Mark's Mistake

Mark likes to dress grungy. Vanessa CEO of a major department store is Mark's Mom. She wants him to dress in a decent manner. Frustrated she turns her son over to Julie, her Personal Assistant, so she can get some work done. Well...

Mark’s Mistake


Paula Dillon

It was nine thirty when Mark stood before his Mom and complained, “Mom you just don’t get it. I don’t like the preppy look.” The fifteen year old boy was dressed in ragged jeans, black T-Shirt and scraggly black canvas shoes.

Vanessa Wharton, CEO of Darcee’s department store and mother of Mark sat behind her desk at work exasperated. “You can’t go around looking like a hooligan, especially here at the store. I have a whole store of clothes and you can’t find something decent to wear.”

“Mom you don’t understand, I just want to be me. Not some ivy league wannabe.”

“I understand this, buster. I don’t want my son looking like some hobo or vagabond. Julie do you think you can take my son down into the store and find him some decent clothes for a change.”

Julie McMaster was Vanessa’s personal assistant. She was more than a secretary; she was a scheduler, diplomat, memory reminder, gopher, buffer, go between, expediter, sounding board, friend and companion in this corporate world. She loved Vanessa like a sister and treated Mark as a nephew. “I believe we can come to a reasonable compromise, Ms. Wharton.”

Vanessa was desperate, her desk was covered with work and she had no time for a stubborn child. “The store is closed for Inventory take him and get him done over. Then bring him back. Just get him out of my hair for a few hours.”

“Yes Ma’am. Mark come with me please.” Julie said firmly. She turned and marched out of Vanessa’s office. Julie expected his compliance.

“Mark I don’t understand you giving your Mom all this grief. You know she loves you dearly.”

“I love her too Julie, it’s just with her it is my way or the highway.”

“It is not, there are a lot of clothes that aren’t college preppy that will look good on you. She just wants you to help project a well dressed family image.”

They came to an elevator and pushed the call button. They silently waited for the car to arrive and then got in the elevator.

“You know if you gave an inch and dressed up nicely most of the time. I am sure she wouldn’t mind if you slipped out of character and dressed grungy around the house, part of the time. I have never seen you dress up nicely. You are a cute kid. How are you going to attract a girlfriend dressing like you do?”

“That is it. I am too cute. I hate cute.”

“So you don’t want a girlfriend, they aren’t going to date a boy who won’t take the time to look nice. Girls will spend hours getting ready for a date. You guys just throw on a shirt and pants and you think you are ready.”

“Of course I want a girlfriend, but I ain’t some macho jock guy. They don’t give me the time of the day.”

“They would if you dressed sharp. I would date you if you were my age and dressed nice. I know there are girls out there that would date you too.”

“You’re different, your just saying that because you work for my mom.”

“Mark Wharton! Don’t you ever say I don’t care about you. I have been nothing but nice to you and it is not because I work for your mother. You are a good kid.” Julie was rather upset at the moment. She worked hard to be on good terms with Mark. She wasn’t kidding him about dating him if he were her age. A lot of girls could do worse than Mark. That was for sure.

They stepped off the elevator into the Ladies section of the store.

Mark looked around and smirked, “I think I would rather wear some of these clothes than what Mom wants me to wear.” He wasn’t really serious about it and regretted saying that out loud.

Julie stopped in her tracks, spun on her heels to face Mark and put her hands on her hips. Mark could see Julie get red in the face.

Then an idea popped in her head, “I don’t think you’re man enough to wear the clothes in this section.”

“So you think I am a sissy.”

Julie’s blood pressure jumped about twenty points. “Mark! Don’t you ever call yourself a sissy. You’re a bright intelligent boy, and don’t you ever put words into my mouth. I care about you like your Mom does. It wouldn’t hurt you to see what a girl goes through to look nice.”

Mark recoiled a bit. He was shocked to see Julie get this mad, she was always so level headed. “Ok, let’s just do that. Let’s see what it takes.”

“Don’t say it if you don’t mean it Mark. I won’t think less of you if you don’t, but I will think more of you if you do.”

Mark was regretting ever getting in this predicament. He had both size seven’s in his mouth right now though. He wasn’t about admit it and back down. “I meant what I said, Julie.”

Julie was proud of him at that moment but didn’t let it show quite yet. “Ok follow me.”

Julie led him deep into the ladies section to the lingerie department. She found the supervisor for the department and said, “Becky, Mark wants to know, what it takes for a girl his age to look nice.”

Becky’s jaw dropped open. She was lucky there were no flies in the store. “You’re kidding, this is a joke right?”

“Ask him.”

“Is this your idea Mark?”

Mark was scared and embarrassed, but he refused to show it. He stood a little straighter than he usually did, looked Becky in the eye and said, “Yes it is my idea.”

Becky smiled when she saw Mark suck it up and look her in the eye. She knew Vanessa and Mark. All the store personnel eventually got to know the Wharton’s on a personal basis. She had thought Mark was a bit of a slob, but was proud of Mark at this moment. She pointed to the fitting room and said, “Let’s go then.”

