night came and Tiffany wore a little more makeup than usual and the little black dress she had just bought that showed a lot of cleavage. She put on a pair of sheer nude pantyhose and decided tonight she was going to wear her CFM black sandals. The dress stopped mid-thigh and with her heels on it looked like her legs went on forever. She added some jewelry and waited for Mike to arrive.

Tiffany heard a knock on the door and opened it. Mike just stood and couldn’t say a word until he finally said, “Wow.”

“Do I look alright?”

“Are you kidding, your spectacular.”

“Thank you, shall we go?”


The couple drove for an hour and a half to Gordon James in San Juan Capistrano. They entered the restaurant and all eyes turned to watch them, especially the guys.

“I’m going to have to keep my eyes on you or someone might steel you away,” said Mike.

“Silly, I’m with you,” Tiffany answered, saying just the right thing, Tiffany had indeed become a girl and answering the way a girl should.

Tiffany walked across the room and couldn’t help notice how much more her hips moved with the four-inch heels she was wearing, God no wonder they call them CFM shoes she thought. Mike also noticed the enticing walk by his sexy date. Mike had dated girls with prettier faces than Tiffany’s, and women with sexier bodies, but for some reason, as a whole Tiffany had them all beat, she oozed sex appeal. Mike was hoping that she would also be as sexy mentally as she was physically.

The host seated the couple and handed them menus.

“What would you suggest Mike?” asked Tiffany.

“What do you like?”

“Any thing light, a girl has to watch her figure,” giggled Tiffany.

“Well you’ve obviously done a good job at that,” he responded.

“I’m glad you noticed.”

And so the evening went, he complimenting her and she the same with him. Dinner was done and Mike suggested that they walk across the street to a nightclub to dance. Tiffany said yes and off they went. The couple found a table, ordered drinks and began to dance. The first ones were fast but finally they played a slow tune. It’s about time Tiffany thought, she wanted to get closer to this guy she was with. Mike took her in his arms and they began to dance. Tiffany put her head on Mike’s shoulder and melted into his arms. Tiffany was noticing new sensations now as she danced. As the couple moved Tiffany was feeling a caressing sensation against her breasts that wasn’t there when she had forms between her and her previous partners. The sensations were causing her to become aroused. Her nipples were becoming hard and she felt warm, God she thought what’s happening to me, but instead of pushing Mike back away from her breasts she pulled him tighter. Mike noticed this little movement from Tiffany and also notices that he was becoming hard against her, crap he thought, I hope this doesn’t turn her off. Tiffany felt Mike’s erection starting to grow against her hip, I’m having an effect on him she thought, Tiffany was flattered and afraid at the same time, she wanted this thing laying hard against her hip, but what would she do with it, she wasn’t sure.

“Mike, maybe we should sit down for a few minutes,” panted Tiffany.

“I think you’re right,” said Mike and then he moved down and kissed her on the lips.

Tiffany didn’t move away and when their lips touched, she melted and drew him tight to her body. She was hot. The hormones and sensitivity of her breasts had turned Tiffany into a sexually charge young woman, she wanted this man. Mike broke the kiss and escorted Tiffany back to their table. They sat and talked some more until Tiffany regained some of her composure. The evening was late so they both decided to leave, as they were tired. Mike drove Tiffany home and walked her to the door.

“Thank you Mike for a wonderful evening, it was magical.”

“Thank you for allowing me to take you to dinner this evening, may I call you again?”

“If you don’t I’ll never forgive you.”

Mike lowered his lips to hers and when they touched Tiffany felt sparks flowing through her body. I wish I was a complete woman she thought so I could take this man inside with me and have him make love to me, I want him so badly. The kiss continued and Tiffany felt Mike’s hands caressing her back and her nipples caressing his chest, she was becoming inflamed with lust. Never had she felt this way before. She wanted to reach for his growing erection but knew if she did she would be his to do what ever he pleased and she also knew that her secret would be known and didn’t know how Mike would react to that. Tiffany gained what little control she had and pushed Mike away.

“I had better go in,” she said.

“Good night Tiffany,” Mike said and kissed her lightly once again.

“Good night Mike.”

Tiffany entered her apartment and went into her bedroom and collapse on the bed. She had a smile from ear to ear and kept saying to herself, he makes me feel like such a woman, Tiffany was in love.

Tiffany awoke from her sleep by the ringing of the phone.

“Hello,” she croaked.

“Hi Tiffany, it’s Mike, I hope I didn’t wake you?”

“That’s okay, it’s time to get up anyway, so what’s up?”

“It’s such a nice day I was wondering if you would like to drive up to Santa Barbara and have lunch?”

Tiffany was caught off guard, she was going to spend Sunday preparing for her new job that was to start this Monday, but this was Mike asking her to lunch, how could she refuse.

“I’d love to Mike, I’ll be ready in an hour.”

“See you then,” he said as he hung up the phone.

What am I going to wear she thought, I know some shorts and that cute little top I just bought. Tiffany went to the shower and shaved her legs, and underarms exited and dried off. She looked at her hair and began thinking, it’s almost long enough now to have it styled and I can get rid of my wig finally. She applied her makeup and donned her shorts and blouse. She put on a pair of white socks and shoes and then rolled the socks down to her shoes, I’m going to be comfortable she thought, no heels. She looked at herself in the mirror and was pleased, her legs looked good, they were soft and shapely looking, the hormones had done their job. Her blouse was cute, with tiny sleeves and cut low enough to show some cleavage without looking slutty. She wore light makeup and looked innocent yet alluring, perfect she thought. I’m getting pretty good at this she thought, and I have five minutes to spare.

Mike arrived and they were off to Santa Barbara. This being Sunday meant that they were to spend a lot of time in the car. What should be an hour and a half drive turned into one that lasted three hours. Luckily the couple didn’t care because every minute they were together was another minute of enchantment. Tiffany sat as close to Mike as the seats in his 2003 Corvette would allow. Mike was making a valiant attempt at holding her hand and shifting the gearbox at the same time. Mike and Tiffany arrived in Santa Barbara and had a lovely lunch and then walked on the beach holding each other’s hand, as lovers should. They stopped and looked out at the islands and then looked into each other’s eyes. The unspoken words of love that each gaze held was more than Tiffany could bare, she reached up to her man and kissed him deeply. She parted her lips and Mike pushed his tongue into her mouth. Never had such a flame ignited within Tiffany’s body, she had to have this man. She knew he wanted her by the erection he now sported and she was at odds as to what she should do with it. She was trying to decide what to do as Mike slid his hand to her breast and began to caress it softly. She gasped and pulled him tight and lowered her hand to his erection and taking it softly into it. The couple then realized they were standing on the beach and what they were doing could get them thrown in jail.

“Let’s get out of here,” Mike said.

They walked back to Mike’s car and began the long commute home. Tiffany was on fire and as they started to drive she put her hand back on Mike’s pants. When she did she could feel his penis becoming hard once again. She knew what she was doing was wrong but couldn’t help herself, she wanted to experience what a real woman would experience with a man. She began to rub him softly which made him become fully erect, not only was this getting Mike hot and bothered but it was also exciting Tiffany. She let go of Mike’s penis and opened the zipper on his pants to free the object of her lust. She took it back into her hand and began to stroke it softly with her well-manicured nails and then looked at it. There was something very exciting about seeing her red nails contrasted against Mike’s engorged penis that put Tiffany over the edge. She lowered her head and kissed the tip of his member. Mike was in bumper to bumper traffic and was having an extremely difficult time concentrating on driving. Should he stop her he wondered, he really should but the brain in his little head said, “Not a chance,” so he let her continue. She parted her lips and let him enter her mouth, I’m giving myself to him she thought, I may not have a vagina but at least I can do this, I can pleasure my man. She slid her mouth up and down Mike’s penis until he came and not knowing what else to do swallowed it. Tiffany was still inflamed with lust, she wanted Mike to fuck her brains out but without the right parts and the fact that she was still a man in the wrong place she would have to be satisfied with what she had just done, she had in some small way just become a woman. Thankfully during Tiffany’s romp they were driving on the 101 north of Ventura and the traffic had begun flowing at a steady speed or else they probably would have had a collision. Tiffany put Mike’s penis back into his pants and zipped them back up and then lay her head against his shoulder, she was in love big time. The couple arrived at Tiffany’s and exited the car.

“Mmm, thank you for a most memorable day,” purred Tiffany.

“Tiffany this is a day I will never forget,” replied Mike.

“I hope not,” she said as she kissed Mike goodbye.

“I’ll call you,” he said as he left.

Tiffany entered her apartment and sighed, I love being a woman she thought to herself. She then came to the realization that she had crossed the line sexually, there would be no going back. What she had done with Mike was so womanly, so feminine, so giving, that she wanted to hug herself. She felt as though she was floating on air, she had done something with a man to prove her femininity and she wondered if she could go the next step and be penetrated by a man, she was at peace with herself.

Monday morning arrived and it was off to work for Tiffany. She wore a business suit and looked sharp, she wanted to make a good impression on her new employers. She entered the office building and was greeted by the receptionist.

“Good morning, may I help you?”

“Yes I’m Tiffany Randall and I’m to start working here today.”

“Miss Randall, wow, I was expecting someone older than you, you’re so young to be a boss,” gushed the receptionist, “I’ll call Mr. Williams to show you in.”

“Thank you.”

Robert Williams entered the reception area from a side door and greeted Tiffany.

“Tiffany, I’m so happy you’re finally here. I’ve heard so much about you.”

“I hope all of it was good.”

“Yes it was, but they didn’t tell me you were so attractive.”

“You’ll make me blush if you keep that up, where is my office?”

“Come this way.”

Robert escorted Tiffany to her office. Robert was a man in his late fifties, around five foot eight and had a middle-aged paunch. He was from an era when men could compliment women on their appearance with out fear of being accused of sexual harassment and he hoped he hadn’t overstepped his bounds by complimenting Tiffany. Tiffany thought he was sweet.

“This is your office, I hope it’s as nice as your last one.”

Tiffany was surprised, not only was it larger than her last office, this one had a view of the harbor and not of the parking lot.

“It’s wonderful, much more than I expected.” She replied.

“It’s the least we could do, you come with many compliments as to how you do business. I hope you will like it here.”

“If everything is like it has been so far, I’ll be thrilled.”

Robert left and let Tiffany settle in. Tiffany checked her desk and made sure the phone and computer were working. This done Tiffany started to work her magic with her clients or at least try. Tiffany had a knack for purchasing items for a fair price with future sales in mind. She would read the news of the world and see something that would interest her and then buy a product, which she knew a customer would need in the future. This way she had the jump on competitors by buying before there was a need and when the product was needed she had the market cornered. It was much like buying securities except she did it with manufactured products and paid a fair price for the product and then sold it for a nice profit, she had a vision about such things.

Tiffany dialed the phone to call one of her largest customers.

“Hello Sam, this is Tiff, ugh, Ti, ugh, Tiffany Randall, you remember me when I was Jason Randall, how are you?” Tiffany said in her most friendly tone of voice.

“Jason, then it is true what they said you did, I don’t know if I want you calling me anymore.”

“What did they say to you about me?”

“That you did a lot of sick things, I don’t know if I should be telling you this.”

“Sam we’ve been more than clients, I considered you a friend, what did they tell you I did?”

“This is embarrassing to talk about, they said you made the male employees suck you off and you flitted around the office like a little fruit.”

“Oh my God Sam, I never did anything like that, I was never anything but loyal to Quantum and would never have done anything like that, I’m so embarrassed that anyone would think that of me. I wanted to call you to purchase some items but now I don’t know what to think.”

“I don’t know either Jason, I want to do business with you but if you’re a freak then you can forget it, I’ll go else where.”

“Sam, I’m not a freak, how could you of all people say that. All I’ve done is transition into a woman and that’s it, no interaction with employees or clients, just me becoming a girl, is that so wrong?” Tiffany said as her eyes filled with tears.

“I’m not quite sure of what I want to do right now, I’ve never met you in person and maybe if I do I might change my opinion of you but for now I think we should put our business on hold.”

“Sam is there anything I can do to make you change your mind?”

“I don’t know Jason, why don’t we have lunch tomorrow and discuss it and then maybe I will change my mind, give me a call tomorrow.”

Tiffany hung up the phone and dissolved into tears. How could anyone think of me that way, she wondered. Tiffany composed herself and made some more calls on her old clients with most being cold and non-receptive, the story was always the same, you’re a pervert they would say, sick, what the hell were you thinking, don’t call again. By the time the day ended Tiffany was exhausted and extremely depressed. I did nothing to hurt these people, this isn’t fair. She wondered what she could do and then she remembered.

“Mr. Clines office.”

“May I speak to Mr. Cline please?” asked Tiffany.

“Whom may I say is calling?”

“Tiffany Randall.”

“One moment please.”

“Tiffany, Marvin here, how may I help you?”

“Marvin, it’s been terrible, my old clients won’t talk to me because Quantum has spread terrible rumors about me.”

“Is that so, well that will just strengthen our case against them. I just contacted them today and now after you told me this I’m going for the jugular vein, don’t fret Tiffany everything will be alright.”

“I hope so Marvin, I feel so bad about all this.”

“Don’t let it get you down, just think at the end of this you will be very rich.”

“I don’t care about being rich, I just want them to leave me alone.”

“They will, I’ll have an court order against them tomorrow and they will have to leave you alone.”

“Thanks Marvin.”

Tiffany hung up the phone and dialed her therapist.

“May I have Dr. Short please?”

“This is Don Short.”

“Dr. Short this is Tiffany Randall. I have to talk to you about my life right now.”

“What seems to be the trouble Tiffany?”

“My world is turning to crap. All my old customers shun me and won’t talk to me, I feel like a pariah.”

“Well how did you think you would be accepted, you did change sex on these people and many of them aren’t quite ready for that.”

“I don’t know, I just thought they would be more accepting and treat me like a woman.”

“Welcome to the world of a transsexual Tiffany. Many of the people you’re dealing with right now are afraid of change. They have their secure jobs, a family and a home. Most wouldn’t think of changing that, for example if they had a chance to have their own business do you think they would take that opportunity?”

“I don’t know.”

“Of course they wouldn’t because that would mean change and a journey into the unknown, a gamble with their life, no more certain pay checks, harder work with the possibility of less reward but on the other hand they could become wealthy but they aren’t willing to take the risk. You however are taking that risk but even to a larger extent and they hate you for it. To them you’re taking the risk they would never take and to a certain extent they are jealous of you. You are taking the largest gamble a person could take, if you fail you can’t file for bankruptcy protection because what you’re doing is permanent, you will be a woman for the rest of your life, there aren’t any do-overs. I have nothing but admiration for you but many others especially men will curse you for taking such a huge gamble, it may sound strange but they hate you for having the balls to become a woman because it shows them that you are much stronger than they are. You are able to make a decision and carry it through, where as they just sit back and let things happen. You are very lucky as far as your world goes, you have a good job, you are attractive and pretty much have your head on straight, but don’t be fooled, this isn’t an easy journey, you will be ostracized by people you thought were friends and turned away by others, this is just the beginning, you have to be a strong person to do this, I know I wouldn’t be strong enough to complete this kind of travel, but if you can stick it through the rewards will be worth it. I remember from our previous talks you had mentioned that you did this to be popular and you were popular to a certain extent, but now because of what you are doing you are going to lose your popularity again. The important thing now is that you want to become a woman, never lose sight of that or you will fail as a man and a woman. Remember Tiffany, these will be your worse times because people aren’t used to Tiffany just yet but patience will win out.”

“Thank you Doctor”

Tiffany hung up the phone and just cried.

Tiffany returned to work the next day but with her confidence shaken from the previous day. I have to get over this she thought, I have to prove that I can do this thing and not be a threat to people, I know one way that might help she thought.

“Hello Sam, Tiffany Randall here, I thought I would call you to see if you had time for lunch?”

“Hi Tiffany, I guess maybe I can find the time, I’ll meet you at Little China at twelve. We’ve never met in person so what will you be wearing?”

“I’ll have on a green suit with a knee length skirt, see you then.”

Tiffany drove to the restaurant to meet Sam. She entered and looked around hoping she hadn’t beaten him there. Sam already had a table and noticed the attractive young woman enter the restaurant. He stood and waved to her. She’s very pretty he thought, not what I expected. What Sam had expected was a man in a dress, not an attractive woman who looked like a businesswoman. Tiffany approached the table.

“Hello Tiffany, I’m Sam Waters.”

“It’s nice to finally meet you,” replied Tiffany.

“Please be seated,” Sam said as he pulled the chair out for Tiffany.

At least he has some manners she thought. Tiffany was very apprehensive about this meeting after yesterdays conversation with Sam and wasn’t sure of how he would react towards her.

“Thank you Sam,” she said as she lowered herself onto the chair.

Sam went back to his chair and sat. The couple remained quiet for several seconds until Tiffany broke the ice.

“So Sam, now that you’ve met me do I still have a chance to do business with you?”

“We’ll see, but first let’s eat and then we will discuss business.”

The couple ate and made small talk during the meal. When they had finished lunch Tiffany began the conversation.

“Sam, I really want to do business with you again. I can offer you the highest amount for your products, so what do you think?”

“I’m not sure, this Jason, Tiffany thing still bothers me, if you had been Tiffany from the start this wouldn’t be an issue and after what I heard about you, I’m very troubled with all this.”

“Sam the rumors were a lie. All I wanted was to become a woman and nothing more. I didn’t do any of the things they claim I did, they’re lying.”

“Look, I’ll tell you what I will do for you, I’ll sell an order to you and see how it works out. You seem to be a very nice woman and not what I thought you would be like and I hate to say this but I would be proud to have a daughter like you.”

Tears flowed to Tiffany’s eyes, “Thank you Sam,” she sniffled.

“Your welcome, let me pay for lunch, a pretty girl like you shouldn’t ever have to pay.”

“Thank you Sam, you’re a sweet heart.”

Tiffany returned to her office with a smile on her lips. After yesterdays lows she finally had a high point in her life to smile about, perhaps this journey will be alright to make she thought.

The week progressed and Tiffany was getting settled in on her job. The employees were accepting her as Tiffany the new woman boss, as most knew her story and of her transition. Thankfully they were used to this from the first transition in the office.

It was Friday and Tiffany received a call from Betty.

“Tiffany, hi it’s Betty, how are you?”

“I’m doing well, how about you?”

“Just great, Ron and I are going out to the clubs tonight and wanted to know if you wanted to come with us?”

“That would be fun, count me in, see you later.”

Tiffany was surprised that Betty would call her to go clubbing, as she was always the one that suggested going dancing.

Tiffany wanted to look hot so she wore the same little black dress she wore for Mike and the same shoes, she wanted to look good. Betty picked her up with Ron and when Betty saw Tiffany she couldn’t help but gasp.

“God Tiffany you look so hot, I’ll kill Ron if he even looks at you the wrong way,” Betty said all the time giggling.

“Girl friend if he does I’ll slap him big time,” replied Tiffany as the two hugged.

The threesome went to the club and Tiffany was a big hit. She walked in the door and she was asked to dance, she couldn’t even sit down. She was the hit of the evening. She only danced once with each man but she did dance slow dances and loved the feeling of the men rubbing against her breasts, it was a very erotic experience. The only bad thing that happened was that one man that was very drunk tried to feel on Tiffany and Ron had to put him in his place but other than that it was a nice evening. The main reason Betty asked Tiffany to come out dancing was that she had to talk to her.