In the fitting room Becky told him to get undressed down to his shorts and then stand on the platform. When he hesitated she said, “I have two little boys, I have seen what they have got. If we are going to do this right, I will have to see almost everything you got.”

Mark stripped down to his briefs and stepped up on the platform.

“Now boys have it easy, taking measurements. Chest, waist, overarm, and inseam are all they need. Girls need to measure, overbust, bust, underbust, waist, hips, trunk, and inseam,” she said, as she took his measurements.

Julie wrote the numbers down in her planner as Becky called them out. When they finished Becky walked over to Julie. “Are we really going to do this?”

“Yes, his mom is fed up with him looking like a slob. He’ll never find a good girlfriend if he doesn’t clean up. This just might teach him something.”

“Ok, if we do this, we do it right. First class all the way.”

“Yes, age appropriate sophisticated chic. His Mom said she had a whole store of clothes for him to choose from. I plan to take her at her word.”

“What size do we want to shoehorn him into.”

“Let’s see, 32B, nip his waist down to twenty six and a half, size five panties. Shoot for a size 7 junior. Let’s see breast forms to make a 32B, bra, waist cincher, panties, padded brief to add hips, slip, stay up stockings those with the star pattern in them they are so cute, one of those short silk kimono robes and high heeled mules to run around the store, blouse, skirt, cashmere pull over sweater, jacket, coordinated heels, purse, jewelry, wig and make up.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

“Get those breast forms, you know the ones with wings. Glue em down with the long term glue. Get him sorted out in lingerie and then run him down to the salon. I am going to get things set up with the other departments and pick out his accessories. Oh and he doesn’t just try on one of anything. Girls don’t do that he won’t. If he says stop and doesn’t want to do anything else we stop. But till then don’t let him catch his breath.”

“Gotcha Julie, let’s do this for the boss.”

Julie headed out to do her part and Becky got Mark to lie down on a table. She laid four different breast forms on his chest to gauge how they looked. She had done this for a lot of customers who have had mastectomies, a few transgendered or TV’s and knew what she was doing. Finally she settled on the pair that fit his frame and their plans and glued them on.

She then had him into a dozen panties and matching bras, everything was top shelf for a sixteen year old girl. Then came the cincher, she pulled his waist down to twenty six inches. A half dozen slips, his kimono robe that just covered his tush if he stood up straight, high heel mules that had ostrich feathers across the toe and they were out of there.

Julie went down to the salon and talked to the manager Cheryl and laid out her plan. “Wax or shave his legs waxing is preferred, shape his eyebrows in a nice arch, manicure quarter inch extensions, pedicure, facial, make-up nothing you wouldn’t want to see your daughter in and make sure he knows the what’s and why’s of his makeup. Pierce his ears use your real pearl starter sets. For his hair whatever human hair wig you think best, we aren’t out to clown him out. Personally I think long curly tresses, with bangs would look darling on him. When you finish with him run him over to Juniors dept I am off to grease the wheels there. If he says stop we stop, but keep things a blur.”

“I think I am going to like this. Don’t worry I won’t torture the poor boy, much.”

Julie smiled and headed to jewelry. She picked up a pearl necklace, a tennis bracelet, some rings, bangles, a broach and an ankle bracelet, before heading to juniors. She left an inventory of everything she got. She almost giggled when she passed Mark heading to the salon. He had such a girly walk and wiggle.

In the salon Mark had to take off everything but the breast forms, they wouldn’t come off. He nearly came unglued when he was waxed, especially when they did his pubic hair into a strip down the middle. That and the eyebrow waxing were the worst parts. He almost cried wolf, but stuck it out. At least they shaved his underarms. The rest he found relaxing. The lotion massage to soothe his legs, arms and eyebrows was wonderful. He fell asleep during the mask and woke to find shiny pink talons and toes. Cheryl then crowned him with a dark auburn wig that was full of curls and bangs that had to be brushed to the sides of his eye. She then did his makeup, talking him through it as she worked. When she finished she was amazed Mark didn’t look good he looked fabulous. She helped him put everything back on including the stockings Julie had brought. She cranked his waist down to twenty five and a half inches. Then she escorted him to Lucy, the Juniors supervisor

When Lucy sunk her talons into Mark she showed him how girls went through the racks to find nice clothes. She loaded him up with skirts and blouses, dresses and ladies jackets. Mark had about thirty things to try on. Lucy showed him how to mix and match things and how to choose the things that looked best on him. Lucy had to switch from sevens to fives in skirts. Mark was longest in this department. Julie, Cheryl, Becky and Lucy criticized all the clothes he tried on closely. Mark began to understand what they were talking about as they showed him various things. Then it was time to hit the racks again.

After two and a half hours in the Juniors dept. Mark was dressed in a cute chiffon long sleeve blouse. The sleeves were puffy and had pearl buttons at the cuffs and up the middle. He had a sleeveless cashmere pull over on and a black tweed pleated skirt that came just below mid thigh, about three inches above his knees. All this was topped by a matching tweed jacket with large lapels. The broach was strategically placed on the left lapel. He wore two rings, the pearl necklace, tennis bracelet on his left arm three bangles on his right and the ankle bracelet.