“Tiffany this week has been the worse. Tom came out from the mid-west and they have been talking about you big time. They are really worried about your law -suit. All they could talk about was how to screw you. I don’t understand why they can’t just leave you alone.”

“They could if they wanted too, but that’s the way they are. I didn’t do anything to them and yet all they want to do is ruin my life, I don’t get it, life is to short to worry about what someone else is doing.”

“I agree.”

“What have they been saying about me?”

“The usual, all they do is make accusations about you that aren’t true, I just wish they would stop. You’re too good of a person to have this happen to you.”

“It’s alright, I have friends like you and I have a good job so everything will work out.”

“I hope so.”

The next week began and much to Tiffany’s surprise Sam called and placed another order with her. She asked why and he said that some of his competitors wanted to place orders with her and he didn’t want to be left out. This was going to be a good week. Marvin called and said Quantum wanted to settle out of court and wanted to know what she wanted to do? Tiffany was at a point where she didn’t know what to do, should she make Quantum pay big time for what they had done to her or should she just let it go and forgive them for being such asses. She decided to talk to her attorney and her therapist.

“Marvin, what do you think I should do?”

“Because it is my business, I think you should sue the crap out of them, but as a friend I think you should accept their apology and get on with your life. They’re willing to pay you enough money to make you whole as a woman and have a tidy sum left over, if it were me I would accept their offer and get on with my life.”

“I’ll think about it.”

“Don’t take too long, they have given us two weeks to reply.”

“I won’t.”

Tiffany called Dr. Short to ask him what she should do.

“Dr. Short, What should I do? Quantum has offered me a settlement for trying to destroy my life and sometimes I feel that I want to destroy them.”

“If you were to destroy them, would you feel better?”

“I don’t know, I’m just so upset with them that I want them to pay for what they have done to me.”

“If that’s the way you feel then destroy them, but how will you feel after you have done that. Will you feel fulfilled? Will you feel more like a woman? When they are gone will you be happy that you have destroyed someone else?”

“No, I don’t think I would feel good doing something like that. I would be lowering myself to their level. Thank you for making me see what being destructive would do, especially to me.”

“You’re welcome Tiffany.”

Tiffany called her attorney and accepted Quantum’s offer to settle out of court. The only thing that Tiffany required of them was a written apology to all her vendors saying that they had made a mistake about her morals and the monetary settlement.

Tiffany became a force in the industry gaining a lion’s share of the market. West Coast became the number one import-export business in the L.A. basin. Quantum was losing so much business they had cut back on Betty’s hours to save money. She called Tiffany and told her what was happening and Tiffany said she would try to find an opening for her at West Coast. During this time Mike was out of town but had called Tiffany every moment he could. Tiffany was flattered by the attention and when Mike finally came back from his business in the Middle East he called for a date.

“Miss Randall’s office,” said Tiffany’s secretary.

“Hi, this is Mike Bearing, is Tiffany in?”

“One moment, I’ll see if she is free.”

There was a pause and then Tiffany answered the phone.

“Mike how are you, you’ve been gone so long, I’ve missed you.”

“Tiffany, I’m fine. God I’ve been thinking about you the whole time I was gone. How about dinner tonight?”

“I’d love to have dinner with you, what about seven o’clock?”

“That works for me, I’ll meet you at Wolfgang’s, see you then.”

Tiffany finished with her survey and went to meet Mike. She was dressed casual this day, wearing a skirt and blouse, she hoped he wouldn’t mind. Tiffany entered the restaurant and saw that she had arrived before he had. She entered the bar and ordered a glass of wine. Mike arrived and saw her in the bar and greeted her with a kiss.

“Tiffany, I’ve missed you so much,” he gushed.

“Mike I’ve missed you too.”

“I was ready to leave the middle-east just to come back here to be with you,” he babbled.

What in the hell has gotten into Mike wondered Tiffany. He was so in charge before and now he acts like this, I know I gave myself to him but he was getting scary. There is no reason to act this way she thought.

“I missed you too Mike but don’t get carried away, were just good friends.”

“I thought we were more than that.”

“Like what?” Tiffany asked, Mike was scaring her.

“Well I just thought you and I were like a couple,”

“Mike I don’t even know you.”

“But after our trip to Santa Barbara I thought we were special.”

“That trip was special and I loved what happened but that doesn’t mean that we are a couple, that trip was just special.”

“But I want you, I love you.”

“How do you know you love me, you don’t even know me.”

“I just know, Tiffany please don’t say you don’t feel the same way.”

“Mike honey please don’t do this, don’t ask me to say something that I don’t mean.”

“Are you saying you don’t love me?”

“Mike what we did was special but that doesn’t mean I love you, I have a special feeling for you but it isn’t love, that is some thing you have to build on, it doesn’t just happen.”

“But I love you,” Mike whined.

I thought Mike was such a man and now he is just a sad little boy thought Tiffany, how did I get into this kind of a mess. Tiffany wanted a man that took control of her life, not some guy that was groveling at her feet, what has happened she thought.

“Mike I like you a lot but right now I’m too busy at work for a relationship, I don’t think we should see each other for a while,” Tiffany said as she took control of the situation.

“But I love you, please see me again,” Mike said as the tears began to flow.

God how could I be so wrong about a guy thought Tiffany, I want a man not some simpering sissy.

“I’m sorry Mike but this isn’t going to work,” Tiffany said as she rose and left the restaurant. Tiffany had become a strong woman and she wanted a strong man.

That man was about to enter her life.

West Coast had decided that they wanted to begin shipping produce to the Hawaiian Islands. Tiffany was required to go to Fresno to meet with the central valley growers. She drove and was at the meeting at the Ramada early. She decided she wanted a cup of coffee and went to the coffee shop. She ordered a cup and was startled by a voice.

“Listen, I don’t give a rat’s ass who this girl is, I’m not going to give my crop away.”

Tiffany looked and saw this rugged looking man, tall, muscular and very handsome. She wondered what he was shouting about. He entered the coffee shop and said to his friend, “I have the best crop of alfalfa on the west coast and I’m not going to give it away.”

“But Jenny says that is the best she can offer.”

“Well look some where else.”

The man sat next to Tiffany and grumbled his order, “Give me an order of bacon and eggs, up.”

Tiffany wondered, how could this guy be so pissed off, so she had to ask.

”Having a bad day?” she asked as she smiled at him.

“You bet your ass I am, some stupid broad wants me to give my crop away.”

Tiffany didn’t like the stupid broad remark but had to ask anyway.

“What makes you think your crop is worth so much?”

“Because it is much higher in nutrients than most other farms grow and I’ll be damned if I’m going to give it away.”

“Let’s start again, hi, my name’s Tiffany and yours is?”

“I’m sorry but it’s been a bad day, I’m Jed Renstrom. It’s nice to meet you Tiffany. What are you doing in Fresno?”

“I’m here on business. I’m in the import-export business.”

“Really, I might have something that might interest you.”

“And that might be?”

“My alfalfa crop.”

“Why would I be interested in alfalfa?”

“Because mine will be desired all over the world. There are crops of alfalfa from Nevada that are given exclusively to race horses because of their high nutrient value and mine is even better than theirs. I have had breeders from Japan asking about my crop but I had no way to get it to them. The best part is that you don’t even have to refrigerate it, it would be perfect for you.”

“I don’t know, maybe I could look into it and see if it is something I would like to sell.”

“I have to know pretty soon because my next cutting will be ready to harvest next week and I don’t have room to sit on another three thousand acres of crop, look maybe I could take you out to dinner tonight and we could discuss this a little more.”

“I would like that, call me here in room 3042 after 5 PM, I should be done with my meetings by then.”

“I’ll look forward to it,” said Jed as Tiffany rose to leave for her first meeting of the day.

Mmm, what a good looking guy, maybe this trip will be worth while after all thought Tiffany.

The day’s meetings went as anticipated, Tiffany got some leads for produce and she also found some buyers for some of the products she imported from abroad. It was 5:15 when the phone rang.


“Hi Tiffany, this is Jed. I didn’t catch you at a bad time did I?”

“No, I was just going to take a shower. How did your day go?”

“Pretty good thanks, I thought we could have dinner at 7, is that alright with you?”

“That would be perfect, it gives me just enough time to get ready, what should I wear?”

“This is Fresno so just about anything is fine. I thought we could go to a little barbeque joint out side of town. It’s small but very popular, see you at seven.”

Tiffany hung up the phone and showered. She shaved her legs and underarms and exited the shower. She was careful not to wet her hair as it was now long enough to style and she had put the wig away weeks ago. Her face was smooth, the result of the electrolysis she endured from the first day she decided to transition. What should I wear she thought, I don’t want to be too casual and I do want to impress Jed, after all it is a first date. Tiffany decided to wear a tube top and mini-skirt and her black sandals with three-inch heels. She did her makeup and brushed her hair, looked in the mirror and decided that if she didn’t make an impression on Jed he must be blind.

Jed knocked on the door and Tiffany let him in. He was wearing Levi’s, a cowboy shirt and boots. He looked like an advertisement from GQ for western clothing. Wow thought Tiffany what a handsome man.

“You look great,” said Jed as he admired Tiffany’s figure.

“So do you,” she replied.

“Let’s go”

The couple left and Jed escorted Tiffany to his Cadillac Escalade.

“Nice car,” she said.

“It gets me where I’m going,” he said as he opened the door and held her hand to help her into the car.

“Thank you,” she said while thinking what a nice guy he was and he has manners too.

The couple drove to the restaurant and entered to find it was packed.

“How about a drink while we wait for a table?”

“That would be nice.”

Jed escorted Tiffany to the bar and couldn’t help notice all the guys checking out his date, I can’t blame them he thought, she is very good looking.

“What would you like?”

“Just a glass of white wine would be fine.”

Jed ordered the drinks and wondered how he could be so lucky to be with this girl tonight.

“So, have you given anymore thought as to whether you would like to buy my alfalfa.”

“I did look into it and I think we can make a deal, I will pay you top dollar for it. I think I have a buyer for the whole crop.”

“Wow that’s great, I’ll have my foreman put the papers in order tomorrow. Now let’s forget about business and enjoy the evening, tell me a little about yourself.”

“There isn’t much to tell. I’m from Iowa originally and moved to California several years ago and have been working ever since.”

“It must be hard on your boyfriend with you working so much.”

So he’s interested in me thought Tiffany, what a sly way to find out if I have a boyfriend.

“I don’t have a boyfriend, I was dating a guy for a while but it didn’t work out. What about you, do you have a steady girl?”

“No, I don’t have time for one, with the farm and all.”

“How did you find time for me?” Tiffany said while giving her biggest smile.

“When I met you in the coffee shop I knew I would make time for you, you’re just so darned pretty.”

Tiffany blushed, God I never blush when guys give me a compliment, why now?

“Thank you,” she murmured.

They’re table was ready and they went to eat. Tiffany enjoyed the food but she enjoyed Jed’s company even more, she was becoming infatuated with this man. Dinner was finished and Jed suggested that they go to a country and western club so they could dance. Tiffany agreed and off they went. They spent the next four hours dancing and getting to know each other better. The evening was spent and Jed dropped Tiffany back at her hotel room.

“Thank you for a wonderful evening, Jed.”

“You’re more than welcome, may I see you again?”

“I’ll be here until Friday with all the meetings so if you would like I’m all yours in the evening. Are you sure you’ll have time for me?”

“Are you kidding I’ll make time for you, I’ll call you tomorrow and let you know what time I can pick you up.”

Tiffany and Jed looked at each other, respecting their distance and yet wanting so badly to kiss each other goodnight. Jed was too much of a gentleman to try to make the first move and Tiffany could feel that so she reached up to him and kissed him lightly on the lips and said goodnight. Jed turned and walked back to his car with a new spring in his step, wow what a woman he thought, she’s pretty and smart, I’m not going to let this one get away.

The next day was pretty much like the first and Tiffany was getting anxious to go out with Jed. She liked him, he was funny, cute and very respectful and a man’s man.

Jed took Tiffany to dinner again only this time to a nicer restaurant. The evening was wonderful again and this time Jed took the initiative to give the good night kiss. He swept Tiffany into his arms and kissed her with much more lust than Tiffany did the night before. Tiffany liked that he took command and was responding to this kiss. Tiffany also noticed that Jed was becoming aroused by this interaction. She felt him becoming hard against her hip. Mmm, she thought I’m glad he likes me but she also didn’t want to go as far as she had with Mike, not just yet, she wanted him to have a good opinion of her. Jed broke the kiss and said goodnight and Tiffany entered her room, her hands were shaking, she was falling for this guy big time, it’s a good thing he lives far away from me or I would be in real trouble she thought. Tiffany undressed and went to bed and dreamed of Jed all night long. She dreamed they were married and had children. They were living on his ranch and he called to her to come to the barn. She went out the door and there was a large maze of alfalfa bales and try as she may she couldn’t find her way out. She saw a light and went to it and then she awoke and she was crying in her sleep because she knew she couldn’t bear children and didn’t know where the children in her dream came from. Tiffany dried her eyes and went back to sleep.

The last two days were like the first two, with Tiffany making many contacts with growers. She and Jed were inseparable in the evenings. The last night they wanted to be special so Jed brought Tiffany to the nicest restaurant in Fresno. She wore a pretty red dress that hugged her figure all the way to mid thigh. The top was cut low enough to allow her cleavage to show and she looked hot. Jed dressed in a suit and Tiffany practically swooned when she saw him, he was so handsome. The dinner was special and the two lovers couldn’t keep from staring deeply into each other eyes knowing that this was their last night together. Jed and Tiffany finished dinner and Jed wanted to show Tiffany something special.

“Tiffany, I want to take you to a place that is special to me.”

“Where is that?”

“It’s a place on my ranch that I go to when I am stressed and need to relax.”

“If you promise not to kill me,” Tiffany giggled.

“Ah yes my dear, there is a full moon tonight and I feel my fangs growing as we speak,” Jed replied in his best Bella Lugosi accent.

The couple left the restaurant and drove east for about an hour. This was the first time Tiffany had really seen the Sierra Nevada mountain range and was in awe of the beauty if it.

“Jed I can’t believe how pretty those mountains are, and they are so high.”

“That is the tallest part of the range straight ahead, here we are.”

Jed turned off the highway onto a gravel road that led to a locked gate.

“Wait here while I unlock the gate.”

Jed opened the gate and drove his car through and then locked it shut. They proceeded about two miles through alfalfa fields until they entered an aspen grove. It was summer and the sun was just setting as Jed opened the car door for Tiffany.

“Here take my arm, it’s only a short distance to the spot. The ground is hard enough that you shouldn’t have trouble walking but hold my hand anyway.”

Tiffany did as requested and took Jed’s hand in hers and intertwined their fingers. The ground may have been hard but with four-inch heels Tiffany was having anything but an easy time walking. They walked about one hundred yards until they entered a clearing next to a stream. The stream had been dammed by beavers, which created a large pond. There was a large log near the edge of the pond.

“Here Tiffany, let me put this blanket on the log so you don’t soil your dress and then we can sit.”

Jed laid the blanket on the log and lifted Tiffany up and placed her on the log.

“Jed you’re so strong, you lifted me like I weighed nothing.”

“You are pretty light, so what do you think of my spot?”

“Oh Jed, it’s beautiful.”

“I’m glad you like it. Watch closely and you will be able to see the fish jump for insects,” just at that moment a large trout jumped out of the water and created a splash.

“Jed did you see that?” Tiffany said excitedly.

“Of course I did, I see it all the time when I come up here, we might even see the beavers.”

Jed lifted himself up onto the log next to Tiffany and put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her tight to him. Tiffany laid her head on his shoulder and put both arms around his waist and the couple just sat and took in the silence. The beaver put in one appearance and then the sun disappeared creating a beautiful sunset. As the glow grew dimmer Jed lifted Tiffany’s lips to his and kissed her deeply. Tiffany took her arms from his waist and put them around his neck and kissed him back. They continued kissing and petting for hours until the air began to chill Tiffany. She quivered and broke the kiss.

“Jed darling, I’m catching a chill, I think we should go back to the car.”

“It does that when the sun goes down, let’s go.”

They returned to the car and Jed helped Tiffany into it. He loved watching her legs when he did. He went around to the other side and got in and was about to put the key in the ignition switch.

“Let’s not go yet,” said Tiffany. She was still hot from making out earlier and wanted to continue kissing Jed. She reached over to him and touched her lips to his and pulled him tight. Jed responded and when Tiffany parted her lips he pushed his tongue into her mouth. That’s more like it she thought. This went on for a while and Tiffany was losing control. She took Jed’s hand and placed it on her breast. Jed began to caress her softly and was becoming very aroused, as was Tiffany, her nipples growing hard with lust. She was almost going to grab Jed’s penis then stopped. She pushed Jed back and said, “Jed we shouldn’t be doing this, I want you so bad but if I were to give myself to you things would change between us. I’ve fallen in love with you but I’m afraid if we were to have sex then we will have given everything to each other and there would be nothing else to give, please understand.”

“Tiffany, you’re right. I brought you here tonight because it is a special place for me and I wanted to share it with you. Just being here is enough for me and you’re right, I would hate to spoil a special evening with you, I love you Tiffany.”

The two embraced and held each other allowing their love to flow between themselves. Jed finally broke the embrace and drove Tiffany back to her hotel. They walked to Tiffany’s room and as Jed kissed Tiffany goodnight she began to feel her eyes tear.

Jed looked at Tiffany and asked, “What’s wrong?”

“I’m afraid I’ll never see you again after tonight.”

“Don’t be silly, Los Angeles is just an hour away.”

“Don’t you mean three hours with no traffic?”

“Did I forget to tell you about my twin engine Cessna, silly me.”

“You have a plane?”

“Of course I have a plane, it’s the only way I can visit my leased land that I grow crops on. I lease property near Carson City, Nevada to grow alfalfa on and I grow rice north of Sacramento. I couldn’t possibly drive all those hours every week so I have a plane. Next weekend I’ll fly to Long Beach airport and we can spend the evening together if you would like.”

Tiffany pulled Jed to her lips and gave him the biggest kiss of the night.

“Does that answer your question?”

“I guess it does.”

Tiffany went into her room and packed to return home the next morning. She couldn’t wait to tell Betty about Jed.

It was Saturday morning and Tiffany drove the three hours back to Long Beach and had a hard time concentrating on her driving, all she could think about was Jed. Sure she thought about work a little but Jed always interrupted those thoughts, she was sure she was in love. Tiffany had just gotten onto the 405 when traffic stopped. A large truck had rolled over and she was stuck in traffic. I can’t stand it; I have to call Betty. She dialed her cell phone and waited for Betty to answer.


“Betty, oh God,” Tiffany said excitedly, “You won’t believe what happened, I met a guy and well, were in love.”

“Tiffany, well hello to you too, okay so tell me what happened?”

“I was at a conference in Fresno and met this guy and we went out and he took me to this special place and that was it, I fell in love with him, oh God Betty, he’s so cute and such a hunk.”

“You didn’t have sex with him did you?”

“Of course not, it’s not like that, we really love each other.”

“You’ve only known him for three days and you think you’re in love?”

“I know I’m in love, he’s so special.”

“Does he know how special you are?”

“What do you mean by that?”

“You know what I mean, does he know you’re a man?”

“No and I don’t think he would care, we love each other.”

“You don’t think he would care, if he loves you like you say he does I’m sure he will want to get married someday and have children and to have children the normal way he will have to have sex with you and you can’t have sex like that right now, so how do you think he might react?”