Last stop for this parade was the stores shoe department. The crowd had swelled to about ten ladies. They all had opinions about the shoes he tried on, all had three inch heels. They made him walk back and forth in them. Mark tried on Mary Janes, sandals, pumps, ankle boots and calf boots. This pair went with this outfit and that pair went with the other outfit. He was left in a pair of black patent leather pumps with bows on the instep and a three inch heel.

The ladies took pity on the boy and selected a purse for him and put his makeup in it. Cheryl fixed his makeup before the parade headed to Vanessa’s office.

Mark started to get nervous as the elevator he was in stopped at the top floor and the door opened. Seconds later the second elevator opened and the rest of the conspirators came out.

“I can’t go in there like this, Mom won’t understand.”

“Mark you have done nothing to be ashamed about. Just stand up straight hold your head up and smile. You have such a cute smile. Remember your Mom loves you. Just let me go in first.”

Julie led the crew into the outer office and asked the other ladies to wait outside. She knocked on Vanessa’s door and entered.

“Vanessa are you ready?”

Vanessa looked up from her paperwork and raised an eyebrow.

“I would like to introduce Marcie Wharton.”

Mark figured her was Marcie. He came in when Julie finished. He tried to look proud as he came in. Vanessa’s eyes got big as Marcie came into her office. She stood up and came over to where they stood and then began to critically inspect Marcie. Marcie got worried and began to slouch and look down at her feet.

“A young lady doesn’t slouch,” Vanessa said, “and look up and smile also. You look very nice. Anyone care to explain how I had a son this morning and I now appear to have a daughter.” That last bit was said with the air of authority that said she expected an answer.

Julie started to answer, but she was interrupted by Marcie.

“Mom I asked for it in a way. Julie was talking about what girls put up with in getting ready for a date with a guy and that girls don’t really go for slobs after all that work. I asked her to show me and well she did.

“Julie did you do this to humiliate my son?”

“No she didn’t Mom. She told the people who did this that they couldn’t humiliate me either.”

“I believe Julie is capable to speak for herself Marcie.”

“No Ma’am. I love Mark almost as much as you do. You know that.”

“Yes I know that.”

Vanessa was interrupted by a knock on the door. Before she could respond the door opened and the parade of ladies entered.

Becky spoke up for the girls, “Vanessa we are as much the blame for this as Julie. I have to say that during all that we did Marcie took it like a pro. We are proud of her. If you are mad at Julie, then you have to be mad at us too.”

“Who said I was Mad. I am a little perplexed, but not mad. All of you have done a marvelous job. Just how much did all of this cost me?”

Julie got together with the various departments and ran a total. Eighteen hundred and seventy five in returnable merchandise and two thousand three hundred twenty six in non-returnable merchandise.”

Marcie blanched a bit, when she heard the price.

“What did I get for my, lets see, four thousand two hundred and one dollars?” Vanessa asked.

Her sales staff brought in ten bags of clothes. Vanessa carefully checked the contents of each bag nodding as she went.

“Marcie you seem to have almost a full wardrobe.”

“Yes Mom, I guess I do. I didn’t know all this was mine.”

“Well I guess I will have to find a punishment for this.”

There were a lot of cries and groans when they heard that.

“The punishment is for not including me in your fun,” that seemed to break the tension a bit. “Marcie is this permanent?”

“No Mom. I really want to be a boy.”

“Still I can’t let you be Marcie for only one day after you bought all these clothes and I can’t let the girls just walk away unscathed.”

There were more groans.

“So for the next forty five work days twenty four hours a day/seven days a week, you will be Marcie. You will take part in our mentor program. I expect all of you to take her into your departments and show her how they run. Julie you will supervise Marcie and you will see that she is always presentable and has work to do.”

“Well forty five work days ain’t too bad,” Marcie said. “That is only half my summer vacation.”

“I believe your Mom said work days Marcie. Work days are Monday through Friday. So that comes out to nine weeks,” Julie said.

“I think we need to do a bit more shopping. I didn’t see any sleep ware and lounge wear in those bags.” Vanessa said.


Marcie did her forty five work days. She did everything the other ladies did except for working the dressing rooms. She made a lot of friends in the various departments. The ladies found that she had a keen sense of what worked and what didn’t. She worked hard and received excellent reviews from all store personnel.

Mark came back after Marcie left. He and Vanessa donated the clothes to a women’s shelter. Several teenage girls cried at receiving the slightly used clothing. Many had never worn such fine clothes in their lives.

Vanessa and Julie seeing the need, arranged to have the shelter put on the stores regular charity list. The shelter receives regular shipments of ladies, girls and boys clothes.

Mark took better care of his appearance and mostly dressed in decent clothes. He still wore grungy clothes occasionally, not because he liked them now, but to show he had an independent streak. He really enjoyed his time as Marcie.

Mark saved the pearl necklace and ear rings for his girlfriend when she graduated from high school. She was shocked and delighted by the gift. She insisted that he tell her the why. Instead of being revolted, it made the gift even more precious to her.

They married after they graduated from college. They both went to work for Darcee’s, starting at the bottom and working their way up.

There were rough spots along their road, but they were always able to work things out, and they were always faithful to each other.


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