“I don’t know, I didn’t think about that, I just know I love him and want to be with him.”

“I’m happy for you Tiffany but you had better think this thing through before you get too much more involved with this guy, what’s his name?”


“Do you plan on seeing him again?”

“Yes next weekend, he wants to take me to dinner.”

“He must be serious about you to drive all the way from Fresno just to have dinner.”

“Oh, I forgot to tell you, he has a plane and he’s flying down to see me.”

“A plane, you lucky girl, you found a guy with money, now I’m jealous.”

“You’re such a tease Betty, you have a wonderful guy already, oops I have to go, the traffic is moving, I’ll call you when I get home.”

Tiffany wanted to be careful when she drove because if she were to get in an accident there would be hell to pay when she would have to present her driver’s license and it still said Jason Randall on it. I had better start changing some things she thought, not only my license but my sex too or I’m going to be in real trouble.

Tiffany’s week started well and she was able to make some deals shipping produce overseas. She also found a buyer for Jed’s alfalfa in Japan and was able to buy it for top dollar, ship it and still make a sizable profit. The settlement check came from Quantum and now she could afford her surgery. She went to her appointment with Dr. Short and brought up the question as to whether or not she should not have her surgery.

“Dr. Short, I’ve been living as a woman for sometime now and I think I want to take the next step, I’m ready.”

“You think you’re ready or you know you’re ready?”

“Does anyone ever really know?”

“I’m afraid they do, if you really know, you would do anything to change your sex.”

“But I want to be a woman now more than anything.”

“Why now, is it a way to be more popular?”

“That has nothing to do with it anymore, it just seems to be the right time.”

“There’s more to it than that isn’t there, you’ve met a man and you want to take it to another level and can’t until you’re a woman, am I correct?”


“Tiffany that is not a good reason to want to change your sex. Before I can recommend surgery for you I want you to come in here and tell me why you have to become a woman for reasons other than, “I met a man.” I sympathize with you, but I won’t make recommendations based on that, you will have to want being a woman more than anything you could wish, I bet you haven’t even told your parents about Tiffany. You go tell them and listen to what they have to say about what you are doing and then if being Tiffany is that important to you I might recommend the surgery because then you will be able to tell me why you want to be a woman.”

Dr. Short had never been so direct with Tiffany. He had always been encouraging and understanding to her wishes, why wouldn’t he help her now, a tear fell from her eye.

“I don’t understand Doctor, you’ve always been so supportive of my wishes.”

“I am being supportive Tiffany, if I didn’t care about you I would let you have the surgery tomorrow but that is a big step and I want you to be sure that’s exactly what you want. Becoming a woman isn’t because you want to be more popular or to please a man; it’s more than that. There’s something I want you to do for me before our next session that I hope will help you make the right decision. I want you to imagine that you were born without being a man or a woman, you are only you. You’ve become an adult and you have to decide what you want to do with your life, do you want to protect the people around you or do you want to nurture them. You can do either as a man or a woman but think about how you would do it and tell me what you would do next week.”

“Yes, Doctor”

Tiffany left the doctor’s office and was more confused than ever. What did he mean did I want to protect or nurture and how am I going to tell my mother that I’m a woman now, or almost one. Tiffany was shattered, I have to be a woman or Jed will leave me, what am I going to do? All Tiffany could think about was Jed and not whether she should become a woman, it would take several more days for that to happen.

Tiffany was just finishing the paperwork for a problem she was having with customs on a shipment from China when her phone rang.

“Tiffany Randall.”

“Hello Tiffany, before you slam the phone down please hear me out, this is Tom Larsen.”

Tiffany’s heart dropped, “What do you want Tom?”

“I have an offer to make to you that you would be a fool to pass up. Quantum wants you back. Our share of the L.A. market has plummeted since you left and we finally came to our senses. Here’s what we can offer, a salary of three hundred thousand a year, any kind of car you want, a house on the beach at Malibu and eleven percent of all Quantum shares. You will be on the board of directors and will have a say in all business decisions, what do you say?”

“Tom, I’m flattered, I didn’t think Quantum would want a woman on their board of directors, it’s always been such an old boys network.”

“We want you back but there is one thing, we want you back as Jason.”

“You want me back as Jason, but I’m not Jason anymore, I’m Tiffany.”

“But you could be Jason again, just think of the money and power you will have and you can keep the settlement we gave you.”

“So, I can have all that if I give up Tiffany and become Jason again, wow Tom that’s an easy decision to make, I give up being a woman and I become one of the most powerful men at Quantum, Tom, I can’t believe my good fortune, I’ve been wrestling with a decision all week and you just made it for me.”

“Then you’ll take the job?”

“No Tom, I won’t, and I’m sorry for not sounding too lady like but you can take your offer and shove it up your ass. I can’t believe you would have the nerve to even call me after what you did to me. You tried to ruin my life and now you want me back, well fuck you very much, I’m a woman now Tom and if you think I would work for a sexist company like Quantum you’ve got another thing coming, good by Tom.”

Tiffany put the phone down and started to laugh hysterically, that bastard thought I would jump for him, not anymore, I’m a woman and I’m proud. Tiffany suddenly came to the realization that she wanted to be a woman, not maybe but for certain. Now she knew why Dr. Short did what he did, he wanted to be sure Tiffany wanted to be a woman. She did want to protect others but as a woman. If she had caved in to the offer and become a man, the money would have been more important than his self-esteem. Sure he would be protecting others by being powerful on the job but what about when he was away from work, all he would be is a man with money, but as Tiffany she was protecting others by being strong willed and she knew that was the important thing, be true to yourself. Jason couldn’t nurture anyone if he was to take that job, but Tiffany could because she knew that people liked her as a person and she knew what was important to her and how people felt about her when she interacted with them. If she was to take the job as Jason he would be respected for his power as a figurehead and not as a caring person. She was so excited she had to call Dr. Short with her decision.

“Dr. Short, I figured it out, you were right, I wanted surgery for the wrong reasons, thank you for making me look at myself.”

“So why do you think you want to become a woman now?”

“Because I was given the opportunity to become a man again and I turned it down.”

“Why did you turn it down.”

“Because I realized that I had become Tiffany down to my heart and soul. The company I used to work for made me an offer only a fool would have given up but part of that offer was that I was to become Jason again. It took me about three seconds to realize that I would have to change my sex to have that job. I’m a woman now and there is no way I would give that up for any reason.”

“Now that’s the kind of answer I was looking for. I’m going to recommend that you go for corrective surgery to repair the wrong bits you were born with, congratulations Tiffany.”

Tiffany had one last chore before surgery and that was her mother and father. Tiffany was so excited about her doctor’s decision she just knew her mother and father would be too. She decided to wait until she got home to call because she knew her mom and dad would be excited for her and she didn’t want everyone hearing her squeal with delight.

“Hello, Mona speaking.”

“Mom, hi, it’s Tiff, err, I mean Jason.”

“Jason, hi you’re calling early this week, is everything alright?”

“Oh yes mom, I have exciting news and I know you will be happy for me.”

“Oh, and what news is that? Don’t tell me you finally found a girl and you want to get married,” Mona said excitedly.

“Did I hear you, Jason’s getting married?” asked Jason’s father.

“No mom, I’m not getting married and yes I’ve found a girl.”

“What’s her name?”

“Tiffany, and mom, there’s something I have to tell you about her.”

“What, she only has one leg,” Mona giggled.

“No mom and it’s not funny, Tiffany is me.”

There was sudden silence, Tiffany could hear her mother breathing on the other end of the phone and then she cleared her throat before she spoke.

“I’m sorry Jason, I must have misunderstood you. You said you met a girl named Tiffany?”

“No mom, I said I found a girl named Tiffany. She was hidden from me and I found her and I have become her.”

“Are you telling me that you’ve become a girl?”

“Yes mom, aren’t you excited for me?”

“No, tell me it’s not true, what have you done?” she wailed.

“Mom, I’ve become a girl, is that so wrong?”

“Is that so wrong?” she shrieked, “Yes it is, God made you a boy and now you tell me you’re a girl? What about your thing did you cut it off?”

Tiffany didn’t like the way this was going, how could she be so naive as to think her mother would have been excited about this little revelation, hell she was worried that Jason would fall for one of those beach hussies with the large breasts and now he was telling her that he was one of them, well duh, maybe she did get a small dose of bimbo juice after all.

“Mom, I thought you would be happy for me.”

“Happy for you, happy for you, you stupid shit, what am I going to tell your father and the family, God this is so wrong.”

Tiffany had never heard her mother swear before and knew she was in trouble for what she had just told her. Tiffany had to gather her thoughts.

“Mother, it’s not wrong, would you feel this way if I had been born a girl?”

“Don’t get smart with me young man, of course I wouldn’t because you would have already been a girl. If you told me that you had wanted to be a man I would be just as upset. Why did you do this to yourself?”

Tiffany could tell her mother was starting to cry. How could she tell her mom that she did it to be popular, God how stupid could she be?

“Did Jason say he was seeing a girl?” asked his father.

“Shut up Merv, Jason said he is a girl, not seeing one,” snapped his mother.

“Jason’s a girl? What the hell is going on?”

“I’m trying to find out now be quiet.”

“Mom, it’s just something that happened slowly, when I was Jason I had no life but when I became Tiffany I was happy and she slowly took over my life until there was no more Jason. Jason hasn’t been here for almost a year.”

“Why didn’t you say something sooner, we talk every week and you couldn’t say something about this thing, God I’m going to be sick.”

“I wanted to be sure this is what I wanted.”

“Jason, I have to hang up now, I can’t talk, I’m so upset right now. Your father and I have to discuss this and I’ll call you back but for now please don’t phone us until I talk to your father.”

Mona hung up the phone before Tiffany had a chance to tell her she loved her. She had always ended their conversations that way and now she felt empty inside. What have I done she wondered. Tiffany dissolved into tears, now I know what Dr. Short meant that I would be losing my popularity with the ones that mean the most to me. Tiffany fell into a fitful sleep. Tiffany dreamed all kinds of bad dreams, the worse being the one where she was a girl and she was visiting her parents. She was having a conversation with her mother when her mother reached into her purse and removed a penis and told her to go put it on.

“I can’t, I’m a girl,” said Tiffany.

“Yes you can, here is some glue,” replied her mother handing her the penis and a container of household glue.

“No mother, I’m a girl and I don’t want that thing.”

“Your father and I want a boy, now go put it on.”

Tiffany did as told and attached the penis and cried, “I don’t want to be a boy.”

Tiffany awoke shivering with fear, tears streaming down her cheeks, why oh why does this have to be so hard she asked herself.

The next day was a hard one for Tiffany. All she could think of was her mother and how she had disappointed her and tried to think of a way to make the situation better. Perhaps if she were to talk to Dr. Short he might have some ideas.

“Dr. Short, please.”

“Who may I say is calling?”

“Tiffany Randall.”

“Hello, Tiffany, how’s everything?”

“Terrible, I called my mother last night and I thought she would be excited for me but just the opposite was true, she practically disowned me.”

“What made you think she would be excited for you?”

“She has been so supportive of everything I have done. I call her once a week and tell her what I’m doing and she was always excited about everything, until last night. When I talked to her it was as though I had stabbed her in the chest with a knife.”

“Had you been hinting that you might want to change sex.”


“And you expected her to jump up and down with joy because she had just lost a son and had him replaced with a daughter?”

“I, I didn’t think.”

“Tiffany, there have been many things you haven’t thought about during this transition. The only real clear thought you have had was when you realized that you were a woman yesterday and I was happy you came to that conclusion. Now you have to explain that to your mother, you have to tell her that you came to the realization that Tiffany was trapped inside Jason’s body and that you have freed her. Tell her that you were a woman all along but didn’t know that until you became Tiffany. Be kind but be firm and explain that there is no way that Jason can come back and that you want her to accept Tiffany as her daughter but if she can’t accept that then it will be her loss.”

“Doctor, this is so hard.”

“Yes it is, I warned you of that fact and you listened but I don’t think you knew how hard it would be for you. Just imagine how hard it is for girls that don’t even have a job and have to go through what you are but without any support at all, it can be a living hell.”

“I still don’t understand why my parents can’t be more supportive of my wishes.”

“Look at it from their perspective, they raised you by what you were born with between your legs. Every thing they taught you was based on you being a boy. They spent twenty years teaching and loving you and hoping you would become the best man possible. Now your telling them that they wasted all that time and that they were wrong raising you that way, of course they’re upset but with some time they can come around to love Tiffany, it’s just too early yet.”

“But I’m the same person inside,” Tiffany said tearfully.

“No Tiffany you aren’t, you were a boy before and now you are a lovely young woman and I think that is a shock for your parents. Your mother knows that if you are a girl you’re not the same boy inside that left they’re home in Iowa, that boy is gone and has been replaced by someone she doesn’t know, she’s as afraid of this change as you are.”

“But will they learn to accept me?”

“I can only hope so. Many families never come to accepting a person like you and others embrace the change with loving arms, which one yours will be, well only time will tell.”

“I love my parents so much, I hope they come to love me as Tiffany but if they can’t then it’s a cross they must bear because being Tiffany is what is most important to me.”

“Tiffany, I think they will come around but it will take time, don’t push yourself on them, be patient but eventually they will come to love you.”

“Thank you Doctor”

Tiffany hung up the phone and tried to reflect on what a week it had been. There had been the highs of telling Tom Larsen to shove it and coming to the realization that she was in fact a woman but with a few wrong parts and the low of her parents reaction of finding out about Tiffany, what else could happen she wondered, just at that moment the phone rang.

“Tiffany Randall.”

“Wow, you sound so official and business like,” said the voice, “This is Jed and I was wondering if we were still on for dinner tomorrow night?”

“You bet, I can’t wait to see you, what time are you flying in so I can pick you up.”

“I have to meet a client in Santa Barbara at noon and should be finished by 4 so I should arrive at Long Beach around 6:30.”

“I’ll see you then, kiss, kiss.”

Ahh, another high thought Tiffany, Jed is taking me to dinner tomorrow night, I’ve got to get my hair and nails done, I’ll call Betty to shop for a new dress.

“Betty, this is Tiffany, Jed is taking me to dinner tomorrow and I need a new dress, want to go shopping?”

“Spoken like a true female, of course I want to go, is after work okay?”

“I’ll pick you up at home around 7.”

“Okay see you then.”

Tiffany pick up Betty and then it was off to the mall. The two girls caught up on the week’s happenings. Tiffany told Betty of how she blew off Tom Larsen and that she had decided on having her surgery. She also told her about her parent’s reaction to Tiffany and had to stop the car because it is too hard to drive while crying. Betty comforted her until she gained her composure.

“Tiffany, its your parents loss if they can’t accept you. You’re a wonderful girl and friend and if they can’t understand that then that’s just too bad. You have friends that love you and accept you here so don’t let it get you down.”

“I know Betty, it’s just so hard sometimes.”

“Oh, oh, I’ve got to tell you, after you turned down Ton Larsen the office manager came out and boy was he pissed, he wanted to move back east and now he’s stuck out here, girl friend if you had been there I think he would have killed you,” giggled Betty.

The two friends reached the mall and started the search fore the perfect dress. Tiffany found it at Macy’s, it was green satin, low cut in front and had little straps that crossed the back and the hem ended mid thigh. Tiffany found a pair of green pumps with four-inch heels to go with the dress. Just wait until Jed sees me in this she thought.

The next day Tiffany was at the salon to have her hair and nails done. Her hair had grown enough so she now was able to select different styles instead of that cute little cut one, one must wear when one has short hair. Tiffany explained that she had a hot date and wanted to look extra special. When she was done her hair had been highlighted, she had been waxed, legs and brows, had a manicure and pedicure and made up. When she walked from the salon she felt good once again, she felt special and looked special, she looked all woman,

Tiffany arrived at home and dressed to pickup Jed. She drove to the airport and arrived five minutes before he did, she looked hot. Jed arrived and was struck with awe Tiffany looked so nice.

“Wow,” was all he could say.

“Do I look alright, this dress doesn’t make me look fat does it?”

“Tiffany, if you looked any better you would create a plane crash because the pilots wouldn’t be able to concentrate on landing their planes, and no that dress doesn’t make you look fat silly girl.”

“Thank you sir.”

“I have to change into something more suitable for escorting a beautiful woman like you to dinner so I will be right back, don’t run off.”

Tiffany found a bench to sit on and crossed her legs seductively. While sitting her dress moved up her legs covering the barest amount of them. Tiffany had very nice legs and she was creating a commotion just sitting. Jed returned and had to say something.

“Tiffany, the next time you pick me up, you had better wear something more casual because the guys around here aren’t ready for a girl as pretty as you meeting me, come on let’s go before someone steals you away from me,” laughed Jed. The couple left and went to a restaurant for dinner. They entered and were seated by the host.

“Would you like a drink?” asked Jed.

“Yes, I’d like a glass of white wine.”

The waiter came to the table and asked if they would like a drink.

“Yes I would like a Manhattan over and the lady would like a glass of Chardonnay.”

“May I see your I.D., miss?” asked the waiter.

Oh my God, thought Tiffany, the only I.D. I have is for Jason and it’s in my purse. If I show it Jed will know I’m a man, shit what am I going to do.

“I’m sorry I left it at home,” answered Tiffany.

“I won’t be able to serve you any alcoholic beverages then, sorry miss. Would you like anything else instead?”

“I’ll have an iced tea.”

The waiter left and returned with their drinks. Tiffany was worried the whole evening after that thinking of what might happen again if she had to show her I.D. card. Jed picked up on Tiffany’s nervousness.

“What’s wrong Tiffany, you seem distracted tonight?”

“Oh it’s nothing.”

“You can tell me, that’s what I’m here for.”

“I’ve never been carded before and when that waiter asked me for my I.D. and I didn’t have it with me, well I’m usually not like that, I don’t usually forget to bring important things with me especially my drivers license.”

“Don’t let it ruin our evening, let’s just enjoy each other’s company.”

“Jed, you’re so sweet, you really know how to make a girl feel better.”

The couple did enjoy the rest of the evening until Tiffany brought Jed back to the airport for his flight home.

“Jed, I’m going to miss you.”

“I feel the same way,” answered Jed.

“I wish you lived closer so we could be together more,” said Tiffany.

“I wish we were together more too but for now we will have to have a long distance romance. Just being able to talk to you on the phone makes me feel good and this way we will be able to get to know each other better before we make a commitment.”

“Your right Jed, it’s just that you make me feel funny all over when I’m with you.”

“Trust me Tiffany, you have no idea what you do to me when we are together, you effect me like no other woman has.”

“Oh Jed, really?”

“Yes, really.”

That was all Jed needed and he reached down and gave Tiffany the most passionate kiss he could. Tiffany responded and opened her mouth and took Jed’s tongue deep into her mouth. She pulled him tight to her body and felt him becoming erect against her pelvis. She wanted to take it in her hand and worship it but knew she couldn’t. Her nipples were becoming erect against his chest and the harder they became the more sensitive they were. She was in a situation she had no control of and was in trouble. Jed knew he could seduce this girl but because of his feelings for her he didn’t want to risk losing her to a moment of passion. He had seduced his last girl friend like this and lost her after they realized all they had was lust and this time he wanted something different, he wanted a soul mate.

“Tiffany, we had better stop before this gets out of hand,” Jed said as he broke the kiss.

“Oh honey please let’s not stop,” whined Tiffany as she reached up and kissed him again.

Jed kissed her back trying to control himself. Tiffany reached down and pulled Jed’s hand to her breast. Jed began to caress her softly and was becoming inflamed with passion. Now he wanted her as much as she wanted him. He pulled her hand to his erection and placed it on it. Tiffany felt a sense of relief when she touched it, it was as though it was a sealing of her femininity and that she was all woman. Tiffany wanted Jed to bed her, to tear her clothes from her body, to take her and fuck her deeply, to push his cock into her wet wanting pussy to tell her he loved her as she moaned with each thrust of his, of his, of, of, of this thing I have in my hand that I’m pushing against my own penis, oh my God what am I doing thought Tiffany. Tiffany let go of Jed’s penis and pushed him back enough for him to stop rubbing her breast.

“Jed,” she panted, still quivering with excitement, “I can’t do this right now, I want you so badly but if we do this thing it will ruin it for us, I’m sorry.”

Tiffany knew she couldn’t go any farther lest Jed discover her secret.

“You’re right sweetheart, I couldn’t help myself, you just excite me so.”

“I have to go home, will you call me?”

“Every five minutes.”

“I, I, I love you.”

“Tiffany, that’s the most wonderful thing you could have said to me, I love you too.”

The couple kissed once again and just held each other not wanting this most precious of moments to escape before Jed departed for his plane.

Tiffany returned home and disrobed. She walked to the mirror and looked at herself. Her hair was growing nicely and her face had become soft looking from the hormones. Her skin was smooth and had that certain look a woman’s skin has that differs from a man’s. Her breasts were what men wanted on a woman, well shaped and large enough to excite and yet not so large as to be freakish. Her waist tapered down to her nicely rounded hips and then connected to her shapely legs and ended at her painted toenails. I’m a nice looking woman she thought but then it was as though she was slapped in the face, I’m disfigured, my clitoris is too big and I have no vagina, I’m a freak. She took her penis in her hand and held it, it felt soft and smooth. She then held her scrotum and did the same, it was then she realized it felt disgusting to hold these things attached to her body, she wanted them gone. Tiffany still wasn’t the woman she wanted to be, she was still a man and she hated it. No longer did she care about being popular, there was a different longing now, it was a longing to be with her man, to care for him, to nurture him, to make love with him and to care for his children, his children, God how am I going to do that she wondered.

Tiffany went to bed and tried to sleep. There were to many things happening to her right now to sleep soundly, life is such a mess she thought.

Tiffany started to dream as she slept. She dreamed that she was with Jed and they were making love. She felt so fulfilled as he entered her making her a real woman. She became pregnant and gave birth to twins, one boy and one girl. She loved her children but as they grew they became her mother and father. They kept saying “You can’t have children you freak,” and she would say, “I gave birth to you and I love you,” and they would reply, “No you didn’t, you’re were man and now you can’t even make a girl pregnant.” “But you’re my children.” “Get away freak.” Tiffany awoke, tears streaming down her face and she was shaking violently, how could I have been so stupid she wondered. As she calmed down she thought more about her plight. Why did I want to be popular she thought, to the point of changing myself. Was it so important to be wanted? And wanted by whom, losers, someone who could care less if I’m alive or dead. I finally met someone that cared for me but only after it was too late and I had ruined my body with hormones and now I’ve met someone who loves me as I do him and I can’t have him because I’m not complete. The only good thing to come out of this is that I discovered Tiffany and even she isn’t complete. My mother and father hate me now, why don’t they understand, why don’t they love Tiffany as much as I do? Jason is gone and good riddance, I hated him, and I hated everything about him, especially his features, his damn delicate features, why couldn’t he have been a man’s man, why did he have to be born? Tiffany was in hysterics now, slamming her fists against her pillow, tears streaming from her eyes, better to be dead she thought, no reason to live, I can’t tell my boy friend the truth, my parents will never speak to me again, God what’s the use. Tiffany was startled by the phone ringing next to her.

“Shit, who in the hell has the nerve to call this time of night,” she thought, “Probably some drunk.”

“Hello,” she whispered, her voice ruined by her hysterics.

“Tiffany honey, what’s wrong?”


“Yes, I just wanted to call and let you know I made it home alright and tell you that I love you and I miss you.”

That was all it took, Tiffany dissolved into a mass of tears. She couldn’t speak, how could she be so lucky as to find a man like this, so thoughtful, so kind, so loving and so trusting.

Jed spoke again, “Honey what’s wrong?”

“Oh Jed, I love you so, please understand, I can’t talk right now, may I call you tomorrow?”

“Please do, I’m going to be worried about you all night, goodnight, I love you.”

“I love you too.”

Tiffany hung the phone and wondered what the hell she was thinking. Was she really thinking about suicide or was she just depressed and how could she be depressed with someone like Jed. God I’m such a mess, she thought. Tiffany fell back into a sleep but couldn’t stop the dreams, each one worse than the other. When she awoke the next morning she was wasted. I have to talk with Dr. Short about what is happening to me or I will kill myself.

The next week Tiffany was in Dr. Short’s office.

“Doctor, I’m at wits end. My parents hate me and I can’t tell my boyfriend about me, what am I going to do. I actually entertained thoughts of killing myself the other night.”

“Why would you want to kill yourself?”

“So all this would be over.”

“Why would you want it over, you’ve become a very nice young woman.”

“But I’m not a woman, I’m still a man on the outside.”

“Not really, you may still have your man bits but your every bit a woman. How do you feel inside?”

“Like a pretty girl when I’m not depressed.”

“How do you feel when you’re depressed?”

“Like I shouldn’t have been born.”

“Do you mean you shouldn’t have been born at all or you shouldn’t have been born as a man?”

“I don’t know, I really haven’t given it much thought that way, it was either being born or not, not whether I should have been a boy or girl, but if I were given a choice, I would have been born a girl, I feel so complete like this.”

“Then maybe you should give some thought to completing your journey and having surgery to make you whole, now tell me more about your boyfriend.”

“He’s the most wonderful person I’ve ever met. I’m afraid if I tell him about myself he will hate me.”

“He might hate you, this is true but he might accept you too. There are two paths that you can take. One way is to be up front with him and if he accepts you for who you are, you will have a love that nothing will be able to destroy. The other is to say nothing, have surgery and hope he never finds out that you were once a man. I wouldn’t recommend that because some men go crazy when they find things like that about their wives and have been known to kill them. What I would do is have the surgery, tell him the truth after it is done and then if he accepts you as the woman you will have become then you will know he loves you but if he doesn’t, move on, you will find someone else.”

“What about my parents?”

“Give them time, all they remember is Jason and they still have a problem losing their boy and after they get to know Tiffany they might love her as much as Jason.”

“Thank you Doctor”

Tiffany departed and tried to come to some conclusion as to what she should do. Should she tell Jed before or after her surgery, or should she tell him at all. She was thinking, maybe I can tell Jed that I had an accident when I was young and can’t have children, we could adopt and then he would never know. What if someone slipped and said I was once a man, what if my parents say something just to get back at me. What if a car hits me and Jed finds out at the hospital that I have a penis. What if a satellite falls from the sky and knocks me unconscious or I fall over a waterfall and my clothes are ripped off, God Tiffany get a grip you’re really losing it.

The weeks passed and Tiffany finally scheduled her surgery. It was to take place in two months time. This would give her enough time to get her work in order when she would be off recuperating. There were other tasks for her to complete before hand like her identification had to be changed from male to female and then there was Jed, what to do? Tiffany kept thinking of what she could tell him about herself and still have him love her. They had been talking to each other every night for weeks and had an occasional date when Jed had free time to fly into Long Beach. The bond between them had grown to the point that Jed was ready to ask Tiffany to marry him but he wanted to know how she felt about being a wife and a mother to his children before he popped the question.

Jed and Tiffany were out to see a play and when it was finished they stopped at a club to have a drink and catch up on their week.

“How is your job going, getting settled in?” asked Jed.

“It’s really wonderful, the people are so nice there.”

“Having a job you like is so important, are you going to keep working if you get married someday?”

“Gosh I really haven’t given that much thought, I guess I would, why do you ask?”

“Oh I don’t know, I guess it’s just that we have been seeing each other for a while and we have feelings that might one day progress to marriage and it’s important to know what the other person will want to do after they make that kind of commitment.”

“I’ve never even thought about it since I was spending all my time on my career. How would you feel about a working wife?”

“I wouldn’t have problem with her working until we had children but I’m kind of old fashion that way and would expect her to stay home and raise them, is that asking too much?”

“No your not, how many children do you want to have?”

“Well like they say, they’re cheaper by the dozen, just kidding, but realistically maybe three or four, what about you how do you feel about kids?”

“That’s a nice number but it also brings us to another subject and that’s where they will come from.”

“They would come from my wife, where else?”

“I don’t know, I guess we should have had this conversation a long time ago. There is something you should know about me and I hope it won’t be too much of a disappointment, I can’t have children other than by adoption.”

“What do you mean, why not?”

“Because I had an accident when I was a child and it made it impossible for me to have children.”

“Can’t you have that artificial insemination thing?”

“No, I have no uterus.”

“God this puts a different light on everything, having kids is the one big thing in my life and I don’t know if I could give that up.”

“What’s wrong with adoption?” asked Tiffany, now she was becoming afraid of what he might say and for good reason because he was going to say what she feared.

“There’s nothing wrong with adoption, it’s just that I want my own kids made with my sperm and my wife’s egg. I love children but I want my own and not someone else’s.”

“Don’t you think you could come to love them?”

“Of course I would but before that happened I would want to try to have my own children.”

Tiffany could feel the tears forming in her eyes as she asked, “Then where does that leave us?”

“I don’t know sweetheart, I love you dearly and to be honest, I wanted to ask you to marry me but I want to have kids with my wife and I don’t know right now, maybe we had better go, I have a lot of thinking to do.”

The couple left and Tiffany drove Jed back to his plane.

“I’ll call you,” he said as he kissed her good-by.

Tiffany knew what he was going to say when he did. Maybe she wasn’t born a woman but she had gained a woman’s intuition and the kiss he gave her confirmed what she already knew, it was over. The kiss was cold and without feeling, he might as well have not have kissed her at all. She returned to her car and felt the dam break, the tears flowed. She couldn’t drive just yet as she couldn’t even see. Jed’s plane taxied the runway and then took off leaving Tiffany alone.

The week past and there was no call from Jed. Tiffany knew it would be a while before he would call but a week, come on, be a man and tell me that I don’t fit in your life and be done with it but don’t keep me hanging, was all Tiffany could think about.

The second seek past much like the first and then on Sunday night the phone rang.


“Tiffany?” It was a woman talking in a strained voice.


“Tiffany,” there was a pause, “It’s your mother. I can’t go on like this, your father and I have talked for sometime now and we have decided that it would do no good to reject you without even knowing you. We want to try to welcome you into our hearts much the same as Jason was.”


“Yes sweetheart, it’s me.”

“Mom, I can’t believe it, I’ve missed you so much, how’s dad?”

“He’s fine, were both fine and what about you?”

“I’m fine mom, you know just some things I’m trying to sort out.”

“What things?”

“Nothing of importance,” Tiffany said, realizing that Jed was never going to call her again and wasn’t the man she thought he was because if he was he would have called and told her it was over. It was as though a weight was lifted from her back. She no longer had to lie to anyone about her past and after her surgery she would be a woman and not have to worry again about her past. She would be straight forward about herself and “damn them torpedoes,” if her next boyfriend couldn’t accept her then too bad. Jed couldn’t accept her for not being able to bear children, then what would he have done if he had found out about her past, no more deceptions, Tiffany had finally found herself.

“Tiffany, you have to send us a photo of yourself.”

“I will mom, I hope you like me.”

“Honey, we already like you, I just want to see my daughter.”

“Your daughter?”

“Yes honey, my daughter.”

“Oh, mom,” Tiffany replied, as her eyes filled with tears of happiness, “I have to go now, I love you.”

“I love you too.”

Tiffany called Dr. Short the next day and told him that she no longer needed him and that she was going to be okay. He could tell by her voice that she would be a woman he could be proud of.

It was a week before Tiffany was to have her surgery when Betty called.

“Tiffany are you ready for your big day?”

“I can’t wait, are you still coming with me?”

“Of course I am, I wouldn’t miss the birth of the girl I started years ago.”

“I’m glad, you’ve been such a good friend.”

“Tiffany I have one favor to ask of you though, Ron is going to a costume party and I can’t go because I’m to short so he asked me if you would go with him?”

“Why can’t you go, I’m only four or five inches taller than you.”

“He wants to go as Batman and Robin and we couldn’t find a costume small enough for me.”

“You want me to go as a boy?”


“Good God no, isn’t that how all this started except with me being Zena, I swear Betty you get me in more trouble with these costumes. I’m a woman now and how am I supposed to hide my breasts?”

“Tiffany,” Betty started to laugh hysterically, “It’s April first, you know, April fools day, I’m just joking with you, I would never ask you to wear a costume after what happened last time.”

“I’m going to get you for this,” laughed Tiffany.

The girls made their plans for the trip east and the hung up the phone.

The next week found them at the hospital for Tiffany’s surgery.

“Are you afraid?” asked Betty.

“No, maybe a little because of the pain but not the of surgery its self. I want to be a complete woman and after it’s done I will be.”

The anesthesiologist came to put Tiffany under.

“Betty, hold my hand please.”

Betty took her friends hand and held it as the needle was pushed into her arm. Tiffany counted backwards from one hundred, ninety-nine, ninety-eight, ninety-sevvv.

Tiffany awoke and her mouth was dry, yuck! She thought, my mouth tastes terrible. She tried to talk but nothing came out except a little groan. Betty saw her friend was awake and called the nurse.

“Well sleepy head, how do you feel?” asked the nurse.

“My mouth is dry, may I have some water?” she whispered.

“Not just yet, you can have a little chip of ice but that’s all until the doctor examines you. Do you feel any pain?”

“No, I just feel numb.”

“If you do let me know and I will increase your medication.”

The nurse left and Tiffany fell back to sleep. She slept the rest of the day and night. The next morning she was awoke with the pain in her groin. Ouch, she though it feels like I was just kicked in the balls and then she remembered that she didn’t have them anymore. She rang for the nurse who increased her medication to counter the pain. Tiffany was awake now and wondered where Betty was. Betty was asleep in her hotel room as she had been up all night watching Tiffany to be sure she was safe.

Betty returned that afternoon and the nurse showed her how to change Tiffany’s dressings. This went on for several days until Betty had to return home, she had been there for almost a week. Tiffany was going to be here for another week and would be returning home alone.

The big day arrived for the doctor to remove Tiffany’s packing, which meant she would have to start dilating herself. Tiffany placed her feet in the stirrups on the table and the doctor removed the packing from within her. Tiffany though she would throw up when the odor reached her nose.

“Ugh, that smells,” she said.

“It’s from the blood, now let me look at you. My, my, I must say we’ve done a very nice job here, you’re healing nicely and you look like a real woman, only a little swollen. Before you leave the hospital I will let you see it but I don’t want to scare you just now because you are still swollen down there. During this next week you will have to learn how to dilate yourself and I want you walking to regain your strength.”

“Thank you doctor,” Tiffany said as she removed her feet from the stirrups.

That afternoon the nurse came to show Tiffany how to use the device to dilate herself.

“Tiffany, you take this and put a lot of lubricant on it and then insert it like this. Be very careful so as not to injure yourself.”

The nurse slowly inserted the device into Tiffany. When she did Tiffany gasped, this thing was entering her and going quite deep. This wasn’t what Tiffany had expected, she thought it would be pleasurable but it wasn’t, it hurt.

“Ouch, that hurts.”

“It will until you’re healed and then to be honest it’s going to be a pain in the ass but you must do this everyday or you will close up and you will have wasted a lot of money having this done. Some of the girls have told me though that it becomes pleasurable after a while and they actually look forward to doing this.”

“Well I wish it would hurry and heal then because this just plain sucks right now,” giggled Tiffany.

The nurse finished and left Tiffany to rest, her walks could wait until later.

The week past and Tiffany was now able to dilate with little trouble. The doctor discharged her but not before showing her the results of the operation.

“Well Tiffany, what do you think?” the doctor asked as he held a mirror for Tiffany.

“Doctor, it’s, it’s beautiful.”

“Yes it is, now I want you to take good care of it, keep it clean and be careful when you have sex, I don’t want you to return to me because you were careless.”

“I’ll be careful, thank you again.”

Tiffany left the hospital and registered at a hotel for a few days until it was time to travel home. She was beginning to feel better and decided to do some shopping. She walked to the shopping district and bought a few items and returned to her hotel. She found that her strength was returning and enjoyed the walk to and from the stores.

Tiffany finally returned home on her flight. She past through security and felt that the man checking her lingered to long with his wand but she did get through without delay. She seated herself next to the window of the plane and tried to relax. It had been a long journey and now it was almost over. She would return to work and it would be complete.

Tiffany’s eyes were shut until she felt the man brush against her arm.

“I’m sorry, I hope I didn’t disturb you?” he asked.

“Oh no, I was just resting my eyes.”

The man finished seating himself and introduced himself to her.

“Well since we are to spend the next four hours together we should know each other, my name is Doug Smith.”

“Nice to meet you Doug Smith, I’m Tiffany Randall,” she said as she extended her hand.

Doug took her hand and noticed how soft it was.

“You have beautiful hands.”

“Thank you, are you flying to L.A. on business?”

“Yes and no, I’ve just been transferred to our L.A. offices, and what about you?”

“I’m returning home, I just had some surgery to correct a birth defect. What do you do?”

“I’m a stock broker. I hope the surgery went well, you’re to pretty to have any defects.”

This guy is hitting on me thought Tiffany; well he is kind of cute maybe I’ll see where this might go. Tiffany and Doug talked through out the flight enjoying each other’s company. The plane was beginning it’s decent into LAX when Doug screwed up enough courage to ask Tiffany to dinner. Doug it seems rarely dated and when he did the women he dated wanted someone more manly as Doug was a small framed man, almost delicate.

“I guess we’re landing, I was wondering if you would join me for dinner?”

“I would love to.”

“You would?” Doug was surprised she would accept so easily.

“Of course I would, why wouldn’t I?”

“I don’t know, most women I ask usually don’t go out with me.”

“Why wouldn’t I, you’re very handsome.”

“I am?”

“Of course you are but before we do I want to be honest with you and after I tell you what I’m going tell you, you may not want to see me again.”

“What could be so terrible that I wouldn’t want to see you, you’re a very attractive woman and fun to talk to.”

“That’s just it, I’ve only been a woman for three weeks, that’s the surgery I had.”

Doug sat in silence and Tiffany figured that there would be no way he would want take her to dinner now, so predictable she thought, why were men so hung up on being macho?

Doug turned to her and took her hands in his and said, “It would be my pleasure to escort such a beautiful woman to dinner.”

Now it was Tiffany’s turn to be surprised, her eyes began to mist, “Thank you, you have no idea how you just made me feel, you’re a wonderful man Doug Smith.”

Thus began a courtship that lasted for two years until Doug and Tiffany stood at the altar to exchange vows to love and honor each other until death do they part, which they did. Tiffany became a mother through adoption and her friend Betty also finally became a mother, only she did it the old fashion way. The two friends remained best of friends becoming Godparents to each other’s children. And as far as popularity was concerned Tiffany learned that love of family was what counted in life not the adulation of someone that could care less about you.

Tiffany’s thoughts were interrupted.


“Yes sweetheart?”

“Mom, Jimmy’s bothering me.”

Finally, peace in my life thought Tiffany.


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